flashwingfox-blog ¡ 1 year
Qsmp "A Cage for a Cage"
Song lyrics idea for recent philza lore I tried my best, second time doing lyrics. Hope you like it. this dam lore is stuck in my head (also have Mama's boy stuck in my head thats fun)
A crow comes back After a weak To see his kin Not fast asleep But gone in a pinch
Their stuff left On their beds He thought this was A game of Hide and seek
The crow searched  But none to find He looked back at the beds Tears filled his eyes But nor the time to cry 
He found two friends  To help take revenge  On the feds  for they had something they stole
Lava poured Water cooled Engulfing the government In cobblestone casting It was a beautiful sight on its own
Ontop was sign  It read A cage for a cage With a simple note Simple demands
The feds where displeased  By the crows actions  It was finally the time To atone for his crimes  Against the federation
Using his eggs at bait That sealed his fate A Cage for a Cage Its simple as that
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flashwingfox-blog ¡ 1 year
Obey me-  Two Rival one Birthday
Genre: Hurt/Comfort (I think)
Parrings: N/A
Word Count: 1945
Characters: Brothers, 7!MC’s, Purgatory Hall, Royals
Summary: It's Mammon and Taiga’s birthday.
Author’s Note(s):  Well this is kinda self indulgent. Happy B-Day to Mammon and I. Also R.A.D starts in august. 
Warning: arguing, cursing, some spoilers for season one of Obey me
Pronouns For Main cast in fic:
Taiga: They/Zir/His
Mammon: He/Him
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   Mammon's alarm goes off. He turns over and grumbles a bit. Turns on his phone and sees the time. Sunday 8:30, September 10th. He stares at it for a moment. WAIT!- He screams. Yes! it's my birthday, finally. He mutters. Pulling the sheets off, he went to his bathroom to get ready. He went to his closet and grabbed his black tee shirt and a brown and white jacket with the cold shoulder on both sleeves. Put on some jeans, boots, and rings on his right hand. He then puts on his belt and a gold necklace.
   While putting his clothes on, his brain wandered. To about a month and a week before. When the exchange program began. He and his brothers were informed that seven exchange students would live in their dorms. Each of them he likes nowadays. He loves all of them. Mil's mischievousness, Micky's competitiveness. Mal’s luck with gambling. Mack’s chill nature.  Miles’s diligence. Mark’s wit. It has been a crazy time since he met them all. He has a pact with Mil, and his youngest brother is back.
   Wait. he thought to himself. He forgot a human. Mil, Micky, Mal, Mac, Miles, Mark, and oh right. Taiga- he sighed, putting on his jacket. Taiga, he grumbled, their name. The stick in the mud, pain in his side, human. Taiga, the one who he thought was a pain in his ass. Why are they so similar to Lucifer? Anytime he was going to do his schemes. Taiga was there to foil it.
  That's not the only thing he hated about them. They were always partnered with each other. Working on school projects, he even was tutored by Taiga when it came to math. He hated this. Just the thought of Taiga not fearing what he was saying made him mad. How can a tiny human not be scared or like the great Mammon?
  He took that as a challenge. He wanted to scare them. So he did throughout the first couple of weeks. He set traps and tried to scare them using his demon form. It didn't work. He did, however, find a way to annoy them. Doing things that he knew ze hated. Not helping with school projects. Trying to anger zir in class. He didn't care if he got in trouble with Lucifer. It wanted to be petty. Now that it was his birthday, he could have fun annoying Taiga the whole day. It was his present to himself.
  Meanwhile, Taiga was figuring out an outfit for the day. What today? They muttered. Looking at their wardrobe  in zir’s closet. He picks out a bottle green high-neck cape with a silver lace trim pattern shaped like a clock, and  a seafoam tailcoat that ends at the top of the calf. They grab their black leggings and boots with teal diamonds on. Puts on everything. Then puts on a necklace with a sapphire on it. They walk to their door and open it.
  As soon as they open it, ze sees Mammon, his face gleaming with excitement. Oh! Did ya know? He leans against the doorway. Did you know today is my birthday? Mams smiles. Oh really? They chuckle. No, I didn’t. They said sarcastically, leaving their room, Mams following close behind. Well, I hope you did not get me a present. He continues. They are probably so shitty that I would hate them. He laughs.
   Taiga looks away from Mammon. Pff oh! So I was right? He tried to sound happy about it, but they both knew it was a lie. Taiga did get Mams something for his birthday. A stuffed crow and some instant noodles. Maybe they will find a way to still give it to him anonymously. On the walk to the common room, Mammon bragged about how it's his birthday day. Taiga had an ear full of gloating from Mammon for about 10 minutes. They are getting a headache from this demon, aren't they? Taiga tried to ignore it. But when they did, he would say it closer to their ear. Ze was about to punch this dam fucking demon.
   They reached the common room. Mammon was still giving Taiga an ear full of remarks about them. Lucifer turned and spotted this. Walking over to the two. Mammon. The eldest demon spoke sternly. Glaring at his younger brother. The avatar of greed shut up. Looked over at Lucifer. Good morning you two. He said. I have a task for you both.” he smiled. Mammon was about to protest. Lucifer shoved Mammon while Taiga was a close second behind him. “I have some tasks for you two before a surprise.” He smiled.
   Lucifer handed Taiga a piece of paper. Shoved Mammon outside. Oi? What is this? He barked. He met his brother's eyes. On the piece of paper, there is a list of a couple of errands you need to run. Taiga walks out. Well, let's get this over with. They sighed, walked over to Mammon, grabbed him by his wrist, walking away from HOL. He watched as his brother closed the door.
  We have a reservation at Hell’s Kitchen for breakfast. Taiga read. What? Mammon exclaimed. Breakfast? Really? He blurted, his eyebrow furrowed. Taiga only nodded. Lucifer paid for it. Ze mentioned. Huh? He gasped. Maybe it was for his birthday. They walked to Hell’s Kitchen and discussed the other things on their list.
  So next is what again? He wondered looking over at the paper with what they had to do. Bowling! Taiga gasped. Let's go. They giggled fast walking to the bowling alley. Mammon follows. They arrive at the bowling alley. “Rolling Brimstone” the sign says. After an hour or two Mammon looks at the next thing on the list. Wait! He thought. None of these are errands.
  Eh. He shrugs. Oi! He yelled looking up to taiga in front of him. Taiga looked back at him. What? Ze asked. Next we are going to some craft fair. Mammon grounded. Taiga turned around armswang the ball, it goes to the edge. Damit they sigh. Turning back to the demon. So next is a crafts fair. That's exciting. They beamed with excitement. I've only gone to ones in my hometown. So I'm excited to go to one here! Ze giggled walking out of the place.
  After a couple of minutes walk they arrive at the craft fair. Mammon gets dragged by the excited redhead. He really doesn't want to be here. The god stops at almost all the stalls checking out everything. Ze even bought a few things. First a bat keychain, then a necklace with sapphire gems, some bracelets, a painting, and then they got an anklet.
   Can we go now? Mammon whines so done with following Taiga. They stop for a moment. Sure. Ze smiled and walked towards the exit of the fair. The demon did the same. Next is the arcade I'm presuming? Taiga asked, looking up at him. He nodded. The two arrived and an envelope of money for the arcade arrived in their hands.
  Mammon and Taiga split off. After an hour of playing games. Both got some prizes. Mammon won a new wallet. While Taiga won some stuffed animals. They meant backup and walked out. You want to go to a cafe? Ze began. We could get a drink and something to eat? They trailed off. Yeah, sure why not. Mammon shrugged.
  Once at the cafe they ordered drinks, snacks and sat down. So what do you think? the second eldest asked. Taiga looking out the window. I don't know what you mean? They looked at him, raising an eyebrow. I mean why in the three fucking realms are we doing this together. He hissed, throwing his hands up in the air. Then folds his arm. Why did Lucifer make us spend time with each other? He muttered. Taiga shrugged. Well aren't you having fun?  Taiga queried, tilting their head to the right.
  Pff, yeah right. He laughed at them. Me, enjoying time with you? Please. He growled. Don't make me laugh. Again. He rolled his eyes. Sitting back in his chair watching Taiga. All they did was blink and sigh. Once their food and drinks arrived they consumed both and left after Taiga had to pay.
  Once they arrived at HOL they opened the door. Lucifer was there to greet them. How was your day? He wondered, looking at both of their faces. Oh he thought. They had an argument, didn't they? Neither of them responded. I’ll take your bags- he got cut off by Mammon storming off to his room. No you're not. He yelled back. Lucifer looked back and Mammon was giving him the middle finger.
  Alright. He coughed. Looking back at Taiga. May i? He asked, gesturing his hand out. Taiga nodded and they headed to Taiga’s room. Arriving, Lucifer opened taiga’s door and placed the bags on the floor near their bed. Thank you. The god looked up and smiled at Lucifer. Lucifer just nodded. Turning to the door he felt a tug on his coat.
  Can you stay with me for a bit? They pleaded. I know that it's Mammon's birthday as well. But- Taiga got cut off by a shush from lucifer. His hand on Taiga's arm. I will. He answered. Sitting down on the bed. They both talked for a while. About their day and what they were up to.
   At one point they heard a knock on the door. Taiga opened it up and it was Mammon. His hands are behind his back. May I come in? He asked Taiga. They nodded and he came in. Noticing Lucifer. Oh I didn't know you were here? He mumbled. Trying to think of what he wanted to say. After a minute of silence he revealed a present.
   I- I didn’t know today was also your birthday. But- I did find something in my room I thought you- would maybe like. He stuttered. Holding out the box in front of Taiga. They grab the present and open it to see some grim and a card. Opening the card it reads “Dear Taiga, I know we don’t get along. But here's this present. -Sincerely The great mammon”
  Taiga looked between both the grim and card. Mammon waited anxiously, looking over at Lucifer. The god went to their drawer and picked up a gift box, handing it to Mammon. Here, Happy Birthday to you too. Taiga smiled. The avatar of geed opened the box, inside was a stuffed crow and instant hell noodles.
   He stared at it for a while thinking to himself. He got a present from them and it isn't shit. He looked at them. Ya got this for me? He questioned. Taiga nodded. Mhm. Ze hummed, smiling. I guess I don't need a stuped fancy party. Mammon chuckled. Well. Lucifer spoke up. You two do have one at Ristorante Six. Both looked at him for a solid minute.
   What? Taiga blurted. You’re telling us that we have to go there? Mammon gawked at the idea. Lucifer nodded. There's outfits in both of your rooms if you want to wear them. He gets up leaving Taiga’s room. Mammon then left to get ready. After they got ready they headed to Ristorante Six for the dinner party.
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Posted on: September 10th 2023
Final notes: Ive worked on this on and off for about a month. didn’t really have an idea for the party. Also this was made durning December 26th 2022 to Jan 22 2023. 
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flashwingfox-blog ¡ 2 years
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long day.
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HELLLOOOOO GIRLS UGH this one….actually didnt take that long. piecemealed it together over the last maybe week or so? anyways im pretty pleased with it :] i think azuls the kina guy to have a rlly tense face while sleeping lmaooo. if there are any mistakes no there arent. byeee <3
also vers w/o effects:
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flashwingfox-blog ¡ 2 years
What is this? Idk.
So Taiga(My Self!insert Mc) Has a pact with Luci, Mammon, Dia and Barb. So me and my friend where talking about the name we first came up with Royal equity. but then it turned into Royal EquiTEA. 
And they give off mean girl and heather vibes. the whole group does. 
Now I just imagine Mammon telling them about the tea they don’t know thats happening around R.A.D. They're my little gossip group and I love them for it. 
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flashwingfox-blog ¡ 2 years
This amuses me. I love him.  His face at the end. I have wanted to do something similar for the longest time but forgot. I LOVE HIM AS A SHEEP. welp time to have brain rot about Sheep!Luci/Lusheeper. 
Tho side not Lucifer as a shrimp. I dub- Shrimifer. its because once I saw sushifer and it looked like a shrimp- 
But aaaaaa(More like Baahhh) Lusheeper. I LOVE 
I know we turn our mc's into sheep cuz the game turns us into sheep but what about the other brothers and characters. I don't know if this has been done before
either way I offer you Lusheeper . BLAME MY FRIEND FOR THE PUN ITS NOT ME . And here's a clean version of Dai and Lusheeper convo
Lucy : Bah Bah Bah Bah Baaaah BAH
Dia : Come on Lucifer it's going to be fine , and no your too fluffy
Also yes this will make me draw the others as sheep's and Masheep is next or spreadsheep cuz me and isa call mammon bread
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flashwingfox-blog ¡ 2 years
About me
Ello ello its about time I do one of these I guess
About me, WingFoxMaddnezz
Nicknames: Wing/Wingfox
Gender? Pronouns?
Gender: Agender/Gendervoid 
Pronouns: They/zer/his
Sexuality? Attraction?
Sexuality: Acesexual
Attraction: Panromantic 
When is your birthday? zodiac sign?
September 10th, Virgo
How old are you?
An adult 
Favorite color?
things you will see on this blog
Gacha club
Things that will probably not go away
My own au
Obey me
Favorite fandom-
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flashwingfox-blog ¡ 2 years
Current Hyper-fixations
I will try and reblog this if when it updates
Top four hyper-fixations-
Obey me shall we date
Twisted wonderland
my Gacha oc’s 
Posted on: Saturday January 28th 
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flashwingfox-blog ¡ 2 years
I couldn't help myself and wrote a little something, So I hope you don’t mind this-
Includes my Self insert!MC: Taiga
After a long meeting and Barb opens the door out, holding the door. “After you” He says to Lucifer. Lucifer stares at him for a moment and says “No after you.” To barb because he was the one to leave first and Barb doesnt always need to hold the door for Lord Diavolo. Barb shakes his head and says “I insist after you”. Then the both of them start a back and fourth that lasted about 3 minutes. Taiga and Dia are watching. Both very annoyed because this happens ever time. Taiga then look over to Dia. “Im going to do it” then walks over pushing past the two arguing demons. “After me Bitches.” They walk away. Diavolo is trying not to laugh in the background.
Barbatos: *holds door open for Lucifer* After you.
Lucifer: No, after you.
Barbatos: I insist, after you.
Mc: *pushes past both of them* After me.
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flashwingfox-blog ¡ 2 years
Obey me Random Thoughts #9
Ok so ive had this idea for a while now: taking care of yourself or something along the lines. Like them taking care of mc in a specific way. Mostly about Lucifer to Mc and his bros. Like making sure they all look nice, in their own style. Idk just makes sense to me.
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flashwingfox-blog ¡ 2 years
Obey me- Unknow place
Unknown Place
Genre: Angst to fluff
Parrings: Taiga x Lucifer(first meet no romance yet) 
Word count: 4070
Characters: Lucifer, Taiga, Mention of Diavolo and the brothers.
Summery: Lucifer teleports into a new place and wants to leave after finding out a god is there. But once he able to leave he wants to stay?
Authors Note: This is the first time I have done this full version of a fic. please tell me if I need to add a warning. took me 4-6 days (I think) to write this. Edit: added masterlists
Warning: n/a atm(At the moment)
Masterlist, Obey me masterlist
Lucifer looks around this unfamiliar place analyzing the room. Something about the atmosphere feels different then devildom, that was clear to him. Then spotted something in the corner of his right eye. The door swung open and a taller entity walked into the room. “How did you get here?” The figure asked. He looked up, making eye contact with them. “I don't know.” He spoke. The figure moved over to a sofa and sat down. Lucifer watched them.
He knew this entity was a god. They could feel it in their energy. Knowing God's can determine that this entity knows he is a Demon. He didn't move a muscle. “No need to be so afraid.” They assured him. He didn't budge or calm down. “Did you send me here somehow?” He inquired. The god only laughed. “No, No I didn't. I didn't even know there was even another devildom.” They smiled, still laughing. “Another Devildom?” Lucifer asked
“Indeed.” They nodded. “There's another one and another Celestial Realm” Lucifer nodded and asked “What is the other Devildom like” he questioned the god. The god shrugged “I don't go to that one so I wouldn't know” they explained. The god got up and walked in front of lucifer. Out of fear he bowed to them. “You're silly.” they laughed “I was just going to shake your hand” He quickly stood up, then reached out his hand. “Names Lucifer” he uttered quickly. “Names Taiga” The god said. They shook hands “What's your pronouns?” They asked. “He/Them” they said. The god nodded in response “My pronouns are They/Zir/His” Taiga mentioned.
Taiga proceeds to show Lucifer around. Explaining that he ended up in zirs office in Balance, a multiverse organization that they created. “So-” Taiga paused. “You're able to get back to your home right?” they inquired. Lucifer stared at them for a minute “Yeah” he says, focusing his magic but no matter how hard he tries it fails. Then he tries again, and again. All of a sudden he blacked out. Then he woke up in a new room again.
Taiga is standing by his bedside. “You passed out from it” He explained “So you have to stay here for a bit, sorry about that.” ze apologies. Lucifer sighs Of course he gets stuck. This was probably his brothers doing. He’ll ask when he gets back. “It's fine Taiga” they say. He looks around the room. They spotted other beds, he was probably in the hospital . Then spotted Taiga talking to the nurse. Honestly I'm quite surprised a human doctor would even know how to deal with my type of magic. He thinks.
He decides to lay down and stare at the ceiling for a bit. What was he going to do now? He Had a meeting in  20 minutes and he wasn’t going to be there for it because of some stupid prank his brotheres decided to pull. He tilted his head to the right and saw Taiga talking to a different doctor. That doctor came over to his bedside and examined him. “Everything is fine other than his magic stamina.” the doctor explained.
The doctor continued talking about what was wrong and how to fix it. All Lucifer heard was he was going to be here for Lord Diavolo knows how long and he wont like it one bit. “Demon magic regenerates slower than human’s magic, it seems” Taiga said. Making Lucifer even more annoyed. He somehow did this to himself. Now that he thinks about it, he is trying to use his magic a lot more now.  
This was perfect, he thought. The Avatar of Pride being stuck in a world he didn't recognize with a god. Just his luck. He finally got up and walked out of the door. Then he saw a bridge to a hole in a tree. “What” he gasped and looked down. Seeing how high he was he took a step back. “Welcome to balance Lucifer.” Taiga laughed. He looked back to the god and saw that zir was 2 feet from him. All the god did was smile.
“I'm sorry, how tall is this place?” He asked. The god thought for a moment. “I dont know.” zir told “It's big and reaches the clouds” they continued. Lucifer blinked at him for a moment. “What?!” they blurted. Taiga nods. The both of them walk onto the bridge and into a new room. “Are we in a-” he gets cut off “Yep, we're in a tree” they assure.
He stares at them for a minute, deadpan. Thinking they were joking. “I'm not joking.” ze signs. Then he looks away and sees a big hourglass on the wall. “Why is there an Hourglass?” he asks. “It's because of Balance” They answer back. Wait he thought to himself he could just ask Taiga to make a portal to Devildom for him.
Once that thought popped into his head the god was explaining about the hourglass on the wall and the one in the middle of the octogonal table. Now that he thinks about it why isn't it oval or a round table considering how round the room is. Damn it he was getting lost in his thoughts. He listened to ze ramble about the history of Balance and forgot the question entirely.
After Taiga explained the history they looked down at Lucifer, noticing he was looking around the room. Zir thought maybe a tour would help him be at ease for a bit. “Would you like a tour?” they inquired. Lucifer stopped looking around the room. “Uh sure.” he agreed. What else was he supposed to do? He thought about asking the god again. But would they even help him? Yeah zir was being nice.
 They probably are doing it to make him fall into a false sense of security. Taiga turned back to Lucifer “You coming?” they ask, He realizes he was in deep thought again. Then catches up with the god. Hoping just hoping that his suspicions are wrong about them. He decides to shake off the thought and take in the place for a bit. It's amazing. It's a tree but also a castle as well. This was a different take on architecture he has seen from both Celestial realm and Devildom.
Walking behind the god down the stairs past a window. He stops for a moment. The outside of this place. Had that similar creepy factor. Staring at it for a moment. Then he heard a voice calling to him. “Are we continuing this tour or what?” he questioned. “right  ahem” He muttered. They continue the tour. He hated this feeling of being scared. But, why has he been spacing out more often? Why in a new place? Ugh, why can't he just get a grip on his thoughts for once.
He shook his head and continued following the god. When they got to the entrance of this place both stopped for a moment. Not saying anything, just pure silence. Lucifer glanced at zir once and a while but nothing was said. Looking around he saw portraits of the Slender brothers? How in Devildom is that even possible. They spend time here. It was interesting to lucifer. Than again he hasn't met with them in ages  
Lucifer almost got lost in his thoughts again but caught it. Shaking his head. Looks over to Taiga who glances over to him and they make eye contact. “Yes?” they ask. He looks away quickly. Coughing, he tries and musters something to say but can't really think of anything. Then just stare at the ground. Cursing himself out for not answering quickly.
Then he mustered up something but he mumbled it the whole thing. Realizing that he did that he says it again but louder. Still barely audible to hear. He tries again. “It's fine, take your time.” zir assured. Lucifer signed. “ It wasn't important anyway.”  he sighed. Of course he is failing at talking to a god, but he speaks to authority all the time. Why is it acting up now?  
No matter, he needs to focus on getting back to devildom. Even if his magic wasn't able to make a portal at the moment. He didn't want to be stuck with a god. Not even if he had to go back to father. He hated him, making him do all the work for just a minute of his time and praise. He wouldn't dare go back to even confront him.
“Well I guess that's it for the tour of the inside.” Taiga spoke up, breaking the silence. “Unless you want a tour of the outside.” ze asked. Looking over to the demon. The demon thought for a moment. I mean why not, the outside looked nice. He nodded, deciding words were hard to say again and followed them. Once outside they crossed a bridge over a lake. Looking around he saw buildings of all types of architecture, but all had one thing in common. They all looked rather creepy and had a steampunk vibe.
It was an interesting combination of styles. He thought to himself. Looking around, then he looked up. He saw how tall the tree was. Its leaves and branches seemed to cover the sky of this place. But it still was bright. They walked past a bar, a theater that had both movies and plays. A market was happening. It was interesting to see all these different humans, and not attacking them, or making them fear him.
These humans seemed different, some seemed to have animal ears and a tail. He spotted an angel. He was shocked, maybe that angle was from the other Celestial realm. He then focused back on Taiga who stopped. They were talking with the people here. Waiting for them to stop talking he decided to look around, not moving from where the god was. Sometimes glancing at them to see if they were done.
He sighed they were not done talking. He decided to move closer to Taiga. Trying to listen in to their conversation, maybe he would be able to tell if they are done. After a while it got boring listening to the conversation. “Can we continue the tour please” he finally spoke. Taiga his head around. “Sure, well see you Stella.”  They waved goodbye. “See ya too.” Stella responded back.
Continuing the tour Taiga talked about the history of the place. “So what is this place called?” they inquired. Taiga laughed. “Oh I forgot, huh” they continued “This place is called The Kingdom of Freaks.” they explained. Huh Kingdom of Freaks. An interesting name Lucifer thought to himself.
The day turned to night. The two headed into Balance for the night. Going to a new floor with a bunch of doors. “Well this is where you’ll be staying for tonight” the god told the demon. “The ones that are empty don't have names on them.” they pointed to an unnamed dorm room and then to one with a name on it. “ Alright, thank you for your hospitality.” Lucifer bowed. Trying to be as formal as possible.
Taiga reassured the demon that he didn't need to bow. Then they both said good night and Lucifer walked into the room. Taiga, using magic, put a sign on the door that said guest on it. Then went up the elevator. Lucifer entered the room. Looking around the room.
In front of him was a double bed. On the right of him there was a door he assumes is to the bathroom. He turns to his left and sees windows on a curved wall. A desk and a chair. Then in the corner of his left eye he sees the kitchen. He looks back to the bed, and spots something. On the table next to the bed it has something piled on it.
Going over there, they realize that it's a pile of clothes for him. It's even the right size that would fit him. Well he guesses he can wear those clothes to bed. He openes the curtain. Looking out the window he sees the lake and then sees the buildings. Then spotted in the distance walls. He closed the blinds.
His belly rumbled. Damit he was hungry. Walked over to the fridge to see if there was something. But of course nothing. He looked around the room. Then sighed. He was going to have to find food. Outside somewhere. He walked over to the door and opened it.
Leaving the room. Closing the door, releasing his room now says, guest on it. Looked around for a minute. He heard the elevator ding and out came Taiga again. “Hi again, I forgot to tell you where you can get food.” Taiga huffed. They showed Lucifer down to the dining room floor of Balance.
“So, do I need, pay for food?” He questioned the god. Said god shakes zirs head and assures him about him not needing to pay. Walking over to a table he sits down and looks at the menu on the table's screen. Surprisingly there are some devildom cuisine on the menu. He decides to go with what humans usually eat, interested to try some of their dishes.
He orders and waits for the food to arrive. He takes out his DDD and sees that there are a lot of messages from his brothers. He answers them, assuring them that he will be back. He went to do some research in another realm. Which was a lie, he wasn't doing that. He hoped no one would contact Lord Diavolo about what he said. But he was wrong. Once his food arrived his DDD notified him he had a text from the Prince himself. Great, just great he thought to himself.
He read the text. Ah you decided to go to a realm without telling me? Diavolo texted. Lucifer texted back explaining the situation. You can't really lie to the demon prince. Diavolo assures him that it's fine to take his time there and treat it like a break. Putting his DDD down he thought to themself. How was he going to have a break? He was stuck in a whole new world. Wanting to get back to Devildom. After finishing the food and throwing it away he goes back to his room and continues texting his brothers.
Getting annoyed that it was Mammon who told the Prince about it. Mammon didn't need to ask the Prince but he did now Lucifer is stuck having this so-called vacation. He finally decides to change into the clothes on the table and go to bed. When they woke up, they took a shower and put on his normal clothes. He leaves the room and goes to the dining room. Orders breakfast to go and goes back to his room.
He opens the curtains. Sitting down at the desk he starts eating. It was weird to not have his brothers, but it was also weird that being here wasn't a dream. He looked outside. He saw birds flying past. Later he tried again, nothing. He couldn't get this damn portal to open. The only other one who would be able to get the portal open would be Lord Diavolo.
Oh that would not be happening. The avatar of Pride asking the Prince to open a portal is not going to happen. Never will he do that. He doesn't ask for help. He sighs. Going out the door and into the elevator he presses a random floor number and ends up at the library. Walking out of it he takes a couple of books that seem to be magic related and sit down and read them.
Hours go by and he can't seem to find anything on his type of magic. Of course it's not common. He sighed putting the books back. He looks at the time on his DDD and then to the clock. It was late, like after dinner late. Did they really just try and figure this out? They spent hours here forgetting to eat the other two meals. He sighed again, now annoyed he did that. At least Demons can go longer without eating but that is a new low for him.
He goes up to his room, changes and goes to bed. But he didn't fall asleep. He just stared at the wall. He forgot to eat and now he probably won't sleep. He knows he shouldn't be doing this. He really does. But they aren't going to give up on finding a way home out without help. This cycle continued for two more days, Lucifer not realizing. That his magic is still draining because he is using it. He eventually realizes this and gets annoyed at himself.
He sighed and went back to his room and sat on the bed. Cupped his hands and plumped his face in his hands. Then finally he just cries. Annoyed that he did this, he caused all of his own problems. Magic is weak because of using it too much. Now it's going to take even longer to get to devildom. Flopping on the bed looking up at the ceiling cursing at himself. Of course some how he fucks himself over.
He really didn't want to ask the god. No way are they going to ask a god for help. Nope never, right? Then he notices something about himself. He feels weaker. Maybe he should have just asked for help when he had the chance. But all he wanted to do now was lay in bed and rest. Then he heard a knock on the door. “Come in.” he hissed. The door opened and the god walked in. Came over to the bed.
Oh no he thought this was his end. Turning his head to the wall, he closed his eyes shut. Waiting for them to kill him or do something. But nothing happens. All he hears the god say is “You need help Lucifer” they sigh. “I understand you're scared but can I please help?” zir asks lucifer. Taking a deep breath, Lucifer loosens up a bit and nods.
Turning to face the god, seeing magic flow from out of their hands. He tenses up, maybe this was it. Well he was wrong he was feeling calmer. All his thoughts were saying, don't trust them, why did you trust them. You should of never trusted them.
The more magic was flowing around him, his thoughts kept racing. But soon he fell asleep. “He worries too much.” Taiga sighs. Deciding that they would make the bed cozy enough for Lucifer to rest and get better. Put pillows around him and also put many blankets on the bed. Sighing they were about to leave when Lucifer woke up.
“Mhm” They said waking up. The god decided to walk back over to his bed side and answer any questions he had. Which was a lot. They spent hours in that room answering all of his questions. “Is that all you wanted to ask about?” Taiga questioned the demon. “One more thing.” He exclaimed. “Why are you being so nice to me?”
The god was taken aback. They understand why he is asking this, zir knows the other version of him had issues with his version of his father. But this one was afraid of the god. Surprisingly he didn't try to hurt them but it was weird to the god. Seeing a version of Lucifer scared of a god was weird.
“Well you can go back now” The god said. Lucifer sat up quickly. He could finally go back home. Where no god was going to hurt him. All though it seems like this god was nice. Plus the Lord Diavolo did say to have a vacation. Maybe he would take it just this once.
“Actually I am willing to stay for a bit more” He smiled. This was a first for the god. To see this lucifer smile and him being fine with staying? That was weird, but Taiga was fine with it. “Alright” ze nodded. They sat in silence for a minute or two. Sometimes just glancing at each other. Lucifer coughed, breaking the silence. “So are you implying you want to hang with me or?” he asked, looking at Taiga.
“Only if you want to” they answer, looking away quickly. Forgetting they were staring at him. Why did he have to look like a piece of art? They thought to themselves while Lucifer got up from the bed. Shaking off the thought, Taiga's eyes followed lucifer. “You ok?” Lucifer asks. Taiga laughs and says they're fine.
They both sit in silence again. Both staring at each other. They are curious about one another. Longing to know more. Both of them ask each other to hang out. Both got awkward and a bit tense. “Yeah lets” taiga spoke up, breaking the silence. They go down to the castle floor and leave through the door. Lucifer hasn't been outside since his first two tours of the place. Getting distracted every now and again.
It was unlikely for Lucifer to have a break. But taking the break to actually enjoy the place he has been staying at was surprisingly peaceful. Taiga took him to some shops showing him more of the kingdom. He spotted a sign that said what currency can be used here. He was surprised to spot Grimm, Devildom’s currency here. He didn't have any Grimm anyway but he spotted things his brothers would love.
Walking around the shops he spotted a crow figurine, a stack of Levi’s favorite manga. Some makeup and clothes he knows Asmo would adore if he saw them, some books about cats Satan would want. Then spotted a figure of twins immediately thinking of Beel and Belphi.
He would have loved to get things for his brothers. But he didn't have enough Grimm. When leaving that store he saw that Taiga was already outside. He made a god wait, oh he hopes he doesn’t get scolded. But surprised when he doesn't and they are happy with him enjoying himself. A sigh of relief comes from Lucifer.
They continue going to stores and looking at stuff. Taiga usually gets stopped to talk with someone but that's alright Lucifer is staring at something he knows one of his brothers would like. Being out of Devildom and free from work was rare for him. What's worse about that is he never catches a break anyway. Always dealing with his brothers.
But now Lucifer doesn't have those stressing him on his shoulder. He does actually want to know more about this place. After a while walking around got tiring so they went to a restaurant. Sitting down he looked around. Taiga was watching his eyes move around from corner to corner. Taiga understands that feeling of a new place and looking around it to take enough information in as possible.
They order food and talk for a bit. Talking about what happens in both realms. Lucifer rants about his brother's antics and Taiga laughs. “They seem like a handful huh.” They continue laughing. Lucifer sighs, stares at Taiga, annoyed that they would laugh about that. “Yeah but they do it everyday. It gets annoying when I want to work and get papers done” Lucifer rants.
 Taiga nods, listening to his ranting. They have seen other Devildoms. Knowing almost all the time Lucifer is always dealing with his brothers. They chime in here and there to give some advice on how to deal with the paperwork. Something in Lucifer tells him to agree with Taiga and apply it when he gets back.
A week has finally passed and Lucifer decides it's time to go back to devildom. He goes to Taiga's office and explains that he has to leave but he will try and come back if he can figure out what he did. Taiga hands him a watch, explaining that it will take you to the tree if he needs a break. Lucifer makes a portal and says goodbye to Taiga.
The portal was in his living room where his brothers were arguing. Lucifer sighed and told them off. All six of them were surprised that he was back. After the shock they ran away and when lucifer caught them he told them off. Deciding to spare them from tying them to the ceiling upside down.
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flashwingfox-blog ¡ 2 years
You know that writing moment
You know that moment when you do get a lot done of your fic and some how. you have written so much more then you thought. But you wanna write more?
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flashwingfox-blog ¡ 2 years
Replaced Lucifer
The Fanfic/headcannons story of the Replaced Lucifer series I'm doing
Updated on: December 4th 2022
The Story
Obey me Replaced Lucifer Part 1
Obey me Replaced Lucifer Part 2
Obey me Replaced Lucifer Part 3 
Obey me Replaced Lucifer Part 4 
Obey me Replaced Lucifer Part 5
Obey me Replaced Lucifer Part 6
Obey me Replaced Lucifer Part 7 FINAL
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flashwingfox-blog ¡ 2 years
Replaced Lucifer AU 7/7 Final Part
Replaced!Lucifer: Family over Fake Friends
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Parrings: Lucifer x Gn!Mc x Diavolo x Barbatos 
Word count: 1656
Characters: Brother, Mc, Lucifer, Barb, Diavolo, Memphis
Summery: Lucifer gets replaced with a certain demon who is on a mission to do something.
Authors Note: Finished, I don’t think this matters but I was lisening to audio edits while finishing it.
Warning: N/A
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Perviously on Replaced Lucifer Part 6-
Barb and Dia left HOL and went back to the castle to comfort Lucifer
the two get back to the castle. when they walk in they see Mc waiting for them at the entrance of the castle.
MC: How did it go
Diavolo: Surprisingly well
Barbatos nods
Time passing 3rd person POV-
For a while Lucifer wouldn't talk with any of his brothers. The only times he would was when student console meeting happened. Any other time he wouldn't even notice their existents. This went on for months. The brothers hurt understood he wasn't ready. Sometimes they would try. other times they wouldn't.
They understood and even though they were yearning to tell him they didn’t. Meanwhile the brothers stopped hanging out with Memphis no one wanted to be near him. Memphis always bragged to every demon in Devildom that he was friends with Lucifer’s brothers. He thought he won over them. Even if those brothers came up to say they weren't his friend anymore. He didn't care he thought he won.
All Memphis had to do was get rid of that stupid human, Butler and Devildom Prince out of the picture. Though that never happened as Diavolo decided to suspend Memphis for something he didn't do. Why did he do it. because he was fed up with Memphis bullshit.
Memphis was even fully suspend forever from R.A.D
Why you may ask the brothers pulled a huge prank of R.A.D
with Diavolo and Barbs approval of course
And got him suspended and framing Memphis, so they wont have to see him again
annoyingly he shows up at HOL
Lucifers POV-
Lucifer Spent these months while in a bedroom in the castle. When he wasn't at R.A.D’s Student council meeting or in normal meetings. His pride was slowly dyeing. His six brother really betrayed him like that. The only thing he had from HOL was Mc who even they stopped hanging out with his brothers.
He probably was still too harsh on them even though he thought he was trying. he silently scolded himself when he heard a knock on his door.
Lucifer: Come in.
Barbatos came in with some tea and food. Setting it down on the table near the bed.
Barbatos was closing the door when he heard Lucifer
Lucifer: Please. Please don’t leave me too.
He said it in a soft whisper that he didn't think barb could hear it. Barb came back into the room and sat next to Lucifer on the bed. all Lucifer did was stare at Barb.
Barbatos POV-
He saw Lucifer staring at him. then turned and saw Lucifers DDD was on the message app. He could see it clearly. there where messages. he noticed it was almost all the brothers. He saw that all have sent messages, a lot of messages.  
He took out his own DDD and texted Diavolo and Mc. knowing they would come to help make sure Lucifer was not going to be lonely.While he was sending texts to Diavolo and Mc. 
He wasn’t fully paying attention to Lucifer, he managed to cling on to him. The other two showed up and joined into the cuddle pile he didn't even realize was happening. Once he did how ever he tried to leave. But the young master told him to stay. 
Lucifers POV-
When he wasn’t in the castle and was out and about he would run into Purgatory hall. He decided that he had nothing to lose and he started to hang with them.  
The Confrontation-
After another month of the brothers not talking to Lucifer and Mc they tried to talk to them face to face. They finally get a change to talk to Mc and Lucifer
Mammon: Finally, OK please let us explain
The other brothers nod in agreement while Lucifer and Mc stare at them
Lucifer: Why should you? you have a better brother now.
Asmo: What?
Belphi: Why would you-
Mammon: HEY OI. Why would we think that prick is are brother?
Mc: Well certainly you forgot huh Mammon. 
Mammon: I didn’t forget shit. I stuck with him the whole time. 
Mammon continued shouting at Mc telling them he never would betray his brother. none of them would betray him. No mater what. Mc just stared at mammon. They thought about using their pact but decided against it for Lucifers sake. 
Meanwhile Memphis was watching from the distance. He thought now would be the best time to show up and lie. He walks over to the eight of them and goes off on how perfect his plan was. He turned to the brothers.
Memphis: Aww this is cute. How you six are pretending to care for him. 
Memphis then goes on about how he’s felt about Lucifer watching all of them angry at him was so fun. 
Satan was angry, he fell for what Memphis said the lies, he might hate Lucifer but that doesn’t mean anything when a demon. One of lesser power then him and his brothers wanted to fuck with his family. 
He had enough and changed into demon form and chases Memphis off, screaming at him. The other brothers try and explain the situation. Mammon first explains that they didn’t leave for a vacation and placed cameras in the HOL to watch it happen.   
They all explained everything. But they felt like it was no use. So they all apologized and told Lucifer and Mc they can go. They did and left. leaving the five behind. Satan returned.
Satan: We failed, didn't we. 
Belphi: yep.
Beel: Its all our fault
Asmo: Well, Seems like they aren't coming back. 
The brothers leave the area and go back to the HOL. No one talks to each other. even after they got home. All they did was go to their rooms and reflect on they probably are never going to hang with them again. 
Aftermath of The Confrontation-
When breakfast happened the next morning everyone was still silent. None of them didn’t want to go to School. They would see Lucifer and he wouldn't even talk to them. All went to school, tried to listen to the consul meeting and went to class. 
In class they did their work. didn’t bother anyone and stayed silent the whole class. this repeated. No chaos in any of their classes that was for sure. Then the day ended just like that. They went back to HOL. All still not talking to each other.  No pranking each other.
All went to their rooms and worked, and went to bed. Even if Lucifer wasn’t there anymore they still where going to try and get their grades up. 
Meanwhile Lucifer and Mc where figuring out if they should go back to HOL. They had confirmation from Purgatory Hall that indeed thats what the six did for their vacation. 
In the Castle- 
Lucifer: Well this was a turn of events. 
Barb: Did you ever check your messages?
MC: uh no after Memphis almost killed me we just came here
Lucifer decided to look for the messages, he read them. All of them, again and again. The brothers would never leave him for some other demon who was a nicer to them. 
Lucifer: Should we go back home?
Mc: Home?
Lucifer: The House of Lamination. 
Mc: I don’t know. 
Diavolo: I think you two should try.
Lucifer: Hm, you think.
Diavolo and Barb nod. Lucifer and Mc look at each other. 
Mc: Im not ready
Lucifer: then we will go back when where both ready. 
The next to weeks in the castle where nice. The four of them hung out a lot. Lucifer thought about his brothers a lot, hoping they where going to be ok a little longer. 
When they were in R.A.D Lucifer saw how bad the brothers looked. He noticed none of them seemed to take care of themselves. But when he looked at their grades they had almost perfect scores. He told Mc, and they agreed it was the time to go back. hopefully when they go back there wont be any drama.
Returning to HOL-
The brothers where in their study session. When there was a knock on the door. The brothers ignored it for a while and Mammon finally decided to answer it.
Mammon: Hello what do yo-
he spots Lucifer
and Mc
there at the door
why he thought they left to stay in the castle
his eyes moving back and forth to Lucifer and then Mc
did they really come back or is this Memphis tricks.
Beel got up and walked over and spotted them
He recognized Mc’s sent
Lucifer: Hello Brothers
The others heard and stopped for a second. Their brothers was back. They ran to the door knocking over mammon
Mammon: OI
Mc laughed. Reaching out a hand to Mammon. The two explained that they need a bit more time at the castle to process that incident. But they where back. The six brothers cried hugging both of them. They where all happy but then Lucifer spoke up
Lucifer: Now, you six take a shower. Mc and I will make dinner for tonight. 
The other brothers ran to the bathroom arguing who would be in witch forgetting they had one attached to their rooms. When they where done and dressed they came back down. 
At dinner the brothers where lively, arguing, laughing and talking. After dinner how ever they didn’t want Lucifer and Mc to go to bed alone. All of them begged to stay in Lucifers room. Lucifer declined only to say they could do it in Mc’s room. If it was alright with Mc
Of course it was all right with Mc and they had a sleepover in Mc’s room. When they finally settled down they watched a movie. The six brothers feel asleep. Lucifer and Mc just let it all in. They where back home. Of course there will be chaos tomorrow but thats fine. Its what they both wanted. 
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flashwingfox-blog ¡ 2 years
you bring up a good point though. 
I went to https://karasu-os.com/cards to see how many there was. Form what I saw Lucifer and Dia their is only two, one with Memphisto and one for Dia’s Birthday. 
While Lucifer and Barb have 5 together.  
because of this I wanted to see how many Dia and Barb have together and it is 2. 
why did my brain care so much who knows but yeah that is something.
I just notice when comes to Memory cards, Lucifer and Diavolo has one card together and that's with Mephisto. While Lucifer and Barbatos have more then three cards together.
Maybe I'm wrong with that.
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flashwingfox-blog ¡ 2 years
Obey me Masterlist
Updated on: Saturday December 17th 2022
Note: Changed it to have different Masterlists in one main Masterlist for all the different content I will post 
Back to main- Masterlist
My thoughts on the game
Obey me Jobs
Obey me Cold event Chapter 1
Obey me Cold event Chapter 2
Obey me Event show down favorite part so far
House of Lamentation #1
House of Lamentation #2
Obey me Groups
Asking the Obey characters to do human trends
obey me Brothers +me/Wing
Obey me Side character Headcannons
Obey me Characters and New Years Partys
Obey me group headcannons; The 🏅ROYAL🏅 Fantastic four Hc’s
Fantastic four drawing squad
How Taiga/Wing/me Joined the Fantastic four
The seven mcs and Lucifer shopping in Devildom
Appreciate the Obey me characters with me:
Obey me Character Talks #1
More Dia appreciation
Obey me Random Thoughts:
Obey me random thoughts #1
Obey me random thoughts #2
Obey me random thoughts #3
Obey me random thought #4
Obey me Random thoughts #5
Obey me Random thought #6
Obey me Random thought #7
Obey me Random thought #8
Obey me Random thought #9
Obey me 7!Mc’s in order(Plus the prequels):
Unkown place
Smaller Lucifer Part 1
Smaller Lucifer Part 2
Smaller Lucifer Part 3
Obey me incorrect quotes:
Fantastic Four incorrect quotes
Obey me- character/oc’s headcannons(all WIPS):
Obey me Ships:
My Insert/7Mc AU
Height swap
Obey me Replaced Brother AU(stories):
Replaced Hc’s ALL
Replaced Lucifer
Replaced Mammon
Replaced Levi
Replaced satan
Replaced Asmo
Replaced Beel
Replaced Belphi
Obey character interactions with human world stuff:
obey me Lucifer and wing on tumbler
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flashwingfox-blog ¡ 2 years
Why is rebloging weird to me?
like I get it, I really do it helps the post but like why do I feel weird. Like I know im not steeling someones thing im helping it get attrition and people to see it but like..... why does it feel weird to me?
0 notes
flashwingfox-blog ¡ 2 years
I am Re-doing all version of everyone that is on that list only name that will change is Wing to become Taiga  
Well I probably need it anyway
Last updated: February 12th 2022
House of Lamentation #1
House of Lamentation #2
Obey me Groups
Asking the Obey characters to do human trends
obey me Brothers +me/Wing
Obey me Side character Headcannons
Obey me Characters and New Years Partys
Obey me group headcannons; The 🏅ROYAL🏅 Fantastic four Hc’s
Fantastic four drawing squad
How Taiga/Wing/me Joined the Fantastic four
The seven mcs and Lucifer shopping in Devildom
Appreciate the Obey me characters with me:
Obey me Character Talks #1
More Dia appreciation
Obey me Random Thoughts:
Obey me random thoughts #1
Obey me random thoughts #2
Obey me random thoughts #3
Obey me random thought #4
Obey me Random thoughts #5
Obey me Random thought #6
Obey me Random thought #7
Obey me Random thought #8
Obey me Storys:
Smaller Lucifer Part 1
Smaller Lucifer Part 2
Smaller Lucifer Part 3
Obey me incorrect quotes:
Fantastic Four incorrect quotes 
Obey me Picrew(character and oc’s):
My style: Lucifer
Obey me Ships:
My Insert/7Mc AU
Height swap
Obey me Replaced Brother AU(stories):
Replaced Hc’s ALL
Replaced Lucifer
Replaced Mammon
Replaced Levi
Replaced satan
Replaced Asmo 
Replaced Beel
Replaced Belphi
Obey character interactions with human world stuff:
obey me Lucifer and wing on tumbler 
Need to Know:
My content
Just something about me
World Building 
Things you should know about Pholubest
My thoughts on the game 
Obey me Jobs
Obey me Cold event Chapter 1
Obey me Cold event Chapter 2
Obey me Event show down favorite part so far
Unsorted rn:
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