fleur-quinn · 7 years
Challenge: Blood
((So here’s the longggggg overdue challengeeee. Sorry in advance for any typos, unedited, sorryyyy. I’ll post an elimination fic laterrr. I was going to try to post this before the winning fic but oh well, here it isss. Thanks @ladyvenusvaleand @clove-teasdale for the rp))
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I am doing some research on my computer next to Vee who is reading a book when the women’s room bursts open. Taylor is on the other side of me, finishing a scarf. I hear somebody storm in, close the door behind her, leans in and catches her breath.
Venus, ever the calm one, looks up from her book and says, “Um excuse me, this is the Women's Room.”
The person takes a deep breath. “Really? Didn’t notice.” he deadpans.
I scream at the sight of a man in the women’s room and instinctively cover my body with my hands.
“Um…” He starts awkwardly.
Venus narrows her eyes. “I don't think I appreciate your tone. But whatever, I assume you barged in here for good reason.”
I slowly uncover myself, realizing how ridiculous I am. “Explain, please.”
“We need to move.” The man states plainly, he then nods at Taylor. “You should head out through the west door and head to your safe room.”
I turn to look at Vee worriedly. “Huh, why? What’s happening?”
Clove, who is sitting at the other side of the room, takes off her headphones and frowns. “Rogers.”
They know each other?!
“Come on, you three have to come with me.” Rogers says, walking over to make Clove stand.
“How do we know this is not a trap?” Vee asks, but before any of us can react, something explodes in the back. Vee swears before moving towards the safe room. My eyes widen in shock before grabbing my stuff and following her.
“It shouldn’t be more than 24 hours before you’re out. You’ll have to wait until someone gets you out.” I hear Rogers cry behind us.
“Rogers, what’s going on?” Clove asks.
Seriously, can they just get going?
They immediately do as I think as people start banging on the door. Clove and Rogers continue to bicker before the rebels alarm goes off. I think somebody scream or yell or something or maybe it is me as we all run to the closing Safe room.
And then we are locked in the safe room.
Shoot shoot shoot flower flower flower. What the hell is going on?
Are we really safe? Even if we are… What about everyone else? What about Brooks, Nate, Victoria, the King and Queen-
My blood starts to turn cold and I realize I may be getting an anxiety attack soon.
Deep breath in. And out. In and out.
You’re an actress. What do you do when bad things that make you anxious happen?
I act.
“NO I NEED TO MAKE SURE MARSHALL IS OKAY.” I take a deep breath and turn around to find Venus at the door, trying to get out.
“I’m sure Marshall is safe and sound!” I say, pulling her away from the door.
“NO! God.That girl has a hero complex, she's going to try to save everyone.” She cries, burying her face in her hands. I sigh inwardly. I did not sign up for this and I don’t want to do this. I don’t want to convince her of something that I can’t even promise. For all we know, we can be the only ones alive in this palace.
Stop it. Do not let your mind go there. Stop overthinking. Focus on something else.
So I walk around the room, drowning out the sounds of the other girls, and try to focus on checking out the room.
I am in the midst of counting the amount of Oreos they have for the fourth time when I suddenly realize there is some commotion going on with the girls.
“Vee! NO!” I cry as I stare at her fractured ones and pull her hands over to inspect them. “Flower. What have you done?”
She reassured me she’s fine and Clove is all over her already so I go back to finish my counting before going back to them. Counting gave me something to do. It gave me calm. I ask Vee how she’s doing and she tells me about her worries about Marshall.
I give her a hug. “I’m sure she’s absolutely fine! She’s a selected! If someone barged into the women’s room to tell us to go to a safe room, I’m sure someone went to the library as well!”
Clove mumbles something before shaking her head sighing, setting the kit aside. “Everyone’s going to be fine.” She then looks over at the floor where she left her headphones and journal, pressing her lips together but not saying anything else.
It’s going to be okay.
I’m okay.
Everything and everyone will be fine.
You’re an actress. Act.
I clap my hands once and smile brightly. “Come on! Stop worrying! I looked around the room. There’s food, water and sleeping stuff here.” I say, turning to Vee. “Would you like us to lay down a mattress so you can rest better?”
She shakes her head. “No, I just want to get out...how can you be so cheery at a time like this?” She groans.
I struggle to keep my smile intact. This is just a movie. You’re just pretending to be locked up. You- “B-because there’s no use to be all depressed right now! Besides, someone needs to take in charge!”
Clove walks over to her stuff in another spot on the floor, but spares me a glance, raising an eyebrow. “By being over enthusiastic about this? There's nothing to take charge of.”
Bish. Why is she such a realist? We can all use a bit of fakeness right now. “I mean we shouldn’t all just stand here and moan... It always helps to be positive!”
She mumbles softly, picking her journal, but we all can hear her in the small room. “Being positive and pretending to be positive isn't the same thing.”
“Excuse me, what?”
Venus grumbles something about us arguing about the wrong thing but we both ignore her.
Clove scoffs. “What? You're going to tell me you feel positivity oozing at the prospect of being trapped in here for who knows how long with.” Her voice gets exponentially louder as she points at Venus. “Fractured-hands over there and me, while having no idea of what's going on outside, during an attack on the palace?!"
“Well it was about time you let it all out, are you feel better? Just because we're stuck here, I'm gonna let the fractured hands comment slide.” Venus comments, earning a flat look from the other girl.
I huff and cross my arms in annoyance. “Well no! This whole situation doesn’t scream positivity, but would it help if you just sit there and cry and frown? No!” I pause to take a deep breath. “It’s true that we’re going to be stuck here for heaven knows how long and with no idea what is happening outside and there is nothing we can do to help! And- you know what? I don’t have to explain anything to you!” I finish and walk away before everything breaks down. I faintly hear Venus call me but I ignore her as my mind starts to be overloaded with worrying thoughts again and I struggle to breathe normally. The two girls continue to talk but I once again drown out their voices.
I wish I can just hit pause for a moment.
Some time passes and I suddenly feel pressure on my arm.
“Hey, are you okay?” I hear Vee ask. I try to convince her that I am and Vee being Vee obviously don’t believe me. And me being a law student ask her for evidence. “Well for one you just screamed at Clove.” She replies with a shrug. “Like I know she's your competition but still…” She pauses and covers her mouth when she realised what she said.
I wipe my tears away and turn around to face her in shock. “What?”
Venus shakes her head. “Okay I didn't want to say anything but now that it's out, I might as well. It's no secret she's always running around with Brooks and that journal of hers.” She says, gesturing dramatically at the book. I look over at the book. I’ve noticed that for some time too, but I always told myself that I was just overthinking.
“Glad to know you’re so interested in my life, but I don’t see how that’s related to competition. And I don’t see how that’s an excuse to yell at me either.” I hear Clove says. Why can’t she stay quiet for a moment?
“First I didn’t yell at you, second you were the one who started yelling at me out of nowhere.” I tell her quietly, not wanting to get into a proper argument with her. I’m too tired.
But apparently she’s not.
“Venus is the one who mentioned you yelling as a reason to prove you were upset. I’m just repeating her words and pointing out they don’t make sense.”
“And who was the one telling me to stop being positive?” I ask her, my voice louder this time.
“Um, Venus was the first to ask why you were acting like that in case you don’t remember. I just told you to stop acting like you’re not worried. Letting stress bring you down is not the way to go, sure, but you don’t have to repress it and pretend it’s not there. Honestly, I don’t know why you’re arguing with me. I just prefer not to be talked about like there’s some obvious thing going on to be upset with me.”
Gosh, remind me not to do anything to this girl. She does. Not. Let. Things. Slide.
“You know what? I’m not going to waste my time arguing with you.” I tell her simply. Someone has to be the bigger person here.
She turns back to her journal, but she still wouldn’t shut up. “Then have your friend refrain from bringing me up unless she’s going to be direct. I’m not the one looking to fight.”
“Now you’re just being rude.” I state, crossing my arms.
“It’s the truth but alright.” She mumbles, scribbling in her annoying journal.
“You want direct, fine I want to know why you keep running around doing secret missions with Brooks. I'm pretty sure it has to do with the Selected so you can't say it doesn't concern us.” Venus steps in, I try to motion for her to stop, btu decide against it. I wanna know as well. “Well?”
Clove looks up, annoyed. “What are you? A stalker or a mind reader? Because first of all, that’s none of your business at the moment. What I do on my free time or with whom is none of your concern. Second of all, hanging out with Brooks is not some sort of felony. I’m helping him out on something and that is all. Not everything has to involve you.”
“I never said everything revolves around me!” Vee splutters.
“Woah, hold your horses, Clove. Vee was simply telling you what she observed and it’s totally natural for her ask about it. A simple, ‘sorry, I can’t tell you’ would’ve been fine!” Last year I would not have defended Venus, but now she’s my friend, and you do not mess with Fleur Quinn’s friends. They continue argue a bit before Venus gives up as well. And I decide to step in.
“Um... Anyone hungry? They’ve got food here.” I say, pointing to the food, hoping to change the girls’ focus. It works and we eat and rest. And soon, after what seems like years, the door opens and we are let out of the room. We meet up with the other royals and girls and Nate and I exchange a few words. He seems preoccupied and that’s when I know I’m leaving soon. I’ve been here too long anyways. I go back to my room and dismiss my maids, not wanting to deal with anyone. I check it to see I’ve got a lot of texts, unanswered calls and notifications in my social media. I screen through the notifications to see all of them from my fans asking if I’m alright. My family has called and texted a lot of times and my friends have texted me. I quickly typed my family a message, too tired and not in the mood to talk. Then I texted my assistant to help me deal with the fans because even though I love them, I am really not in the mood. Finally, I screen through my friends’ texts and they are mostly asking about how am it. But one text singles out itself and catches my attention. The sender has sent me over forty texts but the last one… The last one says
“I’m sorry if this is too late but I love you.”
I shake my head as I feel a headache coming along. I really can’t deal with this right now. So, switching off my phone, I take a quick shower, bury myself in my fluffy pajama and fall onto my bed.
Closing my eyes, I finally let my tears fall.
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fleur-quinn · 7 years
Side Fic iix: Baby Blue
((HELLO. Sorry for being inactive for so long but I have been super busy with school but yeah, I’m finally free to finish the ficsss!!! Oh and CONGRATS TO @eloiseduval!!!!!!!!!! And thanks @maximus-schreave @brooks-schreave aka Grace for the fun rppp. The long overdue challenge is nexttt. This fic happens before the attack.))
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Before we go any further, let me just tell you one thing.
I am not a thief.
Okay, now that we’ve got that straight. We can continue.
I am not a thief and all I am trying to do is to get a bit of food from the kitchen when someone slides over to next to me, making me jump and scream.
“Well, what do we have here?”
“N-nothing!” I stammer, turning to face the young prince.
“You don't have to lie to me, carrots. I have a proposition for you.”
“Carrots?” I ask, raising an eyebrow at Max, as Anne Shirley comes into my mind. Wouldn’t it be funny if I broke something over his head. “What proposition?”
He grins. “Pranks, foxy, pranks!” What’s with Max and his nicknames?
I perk up immediately. “Ohhh. I’m in! Who are we pranking?”
I clap my hands together. “ Oooh! I’m intrigued! So what’s the plan?”
“I was thinking we could ruin something dear to his heart.” Max replies with a wicked grin.
I frown at that. I love pranking people, especially my brother. But I know never anything too serious. I’ve seen enough “prank gone wrong” videos to know better. “Something dear to his heart? Are you sure it’s a good idea...?”
“Quite sure, gorgeous. Have you noticed his weird fascination with his own hair? I mean, it's not even as good as mine!”
“He does have nice hair…” I trail off with a smile. “What do you wanna do to it?”
“Shave it off.”
Nice id-
Wait what?
My eyes widen in shock. “What?! No! Let’s um... let’s do something else! Let’s... Let’s change the color!”
A bald Brooks?
Nope. Nopity nope.
He huffs. “Boring, but okay. What color?”
I laugh lightly. “Hmm... what about blue? Baby blue?” I flash him a wicked grin. “I remember him saying he looks nice in blue!” We agree on the color and the method and I ask the boy why he chose me and he said it was because I said I wanted to do pranks with him.
After getting the blue dye, we sneak into Brooks’ room. I try not to show how nervous I am to be there and I just follow the over dramatic Max into the bathroom to pour he dye into Brooks’ blue coconut shampoo. We exchange some playful teasing (on my part) and flirting (on his part) and he skips away.
((Photoshop skills suck, sorry))
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The next day, I had a hard time stifling my laugh as I watch Brooks -blue-haired Brooks- give Max death glares the whole meal. So right as everyone's leaving, I catch up with Brooks and fall into step with him.
"Hey." I say, biting my lip to keep myself from smiling. "Nice hair."
His hand instinctively goes to his hair and he mutters. "It's a prank."
I smirk and say in a sing-song voice. "So I’ve heard. Blue coconut shampoo, eh?"
Brooks stops walking and turns to me with narrowed eyes. "I'm sorry, can you repeat that?"
I flash him an evil. Think Max is the only who can pull off something like that? Wrong. Coz darling, I’m a nightmare dressed like a daydream. “You use blue coconut shampoo, don't you? Personally, I would recommend another flavour…”
Brooks responds with a groan and runs a hand through his hair. “He roped you in, didn't he?”
I grin, giggle, skip and clap. “Best prank ever. Just so you know, I chose blue coz you said you look nice in blue.”
“I was mistaken, it seems.”
“How so?” I muse.
“This doesn't suit me, does it?” He replies with a light laugh.
“Well…” I pause to pretend to examine him. I groan inwardly, this boy manages to pull off every look. “It doesn't look that bad, to be honest... Originally, your lil brother wanted to shave off your hair, but I convinced him to dye it instead. I mean, how can we ever shave off that hair!” I tease, messing his hair while giggling.
He doesn’t stop me this time. “You're always going to do that, aren't you?”
I beam at him. “Yup! Always.” I laugh and go on my tiptoes to mess his hair with both of my hands, only stopping when I see him with an unreadable expression.
“Yeah... I'll see you, Fleur.” He says quietly with an unsure voice.
Oh flowers. I messed up again, didn’t I?
He doesn’t like you, back off.
I decide to go with an innocent facade.
Thus, my face morphs into the perfect confused yet concerned frown. “Um... Is everything alright? You can tell me anything.”
“I know.” He replies with a smile. But I’m the actress here and I can spot out a fake smile. “I'm just thinking; don't worry.”
“You sure? Is this about…” Clove pops into my mind but I shake my head slightly. It’s none of my business. “Never mind.” I give him a slight smile.
He returns a slight, forced smile. “I'll see you later.”
Or not.
I bite my lip. “Uh yeah sure. Of course!” He looks down awkwardly and walks away.
As I stand in the hallways, I realized this time I’m no longer overwhelmed with sadness and embarrassment. Instead, I’m starting to be homesick.
I miss pranking my brother. I miss him being “mad” at me afterwards and finding ways to annoy me. I miss my parents laughing at our interactions and Dad giving me ideas to prank his son but also giving his son ideas to annoy his daughter. I miss Mom rolling her eyes and telling Dad to stop being so childish.
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fleur-quinn · 7 years
If you win who will your ladies in waiting be?
My money is on @camille-marshall to win so it will be most likely that I’ll be her lady-in-waiting but in another universe if I were to win, Mars would definitely be my lady-in-waiting but she wouldn’t have the usual duties, I’d let her be in charge of military and the Air Force. The other two would be @fleur-quinn who would also make a brillian princess and @victoria-seaberg if she doesn’t mind it too much
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fleur-quinn · 7 years
How are you doing?
Recovering from the Rebel Attack! But besides that, I’m great! Thanks! xx((I’m currently out of town which will explain the late fics!!))
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fleur-quinn · 7 years
Do you think you'll make it to final?
I hope so! :) xx
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fleur-quinn · 7 years
Favorite meme
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fleur-quinn · 7 years
If you win who will your ladies in waiting be?
@victoria-seaberg, definitely. And @ladyvenusvale as well, if she doesn’t mind!
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fleur-quinn · 7 years
Fill in: I am most likely the person to...
do the weirdest thing ever and say things that I shouldn’t. 
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fleur-quinn · 7 years
((THANKSS!! It’s been interesting for me as well hahahahhaha. You’re nice too... Water.))
appreciation post edition numero two
((ooc post)) 
HEY YALL IM BACK. unless u live under a rock (or fine, maybe this is your first selection), u would know i was @jynsongxvii during the dreaded obscurantism of ocnet selections, aka dom’s selection. back then, i posted a little thing to boost morale up when some anon stuff seemed to be getting hairy, so i’m doing it again. i should actually be writing my next crooks fic but,,, i mean,,, yeah, whatever. yall will live with the wait if you’re keeping up with that. let’s get started. 
Keep reading
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fleur-quinn · 7 years
Wear that flower crown and be that queen. Don't forget to water the flowers cause else it's gonna look kinda sad but...yay flowers!
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Aww thanks hun. You just helped water them! xx
((HAHAHAHAHA. That’s so sweet and cute and funny!!❤ THANKS GIRL))
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fleur-quinn · 7 years
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fleur-quinn · 7 years
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fleur-quinn · 7 years
Who do you think is going to win? Who do you think should win?
Hmm… I honestly have no idea. As for who I think should win… Me, of course! Haha, just joking. I think we’ve all come to the point where no matter which girl wins, we’ll be happy for her and Nate. xx
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fleur-quinn · 7 years
Challenge Six - The Rebel Attack
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With 6 ladies left, things are heating up within the palace AND the country! Rebels are attacking in this challenge, so be ready. These rebels are not southern or northern, but a new, smaller, made up group. The palace has not heard of them before and neither the selected/country.
All of the Elite will be in a safe room based on your assigned areas above. We’ve used a randomizer to put you all into different categories. Based on your groupings, there is a section that shows where you will be right before the attack. The dash after the assignments explains where you will be hiding. Make sure to rp with your groups.
In this challenge, try to include the following:
Inner thoughts
Interactions with others in your group (if there are)
Character progression
You must write a fic for this challenge. Contact us if you have ideas to run by us for your character during this challenge (extra things: injuries, special interactions, description, etc).
You have two weeks to complete this challenge. It is due February 2, 2018.
Have fun with this challenge and feel free to ask questions. We’re expecting exciting things! Remember, stress can bring out the worst, the best, and the emotions in everyone. Good luck!
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fleur-quinn · 7 years
Challenge 5 - Redbull
((A super duper short pic (like less than 600 words haha). Sorry for that, but I’m kinda busy and honestly, except for the last paragraph, I wrote the rest on the train haha. Sorry for the typos! Thanks @nathaniel-schreave @ladyvenusvale @ladyaadamaier @mistylane059 @claraeclair for the nice rp! ))
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That is the first thing on my mind when I wake up.
I have no idea how to play croquet.
I’m screwed.
Which is why I decide to spend more time on my outfit, instead. I have on a white crop top and red high waist shorts (first time officially wearing pants since I arrived the palace). My hair was let down, but my maids braided them a bit so that the hair won’t fall onto my face.
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As promised, Venus and I wait for each other outside our rooms and we go to the date together. Okay well, she dragged me out of my room like that bossy girl she is. I mentally go over the girls on our date as we walk there. Aada seems alright, I still haven’t talked to her properly, but if Vic likes her, she’s gotta be alright. Clara and Misty are also girls that I haven’t really talked to, but I guess if Nate likes them, they’re alright as well. I remember laughing at his Vic isn’t in our date since sports is totally her thing. I guess Nate wants to challenge us. When we arrived, Nate is already there. We say our hellos and soon the other girls arrive and we start to playing. I decide to hang back a bit and go last so I’ll have more time to observe how it’s done. Finally, all have had their turns and it’s now my turn.
“Right... I’m still confused... I just hit the ball? And it’ll go through the loops?” I ask them as I go to where the balls are.
“Pretty much” Misty replies.
“Okay…” I bite lip in concentration and hit the ball. I watch as the ball goes through two loops. “WHOOP!” I cheer, before falling into a happy dance. We play some more and Venus throws some shade at Aada while the rest of us just continue quietly. I’m over jumping into arguments and creating drama. Okay, I’m not over creating drama, but yeah.
Then Venus suggests us to play 20 questions and she starts by asking what’s the most interesting place we’ve been to. I think for a moment and answer the Harry Potter set I’ve played a small role in. It’s amazingly interesting to look at the props. I still have my wand from the movie back at home. We have a fun discussion about Harry Potter and were all shocked to find that Aada haven’t read the books nor watch the movies. We change the subject pretty quickly after that as we don’t want to exclude her.
The rest of the date go by quickly with us chatting while playing croquet.
As we continue playing, I can’t help but look at each and every one of us girls and wonder what made Nate choose us to the elite. I was genuinely surprised to find myself making it to the elite. I don’t know all of the girls but as I said, if Nate likes them, I guess they’re alright or princess-material. This brings me back to myself, am I princess-material? I guess I have all the grace, etiquettes (most of them, anyways, I think) and manners from all the actress-stuff. Since my management team wants me to become a perfect well-mannered lady… But a princess is not just about those things… Then, my name is called and I realize it’s my turn to play so I shake the thoughts away and walk up to the front to hit the ball.
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fleur-quinn · 7 years
Are you going to post your convo w Vee?
((Skye and I have actually never rped the convo. (I’m assuming you meant the convo Vee and Fleur had after the flooks incident?) But if y’all want, we can do it when we’re past our busy days! Thankfully we’re in the same time zone haha. Thanks!!))
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fleur-quinn · 7 years
Side Fic ix: Rose
((Thanks @jordan-maldez and @brooks-schreave for the rps!! Mentions @aubree-gram Can I just say the sketch is amazing? haha thankss ~1.3k words))
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After talking to Venus, I went back to my room and I decided that it was time for some me time that was long overdue. I had been so busy the past few days with the ball and party, I overlooked the presents I received. There were also letters and a parcel that I have yet to open. I opened the parcel to find this amazing drawing along with an autograph of Aubree Gram. I had laughed when I saw the autograph as it had been a long time since I received one and not signed one. I flipped the drawing to find a few words written by her. Turned out she was my secret santa. I quickly sent her a message to thank her and then I remembered I had another secret santa - Jordan Maldez. She had come to my room and given me this gorgeous necklace with a sphere charm with real flowers inside. We had a nice chat and I had been shocked to find her eliminated. I had found it weird that I had two secret santas, but by that time, morning was rolling by and so I slept instead.
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New Year’s Eve was fun at the palace and I had a nice time with the girls. Thing only got quiet a few hours ago and I retreat back to my room. For some reason, I can’t fall asleep, so I decide to go out to the gardens for a walk.
Fresh air does wonders to one’s body and with the quietness, I feel like I can finally breathe. Not that I don’t like spending time with the girls, just that with everything happening all at once… It’s nice to have a break.
I jump in surprise when I hear my name, not only because I am surprised somebody is here but also because I immediately recognize the voice.
“Uh…” I turn around to see him, walking to me. I am really not in the mood for this. I’ve spent the past few days ignoring him and pretending not to see him and I plan to keep it this way. I turn back around and start walking away faster. Maybe he’ll just think I can’t hear him and leave.
“Wait!” he calls. I sigh, stop and turn back around.
“Can we talk?” He asks, shoving his hands into his pockets. I purse my lip, trying to decide what to do… I look around, trying to see if there’s somebody or something who can save me from this, but of course, there isn’t. Closing my eyes, I tell myself to calm down.
“Okay,” I sigh. “What do you want to talk about?”
“What you said.” He states. There it is. Simple and straight to the point. What I said.
“Oh!” I exclaim, feigning surprise. I am an actress after all. “What about that?” I fidget a bit.
Brooks hesitates a bit before finally saying, “I want to apologize.”
Now I am surprised for real. “Oh um what for? You didn’t do anything wrong…?”
“I feel I didn’t react in an exceptional way.” He tells me with a grimace. “It was rude of me.”
“Uh it’s alright I should apologize for not watching my mouth anyways…” I say quickly. Please leave me alone.
“Wha- Fleur, no. You don’t have to feel bad about anything.” He says quickly. Yeah, right.
I can’t help but fidget again. “Yeah… uh” I pause, trying to find something to say. Finding nothing to say, I resort to swearing quietly. “Flower.”
A small, light laugh escapes his lips. Please stop making my heart race. “Flower?”
I force a small giggle, silently thanking him for changing the subject. “It’s my f word.”
“Of course it is.”
“Do you have a substitute swear word or do you just not swear at all?”
“Does ‘shoot’ count?”
I relax a bit and try to make a joke. “Aww here I thought you had perfect manners!”
“I am not without flaws.” He says with a smile.
“So I’ve come to realize.” I reply, pulling a small smile.
Then he breaks the magic. “Are we good?”
My smile drops at this. What do I do? What do I do? “Um.” I stammer, and then my heart takes over my brain, telling me to force a smile. “Yeah, I guess. Yeah, sure. Of course.”
A frown takes over his features. “You don’t have to lie to me.” I should have lied then this wouldn’t have had happened.
I sigh. He wants the truth? Here’s the truth. “Look, I would love for us to go back to how we were, but I think we both know that’s not possible, now that we both know how we both feel.”
Brooks stays silent for a short moment before stepping away. I watch in confusion as he does something and comes back, holding a rose in his hand. “A fleur for Fleur?” He asks, holding out the flower.
My heart explodes.
And my eyes widen in surprise. “I-” I hesitate and laugh before taking the rose. “Thank you!”
He smiles happily. “I’m sorry.”
I bite lip and smile. “It’s alright… And you shouldn’t pick a rose like that… what if you pricked yourself on the thorns?” I ask, shaking my head as I stare at the rose in my hand.
He shrugs. “Worth it.”
My heart flutters and I tell myself to stop it. He doesn’t like you like that. Stop being such a freak.
“Worth what? Is this some bribery to make me forgive you?” I ask, only half-joking.
He laughs lightly. “No, it’s not that. You just don’t seem in the best of spirits… It’s not you.”
I smile at his reply. “Happy New Year.”
“You too.” He says, flashing me a smile.
“Any new year resolutions?”
“Uh, no, I don’t think so. What about you?”
“New year, same me.” I reply with a light laugh. ((I copied this from madelaine’s snap haha))
“Good. You’re already pretty cool.” He says, smiling brightly. I smile back before looking away.
“Thanks.” I say, rubbing my arm absentmindedly.
“You’re welcome.” I notice him rubbing his arm.
“It’s getting chilly, do you wanna um head back?” I ask.
“Y-yeah, sure.” He starts walking and I follow.
“What were you doing out here anyways?” I ask.
“Looking for you.”
I look up in surprise. “Really?”
“Well, yeah. I didn’t want to let things sit.”
“How did you know I’ll be here?”
“I had to ask around a bit.”
I laugh lightly. “Oh. Well luckily the red hair is easy to spot.”
“Do you like it? Your red hair, I mean.” He asks. Oh Brooks, you really don’t know?
“I love it.” I tell him with a beam. “It’s like the thing that makes me me.”
He laughs. “I couldn’t imagine you brunette or blonde.”
I laugh along. “Same. What’s your favorite feature of yourself?”
He takes some time to think. about it. “My eyes? I’ve heard they’re not that bad.” Not bad? They are beautiful. I love blue eyes.
“Blue eyes are my favorite. I’ve always wanted blue eyes and I used to get jealous of my brother for having them.” I say with a chuckle.
“Blue eyes and red hair…” He nods as he thinks about it. “Not a bad combination.”
“My brother’s a catch!” I joke with a grin.
Brooks laughs. “I’m sure he is.”
“Like me!” I joke, laughing and flipping my hair.
“It’s nice to talk to you again.” He says quietly with a smile. I look up to see we’ve reached the door.
“Yeah it is.” I return the smile.
He walks over and opens door for me. “Good.”
“Thanks.” I say, entering back to the palace. “I’ll see ya when I see ya then.” I tell him with a smile.
“Til then.”
I nod and turn around to go back to my room. My heart is still beating like crazy when I arrive my room. As I get ready for bed, I look at the rose on my bedside table.
Oh Brooks, what are you doing? Please stop confusing me. I don’t think my heart can take it anymore.
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