flooferdoop6 · 5 hours
this is a weird post but the idea has been stuck in my head for a while
of course this is not detailed - think of this more as an infographic of sorts ? highly recommend reading from the resources i'll link at the end of the post if you want to learn more about this topic
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flooferdoop6 · 5 hours
did i ever post my favorite version of “controversial ways i raise my dog”
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flooferdoop6 · 5 hours
My new meds make my skin throw a fit. It’s not terribly bad, just a few things here and there, but it’s bumming me out because I’ve never really had too many run-ins with acne.
My four-year-old sister, however, is under the impression that it’s just “3D freckles”, and that they look very, very pretty. She wants all of my freckles to “pop out”, especially the ones across my nose; they’re her favourite.
And it puts me in this weird position where I can’t say, “No, this is acne, and it’s bad,” because I don’t want to teach her that it’s a bad to have unclear skin, you know?
Because the more I think about interactions I have with children, the more I realise that children will consistently compliment “flaws” until they’ve been taught not to.
Like, a kid at the library, whose sister has vitiligo, saw my scars once and suggested that his sister and I should be cats for Halloween, since I have “tabby skin” and she has “calico skin”. “I can be a black cat,” he immediately added. “It’s not AS cool, but they’re the spookiest.”
When I started losing weight, my little brother immediately demanded that I gain it back, because I wasn’t as comfortable to cuddle with anymore.
And my other little sister always wants to wear her paint-stained clothes to school so that “everyone can tell [she’s] an artist”.
I don’t know. I guess talking to little kids just reminds me that all of this superficial shit we worry about really is 100% made up.
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flooferdoop6 · 5 hours
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flooferdoop6 · 5 hours
starts punching and tearing at everything in a blind rage. i want AROMANTIC characters i want characters with not an OUNCE of romance about them i don't JUST want aroace characters i want AROMANTIC characters that AREN'T ASEXUAL i want people to headcanon characters as AROMANTIC not just aroace i want fandom to treat AROMANTICISM as AROMANTICISM, and not a SUBCATEGORY OF ASEXUALITY. RRRAAAAAAAAGHHHHHH
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[ID: banner reading "don't tag as ace or aroace"]
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flooferdoop6 · 5 hours
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Pride Month is upon us again and so it is time to repost my little guy, Hue! I’m wishing everyone a safe, supportive, positive, and enlightening Pride, whether you’re all the way “out” or not!
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flooferdoop6 · 5 hours
Some rando: You should think about stopping your prescription
Me: My pills make me not want to die tho
They: You shouldn’t want to die, that’s not normal
Me: Yeah that’s why I’m taking my pills
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flooferdoop6 · 5 hours
People shipping aroace characters because “uuu there’s no angst if no ship uuu” well fuck that because remember the “what the fuck is wrong with me” angst. Remember the “oh fuck this person likes me but I don’t like them back” angst. The “should I pretend to date this person so as not to hurt their feelings” angst. The
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flooferdoop6 · 7 hours
Tits Out For Trans Day Of Visibility 💛🤍💜
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flooferdoop6 · 7 hours
I'm looking back at random things I was taught as a kid by various adults and media and. did nobody bother to factcheck anything? was that just not an option or
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flooferdoop6 · 7 hours
Reading your posts feels like eating a banana, it’s kinda tingly and itchy and makes me very uncomfortable but I also like it too much to stop
you are allergic to bananas 
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flooferdoop6 · 7 hours
the primal urge to devour forbidden potato fruit
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flooferdoop6 · 7 hours
Why is this heat so hot 😩
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flooferdoop6 · 7 hours
Just looked at a blog where the header description said 'sometimes I reblog posts I like so I don't forget them'.
And I feel like that, right there, explains so much about how the site has changed in the last few months.
People now think reblogging is an unusual behaviour, rather than a default.
Tumblr newbies, please, for the love of baby Jesus, reblog the posts you like. That is the whole reason the site exists - for you to collect all your shiny fandom objects in a single space. Which you can organize to your heart's content. Or not organize at all, if that's your jam.
Our blogs are intended to be collections of posts, not collections of likes.
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flooferdoop6 · 8 hours
self aware!pla thought but regarding big man arceus himself.
so it's no common knowledge that despite arceus's role in the game, its still a puppet that bends to the whim of the code, the game and the script. a peon is still a peon even if you give him a fancy title and new clothes. but what if it wasnt like that?
the way i see it, i think in a self aware scenario, arceus will essentially act as an extension of the player; but whereas the player can only observe events from a higher perspective as a figure that always watches yet never interferes, arceus will actually try to prevent some events (so long as the game doesn't spit in its face for doing so). primarily stuff like the protagonist's banishment from jubilife and the very little assassination attempt volo tried to pull. in a way, it sees rei/akari as a child the way you do. but while you are (in arc's eyes) an omnipotent being that it knows it cannot question or act against and defy, arceus is still in a fair playing field. and the wrath of Horse God is just as equal to that of a parent.
Arceus sees your potential from the moment it asks for your name, the player, at the very beginning of the game. How it talks to you in it's realm outside space and time.
It may have been very brief, but it was enough for Arceus to grow aware of you. How you are a being much past their own.
It's an odd realization, but even Arceus had considered the possibility that something had created itself a long time ago.
And Arceus quickly learns from there on just how much you grow attached to the Hero, your little vessel.
However... You have your limits. Or perhaps you simply have your own rules or reasons not to interfere with things? Only having a small amount of control?
Yet it sees how much you care. You aren't letting some bad things happen because you want them to.
It's like there is a veil, between you and the universe Arceus sees over. One you cannot cross.
No worries though. Arcues will do it's best to protect the hero for you.
Especially when it sees the inevitable outcome for the Hero, how horribly they are treated later on.
Arceus won't let it slide with ease.
Meanwhile, for the life of you, you can't figure out why your switch sometimes crashes, or how certain pokemon appear in places they shouldn't. Or the way you see shinies a lot easier than in other games. You have even had friends comment on your luck.
Every other hour you encounter a shiny, or a rare pokemon. Or one you shouldn't see in that area. And for some reason, you swear things are different than you remember in your first playthrough.
You just hope your game isn't corrupted, but... at least nothing seems broken. If anything, your luck is unusually high. Especially how you seem not to take near as much damage as you used to, or getting lucky in a battle or looking for a pokemon with a specific move.
Though... you are a bit concerned about the garbled mess NPCs speak sometimes. But it usually corrects itself. Most of the time.
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flooferdoop6 · 9 hours
Just Chatting - The younger streamer/trainer in Hisui has so much meme potential and I love them so much. Especially with the reverse-adopting Ingo as an Uncle route. They try to ride a Garchomp down the slopes only to be scruffed by their jacket and lectured about 'safety protocols' and the like - Chat is roasting them throughout.
Thankfully, Ingo is at least experienced with dealing with shenanigans from the subway, even if he doesn't remember it. His scolding isn't harsh, but he does hammer it into the Hero's head that hey, this is a really bad idea.
And then he proceeds to tell you all the ways you could have gotten hurt. He won't skip the details.
If you want to play dangerous games, fine, but he will at least make sure you know what the dangerous prizes could be.
Emmet nearly sheds a tear watching the stream. His brother still remembers regulations and safety, even if he seems to have lost his memories.
All while your Garchomp is playing in the background while your phone gets the perfect view of you getting a stern talking to. Your chat is filled with mixed responses that slowly end up on Ingo's side as he goes into detail about how painful it is to set a broken bone.
Ingo may seem a bit strict about it, but he cares.
You get shit about it lovingly from your chat for at least a week though.
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flooferdoop6 · 9 hours
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Broke: Giovanni is Ash's father
Woke: Giovanni has mistakenly believed Ash was his hookup mistake for like a decade and is about to get the surprise of the century seeing that not only are they not related, but the employee he fired a few years ago for being too stupid is now living with him and being a more active father than he was
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