flooziesnews · 4 years
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Oh yes I am!! 😁💯🎉👏 #inspired #informed #excited #watchthisspace (at Son Servera, Islas Baleares, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHihBnsHhkU/?igshid=1ieu50xu9zj0s
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flooziesnews · 5 years
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Around 15 years ago, there was a Facebook thing where you made a list of 25 things people may not know about you. It was fascinating & sometimes eye opening. Does that make me curious & interested? Or just nosy? Ha ha, who knows? 🤷‍♀️😂
Anyway, there's something similar out there now.. 20 Things. Should we put such personal stuff out there? I don't know.. I've always been a bit of a 'heart on my sleeve' kinda girl.. What's the worst that can happen? Those that are interested will know a bit more about you than they did before? 🤔
So I decided to revisit my 25 things, from memory actually, as I left Facebook 3 years ago. I've reviewed & updated 15 things from my old list & added 5 new ones.
1.  My worst fear has always been that my daughters will go and live on the other side of the world.
Nothing's changed. I am forever thankful that they both live 5 minutes away. I still pray they will never, ever leave.
2.  I almost drowned when I was 3.
I fell head first into a water butt in my Auntie's garden. My cousin Tim saved me, he was 4. He held on to my feet & shouted for help until my Auntie came & pulled me out.
3.  I love to boogie.
Nothing's changed, I still do. And I've never cared who's watching.
4.  I have a phobia of buttons.
No change. When I was little, my Grandma had a big tin of them. Big ones, small ones, makes no difference, I don't like them.
5.  Music is a fundamental part of my life.
Still true. I listen to music everyday, it's an integral part of my world. My taste is very varied, from Amy Winehouse to Avicii, George Michael to Glen Campbell. I like old songs, new songs, funky vibes, chilled grooves, smooth jazz, reggae, soul, easy listening, house, rock, pop, rhythm & blues, the list goes on.. I do however, especially love Coldplay, a double clap-clap & an epic drop.
6.  I have a nice bum.
Ha ha, things have changed! My lovely hubby says it's still nice, but he's just super sweet to me! I'm 55 now, my six pack (yes I had one) is long gone & my muscle tone has diminished, but I'm active & I try to stay fit. I'm just thankful my body is healthy & can still do what I want it to.
7. Grief almost consumed me.
Well, yes it nearly did. I was sad & angry & went a bit doolally for a little while. My Dad died shortly after being diagnosed with a malignant melanoma, when I was 31. My Mum took her own life 11 months later. My girls were only 1 & 4 years old. It was all pretty horrendous. That sadness & fear of loss has never quite left me but I've learned to live with it. Life's struggles make you stronger, wiser & very grateful for all the good things.
8.  I would give anything for 5 more minutes with my Dad.
Nothing's changed. I still would.
9.  My children are my greatest achievement.
Still true, they absolutely are. They're both amazing women, awesome, clever & beautiful. They are my joy, my sky full of stars, they make my world a happy place. My love for them is endless. I'm forever grateful & proud to be their Mum.
10. I want to live by the Mediterranean sea.
Tick, dream came true.
11. My sister is a legend.
True, she still is. She's wonderful, kind, wise & generous, my guru. And very precious to me. I would be lost without her.
12. I made a difference to lots of people's lives.
I really did. As a fitness instructor, personal trainer, yoga & pilates teacher, I helped lots of people get fitter & healthier. I owned a Fitness Studio in Broadstairs, it was a great place to be, we had lots of fun, did lots of sociable things & many lasting friendships were made there.
13. My man was meant for me.
He really was. As the old saying goes, neither of us is perfect, but he is perfect for me. He's loved me at my best & my worst, held my hand through the fun, laughter & adventures, through the tears & tough times too. There is so much I love about him. 33 years later, he is my absolute hero, my best friend & I cannot imagine my life without him.
14. I have the finest best friends.
Nothing's changed. They mean the world to me. They are few, but fabulous, they love and accept me for who I am. My gratitude for having them in my life & my love for them, is everlasting.
15. My Grandma was the bravest & kindest lady I've ever known.
Still true. Her childhood was difficult, she survived 2 world wars, lost her husband (my Grandad), her son (my Dad) & her daughter in law (my Mum) all in the space of 18 months. She was incredibly strong, never, ever complained & was there for me whenever I needed her. She was fiercely independent, looked after my girls in her 80's, & bravely battled oesophageal cancer to the very end. She was an inspiration to me & I loved her dearly.
16. I have 2 tattoos.
Got the 1st when I was 32 & still slightly doolally. Got the 2nd when I was 52 & perfectly sane. They're inconspicuous & I love them both for very different reasons. I'm getting my 3rd soon.
17. I've made a playlist for when I'm not here anymore.
Bit morbid? Maybe, but my loved ones, family & friends will be dancing & singing to the most awesome tunes when they celebrate my life, 100% guaranteed! My favourites are in there, of course.
18. Selling up everything in the UK & moving to Mallorca 8 years ago was the best decision we ever made.
We arrived here with nowhere to live, no jobs & no idea how it would all turn out. We literally flew by the seat of our pants & have never, ever looked back. Our life here is so much more than we ever hoped for or dreamed of. Best. Move. We. Ever. Made.
19. I'm grateful & thankful every day, for my life, the ones I love & that we are all healthy & happy.
I believe that gratitude, the power of positivity & not sweating the small stuff is the secret to happiness. I recognise that others have a totally different perspective on life and that's OK with me. I surround myself with like minded people & steer away from negativity, or anyone & anything that disturbs my inner peace, or upsets my balance. I cherish my loved ones & keep my circle quite small. Above all, the well being of myself & those I care about is my priority. It works for me. Live & let live people.
20. In the end, all you need is love.
Obviously, we all have to be responsible, keep a roof over our heads & pay our bills. But spiritually & emotionally, to love and be loved in return is the answer for me. Life isn't always easy, there are no rainbows without the rain. I love fiercely, with all my heart, I try to love myself fiercely too. I realise how lucky I am to love & be loved. I tell the ones I love how much I love them, every day, all day if I want to. Because I never, ever know when I might not be able to anymore.
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flooziesnews · 9 years
It’s been a while..
Over a year in fact, a very tough year, in many, many ways. But the blog juices are ready to flow again and writing has always been a great therapy for me, so here I am, another year older, but definitely back.
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The bad days are very personal and don't have to be shared on social media, but suffice to say, life sometimes just hits you and the ones you love, very hard. Everything changes and nothing ever stays the same, which means that the bad times don't last forever, the same applies to good times too. But that’s life and without the struggles, we would never know our strengths.
So embracing life with all its highs and lows, ups and downs, is really all you can do and know that after the rain, the blue skies and sunshine will eventually always come again.
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flooziesnews · 11 years
My Journey to 'Silverhood'
As a young woman, I was blessed with thick, dark, naturally curly hair. In my early 20's, I dabbled with shades of aubergine & plum, but in my 30's, I stopped colouring my hair completely. My first greys appeared when I was 31 and by the age of 40, I had rich, brown, chemically enhanced hair with roots that needed a touch up every 4 months or so. By the time I was 45 however, the 'badger stripe' on my head was reappearing much more rapidly and it became increasingly difficult to keep it at bay. I was beginning to need a colour or touch up every 3 or 4 weeks and it became a soul destroying, unhealthy & expensive process to remain a brunette. I was very worried about the amount of toxins and chemicals being regularly applied to my head, my scalp was constantly dry and itchy and the condition of my hair was deteriorating quickly. I discussed letting my natural colour come through with my hairdresser, who was adamant I was too young and really discouraged me from doing so. We settled on a plan of action to gradually lighten my hair over a period of time and when I moved to Mallorca 2 years ago, I worried about finding a new hairdresser who could continue this process with me. So to begin with, I dyed my hair myself, unhappily, at home. A few months later, after much soul searching, discussion and airing of my concerns, my family encouraged me to allow the dye to grow out of my hair and let my natural colour return. I was apprehensive and unsure of what the end result would be and whether I would like it, perhaps I would look older & suddenly become a member of the 'granny brigade'. But once the decision was made and with fabulous support from my family, I felt relieved, happier and determined. The last time I coloured my hair was in April 2012.
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April 2012 My journey had begun and very quickly, my natural colour came shining through, a surprising shade of sterling silver with light and dark tones and even though there were days when I seriously questioned if I was doing the right thing, the unwavering positivity from my loved ones helped me stick with it. I wore my hair up in a bun regularly and caught people staring at me sometimes, perhaps wondering if I was aware of how shockingly bad I looked or possibly thinking I was completely barking mad. I was however, totally unprepared for the reaction of some of my friends, acquaintances and colleagues. There were those who said absolutely nothing at all about my hair and kept their thoughts, good, bad or otherwise, to themselves and quite right too. I was raised to say nothing at all, if you haven't got anything good to say and was amazed by those who decided to tell me their opinions, whether I wanted them or not. Some of these people barely knew me and others knew me very well indeed, but either way, they didn't hold back. For example, some questioned me.. Was I ill? Was something the matter with me? Did I realise how grey my hair was? Then there were those who offered me unsolicited advice.. I could always colour it again.. It would look better if it was cut really short.. I should put blonde streaks in it. And then those that felt they had great insight into why I was doing it.. My hair was a really harsh red colour anyway.. I wouldn't have done it if I was still living in the UK.. It was easier for me to do it in Mallorca because not many people knew me.. And my absolute favourite.. We do all finally reach that point when we feel it's ok to let ourselves go.. Really? At times, I couldn't quite believe what I was hearing. But mostly, I was just incredibly shocked at how rude, ignorant, insensitive and thoughtless people can be.
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November 2012 I asked constantly for the opinions of those that matter to me, who love and care for me, safe in the knowledge I would get honest, heartfelt responses, good or bad. But let's say, for instance, I had worn a pair of ill fitting trousers that didn't suit me, I doubt that anyone would have been quick to tell me I looked terrible or had made the wrong choice. It's rude to do that and although we might think someone looks terrible, or chose poorly, we don't say it out loud, unless we're asked for our honest opinion, of course. Why does it suddenly become acceptable to say whatever the hell you like and possibly upset or offend someone, just because they've made a choice not to colour their hair anymore? Beats me! Luckily, my loved ones and some of my close friends, absolutely loved the new me that emerged, in all my silver glory. And to my wonderful family, those friends, acquaintances and colleagues, who only ever complimented and encouraged me, told me they loved my new hair even if they didn't really, or in the beginning, weren't sure.. thank you, because you really helped me get through a very difficult process. By April this year, a year on from my last colour, I knew I had done entirely the right thing. My hair was in the best condition it had been for years and my scalp was no longer itchy, dry or sore. I found a fantastic hairdresser, a young, handsome, hip and trendy guy, covered in tattoos, who from the day I walked into his salon, embraced my journey to silver hood and nurtured my half grey head of hair with great cuts, wonderful head massages whilst being shampooed and conditioned and most importantly, masses of encouragement. He was as excited about cutting the last bit of colour from my hair as I was. God bless him.
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July 2013 Now I've reached the end of my journey to silverhood, I look back and know that it has been an invaluable, worthwhile, but often difficult 19 month process that has taught me a great deal. Most importantly, to always be true to myself and have the courage to follow my own instincts. What is right for me, is right for me and no one else. I also realise that I have reached a wonderful point in my life where I am totally comfortable with who I am and I love the skin I'm in. It still matters to me greatly that I stay fit and healthy and look as feminine and attractive as I possibly can, for my own well being and not because of what others might think of me. I recognise that at almost 50, time changes things and ageing naturally is a life affirming and spiritually healthy process that can enhance your sense of self beyond all measure.
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November 2013
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flooziesnews · 11 years
The Summer so far
It's hot! It's so hot that, at times, there is nothing you can do but give in and do absolutely nothing. The heat is draining and just a few hours working in it can deplete your energy completely. The sunshine is wonderful but even a few hours laying in this intense heat can leave you dehydrated and at risk of heat stroke. Am I complaining? No, not really. Would I rather be anywhere else than here? No. It's peak season now, the Island is at full capacity, thousands of holiday makers arrive and depart daily. For us Islanders, we are now half way through the summer and already looking forward to getting our Island back to ourselves, around November time. My favourite months here are September, October and November, it's much quieter again then, the resorts close down and the temperatures are still wonderfully warm enough to enjoy a swim, lay in the sun and soak up the beauty of Mallorca without all the tourists around. So we are all working hard, waiting for cooler temperatures and counting the days until the end of the summer. Life is still ticking along, we are making the most of our down time and resting and relaxing whenever we can. We have visits from our loved ones to look forward to, exciting plans to make for the winter and happy days to enjoy along the way. My work is done for today, time to relax, read my Sunday paper, enjoy a glass of vino on my balcony, where the sea breeze is cool and I can unwind. Living up on the hill, in an idyllic town away from the resorts, we can escape the tourists and luxuriate in the fabulous views of the Mediterranean, something I never take for granted and never, ever tire of looking at.
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flooziesnews · 11 years
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flooziesnews · 11 years
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flooziesnews · 11 years
I believe the sun should never set upon an argument I believe we place our happiness in other people's hands I believe that junk food tastes so good because it's bad for you I believe your parents did the best job they knew how to do I believe that beauty magazines promote low self esteem I believe I'm loved when I'm completely by myself alone I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned I believe you can't appreciate real love until you've been burned I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side I believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye I believe you can't control or choose your sexuality I believe that trust is more important than monogamy I believe that your most attractive features are your heart and soul I believe that family is worth more than money or gold I believe the struggle for financial freedom isn't fair I believe the only ones who disagree are millionaires I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned I believe you can't appreciate real love until you've been burned I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side I believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye I believe forgiveness is the key to your unhappiness I believe that wedded bliss negates the need to be undressed I believe that God does not endorse TV evangelists I believe in love surviving death into eternity I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned I believe you can't appreciate real love until you've been burned I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side I believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye Savage Garden - Affirmation Lyrics. Writer(s):JONES, DANIEL/HAYES, DARREN STANLEY
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flooziesnews · 11 years
Ode to Life
The days may sometimes be cloudy, the weather might often be grey But my heart is filled with sunshine, only blue skies coming my way. No more goodbyes on my horizon, no sad farewells to endure My loved ones are all around me, happy days are ahead, for sure. Life is so very short and things can change so fast, Make the most of the special moments, build memories that will last. Know how blessed you are to love and be loved in return Being thankful for what we already have, is a lesson we should all learn. Let no one rain on your parade, or try to bring you down, Close your eyes and ears to those that want to spread their misery & anger around. Open your heart to those that care, embrace the ones who are real, Take pity on those full of envy and hope that one day they will heal. Cherish your vision, cherish your ideals, cherish the music that stirs in your heart. Know that happy relationships can be maintained, even when you are far apart. Be confident, believe in yourself, find out who you are, Do what makes you happy, be all that you can be, Follow your dreams, however far. It's important to always remember, things don't always work out as we planned, Hopes may be dashed, disappointments will come, but life is still in the palm of your hand. When one thing ends, another always begins, new doors open everyday, Have faith, don't be swayed, ignore negative minds and you will surely find your way. Be real, be you, Be kind and true to yourself every day, Those that don't appreciate who you are, can easily walk the other way. Focus on what really matters, make time for life and for love, Enjoy the delight of precious times together And remember all of the above. Julie Neal, June 2013
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flooziesnews · 11 years
A wise man once said..
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flooziesnews · 11 years
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I remember doing this..
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flooziesnews · 11 years
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flooziesnews · 11 years
Awesome April
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So April is almost at an end and what a wonderfully happy month it's been. A series of celebrations have left me feeling extremely lucky and supremely blessed. At the start of the month, my Hubby and I celebrated our 24th wedding anniversary, incredibly thankful that after all this time, we still like each other rather a lot. It is so deeply emotionally satisfying, knowing the choice you made was the right one and your mate does indeed fulfil a part of your very soul. Growing old together is a gift we both hope and pray life will be kind enough to bestow on us. A week later, it was my birthday, the last one of my 40's actually and oh boy, was I in for a fantastic surprise! Aided and abetted by our youngest daughter, our best buddies had conceived a master plan that ensured we were totally gob smacked when they walked in our front door and gave me one of the best birthday presents ever.. Themselves, in the flesh! I can't begin to describe the sheer delight of our fabulous reunion, we were completely overwhelmed in the loveliest way, a laughing, crying, giggling, shrieking mass of happiness. I will never, ever forget that magical surprise and the 5 wonderful days we spent with our dear friends, truly the stuff memories are made of. Last week, we celebrated another very special reunion, when our eldest daughter and her boyfriend arrived in Mallorca to start a new life here. It's wonderful to have our family together again and we have many happy days ahead to look forward to. The last 7 days have been hectic, but extremely worthwhile, as they are now settled in their new home. Being around the corner from each other is literally a dream come true for us, as during the last 3 years, distance has meant many months apart, which has been very hard at times. We are now minutes away from each other, literally within shouting distance and can see each other whenever we please, which has made us all extremely happy. Life is sweet. For the last 5 days, it's been raining and cold, with nothing but grey skies overhead. I now can't imagine what it must be like to live with that kind of weather permanently, it's so unusual to suffer this kind of weather for so many days in a row here, I was almost in danger of feeling a bit miserable about it. But today the weather finally broke and thank goodness the sun is shining once again. I know lots of people have to suffer bad weather for more than half the year in the UK these days, but when you're not used to it anymore, it's a real shocker! Hopefully, wet and windy April will be behind us now, the beautiful Bougainvillea will soon be in full bloom and it'll be blue skies all the way from here on in. 'April showers bring the May flowers' And finally, I'm finishing my blog update this month, with some very wise words I will always try to remember.
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flooziesnews · 11 years
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flooziesnews · 11 years
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flooziesnews · 11 years
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flooziesnews · 11 years
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