floristxsoo-blog · 8 years
Hi. I'm not dead. Promise babe.
But I am...
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floristxsoo-blog · 8 years
I don’t feel like being here tbh. I need some time away. 
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floristxsoo-blog · 8 years
"I said Paris. Are you thinking about dressing up so much that you missed that?"
“I’m sorry that thinking about me turning you on excite me more than Paris.” blushes more. “And- are you really planing to take me there? it’s too expensive..”
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floristxsoo-blog · 8 years
"We could roleplay then. If you want." He licks his lips then leans in to steal a kiss, pressing his lips to the warmth of your mouth before stepping back with a half-cocked grin. "What should we have for dinner. We can discuss going to Paris while you're over tonight."
His cheeks felt hot all of a sudden, red color spread all over his face. “Oh s-should I be your little maid?” he mumbles shyly, nodding. “L-let discuss dinner on the way? since- it..its too hot here right now and- ah! lets just go!” 
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floristxsoo-blog · 8 years
"Yah...he can come." He tugs at his boyfriend's shirt, bringing the shorter male close. "But he can't sleep between us. I get jealous easily."
Laugh softly at the cute the other was, putting the plushie away and wrapping arms around his neck. “I may have a kink for jealous you.” 
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floristxsoo-blog · 8 years
We can name him 'Competition' if you plan on sleeping with him. Are you not coming over to the apartment tonight? I have a day off from the club. Come spend that free time with me.
“Oh- you are inviting me over?” He purse his lips cutely, holding his plushie, just to tease. “Can I bring mr. competition along?” He grins and steps closer.  
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floristxsoo-blog · 8 years
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I got you one of these guys too.
I think i’m dying- I’m going to hug it to sleep tonight . Nini it’s so cutee and fluffy and- just- thank you so much! {/ he looks so excited, hugging the plushie} how should i name it? 
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floristxsoo-blog · 8 years
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Sometimes I like to make you think I’ve forgotten, when really, I’m just saving up a pile.
*gasps* OH MY GOD! THEY ARE ALL FOR ME? *he beams happily jumping on you and kissing all over your face* thank you so much nini! Gosh they are so cuteeee! 
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floristxsoo-blog · 8 years
Oh so cute. My cutie.
I’m not your cutie! You don’t even buy me plushies anymore! {sulks and shifts away} 
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floristxsoo-blog · 8 years
Hella cute, but hella hot.
Hot yes- cute no! {pouts} 
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floristxsoo-blog · 8 years
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In which kyungsoo gives in to everyone calling him cute. Give it up, kyungsoo-yah. You’re really cute :3
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floristxsoo-blog · 8 years
I dropped by to see you, but you weren’t here.  How odd.  But, I’ll leave you this note in a place I know you’ll see it. 
I love you.  I have for a long time.
Please don’t act so shocked when I say things like calling you my lover.  Yes, you are the person I consider my boyfriend and I want you to do all those cheesy boyfriend things with me.  Hold my hand,  squeeze me when you get scared during the movie and call me whenever you feel like it. 
Take care of me like I’ll take care of you.
Love me like I love you. Sinjae.
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floristxsoo-blog · 8 years
That needy feeling when all you crave is one person's attention.
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floristxsoo-blog · 8 years
I'm gonna tackle you with hugs and kisses later tonight. I swear.
Please do. I miss you so much. I'm going to be a little cheesy but I want to do couple things like a date. {Blushes}
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floristxsoo-blog · 8 years
Thank you for waiting for me.
I love you too Sinjae. Thanks for - coming back to me. for not leaving me behind like everyone else. For accepting me. ♥
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floristxsoo-blog · 8 years
What I wanted and what I needed are both right here before me, in you.
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floristxsoo-blog · 8 years
Thank you for staying by my side through all my soul searching and misunderstandings.
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