In a place as empty as The Ruins (now emptier than ever before), sound travels with great ease, bouncing against the cracked walls lining this lonesome area and repeating back to each other the echo that remains of the original sound. Flowey knew someone was coming long before he saw even a hint of their shadow; their footsteps a telltale sign to their approach. He didn’t dare turn around however, hoping that whoever was idiotic enough to come back down to the underground would mistake him for an inanimate flower. It’d be easy to, with the way he’s wilted over the patch of golden flowers that grows at the mountain’s entrance.
Fate is not so fortunate and not only does he go recognized, but it’s by a monster he so desperately would have preferred not to encounter. Just the sound of his voice is enough to draw out a twitch from Flowey’s otherwise still form. He doesn’t yet turn to face the bone monster from where he has his face tilted downwards, but he does listen. It makes sense that Frisk would tell Papyrus of his whereabouts; they’re well aware of the “friendship” they share.
Still, Flowey wishes they hadn’t done so. He already has enough weighing on him after the whole revelation he’s been confronted with after having exposed his true form to Frisk. Emotions; they’re still lacking in his soulless form. But something’s changed after everything that happened, something he doesn’t understand.
Without the confidence or energy to muster up a proper reply, Flowey will remain silent. Maybe if he stays still long enough, Papyrus would think he’s been mistaken and that he’s got the wrong flower? A normal flower that can’t even talk, in fact.
It’s a bit of a stretch, but Flowey’s willing to try what he can to avoid talking about such a subject with the only monster he’s come close to considering a friend.
@flower-scented-toxins / plotted (with papyrus)
papyrus stood by his old friend, more uncertain that he’d ever been in his life. he wanted, so badly, to perhaps comfort flowey, to ask him if he was okay.
to try to learn the truth from him directly. 
because everyone he talked to either gave conflicting responses, or was obviously hiding something. and papyrus didn’t appreciate it one bit. but he’d always had faith in the flower, even when sans didn’t. and now, he just wanted to understand why his friend wasn’t joining them all on the surface.
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It’s been several minutes since he’s seen Papyrus off, parting ways with the monster in just as friendly a manner as when they had initially greeted one another. Smiles had been exchanged, and per Papyrus’ request, so had been a hug. Normally such affectionate displays were reserved under strict conditions where Flowey would somehow benefit in committing the act. Papyrus, however, just seems to draw that side of Flowey out without much effort, and while his hugs don’t hold the same kind of genuine warmth in the gesture as Papyrus’ own, Flowey still meets his requests with an unexpected tolerance.
He cannot quite say that he holds the same kind of patience for his intruder, however.
When Flowey turns to face Sans, it’s with a flat expression. He’s unimpressed with the other monster’s nosy behavior, nor is he with his attempt at a stealthy entrance meant to hide him not from the flower he stands before, but his brother. What a guy, hiding secrets from his own brother.
Had it not been for the fact that Flowey felt the heavy weight of another’s footsteps on one of his vines nestled underground, he would have long left already. But curiosity kept him waiting. Maybe he should have left like he originally planned to.
“Ugh.” A noise of distaste escapes him, all preludes to his friendly facade dropped in favor of a more genuine response towards Sans’ arrival.
“What are you doing here?” He asks, completely ignoring Sans’ initial question in favor of asking one of his own. “You’d think a guy without a nose would know how to avoid sticking it where it doesn’t belong.”
There’s a number of reasons as to why Flowey holds a dislike against Sans, and with every little thing the stout skeleton does wrong, it just adds on to the ever growing list of reasons.
@flower-scented-toxins / plotted (with sans)
* so. * you’re my brother’s new friend, huh?
sans had a way of creeping up on people – call it shortcuts, call it stealth – it’s all the same in the end. he’d followed papyrus to the edge of snowdin forest, his own suspicions about the flower the younger skeleton spoke so fondly of finally getting the better of him.
even here now, standing in front of what should have been a harmless plant, gave him the most uncomfortable feeling. it was unlike almost anything he’d ever felt. if the sixth sense was real, then this guy was setting off sans’ like crazy.
but why?
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* i’ve heard a lot about you.
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protective sentence starters
as requested. Feel free to change pronouns or anything else !
“Don’t you hurt a single hair on his/her/their head.”
“Hands off!”
“What do you think you’re doing to him/her/them?”
“I’ll never let you go.” / “Don’t ever let me go.”
“Don’t ever leave my sight again.”
“I got your back.”
“Where are you going? It’s not safe out there!”
“Do you trust me?”
“Be more careful next time. I don’t want to bandage you up again.”
“Hey, it’s cold outside. At least wear a jacket.”
“I’d die for you.”
“You’ll back off if you know what’s good for you.”
“Get behind me NOW.”
“Here, I have an extra weapon.”
“Duck, you idiot!”
“Go on without me.”
“Well what did you expect would happen while you’re walking alone at night? Come on, let’s get you away from that creep.”
“Hey. Pal. I’ve got a gun/knife/fist/weapon and I’m not afraid to use it.”
“You can stop hugging me now.”
“You scared the shit out of me. I’m never going to stop hugging you.”
“Quit babying me! I can protect myself.”
“I’ll always be there to save you.” / “I know you’ll always be there to save me.”
“If you even THINK about touching him/her/them, I’ll kill you.”
“[choked up] I thought I lost you.” / “[choked up] I never thought I’d see you again.”
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replied to your
bonepranks replied to your post : ...
yes!!! i’m off to bed now and probably won’t be back online until late tomorrow but im so down to plot!!
( awesome! i can’t wait! take care then, i look forward to plotting and roleplaying with you as soon as you’re ready to! )
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bonepranks replied to your post : ( my biggest goal in life is to roleplay with a...
// pap is just a guest muse on here but i use him a LOT and we should absolutely do something
( oh man id love to! i’d also totally be down to do something with your sans too, i’ve actually been meaning to muster the courage to find a way to do so! i’ve just been kinda shy aha... but if you wanna figure something out and plot together for either brother, feel free to message me!! )
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( my biggest goal in life is to roleplay with a papyrus. only then can i die happily )
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They had been so disappointed the moment they missed, watching the flower disappear into the ground before popping back up nearby. But that feeling passed quickly enough. So it didn’t really matter anymore. And Frisk didn’t care much for being as violent anyway now, all things considered. Perhaps today they would leave him intact until they really felt like doing otherwise.
As much of a prize it would have been to see Flowey squashed beneath their boot, the child figured they could settle instead for the hilarious expression he held for them. The look of scorn only came off as proof they’d irked him in some way, and they couldn’t deny that it was incredibly entertaining and satisfying just seeing that look on his face. They couldn’t care less about him calling them an idiot for something as dumb as their word choice. “Well, y’know. Flowers shouldn’t talk either, so maybe you should shut up before I make you.” 
They fought back the urge to roll their eyes, and even more so when he put on that bright, fake smile. Frisk was pretty sure it was obvious by now that they were both just pretending. Putting on the same act. They almost laughed again imagining how ridiculous it was to picture Flowey as a sweet little flower.
Then the mention of their parents made their expression drop. Their parents. They hadn’t thought about them in so long. Too painful. They wondered if they still thought about their kid who had up and disappeared one day. What would they think of Frisk now? …It was probably because of thoughts like those ones that they chose not to think about their parents and life before the Underground. They had enough baggage to deal with. The fact that Flowey brought them up only made their fingers itch to reach for the knife in their pocket. But they wouldn’t do anything drastic. Not today. Giving him a little scare still wasn’t off the table, though.
“Of course they did!” Just like that, their own smile was back on their face as they looked down at the flower. “Didn’t yours? Or did you lose all your common courtesy just like you did with your compassion?”
 The speed at which Frisk lost the look on their face at the mention of their parents was enough to make Flowey laugh; and so he did, a loud and high pitched noise that was played up not because of the particularly humorous turn of events but simply because he wanted to mock the other for still being so vulnerable despite the sharp edge to their words.
His giggles died down upon the mentioning of his own parents, but not because the words bothered him. He only willed himself to calm down so that he could smile up at the young child and bark out a noise that sounded as if he was reading off of a script rather than really having himself a genuine laugh.
“Ha! Nice one, but you’re going to have to do better than that.” His grin grew, the corners of his smile stretching past what would have constituted as normal on any other human’s facial expression. “You think I care about those two pathetic monsters?” Another sharp bark of a laugh. “Please!” His stem stretched outwards from beneath the soil, adding to his height so that he could loom over the smaller human. There was no unspoken threat to his new height however; it was used simply as another means of mocking Frisk.
“I don’t care about what I used to be either, so don’t bother. You however....” He lets his words trail off as he grows closer, his grin ever present. 
“You’ve gotten a lot meaner since I last saw you.” He observes, coming close to Frisk’s face, looking them over head to toe. “I’d be impressed if it wasn’t for the fact that you’re probably using this as some kind of weak defense mechanism.” Flowey moves behind Frisk, reappearing directly in front of their face with the weight of their stem pressed against the back of the child’s neck.
“What happened?” He pries, interest evident in the raise of his eyebrows and the amused squint to his eyes. “Did somebody you like finally show you just how little they care about you? Reminded you of the fact that you’re just some insignificant nobody who only ever got attention because they’re human; something new and exciting to this world trapped beneath the Earth?” The tone of his voice grows higher pitched, excitement bringing about an airy giggle as he drones on. “You must have lost your novelty if they all finally decide to stop treating you like a new neighbor and show you the real side of monster-kind.”
A vine curls around an arm, squeezing in a manner that speaks of the strength he withholds, but refrains from using just yet.
“Poor little Frisk; thrown into the garbage like an old toy. Wanted by nobody.”
“Watch where you’re walking!”
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Our friendship never ends
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"Watch where you're walking!"
First-Time interaction starter pack | Accepting!
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A weed. A weed was telling Frisk of all people to watch where they were walking? Funny. They smiled, but it wasn’t necessarily a smile of apology for almost stepping on him. It was the smile of a sadist. Maybe they wanted to step on him. Maybe they could stomp him into the ground. Rip up his petals with their boot. Just to see what would happen, having been someone who had never actually harmed the flower in previous runs.
Then again, they never could shake the feeling that their player didn’t do such a thing for a reason. If some sicko of that caliber was too afraid to even do that, maybe they shouldn’t. The smile relaxed a little, but they ended up giving a playful laugh. “I was watching where I was walking, thanks! Maybe you should watch yourself. So you don’t run into anyone you shouldn’t.”
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“Watch where you’re walking!”
It’s his own fault for having allowed himself to submit to the ever consuming thought process regarding everything he’s experienced thus far in life; something he finds himself doing often when he’s without any other form of stimulus. If he was paying more attention he would have picked up on the subtle cue that came with the child’s heavy footfall as the grass flattened beneath their weight. But he doesn’t, not immediately.
He disappeared into the earthy ground below just moments before he heard the heavy thud of their foot making contact with the section of grass he had occupied just moments before. Had it not been for the gentle breeze caused by their movements or the shadow cast over his form, he would have not noticed their impending form and would have found himself, too, flattened beneath the sole of their shoe.
Is he about to admit to the truth behind their statement, however? That he should have been paying more attention?
Of course not.
Reappearing just a few inches away with his expression twisted into one of scorn, the pointed tips of his teeth bared as he listens to the other respond to his shout. Frisk’s laughter is one that’s familiar, as is the tone of their voice. It’s similar to that which he’s used himself many times before; all while he inflicted some kind of torture on another, be it physical or mental. To hear it come from Frisk, however....
A noise of disgust escapes him.
“I can’t ‘run’ into anyone, idiot. I’m a flower. Flowers can’t run.” His snarky tone is quickly replaced with a far more chipper alternative, a bright smile at his face as he bounces a few times on his stem before swaying side to side, teasing the other with his false persona. “You ought to not threaten sweet little flowers, geez! It’s cruel and unnecessary!” He feigns a look of surprised hurt, bringing a pout to his lips. “Didn’t your parents ever teach you any manners?”
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Soulless as he is, Flowey is not exempt to the emotions any other monster or human may experience. The last reset proved that; as much as he would have liked to have continued without this realization or the nature which it was thrust upon him. It’s a rather pitiful shred of what any other person may experience, yes, but it’s more than he ever expected after his own share of countless resets and reloads spent manipulating the choices of these worlds to satisfy the need for entertainment that lies unfulfilled within him.
But from the moment that he saw the familiar green and yellow of a passing human’s outfit, he felt yet again the same feeling in his throat as when he was facing Frisk, his stem shivering as he watched the powdery gleam of their knife reflect into his face.
He wants to believe that perhaps Frisk has decided to play a cruel joke on him after having learned of his conflicting emotions concerning Chara; that they dressed themselves up in his sibling’s image in an attempt to draw out what few emotions he still harbors within his soulless vessel of a body.
But the longer he watches this human for, his following kept at a greater distance than normal, he begins to grow skeptical. Worrisome. Confused.
Now they’re both at Waterfall, and with the surrounding flora that match his appearance (save for the cool blue luminescent glow) Flowey dares to inch closer.
He’s yet to see their face. How can he be certain that this is who he thinks he is? 
Holding himself closely to the ground in an uncharacteristic act of wariness, he summons forth a small vine that sprouts just a few centimeters from the yet unidentified figure. The tendril carefully lays itself across their hand, a harmless group of yellow flowers sprouting across the length of it.
He waits. Hoping to see at least a glimpse of their face from where he hides himself among the Echo Flowers.
Open RP
Chara blinked a few times, rocking back and forth on their heels before allowing themselves to sink down to their knees. The child sat on the banks of a river in Waterfall, right near the edge. They hugged their knees close to their chest and buried their face in the familiar warmth of their sweatshirt, fighting back tears. They weren’t a crybaby.
They were alive.
But how?
Maybe Frisk had reset and triggered something? Still, after a genocide run, how could they really hope to find or talk to anyone? Frisk would be way too hard to face, so would that smiley skeleton, and everyone else would just be plain shocked out of their minds. If they even recognized them, that is. It would be extremely difficult.
The crimson eyed brunette stared at the glowing water below, thinking. They wouldn’t end their life again, that was for sure, but what could they really do? Wait here?
Chara was much too wrapped up in their thoughts to notice a certain someone approaching them at first. This was all so much to process, so it was hard to keep up.
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     *  I ’ l l   g i v e   t h e m   a l l   t h e   u n s u n g   a n t i - h e r o   t h e y   d e s e r v e !  
||semi-selective chara dreemurr from undertale, please like/reblog if you’re interested in interacting!||
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Active RP Search!
Please reblog this if you’re on active Undertale RP blog! I’ve been looking for some more to follow and interact with and all!
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hello darlings ~ do you like ut ? do you like chara ‘ s ? a chara named basilee / red ? well like OR reblog to interact with her !! roleplay blogs only /
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random starters from  “ undertale ”  pt.  1
001.   ❛  legends say that those who climb the mountain never return  .  ❜
002.   ❛  i can’t go to hell   ,   i’m all out of vacation days  .    ❜
003.   ❛ take care of yourself   ,   kid   .  ❜
004.   ❛  i don’t need friends  ,  i have knives  .  ❜
005.   ❛  it’s a beautiful day outside  .  ❜
006.  ❛   i know what you did  !    ❜
007.   ❛   someone oughta teach you how things work around here  !    ❜
008.   ❛   you have to try to be happy  ,  okay  ?    ❜
009.   ❛   let’s get those bones to shaking  !  ❜
010.   ❛  that’s the trashcan   —–    feel free to visit it anytime   !  ❜
011.   ❛   tra la la  .   .   .  ❜
012.   ❛   that’s a wonderful idea  ! ❜
013.   ❛   do you think we could at least be friends again  ?  ❜
014.   ❛   together  ,  we eradicated the enemy  ,  ❜
015.   ❛   ohhhh   ,   yeeeess    !  ❜
016.   ❛   we are officially screwed every which way from sunday with whipped cream  .  ❜
017.   ❛   I’M PILING ON THE SMOOCHES  ! ❜
018.   ❛   don’t kill and don’t be killed  ,  alright  ?  ❜
019.   ❛   quick  !  behind that conveniently  –  shaped lamp  !  ❜
020.   ❛   i’m only nineteen years old and i’ve already wasted my entire life  .  ❜
021.   ❛   i really should’ve killed you when i had the chance  .  ❜
022.   ❛  i’m gonna stay inside and watch anime like a total loser  !   ❜
023.   ❛   it doesn’t matter what it is  ,  you care about it  .  ❜
024.   ❛   in this world  ,  it’s kill or be killed  .  ❜
025.   ❛   geeettttttt dunked on!!!  ❜
026.   ❛  i like to lie on the floor and feel like garbage  .  ❜
027.   ❛   you’re a wimpy loser with a big heart  !  ❜
028.   ❛   prove to me that you are strong enough to survive  .  ❜
029.   ❛   welcome to my special hell  .  ❜
030.   ❛   you really are an idiot  .  ❜
031.   ❛   now stand still while I murder you  !  ❜
032.   ❛   who needs arms with legs like these  ?!   ❜
033.   ❛   if you take another step forward  .  .  .  you are really not going to like what happens next  .  ❜
034.   ❛   you’re gonna have a bad time  .  ❜
035.   ❛   knock ‘em dead, darling  !  ❜
036.   ❛   would you two just smooch already  !?  ❜
037.   ❛   first of all  ,  you’re a freakin’ weirdo  !  ❜
038.   ❛   i t’s time for everyone to go home  .  ❜
039.   ❛   look  , i gave up trying to go back a long time ago  .  ❜
040.   ❛   it’ll suck and then you’ll die a lot  .  ❜
041.   ❛   you’re going to have to try a little harder than that  !  ❜
042.   ❛  put a little more backbone into it  !   ❜
043.   ❛   all I know is seeing what comes next  .  .  .  i just can’t afford not to care anymore  .  ❜
044.   ❛   you look horrible  .  ❜
045.   ❛   where are the knives  ?  ❜
046.   ❛   is this really the right time for a snack  ?  ❜
047.   ❛   what   ,  you think i’m just gonna stand there and take it  ?!  ❜
048.   ❛   i was afraid that i might  .  .  .  not come back  .  ❜
049.   ❛   being friends with everyone is easy  !  ❜
050.   ❛   stay determined  .  ❜
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