forestgradience · 2 months
Cold Steel
fruit of the vine links in a chain all growing from the same sodden manure fertile bodies in a line forging a rigid birth could we ever make things outside our image at the ending of all wars where elephant footmen reign what rusted sky will they see and will it be like ours fruit of the vine we look at the stranger not noticing it's a mirror & beat them to death with hammers
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forestgradience · 2 months
it always felt like things were happening for a reason only a match in hand climbing down to the cellar fingers heating up will find no torch encompassed by dark cold but perhaps we are simply a fuckup
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forestgradience · 5 months
adrift again but what can you do a solitary ghost only grasping roots
the cherished slips through amidst emptier dreams a mural encased in ice only cracks exposed
plasma sealed up tight solder leaking through mixed in with detritus all goes down the drain
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forestgradience · 5 months
Death of Sorts
blood meal in the backyard meager offering for cutting ghost in the garden racketing its shackles sun in my chest pumping nutritious gleam the growth an illusion yet it remains
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forestgradience · 9 months
The 7th Birthday Poem for the 27th Year
an amendment, or an addendum in lieu of joining an exclusive club we scrape, and pull, and shove to pass a survival referendum so let's spill blood on the altar engage in a scarred spelling light a candle and pray revel in the unearthed name looking back on it all me little more than ambulating statue so I rake at the rib-cage, rasp at words and feel out the heart's growth we've ripped out those histories slaughtered them with a violent weave { } spooling now a new storied tapestry to be a part of a quilt of community there is a generosity we are all owed no need to be stranded out in the cold for "an unshared happiness is not happiness" our intuition will guide us toward home wise owl eyes search the four corners of the globe reveals its prophecy amidst divine frenzy to go on by way of that old mountain goat "I am gonna make it through this year if it kills me" the spheres are singing their song of a kingdom smaller than a pea allways falling 'n bringing us along as we bask in the song and dance of jubilee
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forestgradience · 10 months
down to the dregs naught but cinders to sit down 'n beg for shots at wonder walled off hope of being more left with yearnin tension for the smallest encore be like a carrion thing face the whale fall dead beat down in the dirt grow out of decompose taste again the chance at new life
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forestgradience · 1 year
think ive forgotten how to write
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forestgradience · 1 year
a low candle wax dripping, not a beacon or a light house the hunger floats rafting a long tunnel one necessary explosion when interred, makes fertile growth I should be allowed to ruin my life if I want
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forestgradience · 1 year
you've caught me lying on my knees uttering desperate pleas tried out so many outfits in the mirror begging for you to recognize me true for there is only one thing I desire to bask in the glow of your love
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forestgradience · 1 year
she finds her people deep underground waiting in the wings expression unloads movement explodes comes back around again they are of her she is of them giving all back to all
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forestgradience · 2 years
begging to be thrown on the soft metal altar yelling a tough eat me! upon the hot spit roasting as rotisserie but sacrifice is asked for so pull out the knives let fireworks drop as celebration succumbs
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forestgradience · 2 years
why rage at the ending of things when arrives the curtain call all the players step out to stage carnations fall, they take a bow soon the next show will start the gun has served its purpose from up atop the mantelpiece we can lay it down now, yeah? no more need to fire red death all fear of returning to elements now cast aside to transmogrify some slight impression remains we have donned our death mask knowing across the river there is no secret lodge but everyone in one place as rolls in the coming storm goodbye being a story told before everything whites out
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forestgradience · 2 years
nettles enshrine me shroud of stings wrapped up in grey who folds the cursed chained the beast howl it does still one thing calms the stomach growl soft scritches, warm soup seen that shadowed man right there behind the crossroads reaching to grab me, pull me in to the forever pulsing darkness where every breath is scrutinized
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forestgradience · 2 years
"Do you love us?" I looked again and saw something different in them. The pleading expression there showing me that maybe, while they have taught me so much, I could finally give them a lesson instead. "I don't understand. How is that not obvious? we both know each other so well, we grew up together and are branches of the same tree. To not love you would be to not love my very self." They paused for a moment and took a step back before responding. "Ah. This is a problem. We struggle to love ourselves."
I looked at them and I could see how frozen and scared they were. A rabbit on the periphery, two seconds short of running away. I had to do something. "Well, come here and I'll show you." Slowly we approached each other and started to embrace. Holding each other for long minutes and silently crying. And I think they were taught the lesson.
Clearing out the drafts found this gem:
"Do you trust us?"
This is only place I have ever felt safe and loved. Yes I trust you.
"Are you sure?" They replied
Of course, I say. I love you more then anything. Im so happy to have you in my life. You feel like basking in sunshine. Like warm blankets by the fire. i have never felt a love like this.
"But what if we aren't happy to have you"
"Do you trust us."
What do you mean? I have no other home, without you I am on the street. Without you I am in a hospital. Without you,
I am too close to death.
"But we dont want you here. We dont want you anywhere."
But where do I go? I cry. Please, please don't do this. I have had nothing for so long, dont take this away. I dont want to starve again.
"i dont want you here anymore."
Isn't it ironic? The one thing you fear I can make come true. You gave me so much power.
Because I trusted you. And I still do! I know you. I know we have been through so much. You know me, I don't want to hurt people. I would never hurt someone, never intentionally. And you would forgive me if I made a mistake, just as I would forgive you!
"Would we?" And I finally get it.
"Take the last look. " They say, quiet and firm.
"Sleep in the last safe bed you will ever have. In the place where you thought you felt love for the first time. The place where you felt hope for the first time. Take your last hot shower. Dance and sing one last time because it is over."
Now, finally. Do you trust us.
Do you?
And that was the lesson.
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forestgradience · 2 years
the gulf between us only widens more as each second passes
could one of us reach out for the other before being swallowed whole
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forestgradience · 2 years
There Was Never a Plan, but Still Nothing Went Accordingly.
meta-narrative goes dark there is no hypnagogia no magnetic archaeology to unearth the longer name it's an illusion, you know the caduceus, twin snakes bespelling the world. only people lie behind that old emerald curtain but I want a longer name to do all I never got to: I want the snake venom to trek up a high coast range banshee yell a hole in the sky reach out with my right hand hold the sun for one hour pull my body above the earth grant me the grace of my heart's unsealing there is peace for us gorgons I can take your left hand while giving you mine let us dance and find the real magic
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forestgradience · 2 years
you are a far better poet than you are a lover but I wouldn't love you if you were a worse poet so be a worse lover the pact of a love unconditional is terrifying to consider as the soft pillow reaches out and simply smothers you whole so please be a worse lover in the old structure past the facades and white wash we found a post signed upon that post read something beautiful: be selfish in love, my dear
and who could call this worthless?
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