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I only wish i could have made you stay, but i guess the love you had for me wasnt enough
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And I’m afraid. I’m afraid that you’re going to find someone better. I’m afraid that you’ll realize I’m not that great after all. I’m afraid that you’ve been lying to me and you’re just the same as everyone else. I’m afraid that one day you won’t love me anymore. Don’t ask me why I worry about these things because I don’t even know myself. The funny thing is, you haven’t given me a reason to worry. You reassure me that you’ll stay and that you aren’t going anywhere. And I believe you. But there is always a part of me that won’t get too attached just in case what you said is a lie. I want to apologize. I’m sorry that I worry too much and that parts of me don’t trust you. God I’m so sorry. Love in the past as taken parts of me that I never got back. So I’m broken. I hope you can fill in my missing pieces. Because I so dearly love you. And the worst part is, I cry at night because I’m so afraid. I don’t want to know what the future holds. The answer scares me. But I realized that all I can do is live it day by day. I need to stop living in the future because it hasn’t happened yet. But when it does, I’ll be ready for anything.
I love you and I hope you know that // thoughts for the past few days 8:06 pm (via poisonous-sad-l0ve)
7 months later, you left. i was really hoping you wouldnt. i guess you just dont love me anymore.. i wasnt ready
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i was so madly in love with you and would have risked it all to keep you from leaving
but i couldnt make you love me
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You made falling in love worth it.
(via tullipsink)
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It’s so much harder than I thought it would be.
Me and Earl and the Dying Girl (2015), Dir. Alfonso Gomez-Rejon (via wnq-movies)
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It’s a lot easier to be angry at someone than it is to tell them you’re hurt.
Tom Gates (via thelovejournals)
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i thought i could have handled that moment when you started talking to me again. But now my stomach is twisting up and my mind is thinking about you again. Now it just hurts all over again like the first time
i thought i was going to be fine but im still in love with you
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Your lips on mine, now that’s something worth dreaming about
A Secret Heart (via asecretheart)
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i was really hoping you werent gonna break my heart in the end..
A part of me still knew that you were going to but i still loved you anyways. Now thats love.
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I want to forget, i really do. Im just afraid of the day that you might want me back. Because baby, im afraid of falling even harder for you the second time around..
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