sooo.... tee hee.... what's it like being doomed by the narrative? *twirls hair*
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Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want This Time
Frankenstein's monster x reader
Part four
The creature recoiled it's hand, almost surprised by your simple question. You said nothing and dared not to move, blinking back tears as you continued to stare. The thing cleared it's throat and appeared to be thinking hard about a response. "I-," began the creature, before trailing off and letting out another throaty sound. It briefly made eye contact with you, yellow eyes still glowing with the intensity of hellfire then focused it's gaze on some unseen point on the floor. "Are you familiar, by chance, with Paradise Lost," the beast finally spoke and again made belief eye contact. You let out a sniffle and shook your head slightly, as you had heard of the story but never wanted to read it. The thing made a grunt in what you could only hope was satisfaction, "Then I hope that this will be easier than I had anticipated."
The creature shifted, sitting down on the floor and relaxing slightly. "There was a man you see; foolish and arrogant. He believed himself to be like God and I: his Adam," the entity paused and glanced at you to confirm you were listening, "Though upon my creation I was cast out; unwanted, hated: I was not Adam but moreover Satan." At this you inhaled sharply, carefully watching the beast, unsure of what any of this meant. It gave you a look at the sound of your breath and seemed almost hesitant to continue but nevertheless pressed on. "I was made through sin and overconfidence; my birth unnatural, my body the product of grave robbery and desecration. I was cursed with life, brought into existence for the sole purpose of one man's pride. No: I was never destined to be Adam, my life is that which is unholy." It's voice rose in frustration it seemed but quickly returned to it's original octave as it went on. "Outcasted and forced to live without love or guidance I was able to become educated and through watching others from the shadows I understood grief, betrayal, and love. I had been shown grief and was betrayed by my creation but love was something unattainable it seemed." Suddenly it's tone shifted to one of anger and desperation, "I've done horrible things because of this, monstrous things. Surely though you cannot blame me? No: it was not my fault but his, forcing me into this lonely existence, dooming me it seemed to a life full of hatred and despair. You couldn't fault me? Could you?" The creature looked up at you and for a second you were afraid that you'd be meeting your demise, but at the realization the the beast seemed to be at the brink of tears you began to soften and feel sympathy. "No," you whispered, "I suppose not," you said making eye contact.
The creature let out an anguished sob before it dove forward, grabbing you and pulling you towards it. This startled you yet oddly you weren't afraid still feeling overwhelmingly sad for the creature. "You are a divine creature truly," it wailed, hugging you to it's chest while you simply sat there and listened. "You do not deserve to have been cursed by my presence. I am a Hell-ish beast and should be left to decay and wallow for my sins. I was foolish to still believe that there was still good left for me. No: I'm sorry divine creature, sweet angel, for bringing myself upon you. I simply could not help myself, you see," it's grip on you tightened slightly as it sobbed. "I saw you once out in the forest, unaware of my presence. I watched you, first in curiosity then in envy before finally being overwhelmed with adoration. A heavenly being untainted by the same hatred and loathsome world it seemed. So pure that I was overcome with the desire to follow you to know more about you, and as it seems I've gone too far. I've tainted you and yet I am still so selfish in my desires that I sit here holding you, cradling you knowing that by doing so I will only curse you to damnation. I beg your forgiveness, please," the thing sounded desperate as you tried to fully understand the words leaving it's mouth. "It's, I-," you struggled to find the words, "Would you like to stay?" You were only met with heavy sobs as the beast hugged you tighter, you couldn't figure out why you had asked such a question, maybe it was the overwhelming amount of information you had just received or maybe you felt bad for the thing's apparent loneliness but you were surely weren't afraid anymore. The thing's sobs subsided slightly and it choked out a thank you.
Note: Apologizes for the long wait on the next chapter, I've been swamped with school and work. I'm writing this on my phone so if there's any formating or grammar/spelling errors I'm sorry in advance
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Enjoy the Silence
Frankenstein’s monster x reader
Part three
   Upon waking up you found yourself tucked underneath the covers of your bed, which was odd since you had no recollection of doing so. In fact, most of your memory was hazy, your brain still clouded with fog from sleeping. Looking around your room in hopes of trying to figure out what was happening, you’re eyes wandered to the window before all at once everything flooding back to you. The creature, it’s grotesque face, the knocking, the eyes, your fear, it all came rushing back and caused you to let out a gasp in shock. How could you have ended up here? Where was the beast? Was it all a dream? No, it couldn’t be, you reassured yourself, you were too lucid when it happened and besides, this had been an event that occurred over multiple days. Although, if this was true, you still had no idea as to how you ended up in your bed unharmed. Moving from the bed you scanned over the room again, this time with much more intensity, but nothing stirred or appeared out of place. The room was dark, it was still night, which confused you even more, what day was it, was this perhaps a dream, or possibly the afterlife? Once again you told yourself no, this couldn’t be your afterlife, you weren’t dead, or at least you certainly didn’t think you were dead. 
   The sound of soft footsteps caught you off guard and forced you out of thought. It came from the other side of your bedroom door, but you had no clue who it could be. Was it the person responsible for putting you in bed? A savior maybe, someone who had by some miracle sensed the creature and managed rescue from it. Had this person been hunting the beast for some time? Or could it have just been a lucky surprise. You furrowed your brow trying to work out the details, but ultimately decided it was best you confront them yourself and of course thank them for saving you from what was sure to be your demise. You approached the door and by the time you had begun to turn the handle you noticed that the footsteps had stopped, anxiously you pulled open the door and expected to met with a noble stranger, but instead found nothing. You crossed the threshold and peered around your living room trying to figure out where they could have possibly gone. You walked gingerly from the living room towards the back of the house, and jumped slightly when you heard shuffling coming from your study. You blinked hard trying to remind yourself that this person was your savior before continuing your walk before stopping in front of the slightly ajar door to the study. You contemplated on whether or not you should just walk right in without making your presence known beforehand, after all this was your house, but decided against it, as you had no idea how the stranger would react. 
   Knocking carefully on the door as to not force it open, you heard more shuffling from the other side, before a voice responded. “You’re a wake,” said a deep male voice, that had a slight accent to it, “come in,” it finally continued after a pause. You pushed the door the rest of the way open and took a few steps into the room before your eyes landed upon the speaker. To your complete horror it was that abomination, that monster, that creature, the beast. Immediately you were in utter and complete shock and terror you stumbled back a little and managed to grab the door knob to prevent yourself from falling. You tried to speak but all that came out was a set of low groans and indistinguishable noises of distress. The creature, who sat on one of your chairs faced you at the sound of your distress and what appeared to be a puzzled look spread across it’s hellish face. It frowned recognizing your fear and slowly stood and began to approach you. Unfortunately, you couldn’t move, too paralyzed with fear to force yourself to run, instead you finally fell to the floor and watched in horror as the monster go closer. Once it stood less than two or so feet away it crouched down in an attempt to be eye level with you; an action that was useless due to its inhuman stature. It stared at you intensely with it’s yellow eyes, all you could do was shake and stare back in absolute dread. Eventually you realized that tears had also begun to fall from your eyes and only hoped the thing would take pity and grant you a quick death. It leaned in closer at this point and hesitantly began to stretch one arm out towards you, as a result you closed your eyes tightly and winced trying to keep yourself from crying harder. Yet, death never came, instead the hand, which you were certain was going to be your end, gently held you jaw and made you turn toward the creature once more. Stunned you opened you eyes as tears continued to fall, it thing still stared at you and hand that was on your jaw cautiously moved upward to rest at the side of your face as this monster began to stroke it’s thumb over you cheek and lower eye, in an attempt to soothe you and wipe away your tears. You stared that the entity and allowed it to continue touching you, everything was silent, but after some time you sniffled before softly croaking out, “Why?”
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He's a 10 but he kills people in the source material
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Sing Me To Sleep
Frankenstein's monster x reader
Part two. Also this starts off a few days after the window encounter
Your eyes burned mildly from lack of sleep and exhaustion fogged your brain making everything feel slow and surreal. It had three days since you’ve truly allowed yourself to sleep fearful of the consequences that would come if you did. Since the encounter with the beast you forced yourself to remain awake every night since then, pacing your room to keep awake and anxiously glancing at the windows whenever you felt even remotely off. You were on edge already due to the encounter, but the lack of sleep had made you even more paranoid and prone to seeing things out of the corner of your eye. It was not yet night, but the increasingly darkening sky made you grow nervous with anticipation. Letting out a yawn and rubbing your eyes in hopes of dulling the burn, you stood up from your look out spot. Following the incident you had moved one of the kitchen chairs to the corner of your living room where two windows looked out on the area where the beast fled, providing the necessary amount of sight needed in order to see even the slightest of hint of the thing’s approach. 
Yet your precautions seemed to be pointless since there was no sign of the monster since you had managed to frighten it off. Regardless, you still kept watch and refused sleep, believing that any sign of weakness on your part would lead to your death. No matter how quiet the nights would be, you were convinced that somewhere just barely out of sight lurked the creature, waiting like a wolf for you to make a mistake. You were unwilling or possibly too afraid to let that happen, which was exactly why you set to patrolling your house, inspecting every window or possible means of entry to ensure they were closed, locked, and effectively inaccessible as the sun went down. Of course, you were acutely aware that if the beast truly desired to get in, there would be nothing to stop it, but at the very least knowing that there was some sense of security helped ease your nerves. Upon finding all forms of entry to be secure you once again rubbed your eyes before beginning your now nightly pacing.
Back and forth you went, from the bedroom to the living room before of circling back the way you came. The cycle continued for hours with the only interruption coming in the occasional pause to stare out the windows expectantly. There was nothing every time no matter how certain you were that you'd see those yellow eyes staring back at you, it'd always be darkness. To avoid fatigue from completely overtaking you or boredom driving you to madness, you'd pass the time by making up games and activities; counting the steps it took to get from one room to another, making a note of every creaky floorboard, and memorizing the wood grain of the boards as you walked. However, none of these things could truly combat the exhaustion that constantly weighed on you. Luckily a new solution would present itself, as if some kind of gift from God; or more likely Lucifer; just as it seemed that you would submit to sleep.
A loud set of knocks in quick succession was all that it took to bring you fully back into consciousness. Jumping at the noise and general paranoia that you felt, you ceased your pacing immediately, only being a little ways out from the doorway that connect the two rooms, in the living room. Yet, you dared not make any further movements, half in fear and the other half in disbelief that someone or possibly something was on your doorstep. Although all disbelief was wiped from your mind as soon as another set of knocks came ringing through the house with the same volume and speed as before. Cautiously you began inching towards the door, but remained silent to not give away your presence, it could be the creature after all, but at the same it it could also be one of its victims desperately trying to flee them. Upon stopping at the front door, you debated opening the it or not, again fearing it to be the creature, but ultimately reasoning that surely no beast would be so polite as to knock. A shakely hand reached out and grasped the doorknob, tensing slightly as you turned the handle and slowly began to open the door.
Still on edge, you loosened your grip and allowed the door to swing open the rest of the way. Your gaze remained forward, not daring to look up at the individual in front of you. There was an odd and tense stillness that filled the atmosphere and you just stared straight ahead at the chest of the stranger. Neither of you spoke, but the stranger's eventual uneasy shifting due to your gaze caused you to look up startled. The sight that greeted you was truly hellish, there standing before you was the monster, it's yellow eyes seeming to stare into your soul. Yet the eyes were not the worst part as you could now see the true extent of the abomination, the deathly pale skin was pulled taut over it's bones and muscles, it's dark almost black looking lips were pulled back into a ghastly smile revealing pristine white teeth, and it's hair was thick and so dark that it was barely distinguishable from the night. You let out a gasp and stumbled backwards from the door slightly, but before you could begin your desperate flee from the sight before you a mixture of exhaustion, terror, and shock resulted in you losing balance and eventually consciousness altogether.
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Eyes Without A Face
Frankenstein's monster x reader. This will be a multi-part story
The room was still pitch black when you awoke suddenly. It was the feeling of being watched that had pulled you from your sleep, and as a result you were paranoid. Looking around the room, desperately trying to make sense of your surroundings despite the darkness, nothing seemed to be out of place. Letting out a sigh and laying down on the bed, you began to regain your composure. This had been the third night this week that you had been jolted out of your sleep, feeling like someone was watching. But, like tonight nothing would be out of place when you'd search for the cause and eventually you'd fall back to sleep.
However, that unfortunately didn't seem like the case this time. Re-adjusting to lay on your side, you still couldn't fully shake the feeling of someone watching you. The paranoia still lingered in the back of your mind, preventing you from falling asleep. Why was this happening? You thought, what was different tonight, why wouldn't the feeling go away? Up until this point you had always managed to tell yourself that this was all the result of a reoccurring nightmare, one that caused you to feel panicked without any memory of what the dream was about. But, tonight had you questioning this theory due to the never-ending sense of eyes on you.
Letting out a sigh in defeat and frustration, you rolled over onto your other side, only to catch a glint of yellow coming from your window. This perplexed you since you were certain there was nothing there before and surely you wouldn't miss such an obvious yellow glow in the dark. Squinting to try to make out what you were looking at, you realized that to your horror it was a pair of unnatural yellow eyes. They peered in through the window, watching you; this had been why you've been waking up at night. It was not a nightmare, but real life, someone, no, some creature had been watching you in your most vulnerable state. Adrenaline took over and desperate to know what exactly this thing was you leapt from your bed and ran to the window hoping to catch a glimpse of the beast. To your dismay whatever it was quickly left as soon as you got up and began to approach, leaving you with only the vague silhouette of what appeared to be a man fleeing your house.
This realization only caused even more concern and confusion. It didn't make sense, no man had eyes that glowed a supernatural yellow, and it this creature meant harm, why would it run. Was this thing intelligent? Could it possibly be a man? You cautiously walked back to your bed before sitting down, eyeing the window. Rubbing your temples, you let out soft groan knowing that you surely would not be sleeping for the rest of the night nor the rest of the week, fearful of the beast's return.
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