fox-in-the-stars · 6 years
abadpoetwithdreams replied to your post: 1000 Cranes - then what?
For weddings people get them professionally arranged into giant mosaic artworks that are framed. More generally people string them on strings like leis, so like a few hundred all stacked on one string so it’s hard to even tell they are cranes if that makes sense? There’s a lot of those at peace memorials in Japan you can find photo reference to see what I mean.
Thanks!  I’ve been stringing them as I go, actually, to keep them under control.  (Also, after looking at those photos, I concluded that when you make the garlands you don’t fold down the wings or inflate the body.)
What I really wanted to know, though, was basically what’s an appropriate and respectful way to discard the cranes.  Will edit the original post to clarify.
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fox-in-the-stars · 6 years
unforth-ninawaters replied to your post: 1000 Cranes - then what?
This is a USA perspective (though I’ve been to Japan and know a bit) but I’ve seen them threaded onto strings and hung, either like streamers or like cascades, if that makes sense.
Oh, I know about that part.  I mean after that, if you don’t want to keep them.
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fox-in-the-stars · 6 years
1000 Cranes - then what?
Popping in with a question for any Japan experts lurking about...
I've got on an origami kick and decided to try again to make the traditional 1000 cranes.  (I've tried twice before and not made it, so hopefully third time's the charm.) At the risk of getting ahead of myself, I’m wondering: If you make the thousand cranes, what are you supposed to (or not supposed to) do with them when they're done?  Keeping them forever might be impractical.  English Wikipedia says it's normal to hang them outdoors until they get tattered (and then discard them presumably, but how?).  Is it acceptable to burn them or is that burning your wish?
EDIT: To clarify, essentially what I want to know is how to appropriately and respectfully discard the cranes.
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fox-in-the-stars · 6 years
On Hiatus
I think it’s time for me to admit that I’m on an indefinite Tumblr hiatus.  No drama brought this on; I just wandered off to other things, at least for now.
Love to you all, and rock on!
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fox-in-the-stars · 6 years
The first translated volume (covering the first 2 Japanese volumes), is already out in the UK! I got it from BookDepository. OMG, I hope they do the other two volumes and the gaiden...
@mander-lee @tikawahyuni @eleore @trolldockan @pandaflavouredcookies and to all Nahoko Uehashi lovers out there https://www.thecopperboom.com/if-you-loved-these-14-books-then-the-beast-player-will-be-your-new-obsession/
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fox-in-the-stars · 6 years
OMG, book 2 is so good! Yes, none of the other Yogo characters are in it but it's AMAZING and you should totally read it.
So I finished the novel Yume no Moibito (Guardian of the Dream, 3rd novel in the Moribito series) at 2am last night and really wanted to share a scene I liked a lot. In it, Shuga chides crown prince Chagum for lecturing the Mikado (his father and ruler of New Yogo) on swords. No clue if this scene was featured in the NHK drama, but I thought it was pretty baddass so I translated it.
(btw this does not mean I’ll translate the novels, I just did this for fun and literature translation practice)
“A certain rumour has made its way to my ears, Your Highness. I hear you scorned your Lord Father’s choice of sword.”
“I did not scorn it,” Chagum said, displeased. “Father asked for my opinion, and I answered honestly.”
The Mikado was an avid admirer of beautiful swords, taking pleasure in collecting them. A few days prior, Chagum had been summoned by his father to report on the progress of his studies, when a renowned sword-dealer carrying an exquisitely ornamented longsword had stopped by the palace.
It was a strikingly beautiful weapon, the lacquered wood of its hilt and scabbard inlaid with gold and mother-of-pearl. Yet when the Mikado unsheathed the blade and proudly showed it to Chagum, asking for his thoughts, the crown prince met with great disappointment… one he did not hesitate to voice.
“Truly, as an ornament it is a marvellous thing,” he had said. “But it would be useless in battle. A flat blade such as this is meant to be used to pierce your opponent, yet with no fuller to drain the blood, the wound would suck on the blade and it would be impossible to pull out.”
His father had nodded in understanding, but Chagum did not miss the way his expression had darkened.
Chagum furrowed his brow at the memory. “Why was Father so displeased with me? People will believe him frivolous if he purchases a weapon like that.”
Shuga stared intently at the crown prince. “The Mikado,” he said, “is not human, Your Highness. He would only need to hold a sword to fight if the kingdom were on the brink of destruction. He needs not know the requirements of a blade to be used in real battle, and should he ever need to,” he said pointedly, “the job of advising him on the aptitude of a weapon would befall on his assigned military officer.
“The Mikado, you see, is the very soul of this kingdom, and the people of Yogo acknowledge him as such because they believe that, unlike them, he possesses an immaculate soul as pure and white as a newborn lamb’s cotton. That is why they can take pride in this land — they believe it unsullied. The mere suggestion that the Mikado would engage in something so bloody as murder is preposterous and unthinkable.”
Shuga saw a fierce light spark in Chagum’s eyes. The boy said, “Even if behind that mask of purity lays a man who would order the assassination of his own son?”
“As long as it stays hidden, yes.”
The Crown Prince fell silent. He mulled over the implication of Shuga’s explanation for a moment, but eventually shook his head from side to side. “I understand what you are saying, but that is not the ruler I wish to become. Or perhaps it would be more appropriate to say that… I cannot become that kind of ruler.
“I know the life of the common people, Shuga. To me a kingdom is the cluster of the lives of each and every one of its citizens. I cannot help but see it that way. I cannot pretend I do not know the world outside the palace, and partake in this dream my father and the Mikados before him have wrapped themselves in, nor do I wish to.”
There was a hidden danger in the crown prince’s sharp intellect, Shuga thought. His wits and empathy towards the other were weaknesses that, as a Mikado, could lead to his ruin. But what if—what if—they instead became his strongest weapon? What if this crown prince were to change this kingdom more than the Great Holy Sage Nanai ever did…?
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fox-in-the-stars · 7 years
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fox-in-the-stars · 7 years
『ちはにゃふる -猫の句-』
OMG, you guys this is so good.
Source: https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2018-03-13/watch-cats-play-cards-in-chihayafuru-film-collaboration-videos/.128884
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fox-in-the-stars · 7 years
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This will temporarily remove stress from your life
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fox-in-the-stars · 7 years
Margie Goold, who suffers debilitating arthritis, bought a new walker.
Lance Dingman, who lost his right leg to a chronic bone disease, is no longer running out of groceries by the middle of the month.
Wendy Moore, who has been homeless for almost two years, is looking for an apartment.
The three Hamilton residents are part of the first wave of participants in Ontario’s experiment with basic income, a monthly, no-strings-attached payment of up to $1,400 for people living in poverty. Those with disabilities receive an additional $500 a month.
Continue Reading.
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fox-in-the-stars · 7 years
Writing Advice: it doesn’t matter if an idea has been done before. It’s never been done by you. So long as you do it well, and in your own way, it’s a wonderful contribution.
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fox-in-the-stars · 7 years
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How to spot a dragon using an illusion spell
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fox-in-the-stars · 7 years
I need to stop unintentionally wandering off and come back to tumblr.  As long as I keep my usage in balance, I think y’all are really good for me.
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fox-in-the-stars · 7 years
I would call it ladder stitch. Hadn't really thought of the applications, tho...
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fox-in-the-stars · 7 years
Reblog to delete conditioned fear responses
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fox-in-the-stars · 7 years
It’s a long shot, but I just had to go put in a good word for Yona.
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fox-in-the-stars · 7 years
Okay, auction is live now.  (I’d gotten my timezones mixed up a bit when I set the start time, so I went and turned it on manually.)
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I’ve been away for a while — I love all my tumblr friends, but sometimes lately the gentle breezes of life carry me away from the site.
But!  I am attempting to sell things on eBay for the first time in a long time!  I feel like this is a good sign in combating my anxiety (also in decluttering and, you know, that green stuff).
And here’s my first offering: Link and Zelda plushies.  I love the characters so much, but I feel connected to my faves even without toys and figures so I’m ready to let these go.  Have a look if you want: https://www.ebay.com/itm/302625805473  (It’s a scheduled-start listing, so it might not be live just yet.)
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