fr0wningsmiles · 1 year
What I bring to you today is quite exciting,,, my first story that I’ve written and completed in a long time.
It has no name I’m afraid , but that’s okay!
Tallulah Centric {At the start}
Based off my memories as a Qsmp and Dsmp Wilbur fictionkin , so consider them to be headcanons !
Now with that being said , please keep in mind this is based off my own ideas/headcanons and memories of my own as a fictionkin!!! ENJOY !!
Wilbur’s breath felt shallow, his chest completely empty filled with the numb feeling of fear. Where was his daughter? Was she okay? It was crazy for him to even consider being gone as long as he usually was. And to think that just the other day Wilbur didn’t want a new kid. That’s what was ‘special’ about him. Memories from past homes, past mistakes, past- children. He winced at the thought of a child of the past. Now wasn’t the time to worry about that though, Tallulah was more important in this second.
Wilbur had heard that she had gotten hurt, bad, almost on the verge of death. “Tallulah!?” The British voice filled with fear, shaky with the thought of another child being lost to the hands of death once more, Wilbur being powerless to stop it. The man inhaled sharply when there was no sound in reply. “If ANYTHING happened to her, so help me.” Wilbur mumbled loudly to himself, finally nearing close enough to Phil’s home, when Tallulah was left to be babysat by grandpa. “Tal-” Wilbur was cut off by the small shape of her egg slowly waddling around a corner, just about to enter the main room where her worried sick father stood, looking around wildly.
“Tallulah!” Wilbur exclaimed, rushing forward and scooping the small dragon egg up into his arms and holding her close to his chest, it still feeling empty, hollow and his breathing shallow and anxious. Even with his daughter so close to him, it was still a worrying thought. “Tallulah, are you okay? I heard you got hurt.” He attempted to keep his voice steady, trying to not panic the young egg. Tallulah wiggled out of Wilbur’s grasp and quickly set a sign down, explaining at a rapid pace about how scary it was, and how much she had missed him while he was away. “I’m so sorry.” Wilbur mumbled, his eyes widening, sadness and dismay flaring up in the deep pools of brown.
Tallulah didn’t seem that bothered. She was just happy to have her dad with her once more. She rushed to him and rested up against his leg. “I can see that you’ve already forgiven me?” Wilbur asked with a small chuckle, attempting to joke away the fear that just overtook his thoughts, as well as his body. All was well until he spotted a large crack running down her shell. “What- what is that?” Wilbur asked, his voice on the verge of shattering, just as his heart had just done deep inside the worried father’s chest. Tallulah, at first seemed confused. Why was her father so scared? She surely didn’t understand, so instead of asking, she just sat and allowed him to inspect her closely.
A long, thin crack ran from one end of Tallulah, to the bottom of her egg shape. Of course, she hadn’t noticed as she couldn’t see herself at all, so this would be a large surprise to her. “Lullah?” Wilbur’s voice was shaky as he looked down at his daughter that stayed neatly nestled in her father’s arms. She looked up at him and said nothing still, very confused. “Where did this huge crack come from?” Wilbur asked finally, the question sour on his tongue. Tallulah struggled to wiggle out of her father’s arms, stressed suddenly. “No , no Lullah ! It’s okay, okay it’s okay.” The girl dad , known as Wilbur Soot, struggled to keep calm in this scenario, as well as calming down his daughter at the same time.
The egg ran around madly as the fox man standing far above her watched in distress at the chaos that happened in front of him. “Honey, listen, listen I have a theory.” Wilbur slowly spoke, speaking softly, his once stressed tone calmed down to that of a worried father. The egg stopped suddenly, looking up at him trembling. “You’re at the age where you will probably- be hatching.” He looked nervous, like he was coaching a child through puberty once more. At least this time it would go better than with- Fundy. Squinting, Wilbur cleared his throat, and swiftly continued. “That crack is probably normal.” It sounded more like he was trying to convince himself rather than his daughter. Tallulah attempted to tilt her head, although she didn’t have a neck, but Wilbur understood. “We need to get you resting.” Wilbur stated, sounding frazzled by this whole thing. Scooping the egg up, the duo slowly approached the man’s house, clutching the egg to his chest as they walked, the egg herself trying not to squirm. Hatching? That sounded scary! What if she wanted to be an egg forever? Many thoughts rushed through her mind, many pertaining to staying a child forever, just a small egg forever. No matter how hard she could try to convince herself, she was sure that it wouldn’t work, so she nestled in her father’s arms again, letting the idea of her fate rest slowly into her head.
Time had passed. Days went by, more cracks appeared, one after the other. Wilbur was scared, mortified even, while Tallulah started to warm up to the idea of hatching everyday that passed by. Days were spent between the father and daughter, talks of stress and fear with parents and friends. Wilbur lost count of just how many times he had gone and visited his father, Phil just to ask what was normal and what wasn’t. And every time that he did, he was always teased, always asked if he had ever done this before. Wilbur knew that Phil was simply trying to get under his skin and make him think about Fundy, but it wasn’t working, he just wanted Tallulah to be like how she was before, crack free and young. No, he would never ever be able to say that out loud, but he could always think it. Always hold the idea close to him and never let it go no matter what.
Time continued to move on at a rapid pace, Tallulah becoming more cracked, and Wilbur becoming more stressed, watching his daughter, the light of his life grow older. He had many conversations with Quackity, the supposed father of his child due to marriage, and adoption. Tallulah didn’t seem to mind him all that much, but she definitely was getting done with his nonsense and his constant depressing jokes about his own dead kid. Quackity seemed more stoked about Tallulah hatching then Wilbur was, which made Tallulah giggle more than feel hurt about it. She knew deep down that Wilbur would always be excited for her, would always be there and happy to be there for her in any way that he could be, so just for now, Tallulah figured she could let it go.
Finally, after one more convenient timeskip, the day came where the final clear spot on Tallulah’s shell shattered. Basically, it was her time to hatch, to emerge as someone new. Wilbur paced back and forth, back and forth whilst Quackity stared expectantly at Tallulah, Phil and his child trying to comfort the father with everything that they could, offering comforting words that Tallulah would be okay, no matter what. “Must it be so soon!?” Wilbur exclaimed in fear, his eyes widened, and his hands shaking as Tallulah herself shook, pieces of the bright egg shell shattering off from her body. “Yea, mate I’m afraid so. Chyanne hatched a long while ago, it’s only a matter of time.” Phil’s words were gentle, although amusement glittered in his eyes, and a laugh stayed in the back of his throat. “Yea yea, I’m sure whatever you guys are saying is important, but your daughter is hatching, Wilbur.” Quackity cut in between the sweet monologue between a father and a son, getting mildly frustrated with Wilbur’s logic, and basic thinking patterns. They were so extra, but that’s what he had to expect after being engaged to this man for quite some time.
“What!?” Wilbur perked up and stared at his daughter as the final shell fell from Tallulah, revealing her human-like form. Small, stumpy dragon-like horns sprouted from Tallulah’s head, sharp claws glittered in the light of the room and a long, scaly tail grew from her back, two fox ears rested neatly on her head. The girl’s outfit was similar to Wilbur’s but with more color, more bright, bright color. Wilbur slapped his hand over his mouth in shock whilst Quackity, Phil and Chyanne celebrated, already stating proclamations of congratulations on working to get out the tough dragon eggs. “Lullah,,” Wilbur’s voice came out as a hush whisper, his eyes wide once more, welling up with tears in the deep corners of his eyes. The father rushed forward and scooped his daughter up into his arms, Talluah swiftly returning the hug and clinging onto her father, her one important person. The fox cooed quietly to her, holding her and rocking her in his arms, fatherly instincts kicking in from oh so long ago.
As it could be expected, Wilbur never let Tallulah out of his sight. Because she was birthed, brand new out of the dragon egg that she had been confined in for months, to almost a year, he was as protective of her as a wild animal is to their new young. Wilbur picked up the personality of a stressed parent once more, watching every move of any person that came close to his daughter. And Tallulah? Well, she was adjusting nicely, even if it was difficult, she overcame it nicely. Wilbur was swiftly helping her learn some basic English words to say out loud, whilst she helped him understand sign language in order to communicate with one another, without having to use bulky signs that took forever to set up.
“It’s sweet to see honestly.” Phil spoke quietly, glancing at Quackity as Wilbur chased Tallulah around the back garden that was connected to the house they had gathered at. “Although, I do wish it could always be like this, I know with time things will go back to normal.” The wise man continued, staring out the window for a few moments longer, Quackity’s eyes following the old man’s gaze. “Yea.” Quackity’s only reply seemed empty and cold as he watched the happy father and daughter. Was he a little salty? Yes, incredibly. But just because he was hurting didn’t mean that he could take that out on his new husband and child. “You know, Big Q, Wilbur’s been acting odd.” Phil finally addressed the elephant in the room. Wilbur’s weird behaviors. “I know.” He said quietly in reply. “With time, if he ever wants to tell me, I’ll let him.”
Wilbur stopped chasing his daughter, pressing his head tightly up against his back, groaning a bit as it cracked. “Why don’t you go find Chyanna, Lullah? Papa needs a break.” The dragonette nodded and rushed off, Phil laughed a little as his son approached, raising one eyebrow. “How's dad life?” He asked. “Delightful.” Wilbur replied, sarcasm lacing his tone. Wilbue knew that the older man was just trying to get under his skin. “It’s a blast, that’s why I raised three kids.” Phil chuckled again, glancing over at Quackity who raised an eyebrow. Sometimes Wilbur forgot that not everyone remembers past lives like his family did. Squinting, Wilbur rolled his eyes and turned away from the two and left to hide around the house.
Wilbur slowly brought his knees up to his chest and stared at the ground blankly ahead, his eyes unfocusing. Sometimes life was hard, but for once in all of his lives, all of his worlds that he’s been in, he felt content. Fundy would always haunt him. Who he was on that foul server is something that he could never confront. Phil wouldn’t listen to him commonly, when he spoke about it, probably because he was guilt ridden. The father grunted, and hid his face in his arms that rested neatly on top of his long, scarred legs. Sometimes he could still see Fundy. How? Through Tallulah mainly. He sees what his son once was in the small dragonette, the fox-like features that she took on from her father only further made Wilbur more convinced that Tallulah was simply some sort of sick joke put together by a group of people on this server. It made him sad. Tallulah was different then Fundy, she was- young, excited, what Fundy was before Wilbur ruined it with his stupid presidency dreams.
Before the fox knew it, he was asleep on the cold ground, curled up in a little ball, hidden away from his family. Tallulah was worried sick, even if he was so close, yet he was so far. She kept herself busy with Chyanne, but Quackity simply couldn’t. The duck decided to go see Wilbur. Shaking him awake, Quackity looked down at him, his face twisted in confusion. “What in the world are you doing?” Wilbur awoke with a start, looking around madly. “Huh?” He grunted out in confusion, his eyes blurry and not allowing him to blink out the sleep in them. “Wilbur, you were dead asleep on the ground for hours.” Quackity deadpanned, raising an eyebrow in judgment. “Oh.” Was all the fox said in reply. “OH?” Quackity asked in surprise, anger lacing his tone. “What has gotten into you? Ever since Tallulah hatched, you’ve been acting weird.” The duck seemed to be fed up with the nonsense that Wilbur was displaying for the family to see.
At first, all the fox could seem to do was flinch and stare dead ahead at something that the duck couldn’t see. “Fundy.” Wilbur said, nothing more, just that one name. “Who is that?” Quackity asked, scoffing again. “Has Phil never said anything to you about him?” The British accent that was once laced with excitement grew monotone, and sore. “I’m different from you, Quackity. I remember things that no one else but Phil does.” Wilbur continued speaking, rather slowly at that, each word he chose carefully thought out. “What does that have to do with anything?” The shorter male snapped. “Fundy was my son.” Wilbur finally admitted, his deep gaze not glancing at his husband. “In another life that is.” His voice grew shaky for a moment. “And I let him down.” Wilbur spoke softly, his ears resting back on his head. “Why do you think Phil makes jokes about how ‘I’ve done this before’? Because I have done this before. I have been a parent before and I have failed, all because of some stupid dream that I tried to chase!” Wilbur slowly grew more confident, standing up straight, his tone growing louder with each sentence that came out of his mouth. “I failed my son because of some stupid, idiotic dream I KNEW I could never achieve.” He snapped, his emotions rolling out of him in steady ways. All he could quietly hope was that Tallulah wasn’t here to see it.
“I see him in Tallulah sometimes.” His voice shattered, and grew more shaky, his eyes threatening to spill a waterfall of tears. “I see him when I don’t want to. And I don’t know how to stop it. Maybe that makes me a bad parent again, I don’t know.” The fox took a step back from Quackity, seemingly ready to rush out from the side of the house, into the deep abyss of the night that was creeping upon the family home that glowed a comforting yellow as a grandfather, and two children cuddled together chatting about family. “Wilbur-” Quackity didn’t know what to say. He didn’t fully understand. But clearly the understanding could wait, he wasn’t just going to stand here and watch his husband cry while doing nothing about it. “That doesn’t make you a bad parent.” He said finally, squinting at him. “You’re remembering things you don’t want to.” Quackity seemed more calm about this now, piecing the story together one bit at a time. He’d have to ask Phil about it later. “I don’t know anything about your past life, or mine, but I know that whatever happened wasn’t your fault.” Oh sweet naive Quackity. Wilbur blinked at the ground, thinking quiet thoughts. “You couldn’t be further from the truth, but I’ll accept it as I know you’re trying to be kind to me. It is appreciated.” Wilbur’s tears were starting to subside, his movements shaky as he neared closer to the small man.
Dropping to his knees harshly on the hard ground, Wilbur winced but said nothing about his pain as it was his own fault. He decided being on his knees would be easier for him to hold Quackity. Wrapping his long, lanky arms around Quackity, the fox rested his head on the other’s shoulder, closing his eyes and letting out a shuddery breath. Normally Quackity would’ve gotten offended by Wilbur’s action, but now didn’t seem like it was the time. It would never be the time. The duck swiftly hugged the fox and held him there. He would never know what this man meant, what he remembered or what he would do in the future, but he knew that in the end their little family would be okay.
“We need to go check on Tallulah.” Wilbur’s muffled voice broke the silence as they stood there, one on the ground and holding the other like they were a teddy bear. The taller man’s face still stayed buried in Quackity’s shoulder, his smell bringing the other comfort. “Let’s go then.” The duck moved a little bit, grabbing Wilbur’s hand and helping him up to his feet, the large fox tail puffing out as they moved to the house, Wilbur wincing at the pain in his knees. Quackity chuckled quietly, earning a smile from Wilbur as they entered the family home. Now imagine the most heartwarming scene of Tallulah rushing to hold her father, vowing to never let him go. Even if for a while, it’ll hurt Wilbur to think, he knew it’d pass. Besides, he fulfilled his goal. Finding his soulmate in every universe. And, his new little ray of sunshine. Tallulah would never replace Fundy, but Wilbur knew he had to move on. Life would be different now, and he was excited to see what the future held in this happy world of family, and homosexuality.
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fr0wningsmiles · 1 year
Ahhh hi tumblr
I took a little break, expect me to write soon !
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fr0wningsmiles · 1 year
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Has this been done yet? (feel free to repost without credit, it's just a silly edit)
- Alex
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fr0wningsmiles · 1 year
Howdy! I heard you do requests! Would it be alright to request Joehills and Cleo from hermitcraft as QPPS/QPRS? Joehills is known to be very silly, poetic and creative! Cleo is known for being sassy, sarcastic and a bit intimidating. (She can also be silly). (This is about the characters in game not the content creators). Could you write about them on a platonic date?
Yoooo ofc !!! I love requests like these , hell yea man !!
I’ll get this out in a little bit, ohoho be prepared Anon
If you have any preferences for their ‘date’ do tell me ! And if you’d like anything else added ofc ^_^
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fr0wningsmiles · 1 year
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I think if i put into words how happy this type of image makes me I would get diagnosed with something
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fr0wningsmiles · 1 year
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fr0wningsmiles · 1 year
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Sneak peek guys 😱
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fr0wningsmiles · 1 year
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> Minecattic
when ur genders connected to minecraft cats :)
all the colors are colorpicked from minecraft cats!! :)
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fr0wningsmiles · 1 year
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a gender related to minecraft Berry bushes and foxes! ⋆ 🍓🦊 
< this gender was requested by someone on discord but can be used by anyone! >
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fr0wningsmiles · 1 year
minecraftgender flag!!
an alternate minecraftgender flag!
(request by anon on Twitter, flag made by me!)
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fr0wningsmiles · 1 year
I have a funny little story i plan to release soon 😈
Q!Wilbur & Tallulah :3
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fr0wningsmiles · 1 year
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fr0wningsmiles · 1 year
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proud father
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fr0wningsmiles · 1 year
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I think they are lovers
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fr0wningsmiles · 1 year
Hello !
Writing Request rules & boundaries !
As I have mentioned in my new intro post, Im a writer. I enjoy stretching out of my comfort zone, and writing things that I enjoy, as well as things that others will enjoy too!
First Things first, im multifandom , And i dont Have a big dni list for fandoms. Problematic fandoms, and pr0shippers are NOT excepted here though.
I will not write smut, period.
Anyhow ! If anyone ever wants to request in my ask box, go right ahead! Tell me character(s) what they’re from, some personality description and what they’re from so I can get as accurate as possible. I’ve seen many tumblr anons give great prompts, so do your worst !
Thanks for reading, and I hope to see y’all in my ask box. :]
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fr0wningsmiles · 1 year
Wowza okay, new update for Tumblr !
Intro time , Last Updated ; 4/6/23
Names ; Wilbur/Will | Subwoofer
Pronouns ; They/It/She + Neos
System , Autism , ADHD , BPD , Anxiety & Depression
C!Wilbur and Q!Wilbur Fictkin
Taken by my amazing boyfriend <3
Andddd For What i do, writing requests and imagines of really anything you can think of. X readers are gonna be pretty common around here, no smut cuz that’s yucky. I’ll write more abt that later !
But for now, that’s all !
I dont Have a huge dni list, just pr0shippers and nasty people like that dni.
Hope to see ya soon Tumblr :]
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fr0wningsmiles · 1 year
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