franknemecek · 2 years
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Happy 4th of july
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franknemecek · 2 years
Christianity and Climate Change
Sometimes when I talk about climate change, my conservative friends will respond that God is charge. This is when I remind them that Genesis 1:26-28 tells us that God has given humanity dominion over nature.
Furthermore, the parable of the talents (Matthew 25: 14-30) teaches us that God holds us accountable for those things that He entrusts to us.
When one puts those two pieces of Scripture together, things do look good for us.
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franknemecek · 2 years
How will climate change impact the housing market?
One thing that I worry about is: how will climate change impact the housing market?
More severe storms, for example, will mean more damage to existing homes. This will likely mean more resources being devoted to repairing our existing housing supply rather than building news ones.
One then must add in the impact of people displaced from their current homes because of a changing climate and disappearing land. Those people will need to find new housing elsewhere, which further adds to the demand for new housing without increasing the supply.
As if that wasn’t enough, there’s also the fact that insurance companies are becoming increasingly risk adverse about covering climate-related risks. Witness, for example, everything we’re seeing in Florida with insurers pulling of the state, refusing to issue new policies, or drastically raising rates on existing policies.
Finally, I believe one needs to remember that all of this is happening in the context of an overall demographic shift where there are more people overall and those people are increasingly older.
I’m not sure of how all of this will shake out. However, when I look at how humanity has handled crises in recent years, I am more and more pessimistic.
What do you think?
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franknemecek · 2 years
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Congratulations, everyone! As of today, we are halfway to Halloween.
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franknemecek · 2 years
This is still just a theory, but I think it has a lot of potential.
via Space Exploration News - Space News, Space Exploration, Space Science, Earth Sciences
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franknemecek · 2 years
Michigan meets Eta Aquarid
The Eta Aquarid meteor shower is happening today so naturaully there's heavy cloud cover over Detroit and the rest of southeastern Michigan. And naturally, the weather forecast calls for clear skies right around the time that this meteor shower is supposed to end. Naturally.
I love you, Michigan. Most of the time.
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franknemecek · 2 years
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I never really realized just how much stuff was orbitting the Earth until I saw this visualization from Privateer.
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franknemecek · 2 years
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franknemecek · 2 years
Is this still on?
I haven't posted on Tumblr is years. Almost three years, to be precise. I heard a rumor that the platform was gettng active again. Therefore, I thought I would give it a try once again.
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franknemecek · 5 years
My interview with “Author Voices” is currently online.
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franknemecek · 5 years
I can confirm this.
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franknemecek · 5 years
My science-fiction novel “The Roswell Chronicles” is now available on Amazon as a paperback and Kindle. The audiobook will be coming soon.
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