freaksofnewtnol · 1 year
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Waking up with a cat on your chest in the woods isn't a normal first memory buts thats Bones' one. He was found by Moss and Yuffie soon after and they cared for and helped him learn, relearn?, to talk write and other things. He's a fighter but dreams of becoming a paladin. Though due to his nature he isn't allowed to.
He tries his best to be helpful...but he doesn't always know his strength...or clumsiness. He's got a heart of gold and would always help his friends
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freaksofnewtnol · 1 year
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20 and rebellious, sorcerer sun Elf Jasper has been traveling for five years. Gambling and socializing. A noble without throne is a common joke. He's often the butt of others jokes because of his mannerisms....doesn't help he can't fully remember his youth....or that he talks to an angel named Alecta
But he has friends who he cares for and protects! They will protect eachother, even if Sky doesn't like his gambling or Vira his partying....and Moss doesn't trust Alecta....But hey he's 20 he's perfect right now
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freaksofnewtnol · 1 year
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19, half tiefling twin of Vira. Sky is a bard who sings and plays the flute. Both her and Vira are also skilled violinist.
She and Vira hide their tails in hopes to hide from demon haters to make earning money easier. Newtnol may be safe but it doesn't care for the....unnatural. She refuses to treat people they way the people have treated her and her sister. She thrives to be kindFor the youngest if the group she takes a strong maternal role.....often to her detriment. But she'll die for her family
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freaksofnewtnol · 1 year
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19 year old, half tiefling. Twin of Sky. Is a bard and rogue. She makes sure her group can survive whether she's breaking criminals' bones or singing and drumming. Don't talk about the rogue bit though that's a secret.
Always cracking jokes ands poking fun. But don't hurt her friends....years of being a "street brat" has made her learn the violence she can unleash when you fuck with her chosen family.
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freaksofnewtnol · 1 year
When a ragtag group begin to notice odd happenings while out earning money, they begin to see if the city of Newtnol is as safe as it seems. Though the crimes are pinned on outcasts like them they won't let the fear of people's perception stop them like it has before.
But will connections to each ones pasts stop them?
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freaksofnewtnol · 1 year
Meet our first story main group:
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freaksofnewtnol · 1 year
Hi, this is for me to make stories out of campaign ideas I have cause sometimes I need a bit of control....and that's why I'm leaving most things to the dice like normal dnd
BTW it's 13+ stories so beware dark themes, sex jokes, reference to fade to black activities, also drugs/booze
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