freebiebird · 3 years
Some roll their sheets thinking they could get away with the shit they put others through.I curse them from the core of my heart for the tears ,pain and blood they put me through.You will beg for death and will rot like a never-ending disease.You will want to die and won't.Well played pigs,now wait for your turn.God has eyes on you.You will get everything in return double happening to your close loved ones and you can't help but rot in between hell and earth.I CURSE YOU FROM THE CORE OF MY HEART.And whoever is associated with you,will be gifted the same.Thankyou for showing your real face.......(Enjoy your ride).
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freebiebird · 3 years
We will therefore turn to the less ambitious question of what men themselves show by their behavior to be the purpose and intention of their lives. What do they demand of life and wish to achieve in it? The answer to this can hardly be in doubt. They strive for happiness; they want to become happy and to remain so. This endeavor has two sides, a positive and a negative aim. It aims, on the one hand, at an absence of pain and unpleasure, and, on the other, at the experiencing of strong feelings of pleasure. In its narrower sense the word 'happiness' only relates to the last. In conformity with this dichotomy in his aims, man's activity develops in two directions, according as it seeks to realize — in the main, or even exclusively — the one or the other of these aims.
Sigmund Freud
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freebiebird · 3 years
Rain falls with some stars.And she swings through an ocean of unconditional love.Oh beloved,you are so beautifully pierced into her soul.Its magical to see "US" alive.
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freebiebird · 3 years
You could be anything and still "I WILL BE YOURS".I chose you when they all said,'YOU WILL NEVER BE MINE",to which I used to say,"I AM HIS",that's why when you asked,"WHAT DO YOU WANT"?,to which I replied"NOTHING".I gave you a place of God,I worshipped you.And I have never wanted anything from GOD,how could I want from YOU,when in my eyes you both are equal even if you disagree.Been searching for you entire life,in different places, different people.Just got connected on the first meeting looking at your eyes,reading your heart...and so touched your feet.You always take care of everything and everyone.Listen please,you are safe in my heart and please take good care of yourself.Rest is LOVE.Okay?!🕊️
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freebiebird · 3 years
Loving ain't hard.When you think,love is hard,it gets really hard.Its love,and love is everywhere.Like Love,Like God.Okay !
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freebiebird · 3 years
I have a friend who's an artist and has sometimes taken a view which I don't agree with very well. He'll hold up a flower and say "look how beautiful it is," and I'll agree. Then he says "I as an artist can see how beautiful this is but you as a scientist take this all apart and it becomes a dull thing," and I think that he's kind of nutty. First of all, the beauty that he sees is available to other people and to me too, I believe. Although I may not be quite as refined aesthetically as he is ... I can appreciate the beauty of a flower. At the same time, I see much more about the flower than he sees. I could imagine the cells in there, the complicated actions inside, which also have a beauty. I mean it's not just beauty at this dimension, at one centimeter; there's also beauty at smaller dimensions, the inner structure, also the processes. The fact that the colors in the flower evolved in order to attract insects to pollinate it is interesting; it means that insects can see the color. It adds a question: does this aesthetic sense also exist in the lower forms? Why is it aesthetic? All kinds of interesting questions which the science knowledge only adds to the excitement, the mystery and the awe of a flower. It only adds. I don't understand how it subtracts.
Richard P. Feynman, The Pleasure of Finding Things Out
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freebiebird · 3 years
Your embrace on my thoughts,your eyes on my soul.
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freebiebird · 3 years
She is not hurt.She is a heart.
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freebiebird · 3 years
Someone made a point.😊👍🕊️
“Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more.”
— H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
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freebiebird · 3 years
Watching him over and over again across the parallel world,one fine night,we ran towards each other,while he pulled ,my castle burnt in shy,found home in his heart,lust on soul,eternity in life,and solitude in death.The best of all I ever imagined.We collapsed.
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Le regardant encore et encore à travers le monde parallèle, une belle nuit, nous avons couru l'un vers l'autre, pendant qu'il tirait, mon château a brûlé timidement, a trouvé la maison dans son cœur, la convoitise de l'âme, l'éternité dans la vie et la solitude dans la mort. Le meilleur de tout ce que j'ai jamais imaginé. Nous nous sommes effondrés.
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freebiebird · 3 years
You keep searching for the exact flower to gift her your eternal poems and the ocean of love.You find none so breathtaking.Some have darkness,some have sunrise,some have beautiful kisses,some are only wise.And then one fine day,under the moonlight where you sit alone in distress writing poems you come across an aroma of a flower and it catches your breath.And you pray,"If you are the one,take my breath away".You go after it and find a shining red flower.You go closer and see it's magic,how petal by petal she opens and bloom scintillating your heart,mind and soul.You get engulfed in her richness of beauty and grace.She kisses you deeply and make you hers.That perfect kiss takes you to the horizon of death and beginning, happiness and distress,autumn and spring,heaven and hell.The magic it spells on your soul make you wonder if ever you were alive before.The moon bleeds from above and your souls get drunk on timeless apocalypse.Then be known in her eyes you find the flower been searching for.Your eternal ROSE.
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freebiebird · 3 years
Opening his arms he said quietly to her, "Disappear here".
Jonathan Carroll
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freebiebird · 3 years
At Night
Love said, "Wake still and think of me,"
Sleep, "Close your eyes till break of day,"
But Dreams came by and smilingly
Gave both to Love and Sleep their way.
Sara Teasdale, Helen of Troy and Other Poems
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freebiebird · 3 years
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Few seconds until happiness. Picture taken in 1955.
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freebiebird · 3 years
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freebiebird · 3 years
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freebiebird · 3 years
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via weheartit
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