freebirdoftherings · 5 months
Fun Random Facts About the LOTR Soundtrack
Most composers spend just 10-12ish weeks working on a film’s music. John Williams spent around 14 weeks on each Star Wars movie, 40ish weeks total for the whole OT……but composing the LOTR trilogy’s soundtrack took four years
The vocals you hear in the soundtrack are usually in one of Tolkien’s languages (esp. Elvish). The English translations of the lyrics are all poems, or quotes from the book, or occasionally even quotes from other parts of the films that are relevant to the scene
When there were no finished scenes for him to score, Howard Shore would develop musical themes inspired by the scripts or passages from the book. That’s how he got all Middle-Earth locations have their own unique sound: he was able to compose drafts of “what Gondor would sound like” and “what Lorien would sound like” long before any scenes in those places were filmed
Shore has said his favorite parts to score were always the little heartfelt moments between Frodo and Sam
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Shore wrote over 100 unique leitmotifs/musical themes to represent specific people, places, and things in Middle Earth (over 160 if you count The Hobbit)
The ones we all talk about are the Fellowship theme, the main Shire Theme, and the themes for places like Gondor, Mordor, Rohan, and Rivendell…but a lot of the more subtle ones get overlooked and underappreciated
Like Aragorn’s theme. It’s a lot less “obvious” than the others because, like Aragorn himself, it adapts to take on the color of whatever place Aragorn is in: it’s played on dramatic broody stringed instruments in Bree, on horns in  battle scenes, softly on the flute with Arwen in Rivendell….
Eowyn has not just one but three different leitmotifs to represent her
Gollum and Smeagol both have their own leitmotifs! Whose theme music is playing in the scene can often tell you whether the Gollum or Smeagol side is “winning” at the moment
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The melody for Gollum’s Song in the end credits of the The Two Towers is the Smeagol and Gollum themes smushed together (it’s Symbolic)
And then there’s the really obscure ones. Like there’s a melody that plays at Boromir’s death that shows up again in ROTK in scenes that foreshadow a major death or loss
Wikipedia actually has a list of these leitmotifs, click this link and scroll down to check it out if you’re bored
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Shore wanted the theme music to grow alongside the characters– so that as the characters changed, their theme music would change with them.  
You can hear that most clearly in the Shire theme. Like the hobbits, it goes through A Lot 
Like compare the childish lil penny whistle theme you hear in Concerning Hobbits/the beginning of FOTR with (throws a dart at random Beautiful Tragic Hobbit Character Development scene because there WAY TOO MANY to choose from) the scene when Pippin finds Merry on the battlefield, where you hear a kind of shattered and broken but more mature version of that same theme in the background 
I could write you a book on how much I love the way the Shire theme grows across the course of these films 
Unlike the hero’s themes, which constantly change and grow, the villain’s themes (The One Ring theme, the Isengard theme, etc) remain basically the same from the very beginning of FOTR to the end of ROTK. Shore said this was an intentional choice: to emphasize that evil is static, while good is capable of change
Shore has said that between all the music that made into the movies and the music that didn’t, he composed enough for “a month of continuous listening”……..where can I sign up
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freebirdoftherings · 1 year
I really want to know how their relationship startet
Was it stolen glances, secret smiles and soft touches? A slow flame kindling over years of working side by side? Or was it fast, burning bright with want? Did the loneliness of their positions get to them and they just needed to feel alive for a moment?
Who made the first move? Did Brimsley pull Reynolds down by the neck with gentle hands to kiss him? Or was it the other way around, Reynolds lifting Brimsley up to stand on his tiptoes? Did they have time to explore each other in that first moment, or were they called away by duty after what felt like only seconds?
We get to see snippets of their relationship in the series, but what I miss is the uncertainty and excitement of making all those first steps
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freebirdoftherings · 1 year
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freebirdoftherings · 1 year
Headcanon that in the new good future where Marty McFly never has his accident, he does become a famous musician, while still going on time travel adventures with Doc, and then when the internet comes along, people on forums and message boards start discovering and posting photos of people in the past who look eerily like famous rock star Marty McFly, and as time goes on, “Marty McFly is a time traveller” becomes one of the biggest and most long running memes on the internet.
When Doc finds out he freaks out and panicks and makes blog posts (because of COURSE Doc runs a blog) talking about how UTTERLY RIDICULOUS the idea of a time travelling rock star is, which the internet finds hilarious and only makes the meme spread more.
Marty meanwhile thinks the whole thing is the funniest thing ever and is just wheezing at every new forum or jokey article about it, and directly addresses the meme in interviews, bringing up this “crazy conspiracy” that people have, until eventually he can just say things like “well of course I am a time traveller” or “oh you like my hat? Thank you I got it in the 1910s”, and people just crack up, and Marty cracks up too because no-one realises that he’s not even lying.
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freebirdoftherings · 2 years
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Devin Elle Kurtz on Instagram
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freebirdoftherings · 3 years
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Maxine Vee on Instagram
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freebirdoftherings · 3 years
Source: eleth89
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Witches on a railroad adventure 🚂🚃🚃🚃🚃☕
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freebirdoftherings · 3 years
Source: cavernario-galindo
"you're just racist"
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freebirdoftherings · 3 years
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I died! Source (X)
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freebirdoftherings · 3 years
Source: wellusetheshadowstoouradvantage
Yes, but what a shame, what a shame the poor groom’s bride is
uh… Thor?
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freebirdoftherings · 3 years
Source: endverse
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dean winchester 2x05 simon said
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freebirdoftherings · 3 years
Source: sosuperawesome
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Katerina Marchenko on Etsy
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freebirdoftherings · 3 years
“Never forget how far you’ve come. Everything you have gotten through. All the times you have pushed on even when you felt you couldn’t. All the mornings you got out of bed no matter how hard it was. All the times you wanted to give up but you got through another day. Never forget how much strength you have learned and developed along the way.”
— Unknown (via surqrised)
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freebirdoftherings · 3 years
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freebirdoftherings · 3 years
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Good News: Our Children Have Some Terrific Ideas for How to Get the Big Ol’ Boat Unstuck From the Suez Canal
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freebirdoftherings · 3 years
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freebirdoftherings · 3 years
Saileen wedding ficlet in honor of the groom—
“So why are you changing your last name?”
The question came from Dean over breakfast, Cas in the other room with Jack cooking up the last of the pancake batter. Sam couldn’t help but flinch. He’d been afraid for weeks to tell Dean that it wouldn’t be Eileen Winchester, but Sam Leahy.
“Because I’m a feminist,” he replied easily, downing a sip of orange juice.
Sure, it was partially that. But it was other things, too.
To Dean, family had always been blood. Of course, blood wasn’t always family. But whenever Dean gave that sacred title to someone, that hard-earned title of “family”, their connection to him was considered stronger than any biology could have forged. A family member was a Winchester, plain and simple. It had never crossed Dean’s mind that Cas wouldn’t become Castiel Winchester. Of course he would be. He always had been, in a way, but their marriage made it official.
Sam had never seen family quite the same way.
The Winchester name was a keystone of Dean’s identity; for Sam, it was a shackle.
As long as he could remember, he’d felt different, and for good reason. There was more than Winchester blood stirring in him—demon blood and a curse he couldn’t quite shake. He was over it now, that demon blood. It was just another part of him, a part he’d started to accept long ago and finally had in their months of recovery from full-time hunting.
Sam couldn’t make Eileen a Winchester because he himself had never truly felt like one.
Well, that wasn’t fully true. He was Dean’s brother, of course, but he was more than that. He was a Singer. He was a Moore. He was a Turner and a Campbell, a Bradbury and a Fitzgerald, a Hanscum and a Mills. Sam felt that he was more than just a family name, a name passed down by a father who had struggled to love him, a father he’d struggled to love.
No name had ever really stuck with him, none was one he wanted to keep forever like a brand, another mark on his body or soul.
Until Eileen.
She was so like him and so unlike him, sunshine and moonlight, rigid muscle and soft laughter. Eileen was the first in a long time who made him feel like...well, a real person. A human being, flesh and blood and soul.
So yes, he would be Sam Leahy. And he didn’t care what Dean had to say about it.
But Dean didn’t seem to mind at all.
“Sammy Leahy,” Dean said to himself. He grinned. “Loving the consonance there.”
Sam allowed himself to be taken aback. You don’t mind that I won’t be a Winchester anymore? he tried to ask.
Dean’s eyes said it all: You’ll always be my little brother, Sammy.
Suddenly, Sam felt his eyes begin to get wet. He rubbed at them a little. He couldn’t start crying yet; it was only nine in the morning for crying out loud!
Sam tried to say thank you, I love you, anything, but what came out was: “Consonance? Is Cas teaching you big words now?”
“Oh, shut up!” Dean said, shoving Sam a little and laughing.
“I’m doing what?” Cas asked, bringing in a plate of fresh pancakes with Jack on his heels.
“Oh, nothing,” Dean said, pulling Cas down by the collar and planting a small kiss on his cheek. “Mr. Leahy here is just trying to call me stupid.”
Mr. Leahy. I like the sound of that.
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