frnklngtbm · 5 years
Send a 👫and I’ll write four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship
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frnklngtbm · 5 years
The shining hope that Frank had momentarily brought to Issac’s life had quickly crumbled to resemble the remains of his parchment. If Frank couldn’t fix this, he wasn’t convinced anyone could. At the same time, though, he felt the slightest bit better. There was something about Longbottom, something Issac didn’t know enough to name, that was always comforting. 
“It was worth a shot,” he said, offering the best smile he could. “It’s not so bad, really. Nothing a bit of sucking up to Flitwick can’t mend.” He was running out of chances with the charms teacher, he knew that much, but it was early in the year. 
“You know what, this is fine,” he said, giving a much better effort at a smile. He hadn’t spent enough time with Frank recently, and Flitwick would have to wait; there was no point in trying to be a model student now. “Actually, I’ve already forgotten about it. What were we just talking about? How we should ignore any and all academic problems and catch up instead?”
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“Still...I wish I could’ve helped. How’d it happen anyway? I don’t know that I’ve heard of anyone accidentally setting their essays on fire before.” Frank asked curiously, glancing back down at the pile. He supposed it wasn’t completely unfathomable, kids did all sorts of strange things unintentionally when they were first getting a grip on their magic - Merlin knows he had. Perhaps it was something akin to that? It wasn’t the most sensitive question to be asking right after the incident, but even his ironclad brain-to-mouth filter had its off days. 
Isaac’s more genuine smile eased Frank’s worried mind a bit, he was 100% for moving on from the stress of academics for both of their sakes. Truth be told, while he hadn’t set any essays on fire (yet) the school work was always overwhelming. More so than ever now that he was reaching the end of his schooling and he’d fallen back into his poor habits early. Just thinking about the essay he had due tomorrow for potions made him want to walk into the lake. 
“Sounds good to me. You’re much less stressful than my potions essay, after all.” He agreed with a laugh. “How’ve you been? Any new and exciting developments in the life of Issac Rowle?” 
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frnklngtbm · 5 years
Task #1 - Character Development
Frank Longbottom - Year 7 - Gryffindor 
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001. 𝒆𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒓…
sun or moon? stars or clouds? sea or sky? sunrise or sunset? early morning or late night? snow or rain? pastel or primary colours? hot chocolate or coffee? dusk or dawn? baths or showers? swimming or running? singing or dancing? paperback or hardcover? misty mornings or rainy mornings? soft pillows or hard pillows? pop or punk?
002. 𝒊𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒆𝒓𝒆…
… forced to choose between saving your best friend or yourself, what would your choice be?
Frank would choose a friend in a heartbeat. He prides himself on being reliable and, if I’m completely honest, he’s got a bit of that self-sacrificing idiot going on that a lot of Gryffindor’s do. He gets attached to people and if he knew he’d left his best friend for dead to save himself, he wouldn’t be able to live with himself. Hell, if he left anyone for dead to save himself, he wouldn’t be living much of a life afterword. The guilt would consume him. 
… trapped on a deserted island, who would you want to have with you?
If he had the choice, he wouldn’t want to maroon anyone on an island with him, but if that wasn’t an option he’d want his mother. Frank loves his family more than anything else and he trusts his mother’s abilities to be able to get them out of most any situation. She’s strong and her devotion to her son makes her, even more, a force to be reckoned with. 
… able to turn back time and given the chance to change one thing, would you?
Frank wouldn’t take such a chance. It’s not even a question for him, he wouldn’t be willing to risk messing anything up for both himself and those he cares about. It’s impossible to tell what events have led to what outcomes so going back and changing things could have a domino effect that could destroy everything he holds dear. The risks outweigh the benefits. 
… able to see the future, would you try to change it, or let it happen as it should?
Contrary to his views on the past, if Frank could see the future he’d try to change it for the better. He’d go about it as logically and methodically as to limit the potential to mess things up, but he’s willing to take the risk as long as there’s something worth changing. 
003. 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔…
what’s your character’s myers-briggs personality type?
The Defender (ISFJ-T)
“Defenders are true altruists, meeting kindness with kindness-in-excess and engaging the work and people they believe in with enthusiasm and generosity.“
what’s your character’s alignment?
Lawful Good 
“A lawful good character typically acts with compassion and always with honor and a sense of duty, though will often regret taking any action they fear would violate their code; even if they recognize such action as being good. “
if you had to use one tv trope to describe your character, what would it be?
Dork Knight
“In tropese, the Dork Knight is The Ace, The Cape, the Knight in Shining Armor or a similar character type infused with Adorkable, where the endearing awkwardness serves to humanize an otherwise idealized hero. (It can also work in reverse, where an established loveable dork shows unexpected courage and prowess.) See also Badass Adorable and Socially Awkward Hero (which tend to overlap). The goofier examples of this trope may overlap with Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass.”
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frnklngtbm · 5 years
Oliver had been a gift from Frank’s parents first year when his homesickness just wouldn’t fade and he needed something to cling to. She was soothing, lazy at her best, and she tended to hog the beds in their dorm room indiscriminately. He loved that cat more than his spot on the Quidditch team, and that was saying a lot. 
He also had no idea where she’d wandered off to. 
He’d been systematically scouring the halls for the better part of an hour, calling her name and dodging reckless fourth years. Stupid cat. The one time she actually gets up and she decides to wander off to Merlin know where. A small frown pulling at the corners of his lips, Frank was seriously considering just giving up and waiting for Oliver to come back to him - no matter how anxious he knew that would make him. He had a class to get to in an hour and plants to tend to before then, cat hunting really wasn’t in the cards. 
Just as he was about to return to the Gryffindor common room, defeated and worried, he caught a glimpse of a familiar face. One that could definitely help him with his cat problem. Cardoc had his own cat, after all, he was bound to know something. Right? If nothing else, it’d be easier to search every inch of the castle with a bit of help. 
“Hey, Cardoc. I know you’re busy and that this is probably a trivial matter but I’m kind of panicking and I need your help.” The words came out in a rush, Frank’s face the picture of concern. Stupid cat. 
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frnklngtbm · 5 years
Clutching the letter tight in his left hand, Frank power walked down the corridor leading to the great hall. He needed to find Theo right now, excitement bubbling in his chest, but he wasn’t about to sprint through the hallways like a lunatic. No, he had more self-control than that - at least, that’s what he told himself. Besides, it wasn’t like the Hufflepuff had even agreed to spend the Christmas holiday with him and his family yet. Sprinting around with his hopes up was a surefire way to scare him off. 
Arriving at the Great Hall (a little out of breath, but no one needed to know), his eyes darted around the room. Trying to find anyone in the Great Hall was a pain, especially right before meals when everyone’s milling around and blocking his view, but with all the nervous energy buzzing through his body and the process of elimination he found Theo in record time. 
“Theo!” He beamed, finally managing to politely push through the crowd of students. “Guess what?” 
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frnklngtbm · 5 years
Send Me "Window to the Soul" and My Muse Will Write a Poem Describing What They See in Your Muse's Eyes
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frnklngtbm · 5 years
Frank collapsed into a tired heap up against one of the greenhouses, his hands caked in a layer of mud and his old pair of earmuffs discarded carelessly by his side. He always offered to help re-pot the mandrakes before they’re ready to be used as a teaching aid for the second years, and every year - without fail - he was taken up on it. Sighing softly, he watched the clouds inch through the sky, briefly considering just spending the rest of his life in that spot. Peaceful. Away from all that made anxiety claw at the pit of his stomach. It was a good thought. 
One that was quickly interrupted by the crunching footfalls of another student as they approached, crushing Autumn leaves under their tread. “Is it time for class already?” 
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frnklngtbm · 5 years
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frnklngtbm · 5 years
Issac had never priced himself on his talent in charms. It was a without a doubt due to his complete neglect as far as practicing was concerned, but still. It shouldn’t have been that hard to get his homework to finish itself. The plan had been to sort this all out in a timely manner, get to class, look Flitwick dead in the eyes, and smile as he handed it in.
The plan had not included the part where the paper would burst to flames. It was quite the embarrassing scene: Issac, having not been wise enough to do this somewhere secluded, had dropped his parchment immediately, and promptly stamped out the fire. What was supposed to have been an impressive sheet of work lay at his feet, now turned to ash.
“No,” he said, dread settling into his stomach like the contents of a pill dissolving in water, “No, no, fuck–hey!” It was a stupid, last-ditch effort, but if he was lucky, the student he’d locked eyes with was a more talented wizard. “Hi, I’m so sorry to ask, but I’m a bit pressed for time, and... you don’t know if there’s a de-ashifying spell, do you? I have a minor emergency.”
Frank paused to look down at the pile of ash beside Isaac, concern written all over his face. He didn’t want to know. No, scratch that, he did want to know but there’d be plenty of time to ask once he tried his hand at fixing this situation and de-stressing his friend before the anxiety infected him by-proxy. 
“Uh, I-I’m sure there is a de-ashifying spell somewhere out there but I don’t know it,” he admitted, letting his eyes drift from the pile to Isaac’s distressed face. “But, before you call it quits, I think I know something that might work. It’s a bit of a long shot but...what’s life if you don’t take risks?” 
Pulling his wand from the depths of his robes, Frank took a deep breath and tried to focus on the task at hand. “Reparo!” Nothing. The pile of ashes fizzled for a second but ultimately stayed just that...a pile of ashes. Fuck. He offered Isaac a weak smile, shoving his wand back into his robe pocket and mind racing for something else - anything else - to offer.
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frnklngtbm · 5 years
Ophelia’s brow was pulled tight with concentration, trying to conjure up the best memory she could think of. Her seventh birthday… The day she got her first wand… Beating Gilbert’s score in Herbology on her OWLs… That had been a good one. She tried to hold that feeling in her chest, letting it grow until it reached down to her toes. “Expecto Patronum!’ she shouted, watching as nothing more than a limp silvery wisp dribbled from her wand. Fuck. 
“What are you looking at, hmm?” 
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“Nothing! Sorry!” Frank was quick to reply, his gaze darting to a very interesting bit of stone to his left. Thank Merlin for his tan complexion or he was certain his embarrassed flush would be prevalent. He knew it was rude to stare - incredibly so, and truthfully he hadn’t meant to. It was just...the young woman’s determined concentration was captivating even if her spell casting left a bit to be desired. (Not to mention her spell-casting was rather loud, but that was neither here nor there.) Nothing wrong with that, though, Patronus’ were notoriously tricky. The first time he’d managed to actually conjure up something of substance, he’d almost passed out he was so surprised.
“How long have you been at it?” He asked after a beat, curiosity getting the better of him. 
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frnklngtbm · 5 years
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Harry Potter Meme Challenge - @hp-moods & @ibuzoo
[5/9 Order of the Phoenix Members] - Frank Longbottom
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frnklngtbm · 5 years
Regulus was out of breath as he trudged back into the castle after his run around the lake. He didn’t really feel any better—but at least he’d done something, instead of holing up in his room and brooding or panicking. Everyone was on edge, with the article published in the Daily Prophet this morning. Sirius had seemed to blame him, as if any of this was his fault. His future was looming before him—and he didn’t want any of it. Regulus walked quickly as he headed for the stairs down to the dungeon. He hadn’t made it very far before he ran into someone, knocking them back a bit. He frowned when he noticed who it was, and spat out, “Watch where you’re going, Longbottom.”
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Frank stumbled, whoever had knocked into him forcing him to drop his copy of the Daily Prophet if he wanted to maintain his balance. It wasn’t a new thing, getting knocked into, people tended to rush when they were late to class or itching for a good seat in the Great Hall. However, usually, his peers tended to either ignore it or apologize instead of spitting venom-filled words right back in his face. Surprise took over his features, his eyes widening as he physically drew back.
Regulus Black. He didn’t hate the kid but something about him rubbed Frank the wrong way and the stress of the latest breaking news didn’t help. He was already rattled, the familiar weight of anxious fear had found a home in the pit of his stomach and the last thing he wanted to do was deal with some angsty teen. However, his mother raised him to be polite and cordial - to never assume he knew what others were going through and to treat them with respect and kindness regardless of their own behavior - so he did what he’d always done. After a moment's hesitation, he offered a small smile, bending down to pick up his paper and tuck it under his arm. 
“Sorry, paper’s a bit distracting today.” 
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frnklngtbm · 5 years
@frnklngtbm | closed starter
Sirius was always the first one awake, so seeing three bed with their curtains still drawn wasn’t a big surprise, though normally, all four of the others were still firmly closed and didn’t want to be woken up, lest Sirius feel their wrath. He’d always been an early riser, that came in handy when trying to avoid most of his family – he’d just scurry down for breakfast in the wee hours of the morning, then he’d be ready to get out, without already being in their way. If they couldn’t see him, they couldn’t criticize him. 
But the bed across from him was empty, so for some reason, at this ungodly hour, Frank Longbottom had gotten up. In a mix between being simply curious where their fifth dorm mate was, and mildly concerned that he was upset, or had gotten himself into trouble on the second day back, Sirius threw on a cloak and crept down the stairs into the Common Room. “What are you doing out here?” He asked in a whisper, though his voice carried through the emptiness. 
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Frank couldn’t sleep. 
He never could the first few weeks of term. Not well, at least. This time it was different, though. This time it wasn’t just the homesickness keeping him up at night. He couldn’t get the front page of the Daily Prophet out of his head - it was there every time he closed his eyes and he had a feeling it would be for a while. Sleep was a lost cause with all the darkness weighing down on the wizarding world and so Frank did what he always did when he needed to escape: he read. 
Slipping out of his bed and into Gryffindor common areas, he made himself comfortable in one of the big, cushiony chairs - trusty ever-burning candle flickering on the table next to him. Frank had no idea how long he’d sat there, absorbed in the first few chapters of his Herbology textbook, before he was startled out of his skin by one Sirius Black. Unfortunately for his friend and dorm mate, Frank’s fight or flight response tended to lean toward the fight and he nearly whacked the guy on the head with his hard back. Nearly.  
“Merlin’s beard, Black! Are you trying to give me a heart attack? We need to get you a bell or something.” He replied, still clutching his book. Frank did not enjoy being snuck up on, he was a generally anxious person and, while he had a pretty good handle on things when he was able to plan and anticipate, surprise appearances from one Sirius Black still had the power to set him on edge.
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frnklngtbm · 5 years
📒- For a secret journal/diary they keep (Bonus: Share an entry from it!)
Frank doesn’t really keep a formal journal but he does write letters to his parents that he never sends just to get his thoughts down on paper. Afterword, he burns them in the common room fire and leaves it at that. 
Snippets from one of such letters: 
“...I feel like I’m drowning sometimes, even in Herbology - and that’s always been my safe place. With the impending darkness looming over us all, I feel like I need to be better. I feel like just getting E’s isn’t good enough anymore. School has never felt simultaneously more and less important. 
How are you and Mum? I worry about you both when I’m away. I know you can take care of yourselves no problem, but I can’t help it. I have this nightmare where I come home and you’re both just...dead in the garden with nothing but that bloody horrific dark mark to show how you got there. It’s enough to make me want to leave Hogwarts straight away but I know this is where I need to be right now...”
“I hope you both know how much I love you. I don’t say it enough but I do. I’ll see you over the Christmas Holiday!  
Love Aways, 
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frnklngtbm · 5 years
Force my Muse to Spill their Secrets
🌧- For a heavy, emotional secret
🙃- For a lighter, slightly embarrassing secret
🌟- For a secret wish or desire of theirs
🍏- For something they secretly wish didn’t exist
🍎- For something they secretly wish did exist
❤️- For a secret crush
📲- Talk about someone/something you dislike, but only pretend to like
👁‍🗨- Talk about someone/something you like, but pretend to dislike
🍻- For something bad/mischievous you did as a child or teen that your parents don’t know about
🌜- For a ‘weird’ habit or tic that no one knows about
💃- For a talent that they like to keep hidden from others
🏹- For a talent they wish they had
👻- For something that scares or disturbs them, but they refuse to tell anyone
☢️- For a controversy or scandal they have been able to keep mostly under wraps
🐇- For a secret item they keep (stuffed animal, comfort object, etc)
📒- For a secret journal/diary they keep (Bonus: Share an entry from it!)
📔- For a secret sketchbook they keep (Bonus: Share a sketch or doodle within it!)
🖤- For something they secretly wish they could do with your muse
❓- Free Space! Ask them about a specific secret!
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frnklngtbm · 5 years
Cattell’s 16-Factor Test - Frank Longbottom
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Warmth 90% Intellect 90% Emotional Stability 58% Aggressiveness 14% Liveliness 54% Dutifulness 74% Social Assertiveness 50% Sensitivity 62% Paranoia 34% Abstractness 62% Introversion 46% Anxiety 86% Openmindedness 38% Independence 38% Perfectionism 90% Tension 66%
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frnklngtbm · 5 years
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