"Morning Rebecca, Shaun. I should have mentioned that people come by on the regular cause this is a safe haven for both sides." Desmond said explaining the breakfast smell.
Eleven years since that day. By all official reports no one expected him to still be alive. Yet here he is, living in New York, right under everyone's noses, and actually still actively an assassin. Though not in any modern cells. Can't be alerting William Miles now. He's called a shadow, a ghost, a phantom. Yet no one from the modern brotherhood can keep up with him. Those who have seen him mention the brown hair, brown eyes, face scar and tattoo that are too familiar to anyone who knows him. But worrying parts of the report mentioned his blackened arm, and the markings of the ISU in that same side of his body. Those who have followed him, find he's not alone with a found family of his own. 
(Hi From Ashes We Rise Up Hidden Ones here! I thought I'd leave you a Desmond survived rp starter.)
Rebecca frowned as she went through the newest files she had acquired as part of what was being called “Lazarus.” Rather than trying to revive someone themselves, Rebecca and her partner in crime (and everything else) Shaun were clinging to hope that their friend Desmond had returned from the dead.
It was an insane hope, and one they didn’t believe in for years, but the photos were real. The security camera footage was real. And it almost seemed….intentional. Like Desmond was leaving them bread crumbs to come and find him, like a fairy tale come to life.
Rebecca and Shaun were in New York, finally, but it wouldn’t be easy. They had to hide from their fellow Assassins who wouldn’t approve, hide from the Templars who wanted them dead, all the while looking to see if Desmond really, really was alive.
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And then there's Malik al Sayf. Ah, Malik, my first true video game beloved.
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Proud, meticulous, analytical, brave and fiercely intelligent, Malik forms the perfect foil to the arrogance of Altair. He is never intimidated by Altair's status in the order, often cutting him down to size in the most snarky, hilarious manner possible.
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After the tragic loss of his brother and his arm, robbed of his calling as a Master Assassin, Malik's natural leadership and intellect allow him to remain part of the order as Dai of the Jerusalem bureau. Here, his favourite past times include making incredibly detailed maps of the city and tearing Altair a new one at every available opportunity.
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The most admirable qualities of Malik, though, include his heart, compassion and capacity for forgiveness. Even with his (expected) dislike of Altair, he manages to overlook his personal vendetta and see the truth of the danger to their order.
Malik ultimately becomes Altair's oldest and most trusted ally. He runs the order in Altair's absence and serves as his voice of reason and wisdom. Malik is a man full of anger and hard edges, considering what he has lost, but he also represents loyalty, courage and faith, a formidable man and a beautifully crafted character.
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When I have to go to a service it's my go to item.
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I did the thing
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I made a rosary from the same string used in needle point and two beads.
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I did the thing
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I make woven and beaded items myself, so I get that. Hour at tops depending on what I am doing.
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I did the thing
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Those are some well crafted items by the way. Impressive sir.
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I did the thing
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Oh the insults. They wear similar style hats. How rude.
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I did the thing
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Kayana curses that she lingered too long as she is met by none other than Vedic's attack dog Daniel Cross. He looks at her smugly. The six foot tall assassin hunter with brown hair and blue eyes had murder in those eyes of his. She knew this might be the end of her but she would put up a fight if it meant protecting her son. Those emotions ran high with her the instincts to protect.
(hopefully this is better. This is sorta what I had to begin with but it felt too grabbing your character.)
The jump from 1781 New York to 2003 Indiana, though in his mind was still the untamed wilderness beyond the Pennsylvania Colony, was jarring to say the least. He stood out too much, more than before and he had to think fast. His first proper response would be to get appropriate clothing for the current era, but then he paused and groaned, it was a strong possibility that what money he had was useless now. Well shit, pardon the sailor speak. Sailor speak? Why did his father suddenly enter his mind reminding him…oh right, he had been trained as an assassin before Brich got his lieing hands on him. Moving quickly and quietly he found proper clothes and changed leaving his old familiar ones behind, except for his hat. He couldn't part with that. Though he felt funny without it on. He had to admit the slacks, dress shirt and sports coat looked good on him.
With that out of the way made his way through the small town he was in. Meanwhile just on the other side of the same town, a six foot tall woman of Syrian descent entered the town to stop for rest. She was tracking her run away son who had fled home a few days earlier. Not that she blamed him and not that her ex husband sent her, fuck him. No she was just a worried mother wanting to make sure her child was safe. She blended in the crowds and weaved with ease. Her own eagle vision giving her guidance. A bit of gold caught her eye, but her gift was stronger than the average user. Her sight allowed her to take a look at people and know their whole backstory. Then it happened, she looked in the direction of the golden individual and felt the mark on her arm warm. She took off towards the gold that had caught her sight.
He looked down as the mark on his arm warmed as well. A name that had been with him since he was eight years old. A name in a beautiful signature, careful and sure. He didn't know who Kayana Al-Naar was but he had a suspicion he'd soon find out.
"Hmm." Haytham ponders before glancing up, looking for the source of it, he activates his own eagle vision, glancing around in hopes to spot them, he was curious. The name originated with him somehow like Ziios had to him, maybe it was Ziios tribe name, godz-zio something- that clicked with him that he might know who this mystery person was..
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Kayana does see him but says nothing still heading in her mission.
(hopefully this is better. This is sorta what I had to begin with but it felt too grabbing your character.)
The jump from 1781 New York to 2003 Indiana, though in his mind was still the untamed wilderness beyond the Pennsylvania Colony, was jarring to say the least. He stood out too much, more than before and he had to think fast. His first proper response would be to get appropriate clothing for the current era, but then he paused and groaned, it was a strong possibility that what money he had was useless now. Well shit, pardon the sailor speak. Sailor speak? Why did his father suddenly enter his mind reminding him…oh right, he had been trained as an assassin before Brich got his lieing hands on him. Moving quickly and quietly he found proper clothes and changed leaving his old familiar ones behind, except for his hat. He couldn't part with that. Though he felt funny without it on. He had to admit the slacks, dress shirt and sports coat looked good on him.
With that out of the way made his way through the small town he was in. Meanwhile just on the other side of the same town, a six foot tall woman of Syrian descent entered the town to stop for rest. She was tracking her run away son who had fled home a few days earlier. Not that she blamed him and not that her ex husband sent her, fuck him. No she was just a worried mother wanting to make sure her child was safe. She blended in the crowds and weaved with ease. Her own eagle vision giving her guidance. A bit of gold caught her eye, but her gift was stronger than the average user. Her sight allowed her to take a look at people and know their whole backstory. Then it happened, she looked in the direction of the golden individual and felt the mark on her arm warm. She took off towards the gold that had caught her sight.
He looked down as the mark on his arm warmed as well. A name that had been with him since he was eight years old. A name in a beautiful signature, careful and sure. He didn't know who Kayana Al-Naar was but he had a suspicion he'd soon find out.
"Hmm." Haytham ponders before glancing up, looking for the source of it, he activates his own eagle vision, glancing around in hopes to spot them, he was curious. The name originated with him somehow like Ziios had to him, maybe it was Ziios tribe name, godz-zio something- that clicked with him that he might know who this mystery person was..
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Kayana had a car that she got into to head towards New York with. She knew Haytham lied, she was a master assassin after all but she learned to give people space. It's why she didn't go right through Indiana to get to her son. She wants him to feel safe.
(hopefully this is better. This is sorta what I had to begin with but it felt too grabbing your character.)
The jump from 1781 New York to 2003 Indiana, though in his mind was still the untamed wilderness beyond the Pennsylvania Colony, was jarring to say the least. He stood out too much, more than before and he had to think fast. His first proper response would be to get appropriate clothing for the current era, but then he paused and groaned, it was a strong possibility that what money he had was useless now. Well shit, pardon the sailor speak. Sailor speak? Why did his father suddenly enter his mind reminding him…oh right, he had been trained as an assassin before Brich got his lieing hands on him. Moving quickly and quietly he found proper clothes and changed leaving his old familiar ones behind, except for his hat. He couldn't part with that. Though he felt funny without it on. He had to admit the slacks, dress shirt and sports coat looked good on him.
With that out of the way made his way through the small town he was in. Meanwhile just on the other side of the same town, a six foot tall woman of Syrian descent entered the town to stop for rest. She was tracking her run away son who had fled home a few days earlier. Not that she blamed him and not that her ex husband sent her, fuck him. No she was just a worried mother wanting to make sure her child was safe. She blended in the crowds and weaved with ease. Her own eagle vision giving her guidance. A bit of gold caught her eye, but her gift was stronger than the average user. Her sight allowed her to take a look at people and know their whole backstory. Then it happened, she looked in the direction of the golden individual and felt the mark on her arm warm. She took off towards the gold that had caught her sight.
He looked down as the mark on his arm warmed as well. A name that had been with him since he was eight years old. A name in a beautiful signature, careful and sure. He didn't know who Kayana Al-Naar was but he had a suspicion he'd soon find out.
"Hmm." Haytham ponders before glancing up, looking for the source of it, he activates his own eagle vision, glancing around in hopes to spot them, he was curious. The name originated with him somehow like Ziios had to him, maybe it was Ziios tribe name, godz-zio something- that clicked with him that he might know who this mystery person was..
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"Ah. I am heading east. You take care of yourself and be careful." Kayana said heading off to gather some supplies before continuing on her way.
(hopefully this is better. This is sorta what I had to begin with but it felt too grabbing your character.)
The jump from 1781 New York to 2003 Indiana, though in his mind was still the untamed wilderness beyond the Pennsylvania Colony, was jarring to say the least. He stood out too much, more than before and he had to think fast. His first proper response would be to get appropriate clothing for the current era, but then he paused and groaned, it was a strong possibility that what money he had was useless now. Well shit, pardon the sailor speak. Sailor speak? Why did his father suddenly enter his mind reminding him…oh right, he had been trained as an assassin before Brich got his lieing hands on him. Moving quickly and quietly he found proper clothes and changed leaving his old familiar ones behind, except for his hat. He couldn't part with that. Though he felt funny without it on. He had to admit the slacks, dress shirt and sports coat looked good on him.
With that out of the way made his way through the small town he was in. Meanwhile just on the other side of the same town, a six foot tall woman of Syrian descent entered the town to stop for rest. She was tracking her run away son who had fled home a few days earlier. Not that she blamed him and not that her ex husband sent her, fuck him. No she was just a worried mother wanting to make sure her child was safe. She blended in the crowds and weaved with ease. Her own eagle vision giving her guidance. A bit of gold caught her eye, but her gift was stronger than the average user. Her sight allowed her to take a look at people and know their whole backstory. Then it happened, she looked in the direction of the golden individual and felt the mark on her arm warm. She took off towards the gold that had caught her sight.
He looked down as the mark on his arm warmed as well. A name that had been with him since he was eight years old. A name in a beautiful signature, careful and sure. He didn't know who Kayana Al-Naar was but he had a suspicion he'd soon find out.
"Hmm." Haytham ponders before glancing up, looking for the source of it, he activates his own eagle vision, glancing around in hopes to spot them, he was curious. The name originated with him somehow like Ziios had to him, maybe it was Ziios tribe name, godz-zio something- that clicked with him that he might know who this mystery person was..
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"Where are you heading?" She asked looking to gage where he was going since she was tracking down her son.
(hopefully this is better. This is sorta what I had to begin with but it felt too grabbing your character.)
The jump from 1781 New York to 2003 Indiana, though in his mind was still the untamed wilderness beyond the Pennsylvania Colony, was jarring to say the least. He stood out too much, more than before and he had to think fast. His first proper response would be to get appropriate clothing for the current era, but then he paused and groaned, it was a strong possibility that what money he had was useless now. Well shit, pardon the sailor speak. Sailor speak? Why did his father suddenly enter his mind reminding him…oh right, he had been trained as an assassin before Brich got his lieing hands on him. Moving quickly and quietly he found proper clothes and changed leaving his old familiar ones behind, except for his hat. He couldn't part with that. Though he felt funny without it on. He had to admit the slacks, dress shirt and sports coat looked good on him.
With that out of the way made his way through the small town he was in. Meanwhile just on the other side of the same town, a six foot tall woman of Syrian descent entered the town to stop for rest. She was tracking her run away son who had fled home a few days earlier. Not that she blamed him and not that her ex husband sent her, fuck him. No she was just a worried mother wanting to make sure her child was safe. She blended in the crowds and weaved with ease. Her own eagle vision giving her guidance. A bit of gold caught her eye, but her gift was stronger than the average user. Her sight allowed her to take a look at people and know their whole backstory. Then it happened, she looked in the direction of the golden individual and felt the mark on her arm warm. She took off towards the gold that had caught her sight.
He looked down as the mark on his arm warmed as well. A name that had been with him since he was eight years old. A name in a beautiful signature, careful and sure. He didn't know who Kayana Al-Naar was but he had a suspicion he'd soon find out.
"Hmm." Haytham ponders before glancing up, looking for the source of it, he activates his own eagle vision, glancing around in hopes to spot them, he was curious. The name originated with him somehow like Ziios had to him, maybe it was Ziios tribe name, godz-zio something- that clicked with him that he might know who this mystery person was..
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Every single time I replay assassins creed 3, I am absolutely baffled at how Bill let the words "what is the matter with you Desmond?" Escape from him mouth.
This is the same Desmond who looks like he's on the verge of collapsing 24/7 and is one inconvenience away from a breakdown. ALSO bill was getting day by day emails of Lucy begging Bill to get Desmond some help because he seemed to be getting worse. SHE KEPT HIM IN THE LOOP THE ENTIRE TIME AND HE STILL ASKED THAT QUESTION???
Like at some point, you just gotta admit that Bill is a fucking idiot. Like yeah, he's a shitty father, but you gotta be a specific flavor of STUPID to ask that kind of question.
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So I have seen a couple people here on Tumblr offer up some characterization for Desmond's Mother. I want to offer up my own I will include not just basics but some story specific ones as well.
General information:
Kayana Al-Naar was born June 23rd 1948 and is the same age as William Miles.
Her name means The Healing Fire.
Kayana is a fiery woman who will not tolerate bull shit even from her now ex-husband.
She is a healer and a scholar.
She is Syrian and Egyptian in most of my works. In Sol Umbram Conijact she also has ancestry from Barid mac Imair and Vlad Tepes.
I like to think Desmond knows some basic first aid from her.
She has great bedside manners as she will talk softly, sweetly, and respectfully to everyone.
She can be stern yet she is firm.
She is accepting of her son (children in fics where I use Desmond's older siblings.)
She is actually in charge of Shaun and Rebecca but William demanded them by name for the events of AC2-AC3.
Kayana sends Shaun and Rebecca out for Black Flag and Syndicate and lets them take time off until William calls them back for Valhalla.
Change the Course:
In this AU I did here in May, Kayana met the reborn Haytham Kenway and they had a one night stand that lead to Desmond being born.
She was torn between having Desmond raised on the farm or giving him to his biological father, Haytham insisted it was safer for his second born son to remain at the farm.
Kayana eventually joins Haytham at New York at the end of Revelations when Desmond wakes up and is there through Assassin's Creed 3.
From Ashes We Rise Up:
She is already at the Hidden One's base on the old tribe lands of Connor's people.
She lets her professionalism slip when her son is brought in our cold from pushing himself to reach the base.
When she saw Altaïr ibn-La'Ahad for the first time she knew that he had Autism and knew how to explain it to him which helped him feel good about himself.
She will snark her son in spite of him being the mentor, and remind him to take care of himself.
Glorious Sunrise:
She is Soulmates with Haytham Kenway.
She is very okay with this given that anyone would be an improvement over William Miles.
She is also very ready to accept Ratohnhaké:ton as her own son.
She was also the expert on soulmates reviling to Desmond not only what his Soul mark said, since the name was written in Arabic, but that his soulmate had some tendencies to work through.
Like Shaun Hastings, she has 20 million questions for Malik considering he is a contemporary to Altaïr ibn-La'Ahad.
She mothers Malik and Kadar when she meets them to which neither knows how to respond.
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She gives a pleasant smile before she introduces herself. "I am Kayana Al-Naar. Pleased to meet you sir." She reached out to shake his hand.
(hopefully this is better. This is sorta what I had to begin with but it felt too grabbing your character.)
The jump from 1781 New York to 2003 Indiana, though in his mind was still the untamed wilderness beyond the Pennsylvania Colony, was jarring to say the least. He stood out too much, more than before and he had to think fast. His first proper response would be to get appropriate clothing for the current era, but then he paused and groaned, it was a strong possibility that what money he had was useless now. Well shit, pardon the sailor speak. Sailor speak? Why did his father suddenly enter his mind reminding him…oh right, he had been trained as an assassin before Brich got his lieing hands on him. Moving quickly and quietly he found proper clothes and changed leaving his old familiar ones behind, except for his hat. He couldn't part with that. Though he felt funny without it on. He had to admit the slacks, dress shirt and sports coat looked good on him.
With that out of the way made his way through the small town he was in. Meanwhile just on the other side of the same town, a six foot tall woman of Syrian descent entered the town to stop for rest. She was tracking her run away son who had fled home a few days earlier. Not that she blamed him and not that her ex husband sent her, fuck him. No she was just a worried mother wanting to make sure her child was safe. She blended in the crowds and weaved with ease. Her own eagle vision giving her guidance. A bit of gold caught her eye, but her gift was stronger than the average user. Her sight allowed her to take a look at people and know their whole backstory. Then it happened, she looked in the direction of the golden individual and felt the mark on her arm warm. She took off towards the gold that had caught her sight.
He looked down as the mark on his arm warmed as well. A name that had been with him since he was eight years old. A name in a beautiful signature, careful and sure. He didn't know who Kayana Al-Naar was but he had a suspicion he'd soon find out.
"Hmm." Haytham ponders before glancing up, looking for the source of it, he activates his own eagle vision, glancing around in hopes to spot them, he was curious. The name originated with him somehow like Ziios had to him, maybe it was Ziios tribe name, godz-zio something- that clicked with him that he might know who this mystery person was..
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So we are going to get a expanded cast. Kayana, Haytham Kenway, Giovanni and Maria Auditore, Kadar Al-Sayf and Leonardo Da Vinci.
Hello again my lovelies. Thank you so much for voting in the three polls so far for Glorious Sunrise. However I do have to bug you again with another poll.
The cast would be Kayana Miles (goes by her maiden name Al-Naar), Haytham Kenway (He and Kayana are Soulmates), Giovanni and Maria Auditore, Kadar Al-Sayf, and Leonardo Da Vinci.
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every day I think about Bad Weather. Do you think Desmond got headaches from the loud ass rave music that played. I think he might have gotten overstimulated by all the lights and loud noises
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