fruit-monster · 9 years
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ This is the Amazing Person Award! Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it’s sweet to know someone thinks you’re amazing inside and outside.
“Ah–Thanks, Raff, you’re too kind you know?”
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fruit-monster · 9 years
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meet the grumpmaster
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fruit-monster · 9 years
The monster raised a fluffly brow to the TV head, listening to him make so much worry out of absolutely nothing. He didn’t know why he was worried about the opinion of someone he’d never met. He shook his head and finished his mouthful of cheesecake before he spoke. 
“Pff. It was only an expression, Raff. And I don’t think my mom would mind, she isn’t mean in the kitchen, but she could probably teach you a thing or two.” Lemonade glanced at his neighbor with slightly anxious eyes, giving a short pause. “Don’t worry bout’ it too much.” He gently nudged Rafferty’s arm with his own.
“Oh? Family recipes are the best, yes? Pasted down to keep the memory alive. Heh, sounds so nice.” He longed for a family. Someone he could write to and receive post cards from. “A mean cook? As in she is not very nice when she cooks, or she cooks very intense meals?” He tilts his monitor. He hoped she wasn’t a mean person while cooking. Cooking made him feel happy, and he felt as though everyone should too while in the kitchen. “I hope she won’t think I’m trying to steal her recipes! Oh heavens, no no. That would leave a horrible impression.” He waved his hands frantically. 
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fruit-monster · 9 years
I’m so sorry for my inactivity, had a lot of hours of work lately ))
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fruit-monster · 9 years
is “no” an emotion because i feel it
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fruit-monster · 9 years
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Hi! So i’m doing this packer giveaway to help out a couple of ftm trans folk who perhaps don’t have the means to start packing by themselves, be it for whatever reason, I just want to help and hopefully make a couple of people feel more comfortable with themselves.
There will be two winners for this giveaway that each get to choose one of the 6 following packers depending what size you want, and I apologize for the lack of skin tones these come in.
Here’s what you can choose from;
✦ 4 Inch Packer ✦ 4.5 Inch Packer ✦ 5.5 Inch Packer  ✦ 6 Inch Packer ✦ 7 Inch Packer ✦ 8 Inch packer
How it works;
❣ You don’t have to be following me, but it would be really really cool if you did !! ❣ Likes/Reblogs count. ❣ I kindly ask that you do not enter this for cosplay reasons. ❣ I will ship internationally.
Giveaway ends July 20th so spread this around! I want to give everyone who needs this a chance to win. Please have your inbox open so I can contact you if you win, or I will announce a different winner if you don’t reply within 24 hours!
And I will package your prize discretely to not attract any unwanted attention, or if you prefer me shipping to an alternative address to yours (like a friend or neighbor) then I’m totally cool with that too.
Good luck !!
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fruit-monster · 9 years
Offline ))
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fruit-monster · 9 years
“Seems like we’re gonna be stuck on this train for an extra three hours.”
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“Great.” He huffs sarcastically in his seat, looking down at his bags of shopping beside him. “Any idea why there’s a hold up?” He asks a little plainly, though it was nice of someone to start a conversation with him.
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fruit-monster · 9 years
While the other easily towered an extra two and a half feet over the mouthy little monster, he kept his gaze, as if he could ever hope to stair down a being of this stature. 
But the way the other spoke with such privilege made his nostrils flare with agitation, and while Lemonade considered himself a civil kind of beast he couldn’t quite help the irritation he felt in just the way the other moved. “Excuse me? You think it’s acceptable to almost run me over like you did? You almost flattened my tail!” 
“Watch where you’re going!”
Disrespect was enough to halt his advancements, he leered down at the stranger over his shoulder, though his height matched with the glare of the sun made it so only the faint glow of his eyes were visible. He turned before languidlysauntering back towards them a few steps, “oh? and who are you that I must divert my path?”
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fruit-monster · 9 years
“Hi, I’m ______.”
“Oh fuck! Are you okay?”
“Crap! Sorry about that! Wasn’t looking where I was going. Here, I’ll get you a new jacket…”
“Need a ride?”
“How are you?”
“Seems like we’re gonna be stuck on this train for an extra three hours.”
“What’s your name?”
“Thank you.”
“You just saved my life!”
“Move the fuck out of my way.”
“Watch where you’re going!”
“Would you like anything?”
“You’re gorgeous.”
“Do I know you?”
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fruit-monster · 9 years
The monster’s ears pricked up to the mention of him having first grabs at anything the robotic man baked. Though he didn’t know what to think to the ‘You’re perfect.’ comment, as if Raff was assuming things about Lemonade, or just being very naive. 
His smile softened before he took another forkful of the dessert and leaned back a bit, visibly relaxing. “Hmm...I could ask my mom, I think she might have a few family recipes you might like.” His tail flicked itself over his own thighs to rest across them. Lemonade always thought his mom cooked the tastiest desserts around the holidays, he wondered how Raff could compare. “I warn yah’ though, my mom’s a mean cook.” He grumbles a short laugh.
“Haha. Alright. If and when I make something you’ll be the first person I’ll tell.” Lemonade was the only person he could that wouldn’t shoo him away. “I wouldn’t want to increase your size haha, you are perfect the way you are. But please, I really do enjoy baking for others, if you have any recipes you’d like to share, feel free to do so.” 
He playfully giggled along with his guests. Raff was so glad to witness the other seem so cheerful. It wasn’t like he got to share laughs with someone everyday, this was a nice experience. The tv headed man may have only existed for a few years now, but his learning skills were unbeatable. He could download how to cook a massive dinner in a blink of an eye. 
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fruit-monster · 9 years
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[ Such a messy eater ]
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fruit-monster · 9 years
“I should have known all that noise was you...”
Greetings, young adventurer! I bestow upon thee a gift to help you reach incredible heights! ....oh dear, it seems as if my magic has misinterpreted! Instead of becoming successful, it seems you will become a thirty foot giant! The magic should wear off in two days, but for now try to keep your chin up! And please do watch where you step.
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“Oh dear….I can no longer fit into my apartment–! H-Hello there neighbor….Sorry about the noise….”
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fruit-monster · 9 years
NAME: Rob PRONOUNS: He/Him or They/Them  SEXUALITY: Pansexual ZODIAC SIGN: Aquarius TAKEN OR SINGLE: Taken THREE FACTS: Robots give me life, I’m a foxy grandpa, Bree is my egg
[★] E X P E R I E N C E
HOW LONG (MONTHS/YEARS?): Uhhhh. Like, 7 years experience I guess
PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: Tumblr, Skype and some long since forgotton RP websites
BEST EXPERIENCE: I mean, it’s hard to single out just one. I miss RPing with my ex-best friend. But I think as a whole it’d have to be the times me & my partner bonded over our RP’s
[★] M U S E   P R E  F E R E N C E S
FEMALE OR MALE: Just guys being dudes
FAVORITE FACE: I don’t use faceclaims. And I can’t pick a favourite child don’t do that to my heart
[★] W R I T I N G   P R E F E R E N C E S
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: A magical thing called *.~.* Character Development *.~.*
PLOTS OR MEMES: Plots. Don’t infect me with your filthy memes
BEST TIME TO WRITE: When I get a day off
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): Mmmm maybe? I don’t think so anyway, but someone could tell me otherwise. I guess I think everything we create holds a certain aspect of our personality. 
TAGGING: Whoever feels up to it !! 
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fruit-monster · 9 years
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This is good advice.
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fruit-monster · 9 years
The monster swallowed another mouthful of the sweet cake, obviously impressed with Rafferty’s skills. “I-...I couldn’t do that haha. Not’ gonna ask you to bake for me all the time pffhaha. With how you cook, man, I’ll be the size of a house with all the things I’d ask you to bake.” He laughed at his own joke, ears perking up and robust shoulders bouncing with chuckles.
“If you ever make anything spare though...Hit me up and I’ll gladly take it off your hands.” He jested, tone easy and playful. For someone who only remembered the last couple of years he sure cooked like someone who had a lifetime of experience. Lemonade couldn’t even begin to compare his cooking to Raff’s.
Raff fiddled with his digits and swayed with a few giggles when the monster smiled at him, believing in him. He was easy to win over, and also felt like he could trust lemonade already. All someone had to do really was be nice to him, sad but true. The tv headed man was delighted to hear that the other was enjoying the cake. He perked up when the question was asked. 
“Oh, I made that myself. Hehe, I’m so glad you like it. I bake all the time, it’s a hobby of mine, I guess. I like learning new recipes, though it does sadden me that I can not physically devour the things I make, but it bring me great joy to see someone else enjoying it! Hahaha.” Seeing Lemonade’s reaction made him feel a little bit proud of himself. “You can always have more if you like. If you have any requests, I’d be more than happy to make it for you.”
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fruit-monster · 9 years
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couple of requests for barabxnny & askringmaster
hope they’re ok !! ))
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