fruityjeonghyo · 2 years
am i back?
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fruityjeonghyo · 3 years
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fruityjeonghyo · 3 years
my two favorite people in this app🤲🏽🥺
how did you and duckie become friends? -🥕
we met originally because she was an anon on my blog! lol if you scroll back far enough you could probably find her asks/requests 😭 and eventually she dmed me and we became friends that way!! so we were friends before she was ever a writer on here which is funny to think about
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fruityjeonghyo · 3 years
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i almost forgot to say, happy butch appreciation day :3
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fruityjeonghyo · 3 years
happy birthday!! i hope you have an amazing day and that all your wishes come true, stay safe❤️
it’s my birthday !! i get to use the iconic dahyun birthday memes now
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fruityjeonghyo · 3 years
i wasn’t planning on writing something about this whole situation but i think somehow it will help me close this chapter and start fresh again.
as y’all may know i’m kinda new to this whole hc tumblr community, i was barely starting to gain some followers after i filled my first requests and all of a sudden i saw this person recommending my blog. i was really thankful since it brought more people to my blog and i was happy, we started talking since that day cause i was trying to be kind.
everything went downhill when she started ignoring the things i would talk to her about, she would simply talk about something else while i was trying to open up about my things. she started talking bad about writers on here, specially bunnie and lu which to me were really nice people. she made me believe they were horrible, she talked so bad about them i started doubting who they were as a person even without knowing them at all. if you read lu’s and bunnie’s writings about this then you know exactly what kind of rumors she was spreading about them. at some point she even had me wrapped around her finger, i started hating on these people even when i haven’t talked to them in my life, i thought reading their works was only making this person feel worse so i stopped. i stopped my enjoyment only for her to feel heard, cause that’s what she wanted, she wanted someone who was not involved to believe her side of the story without a doubt.
but what she didn’t know is that i started talking to bunnie after that, trying to figure out who i was talking to and why was everyone so bad except her, why would she get so mad everytime i would try to defend any of these writers. i finally realized who the real victims were
in addition, she made fun of a lot of coping mechanisms i do have and she just harassed me in many ways or made jokes about things that made me really uncomfortable, specially cause we were getting to know each other and we weren’t that close for her to do those kind of jokes without asking first.
i stopped talking to her entirely, i’m so scared of her because i still think she will try to contact me and manipulate me to believe in her stupid words again and again.
but the whole point is, please don’t fall for her words and do not pay attention to her posts from now on or throw hate at her cause that’s what she wants, she wants something to complain about and she wants it to make it all about herself and how she’s supposedly the victim in all of this.
and to finish this, i won’t be answering asks asking for her @ or any ask that’s harmful towards me or my friends or other writers that were harmed by her, don’t even try cause i won’t be answering any of those.
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fruityjeonghyo · 3 years
Hey honey! I’m an anon from another blog. I just wanted to stop by and tell you that we support and stand by you. You’re extremely brave.
thank you for the good vibes <3
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fruityjeonghyo · 3 years
with something like this, there never feels like a right time, and i don’t know if i’ll ever feel well and truly prepared to talk about these things, but i’ll give it a shot. here is my experience with reza and the entire situation.
i say none of this with malice, and i would hope nobody else does either. nobody but those who were directly involved can understand, talking about this is hard, but it’s weighing me down not to. so please, don’t send anyone hate or interact with her at all. i just want to express what happened and move on.
i became friends with reza awhile ago, probably over a year ago at least if my memory serves me correctly. unlike many others in this situation, we were very close. we spoke nearly everyday. we have spoken on the phone, she has met my girlfriend over the phone, we shared a lot of personal things. we even talked about meeting in person at one point. so trust me when i say, this has brought me an intense amount of sorrow, loss, and guilt.
i know people throw around words like gaslighting and manipulative a lot, but i truly mean it when i say she manipulated many of us. she made me feel absolutely insane sometimes, like i couldn’t trust my own memories, perspectives, and experiences. what i said i thought happened never mattered. experiences i had with someone were never considered unless they aligned with her predetermined narrative. she would convince me i said or did things i didn’t, or at least didnt remember saying. she told people i was angry at her about something when i had no recollection of it. i’m not an angry person, i couldn’t imagine being truly angry and harsh with her ever.
it seemed every few weeks or months, she picked a new person to dislike and she wanted everyone else to dislike them too. she used to tell me frequently how nobody ever believed her about anything, so at first when she would tell me about not liking someone for some reason i always tried to validate her and believe what she said. i wanted her to know i was a good friend, i wanted to be a good friend. but the more it went on, the more i started to question things. people i didn’t know very well i easily believed what she said, because i’m very trusting. i had no reason not to trust her, really. but then it became people who were my friends that were the targets of her distaste.
if i ever had a small problem with someone, she blew it way out of proportion. of course all friends have issues, everyone has issues. so i would confide in her when other people i was friends with had upset me somehow, and she always responded with incredibly petty insults about the person whether it be their writing, their art, or about them as a person. it was very odd. but i learned very quickly i couldn’t ever defend any of my other friends, because that angered her severely. she has talked poorly about just about every single person on this website in this community, including her own friends. i know sometimes you just need a place to vent, i understand that, i’ve done that myself. but she was often rude, petty, and insulting about these people. it wasn’t just venting, it was true distaste and malice.
if she wasn’t responding with petty insults, she would become very intense about the situation. she would almost always instruct me to not trust that person anymore, or to cut them off, or even sometimes go as far as to “handle” the situation herself. another writer mentioned in their post that they were kicked from a groupchat because of her, and i was in that groupchat, and she did it simply because a joke that was made had upset me slightly. she took things from 0 to 100 in seconds, before i could even protest. sometimes when she did things like that, i felt perhaps that’s what friends did? i didn’t have many friends growing up, so i guess i didn’t really know. but it often felt as if she treated me like someone who couldn’t fight my own battles when really, i’m just not a fighter by choice. i’d rather talk things out, especially with someone who was a friend of mine who i cherish deeply.
i confided in her that i was very trusting and thought everyone had good intentions due to being autistic and taking what people say at face value. i told her that’s how i ended up in my abusive relationship, because i was too trusting. she told me she hated that anyone had done that to me, and then went and did it herself. she took advantage of the fact i can’t tell easily when i’m being manipulated. she attempted to plant seeds of distrust within me towards every single other friend i had, even my girlfriend. i spoke to her once about an issue my girlfriend and i had had a long time ago, and she immediately said in essence she didn’t think my girlfriend was good for me. this was one issue within a nearly 5 year relationship. it felt insanely isolating, to be told at every turn that anyone in my life was bad for me, except for her.
it’s also worthy of pointing that all of these people who she would talk so poorly about to me and to just about anyone who would listen, she is more than willing to turn around and kiss their feet when she lost all her friends. duckie was a particular target of hers in terms of her attempts to get me to cut my friendship off with. some of the things she said to me, i don’t even want to repeat, though of course i have told duckie about it. she has said nasty things about her, about me, about our entire friendship. and yet, the second she didn’t have her friends on here anymore, she was tagging duckie in a praising post, surely in the hopes somebody might take her side i can only assume. that really boiled my blood — all of those nasty words, only to turn around and do that. and duckie isn’t even the only one, she’s just the one i’m closest to who reza did that with.
she has accused so many of us of being clout obsessed or chasing clout. i am no professional, nor can i make claims with 100% certainty, but i would go out on a limb and say i’m fairly positive those accusations are heavy projection. many of her accusations are, to be frank. she has always been seeking “clout”, attention really, ever since the beginning. she used to tell me her biggest dream was to end up on one of those writer reccomendation lists and so it doesn’t surprise me at all that her supposed final straw with lu was being excluded from one, even accidentally. but of course, she’s certainly accused all of us time and time again that we’re obsessed with clout, that we’re all only friends with each other for clout. and it’s sad to me, that that’s how she sees friendship, a means for exchange. but it’s clear that’s how she treats friendships.
she also accused someone of copying art. now whether they did or not, i have absolutely no clue. but when she showed me the supposedly copied art, i told her i wasn’t an artist and i’m also pretty face blind so i wasn’t sure if i was the best judge of whether it was copied or not. she got very angry at me for not believing her, and i tried to reassure her i trusted her perspectives i just couldn’t make the call myself. this became a repetitive situation between us — her making an accusation, me trying to dispute or to even just deflect and move on in conversation, and she’d get mad at me or just straight up stop replying. it was exhausting.
the rumors she has spread about me and others on here are horrible. some of the things she’s said about me have me absolutely floored. there’s things i’d love to address, but i don’t want to throw the person who told me what she said under the bus. but what i will say, is she basically acts as if i’m incompetent without her. i hate to throw around accusing words, but in retrospect many of the things she did and said to me and things she’s said and done since ending our friendship feel incredibly ableist and infantalizing.
now onto what really brought all of this to head. i’m sure all of you have seen the posts referring her calling a trans poc a nazi, but that’s not my story to tell really. my story is what happened after. she dmed me in the midst of that situation to complain to me about the person she accused of being a nazi, and i essentially told her not to bring me in the middle of it. at the time they were both my friends, and i thought she was acting incredibly out of pocket. of course, she grew upset, but insisted she wasn’t trying to bring me into it. i told her i didn’t think her accusation was fair, she told me that this person blocking her was “proof” that they were a nazi supporter, and i basically told her that was quite a leap. we didn’t talk for awhile after that, until she reached out again saying she didn’t want to lose me as a friend and this very long, nice message. i told her i valued her friendship a lot and as her friend, i felt it was my duty to tell her she fucked up and that she should apologized. she admitted to me she knew she was wrong. she admitted it. but she said something like it was too late to do anything about it. one of our last dm exchanges was her saying i was the one person she didn’t want to lose. then she blocked everyone.
so when she tells people i blocked her, or i ended the friendship, or whatever, that’s not true. i didn’t block her until she blocked me. i was never mean to her, not even at the very bitter end. if she thinks i was a bad friend, by all means she can think that, but i tried my best day in and day out to be a good friend. i wanted to make things work so badly, i truly loved reza as a best friend, we had so many good memories together. it broke my heart to watch her behave that way and go on to behave how she’s behaved since. i thought she was better than all of that.
she’s thrown out all sorts of wild accusations towards nearly everyone on here, including claiming we’re all lesbophobic for not supporting her gofundme. this is where her hypocrisy becomes evident. her close friend who has since deactivated had made a post basically claiming that posting “a few words” isnt activism right in the middle of when many of us on here were sharing donation links of black people in need in the aftermath of the chauvin verdict, which reza reblogged. both reza and her friend shared their own gofundmes mere days after that post. i thought that was absolutely despicable. not to mention the amount of times she’s accused lu of being transphobic and a bad ally, or reblogged posts of her cis friend claiming lu is a bad ally, which just isn’t true in the slightest. lu is an upstanding individual, and truly the pinnacle of allyship in my mind. she doesn’t just reblog a post to look good, she’s truly an amazing and supportive friend. couldn’t ask for better than that.
reza is hypocritical in so many other, smaller ways. she attacked someone for simply watching a critical review of attack on titan but continues to stan groups and people who have problematic or questionable pasts or elements to them. of course, media has problematic elements and we can engage with that critically, but the problem is she seems to think only she can do that and other people are free game to jump on and make wild accusations about. she claimed softblocking people was dumb, only to softblock me herself days later. the expectations she places on others she feels no obligation to uphold herself.
she has made attempts to entice new writers into this community by promoting them, praising their work, and claiming they can be the biggest writer etc all the while on her twitter tweeting things to the effect of all the writing on hc tumblr is boring now, or twice fic isn’t as good anymore, dreamcatcher fics are better etc etc. it’s disgusting. she brought innocent people fresh to the community into this nonsense and the second they didn’t validate her entire pov she deleted everything relating to them on her blog, all her promotions, and tweeted she’ll never help a new writer again. it was horrible to watch how many people became involved in this messy web and got hurt because of it.
i want to end all of this by apologizing from the bottom of my heart to anybody who i was swayed into a wrong opinion of by reza, to anyone who i spoke on without realizing i was being clouded by her manipulation, and to all of my friends who she spoke so poorly about. i did everything i thought i could to defend the people i cared about, but as many others can attest to she’s incredibly hard to argue against. it’s painful, and sometimes i hit a point of exhaustion. i am so sorry. i am truly, truly sorry to anyone who has been hurt by this situation, by reza or any of her friends or anybody. it was terrible being stuck in that cycle of awfulness, and i feel so much guilt thinking that i could’ve ever contributed to her poor actions and words about others. i trusted her with so many private things and i regret it more than anything.
that’s the hardest part of this, that i trusted her with so much. i trusted her with many things i would hardly share with anyone else. i told her embarrassing stories, shared much of my traumas to her, told her about my sister and my family and my girlfriend and all of these personal things. she told me so many things in return, but i know who i am. i know i would never share any of those things, none of the embarrassing stuff or the private stuff, nor would i laugh at it even to myself. but i know who she is, and that makes me feel like someone who i can’t trust holds so many things i shared in comfort, a comfort i no longer have. it’s difficult to grapple with.
and reza, if you’re reading this and i’m pretty positive you will be — i hope you find peace within yourself so you don’t have to treat people this way. perhaps i’m too optimistic, too kind and too trusting and too easily tricked, but i would rather be that than live the way you have, paranoid and bitter inside towards everyone. i hope you find a way beyond that, and i mean that genuinely.
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fruityjeonghyo · 3 years
Who is she so we can all be aware and avoid her?
a lot of blogs mentioned her name but i won’t so please go check other blogs.
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fruityjeonghyo · 3 years
hi honey, I'm sorry you had to go through that, i can only wish you good things and that you can feel better, all of you deserve better than that weirdo.
i appreciate this, i just hope things can get better after all of this not only for me but for my friends and all the people that were unfortunately hurt by this person
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fruityjeonghyo · 3 years
i wish i could talk about all of this but i don’t think i’ll ever be ready to do so, i’m scared of this person and the trauma she left me with is just.. a lot to handle. i just want to warn all of you that she isn’t a good person, she doesn’t have good intentions when befriending you so please take care of yourselves in this shitty app. the only thing this person wants is revenge over something that SHE thinks happened but that it actuallt was mostly her wrong doing, the friends she has don’t talk to her about how hard she fucked up in the past so none of them are reliable either. please take care, and no i won’t be answering questions about this unless we’re friends already because i’m not comfortable, thank you for reading.
i have my own thoughts and experiences about this situation, and i’ll get them into words for a post eventually. i just need some time, because all of this was incredibly personal for me. however i think it’s fairly obvious that i stand with my friends on here, and i extend them the utmost of my support and love while they’re sharing their experiences and what they went through because of all of this. it’s a horrible situation, and it’s gut wrenching to know how many people were affected by her.
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fruityjeonghyo · 3 years
hello croc master lu, am i too late to get my crocs?
not at all!
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fruityjeonghyo · 3 years
i was bored today and wrote some stripper!tzuyu x joy for funsies (joytzu? tzujoy? help?)
anyway, enjoy.
ao3 // aff
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fruityjeonghyo · 3 years
100 asks (ask me any of them)
what’s your name?
what’s your age?
what’s your sexuality?
what’s your gender?
what’s your middle name?
what’s your dream job?
what’s your best friend name?
what’s your christmas list?
what’s your biggest pet peeve?
what’s your biggest food craving?
what’s your biggest dream?
what’s your biggest fear?
what’s your nationality?
what’s your fav band?
what’s your fav colour?
what’s your fav cuss word?
what’s your fav word?
what’s your fav dessert?
what’s your fav candy?
what’s your fav fruit?
what’s your fav beverage?
what’s your fav meal time?
what’s your fav veggie?
what’s your fav meal?
what’s your fav song?
what’s your fav childhood song?
what’s your fav childhood tv show?
what’s your fav season?
what’s your fav flower?
what’s your fav stupid childhood moments?
what’s your fav tv show?
what is something you find stupid that you’ve seen in the media?
what’s your fav movie?
what’s your fav hobbies?
what’s your embarrassing moment?
what’s your fav holiday?
what’s your fav childhood memories?
what’s your fav trend?
what’s your fav inspirational quote?
what’s your fav clothing item?
what’s your fav sport?
what’s your fav school subject?
what’s your fav book?
what’s your fav sad song?
what’s your fav trend?
what’s your fav memory with family?
what’s your fav memory with friends?
what’s your fav accessories?
what’s your fav trip you’ve done?
what’s your fav happy song?
what’s the best advice you’ve been given?
what’s the best advice you’ve given?
what’s your unpopular opinion?
what’s your fav app on your phone?
what’s your fav lgbt song?
what’s a stereotypical lgbt thing you do?
what’s a sign you were gay?
what’s something you can live without?
what’s something you can’t live without?
what’s 5 word to describe yourself?
what’s one of your bad habits
what’s one thing that someone has done and you can’t forgive them for that?
what’s one thing you would change about yourself?
what’s one thing you get told that is annoying?
what do you love about yourself?
what would you name your daughter?
what would you name your son?
what do you say too much?
what do you find sexy in someone?
what do you hate about yourself?
what do you want to happen in the next 10 yrs?
what is something you miss?
what is something on your bucket list?
what was your first kiss like?
when did you know you were lgbt?
when is your birthday?
have you ever been bullied?
have you come out?
have you ever been harassed?
who is your celebrity crush?
who is your biggest inspiration?
who do you argue with the most?
who is your fav youtuber?
who is your fav family member?
how are you?
where is your dream vacation?
are you genuinely happy?
are you religious?
are you a chocolate or gummy girl?
are you a D.C or marvel person?
are you a disney or pixar
are you a city or country person?
are you more of a bird or bunny person?
are you a sweet or savoury person?
are you proud of yourself?
are you single?
are you out of the closet?
do you have a crush on someone?
do you love yourself?
do you have a job if yes what is it?
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fruityjeonghyo · 3 years
Do you think is transphobic/wrong that some lesbians just want to have sex with cis woman??
Well, yes. Not all trans women have penises, LOL do you all not know that there are trans women with vaginas??? first of all, and second of all, even if you’re having sex with a trans woman with a penis, doesn’t mean she wants you to interact with it at all. there’s so many ways to have sex.
And the real issue is that cis lesbians often reduce trans women to their genitalia when these are full human beings with varied bodies and experiences of womanhood. If your first thought of a trans woman is “oh I wouldn’t have sex with her,” how you really gonna tell me that’s not fucked up, you know?
And like, what if you fell in love with a trans woman? You really gonna pull a 180 on someone you love and shit on them for genitalia they probably don’t even want to have???
Idk I think a lot of people who engage in this conversation often don’t even really see trans women as human beings and it shows.
ALSO the idea that cis women get to be the sexual gatekeepers of trans women is really fucked up and implies that trans women’s bodies and sexual worths are only valuable if cis women see them as valuable.
I’m super bored on the bus, send in ur questions/comments/curiosities/stories !!!
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fruityjeonghyo · 3 years
hi! i was just re-reading all your old work and i’m just here to send you some love and appreciation 🥺🥺 I love your writing style and i hope you’re taking care of yourself ❣️❣️
thank you so much, i’m glad you enjoyed what i wrote so far. i am taking some time for myself, and whenever i feel motivated i’ll start writing the requests i have, thank you for the good vibes 💙
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fruityjeonghyo · 3 years
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I've never retweeted something quicker in my life
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