fuccura-blog · 8 years
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Your body is a garden, allow it to grow~  ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡ ❀ ✿ ❁
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fuccura-blog · 8 years
dicks out for newpussycat
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fuccura-blog · 8 years
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43K notes · View notes
fuccura-blog · 8 years
touch me HARDER
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fuccura-blog · 8 years
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Ok, so Sakura is great and she’s our Queen and all that…. But I’ve had a girl-crush on Ino since before I even read Naruto ok. She’s just…. yeah. Girl crush like idk if i wanna be your friend, your girlfriend or actually BE YOU. But one thing is for sure, I WANT THEM GIRL-ABS. HNNNGGG.
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fuccura-blog · 8 years
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#Deidara #Akatzuki #GodOfArt 
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fuccura-blog · 8 years
your art is so wonderful and you seem to like kickass naruto girls,have you ever thought of drawing badass konan?
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tried drawing her once before and it turned out like shit so here ya go! 
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fuccura-blog · 8 years
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Ой кто это тут у нас такой на аск
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fuccura-blog · 8 years
naruto meem :, scene dat make u crey. one uf the most hertbraking scene in naruot
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fuccura-blog · 8 years
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it’s been so long since I’ve drawn Sakura but I love this ending so much
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fuccura-blog · 8 years
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in the end, narusaku will always have a soft spot in my heart  (do not remove source/do not repost !!!)
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fuccura-blog · 8 years
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@somebodylost-chan requested kid!itachi and elder!sakura :) itachi’s hair is a mystery to me
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fuccura-blog · 8 years
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surpassing the master.
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fuccura-blog · 8 years
Actor AU, everyone is actors for the show Naruto. Sakura's actor has a secret bf and everyone's trying to figure out who?
Sakura smiled bashfully up at Sasuke, snuggling closer to his side as the children around them screamed and yelled enough to be funny.
“And cut!” The camera pulled away. “That’s a wrap, send it to print!”
Sakura exhaled, stepping away from Sasuke and rubbing her face. The make up came off in her hands but it was the end of the day and she didn’t need it anymore. And besides, it’s not like there weren’t layers of it on her. No one would notice. 
“You did well, Sakura.” She looked up to see Sasuke still hadn’t gone back to his dressing room as per usual. He had a bad habit of lingering when it was just the two of them.
“You didn’t do too bad yourself,” she answer in an easy grin.
When she took a step off the set he followed. “You give any thought about the extension they’re pitching to the studio. They wanted to keep all the original actors from the Borito shorts.”
Sakura frowned, knowing she had been discreet about how much she disliked her most recent work. She wasn’t the type of person to leave one job until she knew she had another lined up, but it was getting harder and harder to find work that didn’t typecast her as the annoying, love sick female with a temper. The Borito movie just made it worse, but work was hard to come by.  
“Did you hear how long it would be for?”
“Four to six seasons.”
Sakura shut her eyes and whimpered. There was no way she could do it, not after her character had been so mishandled by the writers. 
“I don’t know, it’ll have to be something we talk over. My boyfriend wants me to move overseas with him and take a break from work.”
She hadn’t noticed Sasuke stopped walking until she was at the snack table and there was no one for her to hand the extra plate off to. She blinked, looking around and finding Sasuke exactly where she left him.
“Sasuke?” She narrowed her eyes in his direction. “You okay?”
He coughed into his hand and crossed the rest of the way to stand beside her. “Y-yeah. No, um…you never mentioned a boyfriend. How long have you been together?”
“It’s long distance, but for about six months now.”
“Only six months and he wants you to move overseas with him? Sounds like a hotshot. Do I know him?”
Sakura shrugged, picking up a set of tongues and using them to pile the noodles on her plate. A year ago she wouldn’t have dared eat whatever she wanted, but she was saying to hell with a diet that only landed her in the damsel role. When Sasuke didn’t take the tongues from her she realized he was still waiting on an answer.
“I’m not sure. You probably don’t, sorry,” she answered with a flush. 
Later that evening Sasuke had managed to wrangle Neji and Naruto into his dressing room, the former of which was pissed off at having been called from the neighboring set where he was filming a period drama. Kakashi and Sai were on their way and bringing snacks. 
“What’s this about, Sasuke?” Naruto asked, hands behind his head.”You sounded more pissed than usual. I thought you had a cute filming scene with Sakura today, those always put you in a good mood.”
Neji glowered from where he sat, while Sasuke just flushed angrily. “Shut up, you idiot. I do not-it doesn’t. Ugh, that’s not what I wanted to talk about.”
“Are they bringing me back as a ghost for the new series, otherwise I’m out of here,” Neji sighed, staring down at his fingernails that had been expertly polished and buffed. 
“Sakura’s seeing someone.” 
“What?!” from the doorway Kakashi dropped his bag of snacks as a look of horror overtook his unmasked face. Beside him Sai looked angry.
“What the hell did you just say?” Sai asked through a sneer as he looked over the group.
“Who is it?” Neji demanded, leaning forward. This was more important than his nails. 
“She wouldn’t tell me. She said I wouldn’t know who he was but I think she was covering for him. He lives overseas.” 
“How long has my baby been compromised?” Kakashi asked in a whine. 
Sasuke winced. “Six months.”
Sai cursed loudly and kicked something before shoving his hands deep into the pockets of his black straight leg jeans. He glared at the floor where the extra chair had fallen. “How the hell did you let this happen?” he seethed. “You were with her the whole time thanks to the new writer. You were supposed to watch over her.” 
“Wait, new writer? Is that the chick you were shamelessly flirting with in the trailer park last week?” Naruto asked. 
“She liked the romance angle I was leaning towards,” Sasuke grumbled. “And I wasn’t flirting. I wouldn’t do that to Sakura.”  
“You’re not an item,” Neji huffed, rolling his eyes. “Reality and fiction are two different things. Get it right.” 
Sasuke sneered, stomping down his bitter remarks for the killed off actor who always seemed closer with Sakura off set. It had been the whole reason Sasuke suggested Neji’s tragic sacrifice last season.  
“Point is, we need to figure out who this guy is. Where were we shooting six months ago? We were on location in Whales, weren’t we?” Sasuke looked up at Kakashi and Sai. “Do you remember her going anywhere, seeing anyone?”
Kakashi looked like he was internally panicking while Sai just seethed more and more as he pressed himself into a corner to kick at the molding. He had been in a dark phase since the Borito short started up. 
Naruto snapped his fingers. “Wait, maybe it was before then. You know we were shooting Borito in Whales but before that we were all on vacation. Sakura had photos on her website of places she visited.”
“That narrows it down,” Neji huffed. “She did the whole Europe tour. She could have met someone anywhere. 
A loud thunk made all the males look up and over at where Sai was banging his head into the wall repeatedly. 
Naruto frowned. “Um, Sai, you’re not supposed to damage your face. That’s not good for you.” 
Sai just kept banging his head against the wall. Sasuke rolled his eyes. “Leave him be, it’s not like he has a significant role other than Ino’s arm candy anytime soon.”
The banging got louder and Kakashi had to reach over and pull the boy away from the wall with no little struggling. “Sai, hun, are you crying?” the older man asked.
“No,” Sai sniffled. “I just have plaster in my eye. Don’t look at me.” 
Neji stood, brushing the wrinkles out of his French Military style jacket. “You ladies may amuse yourself however you see fit. I’m employing the aid of my sisters to see what they can dig up. I’ll expect to be kept informed if any of you uncover anything more.” 
“Ah, and I’ll ask Gaara. I think the two of them still keep in touch,” Naruto offered.
Kakashi was still rubbing circles into Sai’s back. “I’ll see what I can dig up with her agent. He’s an old friend of Obito’s so I have a connection.” 
Sasuke nodded, looking to Sai who was still smearing tears across his face. Wincing, Sasuke decided the emotionally unstable actor was more trouble than he was worth and didn’t press him for help. 
“Fine, this is a top priority. I want a name ASAP.” 
“Wait?” Karin was coughing over the side of her wrist while also trying to hide her smile. “You didn’t even make up a name?”
“I was blindsided, okay!” Sakura hissed. “I couldn’t think of anything and then Sasuke kept asking for details. Help me.”
Karin laughed. “Oh no, this is your own hole. You can dig yourself out of it. Why don’t you just say you broke up or something. They’ll stop pestering you after that.”
“Then they’ll pester me more about other things. I can’t do another season, Karin, I can’t. It’s insulting what they’ve done with my character.”
Karin snorted. “Welcome to the club. Oh, but I did find out those details you wanted about the Pirate drama you were interested in. You want it?”
Sakura nodded, taking the information packet from her friend and feeling only slightly better. 
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fuccura-blog · 8 years
im actually crying vesperchan's obelisk series got me fucked up um,, i did not ask 4 this
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fuccura-blog · 8 years
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Finally ! Yeay I can show you my first photo with my yukata version during Hanami ! I love it ♥ .. And you ?
Don’t forget : you can follow me on Instagram : reicosplay_
Sakura facebook page : [ Rei cosplay ] - Photo : Kros Photography
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fuccura-blog · 8 years
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Has this been done yet
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