fuckyehtea-blog · 13 years
hey ladies, it’s 3 o’clock… tea time!
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fuckyehtea-blog · 13 years
So here's a tricky one for our Friday evening Tea Time Question - What is your least favourite kind of tea?
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fuckyehtea-blog · 13 years
As you can see we have had a variety of answers, from romance films to interesting books. I love the diversity of different ways to enjoy your tea with a slight bit of entertainment on the side!
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fuckyehtea-blog · 13 years
teaguru answered:
Book: Well, all of them, but I am currently reading God is Not Great by Christopher Hitchens.
An avid book reader! I like it! Although I must say haven't  heard of that particular one before. I hope it's a good one for you!
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fuckyehtea-blog · 13 years
staysandstories answered:
Jane Austen, Doctor Who, or Father Ted!
Aha, now I haven't had the pleasure of enjoying Father Ted, or Jane Austen, but Doctor Who is one of my all time favourite tv programmes, and mighty fine with a steaming hot cup of tea!
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fuckyehtea-blog · 13 years
yournewtothegame answered:
Ps. I love you, my all time favourite film ♥
Ah, now I haven't seen that film personally, but I have heard from numerous people that it is brilliant! I should try and watch that at some point...
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fuckyehtea-blog · 13 years
Sorry this is a couple of days late, but it's time to post the answers to the TeaTime Questions from Friday :)
And once again, sorry. Despite the fact the exams have finished for us on the account, we are still having a pretty hectic time, and I personally have had a lot to do.
I also know you haven't had any Professor Layton RPing for a long time, so I will try and drag on our very own tophatted tea lover at some point in the near future.
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fuckyehtea-blog · 13 years
What is your favourite book, TV programme or film to enjoy with a steaming mug of tea?
And I will start the ball rolling:
My personal favourite is reading Harry Potter, or watching Doctor Who.
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fuckyehtea-blog · 13 years
So everyone, I am back, and you know you missed me.
I know I've been away for a few days, but it's been a hectic week for all of us here at FuckYehTea. We are happy to announce though that our exams are officially over.
That should hopefully mean a lot more activity on this account, if we're good enough to get up off our lazy backsides and ~blog.
But anywho, it's Friday, so guess what that means?!?!
So that my dearest tea lovers, is a-coming up next.
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fuckyehtea-blog · 13 years
So chaps, I'm off for a little while, to watch Doctor Who with a nice cup of (you guessed it) tea :)
Leave any funny tea stories you have in our ask, or answer the question about how you like your tea that was posed on Friday. Let's have some fun with this blog!
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fuckyehtea-blog · 13 years
Thought I'd share a funny conversation I had with my friends today about my relationship between Tea & I.My best friend brought up that I drink up to 20 cups of tea a day and my friends were shocked and asked me, "How is that possible?" & I replied with, "How is it not possible for you?"Its a bizarre thought, knowing that some people can function without tea in their systems. I swear tea runs through my veins instead of blood.:)
Thank you for that!
Wow, I think it's brilliant how much dedication you have to tea. And I agree, how is it not possible?! If I had the time I think I would drink tea 24/7, and I almost feel sorry for those who haven't enjoyed the taste before, or don't appreciate the loveliness that the beverage is. Sad, really.
Tea with biscuit pieces swims through my veins. Not that I'm complaining or anything...
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fuckyehtea-blog · 13 years
i LOVE this blog :')!
Oh I am so glad you like it! We try and keep it amusing and interesting for anyone who wishes to visit our bog, so I'm glad you appreciate it! And thank you for taking the time out to post in our ask!
For that, you get a lurvely picture of some tea. (How nice are we?)
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fuckyehtea-blog · 13 years
I have really enjoyed reading all of your answers, and I think we should make a tradition of asking a tea related question every Friday. What do you think, fellow tea lovers?
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fuckyehtea-blog · 13 years
iswallowedathimblefulloffire answered
'always with the pages in a book turning.'
Ahhh, tea and reading, sounds perfect. That really is a lovely way to enjoy your tea.
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fuckyehtea-blog · 13 years
shesgoing-home answered
'reading a book, smoking cigarettes, waiting in my car.'
I like it, relaxing with a cup o' tea is always a nice option. 
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fuckyehtea-blog · 13 years
teaguru answered
'No sugar, no cream, all day long. It is quite litterally almost the only thing I drink.'
Now that's what I am talking about! That is dedication to tea! And we like dedication!
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fuckyehtea-blog · 13 years
greenladyfae answered
'curled up with a book on the couch. or curled up in bed at night time. or sitting at the computer. pretty much anywhere! haha!'
We feel you over here at fuckyehtea. Tea is for anytime, any place, anywhere, and we like your attitude. 
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