funficwriter · 2 days
A Wolf and a Snake (Wriothesley x Reader) Chapter 5: The Tides Are Changing
A/N: Enjoy!
Taglist: @yue-caelum, @reyy-chanx, @mis-disaster, @ladyarchiviste, @keigo-hawks-takami-simp
Warnings: Fighting lol, physical violence, pain, almost-heart failure (?), violent thoughts, yandere shit, yapping, vaginal fingering, a liiil bit of edging
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"You've got to be careful.".
Even when scolding you, Agatha always laced her voice with sweetness. You could count the number of times she was genuinely mad at you on one hand. If she was this evening, you couldn't blame her given the circumstances.
She sighed.
"You know damn well about what, Y/N. I'm fully on your side, and I think Lord Wriothesley will be great to you. But I worry... It's normal that you are happy beyond reason with him. I fear that you lose yourself in your happiness and forget that you're not supposed to be there, at that time, with him of all people.".
Deep down, you knew she was right. The circumstance that she worried about was your approaching wedding day, which catalyzed more and more restrictions for you. Your parents let you leave the house less and were more strict regarding your behavior, way of expression, speech... Everything.
With that, sneaking out to see Wriothesley was becoming a more challenging endeavor. Once a matter of meeting at night and being back before dawn, you now had to coordinate by the hours, pray to Focalors that no secret last-minute changes required your presence, be careful of the place and who was around (Fontainians, particularly of the higher classes, were Teyvat-renown gossipers), not laughing too loudly, and on top of it all, staying vigilant, which you were becoming notoriously bad at.
You were once a little paranoid, as you should have always been. Now, both you and Wriothesley forgot your meetings' lack of approval and the danger that may ensue. More than once, you risked being late in returning home; Had Agatha not sent a hurried message reminding you that more than one servant asked about you, you would have certainly been late enough for your Father to look for you.
Though the air of your conversation was tense, you knew you had to thank her for saving your skin.
She stopped herself from speaking once she said your name. She wouldn't have called out to you if not to say something. Something was troubling her.
"Yes? What is it, Agatha?".
After an awkward minute, she looked up to you. Her eye to yours, and her brow furrowed in disapproval. The same look your mother gave you when you played the piano badly.
"Y/N, I've always cherished you, but I have to say it: This is getting out of hand. Your adventures are becoming more ridiculous by the day. I had to pull out my rosaries to pray that you would come home before Master! I haven't done so in 20 years! I never had to keep this insane vigil over you when you started seeing Lord Wriothesley, because you knew. You always kept track of yourself, and I was fine with it. But developing eye bags? Losing track of time? Corrupting novice police forces? Making me shiver and cry for your safety?!".
All your life, Agatha took your side even if it meant putting her career as a governess at risk. There was no punishment she didn't try to protect you from, even though your parents worried that she would be lenient and ruin you. She even gave Wriothesley her approval, the only adult approval you cared about. Why was her tune changing like this?
"Agatha, I said I'm sorry and you accepted it! You know how horrible my life grows by the day, all for this blond swine I'm supposed to marry! I understand your concerns, but as of now, I haven't seen him in a month, and-".
She got up brusquely, an uncharacteristic gesture along with yelling your name. A pit of malaise started to grow in your stomach, and you were worried that it would spread to your esophagus and make you vomit. You didn't like where this was going.
"I would be patient if your little plan would yield its output sooner. But this is taking way too long! I've known girls who ran away with their lovers faster than you have! How much more is this going to take!? How many more near heart attacks will you give me?".
"Agatha, you told me to not jump to the drastic measure! We're still trying to do things the legitimate way-".
"Legitimate way? You're already spending your allowance the same way your Father did whenever he wanted something done faster than what the commoner got! Where's the legitimacy in that? Why do you still act for it?".
She went there. The pain was spreading to the pit of your belly, and its top.
"You want to talk about legitimate matters? How about that dumbass you call your half-brother who got kicked out of this manor like a dog? How about how he lost an entirely pleasurable and easy life because he doesn't know that an illegitimate sibling should STAY hidden?".
She gasped, burst into tears and you hugged her while apologizing for getting even lower, and you both cooled off... That's what would have happened in an ideal world where the both of you weren't so stressed. Only the first action took place.
She looked down at the floor, and for a fleeting moment, you wondered whether you had gone too far, digging into such sensitive history. But that ended when she looked up, even angrier and with teary eyes.
Agatha, the sweet-voiced. Agatha, the quiet and low of tone, a constant in your life. You did not think she could yell at you like this.
"My brother? MY BROTHER?!? You can drop the nice, exceptional noble act now! You screw commoners over with rules and break them with no regard for how the rest of us will be affected! At least my brother is still a man of integrity, and he'd sooner shoot himself than take your stupid bribes! Integrity! Can your money buy you that? Can your man-dog fling buy you that, or is he too busy with shiny bracelets and fake promises?!?".
"I never tried to bribe him, Agatha! I'm courteous enough to stay away from him! What do you mean, commoners getting fucked by rules?! Don't you think that I'm getting screwed out of a life I want? And that's why I need to do this behind everyone's backs?! And unlike him, Wriothesley does not make fake promises!".
She got up and close to your face, her tears even more visible. You never feared an adult's wrathful gaze upon you as much as hers'.
"You don't get it, do you, Y/N?".
She stopped moving, and perhaps even breathing. Then she giggled and laughed raucously as if she were an evil witch from your childhood books. Or that one tutor who laughed at you when you gave a wrong answer.
She turned to the opposite side, before turning her face so you could see it sideways. She never gave this shit-eating grin.
"At least my brother is happily bound in holy matrimony. If Wriothesley was that intent on marrying you, he would have snatched you between his teeth by now. The length of this little plan makes it clear: He's just having a bit of fun with you.".
A bit of fun.
A bit of fun.
A day where he'll grow bored, ditch you to your grey life again, and forget about you. A day where he'll marry another woman. Not you.
In the red you saw, you slapped a vase to the ground, perhaps hallucinating Agatha's face.
In hindsight, she was making sense. Wriothesley talked day and night, paper and in person, about how much he wanted to marry you. It was clear that legitimate methods, such as lawfully convicting your fiancé, were failing. Or taking way too long. In your world, these two were one and the same. Your marriage date was not getting postponed, even if you scarred your face the day of.
Agatha was being cruel, but she wasn't wrong. He knew and kept operating like this. You wished Wriothesley was here so you could claw his eyes out. So you could grab your sword and impale the heart he swore was yours. So you could stitch his mouth closed and he'd never tell lies again. So you could embarrass him the same way she just did.
You lunged at her, but she moved out of the way. You landed on the floor, messing up your (favorite color) dress. You never thought your fate could grow crueler. Even the color to your gray was turning out to be a lie.
All you could turn to your back and sob your heart out. Maybe if you avoided Agatha's pitiful gaze... Maybe if Celestia saw your blotched face and heard your cries, she would regret what she wrote as your fate.
You tried to distract yourself for the rest of the night. You occupied the piano only to play sad pieces and be praised for your "empathy with the composer". You snuck a piece of cake and took a bite before feeling sick again. You walked around the manor and only got a bunch of servants asking if you were alright, and your brother saying: "Don't worry. Whatever moroseness you feel will disappear when you walk down the aisle.". It took everything in you not to burst into tears on the spot.
You couldn't leave this prison you called a manor. The only place you didn't try was the low garden, even if it held the fateful moments of his appearance. Your chase. Your star-gazing. Your first kiss.
At least it wasn't enclosed in walls. It was worth a shot.
It was a night with few stars. You never liked those, because the night you met him was full of them. It was one of the loveliest sights you saw.
It seemed to you like starless nights were a time when most tragedies happened, like tonight and the night Agatha's half-brother- No, brother was exiled. Seriously, you had to correct that "half", even if it was technically true and it hurt her at the moment. You remembered when she started the story with: "My contract has an exclusive clause that I must not tell you this, so please, keep it between us.". And you did. You returned the favor and told her of damning actions that may as well be written in an exclusive clause citing harsh punishment, many of those actions being recent.
You wanted to cry again. Perhaps you still needed to calm down, you thought. Being here didn't help, so it was time to try something new. You left to the kitchen to make lavender and chamomile tea, a brew you often drank before exams or social events. You let the tea leaves steep for a little longer than you should have, hoping that the transitory act of making tea would take up a few more minutes of your miserable day. Once it was ready, you carried the mug to your room, steps as light as they have seen since you learned how to walk.
You set the mug on your desk before crashing down on your bed and taking a deep sigh. By the Archons, what a tiring mess your life was. You had a theory that every noble girl and woman could sleep for the rest of her life. It was tiring: From the acting to the constant monitoring of your actions, you felt like human beings weren't made for this. You were glad your bedroom was away and thus had less sound emerging from it. You were taught to never crash down on your bed as you did, but it was one of those little pleasures. Just like illegitimate snacks and staying up and baltering and twirling around for the pure enjoyment of seeing your skirt float up in circles ('Y/N! Be graceful, your legs are showing!!'), they were the only thing you could be grateful for now. Your governess just joined your family and society's side on how to live, and the man you loved was potentially toying with you all along.
You didn't know which mental picture bothered you more: Wriothesley laughing at your naivete, or Wriothesley courting another woman after he was done with you. It may be the second- no it was definitely the second. The first was horrible, but the second was a far bigger betrayal to you. Agatha would be right: His heart was never yours, his promises were always empty and you may have been blind at parties while he was ogling other women. If it would be because of their faces, should you slash them with a knife or curved dagger? If it were their bodies, should you cut off the parts he was ogling or the ones they liked the most about themselves? Which other women should you go after Wriothesley, if all of this is true? Did he actually prefer common women? Or perhaps... Older, more refined or mature women like your mother?
How could he possibly look at other women when he gave you your first bout of joy, the same way you expected him to give you your first orgasm? If he never wanted you, why would he start all of this?!
But was he looking at other women? During events, you could have sworn that that wasn't true. But what was true anymore? Why wasn't he telling you what was going on? What was going on, why were you the one left in the dark by both him and everyone else about your own future?
Your pained groan ended in its middle when you heard a bark. There was no dog in this room. You looked up to see Frosty on your desk. Unlike the usual, his tail wasn't wagging and he pined once you noticed him. A sad, pitiful pine that expressed you in your current entirety.
"What the- What are you here for? I didn't send Wriothesley anything, do you have something? Wait-".
The window was wide open. Frosty had something in his 'backpack' (did it have the same name for messenger dogs?), but the paper in question was much smaller than the usual letters he sent. The ink looked stronger, too. You opened it. The format of the contents was also starling:
"Where to, then?".
Frosty jumped out of the window onto the ledge. Did he want you to climb? Would this be worth it??
You crawled out of the window frame, thankful that your manor's roofs were easy to climb. Most of them had stairs, and there were odd bricks you could stand on for a bit. You hoped they wouldn't renovate it anytime soon.
Frosty led you up to the highest roof, also a good spot for stargazing. You had to give it to him, being so familiar with the house. You sat down but did not wait for longer than a minute. A black gloved hand grasped the ledge, and up came Wriothesley, panting and sweating as if he had a nightmare. His expression only relaxed when it landed on you.
"My Y/N...".
You stood up and waited for him to be next to you, so he wouldn't fall off. Before he could hug you, your hand finally gathered enough force to do what you thought of for hours.
He fell on the bricks, holding his cheek. He looked up to you in the same pitiful, sad way Frosty looked at you. The pup pined at the sight, akin to a child seeing its parents fight.
"Y/N, please...".
You wanted to scream at him. Ask for the bitch's name, whether he liked her tits or face more, what did she have that you didn't, and how dare he prove your family's stance correct. You wanted to ask him whether he even wanted to marry you. If he didn't want to anymore, to just back off and let you go on your rampage and soil your dress with blood. Take his vision and freeze him with his own powers. Whether he saw you as a young, naive maiden and whether that made you a more fun conquest.
Instead, you turned your back to him. You sobbed as quietly as you could. And that was more scalding to Wriothesley than any of the aforementioned violent actions.
"Y/N, I need...".
He stopped and let out a guttural cry you'd only hear in emergency wards. He was hunched over again. You looked back. Was he acting, just like Archandelle?
"I need you to talk to me, my love..."
"Why are you acting as if you were in pain? I'm the one who's being fucked over.".
"Y/N, what's happening? Who hurt... hurt you? Who d-do you need me to kill?".
He had this pained look all along your interaction. He couldn't have known that you were angry at him; You didn't write to him about it, nor have you seen each other.
"What do you mean?".
"Someone hurt you. Badly. Tell me who it is. Talk to me. Give me a name to end.".
You crouched down and noticed that he was clutching the right side of his chest. His fingers were red and something was lodged in the glove. You snatched his hand to take it out. It was a pill you knew too well. You had more than a few acquaintances - all older men - who took it as the last pillar to stay alive.
Heart medicine.
"Did you get addicted to medicine while I wasn't looking?! Why are your fingers red? WHY AREN'T YOU TELLING ME ANYTHING?!? What's happening to you??".
"You... still don't know? About the bracelet?".
You looked at the wolf crest bracelet he gave you. His marking, right in front of your parents. You reached the point where you always wore it on your person, even if not on your wrist.
"What about that?".
"Flip the wolf over...".
You flipped the emblem to find the upside-down wolf, its eye glaring carmine red. Wriothesley turned the emblem on his heart, the usual blue glow replaced by that same hue.
"What the- What is that?"
"Did you forget? Maybe that's why you're in this state. Among...".
He stopped to take deep breaths as if trying to alleviate his pain. His hair was dishevelled and he was soaked in sweat. His eyes were quivered down on his matted head Even his clothes looked rumpled, and his tie done in haste. Wriothesley was always the one who sent other people to the state he was currently in. Now, something was horribly wrong.
Despite your wishes, your own heart hurt looking at him. As he breathed, you wiped the sweat off his forehead. He stopped you at the third swipe, taking your hand and kissing it.
"Among my first vows to you, I said that your pain would be mine, and my heart was yours.".
Among your false and true memories, the ones he mentioned sprung out. Your emblems' glow reduced by a little, although this sickly shade of red was on his face, both within his flesh and the glow.
"I don't understand, Wriothesley.".
"The bracelet. It transmits your pain to my heart. Sometimes I feel it a bit, but I assume that it's because of... Of your current life. And I say: 'It's okay. I'll bust her out of there soon.'. But tonight... It's like you exploded. Something way more horrible than usual has happened. Someone, maybe. I want you to talk to me. I told you before, as husband and wife, we need to communicate habitually.".
"Wriothesley, why your heart? What if you got a heart attack? What if you died? What about me and you?!".
You couldn't help the fresh wave of tears. Gosh, you hated how sentimental you were. You wanted to hate him, but how could you when he bowed to you, his own heart failing because of your state and still making it a priority to hold and kiss your hand? He linked his heart to you, for Focalors' sake! By official guidelines, this is harmful magic, 'not to be used under any circumstance' for a good reason.
"I told you, my heart is yours. Ever since my eyes landed on you, it always has been, just as your pain is mine. And if someday, you're so upset to the point where I risk death, then I would have deserved it for being a bad spouse.".
You threw your arms around him, your eyes hurting from how much you've cried. He did not hesitate in holding you back. If you concentrated, you could feel his heartbeat, regularizing but still way too fast. You didn't want to imagine what a mess it was before he came here.
"Y/N, do you want to regulate my heartbeat? That is your choice.".
"You fucking idiot! Of c-course I do!".
"Talk to me.".
You let go of him, trying to settle down so you could talk. His ears perked up the slightest bit to listen to you, the first time in this interaction. This was good.
"...D-do you love me? Enough to want to marry me?".
Up to the sky the same ears shot, along with his eyebrows.
"What? I do, more than anything I've ever desired! Did someone make you doubt that? Who is it?".
"Wrio... Why is this taking so long? I'm getting married soon. This will be much harder once that happens. I don't want it to happen. Oh, Wriothesley, today sucked, I even got in a fight with Agatha...".
Once you mentioned her name, a barrage of your last month and beyond started. You didn't stop after recounting the fight; There were the times your parents scolded you for having a curl out of place when Archandelle was coming over. Your brother trying to console you with your 'marriage'. Staying at home for days at a time. Memorizing every nook and cranny of the manor. Having to live like a thief, from hiding your love to your late-night tea. How you feared returning to the same state you were in, years right until you met him.
One good thing happened with this. The more you talked, the dimmer the red glow became.
"... Wriothesley, I feel like any woman with some noble connection is cursed. My mother married a man she didn't love. Agatha's husband abused her and she had to pay a lot to get divorced. My grandmother even loathed her husband, but everyone married her off because he'd 'discipline' her. And I have to follow this tradition of unhappy women, but I don't want to. It feels like I have no one to talk to. I feel alone. I hate it...".
You stopped and took a breath, wondering where all this revelation was coming from. You never opened up to Agatha with this much detail and intensity. This must have been waiting for years to get out. Why did your mind pick him, of all people? Was it because you just so happened to be messy at that moment?
Wriothesley held your hand again. His eyes did not fully dry from a few tears that threatened to come out at some point in your talk.
"Wrio, are you okay? Do you want a cup of tea? Did I talk too much? I'm sorry...".
"No, don't apologize Y/N. For once, my heart feels better because you let it out. Archons, I'm so proud of you for talking...".
"No one else would have been.".
"Well, everyone else is a cruel idiot. Everyone else told you to bottle it up, but you still went against them and told me everything.".
"If I am honest with you, can you be honest with me about a few things?".
For the first time in what felt like forever, he smiled. A small, sincere smile that took even more weight off of you. To you, there was nothing more beautiful, because nothing invoked as many happy memories as that curl of the lips. It was like that darned chocolate cupcake that you both reached your coming-of-age social. Part of you teasingly reminded you of your favorite new pastry, which hasn't changed since your first meeting.
"Without a doubt.".
"Is there another woman you love?".
The smile broke and he looked offended.
"So long as a woman is not named 'Y/N Balthazar', and becomes 'Y/N, Duchess of Meropide', then I couldn't care less about her.".
You tried to repress the blush; It was still too early for this.
"Is there nothing in me that you don't like? Anything that would repel you away from me?".
"In the Fontainian foster system, your father, Archandelle, Teyvat and the world, yes. Lots. In you, no.".
Your legs felt sore, so you lied down. He followed suit, by your side.
"Speaking of Archandelle, is anything happening to him or am I doomed?".
"You will not be doomed under my watch. I'm going to answer this question but first...".
He got up, steadier on his legs than he was. He cocked his head to the side, ushering you to follow him. Once you guys reached the topmost ledge of the roof (your favorite, because it loomed over the City), he handed you an item so familiar and loved, yet unseen for a long time: A wind glider.
"I was thinking of something fun to do, and your manor has some great altitude...".
"I haven't used one in ages! I forgot!".
He chuckled: "You've used it before, that's enough to know. Just trust the skies, my dear.".
He grabbed his own and jumped off, but did not fall. The wings deployed immediately, and his limbs relaxed once they spread out. His first landing spot was easy to reach. It was a lower part of your roof.
"Here! This should be a good start. Now jump!".
Sounding more panicked than you liked to admit (and risking your time), you yelled: "You didn't explain anything!! How did you get the wings? How do you- Why are you laughing at me?!".
He didn't want to make you feel insecure, but he couldn't help his laughter. You were like an adorable, helpless child, relying on him to give you the answers.
"You just have to jump, Y/N! Why would I try to get you to break an arm, huh? Just trust me on this!".
You worked hard to recount the few times you got to use a wind glider. What a horrible time becoming a pre-teen was; You were barred of so many wonderful activities, all for the sake of spending your next years securing a husband. What joy did that bring you? No, the real happiness was when you kicked your feet off the high point, spread your arms out, and floated. You were above the manor's walls, the parlor, the court's and Fontaine. It was like being a part of Teyvat itself. It was freeing.
After these long, monochrome years, your body flew again. Your heart with Wriothesley and your form into the sky, softly landing in front of him, on your feet. He smiled widely, his full and societally hated canines on show. Here was a man at least twice your size, smiling like a school boy before he knew of misery.
"You're great at this! Once we marry, you should consider competing in gliding. You'd definitely win a few medals!".
"Hey, you're the one who encouraged me. Let's pick a lower spot.".
And there was another, and another until you were far from your house's roof. It's okay, you were coming back anyway. You always came back, but he was your only betting chip for the opposite. You either had to put your hope on him, or have none at all.
During your last flight, you deactivated your wings and let yourself fall. You knew you could, you knew you wouldn't die. He caught you in his arms, carrying you by the waist.
"Hey... What was that for, my love?".
"I just wanted to skip to this part.".
Tired, you both lay down, with him encircling his arms around you. He put his head on top of your chest. His heartbeat grew slow and regular - He was safe. You were safe. While it was true that safety was but a wisp in your world, you had to cling to it while it lasted. It was the only way you'd pave a life where you could scratch his fluffy ears as slowly as you pleased, grateful to your younger self who took this risk and leave everything she knew behind.
"I didn't tell you about tomorrow yet.".
The wind gliding made you forget! You looked down at his icy eyes and heard him out.
"They're squeezing a confession out of him. I know, because I made sure 'his' cops wouldn't be at the investigation. From there on, it's free ground for him to go to prison.".
"He still has to be tried, though, no?".
"Yes, but it will only be a question of a lifetime sentence with fellow prisoners or in isolation. I feel like I don't have to ask if you're ready for the Pandora's box it will open...".
He tightened his hold. You knew what box he meant: Noble crime is pretty interconnected. It's common for nobles to see out their own class when committing something that a commoner could not get away with. Archandelle's trial and arrest would also mean that many others; lives would be ruined... Including your own father. It was amazing how they knew each other for such little time, and yet they already had several illegal connections.
"You're right. You don't have to ask. I'm looking forward to that trial.".
"So am I, Y/N. I'll be sure to kiss you in front of them after they're convicted. Maybe slobber up and show them too.".
The idea of a (publicly) slobbering Wriothesley was so uncharacteristic, but so funny.
"It's so I can spit on them! Do you think I should add more tongue for the extra scandal?".
"Honestly, just holding hands would be enough for that!".
"But I'm going all the way!".
"You're such a-!!".
What he was, you couldn't think of. Even your laughter quieted at the sight right under your chin: A fondly smiling Wriothesley, with growingly beet-red cheeks and twitching ears. You often theorized that despite him physically being a grown man with an impressive size, there was a boy who just sought out his own happiness, including that with the ones he loves. Just like you.
He leaned his head to give your jaw a long kiss, before whispering in your ear: "You are worth losing everything I've ever desired.".
"Though I've remained faithful to my goal, I feel like I haven't been taking the right approach.".
He cozied up against your chest again.
"What do you mean, Wrio?".
"Well... When I first declared that I wanted you, I tried asking your father. Do you remember that?".
"How could I forget?".
"And while it's true that I was digging up dirt on Archandelle, I still tried to go the tried-and-true way. Discover some horrible crime, snitch to the Court, sue and let them punish him...".
You weren't sure where he was going. You looked down to see him gazing at the moon.
"Maybe I shouldn't have. Maybe I should have just showed up to this door and gutted his fetid body. Maybe I should have killed him during the parties.".
Deep down, you knew you wouldn't have an issue with that. In fact, you might even cheer. Why didn't he do it from the start, then? You felt like you had the partial answer in your hand, scratching it just the way he enjoyed.
He chuckled: "You really like my ears, huh?".
"Speaking of which... Is that partly why you didn't start with the violent approach? Because people are already shitty enough to lycanthropes?".
"Smart. I still remember my shock when you told me you liked lycanthrope authors. It was the first time anyone considered my kin to be something good. But there's another reason. A bigger one.".
You couldn't help but jolt up. Bigger than life-ailing discrimination? As a hybrid and noble man, Wriothesley was already a one-in-a-million case, so it would make sense that he'd want to avoid keeping stereotypes.
He broke his gaze from the moon into yours. Maybe that was part of the reason why he loved you so obsessively: Because there was no getting used to your beauty, your voice, your mannerisms, your smarts and your tenderness towards him. He never liked surprises; Routine was a good way to regulate himself and stay on the down low. Surprise was never a pleasant thing for him from his foster parents to the Beret society. But you? You always caught him off guard in some way, possibly without meaning it. You held gleeful surprise and pleasure and the joys he was constantly told about in the orphanage, but never found until he found you.
The shining look of your (eye color) orbs made him take the vow: He was never going to be passive when it came to you again.
"When I first met you, I had no way of knowing whether you would be okay with that drastic measure. Whether... You were just like me. Whether you, too, spent your life seeking out empty promises. Had you been like most people, jumping to violence would be a sure-fire way for you to hate me. Oh, how could I live being hated by you, Y/N? After everything I've been through, it would definitely break me.".
"The night we met, I played it passively in hopes of not scaring you away, and keeping my own status. Yes, I still get judged, but it's nowhere near as bad as what I've had before. I thought I would be better off not risking what I gained, and acting normal to you. But when I got to know you more, and when I'm risking losing you... I realized what a mistake that was. I don't like what Agatha did tonight, but she was right on one account. I should have snatched you to myself from our first roof exchange.".
He breathed, as if he's been itching to say this all along. When you first laid down, your head was above his. Now he loomed over you again, as well as his body, in a position that you could associate with a soft bed and your first night post-marriage.
Once he dipped down and kissed you, it was your turn to have an irregular heartbeat.
The world felt most beautiful when you two closed the distance between your bodies. They were like two pieces of a puzzle: Molded for each other. His hand slowly ran beyond your knee and on your thigh, the other behind your back. Your arms had to stretch to go around his wide shoulders, but it also you feel safe; He would protect you from anything, including the imposed fate you feared.
That same hand grew higher, and higher, but stopped right before your inner thigh. He broke apart to ask: "May I? I'll stop whenever you want to.".
You raised your leg, as if trying to get him closer: ".Yes..".
Was it just him, or was that more of a moan than a word? Could you even speak in this state? And why did you have to rile him up like this?
He kissed you again, his hand squeezing at the soft meat, then running over your hip. It's not that you were as sheltered as your parents would have liked, but this was your first time being touched like this. It was as if he was awakening nerves you didn't know existed. You didn't feel this sensitive when masturbating.
Getting tired of your thigh, he laced his fingers between your hip and your panties, before sliding them off. Even from there, he picked up on where most of the heat was coming from, and it wasn't your dress' fancy fabric.
He raised himself to lift your skirt up. There was your slit, coated in its own lubrication, and your legs shaking ever so slightly. He hadn't even started and you were already mewling and getting excited, your body already anticipating the orgasm. He couldn't help cooing.
"I can't wait until I make you cum."
You whined, tired of him making you wait, then wrapped an arm around him.
He ran his fingers up and down your vulva, coating them with your juices, before circling around your clit. The sensation made you squeal out. You heard it had thousands of nerves, but what was that?! It was not a cold night, but your entire body was shaking as if you were freezing.
"Ssshhh... We have to be discreet. Do you like this, sweetheart?".
"More... More, please!".
He was not expecting this vocality, but he wasn't complaining. He dipped down to leave little kisses on your collarbone and neck, while he played with your sensitive clitoris. He occasionally gave it a break, running his fingers in circles around your womanhood, flaring up whatever nerves he could find, before rubbing your nub again.
The lovely thing about neck kisses was that you could not avoid his husky-voiced whispers: "I bet he won't make you feel the way I do right now.".
His fingers slipped down to your hole, still circling around it before he would slip in.
"This lovely body and its tremors aren't his, are they?".
"N-no! I swear, they're not!".
He stopped touching you. Don't get him wrong, he loved you, but you were too cute writhing for him to not take advantage of it. He could not wait until he had you all to himself. He might even make you cry from all the pleasure he'd give you. Until then, he had to relish the limited moment he had.
"Sorry, my love, but you haven't convinced me.".
Once frigid and closed, your legs opened up even more: "Wriothesley, please!! You said it, he'll die before he even gets to see me naked, let alone touch me!".
"Oh? So you're trusting that I will take you?".
As he asked, he leaned in close, only a few inches away from kissing you. His hand was creeping back up where you wanted it.
"Yes... I'm yours, I've always been...".
His digits entered your hole. He didn't even have to look for the spot; a few rubs and you had to stop yourself from squealing. You could not stay quiet, not when you've never felt this, not when he was playing with every pleasurable nerve in your body. You were already clenching erratically around him. The more you did, the closer you were...
"Wait! Wait, I-!"
He kissed your neck again: "Let it out, baby.".
You couldn't help it. You screamed. At least you were far from your house, and it was a good type of scream. The type you felt he'd give you every night.
He helped you feel and ride out your entire orgasm, drawing out every bit of pleasure he could, while all you could do was moan out. Once you calmed down, he lowered his eyes to yours again.
"Are you alright?".
"That was amazing...".
"With the way you screamed, I sure hoped so.".
"Shut up.".
He laughed a bit, before kissing you again. This time, it was slower, softer. Tonight was eventful for both of you, after all. At some point, you two broke the kiss but remained in the same position. It was easy to hear his whisper when your foreheads were so close.
"If tomorrow doesn't work, I'll kill him before the ceremony.".
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funficwriter · 4 days
Listening to these babies while writing Chapter 5, so you can bet it's going to be a crazy one 🤪
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funficwriter · 19 days
A Wolf and A Snake - Letters' Interlude #4
Taglist: @yue-caelum, @reyy-chanx, @mis-disaster, @ladyarchiviste, @keigo-hawks-takami-simp
Warnings: Cursing, sexism, corruption, mention of violence, some yandere shit but you know that by now. Moral dilemma? Lol.
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From: Lady Y/N Balthazar - Balthazar Manor, Court Region, Fontaine
To: Duke Wriothesley of Meropide, Fortress of Meropide, Liffey Region, Fontaine
I know I risk sounding like a broken record saying this, but I really do wear each day. I'm just happy that I can still write to you because I feel that it's one of the few pleasures I have left. Between my piano lessons and reading time being interrupted by meeting with Archandelle, my parents' constant nagging, and the fact that I constantly have to sneak around their backs even for things unrelated to my marriage prospects... I'm exhausted, my love. And troubled. That's why I'm writing this.
When our last meeting ended abruptly, there was so much more I wanted to say to you. I was barely scraping the bottom of the barrel and our day lives tore us apart again. At least Frosty is good company and patiently waiting for me to finish this letter and send it to you.
Yesterday, I snuck out to the police station under the pretense of 'shopping'. Do you remember that young officer I once mentioned? Jacques? He looked scared when they let me in his office, even though everyone else seemed excited for him. I guess the visit of a noble does that.
I'm a terrible person, Wriothesley.
The first time I came here, I picked him specifically because he was young and new and a little naive, as all new cops are. He was so ready to help me, even more so when I said: "An injustice is being done upon me. I need evidence to counter it.". He almost jumped out of his seat until he understood what I meant: The 'injustice' is merely procedure. What woman says this, only for it to be her engagement that she, her parents, and the suitor agreed to? What sort of injustice was noble tradition that was carried out for centuries?
And I shoved the cash on the table, and it increased in volume. And I invoked his poor family that he was trying to feed, the girl he wanted to marry... "Do you really want to wait forever on your shitty wage, when you could propose in an hour? All you have to do is give me what I asked for. It's not that hard.". He couldn't. I was corrupting him, and by Focalors, what sort of noble am I - a Balthazar no less - if I use the very enemy of justice for my own selfish gains? All of this to not get married?
It was lengthy. It was uncomfortable and I could feel the fibers of my being twisting to accommodate this act that I would never have dreamed of committing. It was like exerting a muscle I didn't use, but way more intense. In the end, he gave me the pile you saw last time.
I did it again this evening. Wriothesley, last time, I was ridden with guilt. I think you'd understand why better than most. But this time? I started justifying it. With each reason I gave as to why this was fine, good even, my guilt washed away. After all, there would be no need to resort to such extreme measures if I could just be with you from the start. And then I thought: "I've never justified my father's deed until I started committing it. I am more like him and less just than I thought.". I wanted to cry. Who is this new person - no, these new people and this new logic? Why am I less like what I used to be?
Fuck my life, why do I have to be less like what I used to be just so I can marry the one I love? A privilege that many girls today have?
I'm sorry for the plaintive note today. I'm just... So torn. Yes, I think 'torn' comes closest to it. I am turning into what I was warned about my entire life, but it's not like I'm doing it to embezzle money or get someone wrongfully convicted. I just want to be with you, but even that's too much to ask in this stupid class and family...
Total truth? There are times where I want do more. Once, my father was talking to his friends about how excited he was for my prospects. Do you know what my brother said? "I was worried she wouldn't get her eyes off of that Meropide mutt. At least she's probably forgotten about him, as she should.". They laughed a lot and later joked about Father's lack of control during my first social. They said that they couldn't tell who needed a leash more: You for being "a dog", or me for giving you "loving eyes" back then, as if I wanted you for a bit. Father dismissed them by talking about another man's daughter and her bad marriage. He was embarrassed, but I wanted to go over there and scratch his eyes out. Maybe my brother's too, and the other men who were joking. I wanted to wrench my hand into Lord Carmichael's back and make his wife a widow to be judged. Maybe then he'd enjoy it down in hell. Or have some emotional intelligence.
I'm thinking of you, and hoping we can see each other soon. Maybe my spirits will be lifted....
From: Duke Wriothesley of Meropide - Fortress of Meropide, Liffey Region, Fontaine
To: Lady Y/N Balthazar - Balthazar Manor, Court Region, Fontaine
Y/N dear,
It was only a matter of time until you sent me such a letter. For one, during our latest meeting, you looked like you had way more to say. I can only look forward to a life where the dawn doesn't shut us up and away.
First of all, please don't apologize for the sadness that you feel. Unlike that idiot suitor and father, I don't expect you to be happy 24/7, even if at your own inconvenience. I may call you 'my doll', but I know you've got a far wider emotional range than that.
I don't know how effective saying this would be, but your message reads a lot like my younger self. How it saddens me that you had to realize the double-faced quality of Fontainian justice like this... Even if you knew it deep down, as you grew up and understood how so many noblemen get away with their crimes, engaging with it is a whole greater beast. Sometimes I wonder whether there are judges, prosecutors, lawyers and other potential lawful agents who have lost faith in our judicial systems. Many of our current judges are indeed doing their best to combat it (I know Neuvillette will never rest as long as this issue remains), but it doesn't change the fact that many are still being failed today. Orphans. Young noble ladies. Poor people. Us. By Focalors, us.
As Meropide's administrator and a noble, I'm certain that you would think of me as a man of justice, just like many others. I think of myself that way, too. I know I have the power to end the laws and traditions that are screwing us over (and sometimes I wonder: How many other couples like us?). It sounds hypocritical, doesn't it? I am hiring back-alley investigators and threatening data out of whoever knows what I need. And you, a lady raised in the hearth of justice, you're lying to your parents and corrupting police officers. How could we possibly be good, you may ask?
After these few months, I came to a conclusion: A man of justice should not mean being a doormat, especially if the injustice will cost him his love.
For one, the change that could benefit us is nowhere near as fast as needed. What does this result in? Potentially happy couples are being torn apart. The point behind justice is to protect one's right to a life that he desires, that his loved ones desire and that harms no one. Is our union based on economic exploitation, power dynamics, sexism or leveraging? No. How is it that most noble couples stand on these crimes, while the only one with ours is that I am not fully human and that you want me? I am not going around slaughtering people or terrorizing the city. You, an angel sent by Focalors herself, have never commissioned your husband to kill, silence or bribe. Archons, what did you do to deserve this fate when I can think of women far more rotten than you?
Now you may counter me and say that you have engaged in bribery yourself, and that's bad. But you know what? It doesn't matter to me. I couldn't care less about it. This may sound worrisome to hear from a man of justice. But as a man, without fancy titles and more emotions and feelings, I'm getting real sick of this. I don't bring myself to care about judicial principles if an obvious double standard is taking place, one that is taking you away from me. I know what makes me get up and do my best everyday. I know what I'd turn savage for, who I'd risk a life sentence and a downfall for, and it's not justice. Justice can't enjoy brownies with me on a star-lit night. Justice can't lie in my bed. Justice can't wake me up with a good morning kiss and take me to go swim in Belleau. All of that is you, and it will always be you.
I care about justice. I really do. But justice, along with your father, money and Fontaine, can go fuck itself if it compromises my wife.
I look forward to the day that the noble class is held accountable, and choice unions are the norm. Until then, I'm just going to have to fight tooth and nail for my own. It's actually a must, my dear. We need to set a new precedent for the upcoming generation. Backing down is not going to challenge what your parents and their fellow nobles have always done.
I know your schedule is getting more hectic by the day. When you can, though, please let me know if a free window opens up. Perhaps we can see and update each other on our findings.
Always yours, and you're always mine,
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funficwriter · 2 months
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No thoughts, just him and his crazy ass 😍😍
I can't wait to have some free time to write fanfic for him
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funficwriter · 2 months
A Wolf And A Snake (Wriothesley x Reader) Chapter 4: The Snake in Action
A/N: Ya'll, this is waayyyy later than promised. I'm so sorry, it's just that I went through a hell of a burnout and issues within my personal life. At least finishing this chapter was a bit of a getaway. Thank you so much for your patience, and I promise to keep this story going, and make it as beautiful as I can ❤️
Taglist: @yue-caelum, @reyy-chanx, @mis-disaster, @ladyarchiviste, @keigo-hawks-takami-simp
Warnings: Not as much Wriothesley in this because plotting I'm so sorry :( + Corruption, somewhat abrupt ending
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He could pretend all he wanted. He could smile, talk jovially about art and principles and how beautiful you looked. But no one seemed to realize that you knew far more than he let on, far more than anyone. Everyone thought you were some stupid little girl, and they were wrong.
Archandelle's voice was shaky. His palms sweated, to the point of leaving a wet mark on the knees of his pants. He switched topics a lot, too. However, there was one theme that he stuck to: Innocence.
The breaking point for him was when your brother brought up politics: "Yeah, you need to be a bit more discreet with your public statements with the commoners these days. They'll bite at anything.".
Your father laughed and clapped a bit. Archandelle, on the other hand, did not seem to enjoy it as much.
"Oh yes, my friend! I've noticed it gets worse when so many of our security forces are commoners. They'll bite too when they're supposed to protect you as a citizen!".
There it is.
Your father and brother's smiles died upon the scary remark. Your suitor was quite sweaty and lowered his eyes onto his knees. No one really knew what to make of his outburst, until your father inquired carefully: "Err... My dear Archandelle, you're going to be family to us. And as such, we confide our worries in each other. Is something bothering you? Perhaps the room too hot?".
He looked up at you, and you feel dumb for not realizing the unusual eyebags on his pale skin. It was even worse than you imagined. Even better for you.
"My Lord Balthazar, I am grateful for this consideration. But my honor could not bear another shattering...".
He reached out to hold your hand.
"And what will my beautiful wife think if I told you all what happened? Oh, I can't have her think less of me before we even officially wed!".
Think less... You sure you're not late to that?
While you wished you could say that, you needed to squeeze out as much information as possible. Both your father and brother seemed to be at a loss of what to say. In that case, here comes the maiden.
"My beloved...".
The room's energy further froze when you called him as such, even more so in your soft voice and while tucking a strand of hair away from his face.
"... I think I can safely speak for everyone when I say we're very worried about you. Like Papa said, we're to be family. And as husband and wife, who can we confide in if not each other?".
Your mother beamed at her speech lessons being fruitful. He took your hand and put it to his cheek: "Oh, my love... How fortunate I am... But are you sure?".
He sure put up a fight when he was upset, another reason why you didn't want to marry him. You loathed these games of unlocking people's hearts to get them to talk, or these performances of a non-judging maiden without a single angry bone in her body; Wouldn't life be much easier if we were all honest and straightforward? But alas, people like Archandelle and your family love to complicate things. So at the end of the day, you just had to play this game a little longer before rejoining Wriothesley.
"I know that the tongue holds life and death. That's why I wouldn't implore you to tell me if I thought I couldn't handle it. (you looked up to your father) And I'm certain that Papa will lend his support if someone is making our life harder than it should be.".
He sat straight again, still looking morose but at least smiling: "Thank you, my dove. And thank you, Lord Balthazar, for blessing me with such a virtuous fiancée.".
He took a deep breath and began: "A few days... No, nights ago... When I only wanted to read and think of young Lady Balthazar, I heard a knock at the door. It was... It was the Police Force. They called me in for questioning...".
Your father held his breath. Your mother repressed a gasp. And oh, the power you felt in this instance, being the only one who really knew what was going on.
"I swear, I've always abided by the law, so I've never had any need to interact with them. But they said they had to. Apparently, they were investigating many offenses that have seen a surge in Fontaine, and you know... We can't have that.".
Your father seemed to know what he was talking about: "Wouldn't be the first time that more and more people are being pulled to the side for 'questioning'. Sometimes, not even nobles are safe from that, right, Elisa?".
"Yes, indeed. In particular young nobles. I remember how much they hassled you when we had our first son...".
Even though you hated your parents, you almost wanted to thank them for saying that, even if unsure. It sure gave that nasty man some relief.
There was only one person who matched his uneasiness; Your brother, who was more at risk than his father due to his age: "Duke Archandelle... If you don't me asking, especially as a fellow young noble, do you know what offenses seem to catch the Police's eyes these days?".
He looked like he wanted to spill it. You didn't doubt that he, like many nobles, had some skeletons in the closet, but you had to know what they were. Any information that you could report back was crucial. It could make Wriothesley's investigative efforts more effective, and he had to be caught quicker than your potential wedding date. But as a young maiden, what you could say beyond meek reassurances was limited. If you knew too much about law and politics (beyond the limited repertoire your father allowed), you could get in trouble.
Despite that desire, he stayed silent for a bit, only sneaking a look at you for reassurance. You held his hand, before an idea emerged.
"I will happily be corrected if I'm wrong, but... As far as I know, Papa walked out of that investigation scot-free, didn't he? As do most nobles?".
No one spoke. You wanted some confirmation, anything. Your father only looked at you, and you wondered whether you trespassed a line.
"My daughter is correct. These investigative bouts always happen for no reason, usually over some crime the common people are worried about. We're always the first to whom they point their fingers first, Archandelle. You know that."
A maid walked in to serve some cake. It looked like she was waiting a while before having the courage to walk in. Who could blame her, with all this tension?
"... What they're looking for is money laundering, procuring fabricated evidence, blackmail and hybrid and Melusine discrimination. If they'll find something else on you, even better. Do be careful, my friends-".
Ever himself, your father boomed out: "Peuh! Like every other spike. Back in my day and now, it's still the same. At this rate, you can rule it off as protocol.".
Your mother continued: "Indeed, dear son-in-law. Oh, please have some chocolate cake, it will bring your spirits up again. The trick is to just lay low and be cooperative.".
And so, your suitor thanked your parents before digging into his cake. While the unease was still present, he seemed a little more relieved to get it out of his system.
You? You were singing high and loud on the inside. You exerted your memory hard not to forget the ensuing exchange, so you could note it down later. Indeed, there was much to be done with it, but for now, you had to play nice. Funny how cake tastes a million times better when you feel like you know what you're doing.
Was there an ongoing motif in your life? It looked like the day was your family's, Archandelle's, and everyone else's. The night, on the other hand, belonged to you and Wriothesley. He was going to show up any minute now, but it felt like an eternity. Your stomach was churning in excitement at your findings and what you could report back to him.
The moon and candle lit up your father's office, and the documents you pulled out after hours of looking around frantically and saying little prayers that you wouldn't be caught. You almost gasped when a box fell and made a loud thump, but thankfully, you were in the clear. All that was left to distract you was reorganizing your findings, and even then it was pointless. You did the chore three times.
The long awaited knock rang at the door that has been closed to you for much of your life. You knew the drill.
Agatha's voice gave it to you, along with everything else you've endured for: "Wolfhook.".
Your dress swished out as a temporary goodbye to the moonlight as you went to unlock the door. Everything was going to plan.
Agatha wanted to wave at you, but you could barely see it before you felt Wriothesley pounce to hug you. Could you blame him? Your meetings were often sparse and even communicating was becoming more difficult, and letters simply did not cut it like being with him. Your parents were hellbent on taking up all the time you had.
"My love...".
He gave you a quick kiss, before turning to Agatha as if nothing happened: "Thank you very much for leading me up here.".
She chuckled: "But of course. It's my job to assist Lady Y/N as much as I can. (She yawned) Do you two need anything else?".
You felt a little bad for making her stay up as such, even if she was keen on helping you: "No thank you, Agatha. We really appreciate your help. Please get some sleep.".
"Well then! Good night, you two love birds.".
She retreated quick, for sleep was promised now. Before Wriothesley could think of kissing you again (and more), you pulled his hand to the desk. He was quite stunned: "Oh my... You've got quite the tall stacks over here.".
"Yup! There's so much that I think could help you out.".
He took off his coat and set it on the guest table, as he often did before getting down to business. You had to credit whoever sews his clothes; His vest was tailored down to the centimeter, accentuating his figure without going overboard on one feature or another. After seeing so many pot-bellied older nobles who could afford something nicer, but do not because: "I've technically done everything.", the sight Wriothesley gave you was making it hard for you not burn up.
By Focalors, what a perfect man...
"Last time, in the gardens, you told me to look out if Archandelle acts weird, right?".
"Yes. Did he?
He quirked a brow: "No? Nothing at all?".
You pulled out the first document, a recount of Archandelle and your father's discussion over tea, as well as another about corruption that you have to eavesdrop on.
"He was shaking in his shoes.".
Enticed (and excited that your plan was going well), he grabbed it and read through. With each line, he grew more impressed; You recalled the date, time, context and had what they said almost word-for-word. You risked a lot for the second, shorter recount, and yet you still put much on the line to dig up the dirt:
(This was right before the pompous asshole left. He was having final words with Father. I was behind the corner.)
Father: I'm betting you that every young man of our class gets investigated for money laundering or some sort of discrimination.
A: Between the two of us, my Lord... Wouldn't you say that it happens with reason?
Father: Oh, everyone steps on a few necks to get where we are. Your father did it. Your grandfather did it. Mine did. And my son is finishing off that stage of his youth.
A: (wiping off sweat? maybe I can't see it) How so?
Father: Listen to me. Lay low and if there's 'evidence' (finger quotes) that you've done nothing wrong and can hand to them, definitely do so. Even if they continue doubting you, legally speaking they can't do anything. Just don't get caught red-handed.
A: I see, and this will pass, right?
Father: (laughs) There you go. Come on now, with your fortune and who your future wife is, no wonder someone's going to get jealous enough to call the Force on you!
He was not born a noble. But he was perceptive, quick to learn, and picked up on a lot of how the high class scene worked. He knew every noble had some illegality to them, and unfortunately for his younger self, he knew Fontaine still had corruption and injustice issues. Shit, he knew they got talked about. But so much was under wraps and died within the older members of the family, with the only certain hope of ending said crime was being caught.
You, the maiden of the house, put up such a good job. Maidens were generally barred from such conversations, but he saw that you catalyzed it. You lulled him, comforted him, seduced him as if you were his wife into spilling the beans. And with the other large stacks, he could only wonder what volumes of crime did you find on him.
Of all the possible whistleblowers, the maiden of the house. Amazing.
"You... got all that?".
"It wasn't so hard. Once I told him he was okay, he just went on. I suppose he can't keep some things to himself. Speaking of which...".
You grabbed a stack, relishing in the thunderstruck look on your lover's face. Oh, he did not expect all that, which made it even better. All your efforts in staying up, socializing, and eavesdropping were bearing their fruit.
"You really ought to go to more parties, my dear.".
The documents all had several sources. Many were from your father's office, some from the library, some looked like copies from police reports and even more recounts.
There was a document recording your father's bail-out from irresponsible financial decisions, signed by himself. Another recounted the Archandelle family's problematic history with Natlanese exploitation. A recording of a private trial with your suitor's father being dragged through the mud (funny it was recorded a bit before the asshat was born). Agatha's eavesdrop on whispered gossip of his discriminating canine hybrids. Volumes upon volumes of evidence, tens of reasons to file a motion of marital worry. Higher and higher chances of succeeding. If he focused well, he could hear Neuvillette's gavel bang, sentencing your father and Archandelle to life in Meropide, and perhaps: "Duke Armand Archandelle will never set an eye on Lady Y/N Balthazar.".
"You got all of this from parties?".
"Well, not all of it. But people talk a lot. And so long as there's a hidden spot for you nearby, you can hear it for yourself.".
You grabbed one of your earliest treasures, deciding to discuss things chronologically. Though Wriothesley was certainly paying attention, adding on to your discoveries, there was still a bit of an unnerved quality to his voice, as if he still had trouble believing that all of this information was procured by you.
At some point, you were fixated on a police report, and he asked the question you've been waiting for: "That's not a recount. That's a police report. How in Focalors' name did you manage to get your hands on that?".
Ah, that query. Originally, you were excited to tell him how. But as you recalled your methods, your façon, and randomly remembered that Wriothesley was among the greatest men of the law in Fontaine, a creeping embarrassment made its way through the door. On one hand, he might not be angry about it. But on the other, you felt like it went against his general judicial compass. You still decided to be frank.
"I used some of my allowance to bribe the officer. Waved the cash in his face, told him I've got more in the future, but that wouldn't arrive unless he gave me the documents I wanted. I even told him that it's for greater justice; After all, is it not his job to ensure that former crimes and bribery are brought to light, even if they belong to my father, fiancé and friends?".
He stopped and thought of his own actions, their intentions, and how perfectly aligned they were with yours. He expected to do most, if not all, of the legwork, and here you were surprising him.
"At first, he resisted. Said that I was corrupting him, and that the young Lady Balthazar doing this of all people was shameful. But then I told him that withholding the information I wanted was even more shameful, and I was just acting as the system was set up. So it was either he gets the cash for the info, or he waits years for the promotion needed so he can finally get married and have children.".
It started off as a chuckle, then emerged into a low laugh, still conscious of the importance of not getting caught.
"Unbelievable, my doll. Unbelievable. I'm starting to question whether the adults around you actually noticed this impish streak of yours.".
He got up from his chair, and slowly headed towards your side of the desk. No, your father's desk, but that was easy to forget in the moment: You were sitting there, with all of the information that would not only dismiss this horrid marriage proposal but also incriminate the two hated men.
"Oh? Well if you, a man of the law, can scheme, why can't I? Especially if it concerns my lover?".
He leaned to meet your face, utterly entranced by how beautiful power looked on. From the minute you strode in such an authoritarian manner - one he doubted you learned from the women around you - and how your dress billowed accordingly, to how focused you looked when you discussed your findings and what lawful repercussions might follow... He already disliked classical noble families for many reasons, but among the highest was the lack of authority given to women. Sitting right in front of him was the perfect example of power and beauty, all obtained by breaking that stupid rule.
Despite whose frame towered over whose, he still felt a slight blush tingle his cheeks.
"You... You certainly know more than you let on. You just don't show it. And I must say, nothing looks as gorgeous on you as power. When you become the Duchess of Meropide, you'll get to exercise it more. I'll make sure of it.".
Not wanting to wait more, you leaned up further and kissed him as the moon shone upon you two. Though his vision had an ethereally beautiful glow to it, it paled next to his translucent skin under the light. He liked to hold your waist when you kissed, but tonight it was no longer gentle, demanding permission. His muscular forearm encircled it and erased whatever distance there was between your bodies. If you focused, you could feel his heartbeat because it was even more frenetic than usual.
Too soon, he wanted to kiss your neck but broke away. He was glad to have the same judged ears, for they were useful; he caught on footsteps heading towards the office.
He looked around for a hiding spot: "Someone is coming. We need to hide now.".
Whatever excitement you felt was replaced with panic, as your father was the most likely visitor. You hastily grabbed the stack and headed for the large closet in the corner of the room.
Wriothesley hunched over to fit himself (that wood looked sturdy enough to hurt his head). While he had to painfully cramp himself, he still managed to squeeze in with you, and you closed the doors as shut as they usually were.
"Good stars, I'm so sorry, my dear-".
"It's okay. Don't worry about me.".
The footsteps grew in volume. Having grown up to tell, you knew it was your father.
"What could the bastard possibly want in the ea-!".
Wriothesley didn't like the idea of shutting you up. He agreed with the call, but the door flung open to reveal the bastard in question. His hand was still over your mouth.
He yawned as he made his way to the shelf, followed by your mother.
"I'm telling you, dear, you really ought to see a physician for these bouts of waking up-".
"Yes, yes, but I can't call one in now, can I? In the meantime, the law is boring and complex enough to put me back to sleep.".
He grabbed a large book. Your mother had more to say: "Honey, do you think there's any extra stress in the current time that's... Making the sleep issue worse?".
Though you disliked her, you could never bring yourself to side with your father against her. Despite the obvious worry in her voice, your father sneered at her, as if she were an idiot: "My daughter's to be married soon and the Police force feels like amping up investigations again. What do you think, huh? That I'm having a walk in the park?".
"I'm sorry, dear...".
She looked at the ground and waited until he headed out, then followed him. Wriothesley's nose crinkled in disgust, and his ears twitched.
As you left the closet, he spoke up: "I know arranged marriages aren't the most affectionate, but the way he treats her... That's bad even by noble standards.".
"You know... When I was younger, mother always told me she married him for love. Never made a hint of sense to me, because I saw couples in love. Both in my books and the commoner couples.".
He chuckled: "At least we're not like them, and that's why we're happy. Is what we have not a million times closer to love than any other noble pair?".
He wrapped his hand around yours. You squeezed tight: "I think... I think part of love is how you let me do things.".
"That's a broad term. Like what?".
"So much of my girlhood could be summarized as: 'Y/N, don't do this or that. That's not ladylike. That's not social. That's not fitting of you.'. In fact, I'm sure they'd kill me if they found out about my little investigations. But you... We've been together for months and I have yet to hear anything else than encouragement from you. You let me act boldly, shyly, dramatically, and calmly, without having to fear you like Mother does Father.".
For no reason other than beauty's sake, you took a step and turned, the moonlight reflecting on the flowy fabric.
"Though I will admit, I still feel a little guilty about the bribery. Maybe because I've always condemned it, just like you.".
On most days, he cared about justice. He really did. But in this instance where you - technically at least - broke the rules and used your privilege to strongarm your way into data, he could not reprimand you. Even if he tried, his sense of justice did not flair out. "But that sort of behavior is what keeps corruption going! And corruption fails vulnerable children!", is what he would have thought in most cases. But you were never, not since the moment you looked at each other, a case regulated by rules.
"You gave the answer to the cop, didn't you? You're just playing among the parameters of your surroundings. It just so happens that they're shit.".
The sun was going to rise soon. Your meeting had to end soon, so you could get some sleep; Eyebags would make you look suspicious.
"Y/N, I think...
What he really reasoning with corruption as such? Within the norm, he'd want someone in Meropide if they bribed (supposedly) one of Fontaine's higher authorities. But after all, your hand was being forced, in many ways: Between a loveless marriage, pre-existing secrets, and corruption... What could the both of you do?
"...I think we're just doing what we can to be together when no one else does. And we shouldn't have to, ideally. But that's life.".
"I suppose so...".
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funficwriter · 4 months
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funficwriter · 4 months
Soft - A 1:32 AM Risotto Nero x Reader drabble
You and Risotto are unbelievably soft with each other. It's just a secret to the world.
You two were a couple, and you were his right hand in leading the squad. However, that's all people knew about your relationship to him. The lack of further detail, along with the stoic appearances you both put out to the world, only fueled the curiosity surrounding you.
Risotto Nero, the feared criminal even amongst other felons, has a lover? You, one of Passione's most ruthless killers, are capable of loving and loving him of all people? And he too?
You both put up shields around everyone. You never talk about each other in romantic terms to other people, aside from a mere acknowledgement that you're not single. It helps a little in the sense that rival gangs think twice (or not at all, once they know your partner) before trying something on you. He likes the safety it can bring. He'll never tell his teammates though.
However, you both live in a cruel, cruel social sphere, where even said acknowledgements come with their risks. You are a couple, but if you consider your traditional expectations of one regarding PDA, showiness... It's not there with you two. You often get compared to other couples, within the mafia sphere... Couples that actually look in love. They hug, kiss, and declare to the world who they belong to as they are covered in the blood of their victims. They refuse to not be recognized as not only a couple, but a true, violent couple, as some would say. Violent (passionate?) in their ways of work and love.
Appearances never let on much. You and Risotto are detached, coordinated in work terms alone with each other. But once the door of your shared home in the city's lone outskirts is snapped shut and locked.. Oh, the different stories your words and bodies tell.
You both got called cold. The term didn't hold up in private, not when you laid together in bed, bare bodies holding each other as you exchanged languid kisses and half-whispers, containing the love beyond a full sentence.
You both got called uncaring. And sure, your mannerisms looked as such, in public. But would that still be valid when Risotto wakes up from a traumatic nightmare recalling a kidnapping of yours, and quietly begs for your sleepy reassurance? If you were so uncaring, why were you embracing him as if you cared if he lost his life someday? Why did you both dream up and execute future plans of leaving the mafia life into the past, for an exchange of quiet Sicilian life?
"Are they really a couple?".
Yes, yes, and some more yes. What idiots; Just because they never saw it, then it can't exist! Oh well, there's plenty of them in life, so it would be a waste to get angry about them. That energy could be used for other things, like making love better than the other couples you got compared to.
You and Risotto are unbelievably soft. These same large arms, that have killed in such painful ways, also blissfully held you. The same lips that have spouted threat after threat, have also kissed yours in silent promises of seeing your plans to the end. It was a weird (almost impossible) dichotomy for those who only knew Risotto in works terms to perceive, but they weren't entitled to that knowledge.
You and Risotto are soft in ways uncharted by mafia members and wronged people alike. In fact, the secrecy made it much, much sweeter. To know that that softness wouldn't be documented, exploited, showcased or made a circus out of was beautiful. You two didn't need to prove anything, because it was all said and proven when you confessed to each other. And it's sweet as hell, and it's all yours and no one else's.
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funficwriter · 5 months
if u abandon it i will cry
Good thing I won't then, eh? :p
(But for real thank you for putting up with my horrid timing and slowness lolz)
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funficwriter · 5 months
(On the real, so sorry I haven't been writing for a Wolf and A Snake :( please don't think I'm abandoning it, I adore it but I'm very busy/overwhelmed at the moment. Will have some free time to write a bit!)
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funficwriter · 5 months
Furina having a crush on you but being super embarrassing and self conscious about it!!!!!!
She practices the cool and heart stopping poses she wants to show you in front of her mirror for five hours everyday so you’ll never catch her bad side. Seeing you in the courtroom and then she ramps up all her antics by 100 so you’ll think she’s cool. Sending 1000 roses to your home and certain you’ll be falling all over her at any second.
The hydro archon conveniently appears wherever you are, and keeps throwing you puppy dog looks full of hopeful anticipation that you’ll notice her and give her attention!! She talks Neuvillete’s ears off about you every second of his day until he gets a headache when he hears your name. Also, she puts you on trial for being too cute and for stealing her heart and pauses the proceedings to flirt with you using cheesy pickup lines she got out of a book titled 1001 Ways to Steal Their Heart
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funficwriter · 6 months
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⟢ warnings/notes: wriothesley x fem! reader. suggestive, minors & ageless blogs do not interact. briefly proofread.. this is my first post, so i'd really appreciate any type of feedback! enjoy, and happy (very) late halloween to everyone celebrating ✩
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“my.. what big ears you have,” you exhaled with a soft sigh, your hands raking through his two-toned locks as he continued nipping at your your chest. pretty shades of purple love-bites scatter across the canvas laid out to him, and wriothesley places a final kiss onto the last spot, before pulling away to fixate his darkened gaze onto yours.
by now, perhaps you should've been prepared to expect the array of hickeys that would follow; after all, you chose to don a dress with a pretty low neckline, and hence, your tits sat prettily all there for him to just devour.
still, since you asked so nicely, your boyfriend had been more than careful so as to not to rip the fabric of this specific red dress; you wore today in order to match with his costume— you, the red riding hood, as he was supposed to be the big bad wolf tonight.
“all the more to listen to you scream, sweetheart.” wriothesley chuckles against your collarbone as he lets his hold from your waist trail down; cold fingertips trailing ghostly kisses on your skin as his hands slowly make their way under your red dress.
it makes you shudder— how easily he tears apart the lace of your stockings, before he spreads your thighs using one large hand.
the mere action sends your body into a slight arch, as you tighten your claw onto his biceps in anticipation. you struggled to steady yourself on his lap; it didn't help the fact you could feel his length poke at your ass at the very moment. you weren't complaining.
archons, not to mention the mischievous glint of his eye. well. since he was already very much in character, you tug into his fur coat, letting it drop to the floor, agonizingly slow.
pale cerulean eyes remain trained on your face in order to memorize all your reactions into memory. wriothesley wordlessly admires the frustrated pout you give him, upon noticing another layer of clothing clinging onto his muscular chest. the man only laughs, the sound reverberating through both your flushed chests; making you send a small smile his way in defeat.
he was prettiest like this— while you were both mutually worshiping your bodies. although, you admit, he had always remained insistent on doing the most for you, kissing your palms in reassurance whenever he would was done with drawing out countless lewd sounds from you.
arrays of less-than-holy thoughts invade your senses, you couldn't help it. you were desperate to show him how badly you wanted him. how good you could be for him. without much thought, your hands fondle with his upper body as if to urge him on to undress himself.. and you.
“and what big hands you have..”
it's no doubt he catches onto your little game. either ways, wriothesley is more than happy to play right into your hands.
“oh, these?” his mock-interested tone fills the air, the lopsided smile you loved so much making you want to melt into him. “all the more to touch you. like this,” his focus goes back to the hold he had on your thighs, squeezing them softly.
the action makes you bite back a sound, while unsatisfied grunt from him follows, before his grip tightens onto the exposed flesh; his shrewd hands exploring their way down from where you're seated atop him. “and all the more to help undress you.. of course.”
it didn't help how kept whispering all that into your neck, his tone dropping in octave as he too, breathes a bit heavier. your lover's voice was all gruff and delicious from the intense making out you did prior so of course he used it to his advantage. he knew of the effect his voice had on you, sly wolf.
so you only bat your lashes up at him, starry eyes and all, in your little now-bunched-up dress, as you feign innocence in order to ask him the third and final question— your thighs clenching in growing anticipation. his large palm stays slotted in place between them, where they rightfully belong.
you finally ask, in a more dazed manner than you intended to. “my.. and what a big mouth you have, surely not only for all that bragging, i assume?”
wrong move. this time, he doesn't laugh. instead, the man steadies your disheveled form up by the arms, until you feel yourself being dropped onto the soft mattress of his sofa.
it was then, you swear you could've seen wriothesley lick his lips, as he positions himself in between where his hands had been mere seconds ago— as he mumbles under his breath.
"all the more to eat you, my love."
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rensblade, 2023. please do not steal my writings or headers, i put a lot of effort into this. reblogs & comments are appreciated! also, my drafts are pretty nonexistent rn so i'd appreciate asks. i will be accepting requests for genshin, hsr, & jjk as of now.
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funficwriter · 6 months
When you wanna play 4.2 but you have two research seminar papers, a phat research proposal, 5 books [at least] to read, and to go through your entire history for your bibliography 🫠
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funficwriter · 6 months
A Wolf and A Snake (Wriothesley x Reader)
Chapter 3: In the Low Gardens
A/N: Thank you all so much for being patient with me! I wanted this chapter to be fun to read, but had so little time to write this week. I just hope I have a little more freedom in the future. Anyways, enjoy!
Synopsis: Being a noble meant that marriage was a chess game, not an affair of love. Unfortunately for the pristine Balthazar family of Fontaine, Y/N has long been enamored with love and sought it out before their priorities. After her grey, boring time of courtesy, she meets Duke Wriothesley, who makes her yearn for the first time in her life, and it's the same for him. Threatened by the idea of losing this first, it seems they'll stop at very little to be together...
Taglist: @yue-caelum, @reyy-chanx, @mis-disaster, @ladyarchiviste, @keigo-hawks-takami-simp
Warnings: Talk of murder/violence/corruption, yandere talk, Wrio gets a lil primal, a few smutty details, does scheming behind the back count as a warning? Lol
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Your parents were not the type to sing, least of all sing to express joy. But whenever they peered at you from the balcony, they looked like they could explode in song any minute. They never looked as jubilant, as proud of their daughter as they saw her, arm linked with the chivalrous and gentle Duke Archandelle.
You supposed any other girl would kill to be in your place. Duke Archandelle hailed from a long and well-respected lineage, and made a fortune for both himself and Fontaine's economy through his commerce. He was rather handsome, had a voice described as 'light honey with mint', and towered over you, the lady he was going to protect with that advantage. Hopefully, for the rest of your lives. On top of that, he was cultured, up-to-date with Fontaine's classical and modern trends, but was no pansy; He was an excellent swordfighter and hunter. You almost heard their voices yelling at you: "You've got the perfect gentleman falling at your feet, and you're not grateful?! How dare you!".
There you two were, in one of your manor's many gardens. This was the highest, prettiest one of all, and had a lovely table among the flowers where you would soon take your tea. Both of you were well-dressed, engaged in conversation (he carried most of it) and took tiny steps to ensure it stayed that way. You looked like the perfect royal Fontainian couple. Add on the fact that Archandelle has decreed himself 'fervently in love' with you, and didn't look like he was going to give up... No wonder your parents were probably even happier than they were on their own wedding day.
'Fervently in love', my ass. If I wasn't so angry, I'd laugh. Maybe with his stupid monologues or my last name's history book... My Wriothesley could teach him a thing or two about love.
"And I say, it was so dastardly for them to write that ending! I mean, to let these filthy 'protagonists' get away with their crimes! I can think of youngsters reading this novel. What will they think? How are we raising them and- My dear, are you with me?".
The funny thing about his tirades was how they can be condensed to the same strand of puritanism, either outrageous or righteous. You barely had to listen and should he feel testy, you had an answer.
"Ah, forgive me, my dear Duke. I was just appalled at the text, to the point where I didn't know what to say. But do know I'm in full agreement!".
He beamed: "Why, of course you are. Your parents raised a fine and virtuous young lady who knows right from wrong.".
Your agreement seemed to have calmed him down. He stopped to take your hand and kiss it.
"One of the countless reasons I fell in love with you.".
You wished you could shut him up. As he embodied the peak of your social class, he also had all the ideas you wanted to criticize as loud as you can, but couldn't risk. One of them was this picking on cultural output not based on whether it was good, whether they liked it, but whether it was 'moral' or not. What's more is the power they hold. Should something not be 'moral', that would mean another secret trip to the bookstore for you, before it got fully banned.
Though you couldn't shut him up, you had two tools up your arsenal: The first was thinking of Wriothesley, which made you surprisingly more patient than you imagined. The second was hearing Archandelle be less of a whiner, more of an admirer.
"Say, my Lord, surely you've seen some good plays where this doesn't happen, right? I'm sure we'll all need good recommendations.".
Once again, he beamed, and you could tell he was restricting himself from being too physical. But perhaps he felt a bit more daring, because he put an arm around your waist and carried on walking, while talking about 'good' plays he's seen (which you were sure were total dogshit if it came from him.).
The butler had called you for tea time. It wasn't the day for your favorite dessert, but a quick wink from Agatha, who was passing by, let you know who twisted his arm into bending the unofficial rule. You felt a bit of remorse for not being able to tell her who you really liked, but you decided to do it when you were in a more secure position with Wriothesley.
Curse whoever decided that falling in love with a half-wolf (or any hybrid, for that matter) was a curse, and bless your own canine lover for using his affinity towards the night to pick this one. The stars shined along with the soft moon, with only a few cloudy wisps passing by. The air was crisp, cooling but not so much that you had to stay in.
The hour struck. Your heart did a leap so brusque, you had to take a deep breath. The clock said it all: It was time.
You picked a simple dress for your rendez-voux; Flattering, but no hassle. Your mother wasn't fond of it, because she thought it didn't 'do justice to your beauty'. Another one of millions of differences between you two, separating her and your father into the loud and showy sun, while you counted the minutes until you could entangle your hand into his under the moon. Though everyone slept, the night was still young... Should you desire it, would more than that happen?
No one could police your desires if you thought of them.
Let him hold me again. Let him hold me securely, claiming me as his under the full moon as his own culture decrees. I'm asking a lot... But please, let him kiss me before Duke Archandelle does and let him scream it out to the world so it could throw me into his arms.
As you made your way down, your reverie was only interrupted when you passed by your elder brother's room. Being married, he split his time between his new villa and your manor. You weren't looking forward to his next visit, especially when he caught wind of your 'engagement' with Duke Archandelle and sent you a long, pompous letter congratulating you as his 'equally prestigious sister, upholding the Balthazar's powerful unions'. Ugh.
In retrospect, perhaps you should have hurried along; Just after you continued, you bumped into a curvaceous figure you knew well (after all, she held you more than your mother) and made an audible "Ow!".
So much for not being caught, least of all by your own hissing governess. Should you be caught, she'd surely get heat for not making sure you were in bed.
"Y/N! What are you doing out of bed? You have lessons tomorrow, don't you?".
As she talked, she pulled you away from your brother's door and the bedrooms of the floor. After all, she was just in as much danger as you were.
"Agatha! Hey, um... I was... I was going down to grab a glass of water. I'm thirsty.".
Forget the fact that you weren't in your sleeping attire and that your voice was racked in nerve. How could you have hoped to lie to her, your true mother figure who knew every inkling of you hiding something on your face? Her quirked-up brows clearly let you know that she didn't buy it, but what really made you want to spill the beans was the slight glimmer in her eyes: She was hurt by you lying to her.
"Really, Y/N? After all those years, you think I'd believe that? I have raised you as my own, yet you act as if I were hired this morning.".
"Agatha, I'm so sorry. Please don't be sad, I'll tell you but...".
You couldn't believe it; You were about to tell someone that you were seeing another man behind your arranged partner's back. It would be one thing if he were some king and your parents were idiots at making their final verdict. But you were seeing Duke Wriothesley of Meropide. You were seeing a wolf-hybrid, a dangerous kind to human beings (even though you'd argue that correlation does not equal causation). You were seeing a prison warden, a polite but hardy, brutish man.
Agatha could sense that your secret was a big one. She ran a hand through your head: "My dear, I've always kept your secrets, haven't I? What is so scary that you would hide it from me of all people?".
"Oh, Agatha, it's not scary at all. It's wonderful and lovely and beautiful. It makes me get out of bed with hope in my heart. it sends me to sleep as the happiest girl of Teyvat.".
Her face broke out into a smile: "By Focalors! What is it then?".
"But I'm the only one who sees it that way! It's not scary to me at all. He brings me all the joy in my life, and yet if anyone found out that would spell the end of me and him! Agatha, why did you have to be up tonight of all nights?".
A moment of silence eclipsed, you wallowing in the realization that you gave her a hint. In both your hearts, you felt that she knew you didn't like Duke Archandelle, as with most royal women. But to go to the lengths of seeing another man... Did she think you had it in you?
"Who is he, Y/N?".
"Duke Wriothesley of Meropide. We snuck by the last two socials, and we were planning to meet up tonight in the low gardens.".
You could see the shock in her face. Anyone would be, pairing you with him of all gentlemen. You couldn't blame her. If anything, you wanted to burst in tears, put your head at her feet and thank her for her tolerance. Rather than alerting even the most insignificant servant in the house, she patted your hand and stayed.
"Does he make you happy?".
"Yes. Happy enough to live.".
"That's a lot of happiness. A level you've always deserved, but if you're honest, only recently acquired. If at last my prayers for your joy are answered and they come in his form, who am I to judge you?".
A small, meek smile made its way on her face. You threw your arms around her shoulders.
"Thank you, Agatha, thank you!".
She helped you up, then looked out of the window. Whether it was at the skies or the gardens below, you couldn't tell nor had the time to ask. She grabbed your hand and continued the way downstairs.
"Let's not keep him waiting.".
You stepped out, feeling light and relaxed under the cool moon. Then there he was: Your very own prince charming, who was expectantly waiting in front of the garden's backdoor. His ears perked up. Once he saw you, your time of admiration from afar was over. A few loud steps resonated before you felt his embrace engulf you, and at last you were in his arms and everything felt (was) alright.
What made it better was his reciprocation; From the big, dumb smile, to the twitching ears (how cute!) to the feeling of his strong muscles protecting you from whatever misery could strike you right then and there...
"If I told you of how much my heart screamed out for you, you wouldn't hear the end of it.".
He kissed your hand as per usual. You supposed that if you wanted more, you had to catalyze it yourself: "I don't want to hear its end, Wriothesley.".
You didn't have to hear it, for you were still held against him. His heart was beating frenetically, reverberating into your own body.
Only when he looked up and saw Agatha, that wonder dwindled.
"What the... Who are you?".
"Wait, Wrio. She's on our side. She's the only one who supports our romance.".
He let out a small 'oh', trying to relax but with worry clear on his face. Agatha, being ever so talented at soothing, stepped in.
"Greeting, Lord Wriothesley. I am Y/N's governess. Forgive me for being out, I wasn't supposed to know of this. I just caught her by accident, but I promise I won't tell a soul.".
He took a moment before speaking up: "Agatha? Oh, Y/N has mentioned you before. In that case, I'm glad it was you who caught her, and no one else. And thank you for keeping up the secrecy, though it won't be that way forever. I intend to marry her, one way or another.".
"Frankly, anyone who can take care of her and makes her happy is great, in my opinion.".
Her warm, motherly smile has lowered many people's guards. You could tell his worry was fading away, knowing she could be trusted. He nodded one more time, and off you two went. The good thing about the low gardens was the fact that unless someone was close, no one could hear you. It was the 'abandoned' garden per se. While it wasn't as grand as the higher ones, it had many beautiful flowers, a lake, and you could never uncouple your memories of playing hide-and-seek there with Agatha or your friends.
But nevertheless, it didn't stop your displeasure at the fact that you weren't recognized at his yet. You wanted to show all of Teyvat who you really loved, who had the right to call you 'mine'.
"I wish... I wish I could have shown you the higher gardens.".
He squeezed your hand and you looked up to him. You could have died with the beautiful vision in front of you: Did the moon make his piercing eyes glow better, or was that just you?
"My love, there will be a day where we can stroll out in the open, in whatever garden you want. And besides...".
He looked on his surroundings as you kept walking, now linking arms.
"I like the secrecy aspect that comes with this one. It's like... Like our social world doesn't want you to be mine. And yet here and now, you are. Always were, always will be.".
It made you blush. It only got worse when you wanted to tuck a piece of hair, and he caught a glance at the wolf bracelet: "And from the looks of it, you want to be all mine, don't you?".
"Oh, yes. I wear it all the time Father isn't around. I'm sorry if I was morose earlier. It's the fact that I can't stand being someone else's fiancée, especially when I had no say in the matter.".
"Don't beat yourself up. I know well that we're on the same wavelength. I'm already scheming on it, too...".
While you loved talking about being his, you knew that alone wasn't enough. There had to be some sort of plan, some idea as to how he'd get you. And much to your happiness, he wasn't empty-headed to doom you to just keeping your affair, an affair. You leaned close to listen.
"So I'm presuming he wants to marry you because of your family name, yes? Like all other shitty noble marriages...".
You laughed a bit: "That's the one.".
"I already have an investigator to look further into his. Depending on whether he committed serious crime, going above the general corruption that's too often seen and brushed aside, you as his future wife have the right to file for a 'Motion of Marital Worry'. Then the Court could look into how that may affect you, and thus stop you from marrying him even if your father objects.".
This was... Wonderful.
"Why, Wriothesley, I love a man who's proactive! But I have one worry about this plan: Fontaine may be less corrupt than other nations, but there's still crime that's deemed as 'not serious', especially from our class. What if they bribe someone? That's what always happens.".
"Nah, don't worry. I myself am well acquainted with some... Important figures in the judicial system. They'll be sure to look out for such a motion with your name or mine on it. And if the crime is very serious, there's no way they'll turn their head.".
He stopped walking, letting the soft howl of the wind play out before continuing: "And anyways, that's only the first plan. I've got more ideas in case it doesn't work.".
"You really think ahead, eh?".
"If it concerns you? I think about it all the time. Even my sleep is yours.".
All the time. All the time, for me. This union was nothing like the trash your father wanted to force you in. In the other one, you belonged to Archandelle, but contrary to his spiel about love, he didn't belong to you. Maybe not other women if he were 'loyal', but you saw his attitude towards seeing you as a Balthazar, versus seeing you as... You. He really only belonged to himself.
"Don't worry. If he didn't do anything, I'll just make him. If his hand is clean, I'll twist it until it bleeds then yell bloody murder until he's sentenced for life.".
Wriothesley long made it clear, and he kept making it clear to reassure you. His loving gaze, his obsession, his thought of you that went as far as remembering everything you've ever loved or told him (and believe me, it's a lot) said it all: He belonged to you, and you belonged to him, as true love should be.
You stroked his cheek, taking in his eyes as he did yours: "And when you twist him into the wrangled, bloody mess you can make... I'll cheer you on. I'll praise like I'm watching the greatest of theater.".
Perhaps it was the fact that everything has been so dreary, or that the full moon just made people playful, but you broke away from him, your arms brusquely rejecting him and giving you distance. His stunned look hurt you a bit, but the fun you wanted was priceless.
"But Duke Wriothesley, the prince must always fight hard for the one he desires, yes?".
His boot made a quiet crunch as he approached you, and you took a step back. In a way, it was fun, withholding yourself from him as he ached for you. However, he reciprocated your playful smirk, understanding what your intention was. As you stepped back, you did the occasional twirl as your dress flowed with the moon's shine.
Teasing him was so fun: "Aren't I right? Isn't what he desires most, the most guarded and forbidden by everyone else? Shouldn't he be ready to do anything if he loves the princess that much?".
"My... Are you underestimating the limits I'll break to call you my wife? While I try to be calm to avoid prejudice, I have no issue tuning into my violent side if it's for you.".
The string snapped. You turned back and ran off: "We'll see about that, Your Grace!".
How long has it been since you ran? You forgot the freedom, the breeziness it offered.
"I'll make you see, alright!"
But that wasn't where your true excitement laid. It was the quicker, heavier crunching sound right behind you.
Off the wolf went, chasing down his partner. He had the advantage of being fit, and his hybrid blood granting him more speed than the average human. But you were also flighty and you knew the garden better than he did. Whenever he thought he had you, you ran back another corner, and even pulled your tongue at him if he was far enough.
At some point, you hid close to the lake. He had not reached this area yet, so you were safe to catch your breath. If only this could last beyond your couple of hours together! Not even factoring the end yet, you thought of him, smiling and chasing you both literally and figuratively. Only when you looked down to check on your dress, did you notice your legs clenching tight and the sudden warmth, the higher you went...
Perhaps you should have remembered that you were still being chased, ergo had no more time than a few quick breaths. You didn't hear the rustle of the bushes. Before you knew it, large hands grabbed your waist and their owner let out a victorious growl, lifting you up.
"Oh no, the wolf got me!".
"Damn right, he did! Now you're his to devour!".
He wanted to carry on, but a loving state always reduces one to recklessness. He tripped on a pebble, but made sure to switch so he'd take the fall rather than you. Thankfully, it wasn't as bad as he expected.
"Wriothesley, my dear! Are you okay?".
He chuckled at your worried face: "Nah, don't worry. It was way softer than I expected. Hah...".
A crimson blush spread upon both of your faces (but especially yours). It just dawned on you: You were on top of him, like on his body, and the chase excited him in the same way it did you. His red cheeks and the hard poke you felt against your thigh said it all.
"Archons, I... I'm so sorry, Y/N. I tend to enjoy that sort of stuff, running around and chasing...".
"It's okay... I enjoyed it, too...".
The time stopped when you (slowly, yet surely) shook off the awkwardness, as you sat up in his lap. How do you proceed from there? How do you deal with feeling so clueless in what you want? You barely processed that, as you ran a hesitant hand through his hair.
"I really like your ears.".
"There it is.".
His arms tightened around your waist as he replayed the phrase in his head: "I really like your ears.". And you liked his dark attire above all the others'. And you liked his voice and his way of comportment, and by Focalors, you were madly in love with the human and wolf halves of him, never conditionally or pretending some part of him did not exist.
In the midst of this prolonged yearning, you two could no longer wait. He leaned down and sealed his promises with the kiss you've long thought of and saved just for him.
The full moon made its appearance on the lake reflection. The wind rustled the plants around you a bit. Unbelieving that this was actually happening, you pulled him in closer, wishing you could merge your bodies together. Even when you were dipping slower, slower into the ground, you knew he wouldn't let you fall harshly. You knew his tight grip was ever present to protect you from that or any other dangers, and its warmth of love and appreciation was only for you.
And you took in his mint breath, each time breathing in more and more. You were starved for your lover, and so was he, keeping you in his arms and away from a world that wanted you two apart. It already did enough of that throughout the day. The night was yours.
You two broke away, panting and looking into each other's diluted pupils. Sometimes, you couldn't believe how being with him was like having your own puppy. He whispered: "I love you with the marrow of my bones.", before dipping his head into your neck to kiss it. If marrying him, sharing the same bed, meant you could nuzzle your face into his fluffy hair, you had another reason to fight away from your other suitor.
Happy with its softness against your running hand and face, and his sweet kisses, you couldn't help but purr out: "I can't wait until... Until we can do this all the time, whenever we want.".
"Hah... And that time will come. I've already handed so much to the world, I'm not handing you out too.".
He looked up at the sky to tell the time, then chuckled in a morose manner: "Time sure flies by when I'm with you. It's like I lose control over it so easily.".
He made a sad, but true point; For one, you had to head back into your chambers, because dawn would emerge soon enough and you needed time to change, actually sleep... There was also the fact that even if he got onto the active part of taking you from your father and Archandelle (funny, you just remembered his name), your parents would probably want to have you married soon. Time was of the essence, and that essence was short-lived and impossible to take back.
As he walked you back to the backdoor, hands squeezed tight, he leaned in: "My dear, can I ask you for a favor?".
"Of course. Anything for you.".
"Next time you have to meet that idiot your parents call 'your fiancé', look at whether he behaves out of the norm. Specifically, if he's nervous or uncomfortable. Or maybe if he talks more about politics.".
"I see...".
"Nobles who feel like they have something to hide always act like that. Depending on what's found against him, he could be called for questioning. That's enough to cause unrest.".
You laughed: "As with every other noble guy. You'll probably find worse skeletons in my father's closet.".
"The question isn't whether there are skeletons. It's how you use them.".
You liked that idea a lot, enough to make you smirk. Now that you thought about it, there were many 'skeletons' around you, especially those belonging to your father. And now, you were growing into a position where you could use them, where you could be as knowledgeable in the law as Wriothesley and use it to your advantage. Sure, that might get you called 'disgraceful', but you'd be ripping yourself away from them faster, ergo into your lover. And if Fontaine was all about fairness, what was happening to you was unfair. You were just rectifying an error.
"Uh-oh. My mischievous darling is smiling like that of all ways. What do you have in mind?".
"I just liked what you said. It feels a lot like how the world works.".
"It's not far off.".
Agatha was sitting down next to the backdoor. She stood up and bowed, but her smile grew bigger when she caught sight of your intertwined hands. You felt very lucky to have her by your side.
Before bidding goodnights, Wriothesley turned you to him, and kissed you one more time, before stroking a strand of hair from your face: "Dream of me. Let us meet in the realm of sleep and continue this, until we won't have to dream anymore.".
"I promise.".
Much to your heavy heart, you headed back in, and he was off to the nearest teleportation waypoint. The ending of your meetings always brought sadness to your heart, but he worked so hard for a reason; He would rather die than you two not be together. His very passion was you, and you knew that if he was yours, some things had to be done. And you were sure that could happen, starting with the favor.
"Y/N, you said he made you the happiest girl of Teyvat?".
"Well, you sure look like that right now! How was it?".
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funficwriter · 6 months
do you take requests?
So sorry for answering this late, grad school is kicking my ass >.< And for now, I do take requests if they're for Genshin, Bleach (not TYBW, haven't gotten there yet) or JJBA! Ask away, but just a heads up, I might be a bit slow.
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funficwriter · 6 months
YANDERE rissoto Nero doll peompt
Sure! Love me some goth capo!
Doll - "You're my doll, my toy to play with...and I don't intend to share you with anyone else.”
(Warnings: General yan scariness, mild gore, blood drinking, possessive behavior)
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Porcelain (Yandere! Risotto Nero x Reader)
“Stop moving…Don’t make me hurt you...” A low, smooth voice growled almost gutturally in your ear as your capo pinned you down against his desk. His black and red eyes peered down into yours with a look so intense, one could mistake it for murderous intent. Gripping your much smaller hands in his own, he pinned them above your head as he trapped you against the desk you had been sitting at not too long ago.
You stared up at him with wide eyes and ever so slightly parted lips, both showing shock for your normally even-tempered, detached capo’s sudden explosion of emotion. 
‘How did a situation like this arise?’ one might wonder. What would make such a normally calm man snap like this and shove his subordinate down on a table?
Let’s go back to when it started, first of all. You were a member of the La Squadra Di Esecuzioni, AKA the Hitman Team. Because of your useful stand, used for gathering info on hits, you had been assigned to work under the capo, Risotto Nero...but you didn’t think you would actually be under him like this...
His broad and muscular chest pressed down on your own, causing you to lose your breath just a bit...He was so heavy and you could barely even move to struggle against him, not that you could otherwise. His stand was absolutely brutal, and you knew from his earlier threat he had no problems utilizing it to keep you compliant.
“Capo…” You whined breathlessly, causing his body to tense a bit as he gazed down at you, “Please get off...You’re really heavy…”
He aggressively tightened his hands on your wrists, causing you to whimper softly. He cut off your circulation easily with just his fists alone. “No…” He said huskily, his eyes narrowing slightly as he saw you squirm just a bit underneath him...
“Why are you doing this…?” You asked him quietly, feeling more scared than you had ever been. As much as you had grown to trust your capo, you had never been at the mercy of someone that could so easily kill you if he so chose to.
"Every single day, it's the same thing…" He snarled a bit, his voice a growl that reverberated through his chest, "You're out there, my men flirting and throwing themselves at you...And you eat it up, don't you? You love the attention…" He continued with the same look of anger on his face.
"Flirting…?" You awkwardly said. They had only really been moderately nice to you...Bantering with you, asking for you to help them out with jobs..but you had never noticed them flirting with you intentionally as Risotto was putting it (other than Melone but that was to he expected of him).
Very hesitantly, you shook your head, a small frown appearing on your lips. "No…" You murmured, "They've just been nice to me and I've just been nice to them...That's all…"
"Don't be." Risotto snapped, his words harsh and eyes not much better in terms of their scathing look, "They don't deserve your kindness…"
You hesitantly tried to shake your head, "They're my teammates...and I have a support stand...It's my job to help them and-" you attempted to protest, but Risotto removed one of his hands from your wrists, easily retraining your arms with one hand, and gripped your chin between his thumb and forefinger.
"No. I don't care how big and bad you think you are, but those men are killing machines," He said lowly, his eyes still locked on to yours, "You're too fragile for me to even dream of letting them near you. All of them could break you, (Name). Easily. But I won't let them…" 
His grip on your chin slowly lightened, becoming less harsh and more like one a person would expect from a passionate lover. "You need to save your kindness, Amore. Save it for me. The only person you need to worry about is me," He said, expression slowly calming. His fit of anger seemed to be coming to a close.
You blinked slowly at him and his grip slowly began to go lax...He stood up and sat down in his chair again, yanking you into his lap and resting his head on top of yours. 
"You're mine. My doll, no one else's. Don't look at them. Don't speak to them. Don't even breathe a syllable of their names. Am I understood?" He asked, hands gripping your hips hard enough to leave bruises.
"But...capo...I still work with them. I need to-" You tried to reason, but before you could even get the words out, you felt a sharp prick in your thigh…
You winced, holding back a pained cry as you looked down at your thigh- A sharp needle piercing through the sensitive skin gruesomely. Blood began to pool around the needle, beginning to drip down the skin.
Glaring down at you, he let out a low growl that made your heart jump into your throat, "I said, am I understood?" He asked again, scowling at your attempt at defiance. 
"Y...yes, capo…" You said in a stammered whimper, eyes watering as you struggled not to cry and look weak in front of him. You slowly looked down, holding back a whine as the needle retracted, dissolving back into your blood. The gash was still open however and blood began to dribble down from the open wound and on to Risotto’s striped pants below.
 Seeing this, he reached down, brushing it away with his thumb and licking it off. You stared at him in silence for a moment, your eyes clearly reading with discomfort and fear as you watched him drink down those drops of your blood like spilled wine. He sighed blissfully, his dark eyes fluttering closed as he relished in your taste…
As he finished, he let out a small hum of approval and opened his eyes, staring down at you with a look of adoration. He wrapped his arms around you, resting a hand on the back of your head.
Risotto pressed your face into his shoulder and then began to run his fingers through your soft hair. "I can taste it in your very blood that you’re too weak to fight against me…” He murmured and pulled you even closer to his chest, crushing you against him like one might a teddy bear, “See? You're so soft and fragile...Like a little porcelain doll…" He said in an uncharacteristic and rather creepy, crooning tone, breathing out a sigh as he held you.
You shuddered and limply laid in his arms, trying not to make him angry again and just letting him hold you and stroke your hair gently, like he was patting the head of his favorite toy.
“Look at how easily I subdued you...You’re so tiny and weak, so easily overpowered by me...I barely had to do anything and look at you, sniveling and whimpering like a kicked puppy…” He sighed as he ran his hands over your trembling form, admiring how tiny you were against his muscular frame.
Sniffling softly and wiping your face in your sleeve, you quietly asked, “Why are you doing this, capo…?” You didn’t understand why he was acting this way towards you of all people. You were simply a subordinate, a person on his team who didn't even go on missions. You were a simply a support peice, a tiny cog in the machine. Why was he acting so...possessive? He was acting as if he somehow had some sort of claim over you and it was sickening, to say the very least...
“Why am I doing this?” He said as if reasking the question to you, "I thought it was apparent…" he leaned down closer, gripping your chin in his fingers again.
He moved closer and closer, until his nose was pressed up against yours and your lips were just barely separated, "I love you…"
You paused, staring at him in surprise for a moment...He...loved you? But...he was being so rough and aggressive, it was alarming…
 "I told you already...You are mine...You're my doll…" He leaned in closer and whispered into your ear, "And I won't share you with anyone else…"
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funficwriter · 6 months
A Wolf and A Snake (Wriothesley x Reader)
Letters' Interlude - 2
Warnings: Yandere themes, a bit graphic in the second letter.
Taglist: @yue-caelum @reyy-chanx @mis-disaster
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From: Duke Wriothesley of Meropide - Fortress of Meropide, Liffey Region, Fontaine
To: Baron E. Balthazar - Balthazar Manor, Court Region, Fontaine
To the most esteemed Baron Balthazar,
I feel honored for the chance to be able to write this letter, even more so if you're reading it now. I'm sure you know why I am doing so by now, with your daughter's social success and coming-of-age as a fine young woman.
While I wasn't born a Duke, I have been one for a while. I saw quite a few virtuous young ladies, but young Lady Balthazar shines in the depth of her knowledge, culture, and trueness. As a noble, I'm sure you know how dull our conversational space can be; Everyone is well-educated and knows much of culture, but it often hits a ceiling where that ends. I would argue that they're all repositories of goodness with a cap. But Lady Balthazar is no house or repository with limits; She's a never-ending well of virtue, one that goes beyond instruction and basic fact. Each time I thought I saw it all with her, she amazed me with a new level of tact, kindness, or wisdom. She has certainly been blessed to have you provide such great education, but I must say you are also fortunate for Celestia to give you a daughter with her own penchant for continuously seeking virtues as a noble and as a person. I think that is what sealed the deal in my love for her.
I'm certain many nobles will liken her to doves or flowers. I would like to be honest about my feelings, even if I deviate. In that one night, I felt that Lady Balthazar is much that I love; She's my favorite type of dark chocolate. She's unearthed tomes holding the secrets to Spantamad's unresolved questions of ice and thunder. She's the soft operatic melody that rings out in sole nights not for human fame or money, but an impetuous desire to be heard by the stars. Her laughter's is Mondstadt's festival winds. Her steps are Liyue's clinking of good charms. Her speech is my cup of tea reflecting the full moon upon which I was born. Even beyond the borders of Fontaine, where I spent most of my life, Lady Balthazar spans upon my entire world and I'll never lead a joyful life if I have only experienced this once.
Obviously, a presence as electrifying as hers only deserves the best. I myself have long wanted a wife, so I made sure that by the time one made me as lovestruck as your daughter, I can be the best husband possible within my arsenal. When I became responsible of the Fortress, I made sure I used my power to assure Fontaine would be a place of safety and fairness. I want to wonder our beautiful avenues with her by my side, while she enjoys herself, free of any fears of danger. In a way, I feel that much of what I do is for the citizens I love, and the first on that list is your daughter.
I thank you for your time and attention, as well as the grace you granted me to meet the loveliest of ladies.
With all my regards,
Duke Wriothesley.
From: Duke Wriothesley of Meropide - Fortress of Meropide, Liffey Region, Fontaine
To: Lady Y/N Balthazar - Balthazar Manor, Court Region, Fontaine
To my beloved, deserving of happiness alone,
I'm hoping that the appearance of Frosty cheered you up a little, especially after tonight. Deep down, I knew your father would try to use my being a wolf hybrid as a weapon against me. He's not the first, and certainly won't be the last.
I spent the last few hours praying to Focalors that something, anything good could happen before Frosty and lift your spirits a bit. Ever since I became infatuated with you, I felt like you're mine. Your emotional extremes - both positive and negative - have become mine as well. Even if I didn't cry, your tears were mine, too. And that is part of loving a person, whole, which I believe that in its tragedy, holds something beautiful. In you being mine, you'll never have to face another storm alone. You'll never have to stare down the uglier part of life with your hands shaking, begging to hold another and stay with you in the midst of that chaos.
Learn this well if you wish to know your real lover (that self-righteous Archandelle idiot is not it, even if your father says otherwise); Throughout my life, as a prisoner and as a warden, I have handled humanity's scum. Many nights I thought: "There can't be people worse than what I have just imprisoned.", then came another bastard to astonish me. Over time, I grew jaded about it until last night, when you poured your heart out to me. The lifer criminals I have, in my eyes, could never hold a candle of cruelty that he who made you cry has.
Your tears are the greatest injustice I've witnessed. Your sorrow (especially when you didn't ask for it) is the most urgent of tragedies to remediate. So I swear upon my honor and love, I will end it. I will run, fight, bribe, corrupt, maim or kill whoever dares to trespass upon our happiness, our coupling, our fate to be together forever. Many of our Archons have decreed it: "Whoever stops fate from running its course will see great punishment.". Except here, this punishment will come in the ice beast that they feared, who will roar at them but only ever purr for you.
Please hold on and be assured that you will not belong to that idiot, or that bastard you call a father. Keep in mind that my anger towards him is not yours at all. You didn't ask to be born to him, you did nothing wrong. On the contrary, he saw the gem that was his daughter, and yet decided to make her unhappy. With time and my own plans (That you will be made aware of soon. A bit radical, but will guarantee our ending up together), you will belong to the one you should belong to. Until then, let's keep each other in the loop of what is going on.
You will belong to me,
Duke Wriothesley.
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funficwriter · 6 months
A Wolf and A Snake (Wriothesley x Reader)
Chapter 2: Will the Chaperone Approve?
A/N: WHO'S READY FOR C2?! I hope you guys enjoy this :D
Taglist: @yue-caelum, @reyy-chanx, @mis-disaster
Synopsis: Being a noble meant that marriage was a chess game, not an affair of love. Unfortunately for the pristine Balthazar family of Fontaine, Y/N has long been enamored with love and sought it out before their priorities. After her grey, boring time of courtesy, she meets Duke Wriothesley, who makes her yearn for the first time in her life, and it's the same for him. Threatened by the idea of losing this first, it seems they'll stop at very little to be together...
Warnings: Controlling/abusive parents, discrimination (towards Wrio), sexism, reader has a breakdown, yandere themes.
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Your parents loved the idea of you taking a vacation not to rest, but because 'absence makes the heart grow fonder'. They were clearly referring to the nobles, who would only pine more if you were unavailable for a while.
Last night, you all returned from Belleau, warmly welcomed by the main manor's staff. Your favorite among them was your governess, Agatha; Though she generally listened to your parents' instructions, she occasionally broke some rules for you. That night, she waited until everyone else was asleep to bring you some cake, in exchange for you telling her about the nobles.
"And what about Duke Arya? I know you looooove braggarts!
"No way! All he does is talk about himself like he's Focalors!".
And you'd both laugh. You loved how Agatha has evolved to be a mother figure to you. It was unfortunate when she had to go and let you sleep, but oh well.
You knew this time would come; It was the morning, and you saw a servant bring tea to the room where your parents read the declarations of courting that were received over the vacation.
"Pierre, please call my daughter here. We must discuss something of the utmost importance.".
The servant would nod, your status as a young maiden really hammering home the point. You walked in, a little unnerved by the warm smile your parents sported, but better that than scowling.
Your mother was the first to talk: "Ah, good morning Y/N. You look as beautiful as you ever did.".
Your father, always thinking ahead, had to add on: "Indeed, so beautiful to make half the Court's dukes turn their heads!".
He let out a loud, victorious laugh. Maybe it would take you a while to get used to this pride for you. You sat down, looking over the small stack of papers. It was truly fascinating, in a weird sense: All these crests and emblems, clearly signaling many different gentlemen... And they all shared the same recipient sitting right in front of them.
"So as per custom, your mother and I have looked over most of them. We've already scrapped the ones from barons, since you can clearly marry up with your amount of choice!".
Was there choice? While it was true that you had a smidge of a say, it was just that. Furthermore, that smidge had to be based on standing, finances and the criteria deemed 'important' for your marriage. Love was not on the list. Maybe a word tossed around or an act indulged in, but nowhere near the other criteria.
How would they react if you told them who you truly wanted to marry? How would they like their daughter throwing away business owners, legacy holders and other 'fancier' nobles for the one who dealt with the backdoor business of Fontaine? No matter, you decided to use that 'smidge' to the best of your ability.
"I'm glad to see I can marry up.".
"Yes, yes. Now look here, my dear. Your mother likes Count Evermore, since he seemed sweet with you...".
And off your parents went off, comparing this Lord and that important person to the other. There was whose business would last longer, which last name had more history, which was cleaner... After the third new name, your mind fazed out to Wriothesley. You wanted to be courted by Wriothesley. You wanted to say yes to Wriothesley. Screw the Evermores, Archadelles, Demauris... Being a queen itself did not compare to being his Duchess of Meropide.
"There are still a couple of unread letters, though...".
"Eh, I don't know. My heart's already set on Archandelle or Evermore... But we'll see these too. There's Dukes and Viscounts, which is good...".
It was as if timing synced up. Your mother grabbed an envelope featuring a wolf crest. No, the wolf he wears right under his shoulder.
It seemed relatively short, but the text must be good. Your mother looked pleased for a minute.
"Oh, my! Gentlemen who are this sentimental about their potential wives are quite rare! Oh...".
When she got to the sender's signature, the dreamlike effect waned off of her. It was as if she was hoping someone else had sent this one. Your father took one look at the crest and understood it all. Nevertheless, he still read it. For now, playing a little dumb (as any good girl should be, in their opinion) sounded like the best option to prod.
"Who is that, father?".
He took a deep breath and looked at it as he answered: "Duke Wriothesley of Meropide. (he chortled) I wonder if he took writing classes while we were away?".
You didn't know how to feel anymore. At first, your despair was replaced by the sheer joy his name brought you. Yes, that was the one you loved best! And you saw some of his past written inquiries, he was always well-spoken and eloquent. Why was your father insinuating that the opposite was normal? You wanted to see it and compare it to what he wrote to your grandfather.
"By the way, Y/N, there's something we must ask you. During our last party, you were seen chatting in a rather... Animated fashion with him. What were you talking about?".
Crap. You should have expected gossip to fly around and narrow your parents' eyes at you. You went with the safe answer: "Mostly books and music. He likes going to the opera whenever he can.".
"But we don't see him often, so I'm presuming he's not always free, is he dear? I was frankly shocked that he even came to the party.".
You knew they'd be nitpicky about even nobles who fit their bill, let alone someone considered 'atypical'. But did anyone see you two leaving? Heart thumping in fear, you prayed to Focalors that they just heard of you two talking and nothing else.
"I mean... Mother, father, while he may not be the most typical Duke, he's still an important component in Fontaine's justice and security. Haven't you noticed crime rates have plummeted ever since he took over? Just like Count Evermore, he holds justice close to his heart.".
Your mother nodded, seeing your point of view, before turning to your father: "I prefer other gentlemen, but she's not entirely wrong. We want her to be with someone who exemplifies Fontaine's core values, just as she embodies them.".
"Yes, yes. We might take that into consideration, but listen to me, Y/N...".
You were so sick of these lectures, but it seemed like your point might hold weight. Grin and bear it. Grin and bear it for him.
"We'll want to consider as many as we can, then narrow down the choice, which will happen after the next event. However, we've raised you to know the best options. You know there are many, many better options laid out to you right now. Unless something happens and they fall from grace, for example, keep the bulk of your attention on the Dukes we have discussed most.".
"...Yes, Father.".
He called out to his wife: "Aren't I right? Isn't what I'm saying the core of successful marriage?".
"Yes, yes, my dear. Though she'll entertain many conversations, she'll focus on our best options. And I must say, it's entertaining how we didn't have to do that much narrowing down, since she's got choice.".
He smiled fondly at you: "Indeed. I know we've raised a fine, young lady. Only at her social debut and she's already brought us so much praise.".
For years, you had yearned for this moment; Your parents smiling like the ones in the fairy tales, kindly praising you and reminding you that they loved you. Had you had this recognition a couple of years ago, you'd readily accept whatever husband they threw at you. But at this stage, it was too little, too late. Your heart has already been captured by Wriothesley, your thoughts invaded by him and no amount of love (Which, conveniently, only arrived after their 'investment' paid off) could change that. You focused on the bright side of seeing him again, and the chance he'll get of putting a good impression to your parents. A Duke was well-versed in that, especially if he liked the lady in question.
The servant knocked: "Forgive me for disturbing this important discussion, but young Lady Y/N's tutor has arrived and inquired as to whether she has lessons for today or not.".
"Oh heavens no! You should get going, my dear. Skipping lessons would be the last thing you need!".
"That sounds like quite a feat of courage on your part, Duke Archandelle!".
"Indeed, Baron Balthazar. But it might not be courage so much as enjoying the hunting season.".
You did not like this arrangement; Your parents and yourself were with Duke Archandelle, the two men chatting away. Within its course, your father seemed happier and happier, which was bad for you. He's looking for any Duke to pick over Wriothesley, and if Archandelle is 'too good' per say, you know who you're getting paired off with and it's not the one you makes you swoon, laugh, or question the deeper nuances of life. Not the one you love.
"You remind me a bit of myself in my younger years. It's a rite of passage to go after the largest deer your group can find.".
"And the night that followed was equally as thrilling. (he gave you a slight glance) We watched a gorgeous ballet number at the Opera. The Lady of Cooler Waters, I believe.".
The mention made your parents more excited. Here was a kind, courteous gentleman who helped you watch your step, who enjoyed the hunting season and the arts in the same day. Manly, but not brutish. Basically, a perfectly adjusted and balanced gentleman.
A knockoff version of my Wriothesley. How thrilling.
Speak of the devil, tufts of black and silver hair appeared in the sea of blondes. They were twisting around, as if their head was turning around a lot to look for something. In the end, it was someone, and there he was, looking so broodingly handsome and making every other man in the room look average at best. His blue eyes scanned the room, and once they landed on you, it was over for the both of you.
You wanted to swim in those cold eyes until you got hypothermia. You wanted to be thrown into their cool pond and feel the temperature restart your system. But what a paradox took place; Once he found you, your heart felt ready to explode on the spot, and your temperature was rising rather quickly. The once-light dress now felt stuffy. If you fainted, how would you explain this to your parents? You saw his own pupils dilate and his stoic expression break out into an enchanted smile that meant a million more than your parents' or that stupid Archandelle's.
He's here. He looks so handsome. His smile is so cute and gorgeous. Why can't he just come in and join our conversation? Stupid high society social codes!
You could tell that he was trying to get close, already in conversation with a few others nearby. Though they were trying to focus on what he was saying, they were gazing - either in surprise or in prejudice - at his wolf ears.
So rude! So ignorant and incapable of realizing that he's far more handsome that he ever will be!
Once Archandelle left to catch up with a friend (not before obnoxiously letting you know that he wants to talk to you again), a bit of freeway opened up for Wriothesley. Ever the go-getter, you didn't doubt that he'd take it.
"Ah, Baron Balthazar, you picked quite the lovely night to plan this.".
Your father smiled, although it looked rather forced. You bet he wouldn't look like that if it was any other noble: "Duke Wriothesley! What a pleasant surprise, we were worried that you might not make it!".
"Oh? Well, I've always had a penchant for surprising people. How do you do, Madame Balthazar?".
Your mother exchanged pleasantries in the same tense way your father did, her eyes narrowing down on his ears. No wonder he was so happy when you expressed appreciation for lycanthrope culture; Everyone else was being such a jerk about it, and you wondered how he lived side by side with it. Maye you can ask that later.
Though he talked to your parents, you couldn't avoid his gaze. He didn't like a lot of the people here, them included (not that you could blame him). He didn't come here for them, but for you. Enough with the pleasantries, he decided.
"I think by now, you know of my feelings regarding the beautiful young Lady Balthazar. And so, I couldn't let myself show up without a present for her.".
He handed you a small, silver box; Sleek, minimalistic but with a beauty that didn't need the other nobles' gaudiness to shine. You opened it to find a silver bracelet (how did he guess your wrist size, anyway?!) adorned with the same wolf emblem he wore.
Deep breaths! Deep breaths! Don't faint or blush, act normal!
After one, you finally got to talk: "Oh, Your Grace! I-I... Forgive me for my lack of speech, it's splendid!".
Your original plan was to not be too excited by him, but could you really help it? A few other nobles got you presents, too, but you had to question your class' taste in what a lady would like. This was just perfect. If it weren't for your parents, you'd wear it right now, but you had to control yourself.
Your father coughed: "Hem! Er- Thank you for the thoughtful gift, though one would deem it a bit too confident to have their crest on it... Say, how are things at the Fortress?".
He had the urge to punch this annoying old man. Here you were, happy and frickin adorable over wearing his crest, already so eager to demonstrate who you belong to, then here comes the Baron to shut this moment down.
"Pretty stable for now. We aren't receiving many new inmates. Perhaps people are losing interest in crime, in which case, that's a victory for Fontaine.".
"Mhm. Yes, indeed. We have much to thank you for, especially your service. I can imagine it's a hard job.".
He chuckled a little, stealing whatever gaze he could at you (man, he felt like he was reverting to his young thief self): "Not necessarily. Most people behave, and you learn quite a bit. I'm still rather young for a Duke, but ever since I started, I've become much better at protecting what matters to me.".
As he talked, it was more obvious that by 'what matters', that included you. Now the image was stuck in your head: You, in danger for whatever reason, and him dashing in to save you and proclaim that you're his drive, his love, what matters to him the most. This sounded like your fairytale prince. Did anyone in your manor think that way of you? Did you even matter to the other nobles beyond potential unions with a historic and important name?
"I'll cut to the chase, Your Grace, since my daughter is the biggest reason behind the last two events. Say you two married; Would she always be what matters to you? Do keep in mind that that's a heavy proclamation.".
The beautiful thing about Wriothesley was that he was ready for such questions. Most nobles hired a conversation coach to 'deal with the maiden's father' so they could speak well in front of him, thus swaying his opinion in their favor. Wriothesley was genuine. Earnest. He only needed himself to back up his claims.
"I said it, and it will always apply. If you know me well, you'll notice, dear Baron, that I'm a man who finds principles that work and sticks to them. The same applies to deciding my priorities, even if other people may not see what I see.".
"What do you mean by that?".
"I myself was always interested in being married, but you know how the start of a career is; So hectic, you can barely think of anything else. I could see where the rumor of me losing interest in companionship came from. Now that I'm more established on several aspects, I can focus on my own personal goals, including being a good husband."
"Yes, indeed. It does take a gentleman a while before he gets married. And considering your important position, I can presume my daughter will be taken care of?".
Perhaps you should look into a Kamera, to always have a picture of that sweet smile: "Without a flicker of a doubt. And I know courtship should take a while. Please take all the time you need to decide. Should you want to know anything that you think might impact the process, please let me know.".
You wanted to declare victory; He could stand against Duke Archandelle and (at least) make the choice harder for your father.
"Do forgive me suspicion, dear Duke, but does what matters to you extend to... you know... People who aren't, of your ilk?".
Oh no. Oh no, no, no please...
As he said 'of your ilk', he pointed at his own head, referring to Wriothesley's wolf ears. You could feel your love tense up, but keep his cool for another reason besides you; Hybrids were held to such an unfair standard. One trace of annoyance or anger from them and everyone would talk about how 'they're too dangerous to live in human society!'.
"Pardon, my ilk? We're all noble Fontainians here.".
"Oh, I can tell you only come with chivalry and good intentions. But I must point out that even if I'm just a Baron, 'Balthazar' is among Fontaine's oldest and most noble names. People look up to us even more than the average noble family, including our unions and bonds. So marriage has always been a very tricky thing for us, even with close humans.".
Both of you tensed up, and you had to fight back tears. While there was still a chance, technically, you father was alluding to rejecting this pairing, possibly in favor of another Duke.
This is unfair. This is so unfair, and you never wished to not be a noble until tonight. No, you wished you had no parents, that way you could control your fate a bit more, even if people gave you the side eye. Even by noble standards, he was husband material! You wouldn't have to move a finger as his wife. You'd be touted as important, as 'a lady of justice' since that's what your husband is involved in. But no, your parents just have to shut their eyes and ears and call all the shots in relation to you-
Oh, Focalors, what did I do so wrong for you to let me be born as their daughter? Wouldn't it be better if I were just his prisoner? Even now, a prisoner is more his than me!
A loud sound resonated from one of the gardens. The music's abrupt stop further panicked many people, some leaving the ballroom to see what's going on, others peering over the balconies. Your parents belonged to the first camp. A hand immediately grabbed yours; It was Wriothesley's.
"Quick, we're on limited time!".
You both made a dash for a spare room nearby. He closed the door and finally caught his breath. Before you could ask what he was doing, he lunged to embrace you in his arms, the sheer strength making you gasp.
"Okay, listen. I need to tell you two things, okay? They're very important...".
He stopped to pant again.
"Wriothesley, what's going on?".
"A friend of mine made a diversion to buy us time. I can't say these things in front of your parents.".
You nodded.
"First of all, starting tonight and per usual courtship processes, your parents might be spying on what mail you get, so our communication will be halted if they find out... If they find out what we say to each other. But I have a way to keep it up. Can you stay up for a bit to see it, maybe around 12 or 1 AM?".
"Certainly, certainly! If it helps us keep talking, I will!".
Even with the stress rushing through him, your eagerness brought on a multitude of emotions. Gosh, you were so cute. It wasn't enough for you to be so adorable early on, and his own personal type, was it? Your reaction made it clear that he wasn't the only one feeling this way. He was glad that the first plan would work out.
"Thank you. It's vital if we wish to be together. It doesn't sound like I can hold up to the competition your Father has for me-".
The allusion to him not being enough was the last straw for tonight.
"Don't say that, don't say that again! He doesn't know anything about what makes a good man, alright? He demonstrated that enough tonight! You're worth a million more of these stupid other men, okay?!".
He knew ladies were capable of being angry, but something about seeing it in real life, for the first time, was astounding. And yet deep down, he saw the outburst coming. Between your shaking hands and teary eyes, and how much you had to hide them from your father... His heart broke a little at seeing the love of his life so anguished, her tears dripping down quicker than she could wipe them.
"It's so obvious he doesn't care! He'll gladly excuse poor table manners or slimy behavior in general, but when someone just happens to be a bit different, that's when he says 'no sale' and shuts me up! 'We care about good repute and you', my foot! It's all about his name and what he wants... Why does my say not matter? Why?".
You didn't want Wriothesley to see you in this state so early, but after tonight's tension, you just couldn't. You were so sick of living with your shots being called for you. For so long, life was horribly dull, depressing through the lens of a growing child. When you finally found someone who washed away that grey and exposed you to the color of life, you were told you were forbidden from having it ever again. You had to follow the life script your parents wrote, your happiness be damned.
Your sobs racketed up and down, before quieting when you felt his weight on you; Slowly, warmly and lovingly.
"Star of my life... I'm so sorry for how tonight went. Believe me, I wanted to punch him. I hate how rigid this social code is, even more on you...".
You just realized that this was the first time he touched you beyond holding your hand. When you were young, you imagined your favorite chimney in the house to be the warmest place in the world. Oh how wrong you were, but to be fair, you couldn't have known before he took you in his arms; A fortress and a hearth all at once.
"I'm so sorry... You know, I was about to tell you the second thing, which I believe may help you...".
"What is the second thing?".
He slightly detached himself, though still holding you, to look deep into your eyes and silently swear upon those beautiful orbs: "By the name of Focalors and my own as the Duke of Meropide, you will be mine. We will end up together and you'll forget the names of the other men. Yes, we'll face some hiccups along the way. But in the end, all your other suitors will fall, one way or another. And once that happens, we'll be looming over them, with you in my arms for the rest of our lives.".
"Wriothesley... Forever?".
"Yes. We'll never have to face a dull day again. Forever. Forever, until Fontaine keels over and becomes dust.".
Your breath slowed down. He sounded so serious, and you wanted to believe in it. This man's caliber was an exceptional one, and something told you that once he made a promise, he kept it until he withered.
He leaned in a little and so did you. Your time was probably out, but you'll be damned if you can't enjoy it. You were closer, and closer, taking in his scent of cedar and myrrh until...
"That explosion was scary!"
"Shows you that commoners have no concept of watching over their kids.".
The nobles were slowly filing back into the ballroom. Wriothesley let out a quiet 'Goddamnit!", before looking through the door. Once the camp was clear, you left earlier, armed with the lie he gave you: "Oh, I lost my parents and I was so scared!". Perfect for a fragile, innocent maiden. The party went on, and you started questioning what the new way of communication would look like. The 'spying' aspect brought a bit of amusement to your mood, which you needed.
12:49 AM
Wriothesley ended up being right about your parents controlling your mail. One letter from a male classmate ended up opened and half-torn on fear that he was a rival suitor, before they read the hasty message asking you about a homework assignment. You presumed he's seen many courting processes (perhaps wondering when did he get to be the groom?) and understood their workings well.
The letter you were writing was almost complete. You felt a little clearer in the head after venting out on paper, albeit still very sad. Your father really, really wanted to pair you with Duke Archandelle. But Wriothesley was so determined, even risking his friend - and himself, should they snitch him out - to tell you to not lose hope. For now, all you could do is wait for the 'new method of communication'.
In the meantime, you tried to play a little guessing game to keep your mind off of everything, but to no avail. You also wore the wolf bracelet, its sheen reminding you of his piercing eyes and silver tufts. Your thought of train was about to restart until you heard a small bark.
Save for the security Dobermanns you often have, dogs were not allowed in the manor. Were you perhaps just thinking about your own dog-like lover too much?
This one was much louder, and on the left side of the table. The source of the barks was an adorable husky puppy, smiling and approaching you. He wore a collar with the Duke's crest on it, and a sort of paper backpack which you presumed had Wriothesley's message for you.
"Awwwww, you're so cute!!".
You weren't often exposed to dogs, but nevertheless you took it in your arms to pet it. His color scheme reminded you so much of Wriothesley, you wondered whether it could be him in his animal form. The collar was double-sided: The back had 'Frosty' written on it in clumsy handwriting that you knew wasn't the Duke's.
"Frosty? Were you sent by Duke Wriothesley of Meropide?".
He barked again, as if confirming your questions. You took out the 'backpack' to find an actual letter, a whistle wrapped up in another note which read:
Y/N, excuse my handwriting and format, I'm writing this in a hurry. Before you ask, Sigewinne named the pup. She wanted to name him 'Wriothesley The Second', originally, then settled with 'Frosty' since that was the closest compromise we found. I rescued him from drowning two weeks ago and planned to hand him over to a reputable shelter, until I noticed his smarts. He's delivered my mail efficiently, even if it was his first time going to a new place. He knows where we both live, and answers to the whistle enclosed with him. Use it if you need to send me anything, especially something urgent. You will be my wife soon, so we should get into the habit of good communication. Don't hesitate to tell me anything, especially if it terrifies or excites you. I always have an ear for you.
Archons, Wriothesley was so cute. He looked so tough but you could always count on him to decide on such a way. You attached your own letter and pet Frosty one more time before he disappeared into the night.
'You will be my wife soon...' Will I, Wriothesley? Will I really see a day where I'll wake up with you by my side, and not bemoaning my being alive, but thanking my stars for the arrangement?
You two will be together. You weren't sure how many more boring dates you had to go to with Archandelle, but as Agatha told you: All was in due time. It had be a matter of when, not if, the promise was fulfilled and you would no longer belong to your father. Oh, you could hardly wait for that day. For one you'll be wearing the bracelet he gave you. That day would also have sweets, love and definitely not him.
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