funky-cheese · 15 hours
Happy Pride Month! I hope you're doing well!
For the art prompt: A:IW-era Steve and Bucky dressed up for pride! For Bucky, a rainbow kippah, and a prosthetic that's the gay male flag (and, if visible. a solid-coloured star of david on the shoulder). For both of them, I think it'd be cool to see them with the original Gilbert Baker pride flag! Other than that, have fun with it! Your art is amazing, and I know that whatever you come up with, it'll be awesome!
Heya!! I hope you're doing well too! Here's some art for you :)
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Happy Pride to you too! 🌈💫
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funky-cheese · 15 hours
happy pride month to you too bestie!
i'd love to see bucky with the rainbow jewish pride flag (like the one in my header) 🥺
Happy Pride month bestie!! I also saw your follow-up ask so here ya go:
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Hope you like it 💖🌈
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funky-cheese · 2 days
Fanfic writers are like crows. If you give them treats (comments) they will bring you shiny things (fanfic)
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funky-cheese · 3 days
My new head canon is that Alpine is deaf.
Post CA:TWS recovering Bucky realizes that his little kitten is deaf after a few months
At first he just thinks she's ornery, because she never listens and ignores him unless he picks her up. But then he realizes she can't hear him. And suddenly he's reminded of pre-serum Steve and it's because of this that he begins to recover his memories because he knows he's taken care of an ornery, tiny, half deaf, hissing ball of fluff and righteousness before.
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funky-cheese · 6 days
After Thanos, the Avengers consider creating a worldwide protection program that can dismantle threats in case of another absolute emergency.
Tony drafts an initial proposal and calls the system Synthetic Unified Intelligent Technology for Omnipresent Forensics, Analysis, Resistance, Monitoring, Obstruction, Response, and Advanced Robotic Operations for Unprepared Neutralization, Defense, Tactical Hazard Evaluation, Worldwide Observation, Reconnaissance, and Logging Data.
Steve doesn't care for the snark.
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funky-cheese · 6 days
Tips for writing those gala scenes, from someone who goes to them occasionally:
Generally you unbutton and re-button a suit coat when you sit down and stand up.
You’re supposed to hold wine or champagne glasses by the stem to avoid warming up the liquid inside. A character out of their depth might hold the glass around the sides instead.
When rich/important people forget your name and they’re drunk, they usually just tell you that they don’t remember or completely skip over any opportunity to use your name so they don’t look silly.
A good way to indicate you don’t want to shake someone’s hand at an event is to hold a drink in your right hand (and if you’re a woman, a purse in the other so you definitely can’t shift the glass to another hand and then shake)
Americans who still kiss cheeks as a welcome generally don’t press lips to cheeks, it’s more of a touch of cheek to cheek or even a hover (these days, mostly to avoid smudging a woman’s makeup)
The distinctions between dress codes (black tie, cocktail, etc) are very intricate but obvious to those who know how to look. If you wear a short skirt to a black tie event for example, people would clock that instantly even if the dress itself was very formal. Same thing goes for certain articles of men’s clothing.
Open bars / cash bars at events usually carry limited options. They’re meant to serve lots of people very quickly, so nobody is getting a cosmo or a Manhattan etc.
Members of the press generally aren’t allowed to freely circulate at nicer galas/events without a very good reason. When they do, they need to identify themselves before talking with someone.
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funky-cheese · 7 days
Tony’s behavior: Kid
I spent a few days working on some posts about Tony, Howard and Steve, but ultimately came to the conclusion that I needed to do an analysis of Tony's behavior at all stages of his life first. So here is the first post of a new short series.
To see a real person as he is, without masks, habits, traumas and other alterations (which we call “personality development”), the best we can do is to look at him in childhood.
What do we see in kid Tony?
We don't have much, but we have some.
September 1973. Tony is supposed to be 3 years old here. He doesn’t look like that, because at the time the scene was filmed, the actor was 5 years old. But okay, let's close our eyes to these discrepancies in dates (by the way, this is not the first time we see them) and imagine that he is Tony between 3 and 6 years old.
He’s playing in his father’s office while the latter is filming EXPO stuff.
From his actions here we see that:
He is playful, as he should be at this age. There are three possible explanations for what Tony is doing in this scene: 1) he wanted to prank his father by removing one of the models from the desk; 2) he was trying to get his father's attention; 3) was just playing without a specific goal. If it was a prank, it means he was already a prankster, and his sense of humor was already developed at that age. If it was a way to get his father’s attention – he got a negative sort of it, which certainly was not what he wanted. And if he was just playing – it sounds more like a child his age.
Judging by his confusion when Howard noticed him and started yelling, and the fact that he was in no hurry to hide the model after he took it, this was not a prank. And looking at the same confused Tony with the model in his hands, we can say it was not an attempt to get attention. So the most logical explanation is the third - he was just playing around. Here is additional confirmation of the conclusion: “he sneaks into his dad’s office and picks up a building from a miniature cityscape on the desk. He also stands on the desk and, in what sounds like an interesting bit of foreshadowing, plays with a golden plane, making it dip and soar in the air.” (Source). So indeed, he was just playing with interesting things that looked like toys in his father’s office while his dad was busy with other people doing some silly adult things. Which means – no, he wasn’t a prankster or an attention seeker. He was a normal kid.
He minds his own business. He is not trying to attract attention to himself or interfere with the adults' work. When he picked up the model, he didn't seem to know they were filming. The unreleased scene where he plays with a plane is also indicative of this.
He is brave. He is not afraid to play around a bunch of people, in the office of his strict father, or to touch his things. He doesn’t need his mother’s presence to feel confident to play there. Looks like he already used to it. He is not afraid of strangers and doesn’t show any distress when a guy from the filming crew picks him up and carries him away. Btw, where exactly was his mother is another question.
He is calm. When he was caught by Howard, he did not show any strong reaction to this, nor to Howard's anger, nor to his removal from Howard's office. He was CALM. How many kids this age have you seen who would not show their displeasure, throw a tantrum, cry or get scared? These reactions are natural at this stage of cognitive development: children from 2 to 6 years old are egocentric by default and react sharply to any restrictions on their will. As we can see, this was not Tony's case.
He is quiet. In this scene and throughout the filming for the EXPO (during which he was presumably in the office), he did not speak a word or make a sound.
He does what he is told. When Howard told him to put the model back in its place, he immediately obeyed.
He is neat. He carefully put the model back to its exact place. Have you ever seen kids who put toys back in their place? Huh?
From this deleted scene we can get the following:
Tony is a sleepyhead. Howard tried his best to wake him up, dragging him out of bed, carrying him around, touching, patting, talking and shouting in his ear. But despite his father's best efforts, Tony did not wake up. Superpower, no less.
Tony is trusting. Despite the fact that his father, who had recently yelled at him, took him sleeping in his arms and carried him somewhere, Tony did not wake up in a panic, but rather slept calmly on his father’s shoulder.
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He is not resentful. Despite Howard's behavior towards him, spending time with his father was important to Tony. He was important to him. And nothing changed that.
Scientifically and technologically brilliant. That’s an easy one. There is no evidence so far that he had other deviations. A normal kid in everything else.
Does not spend much time with other kids. Or none at all. There are no other kids that we can see, only adults: his father, photographers, journalists, Bill Gates, Stane. There are no childhood friends we heard about. Here is an explanation that seems realistic and logical based on our observations (at this point): his parents were too busy with their own affairs, whatever they were, to take him to other children and "waste time" on this "useless activity", besides, Howard did not support Tony's normal childhood activities, and playing with his peers was one of them, plus Tony was not too eager to insist, due to his moderate introversion.
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Loves riding and interacting with animals. We can see his happy expression when he is riding a horse in the first childhood picture.
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It is clear from the video and photos that he is not posing or showing off. Some kids do. And according to popular perceptions of Tony, he should have behaved that way too. But he didn't. His behavior is calm, even a little shy. The smiles are soft, no grinning, no gestures or anything like that.
These are traits of pure Tony, without the added layers of “personality” and “character development.” There are no signs of personality disorders, attention-seeking behavior, aggression, laziness, sloppiness or other negative traits. If you see any – let me know in the comments. On the contrary, he is very calm, quiet, independent, brave, curious, obedient, careful, and easygoing. I am actually very impressed and would be happy to have a kid like him.
Next time we will see how he changed as a teenager and young adult.
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funky-cheese · 8 days
i dont care about another meet cute romance novel with a silly pun in the title
i dont care about a character whose bar mitzvah is mentioned once or who has an ashkenazi name
and i dont care about a kids book about chanukah
give me jews in sci-fi! give me jews in fantasy! give me jews in apocalyptic settings!
i want halachic debates about silly little details in spec fics (because that's already what we do lol). i want to see judaism adapted to a thousand different made up regions in a thousand different made up worlds.
why arent there jews in fiction?
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funky-cheese · 8 days
Here's a thought:
kid Steve speaks better Gaelic than English. their pastor sometimes takes care of Steve when Sarah is working and he'd teach Steve English but, as one can imagine, the accent is not good. Steve is also partially deaf, he doesn't always control his volume well, so he speaks broken, heavily accented English, and that isn't a winning combo for friendships on top of his firecracker personality.
enters Bucky, the popular kid who somehow decides that Steve is his best friend in the world.
Bucky's grandparents immigrated from England, his dad is Romanian Jew. Bucky is not a very devoted Catholic, and the family still celebrates major Jewish holidays. they even hold a mini bar mitzvah for Bucky's 13 birthday.
the point is, Bucky has a fairly neutral accent that gets more Brooklyn by the day, he is also some kind of a polyglot. he speaks also Yiddish, he learns Italian from the neighbors, and French at school.
Bucky never makes fun of Steve's accent or gets frustrated when Steve can't quite get the pronunciation right. they read together, literally. Bucky would have one of his favorite novels, and he'd read the words out loud for Steve, when it's Steve's turn, he listens and helps him when Steve struggles.
Bucky is also the one to suggest they create a sign language of their own. just simple daily vocabulary like 'food', 'movies', 'home'. they add 'punk/jerk' and 'sorry' to their vocabulary after a short while.
and the thing is, losing Bucky is more than just missing a person in his life, it's that the most basic act of talking - not even about him - just talking, in his own native language, is a constant reminder of this loss. they don't have only their own sign language. in a way, English is their language too. losing Bucky is losing the languages, the tool of communication and connecting with other people and the world around him.
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funky-cheese · 8 days
Love this! does anyone know what day exactly is Jewish Comics Day? I wanna be sure to be ready with a bunch of jewish bucky fics to publish on ao3 🫶🫶🫶
Jewish Comics Day Across the Web
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Hey everyone, with Jewish Comics Day fast approaching, I wanted to make sure everyone knew all the ways they could get involved. Whether you want to protest the Hydra!Cap storyline or just appreciate that without Jewish creators we wouldn’t have superheroes, there are lots of ways you can participate:
Get to know what’s going on
Read this post about what Jewish Comics Day is.
Read these to get informed about the Captain America storyline, the Jewish heritage of comics and Marvel’s antisemitism
Participate in Jewish Comics Day by posting
Use the hashtag #JewishComicsDay
Post and follow that tag on Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr
Join the event page on Facebook to boost our numbers, then share with your followers and post in all your groups: https://www.facebook.com/events/253713578317579/
Share, create and reblog posts about the day, about Jewish comics creators, about how much you hate Hydra!Cap, etc. 
Create and share fanworks (writing, art, playlists, anything) that celebrate the Jewish heritage of your favorite superheroes. If you don’t want to make your own fanworks, you can still share and comment on and spread love for the works on the tag.
Make sure you spread the love across all the social networks you’re comfortable using.
Use the Avatar and banner provided here wherever you’d like.
Come to the local event in DC
If you’re in the DC area or attending Awesome Con this weekend, join us Friday, June 3 at 6:30 PM outside the Awesome Con event space for a meetup/protest/party in honor of Jewish Comics Day.
Cosplay as your favorite superhero, bring signs, or just show up with your awesome self to show your support.
Join the Facebook event page here: https://www.facebook.com/events/499583920251525/
Let me know if you’re planning any other local events!
Non-Jewish Allies
This event is for everyone to participate in, but there are some things gentile allies should be sure to do.
Get your fanworks approved by one of the volunteer Jewish-sensitivity readers (search the #jewishcomicsday tag to find them) or a Jewish friend, if you’re at all worried about your portrayal.
Help moderate the tag on all social media by reporting, documenting or responding to antisemitism, hate or general skeptical questions. This is something we as allies can take on so the responsibility doesn’t fall completely on Jewish participants (like it usually does).
Donate, etc.
For a great list of other things you can do to participate, read this Tumblr post: http://prismatic-bell.tumblr.com/post/144988790551/saynotohydracap-what-you-can-do
Thanks everyone, and be sure to reblog and share with your friends! #jewishcomicsday #saynotohydracap #awesomecon
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funky-cheese · 8 days
I'm a losing dog, why won't you bet on me?
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funky-cheese · 8 days
when I say writers, fanfic writers are always included — because they’re just as valid and talented as every other writer who writes and sells original works
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funky-cheese · 9 days
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funky-cheese · 10 days
Tony and Howard having that one conversation that goes “i hope you get cursed with having a child just like you so you can see how much I struggled”
And then Peter turns to be JUST LIKE HIM, in all the best ways, he is just a mini version of Tony. And Tony's like "wow,,, he lied!" because Peter is the easiest person to love.
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funky-cheese · 13 days
I’m not a comics expert by any means but I think that superheroes would be way less famous if they existed in the real world. Like irl, a lot of cities have local celebrities that are inside jokes for the people who live there. And between there only being 1 or 2 vigilantes in a huge city and the press not having great access to them I just can’t imagine them being any more famous than a citywide meme.
Like imagine you go to Gotham or some shit and this big fuckoff man in a black cloak and mask wooshes right past you while you’re in line for a burrito and you tweet about it and you get like 5 quotes being like “lmfao tourists don’t even know about batman anymore” like. The bat?? man??? And he’s just some guy that runs around assaulting criminals??? Or you visit your friend in NYC and see some wierdo in a red and blue gimp suit eating a hotdog and no one bats an eye and you’re like “do you think that guy is okay no judgement but like what is up with him” and they’re like “omg wait did I forget to tell you about spiderman?” And you can’t tell if this is just a New York thing or if you are actually losing your mind. Like can you imagine
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funky-cheese · 14 days
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funky-cheese · 14 days
Everytime i say "im going to write this weekend!" i realize how deep i'm buried (and drowning) in piles of homework and then go: welp... I guess not!" and its so frustrating but thank god school is over soon and i can start writing more consistently.
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