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Though I've been annoyed with other people doing this before, I'll just come clean and admit this is mostly a jab at myself. Most of my OCs were created when I was younger and not very good at creating a decent backstory, and even though I've made a lot of necessary changes to their pasts so the characters are actually interesting, there's still a few too many with dead parents. I have tried to give most of them good parental figures while writing them recently, but that doesn't change the fact that I maybe shouldn't complain when other people overuse a cliche when I'm not a lot better.
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Yeah, um, about that...
1. Different people find different types attractive.  Just because your character has a pretty face, doesn't mean she's my character's type.
2. It doesn't matter how conventionally attractive your character is when she won't stop doing things or talking about things that make people uncomfortable, or when she won't stop acting like an insensitive jackass who doesn't care about anyone else's wants or feelings.
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Sorry, I'm not turning this character into some kind of straw villain just to play out your ridiculous persecution/underdog fantasy.
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According to my rp parter, they don't teach a lot about WWII in Australia. I really couldn't tell, though I can't help but be inspired by all these japanese soldiers apparently flying over all of russia, poland and germany to hit a single militairy bunker.
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I swear this is growing to be a big pet peeve of mine. I get if people are shy or only want to follow me, but don't like every single post that appears on my blog; OP or RB. 
I view this similar to a follow from a porn blog. Just, no, please. 
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It's like bad writers don't think that their OCs can go on adventures or something with parents around. (look at ash ketchum and you tell me)
My friend has made several OCs and I am surprised that after fours years, she still hasn't learned to end this trope---not the parents.
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Recently I can't help but think some people are starting blogs for male muses just for slash shipping. Male friendships are just as important thank you.
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There's a story behind this. Its short so I don't think it really needs a read more. 
A is the person in question - the not-forcing force shipper. B is a friend of mine.
A and B had interacted only a few times and one day B got a magic anon basically making him possessed by the villain of the fandom they're in. B makes a starter call and A jumps on it. Things immediately turn horrible. 
B turns his sword on her, A grabs it and exclaims "Where the fuck is my [B]?" Theres a few lines of dialogue between them then this happens:
A suddenly pulls two guns on B and says: "Give me back my [B] and we’ll share, or I will kill him and take his soul as my own." 
B immediately drops the thread, then as soon as the M!A was over, A acted like it was all planned to somehow further their relationship - sends B a romantic prompt, B shuts her down and A starts whining, the mun even tagging the post as  'Poor [A]'. Yeah poor you for threatening to kill my friend's muse because you wanted him for yourself. Poor you, the world sucks. 
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Yeah, because being able to revive mass amount of people, heal any wound, control light, souls, darkness, poison, fire, water, blood, electricity, earth, time and space at least 4 different ways and having a Goddess inside you making you immortal is TOTALLY a balanced character and TOTALLY not a mary-sue. 
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It might happen that I have a canon character off-handedly mention, say, getting a latte, and the other person's character will suddenly and uncharacteristically rudely demand "since when do you drink lattes?"  Never mind that there's no evidence in canon to suggest that this character would absolutely never drink a latte.  (Do you people really believe that characters only do and like what you see them doing or having in canon?)
Or a character might mention not liking being called by some super-sappy nickname, and the other person's character will say, "But you liked it last week!" and act like my character is an asshole for not liking it now, even though "last week" never happened in the RP.  Sorry, but I can tell you right now that if my character doesn't like it now, this character probably never liked it, and I really don't appreciate your passive-aggressive attempts to force my character into being what you want.
Stop being such RP control freaks.
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That is not how servants work.
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There are certain lines to be drawn for stuff like this I know.
Unless that other party in question made an actual genuine cookie cutter of your character, or you actually created the entire concept BY yourself: You don’t own the race, class, hair color, eye color, license to own a cat, etc. I’m talking about general OC making stuff man. So unless the admin rules actually say there can be only one elf priest in the entire rp group, by golly let people make all the elves priests they want.
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So it happens often that when I have a character who isn't from contemporary Earth use an emoticon/emoji in a texting RP, the other person's character will comment on it, acting as if it's something totally wrong and uncharacteristic for my character to do... no matter how long my character has been ostensibly hanging around Earth these days.
These characters are all fairly bright people who are very much capable of adapting and learning!  We see that they learn new things in canon!  Why shouldn't they pick up on this stuff?
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Hi guys. Just wanted to say thank you for having a blog like this for people to vent. It's really helpful, and we appreciate the time you take to post submissions. Question here though. The FAQ says you guys don't give advice, do you accept submissions that are rants but are also looking for advice (from followers) or know of any blogs that that do? All the relevant links on your affiliates list are dead. If not, thanks for your time.
Hi there!
First off, thank you! Secondly, [i]we[/i] don’t give advice. Followers are fair game so long as it doesn’t escalate into silly debates (aka: be damn respectful). So... have at it!
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And over and over...  They're a great writer except that they insist on the exact same story with the exact same characters every time and then complain that nothing we rp is interesting anymore. In what world does this logic make any sense?
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Because it's totally fine to change aspects of my character without asking.
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