#bad rper polar bear
badrpstories · 7 years
Image Submissions are Now Open
I do have a few guidelines on these before people submit, so please keep these in mind! 
If you are submitting an image of things said, all names, icons, etc. must be removed. If it’s a picture on tumblr, please take it from your dashboard. Anything that is not censored will be deleted. 
We are not a blog for showcasing bad rping, there are other blogs for that. Images of Mary Sue characters and bad rping in general without context will be deleted. 
On that note, memes such as the bad rper polar bear are perfectly fine to send without text and I’ll actually encourage these. Just don’t send images of bad rping, Mary Sues, or ooc conversations without it.
 If the image doesn’t add anything to the story or is not necessary (again, exceptions being memes), the story will be reposted, but the image deleted. 
If image submissions don’t seem to do much for the blog (as in I’m deleting more submissions than letting through) I will turn them off, but for now, hopefully this helps people make submissions easier on people!
-Mod Anna
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🌟 Pyre
The blackened land of Argus was typically unforgivable, cold, and the only warmth seen in the distance was that of fel fire. This must not be the present but a dream as a green flames burst into the sky like fireworks. But those…those weren’t fireworks.
“RUN! They’re shelling the camp RETREAT!” That screaming woke everyone in the staging grounds up. The day before had proved beneficial to the forces fighting the legion on the Antoran Wastes. They’d managed to beat back the legion inch by inch until a lieutenant had squirmed and emerged from its defensive holdout to attack the aggressors. It had been defeated by the illidari accompanying the fighting forces.
Now this was the payback for wounds inflicted the day prior. The shells fired were hellish rocks that formed into giant infernals actively attacking those they landed by. Screams of torment and agony rung out into the night as the green fires rose, any tents were sacrificed to the war effort that night as shell after shell landed on the retreating forces.
It was one particular shell that came into scope however, one that a large polar bear in war armor had turned to look at. Wide eyed and in awe at the lurking doom the bear shrieked. The hellfire and brimstone collided with the war bear at maximum velocity.
That’s when Alex shot up in her bed. Covered in sweat with her eyes reflecting the green hellfire she’d seen. Itd take a little while to calm back down and find fruitful sleep once more. Pillars of flame and despair often kept her up even to this day. Argus hadn’t been a joke.
(Ty for the ask @bad-rper I had two similar worded asks sent. I figured do one negative one positive memory as a result.)
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Though I've been annoyed with other people doing this before, I'll just come clean and admit this is mostly a jab at myself. Most of my OCs were created when I was younger and not very good at creating a decent backstory, and even though I've made a lot of necessary changes to their pasts so the characters are actually interesting, there's still a few too many with dead parents. I have tried to give most of them good parental figures while writing them recently, but that doesn't change the fact that I maybe shouldn't complain when other people overuse a cliche when I'm not a lot better.
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I really want to tell you guys about the time i roleplayed with an australian girl in a ww2 setting and our american soldiers on the western front were attacked by japanese kamikaze planes bombarding themselves onto the battlefield She genuinely thought that was a thing that happened
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epp3s · 11 years
Slightly Funny, Mostly Sad
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I'm not mad about this one like I was about the previous one. This one I find mildly hilarious but....when I think about it; sad.
Another person from Facebook roleplay. I've known them for perhaps a year now. And whenever they post "out of character" statuses, they are so top notch, totally funny, and have the best punchlines and timing. I'm serious, they are a hoot and a half. But whenever they actually, seriously, get into a multi-paragraph roleplay, they become the notorious Thesaurus Monster. 
What do they do: they unnecessarily over-complicate every single detail of the roleplay. For instance, say you wanted to write, "It was a sunny day outside, and Mary sat on a bench, reading a book.".
What do they write? "The scorching rays of the blistering, boiling orb above the atmosphere, fired ominously at the homo sapien-inhabited world below. She reposed, her buttocks firmly hugging the solid wooden substance of the public seating machinery. Her looking-orbs scryed the ink-printed lettering on the flattened bark of the knowledge-giving material." I don't know about you, but this sends me into giggling conniptions. Knowing the person's personality "out of character", I really can't tell if that is their legitimate roleplay style, or they're just trolling us, like they do with everything else. The sad part is that most people who are friends with them, think they are the best writer in existence. They worship them and portray themselves as unworthy. And that is the sad part.  Moral: Just because you know/have access to a complex vocabulary, does not mean you are automatically the greatest writer in the world. It's not about the words themselves; it is about how you decide to arrange them on the page.  
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badrpstories · 7 years
I told this story on bad RPer polar bear once before it died but there’s a moral to it that I’d like to share with any RPer who needs to hear it. 
tldr; If you’re uncomfortable RPing something, just say so, or find some way to back out of it. Don’t be a wuss like me and humor your RP partners.
Just stating now fyi that all characters names will be replaced with names of characters who remind me of them, even if just in the weirdest, most obscure way.
So once upon a time, I was in this nice little table-top esque group roleplay with some friends. There was a stat system and some RPG mechanic stuff for battles, but overall it was still much more role-play focused so I could it as something that can be talked about here. 
Now, I really liked my character, Iwamine. She was a very stoic character who was hard to work into interactions because of a sort of anti-social nature, but  despite being aloof and indifferent about MOST things, whenever something did pique her interest, she’d be very VERRRRRRRY curious about it. Enter my good friend’s character Sora. He was a huge friendly dork who happened to have some amnesia issues, and for some reason, a strong connection to Iwamine’s love interest from her backstory. That got me curious about some possible interactions, plus Iwamine was very intrigued when she heard about how Sora apparently knew her dearest magic tutor anyways, so that sparked an… odd friendship between the two.  SoraMun really liked the idea of a ship between our characters, and I didn’t have the heart to tell him just then that I didn’t really want to escalate to anything romantic, because it just didn’t seem in character. Iwamine was only interested in Sora at all because she wanted to know what his connection to her one-sided love was. Shippy stuff started popping up, but I already had my mental plans for Iwamine to hop out of it as soon as she realized it was only the connection to her real love that she was attracted to, not Sora himself. 
Sora had also been interacting a lot with quite possibly the most vile OC I have ever seen in my life, Dahlia. Dahlia was a little bitch, to put it as nicely as I can. She was incredibly manipulative, didn’t care about a soul besides herself, and her character was basically revolved around seducing some specific guys to get her what she wanted. Granted, I’ve maybe seen some OCs in RPs that have been worse, but either they developed into a better person, had an arc about how they were trying to better themselves from the start, or they were straight up villains the whole time. Dahlia just stayed this way. 
Dahlia ALSO tried to seduce Sora! Often! Like, she literally tried to brainwash him in his sleep! As that started getting a little bit shippy, SoraMun expressed that he wasn’t sure what to do for his character at that point as he really liked Sora/Iwamine, but Sora/Dahlia seemed like it was gonna happen… And DahliaMun joked about a harem. Then SoraMun got in on the joking. I happen to be sex repulsed, and I was even more sex repulsed at that time than I am now. The borderline NSFW nature of literally anything Dahlia touched romantically (as she wasn’t really in true love, she just wanted the D) made me uncomfortable and I wanted nothing to do with that. Along with that, one of Iwamine’s main flaws is that she can be VERY possessive. She would not have wanted to share a love interest, and I tried to make that clear. Her ‘sharing’ a guy would not end well, as she would want him all to himself, and I simply wasn’t comfortable RPing what the repercussions of her having the same love interest as someone else would be. That could easily get very, very violent. So I did everything short of just saying no. Most other people could tell I wanted nothing to do with the harem, but SoraMun, bless his heart, is a little dense at times and didn’t really notice, and had DahliaMun egging him on still. DahliaMun most certainly noticed by the way, and just didn’t let the harem go because he’s one of the biggest douches I’ve ever come across. I felt bad saying no though, so eventually, I just winded up going along with it. 
My precious Iwamine, who was SUPPOSED to be stoic, supposed to have all this interesting character ended up basically being reduced to a pretty sex doll that day I got involved, and I was uncomfortable with every fucking second of it. Her character was basically stripped from her because if she’d stayed in character, she wouldn’t have even gone along with some stupid fanservicey harem, and if she stayed in character while genuinely attracted to Sora (which she never was supposed to be) than Dahlia would not have come out of that unhurt. 
A while later, I was saying something in the OOC chat about how Iwamine’s character was ending up much differently than intended, and after a chat with the person in charge of the RP (who was the real MVP here tbh, without him encouraging me I would not have gotten out of this shit) a situation was proposed that allowed me to get out of the horrible harem. When I went to go talk with DahliaMun about it privately so we could sort out details of the fallout interaction between our characters, he had the gal to tell me that “Well you can back out if you want but your character was super one dimensional and boring before she had this”
….I was in a very, very bad emotional place at the time of this roleplay. And it was common knowledge I was in a bad place at that time because I did a horrid job of hiding it. So making a jab at probably the only thing I had any bit of self esteem and confidence about at that time while knowing I was in a shit place was a dick move, and if I’d actually ever had any respect for the guy, that would have been a huge blow to me tbh. 
Managed to get out of that harem pretty easily after that, but I was never really able to get Iwamine back to a place where I was happy with her character. She had one nice friendship from before she’d even talked to Sora, and that was about it. Nothing else about her character was good, all do to the after effects of the harem crap. But hey, at least I got out of the harem…! Dahlia’s influence was so bad that she ended up isolating poor Sora’s characters, and Sora ended up dying because of SoraMun wanting out of the RP, and Dahlia mourned for like five minutes before moving on to the next boy she wanted to seduce. So it could have been worse if I’d stuck in the harem.
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Yeah, um, about that...
1. Different people find different types attractive.  Just because your character has a pretty face, doesn't mean she's my character's type.
2. It doesn't matter how conventionally attractive your character is when she won't stop doing things or talking about things that make people uncomfortable, or when she won't stop acting like an insensitive jackass who doesn't care about anyone else's wants or feelings.
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Sorry, I'm not turning this character into some kind of straw villain just to play out your ridiculous persecution/underdog fantasy.
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According to my rp parter, they don't teach a lot about WWII in Australia. I really couldn't tell, though I can't help but be inspired by all these japanese soldiers apparently flying over all of russia, poland and germany to hit a single militairy bunker.
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I swear this is growing to be a big pet peeve of mine. I get if people are shy or only want to follow me, but don't like every single post that appears on my blog; OP or RB. 
I view this similar to a follow from a porn blog. Just, no, please. 
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It's like bad writers don't think that their OCs can go on adventures or something with parents around. (look at ash ketchum and you tell me)
My friend has made several OCs and I am surprised that after fours years, she still hasn't learned to end this trope---not the parents.
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Recently I can't help but think some people are starting blogs for male muses just for slash shipping. Male friendships are just as important thank you.
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There's a story behind this. Its short so I don't think it really needs a read more. 
A is the person in question - the not-forcing force shipper. B is a friend of mine.
A and B had interacted only a few times and one day B got a magic anon basically making him possessed by the villain of the fandom they're in. B makes a starter call and A jumps on it. Things immediately turn horrible. 
B turns his sword on her, A grabs it and exclaims "Where the fuck is my [B]?" Theres a few lines of dialogue between them then this happens:
A suddenly pulls two guns on B and says: "Give me back my [B] and we’ll share, or I will kill him and take his soul as my own." 
B immediately drops the thread, then as soon as the M!A was over, A acted like it was all planned to somehow further their relationship - sends B a romantic prompt, B shuts her down and A starts whining, the mun even tagging the post as  'Poor [A]'. Yeah poor you for threatening to kill my friend's muse because you wanted him for yourself. Poor you, the world sucks. 
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Yeah, because being able to revive mass amount of people, heal any wound, control light, souls, darkness, poison, fire, water, blood, electricity, earth, time and space at least 4 different ways and having a Goddess inside you making you immortal is TOTALLY a balanced character and TOTALLY not a mary-sue. 
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It might happen that I have a canon character off-handedly mention, say, getting a latte, and the other person's character will suddenly and uncharacteristically rudely demand "since when do you drink lattes?"  Never mind that there's no evidence in canon to suggest that this character would absolutely never drink a latte.  (Do you people really believe that characters only do and like what you see them doing or having in canon?)
Or a character might mention not liking being called by some super-sappy nickname, and the other person's character will say, "But you liked it last week!" and act like my character is an asshole for not liking it now, even though "last week" never happened in the RP.  Sorry, but I can tell you right now that if my character doesn't like it now, this character probably never liked it, and I really don't appreciate your passive-aggressive attempts to force my character into being what you want.
Stop being such RP control freaks.
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