fynsonic · 8 years
[!] First court meeting between C2K and N-Sonic took place September 12th
As there was no agreement they will be meeting again on October 17th
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fynsonic · 8 years
Quick Update Post
Just wanted to post a reminder that if there’s anything you want translated (Korean > English or vice versa), especially during this time where everything is up in the air with C2K, please feel free to ask me! You can do it here or on twitter with the username @fynsonic​! I might only be able to do a general gist, and basically all my translations are rough and written to make sense in English rather than a literal translation, but I’ll do my best! Since I don’t run this blog anymore with updates, I still want to be a translation resource as best I can, because I know many foreign fans are lost without translations. (Also it helps me practice Korean lol)
Mushy rambling below:
Truly this fandom has been so kind to me for many years. The k/jfans I met online years ago when I first started this blog have always helped me and were so nice to me in person, even when I was awkward and bad at spoken Korean. I’ll never forget how after the fansigning, fans were showing me pictures they took of the members, and some of them took me out to eat afterwards. The boys themselves tried their best to communicate with me at the fanmeeting and fansigning I went to, and they always worked hard at the music show recordings I saw. Even the CEO and fan staff were such hard workers. To be honest, it’s hard for me to even imagine what happened at C2K for the boys to leave, given that the CEO himself was often at events with the other staff, and he seemed so friendly with fans, including sending me nice messages on twitter thanking me for supporting the boys and wishing me a happy birthday. I hope it can all be resolved soon. :( But the point of this post was just to say I wanna be here for you guys as best as I can, and to sort of act as a liaison between foreign fans and things happening in Korea. Feel free to send translation requests (even from English to Korean if you want to send the boys messages) or ask me questions!!!! <3
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fynsonic · 8 years
[Rough Trans] Jaehwan’s letter from Instagram
To my beloved fans… ♥︎
Attention! [Think of a soldier yelling this, the word he used doesn’t mean attention but it has the same effect as ‘attention’ in the army context] It’s 23rd Regiment, Company 11, 1st Platoon Kwon. Jae. Hwan!
As the weather is getting hotter, are you guys doing well? I am healthily receiving my training and doing well. I’m eating a lot with three meals a day, making good friends and having good times.
[[I really cannot understand this part, sorry. I think it’s either that he was chosen to represent his company (army company, not C2K) and has been hazed a bit, or that the person who is the representative has been hazing the new recruits. By hazing, it’s basically picking on them. The sentence in Korean if you want to translate it yourself or ask someone:  또 저는 중대를 대표하는 중대장 훈련병으로 선출되어 690명을 대표해서 신고식을 치뤘습니다.]]
Even though it can be a little nerve-wracking, standing in front of others can also be enjoyable in it’s own way.
Your letters have been well received. Truthfully, the time in the evening where I receive and read the letters is the greatest joy of the day. I’m really thankful for your love that I feel while at training camp.
Also, I miss you a lot. The camp seems nice. I’m able to continuously think about and realize what’s important to me. Because Gyeonggi-do is so nice, a lot of things that I didn’t think about in the city have come to my mind.
Today after it lightly rained, I saw a rainbow. Perhaps it was the biggest rainbow I’d ever seen in my life. It was so pretty and beautiful so I looked at it for a long time and felt like it was going away, and I thought about the fear that beautiful and precious things will disappear.
With a collection of songs inspired by this [Unsure about this translation], I pray that the day that I stand in front of everyone comes quickly. Until then I hope everyone is happy and healthy~ I’ll receive the rest of my training well and come back reborn as a cool guy! I promise! I really x100000000 miss you!
2016.6.4 A day with a beautiful rainbow
Nonsan Camp’s Recruit Kwon Jaehwan
The caption on Instagram after the transcribed letter:
Are you surprised? I hope you’re surprised. Jaehwan said to me “This is a written letter to fans~ upload so they can see it noona:)” so I have delivered this note written for fans. I was thinking of where to upload this so that many people could see it, so I borrowed this account. I would have worried and wondered, so I’m glad I delivered this news well. Thank you always for sincerely giving Jaehwan love. I too will work hard in the future. - Sincerely, Jaehwan’s biological sister -
source: https://www.instagram.com/p/BGmVOmLlYFs/
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fynsonic · 8 years
Are you looking for any volunteers to help with the translations?
This blog isn’t really very active unfortunately, so I don’t think it would be worth your time, however @onlynsonic might be in need of translators!
Or I guess if you really wanted you could use this page as an exclusive translating place (since I don’t have time to post all the updates like pictures, etc.) but we’d have to talk off anon for that. :)
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fynsonic · 8 years
I am curious about bongjun's tattoos? Are they real?
They are! What I have written here http://fynsonic.tumblr.com/tap is very out of date, as Bongjun has many more tattoos now that he did before, but they’re all real and not part of the comeback or something~ :)
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fynsonic · 9 years
Oh I dont have any in particular:3 But like is there any subber you know? I really like nsonic. Especially minkee 😍😍
I don’t know of any, sorry. :( Maybe the blog nsonicdaily might know. So far I haven’t seen any subtitled videos, though.
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fynsonic · 9 years
Do you sub their videos?
I don’t, sorry. I’m not at a good enough Korean ability to be able to do it well, and I don’t know how to subtitle things. If there’s text you want me to translate, I can do that though! Or a video with Korean subtitles already.
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fynsonic · 9 years
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Translations of the letters from [this article]. 
Please remember!!! Translations aren't always literal, and sometimes I'm really unsure of what is being said, so please understand I tried my best. Minkee always speaks in a way that confuses me, and Jaehwan used a speech form I'd never seen before (fun fact: Apparently it's a really old kinda authoritative style used by dictators/politicians a lot that college-aged men tend to use online now.)
To. Our Loves♡
Hello? Who am I? Hoot.* After only receiving letters every day, I can write one now. ㅋㅋ I'm worried because my handwriting isn't pretty.... Hooah... Still, please read it well!
Here is 'Music Bank'! It feels like the comeback has been 3 days but it's already 3 weeks. ㅠㅠ These days, because I can often see our loves, I feel really good. Now that the cherry blossoms have bloomed and the weather is good, you can have a picnic and eat chicken, but today's plans are better than that because I get to see everyone!** In the future there will be a lot of activities and chances to meet and work, so please expect (the activities) and give us your support!♡ Okay?! If it's not, I'm gonna be sad... So let's be happy together.
Let's eat food and diet together... If I do it alone it's not fair... Anyway my loves, [really not sure what he's saying here]. Always at your home, outside, at the events, you give us a lot of support and because of that I'm really thankful and really cherish it. 
We'll go far!♡ I love you our loves♡ Bye~!!
From. Minkee
* - A sound associated with laughing.
** - I tried to translate this as best as I could.
To. My Super Sonic ♡
Hi~ Super Sonics~!! I'm embarrassed to be writing a letter like this. How is N-Sonic's 'Black Out'? For all of you, we have prepared it with great care!! Because you come to every recording and cheer without rest, thank you very much; thanks to your support, we are cheered up at every recording. Even though it is hard to express my thanks to Super Sonic, you know that we care, right? For the rest of the album promotions, let's continue together! 
As N-Sonic can gain strength from Super Sonic listening to our songs, if Super Sonics can gain daily energy through N-Sonic, that's good!* At every recording, because N-Sonic's singing voice and Super Sonic's supportive voice go together well, our time together is really meaningful. In the future please love us and we will love Super Sonic...
From. STAR.
* - This was long and confusing. Sorry, I tried my best.
Hello. I am N-Sonic's Bongjun. The reason I am writing a letter like this to fans is to show my grateful heart. 
After 8 months, thank you for waiting and supporting us. When we're on stage, the fans' cheers really give us strength. Also our fans are the best because of the lunchboxes and gifts they give us.
It seems like it hasn't been that long since the comeback, but it's already been a month. Time really seems to be going fast. However, we will work hard on our next album, so please anticipate!!
A more good-looking and stylish N-Sonic will comeback! Let's all work hard and grow together! Fighting!
[Note: Bongjun wrote this pretty formally, especially in comparison to the more casual tone of other members.]
To. Super Sonic ♡
Hi! I'm Zion~! Has everybody been doing okay?
In order to show everyone a good appearance, I've been practicing hard for the comeback. Rain or shine, thank you everyone for being there for me always. I'm sorry for saying I'll always work hard.*
Have you listened well to our new song 'Black Out'? I don't know if you'll like it... Please listen to it a lot and gain strength. I'm the most happy when everyone gives their support. It seems I'm writing too much. We'll always work hard. I love you! Super Sonics stay healthy.
* - It's either this, or he's saying: I'll always work hard, and all I can say is sorry (for any hard times the fans have, I guess?).
[Note: Zion wrote his pretty formally too, like Bongjun, except his first line which was very very casual.]
To. Our Beloved Super Sonics♡
Hey? It's been a really long time since I've written a letter by hand...ㅠㅠ Sorry. Even if I like writing letters I don't do it often, so sorry for my handwriting. ㅠㅠ I'll try to write more in the future! Sounds good?
These days we're working hard with 'Black Out' activities, so we're really happy everyday. We really wanted to domestic activities!! But foreign fans!! Don't be disappointed~! Whenever N-Sonic has the opportunity, we're really ready to meet all of you!♡
At recordings, your cheering is really loud! I'm really really happy~~ In the future we'll often meet right?* I'm happy thanks to all of you; on stage I'll show a better appearance and you'll be happy right?** I will try♡ In the future we should be happy together. ^__^
* - Not sure if this is "We'll meet often" or "We met often", the tense isn't clear.
** - Not sure about second half of this, did my best.
Hello~ Our pretties~♥ Writing a letter after a long time~! Even if we don't do often, N-Sonic will always do it just for you!* Okay? We're doing activities after a long time and every day is a happy day. Since the activites are for a new song, they're very exciting! Forever in your hearts, and on stage, we're always together. Hehet!** The moments on stage and always the most fulfilling for N-Sonic, so you'll always be with us right~?*** I love you. Super sonic!
* - As always, I'm confused and I tried my best. 
** - Laughing sound.
*** - Another one I'm not sure about.
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fynsonic · 9 years
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Here’s the pictures of the signatures I got from today’s (4/5) fansigning! ^^
The messages in Korean say:
Byeol = See you tomorrow at Simply!! (Meaning Simply K-Pop which records tomorrow.) Sihoo = Even though studying Korean is difficult, please work hard. Fighting! Jaehwan = Stay healthy!! (Or like, ‘take care of yourself’) Zion = Thank you dongsaeng! (He wrote noona at first, but I’m younger than him.) Minkee = We’ll see you again at Simply
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fynsonic · 10 years
of course, no problem! thank you so much for running this blog, it's really great to have you contribute so much to this fandom ❤️
Aw thank you, I sadly don’t really do much anymore because I’m so busy, but I’m glad I can help at least a little bit!
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fynsonic · 10 years
is it alright if you tell us what the messages from the fanmeeting say? ^^
I can do that! It might take a little bit, as some of the handwriting is hard for me to read and I’m pretty busy these days. But please wait patiently and I will make a post with the translations. ^^
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fynsonic · 10 years
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Now that the album is out, here is the messages the boys gave us at the fanmeeting! Awkwardly held down by my makeup products lol
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fynsonic · 10 years
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Here are my photos from the 3/14 fanmeeting, taken during the signing part!
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fynsonic · 10 years
15/3/14 Fanmeeting
I went to the White Day fanmeeting and so I wanted to make a post talking about it. I don’t have much to say (as I didn’t understand a lot of what was said...) but I have some pictures and info to share nonetheless.
The fanmeeting was on the 2nd floor of Dal Komm cafe, in Jamsil. The location was pretty easy to find, so we ended up being there a lot earlier than necessary. The cafe’s staff plus N-Sonic’s staff were setting up the area for the fanmeeting while we waited. There was basically three rows of seats/tables for us, and a small area with standing and sitting room for the boys. They also had a sound system set up (even though it was small enough that they could’ve just talked and we’d hear them) that they used to talk and sing with.
I think a lot of fans didn’t realize I was there for the event until it started, because other customers of the cafe were there too, so I was kind of ignored until it was time to check in with the staff. 
You can kinda see how it was set up with these pictures (also play “Spot the only white girl in the crowd” to find me lol)
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(I might get the order wrong on these events!)
They talked a little bit to start and then sang a song. (I really can’t remember what song it was ;_; Maybe their OST song?) Then they talked more, took fan questions (I basically understood nothing from that whole section, I think they talked about Sihoo’s lack of an instagram and Zion being a fan of Beast, but that’s all I got.) and then sang “Crazy”.
After that we did a quiz game, where the boys would ask questions (with the fanstaff clarifying them pretty much every time) and we would write our answers down on the packets of paper they gave us and hold it up. I understood the first two questions, but from that point on I had no idea. The girl who got the most right won a mug signed by the boys, and they took a picture with her.
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(The paper they gave us.)
Then they set up tables and I bought a photobook from the staff to get signed. The boys were all really sweet to me and tried to say some things in English. Mostly it was a lot of “Hello! What’s your name?” so that they could write my name on the book for the signature. I had it written on my phone to show them (in Hangul) because I was worried they’d mishear me (which happened with my friend’s name haha). They also would ask where I was from. Some of the boys wrote little English messages, it was really sweet. Jaehwan and I think Bongjun shook my hand as like, thanks for being there or something, haha. 
Jaehwan also asked my friend (who is ethnically Korea) in Korean how she knew N-Sonic, and she said it was because of me. I was telling him in real broken Korean sentences (Why did I lose all ability to speak???) that she was a new fan, but I was a fan since debut. He was like “Since Super Boy?” and I said yes and he was really appreciative. I realized later I should have mentioned I was on After School Club for their episode lol
Here’s pictures of my signatures: (What Sihoo wrote in Korean says “Thank you for coming”)
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They finished up the signing and then they handed out our gifts. They were cute boxes with candy and written messages inside. The fanstaff said something in relation to the comeback about the messages, so I think they might be lyrics from the new song. Just to be sure, I’ll post the messages after the song comes out!
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After they handed out gifts, the boys left and they played two new songs for us while we ate sandwiches the cafe provided. The first song was just another track on the upcoming release, but the second song was the new comeback song. It sounded really good! They recently recorded the MV so I’m excited for the comeback and to go to more events with N-Sonic! :)
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fynsonic · 10 years
I said this on twitter too, but I apologize for a lack of updates on this blog. I am currently on a study abroad in Korea and I am really busy. If anyone would like to volunteer to help with this blog, please let me know.
That being said, I will make an update post after I go to the fanmeeting on 3/14. If you want info about that fanmeeting (in Seoul) translated, please let me know!
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fynsonic · 10 years
can you tell me what this is? (yesasia.)com/us/n-sonic-us-version/1033447681-0-0-0-en/(info.)html
I’ve never heard anything about that from the company or the boys, and since there’s no info on the page, I’d say it’s a fake or incorrect listing. 
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fynsonic · 10 years
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