galliro · 15 hours
I dont know if you were saying this in jest but considering all of it is going down the drain not only is it environmental warfare its so chemical warfare since this shit will get into the water supply
hey remember how awhile back i mentioned that tiktok has a whole trend where people mix cleaning supplies well i redownloaded tiktok so im finally able to show you what i mean
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galliro · 16 hours
Im.not gonna disagree with you that the US is fucked. Our litterally only point if disagreement is calling democeats left wing. I belive at best they were centrist.
I dont like the democrats I just have less of a distain for them then the republicans who I see as blatantly worst.
The US is a warmongering nation that uses said wars to justify stealing resources from other nations and removing governments they do not agree with
I really dont want to get into this whole conversation again tho
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233 notes · View notes
galliro · 18 hours
Fuck the attention economy I fucking hate it so much its absurd
(original by caseyincontext, she/they)
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galliro · 18 hours
I know right! Im still so confused
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galliro · 18 hours
"But if hes arrested for war crimes we might be arrested for our war crimes"
Is a wild thing to say
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galliro · 18 hours
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The paw fold!!!!
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galliro · 23 hours
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galliro · 2 days
By far the scariest episode with the vast amount of internet slang that will age extremely poorly
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galliro · 2 days
Cute animals and bash my head against a wall politics. Just like I hate it
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galliro · 2 days
Gib me funny and/or interesting blogs that post frequently Ive unwittingly made my feed too political again
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galliro · 3 days
Ok but like whats stopping them from going in the opposite genders bathroom right now? As far as I know there is no genital inspector at public restrooms
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Bigots look for problems where there are none.
Obsessing over bathrooms and bedrooms is not 'small government'.
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galliro · 3 days
Is anyone suprised? He didnt even win the popular vote despite the 34 fellonies.
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galliro · 3 days
I know what the duck idom means Im saying your stance makes you quack like a conservative.
I also think that a non american perspective helps alot in these types of discussions as americans have growth terminally tribalistic
Ill agree with you for the shift of the democrats to the right but calling them leftist is still insane at no point were democrata leftists and thats just an objective fact. Social programs =/= leftist. No party in the US has ever been leftist.
Similarly claming the republicans have not moved more to the rights is ridiculous when they have shown this shift blatantly in the last 8 years
You baltantly have double standards for republicans and democrats and continously accuse democrats of issues with the US as a whole. You act like the magats that blame biden for gas and food prices not realising that the president isnt the one who makes those decision and the fact that the president cant do anything if 2/3 if congress vetos him.
You also DRASTICLY over simplify decades of conflict to put the blame on biden for isreals action since he happened to be the president when isreal decided to genocide the palestinians. The US would have given weapons to isreal regardless of who was president thats what Im trying to get you to understand
But ive also grown bored of this so ill leave it at this our views differ in that you think the beat path forward is a fast collapse while I think a more gradual one is favorable.
Currently if the US collapses especially becausw of republicans we will see a massive surge in facism world wide and I think thats more harmfull then anything the US is doing right now
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galliro · 3 days
1) Im not america so I litterally cannot be a democrat. Despite this I still very much care about the faith of the US as if it goes down its taking alot down with it. I identify as democratic socialist (not a social democrat)
Also not sure that you want to go with the duck analogy here because your responce makes you sound like a conservative
2) I dont disagree with the premise but I disagree with the conclusion, the demcorats have not really moved much from center right while the republicans are slipping further and further into to the right. The notion that democrats were ever leftist is absurd
3) Have you seen project 2025? Its insane to think republicans wont make this country worst when they openly talk about regressing the country by DECADES. Again you are holding democrats to a different standard then republicans. Do you really think republicans who always talk about being though on crime will reduce the police funding?
Again you arent mad at democrats you are mad at the US.
Again I will never support accelarationism it only hurts more people and is basicly throwing in the towel and saying fuck it let it all burn. That harms people. The solution to a car going out of control isnt to ram into the nearest car.
As for the lack of prumaries it is not uncommon, its acrually pretty normal for the incumbent president to not be opposed by his own party.
As for the voting aspect I disagree, not voting is just stupid and voting third party in the US is worthless due to how the system is made. I personally think we are heading towards a left wing party in the US if we can overcome the current facistic shift we are seeing with republicans
4) No let Netanyahu do anything. Too many of you americans think the world revolves around you. They would have commited genocide no matter who was sitting in the oval office. Your stance on this is miopic at best if you think republicans wouldnt have funded Isreal's genocide of muslims. This is the equivalent to the morons who blame biden for Russia invading Ukrain and claiming it wouldnt have happened under trump.
Having republicans elected will not stop the war and if anything it might make it worst since mr.shoot a nuke at the hurricane would be in power in this progressivly more complex conflict.
The notion that biden is doing anything outside of the natural and expected for the US is absurd. The US is allies with isreal they were always going to support them over palestine.
My stance is harm mitigation in that I understand no matter who sits as president neither side will stop this genocide but atleast one side wont take it as an example of what to do with minorities in the US
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galliro · 3 days
1) I reject the notion of being called a liberal.
2) Everything you described here is just the US. The issue you have is that the US is a progressivly more authoretarian and right wing capitalist state. Like none of what youve described will change if republicans are in power except that itll get far worst for anyone who isnt a rich white christian man.
I find the fact you bring up covid even funnier since while yes I agree it should still be taken seriously republicans would have stopped taking it seriously in 2019 if allowed
3) We agree that the US is fucked, its two party system is a mockery of actual democracy which fluxates between capitalist panderer and capitalist bigot. However, and I think this is where we diverge, I am not an accelerationist. While yes I belive the US will be destroyed much faster if republicans get in power I dont think that is overall a good thing since that change will come at a MAJOR cost to human lives.
Call me idealiatic or utopian if you want but I just cant justify accelerationism to myself
4) My stance is and will always be harm mitigation
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galliro · 3 days
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Sleeby baby
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galliro · 3 days
My intent is to mitigate the harm and thats done by keeping democrats in power as shitty as that is. Both sides are not comparable here
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