gamblerkitten-blog · 8 years
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gamblerkitten-blog · 8 years
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that feeling you’re gone for a while then you feel like you’ve missed a lot
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gamblerkitten-blog · 8 years
I wanna RP. Let's Do It:
Let’s cut to the chase. I wanna RP. You wanna RP. Let’s do it. Don’t be shy. Send in one or more of the following symbols to my ask:
☮ - If you’d like a starter. ☼ - If you’d like our characters to be friends. ✿ - If you want to try a romantic relationship with my character. ❅ - If you’d like our characters to be enemies or rivals. ♥ - If you just want to RP, and see where it goes.
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gamblerkitten-blog · 8 years
“Ok, me tienes, pero recuerda algo, cada vez que alguien vea algo en la oscuridad, cada vez que alguien este solo y escuche algo, cada vez que alguien tenga miedo de salir por que ya oscurecio, cada vez que cuenten una leyenda urbana, una supersticion, todas esas veces, habra un Youkai
(via gamblerkitten)
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gamblerkitten-blog · 8 years
(Hola, pues, trataré de revivir está ya caso olvidada cuenta.... De mis antiguos compañeros, alguno querría apoyarme en eso?
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gamblerkitten-blog · 9 years
La situación era tensa para la demonio, si aceptaba, realmente no sabia que podría pasar con ella si se negaba no dudaba que el fuese capaz de matarla, no sabia por que, pero ella lo sentía asi.
-Mrw.- fue el unico sonido que salio de ella., 
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Un maullido de protesta surgió de la felina, al sentirse aprisionada por manos no humanas, no sabia que de quien eran, la presencia era extraña, en pocas palabras.
 La demonio se retorció buscando el zafarse, el hecho de que aquella persona supiese su nombre, la ponía demasiado nerviosa, si bien sabia que eso la ponia en una desventaja en caso de conflicto.
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gamblerkitten-blog · 9 years
-Miau?- Yoru mewed, looking at her like an innocent cat, but chuckilng internally, she liked this girl.
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Yet she neede to know if she was a common human, apparently, she was.
Open Starter
-My my, look what we have here, a human got lost next to my territory, interesting…- the demon purred, looking at the girl.
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gamblerkitten-blog · 9 years
-Gyuki-sama, soy la mensajera del Clan Bakeneko, mi nombre es Yoru-Neko, fui enviada por parte de la casa principal.-
Respondio ella, tomando su forma real, hincandose al terminar
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 La bakeneko buscaba a aquel youkai en la montaña, ser la mensajera valia la pena, y en momentos como esos hasta lo disfrutaba, la noche era realmente bella, aunada a la atmosfera del monte, el caminar ahi era realmente placentero.
-Gyuki-sama?- pregunto, sintiendo alguien cerca
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gamblerkitten-blog · 9 years
AU ideas!
➸ gets into a cab only to find someone else already inside AU ➸ out walking their dog who starts chasing after the other person’s dog AU ➸ cat/dog runs away and other person finds it AU ➸ mistaken identity AU ➸ pen pals AU ➸ sit next to each other in orchestra AU ➸ partners in (literal) crime AU (theft? fraud? hacking? murder?) ➸ partners in dance class AU ➸ trapped on a deserted island together AU ➸ wizard AU where one accidentally apparates into the wrong house ➸ protester and police officer AU ➸ lab partners AU ➸ new neighbors AU ➸ one’s blind and falls in love with the other’s voice AU ➸ hair stylist/make up artist and actor/model AU ➸ bffs when they were little but one moved away and they run into each other again AU ➸ mailman(/woman) and person who receives a lot of mail AU ➸ private detective and client AU ➸ archaeologist AU ➸ paramedic AU ➸ runaway royalty and confused commoner AU ➸ android and human AU ➸ ghosts in love AU ➸ go to the same support group AU ➸ just keep running into each other everywhere AU ➸ orchestra player/pianist and concertgoer AU ➸ younger siblings are best friends AU ➸ photographer and model AU ➸ writer and editor AU ➸ immortal and non-immortal AU ➸ screenwriter and director AU ➸ greek god and roman counterpart AU ➸ ALL OF THE AUS
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gamblerkitten-blog · 9 years
(ooc: hola, me perdi de algo?)
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gamblerkitten-blog · 9 years
Send me “No, no, no, don’t die on me!” for a scenario in which my muse dies protecting yours.
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gamblerkitten-blog · 9 years
osease, la mayoria de los niños hot que he visto en mi dash recientemente son espadas? Holy meep, btw, checa Gatchaman Crowds, esta buena la serie, es cortita y tiene dos tipos que me matan... (Od y Berg Katse, este ultimo por los dientes)
(como rayos un alien de genero ambiguo es hot?!) 
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gamblerkitten-blog · 9 years
tu a quien te refieres? yo lo decia por OD de Gatchaman Crowds, tiene una manrea de ser tan dulce, pero cuando se pone serio es tan, maldita sea!!!!!!
(como rayos un alien de genero ambiguo es hot?!) 
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gamblerkitten-blog · 9 years
(como rayos un alien de genero ambiguo es hot?!) 
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gamblerkitten-blog · 9 years
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Using the new GIF function, search your faceclaim and post the first gif that shows up
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gamblerkitten-blog · 9 years
Sheppard "Bombs Away" sentence pack
"Can you feel it?"
"Say Geronimo!"
"Here I stand as a broken man."
"If only I could feel complete."
"I know something is missing."
"I was not a bitter man, but life I guess had other plans."
"Let me down easy before you go."
"I won't get in your way."
"Well how do I begin to convince you to love me, when you're a star in the sky up above me, and I'm too far down below?"
"I won't waste another minute on anyone like you."
"I'm tired of people keeping me down."
"I can't understand where you're coming from."
"You made me feel loved when I was wearing thin."
"You're the only reason why a rose ever grows a thorn."
"If there were a medal for the biggest sleaze, there wouldn't be any other nominees."
"You make me smile with your lovin' style."
"I hope, that you'll be mine for a while."
"You and I make a damn good team."
"But what if you should run out of romance?"
"I can't wait to get you under the sheets."
"Take me to a different place where love is not illusion based, and fear is just a word they can't define."
"It's darkest right before the sun."
"Help me understand the best is yet to come."
"This obsession makes me lose my mind."
"I'm thinking that there's something wrong with me."
"I need to find the answer!"
"Baby, I could go a little bit crazy, if the talk is true and you have played me."
"You've been acting unfamiliar lately, and give a reason to leave."
"This is getting a little complicated."
"Everybody's got somebody, but me."
"Everybody's got a bed for two. Without another mine is wasting room."
"But it's a long way back when you're halfway to hell."
"It's a shame, you've been tamed."
"I'm only trying to save some face."
"You say you're missing me, we're both in agony. Or is it just the thought of someone else taking my place?"
"I'll be okay, I'll be safe."
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gamblerkitten-blog · 9 years
I remember when I first watched this show, I played this part at least 5 times
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