theorphanalchemist · 5 months
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Mun and Cass
What is Your CosmosPersona?
Tagged By: @solmxri ( <3 )
Mine makes sense, Cass's feels a little off but mostly cause it's accurate and I haven't thought about it that way before.
Tagging: @bersalah @erikararara (for whenever you come back) @faultlessfelon
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unraveledx · 4 years
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“--- Ah, Erika! How long it’s been! I see you’ve become the fashionista of this wretched place since we last saw one another. Tell me, whose body did you pluck those shades from?”
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dawnblxde · 7 years
@erikararara - greeter
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“You alright there? Can I help you?” The King asked kindly towards the other who had approached in this location he had found himself in. Quite the city. 
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unhealing · 7 years
---ka-chik! "Hey, this is a great photo of you!"
Why did she always do this, and has she ever considered that taking photos of individuals without their consent might be a violation of law?
“Come closer. Let’s take a look.” He seemed rather calm about the whole thing, gesturing for Erika to go to where he was. 
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abandonedrage-blog · 7 years
Red and Blue
“What do you think of the color purple? First thing that pops in your head!” Erika jumped out of nowhere.
Shizuo looked around. There was literally nowhere she could have been hiding, but he hadn’t seen her coming. Maybe she had been following him?
“Purple? Would you believe that’s a color I don’t really like? I guess I shouldn’t have anything against it, but it reminds me of... losing my temper. Seeing red behind blue shades, you know.” Shizuo said.
Realizing that he had just said a lot more than he’d have liked he blinked at Erika. She had startled him, and he just said what came to mind. “Uh, what do you think about purple?”
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scriptent · 7 years
@erikararara has joined this tragic tale.
    He’s been aware that a pair of eyes has been following his figure for quite some time. Konoha, or what was Konoha, had an interesting appearance. Certainly different from Kenjirou’s, but his choices in fashion wasn’t an issue. 
    Or at least it shouldn’t have been. 
    He’s got time to kill, but the last thing he wanted was involvement of a third party. Surely, if the timeline were to reset as it always does, he could get away with taking yet another life -- but it was such a pain for him think about how this would come into play later. Humans were annoying in that sense.
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    Time to put this to rest.
    He turned in the direction of where he felt the eyes peering from (and he knows he’s not wrong), one hand curling into a fist while the other was gently placed over the fabric where the gun was stored. Should things turn in a direction he didn’t like, it was better to be prepared.
    “Is there something you want?”
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theorphanalchemist · 7 years
Wares for Sale
@erikararara What a beautiful day. A perfect day for an outdoor market. A Saturday too, so most everyone was out and about shopping for the week. Many set up had hopes of making enough to buy something new. Cass just hoped for enough to pay for a meal. The girl had set out a little blanket with statues she had made on it next to a black haired girl selling jewelry. With how easily the girl spoke to people, Cass remained a bit overshadowed, staying quiet. Her basket beside her. Eventually she got the courage to quietly hide behind a van and use her alchemy, turning rubble into about a seven inch tall statue of the girl next to her. Returning, she waved to get her attention, holding it out. "I-I made t-this for you. Miss."
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unraveling-insanity · 7 years
🥔 - What’s the dumbest mistake you’ve made in rp?
Munday Meme | Accepting | @erikararara
Getting involved in drama tbh. I don’t anymore but in my early days (2011-2013-ish) it happened a lot, especially on my very first blog. Don’t do it guys. It’s not worth it.
If we want to talk more recently, trying to juggle too many blogs and getting stressed out about keeping them all active was pretty dumb. It took a long time for me to feel okay about not being around all the time. I wish I could be, and I hate having some of my faves on hiatus and making people wait for replies and such, but I just can’t be super active on 3+ blogs anymore. I’m done being stressed out by a hobby, you know?
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"Do you look forward to getting old? If you get more wrinky the scars will be less noticeable!"
At least I’ll get old, which is more than I can say for you.
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hopesque-blog · 7 years
{           Hi! Wow, it feels good to be back (if not a little strange). It’s really been a long time. It might take me a while to get up and running again, so feel free to check out my in-progress Seiji/Saki fic that I started for DRRR!! Rare-Pair month ages ago.
Now, to business. The following people appear to be active roleplayers that I have drafts for! Many of them are months, if not a year old. I’ll try to get in touch with you all individually to see if you’re interested in continuing them, planning something new, or dropping our interactions completely for now. I also may have dangling threads that somehow escaped my notice, so if you are not on this list but should be, please let me know!           }
I AM OPEN for threads, asks, and requests as I revamp my blog. Thank you all in advance for your patience, and I look forward to interacting with you. 
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montaofthedollars · 7 years
from x
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“I found him!” Erika turned, shouting to the two men trailing behind her.
“Eh, Dota-chin walks too fast. You totally left us in the dust!” He wasn’t trying to escape, was he?
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”What?” He turned back to look at the others “Sorry, didn’t realize...- Didn’t mean to bounce on you all.” When were they even with him?
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xquiescxntx · 7 years
Insanity!AU Starter for @erikararara
She knew ever since the incident happened, Erika hadn’t quite been the same.
Granted, Yui never had any problems with her since. 
However, she knew that something would have to change.
At least, she hoped something could change.
She had invited Erika over in hopes of this.
“Do you want something to eat or drink Eri-chan?” She asked as they entered her house.
After getting whatever was needed, Yui sat down with Erika in her living room. 
“Hey, uh, I’d like you to hear me out for a bit.” 
She took a semi-deep breath.
“Since ya know...that happened I’ve noticed some...changes with you.”
“And I don’t think they’re really good changes. I’m not gonna try and really stop you...but I really think you should reconsider what you’re doing. What would the rest of them think? Do you really think that they’d approve of what you’re doing? Actually really think about it. Do you think this is what they’d like you to do?”
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“I know you’re hurt by this and so am I...but some of the things I’ve been hearing about what you’re doing...aren’t the right way to handle things.”
She took another semi-deep breath.
“I understand this completely. I lost my best friend when I was only 17 years old. At least with the gang, they left, uh...heroically I think is the word I’m looking for. They didn’t leave this world selfishly. They didn’t kill themselves.”
She paused for a minute.
“So, if you’re gonna kill me now because I don’t agree with your views so be it.”
“It’s not like I haven’t wanted to die for 9 years now.”
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"Do you think a person could be a Fairy Godmother without realizing it? I think I might be yours!"
Clear gave her a puzzled stare, looked her up and down in consideration, then finally shook his head.
"Erika-san is too big to be a fairy," he said matter-of-factly. He held up his fingers an inch apart. "Aren't they only this tall? You showed me a picture once!"
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{{ @erikararara }} - continued from X
“...that’s...so...awesome!” Rex exclaimed, his brown eyes wide as he watched the mysterious shadow disappear into the heavens above. He moved his hands about energetically, his mouth nonstop as he not-so-quietly gathered his bearings.
“It has to be a ghost, or some...weird alien! I mean, it’s definitely not an EVO...or, maybe it is.” He gasped. “A ghost EVO! That would be so cool! Like, two monsters rolled in one!”
Realizing now that his temporary companion had said something else in regards to the appearance, he immediately switched gears. “You think it’s a villain?”
He considered this.
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“...hmm...maybe it’s a neutral person who has to do a disgusting job? Ooh, or maybe it’s a ghost that doesn’t want to scare people, but has to! The possibilities are endless!”
With that being said, Rex gave a knowing smile, sliding his goggles down so that they covered his brown eyes. “We should go after it.” he suddenly said, practically hopping up and down. “I gotta stretch my wings, anyway.”
With that being said, the sound of clunky metal emanated from his backside as two elongated, copper panels stretched outwards. The circular ends of each revealed a propeller, suggesting a contraption of flight; however, there was no indication of a separate pack. The odd machine seemed to have spontaneously grown from the young man’s back, as if he himself was nothing more than a plane waiting for lift off.
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“Let’s boogie.”
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unraveling-insanity · 7 years
erikararara replied to your post: all of my icons look soft and blurry on my new...
I THINK IT’S JUST YOUR COMPUTER. Mine is doing that to me, too, because I recently got a fukkin huge resolution laptop.
I REALLY HOPE SO b/c i’m having this issue for pretty much all my blogs and that is... A LOT of icons... 
cabalistical replied to your post: all of my icons look soft and blurry on my new...
they look okay to me but I’ve only got a 720p monitor haHA;;
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cadcnce-archived · 7 years
回 = patching a wound .
Send a symbol for my muse’s reaction to yours… || [ Open ]
回 = patching a wound
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“I mean, this could be worse.” Wylan observes, watching from his relaxed position against the wall of the alley. Erika is meticulous about the mending and methods of restraining the flow of blood as it makes further efforts to slip from her leg. The sight of a wound doesn’t unnerve him that much considering all he’s inflicted and had inflicted upon himself. He’s not entirely sure yet about everything that Erika has been through, but with how methodical and calm she is, he’s not thinking there’s much to worry about.
He’s sticking around as a watch, make sure if the guy that attacked her decides to come back and ‘finish’ the job or whatever stupid thought he had in mind, that someone can hold him in place until Erika was ready. If only they could see her now closing up a wound like she’s lacing her shoes. It takes pain to know pain, in so many different ways. This moment may weird some people out but it only increases his respect for the technician. And besides, it didn’t matter if the guy decided to come back to ‘finish’ Erika off.
The two share a glance, then a grin spreads over both of their features.
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They’ll be finding the guy and finishing him off just the same.
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