game88an · 8 months
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Bop'n Rumble live action movie spinoff from Bad Street Brawler
It takes place after Bad Street Brawler and he move to new town but little he know that there is gang called Sixtyfourius. Sixtyfourius is based Commodre 64 console.
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Name: Bob Rumbel
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Name: Melani Housebourne
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Name: Fera Bamewost
Ethnicity: Latino
Her name is based on company name Beam Software.
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Name: Brad Treeswaler
His name is based on game title Bad Street Brawler.
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Name: Austin Commodrez
Ethnicity: Latino
His name is based on release of month august and his surname based on the console Commodre 64.
He leader of Sixtyfourius.
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Name: Homet Comerup
Ethnicity: African American
His name is based on word home computer.
He work for Austin Commodrez.
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Name: Max Enmachi
Ethnicity: Asian American
His name is based on console Max Machine.
He work for Austin Commodrez.
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game88an · 9 months
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Bad Street Brawler Reboot Idea:
Part 2
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Tedrew Vie
Ethnicity: Asian American
His name is based on person name Andrew Davie work on the game.
He is detective and partner with Gavan Atkinson. He working in the police station name is Gowerplove. Gowerplove is based on Power Glove.
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Gavan Atkinson
Ethnicity: African American
His name is based on person name Gavan Andersson work on the game. He is detective and partner Tedrew Vie. He working in The police station name is Gowerplove. Gowerplove is based on Power Glove.
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Derward Gambridgel
He is leader of Warvexeter. He is british and also have the accent. He based on the actor Gary Daniels.
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Mack Leroy
Ethnicity: African American
He is leader of Hammer. His name is based on actor Taimac and his surname is based on character he play in 80s Bruce Leroy.
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Barad Mattim
Ethnicity: Middle Eastern
His first name is based on person surname Jill Barad and his surname is based on company name Mattel. He is Photographer like Jimmy Olsen from Superman.
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Navid Penteheran
Ethnicity: Middle Eastern
His name is based on person name David Pentecost work on the game. Surname is mix with Pentecost and Teheran. Teheran is city of Iran. He work as Reporter and work for Richard Corntesota. He is more of a rival to Bea, Melani and Barad.
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Hausa Belournem
Ethnicity: African American
Her surname is based on Melbourne and her first name is based on west african tribe name Hausa. Idea of her name and surname is Melbourne House. She is journalist and childhood friend to Davis Dunnegan.
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Anita Smithiral
Ethnicity: Indian British
Her name is based on person name Tania Smith who work on the game. Her surname is mix with Smith and Hiral. She works for Edward but tries to get out. She get help from Steven Hassel to get out of Warvexeter gang.
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game88an · 9 months
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Bad Street Brawler Reboot Idea:
Bad Street Brawler as a reboot. I know this game is lame but if you instead make three different gangsters like for example Gorildier (gorillas), Warvexeter (dwarves) and Hammer. In this story, two brothers are to avenge the murder of their parents. Their father was a brawler growing up. This game was release in Nes
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Dukeil Dunnegan
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Davis Dunnegan
He work as journalist. He is childhood friend Hausa and crush.
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Melani Housebourne
Her name is based on company name Melbourne House created the game. She is reporter work for Richard Corntesota. She later dating Bob Rumbel.
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Mindel Scapez
Ethnicity: Latino
Her name is based on company name Mindscape also created this game. She is journalist work for Richard Corntesota. Later she dating Gavan Atkinson.
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Vera Martini
She is police Captain. Her name is based on company name Virgin Mastertronic created the game. The police station name is Gowerplove. Gowerplove is based on Power Glove.
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game88an · 1 year
Part 2 of Conservation corps comics.
Oily Bird
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He is the main villain. He is a mutant.
Rachel Frankiez
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She is mother of Clint Frankiez. In the comics she yalling Frankie but dont showing her. She is retard detective. Name Rachel is idea and her design is from the actress Rachel Ticotin.
Nia Nakros
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She is mother of Diana Nakros. She is a former journalist and now retard. Idea of her first name is from the actress Nia Vardalos who is greek canadian.
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game88an · 1 year
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Conservation Corps comic book is from the Archie comic book. This has not received any cartoon series or movie and not even live action. They have also collaborated with the TMNT comic book. Paul Castiglia and Dan Nakrosis are writer of Conservation Corps.
Story: Benevolence the alien gave power to animals on Earth and some of them turn hero and some turn villian. Malevolence is the villain brother of Benevolence and he guiding animals to destroy humanity and planet and while Benevolence is looking for mutant animals who want to fight to save Earth and humanity.
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This one could be gender swap and rename to Fireflya.
Green Horn
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Water Buffalo
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Stone Hedgehog
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Sky Shark
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Clint Frankiez
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In the comics only named Frankie. Clint Frankiez is latino detective.
Diana Nakros
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Her name is based on writer Dan Nakrosis. Diana Nakros is greek american journalist.
Martel Silber
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His name is based on publiser Micheal Silberkleit. Martel Silber is african american man police captain in Kearny City. Clint Frankiez is detective and work for Martel.
Reynard Goldwater
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His name is based on publiser Richard Goldwater. Reynard Goldwater is native american and he is the editor-in-chief of the Kearny City. Diana Nakros is journalist works for Reynard.
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game88an · 1 year
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Live action movie Super Glove Ball
Me idea of casting actors and actress.
Aldis Hodge as Jawon Lanier
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Mena Massoud as Homas Zimer
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Sara Tomko as Paula Manhattan
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Rosa Salazar as Jill Mattez
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Emmy Rossum as Keri Gunter
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Rick Kumazawa as Trevin Hilleut
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Billy Brown as Willtronaut
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game88an · 1 year
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Idea of ​​Super Glove Ball as a live action film.
I know the game didn't get good ratings but I think it could be a success.
Super Glove Ball Movie: Story Idea
Five astronomy researchers have gone missing after they discovered a spaceship shaped like a hand.
They step into the Spaceship takes a look but then suddenly the ship activates.
Ships take them outside the earth and it is an alien who locked them in a square cube.
The astronomers forgot one thing on earth it was the Super Glove that can stop the evil alien by the name of Willtronaut.
It's a soldier named Trevin Hilleut who can save the astronomers and he needs the Super Glove to go into space and defeat Willtronaut.
Trevin's fiancee Paula is one of those astronomers gone missing.
Willtronaut wants the Super Glove because he has the Power Glove.
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Name: Jawon Lanier
Ethnicity: African American
Profession: Computer Science
Allies: Homas, Jill, Paula, Keri and Trevin
Enemies: Willtronaut
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Name: Homas Zimer
Ethnicity: Middle eastern
Profession: Digital visual artist
Allies: Jawon, Jill, Paula, Keri and Trevin
Enemies: Willtronaut
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Name: Jill Mattez
Ethnicity: Latino
Profession: Science business woman
Allies: Jawon, Homas, Paula, Keri and Trevin
Enemies: Willtronaut
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Name: Paula Manhattan
Ethnicity: Native American
Profession: Computer Coding
Allies: Jawon, Homas, Jill, Keri and Trevin
Enemies: Willtronaut
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Name: Keri Gunter
Ethnicity: White
Profession: Digital moving graphics
Allies: Jawon, Homas, Jill, Paula and Trevin
Enemies: Willtronaut
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Name: Trevin Hilleut
Ethnicity: Asian American
Profession: Soldier
Allies: Jawon, Homas, Jill, Paula and Keri
Enemies: Willtronaut
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Name: Willtronaut
Ethnicity: Alien
Profession: Conquer
Allies: No allies
Enemies: Astronomers and Soldier from Earth.
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Name: Rareinted
Ethnicity: Alien
Profession: Scientist later Hero
Allies: Trevin, Jawon, Homas, Jill, Paula and Keri
Enemies: Willtronaut
The characters' names are based on the person who created the game:
Jawon Lanier: Person named Jaron Lanier
Homas Zimer: Person named Thomas Zimmerman
Jill Mattez: Person named Jill Barad and surname based on company named Mattel
Paula Manhattan: Person named Paul Machacek
Keri Gunter: Person named Keri Gunn
Trevin Hilleut: Person named Trevor Hill
Willtronaut: Person named Will Novak and name are mix Will and astronaut.
Rareinted is based Rare and Nintendo with mix.
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