gaming-writer-gal · 2 years
I was the editor for this! I'm not a huge Charlie fan, but this is such a good read! @foxygamer713 did such a beautiful job! Check it out!!
You’re Absolutely Mad
Charlie Lonnit X Female Reader
Game: The Devil in Me
Main Masterlist - The Devil in Me Masterlist
Word Count: 1.5k
Editor: @gaming-writer-gal <3
Warnings: Little angsty, near death, and blood
This is my version of a one-shot my friend @emberstoriesandtales requested! They've already posted theirs so make sure to check it out!
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“Mark?” Kate whisper-shouts.
Kate, Jamie, Erin, and Y/N enter what they think is an empty room to try to find Mark. That is until a large figure jumps out from behind the door, welding a large weapon.
The four girls scream but the man is quick to drop his monopod.
"GUYS! Guys, it's me!" Mark shouts with his arms up in surrender. Kate instantly jumps into his arms, hugging him as tight as she possibly can.
"I thought I lost you
" she utters as Mark holds her just as tightly.
Y/N has to look away, the sight making her heart break. She is happy for them, of course, but seeing them together makes her think of him

Charlie used to hold her like that
 and she can still hear his voice telling her

‘everything will be okay, love
But it won’t be. Nothing will ever be okay for her now. He’s gone. She had watched him burn through a monitor and the image will forever haunt her mind.
“Looks like we're all together now,” Y/N finally says, smiling sadly. Mark and Erin both look at each other nervously before looking back at Y/N.
"Not exactly
 Charlie-" Y/N’s eyes instantly light up and she can't help but cut Erin off.
“He’s alive!? Oh my god, he’s alive! Where? Where is he?” Y/N smiles, but her smile instantly drops once she sees the look on Mark and Erin’s faces.
“What’s wrong? Is he okay
“I- We- We thought he was a part of this so
” Erin trails off, too scared to finish her sentence as she watches Y/N’s face shift from worry to anger.
“We tied him up to the fence outside so he wouldn’t hurt us,” Mark finishes for Erin. Y/N approaches Mark, angry tears threatening to escape her eyes.
“You left him outside- ALONE?!” She pushes Mark. “AND DEFENCELESS?!” she screams, pushing him again. Mark just looks down guiltily, taking all her aggression.
“What were you both THINKING?! Du’Met could-” Y/N freezes, her eyes widening before her head whips over to the door.
“CHARLIE!” she screams, pushing past the group and running faster than she ever has to get to him.
“Y/N!” the crew shouts, trying to grab her before she does anything stupid, but she doesn’t listen. She needs to get to Charlie before it’s too late.
She’s outside in an instant, looking around desperately for Charlie, her eyes widening once he sees him. Du’Met has him, and he’s dragging Charlie towards the cliff as he struggles to break free.
No. No. NO!
“CHARLIE!” She doesn’t even stop to think, she instantly runs towards the two men and pushes Du’Met back with full force. The impact shocks Du’Met, causing him to let go of Charlie and allowing him to land safely. Unfortunately for Y/N, though, she loses her balance and falls with Du’Met

Charlie struggles against his restraints, his cries for Y/N muffled as he watches her graze her head on a rock before falling into the water below.
That’s when the crew finally catches up, Kate and Mark helping to free Charlie while Erin and Jamie look down at the rocks below. They’re relieved but also confused to see only Du’Met’s body lying at the bottom of the cliff.
“Charlie, where is she?” Jamie asks quickly. Charlie starts shaking his head, tears streaming down his face as he stares at the water.
“We need to get her! She hit her head- she’s gonna drown! Oh Christ-” Charlie starts to spiral, making a move to climb down before Kate stops him.
“Charlie no
 we have to go.” Kate holds his shoulder tight, but her eyes are on Du’Met.
“What? No! We need to get Y/N!” Charlie stares at Kate angrily.
“Charles, we can’t- he’s-”
Suddenly Du’Met rises, causing Charlie and Mark to jump back in shock.
“What the-'' Charlie stares at Du’Met as Kate and Mark help pull him up.
“WE GOTTA GO!” Kate yells, pulling Charlie along with her. Charlie hesitates, staring at Du’Met for a second longer before following the crew forward.
The crew feels safe enough to slow down. They now walk along the shoreline, trying to find the boat Mark found the key for. Charlie starts to slow down even more. With his adrenaline gone, the pain in his chest starts to really get to him. He stops. He's been afraid to look down this entire time, but he can’t take it anymore.
Charlie looks down, trying his best to read the ugly carving on his chest.
‘C O M P L I C I T’
” Charlie utters, running a shaky hand along the bleeding letters. The rest of the crew stop and turn to him.
“I’m so sorry, Charlie
 I was-” Charlie holds up a finger, cutting Erin off.
“I don’t want to hear it, from either of you.” Charlie points at both Mark and Erin, his voice cracking slightly as he tries to keep his composure.
“Because of you both
 Y/N-” Charlie cuts himself off as his eyes widen, his gaze on something past Mark and Erin.
“Y/N!” Charlie pushes past the group, immediately running to the washed up Y/N and pulling her ashore. His hands shake as he looks at her. Her pale skin is cold to the touch and there’s blood slowly dripping from the gash on her forehead. He checks if she’s breathing and his heart drops when he doesn’t feel her breath.
“No, no, no, no
” Charlie starts to spiral again as he immediately begins CPR while the group can only helplessly watch on the sidelines.
” Charlie mutters, doing thirty chest compressions before tilting her head to give her mouth-to-mouth.
One breath

Two breaths

“Fuck!” He immediately starts the compressions again, tears clouding his vision as his whole world crumbles in front of him.
"Come on, love! You can’t
 you can't
" Charlie sobs, more and more tears streaming down his face with each passing moment. He can’t lose her
 he can’t

The sudden sound of coughing snaps Charlie out of his trance. He quickly lifts Y/N's head and positions her so she doesn't choke on the water.
It takes her a moment to start breathing properly, but once she does she stares at Charlie in disbelief.
"Charlie?" she mutters quietly. Charlie quickly pulls her towards him, embracing her in a tight hug as if afraid she’ll disappear.
“I was so scared
 I- l thought
” Charlie can’t even finish his sentence; he can’t bear thinking of what could have been.
Y/N holds him just as tight, burying her face in the crook of his neck and shaking slightly as she sobs.
Charlie cradles the back of her head with one hand and rubs her back soothingly with the other.
“Shh darling, just breathe,” he coos, the sound of his voice instantly calming her.
Charlie waits a moment after she stops shaking before pulling away slightly, cupping both sides of Y/N’s face so she looks at him.
“You’re absolutely mad, do you know that? Don’t ever do anything like that again." Charlie stares at her pleadingly. Y/N doesn’t reply, instead, she leans forward, gently kissing the lips she never thought she’d feel again. Charlie reciprocates instantly, caressing her cheek with his thumb as they share a sweet, longing kiss.
As they both reluctantly pull away, Charlie slides his hands down her arms till they’re holding hers and he helps pull her up. The second Y/N’s on her feet, the crew finally takes the opportunity to embrace her in a group hug they've been patiently waiting for. They didn't want to ruin the reunion the couple desperately needed.
“We’re so glad you’re okay!” Erin speaks for the group, causing Y/N to smile.
"Me too. Now we're all together." Y/N laughs lightly as the group pulls away.
“I hate to ruin the moment but
 I think we’ve been standing around here long enough,” Jamie admits and Kate nods in agreement.
“You’re right. Come on, let’s find the boat and get the fuck off this island.” Kate leads as she starts walking ahead.
“Yes, ma’am!” Mark follows.
“Amen! Let’s go, Erin.” Jamie takes Erin’s hand before following Kate and Mark.
“Right behind you.” Y/N takes Charlie's hand and intertwines their fingers.
As she looks at him, her gaze falls and she finally notices his exposed chest, gasping once she sees the cuts.
She can’t believe she didn’t see it sooner and immediately feels guilty for hugging him so hard.
"Oh, Charlie
 I’m so sorry
" she whispers, softly running a finger around the first letter and the gentle action makes him shiver. Charlie takes her hand and brings it to his lips, giving her a small kiss.
"It’s not your fault. It’ll heal and it’ll fade. I’d rather live with the scars than live my life without you
” Charlie confesses honestly. Y/N scoffs lightly but she can’t stop the tears that form in her eyes.
“You’re so sappy
 but I feel the same way,” she admits as her hand instinctively goes to touch the cut on her forehead. Charlie just squeezes her other hand lightly before giving her a quick kiss near her cut.
With that, Y/N drags Charlie along and quickly catches up with the crew. Hopefully they'll find the boat and escape the island alive.
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gaming-writer-gal · 2 years
Hi! I was just wondering, if your requests were open, if I could please have a ficlet on an infected Abi and Nick reuniting the morning after the events of Hackett's Quarry? It's all good if not <3
AWWW!! I'd love to write that! I haven't been able to write in a while, but when I am able to write again (and after I finish a partially done project), I'll work on your request! Thank you so much for your request!
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gaming-writer-gal · 2 years
I Hope You Know I Didn't Mean It~
The werewolf curse is broken and dawn breaks, Nick returning to his normal self. But when he reunites with the others and Abigail isn't with them, who's going to tell him what he did?
TW: Angst + vomit + grief
The sunrise burns into Nick's eyes as he glares against the upcoming sun, having no clue how he got here caked in blood with his torn shirt clinging onto him for dear life.
He brings a hand up to shade his view, looking around in an attempt to orient himself. Still dazed, Nick wanders the forest listlessly for a long while until he stumbles upon the lodge.
He ascends the stairs, knocking on the lodge door when he hears voices inside.
Everything suddenly goes quiet.
Nick is about to knock again when Kaitlyn opens the door.
Her eyes widen in disbelief, blinking a few times to make sure Nick is truly standing before her. "Nick!?"
Before he can even open his mouth to respond, Nick finds himself smothered by a very excited one-armed Dylan.
"DUDE! Am I glad to see you! I thought we were never going to make Jacob miserable together ever again!"
"What... happened to me?" Nick finally asks, that being the only question on his mind.
Dylan immediately releases him, stepping back with a frown as he glances at Kaitlyn with uncertainty. "Who's going to tell him?"
"Tell me what?"
Nick looks around, seeing three people he doesn't recognize among his friends. There is an older man he'd never seen before along with a young man and a young woman who look to be around his age. Besides these three strangers, his friends are all present and accounted for... aside from the most important person in his eyes.
"Wait... where's Abi?"
As soon as he says her name, Emma starts crying, which only worries Nick further.
"Guys, where's Abi!?" Nick asks, more urgently this time.
No one responds to him, Kaitlyn and Dylan sharing a distraught look while the rest of his friends stare down at the ground.
Everyone jumps in surprise as if... afraid of him.
"You know that... creature that attacked you in the woods?" Kaitlyn finally explains, her voice quiet as she apprehensively meets his gaze.
Nick only nods.
"Well... it... infected you... and you turned into one of those... monsters... She's gone, Nick..."
The color quickly drains from Nick's face, his heart nearly stopping. "What?"
"You KILLED her!" Emma screeches, Jacob urgently shushing her.
But the damage is already done.
Nick stumbles backwards. He feels like he can't breathe. "No, no, no... that's not true... I..."
As if on cue, memories start flooding back. Even though Nick can't remember anything past the hazy memory of him grabbing Abi's arm in the pool house, he starts remembering all the horrible things he said to her beforehand.
And suddenly, him killing her doesn't seem that impossible.
Nick frantically shakes his head, gasping for air as the lump in his throat threatens to choke him. Hot tears flow down his face, cleaning off the blood spread across his cheeks.
"No... no... no... I... NO!"
Unable to stand in front of these survivors after finding out what he'd done, Nick quickly turns around and runs off back into the forest. He runs and runs, but from what, he can't say.
When Nick is at a complete loss for breath, he stops and collapses to the ground in a heap of sobs. For a long time, he just sits there crying in silence before starting to ramble, "I didn't mean it... Abi... I didn't mean it... I swear I didn't mean it! I'm sorry... I'm so sorry!"
Nick doesn't know how he'll be able to live with himself. Even now he can see her smiling face in his mind, feel her soft lips on his.
He was the one to dim that bright light in her eyes.
He was the one to make that pure heart stop beating.
He treated her like garbage in their last moments together. Like a toy.
Utterly repulsed by himself, Nick retches onto the grass in front of him, emptying his stomach of who-knows-what he ate during his time as a werewolf.
As if he'd run out of tears, Nick's crying suddenly stops. He pulls his knees up to his chest and holds them close, rocking himself back and forth as he stares at his own puddle of vomit.
"I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry... I didn't mean it... I didn't mean any of it... Abi... I swear... please forgive me... I didn't mean it... I didn't mean it... That wasn't me... I didn't mean it... I'm so sorry... Please forgive me... I'm so sorry... I didn't mean it... I didn't mean any of it... That wasn't me... Please forgive me, Abi... I'm so sorry..."
And Nick just keeps repeating those words until his voice goes completely hoarse, no one able to console him...
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gaming-writer-gal · 2 years
I'll Come Back For You~
Max and Laura share a tearful goodbye before going their separate ways, Laura determined to kill Chris Hackett and free her boyfriend from the werewolf curse.
"Here. This is a good place." Laura slows to a stop in a secluded part of the island's forest, glancing around her apprehensively.
Max pants beside her, having been dragged along by his persistent girlfriend. "Jeez... you're not winded? Like- at all?"
Laura frowns, immediately noticing the abnormal way Max is breathing. His face is already colored in that pale hue Laura hoped to never see again.
They don't have much time.
"Max... I need you to listen to me very carefully," Laura begs, placing her free hand on his cheek to draw his undivided attention. "I need you to stay here where it's safe. When I kill Chris Hackett, the curse will be lifted and when it is, I still need you to stay here. I will come back for you, okay? I will come to you. For the love of all that's good and holy, please don't do anything stupid like try to find me. I'll come back for you, I promise. Now I need you to promise me that you'll stay here no matter what. I need you safe. Promise me."
Max nods slowly, meeting her gaze. "I promise. I trust you. You're a badass."
Laura can't help but let out a light laugh, rolling her eyes as she often does. "Yeah..."
Max's bright smile fades as he whimpers and drops her hand, the pain of the transformation searing through him for a brief moment. "You should probably go..."
Laura's heart pangs seeing her boyfriend in this condition. Blinking back the tears threatening to surface is all she can do to stay strong for Max.
This time, Laura cups his face with both hands, the two sharing a tender gaze.
"Max, everything is going to be okay. I'm going to kill Chris Hackett and free you. No matter what. And then you and I can run off into the sunset together without little bits of me stuck in your teeth."
Max chuckles before his smile once again vanishes. Hot tears begin to stream down his face. "But Laura, what about college? You know I didn't get in-"
"Shh..." Laura attempts to soothe him by caressing his cheeks with her thumbs. "Don't worry about that right now, honey. It doesn't change anything. It could never change anything between us. We made plans before. We'll make them again. New plans. And I'll never leave your side again. I swear it."
"I love you..." Max whispers, sniffling. Laura can't tell if his reddened eyes are a result of his crying or the werewolf transformation.
"I love you too..."
With that, Laura leans forward to envelop his lips with hers. She slides one of her hands into his ginger locks, tangling her fingers in his soft hair. His lips are abnormally hot, almost hot enough to burn her.
But as the two stand there kissing under the light of the full moon, Laura doesn't have the heart to pull away.
The choice isn't hers, however, as Max suddenly stumbles backwards.
"Max?" Laura asks fearfully, not even bothering to blink back her tears anymore.
"You... should go..." Max warns, growling noises surfacing from the back of his throat. "I... I can't hold... it... off... much... longer... Go kick... werewolf ass... honey..."
"GO!" Max roars, showing his pointy teeth.
Without another moment of hesitation, Laura takes off running as fast as her legs will take her. The gun strapped to her back bounces against her as she sprints, a constant reminder of her mission.
Laura's tears glide off her face as she runs against the wind. When she reaches the boats, her tears come to a stop. She wipes the remaining tears from her cheeks, her determination swelling within her.
She briefly glances in the direction she left Max before getting into one of the canoes, swearing to free him of this curse or die trying.
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gaming-writer-gal · 2 years
~~The Walking Dead~~
Daryl Dixon
Glenn Rhee
Maggie Greene/Rhee
Beth Greene
Hershel Greene
Michonne Hawthorne
Dale Horvath
Rosita Espinosa
Abraham Ford
Tyreese Williams
Sasha Williams
Bob Stookey
Carol Peletier
Tara Chambler
Gabriel Stokes
Carl Grimes
Maggie x Glenn
Enid x Carl
Bob x Sasha
Abraham x Sasha
Rosita x Abraham
Beth x Noah
X Reader
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gaming-writer-gal · 2 years
Jughead Jones
Betty Cooper
Cheryl Blossom
Veronica Lodge
Fred Andrews
F. P. Jones
Tabitha Tate
Alice Cooper
Josie McCoy
Polly Cooper
Jellybean Jones
Thomas (Tom) Keller
Hermione Lodge
Betty x Jughead
X Reader
0 notes
gaming-writer-gal · 2 years
~~Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir~~
Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug
Adrien Agreste/Cat Noir
Alya CĂ©saire/Rena Rouge
Nino Lahiffe/Carapace
Kagami Tsurugi/Ryuko
Luka Couffaine/Viperion
Juleka Couffaine/Purple Tigress
Chloé Bourgeois/Queen Bee
Zoé Lee/Vesperia
Sabrina Raincomprix
Sabine Cheng
Tom Dupain
Nathalie Sancoeur/Mayura
Gabriel Agreste/Hawk Moth
Jagged Stone
Xavier Ramier
Master Wang Fu
Marinette x Cat Noir
Ladybug x Cat Noir
Marinette x Adrien
Ladybug x Adrien
Tikki x Plagg
Alya x Nino
Gabriel x Nathalie
Tom x Sabine
X Reader
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gaming-writer-gal · 2 years
~~Stranger Things~~
Max Mayfield
Jonathan Byers
Nancy Wheeler
Jane/Eleven (El) Hopper
Jim Hopper
Steve Harrington
Joyce Byers
Mike Wheeler
Robin Buckley
Eddie Munson
Erica Sinclair
Murray Bauman
Dustin Henderson
Lucas Sinclair
Chrissy Cunningham
Dmitri Antonov/Enzo
Will Byers
Suzie Bingham
Karen Wheeler
Barbara Holland
Max x Lucas
Jonathan x Nancy
Eleven x Mike
Eddie x Chrissy
Jim x Joyce
Suzie x Dustin
X Reader
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gaming-writer-gal · 2 years
~~Hidden Agenda~~
Becky Marney
Tom Nelson
Noah Riggs
Felicity Graves
Jonathan Finn
X Reader
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gaming-writer-gal · 2 years
~~Life is Strange: True Colors~~
Alex Chen
Ryan Lucan
Riley Lethe
Gabe Chen
Charlotte Harmon
Ethan Lambert
Alex x Ryan
Charlotte x Gabe
X Reader
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gaming-writer-gal · 2 years
~~The Wolf Among Us~~
Bigby Wolf
Snow White
Bigby x Snow
Beauty x Beast
X Reader
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gaming-writer-gal · 2 years
~~The Evil Within 1 & 2~~
Sebastian Castellanos
Tatiana Gutierrez
Joseph Oda
Yukiko Hoffman
Esmeralda Torres
X Reader
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gaming-writer-gal · 2 years
~~The Last of Us 1 & 2~~
Joel Miller
Ellie Williams
Owen Moore
Joel x Tess
X Reader
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gaming-writer-gal · 2 years
~~Detroit: Become Human~~
Hank Anderson
North x Markus
Chloe x Connor
Kara x Luther
X Reader
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gaming-writer-gal · 2 years
~~Uncharted (& Lost Legacy)~~
Nathan Drake
Elena Fisher
Samuel (Sam) Drake
Chloe Frazer
Victor Sullivan
Nathan x Elena
X Reader
0 notes
gaming-writer-gal · 2 years
~~A Way Out~~
Leo Caruso
Linda Caruso
Vincent Moretti
Linda x Leo
0 notes
gaming-writer-gal · 2 years
~~Resident Evil Remakes~~
Leon Kennedy
Claire Redfield
Carlos Oliveira
Jill Valentine
Ada Wong
Claire x Leon
Carlos x Jill
X Reader
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