gargoylesfanblog · 1 year
I think I was reading the wrong ones maybe???
Reading the 90s comics for the first time and DID THEY MAKE MATT BLONDE??? WHY IS HE BLONDE WHERE DID HIS GINGER ASS GO????? HE LOOKS SO STUPID?!?!?!
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gargoylesfanblog · 1 year
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gargoylesfanblog · 1 year
They used up all the red ink on this fucking panel LMAO
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Reading the 90s comics for the first time and DID THEY MAKE MATT BLONDE??? WHY IS HE BLONDE WHERE DID HIS GINGER ASS GO????? HE LOOKS SO STUPID?!?!?!
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gargoylesfanblog · 1 year
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Reading the 90s comics for the first time and DID THEY MAKE MATT BLONDE??? WHY IS HE BLONDE WHERE DID HIS GINGER ASS GO????? HE LOOKS SO STUPID?!?!?!
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gargoylesfanblog · 1 year
Reading the 90s comics for the first time and DID THEY MAKE MATT BLONDE??? WHY IS HE BLONDE WHERE DID HIS GINGER ASS GO????? HE LOOKS SO STUPID?!?!?!
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gargoylesfanblog · 4 years
Xanatos: ok owen. i want it.
Owen: th-the whole castle, sir?
Xanatos: Uh, yeah? Obviously?
Owen, calling people to come get it: *sigh* you... you're hopeless, sir.
Owen, under his breath: i love you...
Xanatos: huh?
Owen: nothing, sir.
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gargoylesfanblog · 4 years
Puck: i love you bitch *strums guitar*
Xanatos: oh my god....
puck: i ain't gonna never stop lovin you, *strums guitar* biiiitch
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gargoylesfanblog · 4 years
Puck: i want to see my little boi
Lex: *holding alex* here he comes
Puck: i want to see my little boi
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gargoylesfanblog · 4 years
homo. phobia. sucks.
so i told my father about gargoyles. i told him “i think you’d really like this show, theres a lot of star trek actors in it and its really good”. i said nOTHING about the gays, becuase i was hoping to warm him up the the show, and then maybe when he sees the gays, he would maybe be a little more open to not being a homophobe. boy was i wrong. i guess this man looked this shit up, because i shit you not, i just watched the first two episodes with him. but not b4 the man told me “dont be pointing out the gay characters, i dont want any of your social justice nonsense”
like HUH
like the fact that this man KNOWS the person he just said that to, HIS DAUGHTER, is in fact, not straight... and the fact that at least i’m trying to better our relationship. the fact that he just. shat on that. 
oh also, the first time xanatoss showed up he said “hey that guys looks cool”
of COURSE being a straight rich white man himself, he would attach himself to the rich white man who appears straight and is the one gay character who never explicitly admits to being gay.
and in order for my parents to believe that a character is gay, someone HAS to say it in the show. or like, the writer has to confirm it, but sometimes even that doesn’t work.
like can i pls have a new father....
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gargoylesfanblog · 4 years
owen, in his head, but never out loud, about xanatos: take me into your FUCKIN AAARRRRMS
meanwhile, puck, out loud, to xanatos: KISS ME UNDER THE LIGHT OF THE GOD DAMN STAAARS
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gargoylesfanblog · 4 years
h-hudson? is... is that you???
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gargoylesfanblog · 4 years
tiktok headcanons
puck: obviously it’s just 200+ videos of him twerking his juicy ass™ with random celebs that he made xanatos pay so they’d twerk for puck’s tiktok
owen: david xanatos slander “guys... my boss just turned my hand into stone... please send help”
xanatos: doesnt have one cause hes a rich man and “rich men dont need silly tiktok accounts”
fox: she only got it after having alex, and the majority of the videos are “how to care for baby 101: teach your baby self defense (under adult supervision, of course)” (the ‘adult supervision’ is just puck who doesnt... even really count as a adult)
lex: just him talking about the hot guy he saw in the coffee shop, or at the park, or anywhere. “guys! this one LOOKED AT MEEEE he must be in love with me help im lonely”
goliath: so he wouldn’t have gotten one if angela hadnt convinced him to, and all it is is people requesting words for him to say with his DEEP SEXY VOICE™ such as “in a world” and “cucumber”
brooklyn: pretending to be like, a punk guy but everyone can tell hes not
hudson: the trio... convinces him to do tiktok dances... the account name is “cool tiktok grandpa”
broadway: tries to host a cooking show but cant stop eating the ingredients... angela and elisa convince him its adorable and he keeps doing it
angela: obviously this girl is a tiktok QUEEN!!!  PERIODT. mostly just her talking about wackass things done by her wackass family and how much she loves them
elisa: literally half her videos are her talking about goliath. the other half is work horror stories. thats it theres no inbetween
matt: conspiracy theory talk in the squad car while elisa drives and judges him harshly... thats it.
Jeffrey robbins (hudson’s blind bf who needs more attention from the fandom): motivational speeches, and excerpts from books
demona: “why do you want me to make a clock...?
and of course the trio made one for best boi bronx to showcase his dumbassness
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gargoylesfanblog · 4 years
Xanatos: i shoulda left you on that street corner where you were standing
Puck: BuT yA dIdNt
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gargoylesfanblog · 4 years
so, theres xanatowen, but whats the ship name for puck x xanatos??? 
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gargoylesfanblog · 4 years
Broadway: would anyone like some stew. would anyone like some stew. would anyone like some stew. would anyone like some stew.
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gargoylesfanblog · 4 years
Lex: *filming owen and xanatos in the hot tub* two brooos chillin in a hot tub, five feet apart cause they're not gay!
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gargoylesfanblog · 4 years
Puck: i REALLY hated pretending to be straight...
Xanatos: huh? when were you pretending to be straight?
Puck: uhh... have you met Owen???
Xanatos: *holding back laughter* y-you're trying to tell me... that owen. was supposed to be... straight
Puck: i will literally smite you.
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