gazebosarebologna · 3 months
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gazebosarebologna · 4 months
Something I love about merlin fanfiction are the 24/7 always on call ol reliable bands of bandits and mercenaries constantly roaming every inch of albion forest, at your service should you need a sudden contrivance for some bamf, whump or angst. Why do they keep risking their lives by attacking strangers with no prospects of personal gain you ask? I say who are you to judge a ragtag team of no-names for their utter devotion to serving up dramatic plot points and developing the main characters' relationships purely out of the goodness of their hearts. True allies will fight you to the death so that you will get the chance to prove the true depths of your devotion. Braver than the troops if ever I saw it
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gazebosarebologna · 4 months
when I try to show something to a friend related to an interest they like but I know nothing about, I feel like a relative giving them this
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gazebosarebologna · 5 months
my talents include:
listening to the same song for hours on end without getting bored
staying in bed for as long as possible and only being a little late
getting dizzy when I stand up
petting cats
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gazebosarebologna · 10 months
What’s that saying y’all like so much? Freedom of speech doesn’t mean freedom of consequences?
This is exactly what y’all wanted. People being fired for their opinions. Don’t change the goal posts just because it backfired on you.
aaand it's been confirmed
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i hope scream 7 flops and i am not watching nor supporting this 💖
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gazebosarebologna · 10 months
putting up “HELL IS FAKE” billboards in ohio to start a dialogue
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gazebosarebologna · 10 months
Oh, and if it wasn’t obvious Israel has the right to exist 🇮🇱
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gazebosarebologna · 10 months
Millie Bobby Brown is a flat fucking earther, yet you didn’t boycott the show then. Noah is JEWISH. He’s had his Bar Mitzvah in Israel. Stop fucking acting like this is new news. Y’all are clutching your pearls over someone who doesn’t even know you fucking exist. Go touch grass, and maybe think about what JEWS are going through. If you’re upset about him, wait until you see the No Hostage Left Behind petition. You’re not going to be able to consume any kind of media again if this is how you feel.
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gazebosarebologna · 10 months
I knew twitter was a cesspool, but my god. I thought at least tumblr had the reading comprehension from all the fanfic.
Like stop acting as if four months ago y’all weren’t up Noah’s ass and fawning all over him. Now he said something you don’t like, and are participating in the mass psychosis against Jews and Israel and despise him. It’s pathetic. If the last month has taught us anything, it’s that we know who would’ve sided with the Nazis.
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gazebosarebologna · 11 months
So, if lefties are talking about how “Hitler was onto something” on twitter, and they say that “Trump is LITERALLY Hitler”, does that mean they’ll vote Trump?
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gazebosarebologna · 11 months
There is nothing Jewish about genocide
There is nothing Jewish about colonialism
There is nothing Jewish about committing war crimes
There is nothing Jewish about ethnic cleansing
There is nothing Jewish about censorship
There is nothing Jewish about the way Isreal is treating other Jews
There is nothing Jewish about the way Israel is treating Palestine
Many Jews have always stood with Palestine
Many Jews always will
Do not let anyone trick you into believing that Judaism and Israel are interchangeable or that Israel is in any way speaking for what Jewish people globally want
There is nothing antisemitic about speaking out against Israel’s ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. We stand with Palestine
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gazebosarebologna · 11 months
Unironically the hottest thing a man can be is pathetic
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gazebosarebologna · 11 months
well well well if it isn’t my own mental illness coming to mentally ill me
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gazebosarebologna · 11 months
obsessed with characters being saved against their will. being knocked unconscious and carried away from a danger they won't stop trying to fight. being shoved through a portal somewhere far away and safe right before it closes. trying to self-sacrifice only to have the exact person they're trying to save swap their places at the last second. getting the only cure to the disease or curse bc the person administering it loves them too much to give it to anyone else, including themselves. being thrown to safety right as they had accepted dying. someone else they thought had gotten to safety running back to drag them out of danger. it's so fucking tasty
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gazebosarebologna · 11 months
he’s a fictional character to you, i know him personally
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gazebosarebologna · 11 months
This is gonna be the last time I talk about this whole Noah thing.
I think it's pretty disgusting that a bunch of western weirdos, who do not live in the Middle East and are only consuming news through western lens, are using a very serious, complicated situation to dunk on a Jewish actor they don't like.
Stranger Things fans don't understand what zionism is, what Hamas is, or what's actually going on. If you truly gave a shit about any of this, then you would understand, but you don't. Instead, in typical fashion, fans have boiled down a real world issue into fandom drama. All the shit I've seen lately has been nothing more than performative activism.
I've been on the internet long enough to tell the difference between genuine concern for social change and clowns looking for likes and compliments. People who care get involved in positive ways, whether it's volunteering, donating to charity, or protesting. Screaming online is not activism.
As far as Noah goes...It was very clear what his post meant. Folks misinterpreted it either on purpose or because they're ignorant. The dude's not a zionist, because if he was it'd be more obvious. It's fine to disagree with someone's political stance, but you can't sit there and twist their words to fit your narrative, regardless of who or what they are. If you truly hate Noah, then don't watch Stranger Things. Dude's not leaving the series because you're pretending to be mad.
The best part is that, within a couple of weeks, everyone's gonna forget about this. People who are clutching their pearls and screaming "Fuck Noah," right now will go back to reblogging Byler fanfics and memes. They'll conveniently go back to their status quo and act like nothing happened. All the horrible things going on won't be an issue for them.
Next time a ST cast member does something supposedly wrong, back it up with concrete evidence. Real evidence, not TikTok, not Instagram likes or follows, or whatever else yuppies think counts as damning examples of wrong doing. I'm so tired of performative activism.
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gazebosarebologna · 11 months
If you’re in the camp of people telling Noah that he should die, kill himself, and or not human, unfollow me and DNI. You don’t have to agree with everything he said, but my god. He’s a teenager. He’s gay, and Jewish, which is everything HAMAS (not the innocent Palestinians) is against. If you’re mocking him for being scared, maybe take a step back from your parasocial relationship with him and wonder why.
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