#the amount of Jewish hate is getting out of control
gazebosarebologna · 8 months
So, if lefties are talking about how “Hitler was onto something” on twitter, and they say that “Trump is LITERALLY Hitler”, does that mean they’ll vote Trump?
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stil-lindigo · 7 months
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I can't properly put into words the amount of disgust that I feel seeing someone who looks like she could be my cousin fight for a genocidal occupational force like Israel but I will say this.
If you are Chinese, Korean, Japanese or any one of these Asian ethnicities that the West deem "acceptable" and you align yourselves with western-backed racial supremacy, you are making fools of yourselves. You have fallen prey to the myth of the "model minority" and you are suckers for it.
The premise of racial supremacy is based on exclusivity. And here's a dose of reality - the myth of the "model minority" is nothing but a tactic to placate you. To sow divide in the ranks of people of colour. To artificially manufacture another realm of racial supremacy in minorities so that you're distracted from how we all suffer under colonialism.
Did we all forget about the skyrocketing of sinophobia in the wake of the first COVID outbreak? The transformation of Chinese people into fiends with barbaric eating customs, poor hygiene, and mass conspiracy to infect the world with biological weapons?
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What about the hate-crimes? The attacks in the street against anyone visibly asian? The rampant discrimination and ostracisation from society?
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In 2020, Donald Trump referred to COVID-19 as "The Chinese Virus", "Kung-flu" at a campaign rally to raucous applause, a chilling echo of the times where fears of the "Yellow Peril" had the western world in a stranglehold.
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For all that Chinese people have been lauded as "prodigies" and "well-mannered workers", the moment our existence was incovenient, were were nothing more than another target. And although Chinese suffering then wasn't close to the scale of suffering that Palestinians now endure, we all received a reminder on what it was like to be in the world's crosshairs.
Now, in 2023, Biden dismisses death tolls as unreliable and remains proudly Zionist even after Netanyahu described the genocide Israel is inflicting upon Palestine as the "struggle between the children of light and the children of darkness, between humanity and the law of the jungle." At the same time, Palestinians are being compared to fleeing rats in a gesture of dehumanisation that mirrors how the Nazis portrayed Jews during the Holocaust.
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And let's not think Abigail's Jewishness will save her, not when it's been proven that Israel has administered contraceptives to Ethiopian Jewish immigrants without their consent. Racial supremacy is an exclusive club that never stops getting smaller, and there is nothing that you, as a minority, will ever be able to do to fit in. One day, you too will be a target and there'll be nothing you can do but blame yourself. After all - it's already happened.
So shame on Abigail. Truly. With the memory of knowing what it's like to be targeted for factors out of your control fresh in her mind, she happily fights to do the same to others. And that says more about her than I ever will be able to.
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jewish-sideblog · 7 months
hey, so im Palestinian and a strong activist for my people's liberation. i wanted to ask for some info/advice on avoiding antisemitism in my activism for Palestine. im on anon bc i don't want to be called a racefaker for caring about Jewish ppl. i know antisemitism is on the rise right now (and generally over the past few years) and i want to make sure i'm not unintentionally contributing to it.
Hey there! I wanted to start by genuinely thanking you for asking this question. Partially because I don't actually get any well-intentioned or helpful questions in my inbox anymore, but also because I understand the amount of bravery it takes to reach out with a question like that at a time like this.
Next, I want to apologize to all my followers who hate long posts. Judaism is a very complicated ethnoreligious group, antisemitism is a very complicated form of bigotry, and the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is arguably the most complicated international issue that has ever existed. I'm going to try to go through everything as succinctly as possible below the cut-- I am also going to ask other Jews to contribute to and make edits to this list as needed.
And finally-- I'm writing this as though I were speaking to someone with very little knowledge of the subject. I understand that as a Palestinian, you probably know a lot about what's going on here. But I want to make sure that I'm covering bases for anybody else who might need to use this post. So if you're like, Yeah, Obviously I Knew That. Please remember that a fuckton of people on tumblr are engaging in Israeli criticism without obviously knowing that.
There are two primary forms of antisemitism in anti-Zionist spaces-- antisemitic conspiracy theory, and criticism of Israel that no other country receives. The first kind is the easiest kind to pick out, and it makes a nice bulleted list, so we'll start there.
Dual Loyalty. A global stereotype that has skyrocketed since the establishment of Israel, but it's been around for a lot longer than that. Simply put, it's the idea that Jews are more loyal to Israel (or some global secret kabal) than we are to the countries we currently reside in. With I/P, it manifests as the idea that All Jews are directly responsible for Israel or the idea that All Jews secretly support Israel. If you see a Jew who isn't directly engaging in I/P topics, don't ask them what their stance is. Plenty of us have never even been to Israel, and it's fucked up to assume that we're all experts in geopolitics.
The Holocaust was a Fabrication or a Lesson. The idea that Jews made up the Shoah has been around since the Shoah was still happening, and it's always been ridiculous. Today, you'll see three primary lines about this. Either it's that Jews made up the Shoah as an excuse to establish Israel, that the Jews deserved the Shoah because of what's happening in Israel today, or that the Jews "should have learned their lesson from the Holocaust" because now Jews are "the new Nazis". Frankly, I wish goyim would stop treating the deaths of millions of Jews like a TV show. Palestinian deaths are genuinely horrible, but this isn't some kind of "narrative parallel" to the Shoah.
The Kazars Theory, or All Jews are White. This is the DNA test nonsense. The idea is that Israel (or Jews at large) are only pretending to be indigenous to the Levant and that secretly Jews as a whole are actually indigenous to Eastern Europe. It's a lie, started by a German professor of Russian history in the early 1800s. Meanwhile, the vast majority of genetic, historical, and archaeological evidence points to Jewish origins in the Israeli/Palestinian region. There have been literal hundreds of genetic studies on this. Most of them suggest that Jews, even "white" Ashkenazim, are nearly genetically identical to Palestinians.
World Domination. The idea that Jews control the world began with the Protocols of the Elders of Zion in 1903. If you're encountering criticism of Israel that suggests that world governments, particularly European or American ones, are being controlled by Jews, you've got yourself antisemitism. White supremacists like to use the term "Zionist Occupied Government" or "ZOG" as shorthand for this conspiracy. The next two points are born out of this same ideology.
Controlling the Media. The idea that Jews are in charge of Hollywood and/or major news organizations around the world. Regarding I/P, I've seen a bunch of people say something like "Western media outlets won't cover this! (Because you know who controls them!)" only to look online and see... Western media outlets covering it. See also: "My source is tiktok! I don't trust the news!" While it's obviously a fair criticism to say that some Western news outlets certainly have a pro-Israel and anti-Palestinian bias, it's certainly not every single one of them. Reuters and the AP are once again my go-to's here.
Controlling the Financial World. I haven't actually seen this come up regarding I/P, but considering how things have been going, it's only a matter of time. We don't control the banks. We don't control the stock market. We're not in charge of American aid being sent to Israel. HaShem knows that if we controlled all the money, I'd certainly be living larger than I am now...
Those Bloodthirsty Jews. This one arguably started with Blood Libel in the 1100s, when Christians started accusing us of stealing and eating their babies. Straight up, I have met Christians who still believe this in 2023. You see this a lot with I/P-- the Al Ahli Hospital is the biggest example. More than a month later, most reliable intelligence organizations agree that a misfired Hamas rocket landed in a parking lot, killing about 100 people. But a ton of people are still saying that Those Bloodthirsty Jews intentionally bombed the hospital dead on, killing 470 people. I want to be clear-- Israel is killing a lot of civilians. But if you see a bandwagon of people focusing on the one group of deaths that Israel probably actually didn't cause? Consider why.
Causing wars, revolutions, and calamities. Hamas has straight-up got this one in their founding charter. No, the Jews are not responsible for any major global conflicts, revolutions, or counter-revolutions that don't directly involve Israel. We didn't do WWII. We didn't do the October Revolution. See above-- we're not secretly plotting massacres on Shabbat. A lot of people are saying that Netanyahu and Likud let Hamas in to justify the invasion of Gaza... I'd be shocked if that was the case. All evidence points to a classic intelligence failure. We're not orchestrating bloodbaths.
Section 2: Criticisms only levelled at Israel
It's important to recognise that Israeli civilians are no more collectively responsible for the actions of the Likud coalition than Palestinians are collectively responsible for the actions of Hamas. No Palestinian deserves to be stripped of their rights to self-determination in their ancestral lands because of the October 7th attack. Likewise, no Chinese person deserves to be displaced from China because of the CCP's human rights violations in Tibet, Uyghur and Hong Kong. No Russian person deserves to be ethnically cleansed from Russia because of the Kremlin's invasion of Ukraine. But plenty of people do believe that Jews should be stripped of their rights to self-determination in historically Jewish indigenous lands because of the actions of the Israeli government.
After October 7th, I've seen people argue that Israeli babies deserved to be kidnapped because of their national origin. I've seen people argue that Israeli women deserved to be sexually abused because of their nation of origin. I've seen people argue that the seven million Jews living in their ancestral homeland deserve death or displacement because of their nation of origin. Justifying or allowing brutal harm against people because of their national origin is hateful.
I want to make this part very clear-- I do not have an issue with calling out Israeli war crimes or crimes against humanity. But I do have an issue with treating Jewish civilians differently than civilians of other nations responsible for similar horrors. Amplifying bias against a particular group because of that group's nation of origin is called bigotry. Taking a stand against Israeli settlements in the West Bank is anti-Zionism. Collectivizing the label of "white colonialism", and forcing that label upon refugees forced to move to Israel, or Mizrahim with uninterrupted 8,000-year histories in Israel, is antisemitism.
Part 3: Moving Forward
So where do we go from here? If advocating for the destruction of Israel is advocating for the elimination of Jewish self-determination in our ancestral lands, but advocating in favour of the Israeli government is advocating for the elimination of Palestinian self-determination in your ancestral lands, then we must find some middle ground. A solution that allows seven million Jews and five-and-a-half-million Arabs to share the same holy land, without fear of persecution, displacement, or death. For me, this means a few things.
First of all, the recognition that most Israelis disagree with Netanyahu's approach to Palestine, and most Palestinians disagree with Hamas's approach to Israel. And that brings up a question-- why are Likud and Hamas in charge of Israel and Gaza respectively if most people disagree with them? Without getting into the complicated intricacies of the Knesset and the PNA on an already very long post (and without explaining your own government to you), the simple answer is international funds.
Israeli crimes against Palestinians are bankrolled by American Evangelical Christians, who believe that when Palestine is gone, all the Jews will go to Israel, and Jesus will come back to kill the world's infidels. They actually fucking believe that. Meanwhile, Hamas is bankrolled by Iran, which believes that the more often Jews and Sunni Muslims kill each other, the easier it will be for Iranian Shiite Jihad to take over the world. They actually fucking believe that.
So what steps can we take during our advocacy? Not for the destruction of Israel nor the destruction of Palestine, but for America and Iran to get their noses out of our damn business. I genuinely believe that a defunded Likud and a defunded Hamas will allow Israelis and Palestinians to work together for a peaceful two-state or joint-rule solution. Something that will keep my Palestinian friends from feeling like they can't safely travel from Jaffa to Tel Aviv. Something that will allow my Jewish family to visit and pray at the Cenotaphs of Isaac and Rebecca and the Temple Mount. Something that will let Israeli children from Kibbutz Nirim and Palestinian children from Khan Yunis play on the same playgrounds together, instead of sheltering from missile fire.
Frankly, we nearly had that when the Supreme Muslim Council and the Assembly of Representatives began collaborating against the British Mandate instead of against each other. Clearly, it's possible, we just need to stop being pitted against each other by foreign powers.
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prodigal-explorer · 4 months
i’m gonna start by saying this:
the sheer amount of anti-jew hate i’ve seen on my tumblr dash is absolutely abhorrent.
and now, let’s get into the specifics of my view:
i recently went to two events that my college hosted. one was an event in which a guest speaker discussed antisemitism and how it is running rampant lately due to the israel-palestine conflict.
and the other event i went to was an israeli man and a palestinian man who are CLOSE FRIENDS, and them telling their stories and how the animosity between palestine and israel have affected their lives, killed members of their families, and yet, they were friends. because they knew that they shared two things: their birthplace and their grief.
after attending both of these events, this is what i learned: BEING PRO ISRAEL OR PRO PALESTINE IS NOT REMOTELY HELPFUL. zionism is not inherently evil. the conflict is NOT ABOUT RELIGION. it’s not the muslims versus the jews. it’s about politics. it’s about fear and trauma and hurt.
the land doesn’t belong only to israel.
but it doesn’t belong only to palestine either.
the land is land, and it’s a gift from the higher power that created this world.
if the israeli people weren’t constantly discriminated against or expelled everywhere they went, maybe they wouldn’t feel the need to cling onto the one tiny piece of land that they managed to claim as theirs.
if the palestinian people didn’t get kicked out of the place they lived in first, and weren’t treated unfairly in israel’s social climate, maybe they wouldn’t feel the need to cling the exact same way.
israel has money and power from america and other places. and israel has done some terrible things. i know that. but so has palestine. and this post isn’t meant to excuse the bombings, the killings, the genocides. that’s not what this is about.
but people are dying on BOTH sides. countless people. in the usa and in many other places, people are getting hate crimed just for being jewish because people are so pro-palestine that they became anti-israel and anti-jewish. and the same is happening to muslim people who are pro-palestine.
can you see how being pro/anti just fuels the fire more and creates more war and violence and conflict and killing? what feeds a war is the possibility of winning or losing. being on one side or the other side does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to help the people. it HURTS the people. because they are having their homes destroyed due to the polarization that WE are causing due to our need to fit things into one box or another. jewish or muslim. good or evil. israel or palestine. it shouldn’t be israel or palestine. it should be israel AND palestine, finding a way to come to an agreement. to SHARE or to compromise. if not, then the war will destroy them both. two beautiful nations with such rich history and such amazing potential.
my point in writing this post was not just to express my opinion but to spread knowledge based on what i learned from accredited experts as well as people are literally IN israel and palestine and facing the effects of the conflict. most of us on the internet are just sitting back and watching, choosing to be either anti-jew or anti-muslim just to feel helpful, to feel progressive and woke and hip and in-control.
wearing a “from the river to the sea” t-shirt isn’t helping anybody. all it does is create more tension and polarity.
comparing zionism to evil and saying that all zionist’s want palestinians dead is incorrect and hateful and lowkey antisemitic.
and this goes for all the anti-palestinian hate as well, but honestly, most of my dash on here is filled with “pro-palestine” stuff that acknowledges the suffering the palestinians are going through while entirely ignoring the israelis going through something extremely similar.
before you get angry in the reblogs and accuse me of supporting a genocide (i’m not), or accuse me of being complacent (i’m being the opposite), or just any sort of hate, maybe take a deep breath and read what i wrote again.
it’s about the PEOPLE. every single person on this planet has inherent worth and dignity, and nobody deserves to be diminished to one trait of their identity.
“oh, you’re jewish? that means you’re a zionist and that means you’re pro-israel and that means you support bombing and killing innocent civilians!”
that’s actually genuinely logic i’ve seen on this website before, and it’s that sort of thinking that i want to combat. that’s the thinking that the israeli and palestinian friends want to combat.
being jewish isn’t the same as being pro israel. being muslim isn’t the same as being pro palestine. there is SO MUCH MORE to this conflict than what is being put down on social media. i beg of you guys to read a book about antisemitism. look for resources that actually dig deep, primary sources, interviews, multiple news sources so you get a nice collection of perspectives. don’t just read one article and make an assumption about an entire group of people.
and it’s so unfair to blame an entire country for decisions that are being made by the government. it’s like saying “oh everyone in america supports banning abortion” when the abortion bans were choices made by a few powerful people. not the entire country. so when critiquing a country for their choices in war, it’s so important to express that it’s the government at fault. not the people. not the religion that most of them happen to believe in. again, it’s the politics of the situation. not religions.
there that’s all. please don’t kill me or dox me or tell me to kill myself or accuse me of being a jew or a muslim (i am neither) who has control/power over any sort of media influence (i am a disabled, gay, filipino, autistic young gender-non-conformist. i have basically no clout in this society 😂). i am just stating my opinion which is a perfectly fine thing to do online.
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borzoilover69 · 1 year
I know that you've already kinda figured out why dirkjakers like LE jake but I want to offer a more mundane reason and that is the absolute power fantasy that this man offers. I hate epilogues with a passion that could burn universes but ult dirk? My bpd ass was in shambles (that's why I'll someday make an essay on why dirk strider homestuck has bpd and/or npd), having control over people, over narrative itself, and most importantly fucking desimating your ex who called you clingy that one time while simultaneously still being obsessed with him, I've never lived vicariously through a character so much in my life. He is a horrible person but I Get him. "What would you do with this power" he asked the audience, and I solemnly nodded bc I would do the same thing (probably). And I suspect power fantasy LE jake offers is the same for some people bc don't you want to go apeshit? Don't you want to stop (not very successfully) conforming and be weird and off-putting freely? Don't YOU want to desimate YOUR ex? Both ult dirk and ult jake are what audience wants them to be and I think the audience wants them to be powerful, insane and murderous bc we ourselves cannot be like that irl. Their relationship is cathartic, their actions are cathartic, it's like religion if you relate to the god from old testament. Or I'm projecting big time which is also a possibility
Everyone take notes because this anon is speaking cold true facts and this shit is getting carved into the walls. I agree with the Dirk Strider has BPD headcanon, I offer up to you the Jake has BPD too headcanon in return.
I like the idea of Jake going batshit insane. I think a lot of people do, after all if the ancestors were anything to go off of, Jake and Dirk are pretty nuts.
Also fun sort of related fact, really fond of Ultimate Jake, it's because it plays into the mythos of their Demiurges / Denizens and how important that is to their stories. (I'm getting autistic here). Yaldaboath (Dirks Denizen, Destroyer of Peace) is considered a false god, harbinger of chaos, and uses the light he inherits from his mother, Sophia (personification of light and wisdom) to try to rise above others, even if he is blind and is not as aware of the aeons as his mother is.
Jesus destroyed Yaldaboaths kingdom and thus, Yaldaboath had him crucified, made a martyr. But before his martyrdom could set in, Jesus ascended and returned to the world. In Gnosticism, they viewed Yaldaboath as evil, and that Jesus had to overcome him "by destroying the Jewish Temple with an Earthquake lifting the veil or Yaldabaoth’s curtain of illusion, by Jesus’ resurrection and rapture. "
Now, who do we have quite literally representing Jesus Christ himself? Okay, you're going to say Karkat, but do you know who *specifically* represents the place where Christ himself died and was made a martyr and the rapt- OK ITS JAKE ENGLISH OKAY ITS JAKE ENGLISH. And the sufferer BUT THATS NOT IMPORTANT.
There's quite a few parallels with Yaldaboath being one that wanted to be recognised as a god and in his jealous fury condemned a mortal god and Dirk Strider. There's quite a few parallels between Jesus Christ, Karkat, and Jake English, his rapture and ascension. There's an INSANE amount of parallels between Yaldaboath's mother, Sophia, and Rose Lalonde. Even down to Rose going grimdark, which Sophia DOES, after she loses her light, which is something i'll go on about in another ramble. Thematically, if we're following gnosticism, Jesus Christ, aka Jake English, is the one able to recognise and overcome Yaldaboaths illusion, aka Dirk Strider. It just makes SENSE.
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optimisticlucio · 5 months
Growing up Jewish means that, among other things, you get used to a passive but everpresent dread that the rest of the world will eventually want to see you dead. Passover is about that one time the Egyptians enslaved all of the Jews, and despite trying to kill us, we survived. Purim is about that one time a Persian minister tried to have us all killed, but we survived. Hannukah is about the time the Greeks destroyed our holy sites and tried to have us all killed, but we survived. Tisha Be'Av. Holocaust Remembrance Day. Tzom Gedalia. It's gotten to a point where we commonly joke about how 90% of our holidays are just "they tried to kill us, they didn't, let's eat."
If it was merely historical, that'd be one thing, but this sort of fear is far from merely being a story passed down by your elders. My great grandma's entire family was burned alive in the Pogroms. My uncles were beat up for speaking up about antisemitism. My brother was bullied relentlessly in school for being circumcised. "Generational Trauma" is the correct term to define this, but I do think it's important to highlight how every generation re-experienced this trauma. Luckily, I haven't experienced this sort of violence yet beyond some dickheads online, but I don't believe this'll stay the case for much longer.
I want to be clear that despite this all, I'm not pessimistic about my future as a Jew or of the Jewish People as a whole; I'm a hopeless idealist, whether it's about individual life choices or about broader political change in general. We've made it this far, I don't think we'll be taken out that easily, and we can certainly build a better world without having to hide in a gilded cage of our own making. But holy shit, have I heard some concerning things from people recently.
Antisemitism is no longer the Cain's Mark it used to be. Saying this I now realize that it never was this sort of mark it was made out to be, but atleast while I was growing up, it felt like it was atleast socially unacceptable to be openly against the Jews. In the past few years I've had to come to terms with the fact that even if this was the case, it very much no longer is, and the past few months had this process exacerbate significantly.
You guys have heard about the Houthis, right? Paramilitary organization in Yemen, not the official government but controls enough of the country that they function as the government, been blocking trade through the Red Sea as of the time of posting? Those guys. Their logo has "A Curse Upon the Jews" written in big red letters. There is no other way to read that sentence, it is very explicit. Seeing people cheering for this group openly on social media made me somewhat uneasy, both for the... well, the antisemitism, and also that this group is infamous for its blatant human rights violations, including but not limited to bringing back chattel slavery. So, I brought this up to people.
I was expecting some sort of shock, right? Even if they fundamentally believe blocking the red sea is good, that they'd readjust their position on the group itself. "I think it's a cool thing to do, but wow what assholes." I shouldn't have to explain why antisemitic slave owners are bad guys, right?
The sheer amount of people who responded with one justification or another for why it's actually totally fine blew my fucking mind. "Oh, it's not actually slavery, they're treated very well." "Well, they don't really mean they hate the Jews." "It's just a different cultural form of labor!" "Well, when you have a country like Israel oppressing your people-"
Yeah I think I should probably address the elephant in the room real quick. Israel, and its fascist-adjacent government, has nothing of relevance when someone brings up the issue of worldwide antisemitism. Antisemitism has been thriving for years now. If you open a map Yemen is nowhere near Israel. There's certainly a conversation to have about Israel's abhorrent treatment of palestineans in the west bank and gaza, no doubt, but, frankly speaking, that's not the goddamn conversation we're having right now, and I feel the need to specify this because I've had multiple people derail such conversations consistently. If your first response to someone talking about antisemitism is to bring up Israel, for the love of god reexamine your biases.
Antisemitism has been growing, a lot, and we're scared. According to polls, 7% of the US thinks that the holocaust did not happen, with these numbers increasing to 20% if you sort the results to only the 18-29 age group and 9% of Americans think it's acceptable to hold neo-nazi views. Trust me, I wish these numbers were flukes, but I have seen these same numbers in multiple polls by numerous sources in the past 5 years.
7% of the US is about 23.2 million people.
There are only 16.2 million Jews in the entire world.
You, do not, have to justify antisemitism, I fucking promise you.
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night-wyld-system · 1 month
Thank you, Thank you, so so much for reminding people to not be antisemitic while supporting Gazans, even if it's just a reblog. While I myself support Palestinian freedom from Hamas and Israel, and freedom of Israel from Bibi, it's terrifying to be in a lot of Pro-Pal spaces due to the fact that so much antisemitism brews there, that's often hidden by Good Jew Bad Jew bullshit. (Although JVP isn't necessarily the best source, there is a very fair amount of misinformation from them) I'm actually so so fucking glad I don't have to find out that another person who's blog I check out is antisemitic, as I do find your blog really souseful on understanding better how my system friends lives are actually like.
You don't need to respond to this at all, just a little thanks.
Yeah no, 100% there is a genuine problem with people being openly antisemtic within all of this. It's part of why it needs to be a lot of awareness continually spread about how stuff has become worse for jewish people as well.
Goes into how much of a rise in antisemitism there has been- a very unfortunate thing that needs addressing. Jewish people are not the government nor state of Israel. The majority of civilians cannot control their government, and people who aren't living there even more so have literally nothing to do with it and cannot control it. They're literally just people going about their normal day. I've also seen people I've known who are Jewish get battered with questions from all sides consistently about their ideas on something in a country they're not in and be harassed for days on end.
Some other stuff I just found on this all;
This goes over how people have conflated the current government/state of Israel with Jewish people as a whole. This has gone to the extent of people actively committing hate crimes against Jewish people while claiming to be doing it to support Palestinians. I do not agree with all takes as I see "from the river to the sea" to not imply genocide given it's about governmental situations, but there is a good amount of genuine problems with antisemitism in activist spheres. ESPECIALLY I take issue with the idea that zionism isn't racism- zionism is racism, it literally is the claim that only Jewish people have a claim to the land. Jewish and Palestinain peoples are both native to the area. I also given the recent development of the known cases of Israeli concentration camps of Palestinans, do not see the holocaust comparison as wrong. I do not agree with that part of the article either. Especially with the current living holocaust survivors who have spoken out about how they see Israel as repeating what was done to them. But I think it is till good to read for the majority of the things within it as well as an idea of the arguments others may make to claim things that are not antisemetic are.
The title is provocative but does go into it a bit.
I myself am for the same things you stated- I hope Hamas gets fucking obliterated but not at the cost of civilians and not the way that things are being done. Ethnic cleansing and genocide is obviously not the answer. I also firmly believe that Israeli citizens should be able to get away from their government being as toxic as it is to my knowledge. I've met people who have lived in Israel. People who see it as their home and deserve to not see it be destroyed. There's also mixed people and Jewish Palestinians who get overlooked and erased consistently as well.
I also as a native myself care a lot about the history going on. I know that multiple people can be native to a land at once and that is the case here. Currently both governments of these people seem to be horrific and awful terroristic states. Liberation from both of these governments is necessary for the safety of all civilians.
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nicollekidman · 7 months
THE WAY YOU BACKTRACK no its just a conspiracy people seeing antisemitism with their own eyes? abby get a grip, you apologize and then you reblog a "actually its just a conspiracy to discredit palestine" like these theories havent been around for millenia
i at no point have backtracked???? you guys have to calm down and like either read the words i’m typing or accept you’re just dying to scold me for some reason and to stop engaging. like i know a disconcerting amount of you are zionists hanging around to just randomly accuse me of antisemitism (there’s a reason i haven’t been publishing those over the last few weeks lmao) but if someone comes to me and says “what is your reaction to this stuff i’ve been seeing” and i say “idk i haven’t been seeing any of that, here is my reaction to what i HAVE been seeing” and i get like six more people saying “no actually we have been seeing this stuff and if you don’t more obviously say you don’t Love Osama Bin Laden then we’re going to assume you love antisemtism!!!” then obviously my first reaction is going to be like. well damn i didn’t realize you guys were seeing this, i better get rid of an upsetting response i made off the cuff based on different information, and apologize for upsetting anyone by the disconnect.
but then the most recent post i recently reblogged is about the VERY SPECIFIC PHENOMENON we’re all currently discussing, where overnight, a prominent grifter twitter journalist wrote about a “viral” tiktok trend where the youth are apparently “praising” a terrorist which again. from the beginning, i have said i have not seen evidence of myself (which is true!!). and if you take a second to step back and ask yourself why on earth this would happen out of nowhere and be reported on like it’s a sweeping trend taking hold of america’s youth (after like 24 hours), on a platform that for weeks i have seen literally only videos from/by young palestinians and young jewish people educating their peers and others…. then maybe those videos are not truthful and organic thoughts from real people.
idk why it’s easier to believe that a platform that has been a huge source of information for the palestinian cause in a way that zionists and other invested groups cannot control is, i cannot emphasize this enough, OVERNIGHT filled with kids who have decided after reading one letter (that has been PULLED by the website citing this specific trend!!) that they love the thoughts of osama bin laden…. rather than accepting that our disdain for both tiktok as a resource and young people as a general group makes us accept that insane idea much more easily than we normally would!!!
i think that young people are capable of rational thought! i also know that writing about tiktok as a breeding ground for concerning trends/incomprehensible viral videos is a sure fire way to get everyone up in arms in a way that i don’t accept as reality! i also know that this whole thing has probably been very concerning for jewish people who don’t want to see antisemitic bigoted hateful vile people given a platform. but what i’m saying and what that post is saying is that insofar as these videos of kids apparently being “on board” with osama exist and are being spread (again. i personally have not seen a single one, so my original post is deleted was not reacting to this type of video) are very likely being created/spread with the intent to discredit tiktok as a platform and bury legitimately educational content.
if all you take from this is that i ❤️ antisemitic conspiracies then fine, i feel like i’ve been clear and at this point engaging further feels like adding fuel to a fire i don’t have any interest in spreading. if anyone feels like im being ignorant and wants to talk to me about it im obviously always open but this particular line of questioning? ive made myself clear and im not buying into the hysteria. young people are, in larger numbers than i have ever seen in my lifetime, mobilizing in their schools and cities and local government to make their voices heard and pressure their politicians for change, every day i see extremely brave people on my tiktok both spreading information and doing their best to get educated responsibly, and my attention and energy is with those kids, not with a likely manufactured hysteria over terrorist lovers that i haven’t seen myself at any point.
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shutterlens · 8 months
I will be moving my DeviantArt activity to my Instagram account
[tw: zionism, antisemitism mention, genocide, apartheid, financial abuse, emotional abuse, potentially distressing content]
To preface this post, I do not want to hear any argument about this from anyone. This may be an outright dangerous thing to because I am a complete financial dependent on my emotionally abusive father who will not let me donate money to any cause without his direct approval and has complete control over all of my essential information to the point of being under his insurance and him having total access to my bank account information, but it is something that I have to do anyway to prevent further platforming such a heinous website.
The link to my Instagram account:
However, I will not be advertising my Tumblr account as a main art account in any way because I do not want my emotionally abusive family to find out about this more personal account at any cost.
I will be moving all of my art, including series like Windows Humanized, to my Instagram account to protest DeviantArt's ongoing pro-genocide propaganda campaign and will no longer be posting any more art on my DeviantArt account.
I know that I will get a lot of hate for saying this (albeit as someone who's legally recognized as Roman Catholic but still looking for a way out of Christianity), but I am completely against the promotion of Zionist (colonialist promotion of a "Jewish homeland" in Palestine) apartheid genocide towards the Palestinian people that DeviantArt and its Israeli parent company Wix have done, especially in its recent propaganda campaign to get the users of DeviantArt to side with this oppressive regime.
In fact, Amnesty International, "a global movement of more than 10 million people who are committed to creating a future where human rights are enjoyed by everyone" (Amnesty International), considers Israel to be an apartheid regime in the following article:
My support towards the Palestinians, despite not being allowed to donate any money due to living in a very financially-controlling and staunchly pro-Israel family (despite trying to reason with them), should not be conflated with antisemitism or hostility of any kind towards the Jewish Community. In fact, there are countless amounts of members of the Jewish Community who are completely supportive of the Palestinian cause to the point where they have lost their jobs, been blacklisted, and more.
Examples: https://jewishcurrents.org/a-hebrew-teacher-called-herself-an-anti-zionist-she-was-fired https://lesbianchemicalplant.tumblr.com/post/636673678451605504/politicalsci
To conflate the condemnation of Israel's genocide of Palestine with antisemitism is dangerous promotion of propaganda.
Another example of an openly Jewish person who is in support of Palestine:
For those of you on here who are also in support of Palestine, I will also link a website made by Palestinians called "Decolonize Palestine", which educates about both Palestinian culture and their ongoing occupation and struggles, in addition to debunking popularized anti-Palestine propaganda.
The link to Decolonize Palestine can be found here:
I genuinely do not care if this post is deleted, if I get nastiness of any kind on this website for this post, or even if my DeviantArt account or other socials are deleted for this. I am completely in support of Palestine despite not being allowed to donate any money to the cause due to living in a financially abusive household and I refuse to hide it.
For those of you who follow my DeviantArt account, I will now be posting to my Instagram account every Sunday.
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beardedmrbean · 2 months
Hey, I hope your dad doing well
But remember that shitty good times sequel cartoon where the daughter is the black military archetype? Which the proud family revival did
Okay, so people want to know why Huey Freeman worked?
Well Aaron Mcgruder remembers the later half of Malcom X life. So Huey got calmer over the seasons as he realize at the end of the day he just a kid and still have much to learn
Yes yes Malcom believe that Yakub shit
Until he went to Mecca to preach it… and when your seemingly higher than the Hassassins to Muslims…
He got a bitch slap of reality and converted to Sunni Islam
Random, I saw a YouTuber complain how forest grump made fun of the black panthers because they created due to systemic oppression
Just like Khemer rouge with French colonization. Because us black people loved the BP party-
Wait we actually hated them because they were racist af like the kkk? Also they have several domestic abusers in them?
I mean where are they now?…seriously why the kkk still around vs them? Or is blm a new front?
Also I love how they keep saying “they” aka white people out the guns and drugs into our community
It’s the fucking government, they used anything to keep their pets on plantation.
Here a thing I noticing
Black Activists: white people putting the drugs into our communities since the 80’s and killed MLK!
Me: Fascinating, oh should we analyze why our community 75% bastards right after the civil rights movement after primary upper middle boomer feminists projectbcasual sex and other primary upper middle class or elite hendoist behaviors onto the working class?
BA: Nah I like sleeping around
M: Oh that black boys being sexually abused by older girls or women is skyrocketing high
Sorry, yes it effect both genders, but on black twitter, the amount of times black men said they got lucky loosing their “virginity” at fucking 5. It feel like, we need to tell them they were raped
Yes it affects all races, thanks feminism for treating little boys like grown men while female pedos like toddlers.
But if the rampant CSA among black American kids caught wind in mainstream.
The fallout is going to be nasty, sorry just UGH
You guys hate what white people did to us but cling onto the sex revolution like a turkey leg
Hey, I hope your dad doing well
Just got home a little bit ago, he's home and as good as one can be after heart surgery.
But remember that shitty good times sequel cartoon where the daughter is the black military archetype? Which the proud family revival did Okay, so people want to know why Huey Freeman worked?
Huey worked because he called everyone out for their bs, wasn't giving people a pass for their skin colour, at least that's one reason imho.
Asshole but honest iirc.
Well Aaron Mcgruder remembers the later half of Malcom X life. So Huey got calmer over the seasons as he realize at the end of the day he just a kid and still have much to learn Yes yes Malcom believe that Yakub shit
He did chill ya, Wed night we were doing stuff in Genesis at church asked the pastor if Jacob had invented white people by this point in history yet, it got a chuckle, since both Islam and nation of islam have managed to lay claim to some of the Jewish patriarchs, Christians too but we don't claim them or deviate from the Jewish scriptures about them.
Until he went to Mecca to preach it… and when your seemingly higher than the Hassassins to Muslims… He got a bitch slap of reality and converted to Sunni Islam
Ya he managed to be a lot less hateful towards the end, probably why farrakhan (likely) had him assassinated.
Random, I saw a YouTuber complain how forest grump made fun of the black panthers because they created due to systemic oppression
OG BPP did a lot of good, also managed to help get several gun control laws passed in the state of CA because of a wrong turn, Huey Newton and Eldridge Cleavar and a bunch of the rest of them too, were well versed in gun laws at the time and followed them to the letter.
At that point in CA you could observe law enforcement in their actions, from a reasonable distance, 8-10 feet or so, with a shotgun sitting on your shoulder, legally.
Managed to keep some "roughhousing" we'll call it, from the cops happening, as well as making sure they followed the law, they were the cellphone cameras of their time, but far more intimidating.
(When you hear people say that gun laws have racism at their core, this is one of the reasons people say that)
But they had food banks and neighborhood programs to keep kids out of trouble and they did a lot of good, some bad too, but ya they were those uppity N* that wound up being part of the reason the FBI flooded the streets with crack.
You want to see something crazy though, you can learn what the "establishment" actually fears and why they've decided to let racism come back the way they have.
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This is Chicago history here, that they likely left out of the books (Article Link here) This is what they fear, Hillbilly Harlem boys can do this, we might get some class solidarity and leave race behind us.
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If you look at the timing of everything, what was just before the current wave of new racism was the occupy movement, and they did the whole thing again with that.
Got the NBBP now, they don't go for class solidarity anymore.
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I do love to see Americans exercising their 2A rights though, may not like your politics but I support your right to self defense anyhow.
Good back and forth there
Sorry, yes it effect both genders, but on black twitter, the amount of times black men said they got lucky loosing their “virginity” at fucking 5. It feel like, we need to tell them they were raped
That is one of the things they don't really talk about and I don't recall how I managed to get read in to the big secret about everyone's favourite auntie in the neighborhood.
They ain't making a man out of you, like you said it's rape.
Yes it affects all races, thanks feminism for treating little boys like grown men while female pedos like toddlers. But if the rampant CSA among black American kids caught wind in mainstream. The fallout is going to be nasty, sorry just UGH
I feel like it's eeked out here and there, but someone big needs to do a thing about it, bigger than when L&O SVU had Ice-T throw the whole "on the down low" thing out there.
Which that's only gonna be a scandal in the black community, pointing out that there's a designated first lay for the boys in the neighborhood that parents send their kid to, well those that aren't aware of it might make enough noise to do something.
That or get called racist for calling it out for what it is.
You're one of the first people I've seen on here not speak about that in code and whispers.
You guys hate what white people did to us but cling onto the sex revolution like a turkey leg
It's weird the feminists scream about patriarchy and all that stuff but turn a blind eye to child rape that's got the express purpose of "making a man" out of the child that should be allowed to remain a child.
Probably to avoid being called racist, you see how they fail to address child marriage and such in developing countries in favor of things like sexist air conditioning here in the US
It's set that cold because men are expected to wear a suit coat and tie at work, you can wear a sweater they can't remove any more layers of clothing, if anything it's the dress code that's sexist but then you'd need to admit that sexism against men is possible.
Sorry that one has driven me crazy for nearly a decade.
I did say we got my dad home and he's catching up on his papers and all I think, if not he is and that's why this has taken 22 hours to get out, not enough time last night and busy all day.
Hopefully it was worth the wait
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atypical-artisan · 1 year
Do you got any super macho man headcanons? Asking for a friend… and myself
The superest machoiest man ever hell yeah!!!
Sort of a whoops baby so he's the only child out of his parents relationship. His parents were never married and when they tried to live together it was a disaster. In the end, his parents broke up before he was 1 and raised him in a split custody deal. His dad got the weekdays and his mom got the weekends.
His dad is a b-list actor and model while his mom is a photographer and runs her own business. Macho grew up pretty wealthy as a result and ended up a bit spoiled with attention.
He was raised atheist and Jewish, with his mother's family bringing him to holiday stuff when he was little. His dad didn't want to raise him religiously so the only holidays they celebrated together were solstices/equinoxes where they'd spend the whole day together, and post-holiday sales. Macho insisted on going to shul like all his cousins and going to the synagogue because he enjoyed doing the religious stuff. Nowadays, he's an atheist jew- not believing in god but still practicing as a jew. Though, he does keep his religion under wraps as much as possible.
Doesn't eat kosher but pork is Yucky so he hates it
All of his clothes must be made of the Right Materials™, his food the Right Ingredence™, etc. etc.- most people think this is him being a picky, spoiled brat but in reality he has a lot of sensory issues. Sure, he's a dick about his boundaries, but he can't really afford to have them crossed without being upset for days.
That being said- swimsuits are the best texture for him. He also just loves showing skin, the less he has to wear the better.
He's a nice guy deep down- he's just a total attention hog, controlling about what he does, and kind of a brat, but under all that he's a loyal friend and quite chill to hang out with.
It took the rest of the world circuit a LOT of nudging to get him into someone they enjoyed hanging out with all the time, including multiple humbling talks about his behavior from Soda and Aran... but hey, at least they got there, right?
Liking attention is mostly a personality thing- he just likes being liked and having a ton of people around him!
Loves spoiling his friends. Need help with rent or groceries? Done. Need some money for a plane ticket back home? Done. Car got totaled? Enjoy your new Ferrari, bud! Already covered a year of insurance for ya too!
Unlike most rich people, he doesn't ask for money back for being generous- if his parents drilled anything into his head it's that the only reward for generosity is doing a good deed.
On the side, he's a swimwear model and does surfing competitions.
Outside of boxing, surfing, swimming, and wrestling are his favorite things to do. He's a total jock at heart. Him and king hippo do surfing together and they're very closely tied in terms of skill.
He loves swimming so much, particularly in the ocean. Swimming pools with chlorine are AWFUL and he refuses to go in them.
He swims in the ocean so much that he can keep his eyes open underwater no problem. He can also hold his breath for a ridiculous amount of time.
He'll never admit it but sometimes he pretends he's a mermaid while swimming- he always did want to be one as a kid.
Sure as hell isn't white, but not sure what his race is since his dad was adopted. He thinks he might be native or Polynesian but can't be sure. His mom is a fairly dark skinned italian jew
His fake tan is mostly there to hide a large purple birthmark on his neck that embarasses him.
Yes, he is 27. He dyes his hair silver to hide how he's going grey early and because he likes the way silver looks on him.
Being a model led him to having an ED and muscle dysmorphia, though he's doing a lot better than his early 20s, he still has bouts of relapsing. Though he can take teasing about being bratty and picky about his clothes, any mockery of how he eats is awful for his mental health.
His gold tooth is something he gained as a teenager after a nasty wipe out. He insisted on gold cause he though it looked cool and he still loves it to bits.
LOATHES driving. He sucks so bad and has a habit of falling asleep the minute he gets behind the wheel. He takes his helicopter everywhere because of it (And to keep people from finding his house, lol). He hasn't driven since he was 20 and hasn't renewed his license either.
He brags about his fancy mezuzah at his house- he brags about how nice and fancy his house is in general whenever he can but ESPECIALLY his fancy mezuzah.
Cold weather is his nemisis- any temp under 80 fahrenheit (26.6 celsius) and he will actually freeze to death.
Super soft, silky hair. He never uses gel and takes excellent care of it. It's like his baby.
All of his clothes are very pretty and he kind of has a permanent dad on tropical vacation vibe.
His friends and family love to tease him about how he talks and went NUTS for the 'release the bogus' thing. He loves it.
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commando-rogers · 2 years
I’m having a lot of trouble gathering my thoughts on this but this is just my heartfelt plea to those of you who are not Jewish to please stand up for us and protect us. I’ve spent a lot of time over the last few years and the last few months and especially the last few weeks telling myself that I’m being alarmist and things actually aren’t that bad, but I don’t think it’s alarmist anymore. antisemitism is everywhere and it’s getting worse. and it exists in many forms.
it exists in the form of someone who wants to put a gun to my head and pull the trigger simply because I am Jewish. it exists in the form of teenagers who will beat a kid up and yell slurs across the cafeteria just because they think it’s funny. it exists in the form of people who will paint swastikas on a synagogue, or on a Jewish cemetery, or on the sidewalk in front of a Jewish persons house. it exists loudly and it exists quietly. it exists in the form of people who “don’t agree with Kanye but can see where he’s coming from.” it exists in the form of people who “aren’t antisemitic” but will harass or ostracize or blame or hate their Jewish neighbor in an American suburb because of what the Israeli government does to Palestinians oceans away.
it exists in ultra-conservative circles and ultra-liberal circles.
and yeah, you might not really hate Jews, but the article you share about how a prominent figure who happens to be Jewish is doing something you disagree with will make its way to your relative who will share it in qanon circles as proof that the Jews are controlling the world and trying to take over our lives, and someone in that group will tell their friend who will discuss it at the dinner table with their children who will then go to school and bully the Jewish kid because their parent said it was okay, and another kid at that school might witness it and agree and fall down the wrong rabbit holes on the internet and weeks months or years later walk into a synagogue with an assault rifle.
maybe my synagogue. maybe your best friend’s synagogue. maybe the synagogue where your child is attending a classmate’s bar mitzvah. maybe the synagogue where your spouse is volunteering at a food drive. maybe the synagogue where your parent is picking up the neighbor’s child from preschool. and that sounds like a gross exaggeration and I would think it is too except it isn’t.
this is how antisemitism works. it is extreme and it is silent. it’s everywhere. I’m begging you to examine your thoughts and rhetoric and see if maybe there’s some underlying context that is rooted in antisemitism. your well-intentioned post about how a few rich men shouldn’t be able to accumulate obscene amounts of money WILL be found by someone who thinks that all those people are Jews, and the dominos fall. that’s not to say we shouldn’t criticize billionaires on here, god knows I do. but when the antisemitic comments start to pop up, you have to squash them. shut it down. your posts are not to be safe havens for those who use your valid talking points as a puzzle piece for their hate.
antisemitism is insidious in its subtlety. hell, I’ve probably reblogged posts that have antisemitic dog whistles I didn’t identify because I don’t know them, and I’m Jewish. I cannot stress enough how it is everywhere. in your textbooks, on your news channels, in the funny conspiracy theory you saw, in the tweet from your favorite celebrity.
be vigilant and fearful of quiet antisemitism. and please, please, be aggressive against the loud kind. because it’s getting louder. don’t shrug off what Kanye said as stupid celebrity discourse, because people who agree with him sure didn’t shrug it off, they took it as fuel. and shit is getting scarier and scarier.
my parents have plans for which countries they will move to if things get worse. and they’ll take me with them. me, an adult with an apartment and a job. they will take the whole family out of the country if things continue on this path.
because the last time things “weren’t actually that bad” and “couldn’t actually escalate that much so quickly” we lost six million.
and just because you’re not jewish doesn’t mean you’re exempt from the harm antisemitism causes. the nazis killed 5 million non-Jews as well. they murdered Romani people, gay people, disabled people, and so many more. but guess what, the driving force behind hitler’s rise to power was antisemitism. he campaigned on a platform of blaming Jews, and that enabled him to round up the Jews, and round up millions of others, even though they weren’t Jewish, because hate enables hate.
this has become long and rambling and nonsensical, because I’m getting scared. I’m not sure how scared I should be getting, and later tonight I’ll probably tell myself I’m being stupid and delete this post. but then tomorrow a synagogue may get attacked. white supremacists might hang more banners off of highways. my little brother might get attacked on his way to class from his college dorm. I might be shopping for groceries when someone sees my hamsah necklace and decides to follow me out of the store and make damn sure I don’t make it home.
when does it get to be too much? when it’s already too late.
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paragonrobits · 1 year
so i unfortunately recently ran into a BUNCH of videos by a youtuber I really, really don’t like for various reasons; their vitrolic hatred of Steven Universe and refusal to think of the series in any way except a very binary moralistic view that doesn’t acknowledge the Gem’s different robot-like psychology, them constantly calling the creator of Steven Universe a Nazi despite Sugar being Jewish (and pointedly ignoring or dismissing all evidence to the contrary), having a long list of writing dos and don’t that mostly amount to ‘black and white morality is the only acceptable writing, everything must be Relatable or its bad writing, and everything i find icky is morally evil’ that i really don’t like for a lot of reasons, but that’s not the thing I feel motivated to mention right now
specifically I noticed some other videos they did on other series, and out of sheer morbid curiousity and a good helping of ‘i already hate these people, I must plumb the depths of my hatred for them and see if I am morally opposed to them on EVERY level’ and the off putting thing is that they came to some similar conclusions I have in other series, most especially in Mass Effect; that the genophage was wrong, and that the geth are more broadly sympathetic than the quarians (or at least the quarian admiralty board) and it was uncomfortable to realize that, but it made me think about WHY i felt that way and to analyze my knee-jerk responses, and I ultimately came to a few conclusions:
the first thing is that while I DO feel the genophage is ultimately wrong, and that the quarians wronged the geth, I still feel these youtubers addressed the problems in too simplistic a manner; among other things, I don’t think its right to imply the quarians deserve extinction for the actions of their ancestors or their authority figures, nor do I think its appropriate to completely depict the krogan EXCLUSIVELY as victims.
but something else dawned on me when i noticed they did a video on how the Dark Side of the Force needs to be treated more neutrally or given good points (for some reason??????) and that really stuck out to me because it felt so BIZARRE. in contrast to their constant moralizing and insistence on extremely simplisitc, puritanical notions of straightfoward moral resolutions, the Dark Side is interesting in this regard because there’s not really any way you CAN canonically regard it as neutral or having the ability to BE neutral. So why come to that conclusion?
part of it is that a LOT of people insist on viewing the Dark Side in ways like this. It’s hardly unique to a small bunch of Youtubers I’m starting to regard as, if not the starting point of the most toxic and vile elements of the puritanical part of fandom in recent times, at least excellent examples of its flawed mentality and methodology. It does stick out because these are people who often tend to express EVERYTHING in extremely simple, binary and black/white terms, and here they are insisting that the Power of Turbo-Fascism should be treated more equally. (I doubt they THINK of it as turbo-fascism, but the point still stands that the Dark Side has always been explicitly malicious and serving selfish, dominating ends, and the few times it has been fully explored, the writers at work outright SAID they took notes from fascist recruiting methods as a baseline for how the Sith would lure in potential recruits.)
Part of it, I think, is a certain contrarian element. Fair enough, I’m like that too; if you are just told a thing is pure evil without context or textual proof, its easy to just say ‘but what about if not?’. The Dark Side of the Force is very prone to people in general trying to see the positive aspects of it (despite those positive aspects already being present in the harmonious, life-affirming aspects of the Light Side, and that’s not even getting into the potential idea that there IS no real Dark Side, just selfishness and lack of self-control causing psychology and Force powers to meet in very bad and self-destructive ways). But it also does reflect a popular thing I’ve noticed in the parts of... not just fandom but broader attitudes in general, when you examine people who are resistant to self-examination or asking themselves if they are at fault, or being mindful of themselves.
Among people like that, you often see an attitude I might summarize as ‘Feeling = Good’. This is the people who tend to lean very hard towards romanticism and ideas like passion (by its own, and by itself) being a purely positive and benign, even transformative thing. Its a common social idea (even one present in the Jedi: “DON’T THINK. FEEL.”) and a tremendously romantic idea, often leading into the false assumption that if feeling is good, overthinking things is bad, or that feeling ANYTHING strongly is good, and if you’re not 1000 percent super passionate all the time or you’re NOT yelling your feelings the second you feel them, something is wrong with you.
Combine this with the double standard people like this tend to have, and the way they regard themselves as Wholesome and Pure (and thus, by their own definitions, as incapable of wanting bad things, or that their feelings might drive them to do something they don’t actually want to do), this tends to lead into a rabbit hole where the ultimate conclusion is that impulse is the same as thought and drive, and thus it is ideal to constantly be led BY those drives. Rule of impulse, you could say.
Now, consider the Dark Side which, at its core, is about the complete surrender of personal thought and will towards pure selfishness and putting your will upon the world. Canonically, this invariably results in domination, conquest and subjugation; that’s what the Dark Side IS. In contrast, the Light Side is about harmony with the greater world, in a way that resembles something of a very vague and Westernized take on Taoism.
So I think what you might be seeing here is how you get people going down a rabbit whole of moral purity that leads to Randian levels of self-perpetuating false conclusions, combined with an insistence on passions only ever being a good thing (to the extent of implicitly regarding self control, or the DESIRE to have self control, as a sign of being a bad person because a Good Person would not have those feelings) coming to a trainwreck in a legitimately funny way given that its interacting with a fandom concept that I, again, can call the Power of Turbo-Fascism because that’s what it narratively IS.
At worst, its rather revealing; at best, its a stunning lack of self awareness.
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screechthemighty · 2 years
Nobody asked and I may make this a longer fic one day but until that time, here’s some backstory I made up for Jake.
On Mom’s side of the family, it was Abuelo and Bobe. The Guatemalan immigrant and the Jewish girl who volunteered at the same soup kitchen and fell in love near instantly. They had only one daughter and two grandsons that they saw as often as they could.
Until Randall died, at least.
Wendy, in her grief, drove them away. She drove a lot of people away.  They saw less and less of their surviving grandson (an emotional distance not helped by the physical distance, the couple having moved out of Chicago years ago), but that didn’t mean they didn’t try.
Marc was thirteen that summer. Wendy was finally being forced into rehab. Elias wasn’t sure what the fallout would be, and decided maybe some time with his grandparents would do him some good. Marc resisted--he didn’t know why he should be the one being sent away. He fought every step of the way, ran to the shed out behind his grandparent’s house and cried himself hoarse, shrank down until it wasn’t him who walked out of the shed. It was...
Well, he didn’t have a name then. He knew he wasn’t Marc, though he let himself be called that. He also knew getting away from that house was the best thing to happen to them in months, years, maybe, so he stayed. Sure, Marc poked his head out occasionally, Steven would sometimes wake up in the middle of the night confused, but it was Not Marc who took control. Just to make sure Actual Marc didn’t try to run away back to Chicago.
It was the best summer of his life.
This grandparents were kind. They loved each other. Bobe didn’t throw things at him or raise her voice. Abuelo showed him how his fixer-upper convertible worked and let him watch trashy old detective films past his bedtime. He didn’t have to sneak around the house to avoid being seen, didn’t have to deal with the smell of wine on Wendy’s breath as she screamed in his face. And as if that wasn’t enough, it was the longest he’d ever fronted, ever. He got to eat homecooked meals, watch TV, stick his head out the window and breathe in air that didn’t smell anything like Chicago. It was the first time he’d known peace.
He felt guilty, in hindsight, for robbing Marc of that. No matter how many times Marc reassured him that it had probably worked out, that he’d hated that summer because it made him feel like a pariah, his insistence that no amount of love from those two would have changed his mind. He felt bad about it.
It kind of worked out, right? Because you wouldn’t be you if it weren’t for that summer.
And Marc had a point. That was the summer he decided he liked cars. That he absorbed every word of Spanish he could. He already knew he liked movies by then, but that summer gave him the chance to really start liking movies. So many of the building blocks that would make Jake Lockley were formed then...right down to the name. Or half of one, anyway.
Jacob wrestled with the angel and was granted a blessing for winning. Lockley would come later, but Jake settled in after Abuelo told him that story. They never called him that, of course--no one would call him Jake for a while yet. But he knew. He was Jake.
(There was one more thing, though they wouldn’t realize it for a while. Not until some family photo albums ended up in their hands, including a picture of a much younger Abuelo. Moustache and all. Jake, in their head and whenever he was allowed to grow one, looked nearly identical.)
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josiebelladonna · 1 year
one of the reasons why i struggled during the trump era was that it felt like i was being forced to have an opinion rather than have it genuinely come from me. add to this, it felt like i was being yelled at and judged constantly simply because i felt like i had nothing to add—i still feel this way, too. not just in opinions about current events but opinions in general. my opinions, the ones that i have, do not matter, and most of them don’t belong to me anyway. when i was in a.p. english, and we had to participate in book reviews, i didn’t know what to add to the conversation that wasn’t already being said, and i just sat there, baffled and bored out of my wits (my teacher even noticed, too, i remember her pointing out this out to me and i basically said all of this. i want to talk but everyone is talking over me). plus, telling me to “speak up” doesn’t make me want to do it more: if anything, it doesn’t make me want to do it ever, period. for this reason, i hate being told to speak up. (it’s like when i call my dad and he complains that i don’t call him enough: it doesn’t make me want to do it more.)
it’s not because “i’m on the side of the oppressor”, no, that is extremely unfair and cruel. it was because all i wanted to say back then was already being said, i felt like i had nothing to add, and i was exhausted mere days into that godforsaken administration because everyone just wanted to scream and assume that we all know rather than educate. it’s like, what do you want me to say? what do you want me to do besides kiss your ass? what can i add to this? nothing? okay, well, what can i add to here? oh, also nothing. everyone gets a participation point but me. i’ve always been on the fence about politics, even with my dabbling in political cartoons in my early days of cartooning: i could never fully commit because i found it incredibly boring and there’s so much else that piques my interest anyway.
the opinions i do have are either weak, lame, will have me subject to ridicule, or will have some bullshit feud fired up against me in the form of forgettable fanfic. i really do feel like people just tell you to speak up under the pretense of “you being the oppressor” because they don’t want to be proven wrong, not because they actually stand for something or give a shit about what you have to say.
okay, you want a couple of political opinions from me? why do political or social posts and tweets have to be so elaborately worded? get to the point, i’m dumb, i don’t know what’s happening here or why i should care. why does pro-life feminism exist? like… who is this for? you think an abortion is “killing a baby” when the mother is a 12-year-old girl, and the only other option is for her to have it, i.e., the psychological, physical, mental, and emotional effects of having a child while she’s still a child, i.e., the real killing of a baby. it’s not feminism: it’s rape apology and control. it’s anti-science and antisemitic, too, as most of these holier-than-thou cunts tend to be “all about science” (when science has proven that life starts at birth numerous times) and it’s a part of jewish law for a woman to have an abortion if she chooses. we mustn’t base our laws off religion, absolutely, but it doesn’t take away from the fact that telling a jewish woman she can’t have one is a violation of her religion. we spend an ungodly amount of money on our military but once service is done, veterans are basically told to get lost. and all everyone can bitch about is the first thing. why is everyone vegan now? don’t get me wrong: vegan food is some of the most delicious i’ve ever eaten, but it’s like every time i turn around, someone talks about how they’re vegan. everyone famous is vegan. everyone goes on about how healthy they are ever since they went vegan and that’s all they can talk about. did i miss something here? this is another thing i feel is just another trend for people to seem important, not because they’re like linda mccartney and actually believe it’ll do any justice. some of you don’t look good, either: you look malnourished and tired, and you probably smell bad, too. where i draw the line is making your pets vegan (which is something some people really do): cats and dogs are carnivores, and depriving them of that is a form of cruelty. donald trump and that whole parade of republicans around him are such hot-button issues that they’re boring to talk and read about. they’re all sacks of shit who are trying to kill us, the end.
and that’s all i got. are you happy now? i sure as hell am not. if anything, i feel exposed, perhaps more so than i did when i wrote those sex journal prompts. take them or leave them, i don’t care and i’m not confident in these things anyway.
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onmymasa22 · 6 months
Sympathy: i feel bad for you
Empathy: i feel bad with you
Compassion: tell me how to help you feel better
Sympathy does make me change anything about myself, i just acknowledge that you're not ok. Empathy makes me crouch down to your level. I find within myself feeling that match, and i make you feel like you are not alone in it. Compassion is the action of trying to help someone, and bring them up. Trying to help. Helping them stand up. I relieve your suffering.
I want my child to be loved by everyone.
The nations will hate us. The same way that teacher treated you poorly for no good reason. Ive dealt wiyh that. People who dont lkke me for no good reason. Usually theyre girls.
Islands in the stream
Somewbere only we know
I love the people in my life
Whoever is in my life, thats the love i need.
This birthday im happy
I love my life
Im doing a good job
Stoned and inlove
I miss being stoned
I want to love everything
I miss cigarettes
I miss getting high
Being stoned with friends and watching a stupid movie
I wish everyone was just ok
I wish i could just
I did so much of the things that i wanted to do. I still have things i want to do. Maybe ill do them in two weeks. Ill have with friends, meet guys. Im a person that could hang out with people wvery night or never.
I brelieve that in a relationship u share. I want to share everything. I dont have a password on my phone, or my stuff. He can have everything. I want for him to share everything with me. In my head, why am i marrying him for things to be separate. I dont want anything separate.
✔Graduate online college
✔Spend summer on west coast
✔Spend summer on east coast
✔Live with grandparents
✔Work with special needs kids
✔Go on birthright
✔Learn to play guitar
✔Go back to israel after birthright
✔Make aliyah
✔College dorm life
✔Study abroad
✔Celebrate chanukah in israel
✔Volunteer in a hospital
✔Turn punk
✔Go skinny dipping
✔Dead sea
✔Tour the old city
✔Yad vashem
✔Har hertzl
✔Carmel market
✔Tel aviv beach
✔Massada sunrise
✔See einat dana adina yahel ilay tomer ayal
Hi, my name is Dalya. I really love watching how inlove you are with being Jewish. It helps me with it. I just wanted to say that I bought the beanie hat this morning and was so happy to spread the beautiful moshiach energy message and give to Israel. I checked back a few hours later and saw that everything went on sale. I started thinking "uch, I should've waited a few more hours!" But then I said to myself "no, this was good, Hashem must have decided that I could give more and I'm happy to give!" To me, that's already embracing #moshiachenergy. Thank you so much for creating it!
What im trying to understamd
Its too much to want for people to treat you with respect. I think that i should be given respect. I should be treated like a queen. If you dont want to treat me like a queen, thats fine, i have no time for you. My life keeps moving. You are a blip. You dont need to like me. Its ok if you dont. Its your loss because im one of the good ones. Im funny, ik smart, im empathetic, im caring. I make sure everyone around me is ok. You are just saying what you see. Thats ur truth. Thats not the truth and i dont want to care about your truth. U know in the world.
Im in a destroy the world mood. Of course im depressed. My friends all get to be with eachother
You are a person who doesnt want to see me. U want control.
Are you a neiman marcus girl or a target girl?
Neither. Im a minimalist. I have style. I like to cwurate and edit my wardrobe and i want to
Im glad the hostiges were drugged. Number one psychologically speaking i think the emotions would be way too high otherwise. I would drug them as a jew just for that. I think anyone would pass out from that amount and kind of emotion. Number two , i wish they were drugged the whole time. For the sake of the hostiges, i hope they dont remember a gd damn thing. Would it be great if they got really angry to make the world understand? Yah, probably. But if im thinking about the hostiges- i hope they were drugged the whole time, i hope they cant remember a gd damn thing. Because the only thing worse than going through hell- is going through hell sober. I hope they were high as a kite. I hope the pain was limited. I think any second their sedetive is a blessing. It means they didnt feel things to the same extent they would have
If u think that it wouldve been a good idea for the hostages to return not drugged, you might not know how bad it was. I think it was such a blessing that they were on mood stabilizers
The most honest thing i can say
I dont appreciate you
I dont appreciate you
Me, being in america as school starts cuz im trying to make wveryone comfortable with my life prospects
Also me: u know, ive never done well in school, maybe ill just fail again, and itll be ok. Highschool didnt want to accept me, and they didnt want to give me a deploma either, maybe ill turn out fine anyway then.
What is something that the meaning changed since october 7th. Time changed- it slowed down and went too fast. Flights changed. My ticket went into the garbage. Good versus evil changed. The world changed. Seeing mashiach changed. The way we see mashiach. The idea of what people understand, how people spend money- what we spent it on changed. Suitcases changed. Stories changed. Politics changed. Our love of every jew no matter what they look like changed. I see abyone who believes in gd is a gd himself. We are stars. We are the whole universe. Crying changed. This picture i drew, encaspsulates it all. Pride in jews and love of jews changed i think for everyone. Caring about stupid things changed. But also breathing changed. I feel like i didnt breathe for at least a week. I didnt do anything that i should have.
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