gearhawk-studios · 4 years
Xandrin’s Voice Lines
Voice Actor of Choice: Jack DeSena (Sokka/Callum)
Hello- Oh! Hey there, the name’s Xandrin. Mind if I tag along, I think you got the makings of a great story!
Chat: Cheering- It’s time to show the world what we got!
Chat: Resting- Let’s take a second, need to finish up some notes.
Chat: Guild- Hey, maybe we should check the guild for job listings?
When It Rains- In stories, when it rains it usually means two things. Either it’s a sad scene or it’s an epic battle.
After the Rain- Welp, rain scene’s over. Let’s move on to the next one, shall we?
When It Snows- Its snowing? Awesome, but let’s make sure we’re dressed warmly.
When It’s Windy- Where’s the wind leading us, I wonder...?
Good Morning- Rise and shine! Time to write the next chapter of our lives.
Good Afternoon- So many great notes, better keep up the pace!
Good Evening- Let’s grab something to eat, we’ve been at it hard today.
Good Night- Man, time flies. Better get some rest, I got notes to go through.
About Xandrin- Me? Nothing special about me. I’m just a writer, passing through.
About Us: Heroes- A friend told me when I was a kid that we could always use more heroes. I’m glad we got you on our side.
About the Vision- I’m still not sure if I should have one. Visions are meant for people who got a special something. Besides the scales, what makes me so special?
Something to Share- First story I ever wrote was about Fiora and how she helped get a book for me. Pretty cheesy, huh?
Interesting Things- Okay, I have a secret for you. I don’t only write hero stories. I’ve dabbled in other genres. But I use another name, especially for the series of... risqué books I stumbled into writing. Don’t tell anyone.
About Diluc- Master Diluc is a very serious man, I wish he’d learn to smile again. I understand why he doesn’t, but if he fights for everyone else to smile, he needs someone to fight for his.
About Lisa- She’s... something. I never know whether her comments about me are a simple joke or if she means it. Makes my head hurt.
About Kaeya- He tries real hard to stay mysterious. Is it to hide something? Or is he keeping up appearances for the fan girls I see watching him?
About Jean- Honestly, she’s what all the Knights should aspire to be in my opinion. She’s kind, brave, smart... but I wish the people of Mondstadt would give her a chance to rest and let her hair down, you know?
About Amber- Amber has a lot of spirit, but she’s gotta watch where she throws her Baron Bunny. I’ve had... unfortunate encounters with that thing.
About Fiora: Friendship- Fiora and I have always been partners. I miss her when I travel without her, she’s my best friend.
About Fiora: Legacy- That sword of flames is pretty awesome, right? Talk about some serious firepower!
More about Xandrin I- Why do I wanna write about you? Who doesn’t want to learn more about the Honorary Knight?
More about Xandrin II- I want to take sure that heroes will always exist, and so writing stories about real heroes will help inspire others.
More about Xandrin III- I’ll admit, part of me wants to be a hero too. But, I know it’s not my place, that’s more for you and others to take up.
More about Xandrin IV- You really are something, you know that? You’re the most inspirational person I’ve trailed in a long time. Thanks for letting me walk alongside you.
More about Xandrin V- Thanks for letting me tag along for so long, I should probably get out of your hair- oh? You want me to stay? ... not gonna lie, I was hoping you’d say that. I’d better get stronger to justify staying then!
Hobbies- When I’m not writing, it’s usually sword training or taking some part time jobs at the Guild.
Favorite Food- Sweet Madame may be simple, but sometimes simple is the greatest pleasure, yeah?
Least Favorite Food- Keep spice away from me, it keeps me up at night.
Birthday- Happy Birthday, Traveler! No need to be humble today, let’s go all out and make this celebration the best yet!
Feelings about Ascension: Intro- Even if I’m not a hero, I’ll use what I got to help others.
Feelings about Ascension: Building Up- This is only the beginning of the story, still got a ways to go.
Feelings about Ascension: Climax- Maybe... maybe I was meant to have this power after all...
Feelings about Ascension: Conclusion- Hey... I wanted to say thanks. Traveling with you, I realize that you and the others have taught me how to be a hero with this power I have. So... thank you.
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gearhawk-studios · 4 years
Genshin Characters’ Thoughts on Xandrin Scribhneoir
Mondstadt Edition
Jean: Xandrin is always welcome to assist in the affairs of the Knights. He’s more than an author, he’s a valiant warrior... and a very good man.
Diluc: Despite him passing himself off as merely an author, I know Xandrin has had his fair share of adventures in keeping in Mondstadt safe. And if he succeeds in his mission by inspiring a new generation of heroic people, perhaps the future of Mondstadt won’t only be in the hands of the Knights.
Kaeya: Ah, yes. The adventuring author, he certainly has a knack for creating interesting stories about us. Perhaps one day, we’ll see a story about himself. I wonder what kind of story would be told.
Lisa: Quite the prolific author, I’ll admit when it’s a dull day his books are among my first choice to read. Hmmm... if only I could be a subject of one of his novels...
Amber: He’s got the Outrider spirit! Maybe one day, I could convince him to be an Outrider Knight too! But, for now, I think him just tagging along works out just fine.
Klee: Xandrin is the best! Whenever I see him, he always helps me find the best places to hide my treasures. He even helps me sometimes on my super secret special missions!
Diona: That writer guy? He’s pretty cool, likes to ask questions about me and doesn’t order wine. Maybe he can help spread the word about wine being bad?
Mona: The author? His constellation is Cordis Pura, otherwise known at the “Pure Heart”. It represents those with noble souls and unwavering conviction. Though the world could be swallowed by darkness, the light of a pure heart can pierce through the darkest of nights.
Sucrose: M-Mr. Xandrin is always so patient. He never rushes me or asks much of me, he likes to listen and watch but I don’t get too nervous around him. It’s very comforting.
Bennett: Oh yeah! Xandrin’s pretty cool, he’s always got a story to tell! When he’s around, I know he’s got my back if things go wrong.
Fischl: The transcriber of legends and myths, though he would make himself one of common folk I see beyond his deception. Deep inside sleeps a grand champion of all that is good, a powerful emissary of the righteous. He is one I seek often in helping with perilous threats or for simple counsel.
Oz: She means, Xandrin is a good friend and she sees a lot of potential in him.
Barbara: Oh! Xandrin is a very good person. I know he doesn’t think he’s much of a hero, but when he helped me out and continues helping others I think that makes him a really awesome hero. I just wished he would see that.
Albedo: Ah, the author. He has a way of communicating hope and inspiration in his works that is not seen often. Perhaps I will need to ask him about his writing process, maybe there is a way to replicate that kind of literary magic he seems to possess.
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gearhawk-studios · 4 years
Genshin OC: Fiora Falkner
⊰「Personal Information」⊱
ꕥ - Full Name: Fiora Falkner
ꕥ - Quote: “As long as I’m here, no harm will ever come to you. I promise.”
ꕥ - Nickname/Alias: The Burning Blade, The Emberheart
ꕥ - Species: Human
ꕥ - Birth Date: October 27th
ꕥ - Age: 21
ꕥ - Nation: Mondstadt
ꕥ - Notable Features: Blonde hair, blue eyes
ꕥ - Constellation Name: Sola Custos (Lone Guardian in Latin)
ꕥ - Specialty Dish: Prodigious Breakfast Sandwich (Base Dish: Adventurer’s Breakfast Sandwich)
ꕥ - Residence: Falkner Mansion
ꕥ - Likes: Adventuring, Exploring, Smutty Romance Novels (secretly)
ꕥ - Dislikes: Abyss Order, Criminals
ꕥ - Faction: Adventurer’s Guild and Knights of Favonius
ꕥ - Companion/s: Xandrin Scribhneoir, Fischl, Bennett, Diluc
ꕥ - Background Story: The 7th child of the Falkner family, Fiora was expected to be great the moment she was born. Having been a descendant of Arthur Falkner, the man who wielded Durendal and helped free Mondstadt, Fiora is all too familiar with the pressures of greatness. Despite this, she has had her own vision of being a hero. Instead of being a knight like her sisters and brother before her, Fiora took up the life of an adventurer like her idol, Alice. While this was an initial arguing point with her family, she did not yield. It was said one treasure that she kept was a small story a certain author wrote about her that pushed her forward in this life.
Roping in her best friend, Xandrin, into learning swordsmanship, Fiora was exceptionally brilliant at swordplay. However, as her skills grew, her father kept pushing and pushing her to the Knights. One night, when she was 15, she put her foot down and said that she would not join the Knights. Kicked out of the house by her enraged father, she came to her best friend who reminded her what it truly meant to be a hero. With her passions rekindled and her father coming to apologize and accept her path, the Archon of Pyro bestowed Fiora her Vision of Pyro.
For the next 6 years, Fiora became a well known name within the Adventurer’s Guild, taking on great challenges and making herself and her family proud. With the reveal of Xandrin’s half-blood, she has decided to join him on his journey of self-discovery.
⊰「Combat Information」⊱
ꕥ - Combat Role: DPS
ꕥ - Primary Weapon: Sword
ꕥ - Vision: Fire
ꕥ - Base Stats (Level 1):
HP: 1061
ATK: 35
DEF: 50
Physical Damage Bonus: -
ꕥ - Fighting Skills:
Normal Attack: Ember-lined Strikes- 5consecutive strikes, with the last strike making Fiora back up a small distance. Holding down the attack button consumes a set amount of stamina, dealing two strikes that do high physical damage.
Elemental Skill: Explosive Rebuke- Fiora sends out a wave of flames, dealing Pyro damage within a small area around her. Holding down the button longer will deal more damage, to a maximum of 160% of normal damage. If attacked while holding down the button, the skill is interrupted and enters a longer cooldown (10 seconds as opposed to the 6 seconds normally).
Elemental Burst: Holy Inferno- Upon activation, Fiora summons a sword of flame in the shape of Durendal. This sword remains out for 15 seconds, and recharges for 15 seconds. The amount of Pyro damage dealt is 180% of normal physical damage.
ꕥ - Constellation Abilities:
Burning Edge (C1): When using your charged attack, the attack deals an additional amount of Pyro damage equal to 10% of your ATK.
Swift Steps (C2): When Xandrin is hit, his ATK increases by 6% and his DEF by 2% for 10 seconds. This effect can stack up to 3 times.
Flare Burst (C3): Increases Explosive Rebuke’s skill level by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
Ashen Blade (C4): Increases the duration of Holy Inferno from 15 seconds to 20 seconds.
Scorched Legacy (C5): Increases Holy Inferno’s skill level by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
Traces of Warmth (C6): When switching from Fiora to another character in your party, the character gains a bonus of Pyro damage equal to 15% of Fiora’s attack to their physical attacks for 10 seconds.
ꕥ - Talents:
Extension of Yourself: When crafting swords, Fiora recovers 15% of materials used in crafting swords from a blacksmith.
Controlled Explosion: When holding down the Elemental Skill button, the charge time is reduced from 5 seconds to 3 seconds.
Hearthfire: When casting Holy Inferno, 20% of elemental energy is restored to all party member’s Elemental Burst.
⊰「Original Weapon」⊱
Base ATK: 48
Refinement Rank 1
Crit Rate is increased by 4%
When casting an Elemental Burst you regenerate HP equal to 100% of your ATK. This effect can occur once every 15 seconds.
Refinement Rank 5
Crit Rate is increased by 8%
When casting an Elemental Burst you regenerate HP equal to 200% of your ATK. This effect can occur once every 15 seconds.
Lore Description
A weapon cast from the fragments of the original Durendal, Caliburn may not be the original legendary blade but the shards within make this blade burn bright to illuminate a grand future for those who wield it.
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gearhawk-studios · 4 years
Collected Miscellany- “Fiora: The Prodigal Daughter”
Long ago, the territory known as Mondstadt was under the rule of an unforgiving tyrant. However, there were many who rose in revolution to free the nation and make it into the blooming and prosperous nation it is today. One of these people who helped to liberate Mondstadt was Arthur Falkner, and his legacy lives on in Fiora Falkner. With a passion for justice, honor and adventure, the future burns bright for the young prodigy.
“Are we heading out? Good, I’ve got your back.”
While the blood of Falkner runs in her veins, Fiora is not just a prodigy by blood but by skill as well. Having the desire in her to live up to her legacy, the young woman has developed some of the best swordsmanship in Mondstadt and can stand toe-to-toe with many expert duelists in Teyvat. Many have come to depend on her natural talents and strength to help them out of any danger.
Expedition Talent: Extension of Yourself
Swords are the preferred weapon of Fiora, and she knows them inside and out. While not an expert in blacksmithing, she is extremely adept at the art of crafting swords. Whenever Fiora crafts a sword, a set amount of materials are saved upon completion.
Normal Attack: Ember-lined Strikes
Fiora can deal up to 5 consecutive strikes, with the fifth one sending her back a small amount of distance to escape any harmful effects. When holding down the attack button, Fiora consumes a set amount of stamina and deals two swift strikes, yielding high physical damage. Use her fifth strike to give yourself high maneuverability and repositioning in battle to create new opportunities on the field
Elemental Skill: Explosive Rebuke
Using tapping the Elemental Skill, Explosive Rebuke, Fiora will unleash a small wave of fire, dealing AoE Pyro damage in a short range. When holding down this skill, Fiora can charge the skill up to 5 seconds, dealing higher amounts of Pyro damage. If she is attacked, however, the skill will be cancelled and be on a longer cooldown. Upon unlocking the talent “Controlled Explosion” the charging time is reduced from 5 seconds to 3 seconds, allowing Fiora to unleash damage much quicker with less chance of interruption.
Elemental Burst: Holy Inferno
“Ancestors, lend me your strength!”
When using her Elemental Burst, Holy Inferno, Fiora will sheath her current weapon and call upon her bloodline to summon a fiery phantom of the legendary blade, Durendal. While this blade is out, all physical damage is converted to Pyro damage and deals even higher amounts of Pyro damage for a short period of time. Unlocking the talent “Hearthfire”, when casting her Elemental Burst, Fiora will regenerate elemental energy to help charge all party member’s Elemental Bursts.
The key to Fiora in combat is to keep the damage coming. When entering a fight, Fiora will not hesitate to join in the fray, using her normal attacks and Explosive Rebuke to thin out and disperse groups of enemies, allowing for other party members to jump on top of the burning enemies for deadly elemental reactions. If there are any stranglers in this onslaught, use Holy Inferno to mop up the remainder, bringing the battle to an explosive finish.
It is said reputation can weigh heavily on people, having to live up to the exploits of those who came before you. While Fiora may not show it, one cannot help but wonder if she is burdened by the actions of Arthur and the expectations that come with it. I believe that Fiora can rise above it all, carving a new legend in the land of Teyvat… but only if she can survive what lies ahead for her and her allies...
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gearhawk-studios · 4 years
Genshin OC: Xandrin Scribhneoir
⊰「Personal Information」⊱
ꕥ - Full Name: Xandrin Scribhneoir
ꕥ - Quote: “Me? Oh, I’m just a writer, passing by. Don’t worry about me.”
ꕥ - Nickname/Alias: The Wandering Writer, The Sky’s Hero
ꕥ - Species: Half-Human, Half-???
ꕥ - Birth Date: July 18th
ꕥ - Age: 21
ꕥ - Nation: Mondstadt
ꕥ - Notable Features: Gray decals on jacket, dusty leather satchel, longer hair
ꕥ - Constellation Name: Cordis Pura (Pure Heart in Latin)
ꕥ - Specialty Dish: Inspiration Madame (Base Dish: Sweet Madame)
ꕥ - Residence: Scribhineoir Publishing House
ꕥ - Likes: Great Novels, adventuring, Windrise, heroes
ꕥ - Dislikes: Writer’s block, nasty/evil people, bullies
ꕥ - Faction: Scribhneoir Publishing House, Knights of Favonius, Adventurer’s Guild and Dawn Winery
ꕥ - Companion/s: Fiora Falkner, Sister Annabelle, Zane Owens
ꕥ - Background Story: Found by Leon and Emma Scribhneoir, Xandrin grew up as the heir of the Scribhneoir Publishing House. When Xandrin was young, he was a quiet and passive kid. He preferred reading compared to playing. This, of course, led to a more lonely upbringing initially and a lot of teasing from schoolmates. Teasing evolved into bullying, and one day he was rescued from some bullies by a young girl named Fiora, and the two struck a friendship with Xandrin writing about her heroics and helping to stoke the fires of her becoming a hero and adventurer. It was this friendship that would lead Xandrin into taking up swordplay lessons with her, seeming to have uncharacteristically high strength and being a natural with a claymore. For 6 years, Xandrin evolved not only his swordplay but his writing craft, publishing a handful of children’s tales and a single novel by the age of 16. Xandrin had found himself not the heroic material, instead content with using his stories to inspire future heroes.
This all changed, one day, when a few sisters of the church were accosted by a man with an Electro Vision. Relying on his swordsmanship and his quick wit, Xandrin managed to save the girls but also found himself in dire straits. That is until Lord Barbatos, through one of his statues, granted Xandrin an Anemo Vision. With this surge of power, Xandrin managed to defeat the man, but subsequently pass out. Surprised at having received a Vision, he decided to use his new powers to not only write stories about others, but make some of his own with his powers. Thus he joined the Adventuer’s Guild to go out and use his powers while collecting more stories. For 5 years, Xandrin has harnessed his elemental and writing strengths.
With his return to Mondstadt, Xandrin arrived after the Stormterror threat passed. It was during this time that a mysterious mercenary company called “Rust Claw” began to muscle in on Mondstadt’s territory and began feuding with the Knights of Favonius. During all of this, Xandrin underwent a sudden transformation brought about by stress and dire circumstances. Now with patches of vibrant scales adorning his arms, neck and other areas of his body, Xandrin embarks on a new quest to discover who his parents really are, and just what he really is...
⊰「Combat Information」⊱
ꕥ - Combat Role: DPS/Tank
ꕥ - Primary Weapon: Claymore
ꕥ - Vision: Anemo
ꕥ - Base Stats (Level 1):
HP: 1117
ATK: 25
DEF: 70
Anemo Damage Bonus: -
ꕥ - Fighting Skills:
Normal Attack: Windbrone Blade- 4 consecutive strikes, with the fourth launching enemies. Holding the attack button, causes Xandrin to use a set amount of stamina to launch a powerful attack in front of him, striking all foes and dealing area of effect Anemo damage.
Elemental Skill: Stormy Prose- Xandrin lunges forward, dealing Anemo damage to all in his path as well as the final target and giving them the Swirl status effect. This damage is equal to 100% of your physical damage.
Elemental Burst: Gale’s Climax- Upon activation, all those around Xandrin are dealt area of effect Anemo damage. While the shield is active, all physical damage is reduced by 30% and whoever is out on the field deals additional Anemo Damage equal to 40% of Xandrin’s health. This shield lasts for 15 seconds.
ꕥ - Constellation Abilities:
Creative Blows (C1): When using your charged attack, the range of the attack increases and you do an additional set amount of Physical Damage equal to 15%.
Swift Steps(C2): When Xandrin is hit, his ATK increases by 6% and his DEF by 2% for 10 seconds. This effect can stack up to 3 times.
Cyclone Strikes (C3): Increases Stormy Prose’s skill level by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
Calming Note (C4): While Gale’s Climax is active, the current character is given an additional amount of healing equal to 5% of Xandrin’s HP.
Stormy Conflict (C5): Increases Gale’s Climax’s skill level by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
Epic Finale (C6): While Gale’s Climax is active, Stormy Prose’s cooldown is inactive, allowing you to use the skill multiple times.
ꕥ - Talents:
Lost Legends: Allows Shrines of Depths to be marked on the map when near them while Xandrin is in your party.
Sudden Twist: When using “Stormy Prose”, you have a 5 second window to use the skill a second time before cooldown begins.
Soothing Passages: While “Gale’s Climax” is active, the current character gains healing equal to 20% of Xandrin’s health.
⊰「Original Weapon」⊱
Dvalin’ s Feather
Base ATK: 46
Energy Recharge: 8%
Refinement Rank 1
Increases Physical Damage by 20%. For every character in the party who hails from Mondstadt, the character who equips this weapon gains a 6% ATK increase and a 2% Crit Rate.
Refinement Rank 5
Increases Physical Damage by 40%. For every character in the party who hails from Mondstadt, the character who equips this weapon gains a 10% ATK increase and a 6% Crit Rate.
Lore Description
A well-crafted greatsword supposedly made from a feather of Dvalin, formerly known as Stormterror. This blade, while large, is seemingly light and brimming with Anemo energy, perfect as a weapon of Mondstadt.
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gearhawk-studios · 4 years
Collected Miscellany- “Xandrin: The Wandering Wind”
The City of Mondstadt is known for its values of freedom, art and romance. And one could find plenty of these virtues in a good novel. The Scribhneoir Publishing House is the chief publishing company for all literature in Mondstadt and a competitor in Teyvat. And the heir of this empire... is a simple wandering author wielding a claymore, an Anemo vision and a thirst to inspire the world.
“Me? Oh, I’m just a writer, passing by. Don’t worry about me.”
Wandering onto the battlefield, Xandrin surprises his foes with powerful strikes of his claymore and bursts of speed that inflict great amounts of Anemo damage. With the events surrounding Mondstadt and his sudden revelation of the second half of his blood, this has led him out to the roads of Teyvat once again to seek answers. While he may pass himself off as just a simple author, those who challenge him should be aware of the raw amounts of power billowing within this young man.
Expedition Talent: Lost Legends
Having been a learned traveler of Teyvat, Xandrin has a well-used map that shows many hidden locations. When Xandrin is in your party, Shrines of Depths become clear on your map when you are close by.
Normal Attack: Windborne Blade
Xandrin’s normal attack performs 4 consecutive strikes, with the fourth launching enemies. Holding the attack button, causes Xandrin to use a set amount of stamina to launch a powerful attack in front of him, striking all foes and dealing area of effect Anemo damage.
Elemental Skill: Stormy Prose
Using the Elemental Skill, Stormy Prose, Xandrin lunges forward and through enemies for a small distance, dealing Anemo damage to all those in his path and whoever he lands in front of and giving enemies the Swirl condition. Upon unlocking the talent Sudden Twist, when you use Stormy Prose, there is a small window of opportunity to perform it a second time. If you are interrupted, however, you lose this ability. Use this ability to move quickly on the battlefield and deal great amounts of damage.
Elemental Burst: Gale’s Climax
“And here’s... the finale!”
Surrounding himself in pages of inspiring prose and wind, those who stand around Xandrin are dealt Anemo damage. These pages grant a shield, reducing physical damage and granting your physical attacks additional Anemo damage that scales with Xandrin’s health for a period of time. This shield remains active, even when switching to characters and granting them the increased defense and Anemo damage bonus. Unlocking the talent Soothing Passages, allows the shield of Gale’s Climax to heal your current character an amount proportional to Xandrin’s health. Without a doubt, this unassuming writer has incredible skills in combat, making him a powerful ally.
When using Xandrin, start by unleashing a charged attack to disrupt your enemies. Follow it up with quick strikes and uses of Stormy Prose to sweep up your enemies with Anemo damage. Watch as Xandrin switches out his position to other teammates, allowing others to use powerful Elemental Reaction attacks to quickly mop up the field. When your allies get low on health, Xandrin rushes back in, using Gale’s Climax to defend his allies and boost their damage, healing them in the process.
Through his experiences, Xandrin has written many stories that have inspired the youth of Teyvat to take up nobler and kinder dispositions that will lead them on a hopeful path to a brighter future. Despite not knowing his own origins and what they mean, he still wishes to inspire greatness for future generations to make the world a better place, which in itself is admirable. Were he around 500 years ago... had he inspired others then as he did now... could the crisis been averted? My only hope now... is that perhaps his spark of bravery and heroism never dies out. For Teyvat could need it now more than ever...
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gearhawk-studios · 4 years
Genshin Impact: Bloodlines
Prologue Part 3: Heart of a Hero
A wide known fact is that distractions can be a detriment to an author, whose mind and will is dedicated to committing stories to pen and paper. So, it is a necessity to find a workspace with the least amount of distractions, but the greatest amount of inspiration. For the 16-year-old Xandrin Scribhneoir, he preferred sitting on his favored boulder at the Falcon Coast. The lapping waves, the salty breeze, the occasional animal companion scurrying across the sandy surfaces, the gentle setting sun setting the sky ablaze in orange and blues… it was a place Xandrin found himself alone most of the time and had not taken this fact for granted.
He returned his sight to the leather bound notebook in his lap, already halfway filled with the tales of an upcoming knight of the Gunhildr Clan. When Xandrin had seen her on the training grounds of the Knights of Favonius, it was clear she had the will of a lion with her devastating swordplay, but the heart of a dandelion, soft and sweet. A perfect example of what Mondstadt’s knights should aspire to be, Xandrin thought to himself as he continued to write.
“Master Xandrin!”
The young man sighed, realizing his time uninterrupted was coming to an end. Closing his book, the Scribhneoir heir turned to see an older gentleman, wearing the black suit of a butler, rushing through the fields. His grey hair was tied into a long, slim and well kept ponytail, the beard trimmed with great finesse. The gentleman stopped at the stone, panting and coughing, “M-master Xandrin… please, you must not keep doing this…”
“Hector,” Xandrin addressed the man, wearing an exasperated smile on his face, “I’ve told you a hundred times, I can handle myself out here. Fiora made sure I wasn’t defenseless like I used to be.”
Hector raised his head, taking out a handkerchief and dapping the deep wrinkles on his forehead, “Be that as it may… your parents have expressly stated that I am to keep you in my sight at all times. So, would you please stop slipping away from me?”
With a mix of a sigh and a chuckle, Xandrin slid down from his favored spot and nodded to the butler, “I will do my best, Hector. C’mon, we should probably get back home.”
Gathering up his satchel and his writing supplies, Xandrin slung the bag over his shoulder and led Hector back down the all familiar path to Mondstadt. The smell of the salt on the air was soon replaced with the scent of the multitude of flowers around the fields of Windrise, something that made Xandrin smile.
“How is your next work coming along, Master Xandrin?” Hector spoke, his tone more composed.
Xandrin turned to him and thought for a moment, “It’s coming along. Just a little unnerving having to get this done within a month.”
“Such is the bane of authors, sir. A life of deadlines and writer’s block.”
Chuckling, Xandrin nodded, “It certainly can be, Hector. It certainly can.”
The two continued along, passing a flock of small birds that took off into the air. Xandrin watched them fly, leaving behind a couple of feathers that danced in the breeze. As Xandrin observed them, Hector spoke up once more, “May I ask a question, Master Xandrin?”
Xandrin nodded, still watching the feathers float to the ground. Hector cleared his throat, “You’ve been writing about the heroes of Mondstadt for quite a while, I have been wondering… have you not considered making a story of yourself?”
There was a long pause, as Xandrin turned and looked at Hector. Then, he shook his head, “I’m not much of a hero, Hector. What would there be to write? I’m just a writer, nothing much else to it.”
Hector smiled tiredly, “Perhaps, Master Xandrin. But have you-“
Xandrin held up a hand, both him and Hector stopping in their tracks. There was a new smell in the air. There was the faint scent of smoke… of blood. Eyes widening, he turned to Hector. Seeing his young master’s look in his gaze, Hector nodded as they turned their attention to the massive tree in the distance. The symbol of Vennessa.
Together they ran over, moving carefully over the massive roots of this ancient tree. As they moved, Xandrin noticed jagged scorch marks across the various roots, not caused by normal fire. He also saw broken sticks and shards of metal. Before he could notice more, Hector held out an arm, motioning for Xandrin to stop and get low.
Dropping behind one of the roots, Xandrin and his trusty butler peeked over to see a most disturbing sight. At the base of the tree was a statue to Barbatos, the Anemo Archon and God of Freedom. It was a spot common for the Sisters of the Church of Mondstadt to come to offer respects with the Knights of Favonius watching over them. Two such sisters, though one looked to be about Xandrin’s age while the other could be no older than 11, were fearful as a man in dark and rusted armor approached them. A knight, his own armor scorched, lay motionless on the ground with his claymore stuck in the ground.
The man approached the two girls, his long black hair free and only lightly obscuring his scarred face. He held a black sword, which seemed to crackle with lightning. His voice was low, with a charming edge to it, “Now, while I’d love to stay here and chat about the information I require, we have very little time. Come quietly with me, now.”
“G-get back,” the older girl, with a long braided brown pony tail and long pointed ears stammered, reaching for a pendant around her neck. It began to flow and lime green, light escaping the cracks in her grasp as suddenly a vine sprouted out of the ground to try and strike at the man.
Sighing, the man seemed to swing his sword nonchalantly, only making a shallow cut in the attacking plant. Lightning poured into the cut, frying it almost in an instant. The younger girl, in a white dress and blonde hair, began to cry, “S-sister Annabelle… I’m scared…”
The older girl turned to the younger girl and tried to put on a brave face, “It’s okay, Sister Barbara. It’ll be okay.”
Xandrin’s grip tightened, watching the man laugh at the girl’s obvious fear. He turned to Hector and whispered, “We have to do something.”
“What do you suggest, sir?” Hector nodded, looking worried but ready to assist.
“Can you get the girls out of here while I distract this guy?”
Hector looked shocked, “S-sir, I can’t-“
“It's obvious the knights will be here soon, as this guy is in a rush. I only need to hold him off for a little bit… please, Hector. I might not have a Vision, or be a hero. But I gotta do something.”
The loyal butler looked into Xandrin’s eyes, seeing the unwavering determination. Sighing, Hector nodded. A smile appeared across Xandrin’s face as he began to sneak around. The girls, on the other hand, had finished backing up and now were against the statue of Barbatos. The man continued to advance, a slow and menacing chuckle escaping his lips, “Do we really need to do this the hard way? All I want to know is the secrets the Church has been hiding.”
Just as the man was about to reach out and grab Annabelle, the man cried out in pain as he was knocked to the side. Standing just behind the man was Xandrin, holding the Favonius Claymore. The girls stared in astonishment at this young man, having swung the blade with ease. Hector immediately came over, “Excuse me ladies, but I believe this is our cue to get out of here.”
The girls nodded, Barbara whispering a thank you as Hector began leading them away. As they went away, Xandrin rested the greatsword on his shoulder. Hector got one last look as Xandrin said, “Like I said, Hector. Fiora made sure I could hold my own.”
With them rushing down the path to Mondstadt, Xandrin took a deep breath and turned to face the man who was standing back up. The man glared at Xandrin, “Just… who the hell do you think you are?!”
Xandrin placed a hand on his chest, “Me? I’m just an author passing through, don’t worry about me. What’s your name, Mr. Creep?”
The man spat, wiping a small amount of dirt from the corner of his mouth. Xandrin then noticed on the man’s left shoulder there was a purple gem with the symbol of Electro fashioned into the armor piece. This man had a Vision?
“Realizing you’re in over your head, punk?” The man sneered, flourishing the black blade in his hand again as sparks danced along the menacing edge.
Despite his heart racing, Xandrin kept a calm expression as he said, “I’ve seen people without Visions do a lot more damage than you, Mr. Creep.”
Scowling, the man dashed forward, leaving a wave of purple sparks in his wake. Xandrin barely had enough time to take the large blade on his shoulder and block the attack, making him slide back a couple of inches. The man looked at Xandrin, a smug expression across his scarred features as he came for another attack. The young author was faster this time, meeting the dark sword with his own.
Frowning, the man concentrated. The Vision began to light up in a bright violet light, he brought his blade back and came down hard with electricity beginning to arc along the edge. Xandrin moved to defend, but once the blades connected, the high voltage traveled through his blade and up his arms. Crying out, Xandrin loosened the grip and the man easily disarmed the young writer.
The blade flew high up in the air, landing far away from Xandrin. Seeing his hands now empty, Xandrin looked at the man and sheepishly grinned, “W-well, guess that happened…”
Without another word, the armored man raised a fist and slammed the back of it against Xandrin’s cheek, sending him flying. Crashing on the stone steps leading up to the Shrine of Barbatos, Xandrin groaned. He coughed up a small amount of blood, holding his side, “D-dammit…”
Sighing in frustration, the man stalked up to Xandrin, “Well… if I can’t get what I was looking for… I might as well get some target practice in…”
Outstretching a gloved hand, the Vision once again lit up as bolts of indigo lightning descended on Xandrin. The young man cried out, his nerves on fire and his clothes smoking from the impact. Releasing the bolts, the man spoke with a smug grin, “What the matter, punk? No more quips?”
Coughing and sputtering, Xandrin looked up to the man with a weak grin, “C-c’mon… I’ve seen tiny Electro Slimes give more voltage than your weak little stings…”
Growling, the man shot out his hand again. The torrent of lightning fell on Xandrin once again, pushing him back up against the statue hard as he screamed in pain. Gritting his teeth, the tears that would’ve flowed from Xandrin’s eyes were being instantly evaporated by the extreme heat as he looked up at the statue of Barbatos.
Please… help...
“Once I’m done with you, I’m gonna find those girls and I will find what I am looking for, brat,” the man shouted, increasing the lightning. “And once I have what I want… I might just need to have some more target practice with those girls and that old man…”
Xandrin’s eyes widened, the thought of those terrified girls… Hector… the lightning that scorched him now falling on them. No. His fists tightened, his gaze turning down to meet the man. No. He placed his hands on the statue behind him, trying to push himself up. No. The statue began to glow, the orb held by the immaculately carved Barbatos beginning to shine a seafoam green as the man looked shocked at this sudden change. NO. The wind began to swirl around the man and Xandrin, rapidly picking up pace as the glow of the orb from the statue began to flow down the stone structure and into Xandrin’s hands.
A massive gust of air launched out from Xandrin’s outstretched palm, slamming into the man as he went flying backward. The wind whipping around the statue and Xandrin sped up faster and faster, the soft green glow flowing through Xandrin’s body as he glared at the evil man who stared in astonishment.
“I won’t let you touch them!” Xandrin shouted, reaching out his right hand. The gilded greatsword flew from its resting spot, guided by the wind as it landed in Xandrin’s grasp perfectly.
“Th-the hell?!” The man shot up on his feet.
Xandrin looked about himself, unsure of what was going on himself. This felt… familiar somehow. But, how could he use this?
“Relax, Xandrin.”
The writer paused, hearing the words almost as if they were in his mind. He was about to speak when the friendly voice spoke again, “Breathe, Xandrin. Listen to the winds, hear their stories… hear how they wish for you to use them.”
Nodding to himself, Xandrin closed his eyes. Images flowed by him. A radiant lady knight, striking foes with thrusts of concentrated air, a young man with a mask launching himself high in the air to come crashing down, a blonde haired individual reaching out their palm to create a ball-like tornado in their hand…
“This is my power, the power of Anemo. Let it guide you, Xandrin Scribhneoir. Let the winds in your heart, the kind breeze the exudes from your soul, be the sword that defends the freedom of others.”
Eyes snapping open, Xandrin grasped the hilt of the claymore in both hands and brought it to his side, the winds whipping up and around the blade. The man, seeing Xandrin preparing himself, growled and ran his hand down the side of the blade, it glowing bright purple with lightning. He then charged forward, letting loose a battle cry, “Time to die, brat!”
“And here… is the finale!” Xandrin shouted as he stomped his foot down, using his entire body weight to swing the blade horizontally. The weaponized air became razor sharp, creating a green swathe of Anemo energy that barreled towards the man. Seeing this attack coming at him, the man raised his sword to catch the attack, but found it overwhelming as it overtook him.
The strike of wind took up the man, shredding his armor like paper as it threw him backwards. He crashed into the ground, creating a small crater in the side of a hill as he lost grip of his blade and fell limp and unconscious. The wind began to die down, Xandrin’s arms dropping to his sides as he fell to his knees. In the distance, he could see several armored Knights of Favonius rushing towards them. A small chuckle escaped the wounded Xandrin’s lips as he dropped the sword and fell to the ground himself.
As the Favonius Knights made it to the base of the tree, one singular knight who towered above the others walked over to the young Scribhneoir, his gentle gaze noticing a soft green glow coming from his chest. The knight turned Xandrin over, and his eyes widened. On the young man’s chest, attached to the strap of his satchel, sat a green glass orb with the symbol of Anemo etched in it.
“For your bravery, and your desire of inspiring the freedom to become a hero… I grant you, Xandrin Scribhneoir, the Vision of Anemo… may it lead you to the answers you will seek…”
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gearhawk-studios · 4 years
Genshin Impact: Bloodlines
Prologue Act 2: Written Gifts
If you were to ask any adult of Xandrin Scribneoir, they would tell you of a sweet boy who was quiet but heartfelt. Some would speak of his well-behaved mannerisms, others would remark on his kindness. But if you were to ask the children of Mondstadt, they’d tell you one thing.
“Xandrin’s really weird.”
Whenever Xandrin heard these words, they would sting. Sure, he may prefer reading than running in the cobblestone streets. It was true that he may have a bright mind, but that didn’t mean he was strange… right? What was worse for Xandrin, however, was when the kids decided to mock him. They’d take his books that his father gave him, laugh at him when he told them that his mother said they weren’t nice. It wasn’t an uncommon sight to see Xandrin with tears in his eyes while the kids of Mondstadt seemed to ignore him.
This day was like the others, as the young 10-year-old Xandrin had packed his bag and was making his way back to Scribhneoir Manor which was on the second level of Mondstadt’s city. He was already making his way out of the door when he bumped into soft and pudgy. Waiting for the young boy was another boy with blonde hair and green eyes. Clause was this boy’s name, and he was Xandrin’s worst bully of them all. He was flanked by two kids, they were the same two. An orange haired, skinny boy named Jerry and a black haired boy named Gavin.
“Well, well. If it ain’t Xanny!” Clause exclaimed, placing his hands on his hips in an exaggerated fashion.
Xandrin, cringing at the nicknamed Clause always used, ducked his head and tried to move quickly away. Clause, it would seem, would have none of that as he grabbed the strap of Xandrin’s bag and yanked to stop the young Scribhneoir’s progress, “Where’re you going, Xanny? Not gonna talk to me?”
“Leave me alone, Clause…” Xandrin mumbled, clutching his book tightly to his chest.
Clause turned to his two friends and snickered, “‘Leave me alone, Claaaaauuuse!’”
Opting to not speak, Xandrin tried to turn and walk away again. Jerry took the moment to reach out his foot, tripping the young boy. Falling hard to the stone street, Xandrin lost his grip on his book and saw it slide away from him. The boys laughed at the fallen child, seeing Xandrin having a hard time getting up. It was at this moment, Xandrin could hear the door to the schoolhouse open and a sweet voice yell out, “Hey! Leave him alone!”
Turning around, Xandrin saw a young girl standing in the doorway, her pose defiant with her hands on her hips. She had bright blonde hair, blue eyes and a scowl across her features. Xandrin had seen her before, she sat towards the front of the class. Clause saw her and laughed, “Oh, it’s the Dirty Adventure Girl! What, gonna try and play hero again?”
The girl’s eyes narrowed further in a glare, her cheeks flaring up in a bright pink as her voice raised higher, “Leave him alone, Clause!”
“Hey, Clause!” Gavin piped up, holding up Xandrin’s lost book, “It’s Xanny’s little book.”
In a panic, Xandrin dashed for the book, “N-no! Please, leave it alone!”
“Oh, throw it over here!” Clause called out.
Xandrin leapt forward from the crowd, crashing into Gavin as he threw the book. The tome found its way into Clause’s hands, and with one look at the golden lettering on the front cover he laughed the hardest Xandrin ever heard him, “Oh my god, you like reading about Vennessa? How stupid!”
It was Xandrin’s turn to blush, tears forming in his eyes as the boys laughed around him. He glared at the boys through misty eyes, “Give it back!”
There was a pause, Clause surprised momentarily by Xandrin’s outburst. Surprise was replaced by a smirk on Clause’s face, “Come and get then, Xanny!”
Clause then took off running, heading to the gate of Mondstadt with Jerry and Gavin in tow. Scrambling to his feet, Xandrin took off in a hasty sprint, stumbling over himself as he tried to catch up. Weaving in and around the people who crowded the plaza and market street, Clause and his gang tore through the gates and stopped in the middle of the arching bridge. Xandrin caught up, gasping and heaving for air. How could a pudgy kid like Clause move so quick?
Leaning against the wall of the bridge, the bully held out the book in front of Xandrin, “Come on, Xanny! I thought you wanted the book?”
“G-give… it… back!” Xandrin huffed out in between breaths.
“Well then, bookworm,” Clause held the book out to Xandrin, offering it to him.
Finally with this at an end, Xandrin smiled as he reached out for the book. Clause, however, snapped back the book and whipped around. He let loose the book from his grip, letting the tome fly up high in the air before plunging in the clear cerulean waters of Cider Lake, “Then go get it!”
The three boys laughed, slapping their knees and buckling over in their fit as they watched Xandrin look on helplessly as his favorite book sunk beneath the water. Clause and his friends walked away, calling behind them, “Good luck, book nerd!”
Xandrin’s shoulders sagged, that book was a birthday gift and he had read it countless times. Now, it was lost. However, a blur of movement went by Xandrin. Looking up, the young boy only caught a glimpse of blonde hair before a small figure jumped off the bridge and went plunging into the water below. Eyes wide, Xandrin looked around for any sign of the person who jumped in. A moment went by… then another... no sign.
Panicking, Xandrin dropped his bag and climbed up on the edge of the wall, ready to jump in. Just as he caught his breath, steadying himself to jump in, something resurfaced. Xandrin saw the girl, the one who tried to help him, swimming in the water and catching her breath. She looked up and smiled, holding the book up for Xandrin.
After a few moments, Xandrin met the girl by the shore. She trudged out of the water, smiling brightly as she handed over the sopping wet book. Xandrin grabbed the book and held it to his chest, smiling, “Thank you so much! But… why did you do that?”
The girl just continued to smile, grabbing her blonde hair and squeezing the extra water out of it, “Because… it’s what Vennessa would do.”
Xandrin looked down at the book, seeing it drip all over the ground, the water mixing with the ink. He frowned for a moment, before looking back up and asking, “Wh-what’s your name?”
The girl puffed out her chest, her smile brightly shining, “Call me Fiora, Fiora Falkner! I’m gonna be the greatest adventurer Mondstadt has ever seen! Just like Lady Vennessa and just like Lady Alice!”
Xandrin raised an eyebrow at this, “Why?”
“Because I wanna be just like them. Good people, making the world a better place. Daddy always said we could use more heroes.”
More heroes… the words stuck in Xandrin’s mind. He thought about that for a long moment, seeing the book in his hands. He then cast his gaze back to Fiora, “Thank you, Fiora.”
She nodded but then shivered, “I… better get home. See you tomorrow?”
“Uh… yeah.”’
Nodding and smiling, Fiora took off running back into the city. Xandrin watched her go, repeating her words to himself, “Could use more heroes… hm…”
The next day, Fiora opened the doors to the school classroom. Clause and his friends were sitting in the back as they always were. However, she looked over to where Xandrin sat and was surprised at the sight. He was asleep at his seat, a small bit of drool coming out of the corner of his mouth. She giggled to herself and moved to her seat.
Before she could sit down, though, Fiora noticed something resting on her desk. There was a packet of paper, held together by string through holes punched into the sides of the paper. On the front page, there was a very crude drawing of a young woman with yellow hair holding a sword to the sky. Written above the pointed sword was curving title.
The Legends of Fiora.
Below her was a name, the author of this wonderful present. The culprit looked up from his slumber, noticing the big smile on Fiora’s face. While the world could use more heroes… maybe there was a need for someone to record the stories of these heroes.
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gearhawk-studios · 4 years
Genshin Impact: Bloodlines
Prologue Act 1: A Bard’s Compassion
It was a cold and lonely wind that blew through the rolling green plains of Mondstadt. The green-capped bard knew this wind well, having wandered wherever the wind would carry him. On this night, it appeared to take him along the shores of Cider Lake, heading up north towards ruins empty of everything but bad memories. Despite being well-versed in the ways of Anemo, the bard still didn’t know everything about this one of the seven elements that made up Teyvat. He almost preferred it that way, how could one not appreciate the wonder of the world if it was entirely known?
The night was cool, a telling sign autumn was approaching rapidly and the end of grape harvests was upon the citizens of Mondstadt. This only made the bard smirk, he knew very well that this would speed up production of the many flavors of wine that this great nation was known for. He would need to prepare a new set of ballads to perform at Master Crepus’ bar, if he had a chance to sample the newest batch of dandelion wine. With this thought in mind, the bard began to strum the strings on his wooden lyre, beginning to concoct melodies to commit to memory.
Soft tones danced with the lonely wind, giving the gales a sense of companionship as they swirled around the lone musician. A bemused smile crossed the bard’s lips as he began to hum, letting the breeze carry his footsteps as the song began to take on a life of its own. Rising crescendos, long held notes… it was all a beautiful melody that made the bard dance and twirl, chuckling to himself as he hummed the tone.
Then, the sound of a heart wrenching sob pierced through the melody.
Stopping at once, the bard held his breath. Silence was his only answer. He frowned to himself, scratching his head. Had he been imagining it? Simply shrugging to himself, the bard once again began to strum on his lyre only to hear the cries again. Now certain of what he heard, the bard looked around him. All that were his company were the worn path, stones and bushes. The bard strained his ears, his eyes closed. Then, he heard it once more, and much clearer.
The cries of a human.
Turning his attention to a large bush near the lake’s edge, the bard carefully approached it. The dark sage leaves rustled, and the cries became whimpers as the musical poet approached. Gingerly, the bard moved aside the small branches and caught his breath. Hidden in the darkness of this shrub was a handwoven basket, a soft wool blanket wrapping up what appeared to be the source of the noise. A baby boy, no more than a week old.
Having seen the bard’s face, the baby ceased its cries and instead sniffled as it gazed on the bard’s face with the stormiest gray eyes the bard had seen in quite some time. There was only a tuft of dark blonde hair atop the babe’s head, and he clutched on to the blanket as he looked at the bard in wonder. Sorrow fell over the bard, but he quickly hid it with a kind and friendly smile, “And just what do we have hiding here?”
The joking tone made the baby boy laugh, cooing in delight as if he had not been crying mere moments ago. A small chuckle escaped the bard’s lips as he reached down and slowly removed the basket from its leafy facade. Lifting the basket up, he saw the young boy look at him with absolute admiration and glee. Smiling, the bard looked around, “Any idea where your parents might be, little adventurer?”
A small laugh was the baby’s only reply. The bard shook his head, of course the baby didn’t know. He looked around more for any signs of adults, but found none. Frowning at this, the bard turned his attention to the child. The infant had let go of the blanket and reached out to one of the bard’s braids, trying to grasp it in his very small hands.
“Curious little one, aren’t ya?” The bard sighed, using his finger as a replacement for his braid.
When the child grasped his finger, a jolt of power rushed through the bard’s body. The wind, for a moment, flourished around him and erupted in a powerful gust. The child laughed, amused by the wind and the fluttering of the bard’s clothes and hair. However, the bard was not laughing. His bright blue-green eyes were wide, his heart racing. What in the world was that just now?
Calling upon powers he had not used for quite some time, the bard gazed into the heart of this baby boy. He listened to the melodies and echoes of this new child’s soul, the gusts generated by this young one’s heart. At first, he heard the sweet tunes of innocence and wonder as was common in a new child. But then, faintly, he heard it. The deep chords of something slumbering in the child. Ancient, powerful… something that reminded the bard of his own children.
“Just what are you doing alone, without your mom and dad?” The bard asked aloud in a whisper, a tear in the corner of his eye as he looked down at this innocent life.
The baby, noticing the tear in the bard’s eye, began to sniffle and reach out to him. He clung on to the sleeve of the bard, pulling with what little strength he had to bring the bard that much closer and hug him. Taken aback, the bard quelled his tears and turned his attention away from the past to the here and now. He examined this strange child, and it became clear that this child’s parents were nowhere near here. Looking around, the bard searched for an answer to this current situation.
Across the water, he saw the small island where the city of Mondstadt resided, its high stone walls hiding most of the city except for the grand cathedral and the three sets of rotating blades of the windmills silhouetted against the night sky. The bard’s eyes lit up and a smile crossed his face. If anyone would know what to do with this child, Grand Master Varka would have the greatest idea than this poor bard. The green Vision that hung from the bard’s hip began to cast a seafoam glow, and the bard called upon the all too familiar element of Anemo. Gales of wind gathered around his feet, and the musical poet wrapped his arms tightly around the basket. He looked down to the baby and smiled, “Hang on.”
With a blast of powerful wind, the bard dashed at great speeds. The baby laughed, grasping on to the bard’s sleeve and squealing in excitement at the rushing wind and the scenery blurring by them. Within a few seconds, the bard was at the cobblestone bridge that led to Mondstadt’s gates. No guards stood at the entrance, leaving the front of the city unguarded. The bard frowned, while it made it easy for him to remain unseen this complicated the matter of passing off the child to more responsible individuals. Gazing down at the child, the bard glimpsed the lyre in his hands and cracked a mischievous grin.
Sneaking to the gate, the bard placed the basket containing the child on the ground. The child, looking confused a moment, gazed up at the poet. He smiled and placed a finger to his lips. Almost as if he understood, the baby remained silent and watched as the bard’s Vision glowed again. Wind carried the bard upwards, landing atop the walls of Mondstadt. Clearing his throat, the bard began to sing as he strummed a tune on his lyre.
I call into the night
To one who will answer my plight
Let the words of song carry
To begin a life fated to be extraordinary
A breeze floated by the bard, the tone almost becoming visible on the stream of air as it blew through Mondstadt. Even from his height, the bard could see some turn, as if hearing the tune but wondering if it was real.
A child, lone and afraid
Yearns for compassion to be gained
One without the love of a mother
One without the guidance of a father
The melody danced through the cobble streets, twirling around the fountain in the plaza as it began to spread out and search for someone to listen.
Hear their cry, hear their sorrow
Will you give them a chance at tomorrow?
Will you welcome this stranger?
Will you protect this soul from danger?
The hymn found its way into the ear of a young man and his partner, their night stroll interrupted as they listened to the tune. To the woman, a radiant and elegant lady, grasped at her heart, the melody brought images of the child at the gate, alone and the cries entering her mind with tears of her own brimming. However, the man grasped the woman’s hand tighter. His heart tightened, his mind focused. The image of the child at the gate was clear in his mind. Looking at each other, the man and woman nodded wordlessly and made their way to the gates.
Give this soul a home
Give this innocent a life to call his own
Let the world rejoice
For you have made a noble choice
The bard caught the couple hurrying through the plaza and was surprised. Not who he expected the melody to beckon, but then again… who was he to question the hearts of mortals? The couple found the child, the baby looking at the woman with wide eyes as she scooped him up from the basket. The man looked around, trying to find any adult just as the bard had.
Love is always boundless
To raise another is selfless
Raise this one together
For you are a new family, together
Looking down, the bard saw the woman and man gazing at the child in the woman’s arms. Their worry melting away into pure love, adoration for this tiny soul. Smiling with a tear in his eye, the bard concluded his song as the couple walked away.
Thus begins a new tale
A story I will forever regale
Of a child most brilliant
With the blood of powers ancient...
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gearhawk-studios · 4 years
I literally just made a Tumblr account as I too a Genshin writer, can I please get an invite link too?  I wanna share my work :)
Oh there’s a server on discord for the genshin writers I mean theres only 3 of us atm pls interact I’ll send you the invite link
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