geminilily · 4 months
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In 1988 they said I had a 90% chance of dying before my 6th birthday. I was 3 years old with Wilm’s Tumor (childhood kidney cancer).
I got sick again in 2006 due to the long-term effects of chemotherapy and radiation treatment, I was 21.
In 2009, at 24, I had surgery to have most of my stomach removed. I only had a 50% chance of surviving the surgery.
Starting in about 2004 I struggled with an addiction until 2013. I should have died several times from my mixing of drugs and the amount I was using.
I was homeless in 2016.
I was finally declared disabled in 2018 and received housing assistance. I got a part-time job that I held for two years.
I went back to school in 2021 and yesterday, May 13, 2024, I graduated with my Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice/Criminology, Magna Cum Laude.
Like a phoenix, I rise.
My story is proof of two things:
First, the only obstacle that keeps you from achieving your greatest goals and dreams is the one you create. And if you can create it you can break it down.
Second, we all have a definite purpose in life and a reason that we are here. There is no doubt in my mind that I have a mission. I may not know what it is, but that will not keep me from reaching for the stars.
So reach for the stars but don’t forget to help others and to have gratitude for everything, even the hard times, because it is then that we grow.
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geminilily · 4 years
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Tarot: The Minor Arcana
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The Minor Arcana consists of fifty-six cards divided into four suits of fourteen cards each. Every suit is comprised of ten pip (numbered) cards and four court cards: the Page, Knight, Queen, and King. The four suits are Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles. There are alternate names for each suit but to avoid confusion I will not mention them here. Each suit has elemental, astrological, and symbolic correspondences along with particular traits. Here I will cover the suits in general and their corresponding court cards.
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Court cards excel at one of the following four functions: sensation, thinking, feeling, and intuition. They also represent particular types of people such as a youthful person or a mature maternal/paternal figure. These representations can also go into such details as a dark haired, light eyed man, for example. The generalities of each court member are provided in the proceeding descriptions.
Pages (Young Learners)
They represent the element earth. Pages are novices, youthful and inexperienced students that exemplify sensation. They are very good at observing and gathering sense impressions that establish facts about what is happening. The process of collecting tangible evidence can be slow and painstaking. Pages want to be sure their evidence is solidly based in fact before committing to an action.
Knights (Youthful Adventurers)
Knights represent the dynamic element fire. They symbolize movement, action, change, progress, and relocation in the querent’s life. They exemplify the function of intuition. They rely heavily on intuitive hunches and quick flashes of insight about future possibilities. Their ideas are often unbidden or out of the blue; they typically can’t explain the source of these unconscious perceptions. Knights often act impulsively and ambitiously in response to a sudden burst of inspiration.
Queens (Mature Maternal Figure)
Queens represent the element of water. They indicate women who are important in the querent’s life, often in a nurturing or supportive capacity. Watery queens exemplify the function of feeling relying on their emotional reactions to facts to judge the value, or lack thereof, of a situation. They use their emotional intelligence to evaluate whether something is agreeable or disagreeable, valuable or worthless, desirable or odious, pleasurable or painful, safe or dangerous, etc. They often “feel” that something is the right thing to do.
Kings (Mature Paternal Figure)
Kings represent the rational element air. They symbolize mature persons of power and authority who are significant in the querent’s life. These airy kings exemplify the function of thinking. They are especially good at mental planning, logical interference, strategizing, theorizing, and concept formation. Kings seek to understand the meaning of things on the basis of the facts they have to deal with. They like to connect the dots and tend to think more with their heads than with their hearts.
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Wands 🪄
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Wands’ archetypal nature is one of communication, thought, and ideas. The suit is related to the element of fire and, in astrology, to the fire signs: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.
Keywords and Phrases:
Fortitude, enthusiasm, boldness, the spark of life, creativity, bravery, fast-paced enthusiasm, excitement, faith, action, impulse, power, enterprise, animation, growth, ambition, adventure, career advancement, new business initiatives, risk-taking, dominion, aspiration, energetic activity, and overweening desire to win, inspiration, power and strength, expanding ones horizons, passion, competitiveness, going for the gold, courage, quarreling, liveliness, opposition, “Per aspera ad astra” (Through hardship to the stars).
Court Cards:
A useful person, full of surprises, who is ambitious to expand his or her horizons through travel, education, or involvement in an exciting adventure. A stranger of foreigner can open your mind to new vistas. Life is an adventure, and this Page wants to live it to the fullest.
Get ready for an exciting ride as this Knight adds space to your life. Change is in the air. This knight loves to travel. He readily picks up roots to move to a new location, so a change of job or residence is possible. He is full of surprises and you can expect the unexpected.
This Queen is a gregarious, energetic woman who is strong-willed and gets things done. Despite her independent streak, she remains devoted to home and family. She loves being in the midst of activity, or preferably being at the center of it, and often has many irons in the fire.
The King of Wands usually represents a person of authority who is in a leadership role and has excellent managerial skills. He is likely to be a mover and shaker with entrepreneurial interests and an abundance of enthusiasm. With his thoughtful leadership and fiery personality, he is good at directing other people to get things done.
Cups 🍷
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The theme of Cups is celebration, socializing, and human interconnectedness and pertains to emotions. Cups are related to the element of water and it’s corresponding astrological signs, Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.
Keywords and Phrases:
Temperance, sharing, fantasy, love, healing, dreams, joy, empathy, looking inward, pleasure, grace, intuition, merriment, compassion, contentment, romance, concern for others, touchy-feely issues, feelings, relationships, matters of the heart, moods, fertility, spiritual achievement, emotions, celebration, psychic awareness, marriage, good times, emotional intelligence, caring, human connectedness, nurturing, creative imagination.
Court Cards:
This Page often indicates the receipt of happy news or of a message related to love and romance. Sometimes it heralds a pregnancy or the birth of a child, which will give the opportunity to care for another person. This Page can also mark the start of a period of creative imagination and artistic productivity. The Page of Cups tends to be helpful and considerate.
The Knight of Cups approaches with the promise of love, romance, and emotional fulfillment. He is the Prince Charming of fairytales, who comes to help you explore your feelings. This visionary knight can show you how to follow your bliss and make your dreams a reality. He can also provide the inspiration to get your creative juices flowing.
The Queen of Cups is a sensitive and nurturing woman who plays an important role in the querent’s life. She is able to tune into the feeling state of those around her and use her emotional intelligence to reconcile differences.
The King of Cups is a sensitive, emotionally attuned man of accomplishment who gives good advice that can be of great assistance. He is often quite cultured and may appear in the form of a helpful physician, therapist, counselor, cleric, or other professional that ministers to the needs of the querent. Some feel that the King of Cups comes across as cool and emotionally detached as he tries to give preference to his intellect while keeping his own feelings under wraps.
Swords 🗡
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The suit of Swords has dominion over intellect and health issues. The suit corresponds with the element of air and, in astrology, the signs, Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.
Keywords and Phrases:
Justice, thoughts, ideas, communication, logic, truth, intellect, sharpness, incisiveness, cutting, pain, suffering, quarrels, action, confrontation, clearing the air, detachment, emotional coolness, analysis, decision-making, strategy, strife, loss, scandal, separation, conflict, troubles, struggle, debate, worry, sadness, preoccupation, grief, legal matters, verbal ability, words as weapons, beliefs and attitudes, matters of the mind, sickness, surgery, bloodletting, clearing dead wood, intensive medical interventions, jumping into the fray, piercing to the quick, clearing the air, devastation, death, “double-edged“ words.
Court Cards:
The Page of Swords is a perceptive young person who quickly connects the dots to construct theories about what is happening. His ability to plan mentally and to cut to the chase makes this page especially adept at any type of work requiring secrecy, discernment and keen mental planning. He would be a formidable opponent in a game of chess. This page values his ability to think independently but sometimes his sharp words or abrupt manner of communication are experienced as hurtful by those around them. Sometimes this card appears when one is dealing with unwanted news or upsetting messages.
The Knight of Swords prompts you to take decisive action to defend your rights and protect whatever you hold dear. This clever and assertive knight makes a good ally and a formidable opponent. He readily connects the dots and is able to cut to the chase in any situation. His arrival is sometimes accompanied by the passing of misfortune.
The Queen of Swords indicates a need to keep your wits about you as you go through a period of anticipated loss, deprivation, or actual grief. This queen has known sorrow but has matured and become more self-reliant as a result of her privations.
The King of Swords represents a decisive person who uses his or her sharp intellect to achieve success. This king, for example, could be a physician, surgeon, lawyer, judge, or astute negotiator. He can be quite confrontational in his search for the truth, and he does not suffer fools gladly.
Pentacles ⭐️
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Pentacles references things of value such as money and property. This suit is grounded in the element of earth and it’s astrological signs, Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.
Keywords and Phrases:
Prudence, business, money, finances, goods, possessions, work, labor, purely material affairs, investments, wealth, security, material well-being, practical attainment, health matters, heredity, good medicine, the care of one’s body, the five senses, stewardship of natural resources, survival, manifestation, laying down roots, tangible reality, business acumen, the material world, income, opportunities for work, work related projects, earth, skepticism, common sense, learning by doing, persistent effort, slow but steady progress, values, diligence, sensation.
Court Cards:
The Page of Pentacles indicates the proper care of one’s body and respect for the natural environment. He is a good student who works hard and systematically to perfect his abilities and achieve his goals. This scholarly and diligent page is often the bearer of news related to one job, an examination, or a financial concern.
The Knight of Pentacles represents a patient and hard-working individual whose chief aim is getting the job done right. His main focus is on financial and material well-being so that at times he may seem emotionally unavailable as he spends most of his time working. Nonetheless he is dependable and trustworthy – a good provider – and he will offer the querent a strong sense of security.
The Queen of Pentacles is skilled at taking care of material needs. She may be reminding you to get sufficient exercise, keep that doctor’s appointment. Or properly attend to your finances. Our natural resources are a gift with which we have been entrusted. This queen is especially fertile and may be pregnant with child or with creative ideas about a new business venture. She will come to your aid when you are in financial need.
The King of Pentacles represents a productive person of authority, skill, and practical wisdom in the material world. He may have an aptitude for science and mathematics. This card suggest that you are able to take charge of the situation and achieve success in business, science, or some other established field of endeavor. This King often foreshadows an improvement in financial circumstances or an advancement related to career. This King knows how to achieve worldly success and status.
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Images by Gemini Lily
��Book Sources:
Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Correspondences
Sandra Kynes
Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Tarot
Anthony Lewis
Solitary Witch
Silver RavenWolf
Witches Tarot
Ellen Dugan
💻Web Sources:
Wikimedia Commons—Minor Arcana Image Source
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geminilily · 4 years
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Tarot: Major Arcana - Post 3/3
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XVI. The Tower
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Upright: misery, distress, ruin, indigence, adversity, calamity, disgrace, deception.
Reversed: according to one account, the same in a lesser degree, also oppression, imprisonment, tyranny.
XVII. The Star
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Upright: loss, theft, privation, abandonment, although another reading suggests hope and bright prospects in the future.
Reversed: arrogance, impotence, haughtiness.
XVIII. The Moon
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Upright: hidden enemies, danger, calumny, darkness, terror, deception, error.
Reversed: instability, inconstancy, silence, lesser degrees of deception and error.
XIX. The Sun
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Upright: material happiness, fortunate marriage, contentment.
Reversed: the same in a lesser sense.
XX. The Last Judgement
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Upright: change of position, renewal, outcome.
Reversed: weakness, pusillanimity, simplicity, also deliberation, decision, sentence.
XXI. The World
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Upright: assured success, route, voyage, immigration, flight, change of place.
Reversed: inertia, fixity, stagnation, permanence.
📚 Sources:
Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Correspondences, Sandra Kynes
Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Tarot, Anthony Louis
Solitary Witch, Silver RavenWolf
Witches Tarot Companion, Ellen Dugan
🌃 Sources:
Graphics created by Gemini Lily of Rebel Magick using Canva.
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Tarot images in graphics sourced from Wikimedia Commons:
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geminilily · 4 years
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Tarot: Major Arcana - Post 2/3
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VIII. Strength
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Upright: power, energy, action, courage, magnanimity.
Reversed: abuse of power, despotism, weakness, discord.
IX. The Hermit
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Upright: prudence, also and especially treason, dissimulation, corruption, roguery.
Reversed: concealment, disguise, policy, fear, unreasoned caution.
X. Wheel of Fortune
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Upright: destiny, fortune, success, look, felicity.
Reversed: increase, abundance, superfluity.
XI. Justice
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Upright: equity, rightness, probity, executive.
Reversed: law in all departments, bigotry, bias, excessive severity.
XII. The Hanged Man
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Upright: wisdom, trials, circumspection, discernment, sacrifice, intuition, divination, prophecy.
Reversed: selfishness, the crowd, body politic.
XII. Death
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Upright: end, mortality, distraction, corruption
Reversed: inertia, sleep, lethargy, petrifaction, somnambulism
XIV. Temperance
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Upright: economy, moderation, frugality, management, accommodation.
Reversed: things connected with churches, religions, sects, the priesthood, also unfortunate combinations, disunion, competing interests.
XV. The Devil
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Upright: ravage, violence, force, vehemence, extraordinary efforts, fatality, that which is predestined but not for this reason evil.
Reversed: evil fatality, weakness, pettiness, blindness.
Note: Sources will be listed in final post (Tarot: Major Arcana - Post 3/3)
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geminilily · 4 years
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Tarot: Major Arcana - Post 1/3
Tarot is possibly the most common divination tool used among modern witches. It is believed that the Tarot may have arrived in Europe as early as the twelfth century and has not changed much since.
🎴There are seventy-eight cards in total that are divided into two distinct sets, the Major and Minor Arcana.
🎴The Major Arcana contains twenty-two trump cards.
🎴The Minor Arcana is further divided into four suits of fourteen cards and each suit is comprised of ten pip (numbered) cards plus four court cards: the Page, Knight, Queen, and King.
🎴The four suits are Pentacles, Wands, Cups, and Swords.
🎴Each suit pertains to a certain aspect:
⭐️ Pentacles references things of value such as money and property.
🪄 Wands refer to communication, thoughts, and ideas.
🍷 Cups pertains to emotions.
🗡 Swords represents intellect and health issues.
Although some practitioners may initially use a reference system—a guide with general and reversed meanings of the cards—while reading the cards, the practice is meant to be intuitive. With time and practice the reader will begin to associate certain personal qualities to each card.
Tarot can also be used in spell craft as each card is thought to have it’s own energy signature. Properly matched, the cards can act as antennae or amplifiers in a spell. Below I have included the Major Arcana correspondences as well as the positive and negative associations of each card. I will present more information on the Minor Arcana in a later post.
Note: I am referring to the common Rider-Waite-Smith deck, as that is what I am familiar with. The upright and reversed meanings come from the booklet included with the deck.
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0. The Fool
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Upright: folly, mania, extravagance, intoxication, delirium, frenzy, bewrayment.
Reversed: negligence, absence, distribution, carelessness, apathy, nullity, vanity.
I. The Magician
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Upright: skill, diplomacy, address, sickness, pain, loss, disaster, self-confidence, will, the querent (if male).
Reversed: physician, Magus, mental illness, disgrace, disquiet.
II. The High Priestess
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Upright: secrets, mystery, the future as yet unrevealed, the woman who interests the querent (if male); the querent (if female) silence, tenacity; wisdom, science.
Reversed: passion, moral or physical ardor, conceit, surface knowledge.
III. The Empress
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Upright: fruitfulness, initiative, action, long days, clandestine, the unknown, difficulty, doubt, ignorance.
Reversed: light, truth, the unraveling of involved matters, public rejoice, also, according to another reading—vacillation.
IV. The Emperor
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Upright: stability, power, aid, protection, a great person, conviction, reason.
Reversed: benevolence, compassion, credit, also confusion to enemies, obstruction, immaturity.
V. The Hierophant
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Upright: marriage alliance, captivity, servitude, mercy and goodness, inspiration, the man to whom the querent has recourse.
Reversed: society, good understanding, concord, over-kindness, weakness.
VI. The Lovers
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Upright: attraction, love, beauty, trials overcome.
Reversed: failure, foolish designs.
VII. The Chariot
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Upright: succor, providence, also war, triumph, presumption, vengeance, trouble.
Reversed: riot, quarrel, dispute, litigation, defeat.
Note: Sources provided in final post. (Tarot: Major Arcana - Post 3/3)
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geminilily · 4 years
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I have decided to write a series on Divination answering the questions, “What is divination?” and “What types are there and how does one employ them?” In this first installment I will answer the first question and give a general overview of some of the types divination. In follow up posts I will go into further detail of the different types mentioned here. I will also discuss how one incorporates divination into daily life and the Craft.
What Exactly Is Divination?
In order to define Divination, we must first understand the meaning of a few other words. The first is “clairvoyance.” Clairvoyance is the “art and science of being aware of facts, objects or situations by psychic means when they are not available to ‘ordinary’ awareness.” Strictly speaking clairvoyance is this awareness in visual images. When one experiences awareness on the form of bodily sensations that is clairsentience, and when one experiences it through sound that is called clairaudience. Now, finally, we can define divination; it is clairvoyance through the use of tools. Some examples of these tools are Tarot, a pendulum, a spirit board, runes and I Ching, astrological charts and signs, and tea leaves. These tools are used as trigger objects for the intuition.
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Tarot Cards
The most widely used type of divination employed by witches is the Tarot. It is also, most probably, the best place for a divining beginner to start. Although some practitioners may initially use a reference system—a guide with general and reversed meanings of the cards—while reading the cards, the practice is meant to be intuitive. With time and practice the individual will begin to associate certain personal qualities to each card. In this way, Tarot is a tool that helps one gain confidence in their intuition.
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Interestingly, pendulum readings are actually a form of dowsing. The way it works is by asking questions while holding a chain or string from which dangles a cleansed crystal. One determines things such as what different types of movements mean (swinging in a circle for “yes” or up and down for “no”) or uses a defined drawing beneath the pendulum for answers.
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Rune Stones
Rune stones are very popular today because they are a quick and easy way to read a situation. There are only 24 to memorize and they can be easily made by the practitioner using stones or wood chips. Much like Tarot, each rune has a meaning separately and in combination with others. There are many ways to read the runes but the most powerful spread is tossing the lot of them on a mat. The runes in the center define the energies of the reading, those farther away are considering supporting information. The pieces that fall face up contain information that is evident while those that fall face down indicate information that is hidden.
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Literally, “speech of the stars” this type of divination uses the position of planets and stars at a specific time to interpret their energy influence on any activity, behavior, or condition of people, places, and things. For example, at the time of birth all of the heavenly bodies’ positions can be immortalized in a birth chart. The positions of the bodies are said to influence the person and their personality throughout their life.
In my next posts I will expand on these types of divination, their practices and magickal uses. I have already completed an in-depth series on Tarot, however, my next entry will be on how to use Tarot in magickal practices such as rituals and spells. Following that, will be Astrology, then Runes.
🏞 Sources
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The images employed in this post are my own.
📚 Sources
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Solitary Witch
Silver RavenWolf
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The Witches’ Bible
Janet and Stewart Farrar
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geminilily · 4 years
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The Winter Solstice in Wicca
From Samhain through Imbolc is my favorite time of year. This season is the time that my heart swells with joy and I feel it is easier to communicate with the living and the spirit world.
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The Winter Solstice is one of the eight major holy days in Wicca and venerated across most pagan paths. This holiday occurs around December 21. “Yule” is the Anglo-Saxon word for the Winter Solstice. On this day, the sun is at its lowest point, producing the shortest day of the year as reckoned by daylight hours.
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In myth, this is the time of the death of the old Sun King and the birth of the new one in the form of the Divine Child. Mithras was said to have been born at this time. The Christians simply adopted it for their use in 273 C.E. The Norse knew this celebration as the Night of the Three Mothers, or Mother Night. Celebrations on the Winter Solstice have long been religious customs of many ancient civilizations, particularly those whose holy days revolved around the solar calendar.
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The decorated evergreen tree symbolizes the offerings made on the Tree of Life, while the holly represents the Holly King, or one aspect of the god, who rules the season. The custom of decorating with holly boughs at Winter Solstice is an ancient Pagan custom. Candles and lights on the decorated tree represent the growing light in the darkness.
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To contemporary Wiccans Yule is a reminder that the ultimate product of death is rebirth, a comforting thought in these days of struggle. Wiccans sometimes celebrate Yule just before dawn, then watch the sunrise as a fitting finale to their ritual. In honor of the sun’s rebirth many Wicca light fires or candles to welcome the sun’s returning light. The full moon right after the winter solstice is considered the strongest of the entire year.
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Herb & Garden:
Holly, mistletoe, ivy, cedar, bay, juniper, rosemary, pine.
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Apples, oranges, nutmeg, lemons, and whole cinnamon sticks on the Yule tree.
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Ritual Traditions:
Fires are lit within cauldrons; candles may be carried around the circle; trees or potted evergreens may be honored as symbols of continuing fertility of the earth; a Yule log may be lit if a fire is physically within the circle.
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The colors are green and red. A wheel symbol in the form of a wreath; evergreens; holly; Yule log; small potted tree.
Celtic Wicca
D.J. Conway
Llewelyn’s Complete Book of Correspondences
Sandra Kynes
Living Wicca: A Further Guide for the Solitary Practitioner
Scott Cunningham
Wicca: The Complete Craft
D.J. Conway
Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner
Scott Cunningham
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geminilily · 4 years
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The Goddess is the universal Mother. She is the source of fertility, endless wisdom, and comfort. Wiccans revere Her as the giver of fertility, love, and abundance, though they acknowledge Her darker side as well. We see Her in the moon, the soundless sea, and in the green growth of the first spring. She is the embodiment of fertility and love.
As the Triple Goddess she is represented by three aspects: the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone. The aspects each represent a different phase of life; the Maiden correlates with youth and puberty, the Mother with parenthood and maturity, and the Crone with old age and wisdom. Each aspect is then symbolized by a different phase of the moon, Maiden: Waxing, Mother: Full, and Crone: Waning & New. The phases represent the ever-shifting process of life unto death and then rebirth. She is the beginning and ending and everything in between.
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The Number Three
The number three has often been a sacred number. It is still found in many sayings, such as, “all luck comes in threes,” or “a dream dreamed three times comes true.” Folktales often have three fairy godmothers or three wishes or three chances. It is also said by scientists that we live in the third dimension, the material world. Many ancient civilizations considered three to be a secret and lucky number. It symbolized birth, life, and death; the beginning, the middle, and the end; childhood, adulthood, and old age; body, mind, and spirit. Today, most schools of spiritual illumination have three steps or degrees. This can be found in the Masonic Lodge (Apprentice, Fellow-craft, Master) and most Wiccan covens or schools have three degrees. In numerology, the number three is the number of activity, creativity, talent, and knowledge.
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The First Aspect: The Maiden
Sometimes called the Virgin or the Huntress, the Maiden represents the spring of the year and fresh beginning of all things. The Maiden is the continuation of all life, the repeating and endless cycle of birth and rebirth, of the body and of the spirit. She is the dawn, eternal youth, and she is enchantment and seduction. She is ripe with potential energy, vitality, wisdom, and spiritual growth. A lump of clay that has yet to be molded. She is represented in the lunar cycle by the Waxing Moon. The Maiden’s traditional color is white, indicating newness and innocence. She invites us to believe that future possibilities are infinite. She can be valuable when we need a fresh perspective on things. When we feel directionless she can be the creator of new ideas and new beginnings.
The Maiden is free with her feelings and emotions, often expressing herself in sudden decisions. She is empathetic to all creatures. She is independent, Her own person. No one owns or rules Her. She is responsible for Herself and Her actions. She knows who She is and dreams of the potential of what She can become. Vital to human happiness and growth is the Maiden’s determination to be Her individual self and all that She is capable of.
The Maiden is the Way-Shower in spiritual growth. She leads us down the spiritual path and urges us to combat our fears and hesitations. Through Her we learn to see the simple beauty and great wonder in the world. We remember how to imagine, which opens infinite doors in magick, particularly those of manifestation and astral projection. Without the ability to forget all the world has taught us we cannot do and look at the world with wide perspectives there remains a block on our ability to spiritually advance. In linear thought, in order to go forward, one must go back. In cyclical thinking one must always continue forward to reach the beginning again, however, in fluid thought, one can experience all aspects at once.
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The Second Aspect: The Mother
The Mother aspect of the Goddess represents the summer, blazing noon, reproduction and fertility, and the high points in all cycles. She is in the ripeness of womanhood. This aspect is the one of ultimate and active creation. She is the great teacher of the Mysteries. The boiling or churning cauldron is Her symbol and She is represented in the night sky by the Full Moon. The Mother’s traditional color is red, the color of blood and the life force.
The Goddess as Mother seems naturally more accessible, because physical mothers tend to be closer to their children than fathers are. In the old days, there were no DNA tests, so a man could never truly be sure of fatherhood, but one could not deny a mother.
In the cycle of life, the Mother is associated with the stage of adulthood. Adulthood means accepting responsibilities, particularly those brought about by Her own actions. Acknowledging the results of our own decisions is one of the greatest responsibilities every individual, and humankind as a whole, has. By recognizing the Mother aspect of the Goddess we learn valuable lessons in self-discipline and patience as well.
The Goddess as Mother does not want Her creations to abuse themselves in anyway. Mistreating our bodies, whether by drugs and alcohol, or unsafe sex, or excessive food, or life threatening situations, it is against Her will. Mistreating our minds through negative self talk and staying in abusive situations are also not within Her desires. The Mother is balance and happiness, and enthusiasm for life.
It is through this aspect that we discover ourselves and our potentials; we learn to take responsibility for our actions. We learn to reach outward and inward, loving and receiving love. It is during this stage that we need to understand that every act of love is a ritual to the Mother Goddess, be it physical, mental, or spiritual. Love extends beyond the physical sexual act, encompassing acts of kindness and spiritual love. The Mother’s directive is, “To be loved truly, one must know how to love truly.”
The Mother is the great nurturer, Her love is unconditional, yet as with physical mothers, She disciplines when necessary. The Mother is confident in Her independence, going about the business of living while unconcerned with those who think they rule Her. There is no indecision within Her about Her abilities; She knows who and what She is. She is joy, and reveling in the joy of life itself. She is confidence, responsibility, and increasing knowledge of life. Along our spiritual journey she is the Great Teacher and Keeper of Knowledge. It is through Her that we learn the Great Mysteries.
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The Third Aspect: The Crone
The Crone is the third and final aspect. She is also called the Dark Mother, Old Wise One, or the Hag. Since She is the least understood and symbolizes death, this aspect frightens many. The Crone recycles and reforms our soul into a new incarnation through Her cauldron. The Crone represents Winter, the night, the abyss where life rests before rebirth, the gateway to death and reincarnation, the Waning and New Moon, and the deepest of Mysteries and prophecies. Her traditional color is black, and the deepest of purples or dark blue. She is the Initiator into the Mysteries.
Advanced age and the wisdom of experience that comes with it should be honored and anticipated. It is a time of life when one can look back with introspection, remembering the good times with a happy heart and the bad times with wisdom. The rest of us could benefit from their help and hard-earned knowledge. Elders can pass on their knowledge by helping in schools, tutoring, and participating in events at community centers. They should demonstrate wisdom, vibrance, caring, and love.
The Dark Mother is the teacher of the very deepest of spiritual Mysteries, including the contacting of spirits. Through Her we learn the necessity of focusing our energy on important things, like spiritual growth, living our lives to the best of our ability while seeking the Goddess within. The Crone knows what She has been and what She will be. She is the ultimate Prophetess who sees the past, present, and future.
Everyone must come to terms with death and the Crone eventually. Most people have a healthy fear of death, which saves us from fatally risky behavior. That “will to live” is necessary to keep us fighting for survival through physical and mental illness. However, we should seriously contemplate our mortality. A comfortable relationship with the Crone will prepare us to handle the loss of friends and family. Eventually this relationship with the Crone will help us to make our own transition.
We must seek the Dark Mother not the other way around. When we continue our spiritual journey under the guidance of the Crone we find that the path that has led us downward eventually leads upward once again. With Her assistance, our eyes are open to the deepest spiritual mysteries. We gain the knowledge needed to plan a new life, whether that be the one in which we are now, or in the next.
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Maiden, Mother, Crone
D.J. Conway
Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner
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Wicca: The Complete Craft
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