gen-spn · 10 months
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Song: It Will Come Back
Author: @gen-spn
Artist: @outofnowhere82
Beta: @hermit-writes
Rating: Teen & Up
Word Count: 6,691
Pairing/s: Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester
Warnings: Canon-typical violence, canonical character death, alcoholism, unhealthy coping mechanisms, unhealthy relationships
Additional Tags: Dean Winchester Character Study, Pre-canon, canon era, Stanford era, s15e20 Carry On
Dean is always on the wrong side of the door, but he’s used to it by now. Not fitting the places life shoves him in.
The problem is when Sam’s on the other side.
(A character study inspired by Hozier's It Will Come Back .)
Link to Fic | Link to Art
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gen-spn · 10 months
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Art by me!
Story by: sprinkles888
For @hoziernaturalevents multiship bang
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gen-spn · 1 year
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Sam's 40th birthday is coming up, and @ghostsam and I (@suncaptor ) thought it would be fun to celebrate with an entire week of appreciation! Any type of creation is welcome, from gifsets, to art, to fics, to meta. We just ask that triggers and NSFW content are tagged and no w* content is included.
Please tag all creations as #samweek2023 so we can reblog them, or @ us if you'd like/tumblr's tags don't work
All prompts are specifically related to Sam Winchester
Day One (April 26th): Home / Liminality / Family
Day Two (April 27th): Psychic Powers / Demon Blood / Boy King
Day Three (April 28th): Neurodivergent Sam / Mental Health / Trauma
Day Four (April 29th): Favorite Sam Arc / Post Canon / Sam & Healing
Day Five (April 30th): LGBT+ Sam / Favourite Sam Relationships
Day Six (May 1st): Autonomy / Abuse
Day Seven (May 2nd): Happy Birthday Sam!
Also please don't worry about being strict to the categories! If there's something about Sam we didn't include (as obviously there are many things we could have added) that you want to talk about just include it in the category it fits most or post on the final day!
If you want you can also post fics to this AO3 collection.
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gen-spn · 1 year
y'all want a uquiz
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gen-spn · 1 year
reblogs are appreciated because I want a large sample size, I'd like to know what people outside of my followers also think
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gen-spn · 1 year
First Lines Game
Rules: share the first lines of up to ten of your most recent fanfics and tag up to ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
tagged by @yourmadnesswon <3 <3
The thin, jagged crack of light hovers undulating in the air in a beckoning dance, promising sanctuary on the other side. 
Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc
Sam waits, kneeling, for his execution.
He watches Dean pull the scythe back for the fatal strike and closes his eyes, half out of dread, half out of mercy.
Make All of My Nightmares Come True
Kearney, Missouri is miles behind them, and a chasm still fills the space between Dean, behind the wheel, and Sam, pretending to try to sleep on the passenger side. Sam is supposed to be getting some shut-eye so he can take over driving in a few hours, but he’s still wound up and sleep won’t come despite the soft rock Dean put on.
Your own brother trying to kill you will do that.
He’s standing at the threshold, but he can’t quite seem to make himself go any further. The double doors in front of him challenge him, judging, questioning, repudiating his worthiness. It’s difficult to find the will within himself to move forward, but going back is not an option. Not anymore.
Enemy Within
Bobby and Sam pull into the drive that leads to the burned-out shell that was once Bobby’s home. The place where Sam and Dean could once turn to when they needed to regroup and lick their wounds. The place that once was the only occasional island of stability Sam knew other than the Impala.
With ice cold hands takin’ hold of me
“I think you’ll want to see this for yourself.”
He doesn’t, as a rule, concern Himself with individuals; they are not in and of themselves important to the whole of the species. They are molecules of water compared to the tide, necessary, providing a medium to shape a pattern, but one more or less has little impact in the grander scheme.
Taking Care of Business
He’s just settled in with a glass of Craig and The Drama of the Gifted Child when the King of Hell is interrupted by the irritating sound of a throat being cleared. He shuts his eyes and pushes aside the urge to disintegrate the offender. There is a delicate balance between instilling the correct level of fear and retaining enough staff to run a functioning court.
Penny for your Thoughts
In retrospect, Garth should’ve known better. 20-20 hindsight is a harsh mistress.
He should’ve known that the automatic fight-or-flight reaction causes muscles to tense, not relax. He should’ve stepped in front of Dean again, blocked his line of fire. He should’ve made sure that the gun was pointed away from Sam before he threw the punch.
Bright dim bright dim bright dim
We need bait that fits the demo… Chain around neck choking… I don’t think I want it back…
Filet of Soul
Sam glances across the Impala to the passenger seat to Dean, who has finally conked out, leaving Sam alone with his thoughts in the aftermath of nearly losing him to an Amazon.
“Now isn’t that ironic. And here you thought we were the unstable one.”
Almost alone.
No-pressure tags, just including some folks who I know are writers and might enjoy participating. Apologies to anyone I didn't tag because I can't keep different Tumblr/AO3 handles straight; please consider yourself tagged!
@wilsonthemoose @adirotynd @a-wondrous-thing @petrichorsam @quickreaver @themegalosaurus @trials-era-sam @tigerlilynoh
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gen-spn · 1 year
First Lines Game
Rules: share the first lines of up to ten of your most recent fanfics and tag up to ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
tagged by @ambersock <3 (thought I'd pop over to my sideblog, since everything recent is spn) .
Stone the Crows
“Here,” Dean says, tossing something in Sam’s direction.
Slumped on the couch and fairly certain that he’ll never be able to get up from it again with how much it’s sunk in, Sam catches it. Glances at the Hershey’s label, tries for a smile in Dean’s direction.
The story starts with a woman named Mary Winchester.
Well, no, that’s misleading.
It Goes Like This
Death stared at the scene before him with more interest than he’d given anything in the last millennia.
Quivering Mirror Neurons
The sky is gray.
His sensors pick up on water, and he runs synthetic fingers over the droplets of rain that have fallen on his bare hands.
All I Have to Do
Sam wakes up with a crick in his neck and a desperate need to pee.
It’s not the best wake-up he’s ever had—but then again, it’s not the worst.
Forgotten Regrets
Dean doesn’t ask about it.
Don't Trust the Weatherman
Sam breathes in. He breathes out. Overhead the sky roils with threatening clouds. He keeps running, one step after the other, hitting the ground in an evenly paced thump thump thump.
A Bathtub in the Storm
It’s a cold, rainy day somewhere in Nowheresville, Ohio. They are surrounded by trees and ice cream shops. The freaking gas stations serve ice cream here.
Wishes by the Pool
They are eleven and fifteen sitting by the edge of a motel pool in their underwear.
Everybody is a Book of Blood
It is dark here.
Not dark dark, not the worst he’s ever seen. But it’s like a perpetual eclipse, the sun never quite glowing to its greatest capacity. It washes everything out, means he’s not seeing colors, just shades. It feels heavy here.
No pressure tags, if you'd like to share :D. @caranfindel @raspberryjellybrains @clairdeloon-abie if you want to join in and haven't been tagged, consider yourself so from this point on.
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gen-spn · 1 year
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A gifset for the latest bittersamgirlclub top 5 challenge, because we all love brainy Sam! 
Keep reading
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gen-spn · 1 year
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they were literally too young to be marshals
edit: w*ncesties dni bc god forbid i draw salmon dean without w*ncesties interacting
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gen-spn · 1 year
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You were a phonograph, I was a kid // I sat with an ear close, just listenin’ (big black car - gregory alan isakov)
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gen-spn · 1 year
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Waking up for my 9 to 5 stopping the apocalypse #thegrinddontstop
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gen-spn · 1 year
Okay but what if Sam were listening to a true crime podcast and was like hmmmm these details sound familiar and then he realized omg that's someone we [TFW] killed
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gen-spn · 1 year
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driving home for christmas
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gen-spn · 1 year
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𝚘𝚑, 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚒 𝚋𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚔𝚢 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚝𝚑 𝚘𝚏 𝚓𝚞𝚕𝚢? (𝚜𝚞𝚏𝚓𝚊𝚗 𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚜)
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gen-spn · 1 year
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Look, if anyone should be on trial, it’s me.
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gen-spn · 1 year
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we couldn’t complete the @spnreversebang this year so there’s no fic to go along with this but i would still like to share my art from it ✨
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gen-spn · 1 year
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favorite character meme: (2/2) emotions or traits |happiness 
I mean, I don’t want to sound lame, but… I kind of feel good, Dean.
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