gendersodas 4 days
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A label for when you're agender, bigender, and multigender at the same time!
Mainly made this for myself (Fry), but anyone can use it of course!
[ID: A pride flag with nine horizontal stripes of black, dark blue, blue, light blue, green, light pink, pink, dark pink, and black. END ID]
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gendersodas 13 days
Bigender (Agender Trans Man)
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A specific bigender identity where you're agender and a transgender man!
[ID: A pride flag with eleven horizontal stripes of black, dark blue, blue, pastel blue, white, green, white, pastel blue, blue, dark blue, and black. End ID.]
Tagging @genderstarbucks since he got excited when I mentioned making this :>
Inspirations under the cut!
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gendersodas 2 months
I'm adding ID's to my pride flags at my own pace, so for now, requests are closed!
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gendersodas 2 months
Download or read online the document of pride flag image description templates here on the Internet Archive. It took almost three hours of my day. I hope you appreciate it.
If you often post pride flags, please start using or making image description templates and describing your original posts rather than asking other people to do it for you.
If you make the original post accessible from the start, literally everyone benefits. It's not fair to ask physically disabled people to be the only ones putting in effort to make the spaces accessible.
You can also submit pride flags to this blog that need templates, and the document will be updated.
for easy reposting:
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gendersodas 2 months
I'm all done posting my recently made flags
Sorry for the spam btw
Sorry for not being active here lol
I've been making flags, but I haven't been posting them here for some reason??
Will post them all individually at my own pace
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gendersodas 2 months
Autiaroace Lesboy
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Autiaroace Lesboy: being an aroace lesboy because your autism affects the way you experience attraction!
Tagging @genderstarbucks
[ID: A pride flag with eight horizontal stripes of black, saturated purple, saturated orange, saturated yellow, saturated light blue, saturated blue, saturated dark blue, and black. In the middle is a circle colored saturated light blue with an infinity symbol colored saturated dark purple in the middle. END ID]
Inspirations below the cut!
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gendersodas 2 months
Tea Bag Transneu
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An AGAB-less transneu label. For any transneu who don't want to reveal their AGAB, AMAB/AFAB transneu who want a less AGAB-focused label, transneu who reject their AGAB, are AGABpunk, or have a neoAGAB, etc.
Requested by @milothem4ge (on discord)
[ID: two pride flags. The first one has seven mostly symmetrical stripes of green, red, light orange, orange, and dark orange. The second one has four horizontal stripes of white, light orange, green, and red. END ID]
Inspirations below the cut!
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gendersodas 2 months
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Gaylesboy: A specific gaybian identity where you ID as a lesboy and a gay man!
Tagging @genderstarbucks again for the same reason for the lesturiboy coining post :o3
[ID: A pride flag with five horizontal stripes of purple, pastel purple, white, pastel blue, and blue. END ID]
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gendersodas 2 months
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Lesturiboy: When you ID as a lesboy and a turiboy at the same time for any reason!
Tagging @genderstarbucks bc I think it'll like it :o3
[ID: A pride flag with six horizontal stripes of darkish pink, pink, pastel green, pastel purple, purple, and dark purple. END ID]
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gendersodas 2 months
AutiMspec Lesbian
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AutiMspec Lesbian: being an mspec lesbian because your autism affects the way you experience attraction!
Requested by @milothem4ge (on discord)
[ID: A pride flag with seven horizontal stripes of hot pink, pink, pastel pink, pastel orange, pastel green, a darkish pastel purple, and pastel purple. In the middle is a black infinity symbol colored black with a line and a dot also colored black. END ID]
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gendersodas 2 months
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Autilesboy: Being a lesboy because your autism affects the way you experience attraction!
[ID: A pride flag with eight horizontal stripes of pastel purple, pastel pink, pastel orange, pastel blue, white, light blue, a dark light blue, and a darker light blue. In the middle is an infinity symbol colored black with a line and a dot also colored black. END ID]
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gendersodas 2 months
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Weedchancharic: A gender that relates to the character, Weedchan!
Was a request from Discord
Well, technically, I offered to make it, but still-
[ID: Two pride flags. The first one has eight horizontal stripes of dark green, dim green, green, pastel green, an off-white green, light brown, dim brown, and brown with a Weedchan png in the middle. The second one is the same, just without the Weedchan png. END ID]
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gendersodas 2 months
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Autiwerepiregender: When your autism affects your gender identity and your gender identity is a werepire. Can also be used as an otherkin gender.
[ID: A pride flag with eleven horizontal stripes of dark blue, blue, light blue, pastel blue with drawn wolf ears, lighter blue, white with drawn fangs, lighter red, pastel red, light red, red, and dark red. In the middle is an infinity symbol colored black with a line and a dot also colored black. END ID]
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gendersodas 2 months
Sorry for not being active here lol
I've been making flags, but I haven't been posting them here for some reason??
Will post them all individually at my own pace
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gendersodas 2 months
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cheetah, african painted dog, fox, raccoon, and wolf themed flags, edited based on the flags by @loveletterliom !
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gendersodas 3 months
How to make 2s/two spirit flags when you arent 2s/native american/native Canadian/white
By:@luigis-mogai-mansion ( a 2s person)
So! You got a request in your inbox from a 2s person concerning 2s related content and your concerned you may accidentally come off as racist, choose offensive colors/names or make a mistake? Heres a guide from a 2s person on how to go about the request!
Dos and donts with the flag/name/colors/etc!
Be respectful! Ask questions if your worried something might be offensive.
Take inspiration from the native wheel if your stuck. It contains the colors black, red, yellow and white.
(If coining something by a 2s person for other 2s) write their definition word for word. Its ok to fix grammer but do not alter the definition. Especially if your intention is to make it more inclusive. The entire reason two spirit being an identity exclusive to native american and native canadian people is said so much is because white people like to appropriate our terms.
(If its towards a specific tribe and not pan-indian in nature)Make sure to include colors associated with the specific tribe and not just " general colors".
Work natural colors into it. Muted greens, blues, reds, yellows and browns are wonderful choices.
Only make combos, coinings, flags, etc. If requested by a native person, not of your own valition. Basically dont go off and make them without being asked cause your combo could turn out to be offensive.
Be aware that we are not a hive mind and what some 2s people find totally normal and acceptable, others find revolting. Make your own deductions based on research.
Take anon 2s requests. We dont need to prove ourselves to you and 9 times out of 10, the only people requesting 2s things are 2s themselves.
Ask for input by 2s creators! Sometimes we dont have the answer on if something is offensive or not but most of us are happy to step in and help if your stuck on naming something or colors.
Make the color scheme mostly if not entirely red or represent the possibley needed poc stripes at the top in red tones. Associating red with native peoples skin is the same as associating yellow with asian peoples skin. Its offensive and often untrue.
Work the words eskimo, squaw, buck or any other slurs into the title. If you arnt sure its a slur or not, do some research and it'll hopefully clear anything up!
Add the words chief, tipi, dreamcatcher, pow wow, longhouse, totem pole, parka, etc. Into the name unless asked. Just because it is apart of native culture dosent make it less sterotypical.
Remove the religious aspects of this gender. Its name and premise is related to common native belief of having a male and female spirit aka 2 spirit.
Make 2s loveing 2s or 2s42s flags. Culturally, a 2s person being with another 2s person was considered incestous.
Make combos with agender/gendervoid. Culturally, having no gender/spirit was either veiwed as impossible or that you were something monsterous/evil. You can make them and agender/gendervoid 2s people exist but culturally, its not considered a good thing. Third genders are fine.
Insert your own opinions on the label. Most of us would not come to a white person for flags or coinings unless we particularly like you or have no ability to do it ourselves. Also we dont care what you think and you will most likely be labled a racist.
Assume all 2s people are bigender/male and female. Its a wide definition and covers mulitple forms of gender.
Imply or attempt to force 2s people into or out of the label lgbt/q*eer(censored for ops triggers)/mogai or its communities. Its a very personal stance. However, most 2s people do not consider being 2s to put them into the lgbt community due to it being considered, in general, a colonist/white/non-native concept.
Take offense when we call you a colonist. Its not a slur or some shit! However, be aware its pretty split on usage. 50% use it as just a term for non-native people that has no negative intention( similar to hawaiians and the term haole or jewish people and the term goy) but theres also 50% who use it as an insult or to call out privilage. In the end, its context.
Try to be the white savior. There are misninformed 2s people obvs but remember that even if a term from a 2s may seem offensive( excluding those trying to justify stuff like pedophilia, incest, etc. By saying " its 2s" when its not). Remember, we are trying to navigate oftenly white labels that barely make sense to us culturally so dont freak out when we identify as part man while also being a lesbian. Its a cultural difference and no, we arent " forceing men into lesbian spaces".
Take 2s requests from non-native people. Just dont. Idc if they said its for a friend or anything like that, most of the time they are lieing. They probably think 2s is open for everyone when it very much so is not and they want to hide the fact they are culturally appropriating.
Outright deny our requests because your scared of being racist or overstepping boundaries! We requested it from you in the first place so not only do we give you permission but we also trust you with it. Its fine to ask questions and we will help you so please dont be afraid of us and our flag.
Think your expert on 2s because you made a combo that they liked or identities based on 2s. Yes, it starts you on the path of being a wonderful ally but please remember you are an ally, not one of us.
Now for some common questions and answers!
Is it ok for me to make combos/terms/etc about 2s when its requested by a 2s person?
Yes! Theres nothing wrong with it. Just dont do it without being asked because it could end up being racist.
Can i redesign the 2s flag even if im not 2s/native?
Nope! But a conditional nope. Only of your being guided by a 2s person. Otherwise please dont touch it. You can make pastel/touch ups/equalize the stripes but dont alter the colors.
What 2s flag should i use?
Personally, ive seen most of us perfer this flag!
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Its also encouraged that you dont use the flag that is just rainbow/trans/nb with the feathers on top! It was not made by a 2s person and, as stated before, we arent inherently lgbt.
What combos should i avoid?
As stated above, gendervoid/agender or any genders that suggest you never have a gender may not be taken lightly by some members but you can still do them. Also probably avoid anything related to alcoholism, drug use, savagery and animal imagery. Also avoid combining us with flags/terms by tgce, veganism, christian or atheist terms. Tgce is racist towards native americans, veganism is often very very anti-native, we were tortured at large by chrisitians and religion is a key part to being 2s so total atheism cant really co-exist with it.
What do i do if i accidentally made something racist?
Uhm... Delete it, Apologize, dont deny it happened/downplay what you did/defend yourself and move on to show you know you did something wrong and want to improve upon it.
Who should i go to about questions?
Most 2s users are open to dms and conversation. Includeing myself.
If your a creator within the mogai/lgbt community that isnt 2s/native, please reblog this so others can know how to help our community within yours and to spread awareness of this identity in a safe and correct way.
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gendersodas 3 months
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A lesbxy and lestroy combo flag! When you're agender, a trans man, and a lesboy!
[ID: A pride flag with nine horizontal stripes of black, pastel blue, blue, dark blue, darker blue, hot pink, pastel orange, pastel blue, and black. END ID]
Links to flags I referenced:
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