generalknow · 1 year
How to become fearless
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How to become fearless
Hello guys today we are going to talk about how to become fearless? So let's get started! Guys what is exactly a fear, so fear is a the thing that you affraid from that thing. So if you afraid from that thing so you have two option first give up and second don't give.
So choice is in your hand what do you choose if you choose the first option you will never get s succeed in your life.
But in some situation fear is good. For example: If you want to jump from a river and say I'm fearless you going to die.
Or if you choose second option in some situation like investment, studying, self-defense and etc. You have a better life and succeed in your life.So there is some step to follow and become a fearless person. So let's get started.
1.Kill your fear
So fear is a thing that you are afraid hem are them just we talk in the earlier of this article. So if you want to kill your fear then must you put you in the situation that you scared from that thing. Like being alone in room are fighting in street and etc.
2. Focus on your efforts
So first step is focus on your efforts and don't think about other things. No matters how fear you have. Don't go away from your fear, battle with your fear and beat him.
If you don't have any control in your fear so do that thing that you have the control for example : If you're scared you from failing in exam this is not in your control what's in your control that study to be hard and become a topper.
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generalknow · 1 year
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how to make friends
Hello Friends,  Every individual Wants that other people should like Him,  Because of their Emotional need,  Even if you do not have any such need,  still understanding this topic carefully is really important for you,  Because we humans are social creatures,  who to move ahead in life or to become successful, even if not this then just to be happy in life  needs to be connected with people or have to deal with people at some point of time. 
For this having Good social skill is very important  Most of the people are successful not because they are talented or smart  But the most important reason for their success is their social skills and other people like them. 
Because the Fact is most of the people in their relationship, friendship or in a business do not work properly  Instead some don't even like to see the face of the person whom they do not like at all,  So today i will share four such rules, after applying it in your life,  people will start liking you and side by side even your social skill will improve.  so lets begin;
Easily become a good conversationalist
1)An easy way to have a Good conversation  New York Telephone Company had once faced a very strict and a rude customer,  who always used to call company and use to say bad thing to them , use to shout at them  Never used to pay Bill properly,  And also writes letter to the newspaper company and says bad things about the telephone company. 
Not only this but at the end he filed many cases against the telephone company,  After Facing so much problem finally company asked their most experienced Trouble shooter Larry  to handle the situation, who was also the student of Dale Carnaige. 
After which what happens is, Larry went and met the customer and started listening to him carefully with full attention. 
And listen to all his problems and agreed to him at every point,  that customer talked to him anger almost 3 hours,  Still Larry had not said a word in defence of the company. 
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generalknow · 1 year
How to become POWERFUL & RICH
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How to become POWERFUL & RICH
Hey friends.  when Dorie Clark was consulting for a big hospital,  there she noticed that everyone was talking about a person,  whose name was Lenny.  Lenny got a new job as communication director in that hospital.  But this is not what was interesting. 
The interesting part was that Lenny used to work as a nurse in the same hospital.  And becoming communication director from nurse,  getting such a promotion was a weird career change.  It was obviously a curiosity generating thing. 
That's why author thought, how did it happen?  Why did it happen? 
That's why she went to meet Lenny,  and when she asked, how did you become communication manager from a nurse?  Lenny told that he was always passionate about technology and innovation. 
So, whenever he used to get free time,  he used to learn coding instead of doing time-pass,  that too by investing his own money.  And in the same way, he had developed some apps.  And then started doing marketing of those apps.  He was performing okay in all these things. 
What ERA means?
And he was telling about the era,  when smartphones, social media all these things were new.  When Lenny was doing all these things,  his boss came to know about it.  And he called Lenny to his office.  He was afraid that if he is doing some mistake,  but it was not like that. 
The boss told Lenny,  'I heard that you are developing apps and marketing them'  we need social media manager for our hospital'.  And I think you can do this.  And when he got this offer, he accepted this offer.  Due to which he became communication director from nurse. 
The thing was that his boss didn't see the apps developed by him,  how good these apps are performing,  he had just heard about them.  That how Lenny is a person who adds a lot of value,  provides value,  and does a lot of work, and is hardworking.  And due to this, he had developed his strong personal brand.  Due to which he got sudden jump in terms of money and status. 
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generalknow · 1 year
How to Start a Business with No Money with CHATPGPT in 2023
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How to Start a Business with No Money with CHATPGPT in 2023
Hey friends! Today we gonna talk about How to Start a Business with No Money CHATPGPT in 2023, so let’s get into it: Author of '48 Hours Startup' Fraser Doherty  got his first business idea when he was little!  A farmer used to live in front of his house,  who used to do small businesses like farming, feeding cattles and hens. 
Fraser Doherty and his #1 business idea
That business of eggs excited Fraser a lot.  He thought that this business is good.  It will take less efforts, have to feed just hens  and then have to sell those eggs.  This is was his first business idea.  From where entrepreneurship journey started. 
Ans as Albert Einstein says 'The mind that opens to a new idea,  never returns to its original size.  This one small idea helped Fraser to set his business. 
Because next day, Fraser went to the farmer  and asked some eggs for free by making an innocent face.  And hearing this, the farmer took some eggs and gave to him. 
Fraser went to his home and put then on their TV.  The old TVs and especially his TV used to have heating issues.  That's why he put them over there.  Only 4 of those eggs hatched!  Those eggs were enough for him!  Little chicken came out of those eggs. 
He started taking care of those chickens,  he used to feed them time to time.  And after some time, some of the hens started laying eggs. 
And then Fraser started selling those eggs to his neighbour and friends.  And when he got the profit for the first time,  then this meme started playing in his mind.  'Will have a lot of money'. 
But one day when he came home, he came to know that the hen ate those hens.  He got very depressed after seeing this.  It is said that once a lion has blood in its mouth, it does not stop hunting.  That's why the author became fond of business. 
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generalknow · 1 year
How to learn something fast
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How to learn something fast
Hello guys, Today we gonna talk about How to learn something fast, so let’s get started. I thing that the process and retain everything that you read is almost #like a superpower, but it's actually surprisingly easy to train your mind over, let's say, a period of three to six months, so you can learn a skill in half the time, read a book, and actually remember everything that you just read, so you can memorize the #content of an exam within half the time compared with the rest of your class.
How much knowledgeable you can store on your memory?
Imagine how much more knowledgeable you would be if your memory processed and retained information more efficiently, so everything that you read, you actually remember. This is an advanced memory technique that i've never talked about before on this blog, which is crazy.
because it's so powerful and it's called the fast framework f-a-s-t and it comes straight from author and memory coach ahmad quick so all credit goes to him for this so let's get straight into it The f stands for forget.
First: You need to forget what you already know about the
subject so you can then approach it as a complete beginner. Also, forget about your other tasks, your other responsibilities, and your other goals that you're chasing if you realistically can because you need to be completely absorbed with the information you have.
in front of you with absolutely no distractions, and also forget your limitations. We all have these self-limiting beliefs.
Maybe it's that you can't read a book without forgetting all the information or that you can't study enough material in time for the exam, but by telling yourself that it's a self-fulfilling prophecy, you don't believe it. But if you genuinely believe that you can study for that exam and remember everything you studied and get amazing grades, you're more likely to study harder to achieve that goal.
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generalknow · 1 year
psychology facts about personality
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psychology facts about personality
If you want to know some facts that will wow your friends and make you the center of attention at a party, then this article is for you.
Because I'm going to give you 40 psychological facts all about the personality, you are going to find out why certain people do this type of thing, why you do this type of thing, and what that weird thing that you do actually means. My name is Misbah; So stay tuned.
The first  fact of the day is that people who swear a lot tend to be more loyal, upfront, and honest with their friends. Being a perfectionist can result in more stress and depression. A lot can be judged about a person's character by what sorts of things they laugh at.
moving on
Moving on from things doesn't mean you forget about them; it just means you learn to accept what has happened and you continue living. Asking for advice is a clever way of influencing others and getting them to warm up to you.
If one of your personality traits includes a fear of the unknown, then you are at a higher risk of suffering from anxiety disorders. Clothing can have a deep impression on your personality. Speaking to and encouraging yourself in front of the mirror can lead you to becoming mentally stronger.
People who have the personality trait where they constantly feel entitled will often live a disappointing life, and it can lead them to practice more toxic and aggressive behaviors and blame others for their misfortunes.
the cool  parts of your personality
The cool parts of your personality aren't going to change no matter how hard you try. People often confuse changing their personality with changes to their habits and their circumstances, but nope, it doesn't change.
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generalknow · 1 year
7 Habits For Highly Successful 2023
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7 Habits For Highly Successful 2023
Hey friends,  Today we gonna talk about 7 Habits For Highly Successful 2023, So let’s get started: have you ever heard about Seinfeld strategy?  If you don't know, let me tell you, Jerry Seinfeld is a very famous comedian of USA. 
Who comes in world's top 100 comedians of all time.  His net worth is almost $1 billion.  More specifically, it's about $950 millions. 
Once a comedian named Brad Isaac goes backstage to meet Jerry Seinfeld,  and asks some tips to become a good comedian.  And Seinfeld says 'write better jokes'. 
Now Isaac asks, 'how can I do this?'  Then Seinfeld says, 'you should know how to write good jokes'.  And for this, you will have to write every day. 
And while explaining this, he said  'buy a big calendar which has 365 days'.  And you can keep this calendar anywhere, on your desk, wall,  and along-with that, keep a red marker also.  And the day you write jokes, mark that day with a cross. 
Now when you will do this regularly,  you will see a streak of red color.  And you don't have to break that streak,  and when you keep doing it,  there will come a time when 365 days will be over.  And in these 365 days, you will become a comedian.  Isaac feels weird after listening this and thinks that he is telling some fictional things. 
But no, Seinfeld confirms him that, 'I have also become a good comedian through this way'.  This is my secret and if you want, you can come to my home and see,  that my wall is full of red color.  See guys, this is one of the best strategies to develop any habit. 
You should also develop it.  For example, if you have to develop the habit of going to gym,  then take a calendar and mark cross on it everyday,  and suppose you don't go for one day,  still when you see calendar, motivation will come in you,  then you do workouts at your home,  still you will mark on in and will feel good.  This will make you 1% better. 
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generalknow · 1 year
Are You A eft Brainer Or Right Brainer
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Are You A eft Brainer Or Right Brainer
Hey friends,  are you a left brainer or right brainer?  What does it mean exactly,  and for today, which one is beneficial for you,  according to Daniel H. Pink. 
I'll tell you everything,  but first let's start with a game,  through which we'll come to know, you're a right brainer or left brainer?  I'll ask you nine Quiz, That you know you are left brainer are right brainer , in which I'll give you nine Quiz. 
You've to choose one option out of those nine options.  And will tell you in the end that how you can get to know,  that you are a left brainer or right brainer?  Okay? 
Now, let's start with the questions.  First question is,  I would prefer,  A - solving a puzzle/maths problem,  B - drawing/playing music. 
Second question is,  Its easier for me to remember people by their,  name or their face.  Third question is,  Which thumb is on the top?  A - right one,  or B - the left one.  Fourth question.  Which question style do you like more? 
A - Objective questions which have true false.  Or B - Subjective questions in which you write essays i.e. long answers. 
Fifth question.  In both of them, which leg is on the top?  A - Right leg.  Or B - Left leg.  Sixth question.  When you listen a new song,  which thing you focus on most?  A - Lyrics.  Or B - Melody i.e. music.  Seventh question. 
Do you have good imagination?   
A - No.  B - Yes.  Eighth question.  The article you are reading,  is she rolling clockwise or anti clockwise?  And last question.  How do you judge a thing?  A - Logically.  B - Emotionally.  Obviously, how do you judge most? 
In all of them, you have A or B most? 
If your A score is more,  in comparison to B,  then you are left brainer.  That means you are logical, analytical and planner,  who love to be precise.  But if you have more score in B,  that means you are a right brainer,  who is more creative, empathetic and artistic.  A person who can watch whole picture. 
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generalknow · 1 year
6 skills that make you millionaire
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6 skills that make you millionaire
6 skills that make you millionaire, Hey friends,  Some days ago, I was surfing on Internet,  was scrolling and watching shorts,  and I a video!  In that video, there was a family sitting and eating food! 
And when they saw the bill after having food, they got shocked!  They were showing on bill that it was around $8,000. 
How much it is in Indian rupees? 
Calculate and tell me in comment section!  Why that bill amount was so much?  What special did they eat?  Were they eating gold? 
No, there was nothing like that!  Thing is that it was Nusrat's restaurant!  You know Nusrat, Salt Bae  which got very famous on internet,  was his restaurant!  Well, this is quite a good example! 
And I watched one more video, which you would have seen!  There's a man who goes to fancy cars and asks them,  what do you do for a living? 
In the same way, a boy goes to a fancy car,  which is worth crores!  There are two girls sitting inside it!  When he asks them that 'what do you do'?  Then they tell that they do 'Onlyfans'. 
Means this is a social media platform,  where they put their pictures and videos,  and get money in return!  This was shocking!  But the more shocking part was that,  they, by toe nails,  i.e. leg nails,  their hairs,  their bath water, i.e.
their water after getting bathed,  by selling all these things, they earned tons of money!  Through the help of which, they bought such an expensive car!  I know, this is an extreme example,  but the truth is that, an era of content creators is going on! 
They are doing crazy things!  I know, this is an extreme example,  but both examples have one thing in common!  Do you know?  They are able to charge so much money,  and are able to earn so much money,  they are able to do so because they are content creators. 
They are making content!  Not just videos,  multiple studies have been done!  For example, in one study,  94% respondents who were being asked,  when they make purchase decisions, they watch videos before that,  listen content creators,  and then take decisions. 
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generalknow · 1 year
This habits is DAMAGING your BRAIN
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This habits is DAMAGING your BRAIN
This habits is DAMAGING your BRAIN, Hey friends,  when Alexandra Graham Bell invented telephone in 1867,  He would not have thought even in his dream  that this invention of mine would become so advanced in coming time,  or you can say, would become so addictive,  and scientists will compare it to the heroin, cocaine, meth and alcohol. 
You know, according to a latest statistics,  an Indian spends at-least 4 hours on mobile in a day.  In which he uses 2 hours on social media.  And you agree or not, social media addiction has become a real thing.  American comedian Bill Maher says,  'checking your phone like is the new smoking'. 
They like checking the views of photos,  and views of their status which is like smoking.  Nowadays parents also give phone to their kids to distract them.  But they don't know, how much dangerous is this for them also. 
According to a study of Adolescent brain cognitive development,  those who give more than 7 hours of screen time,  the thickness of their brain is less than that  of children who do not get much screen exposure. 
If you don't know, let me tell you, cortex is a very important part,  which is responsible for memory, thinking,  learning, reasoning, problem solving and emotions. 
To stop this addiction, a guy named Joe Hollier has launched a light-phone,  and its purpose is to reduce the smartphone addiction.  He says, today we are living in an attention economy. 
Where your time and attention in like money for these big companies,  because the logic is simple, the more time you give on the app,  the more chances would increase that company would make money from you! 
That's why author Cal Newport was introduced to  social media in the first year of college itself.  When Facebook came into their campus and people went crazy for it.  People were sticked to their phone like zombies.  And today, from kids to olds, everyone has this addiction. 
To solve this problem, he introduced a concept named Digital Minimalism.  He wrote a book which is very interesting.  You should definitely read it. 
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generalknow · 1 year
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4 Things That Will Make ANY Man DANGEROUS
Number #1 articulate
Number one, articulate your thoughts. A dangerous man is Amanda can articulate  his thoughts a man that can communicate  properly is scary to people that want to  do you wrong This is one of the primary reasons that Andrew Tate resigned.
It was not his kickboxing skills or the money he has that threatened the higher ups; it was because he is a great orator and his thoughts directly conflict with the modern agenda.
Whether you like or hate Andrew Tate does not matter here; the reality is that he can articulate his thoughts well and has a silver tongue. The same goes for a man like Jordan Peterson.
We have seen him hold his own on multiple occasions where people tried to put words in his mouth. Most men underestimate how lethal it is to master this skill.
Things have changed in the modern world and many beta males are more dangerous than alpha males in this department.
There are thousands of popular YouTube channels where guys debate everyone on everything, and their content is directly based on making the other guy look like.
In any other time of human history, a man who wanted to make another man look like a fool had to be physically stronger than him.
Although this is still the case in real life, it isn't on the Internet or in the professional world. Remember that it is not the strongest of the species that survives but the most adaptable, and right now times are changing quickly in the digital era.
Number #2 Influence
Influence allows you to get things done and achieve desired outcomes. At a basic level, influence is about compliance.
getting someone to do what you want them  to do governments in the media have  tremendous influence they can make the  majority of people move however they  want them to move take a second and  realize the power they have if they were  to paint a force negative Narrative of you, they can influence regular people into disliking you or even coming after you without questioning what they have been told.
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generalknow · 1 year
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6 MORNING HABITS FOR WEALTH, HEALTH & SUCCESS, Hey friends,  Hel Elrod says, he has hit rock bottom 2 times in his life,  that means, he as faced his life's worst phase two times. 
When he was 20 years old, everything was perfect in his life.  He was performing well in his company,  and had got a huger post at a very young age,  had a good girlfriend and everything was going well. 
When he was coming with an award,  a drunk men hit his car in a very high speed.  After which many of his bones got broken,  which many of his internal organs got damaged,  he was almost about to die. 
His breathing stopped,  When paramedic came,  they revived him after a lot of medication.  This was his first rock bottom,  and second rock bottom came in 2008. 
When the worst recession was going on in the US.  His success had faded away overnight,  his monthly income was almost nil.  He was not able to pay his bills.  He was not able to pay the debt of his house.  He was completely depressed.  He call it the lowest phase of his life. 
He says, if someone asks me, which one was the worst rock bottom,  getting hit by a drunk driver,  getting 11 bones broken,  die for 6 minutes,  dealing with emotional, mental and physical pain,  was really awful. 
But at that time, family, friends, doctor, nurses, everyone was helping me,  but for the second time, when I was fine,  but I had no money,  and was living in poverty,  I was alone.  I couldn’t ask for help from anyone,  and no one could help me,  because everyone was depressed in his life. 
Comparing both of them,  the second phase where I had monetary issues,  that phase was worst phase of my life.  In this phase, I was so depressed,  I started having suicidal thoughts.  Suicide seemed me a good option. 
But one day, his friend, Jon Berghofe,  when he came to know about his condition after talking him,  he started sharing his things.  He told that there was a time when I was also stressed,  my life was also miserable,  I started one thing and it changed my life. 
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generalknow · 1 year
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HOW TO IMPRESS ANYONEHOW TO IMPRESS ANYONE, Hey friends,  Imagine you've gone on a date with a beautiful partner.  There you goes and starts talking!  And then to make things interesting,  you decide you play a game. 
You have an interesting game in your mind and that is called 'The tapping game'.  You start playing that game. 
In this game, you tape the famous music,  and without humping or doing anything,  on the basis of just tapping, the person in front has to figure out,  that the tap is of which song, or music, you can say?  You start playing this game. 
You hump like this in your brain,  tune of happy birthday,  and tap in real.  You tell, how much chances are there,  that the other person will understand this song by tapping,  which you're playing. 
To make question more interesting,  if you try to do this experiment in front of 10 people,  you tap a song,  then what do you think, how many people would be able to recognize? 
1 out of ten,  5 out of ten.  In 1990, psychologist, Elizabeth Newton,  conducted the same experiment of Harvard university students.  Where a student,  where tapping a famous song,  and other students had to guess the song! 
But the results that came out were quite shocking!  You think, 5 or 1 out of 10 would be able to guess.  Buts surprisingly,  only one student out of 40 was there,  who was able to recognize that,  which music he was playing! 
On the other hand,  the interesting thing is that,  when the tapper was being asked,  that what do you think, how many people would recognize your song? 
He said, on average, fifty percentage will catch,  that which song I'm playing!  Means 5 out of 10 people will recognize!  Bit result was 1 out of 40. 
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generalknow · 1 year
6 best ever steps to becoming a better person
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6 best ever steps to becoming a better person
Hey, my name is misbah and I am a article writer, today we gonna talk about how to become a better person, how to be a better person and be happy, how to be a better person for your parents and how to being better person to others , So let’s get started;
How to becoming a better person, As time passes, you may not realize how far you've come  from the person you were just a short time ago.  Even if these changes seem barely noticeable to you now,  they've brought you the wisdom  that turned you into who you are today. 
Forming great habits can give you an even better push  in the right direction.  These are six simple habits to make you a better person. 
Step Number 1 be grateful for at least one thing
Number one, be grateful for at least one thing every day.  Reflect on the day  and name at least one thing you're grateful for. 
No matter how small,  whether it's a good score on a test,  meeting your friend,  playing with your dog,  or just waking up in the morning. 
There are so many things to be grateful for.  You could try writing things down  that you're grateful for in a journal,  or dedicate a few minutes in the morning  or nighttime to look back on those happy moments. 
A clinical psychology review study  suggest that there are many benefits  from practicing gratitude.  These benefits include stress relief,  improved sleep, and better social relationships. 
Step Number 2 practice self-care religiously
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generalknow · 1 year
Real truth about elon musk twitter
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Real truth about elon musk twitter
Hey friends!, How are You today, I am misbah And today will well be talk about Real truth about elon musk twitter, So Let’s  get started.
Real truth about elon musk twitter, Hey friends,  Nowadays things of Twitter are very much covered in the news.  How Elon Musk has taken over the Twitter! 
How he fired Twitter CEO Parag Agarwal from the CEO position.  And he is firing many people.  And moreover, many interesting things are going on,  like, he is going to charge $8/month for blue tick. 
Similarly, many interesting things are going in Twitter.  All these things are happening now,  but what's the origin of all these things? 
Who was the actual founder of Twitter? 
Many people think that Jack Dorsey had founded Twitter.  But it's not completely true.  What's the story behind it?  Let's see this in this article.  And learn many more interesting things about Twitter,  which are useful for you and you should learn also. 
Okay?  See the image visible on your screen with attention!  Now you'll say, what's special in this image? 
Well, there is an interesting story behind it.  It's two or three years ago,  the twitter account of Burger King,  suddenly, Casey Neistat, a famous youtuber,  started liking his tweets and posts. 
Casey Neistat found this thing very strange.  So, he tweeted also,  I don't know,  why Burger King is liking my 8 year old tweets.  He didn't understand why this is happening!  And it's not just about Casey Neistat. 
Burger King did it with many people.  They were liking tweets of 2010s.  After which all people started getting notifications,  that Burger King liked your tweet.  Because it was a weird situation,  people started talking about this incident. Because they were very confused.
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generalknow · 1 year
Why RICH are getting RICHER – With Audio
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Hey friends!, How are You today, I am misbah And today will well be talk about Why RICH are getting RICHER, So Let’s  get started.
Why RICH are getting RICHER, According to the report of World INEQUALITY Report 2022,  India is in those top countries,  in which the difference between the rich and poor,  is highest in the world. 
If you tell you some data,  India's top 10% people  represent 57% of total national income.  Whereas top 1% in those top 10%,  are the owner of 22% income.  Whereas on the other hand,  bottom 50% people hold 13% income. 
And it's not about just India.  If we consider world's population,  50% population of world own just 2% of total income. 
Whereas top 10% population of the world,  they have 75% of the total wealth.  And id doesn't end just here. 
And the top 1% in those people,  they have 38% of the total wealth.  And this inequality is increasing.  So, this question should come in your mind. 
Why rich are becoming richer,  and poor are becoming poorer? 
Why is there extreme polarity?  Why 20% people have 80% or more wealth?  Why a rich person earn so much money in a day,  that a poor person can't earn in his whole life.
Robert Kiyosaki is telling all these answers in book 'Why The Rich are Getting Richer?' 
Which if you understand, than it will definitely help you!  According to Robert Kiyosaki,  there is only one difference in Poor, Middle Class and Rich person.  What's that difference?  The difference is of 'Education'. 
Not just formal education,  but also financial education.  Robert Kiyosaki says, rich people are financially educated.  They keep giving this education to their children since childhood! Due to which rich people's kids become rich, most of the time. 
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generalknow · 1 year
Tips And Tricks Your Brain To Work Hard Easily in 2023
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Tips And Tricks Your Brain To Work Hard Easily in 2023
Hello Guys,  How Are You Today, I am misbah And Today I Will Going To  Descase About Tips And Tricks Your Brain To Work Hard Easily in 2023, So Lets Get Started.
Tips And Tricks Your Brain To Work Hard Easily in 2023, 'Can't Hurt Me' which is a very amazing book,  its author David Goggins,  many people consider him 'The world's toughest man'. 
Why?  Because he has seen and experienced many tough situations in his life,  and infact, he has also done many hard things in his life.  Like for example, once he swore,  that he will run in Badwater 135. 
If you don't know, let me tell you,  Badwater 135 race is one of the toughest foot-race in the world.  In which people like you and me, can't enter.  Because to enter here, it is must to be a highly skilled person,  and he also has to complete many tests and requirements. 
Like, one of the requirement is,  before entering here you have to complete multiple 100 miles race.
Now what does 100 miles mean? 
160km.  Now, David also didn't complete this requirement.  So, he signed up to complete 100 miles race.  But the problem was that,  David had to run 100 miles in 24 hours!  On average, it equals to 4 marathon runs. 
Whereas David was not a runner person.  He didn't even run more than 1 mile in the last 6 months!  He was not prepared at all.  He was afraid,  but still he took part in the race. 
And the race started.  At starting, he was not having any problem.  He kept running.  As soon as 25 miles were completed,   he started getting tired,  he started questioning himself! 
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