gentlecatthief · 7 years
Reblog if you RP using Discord
Message me if you’d like my username.
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gentlecatthief · 7 years
queen-yggdrasil replied to your post: Time to unwind the only way I know how! With smut,...
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Don’t you judge me.
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gentlecatthief · 7 years
Time to unwind the only way I know how!
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With smut, porn, and the like. IM me if you wanna chat tho. 
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gentlecatthief · 7 years
I can not wait to get home. Work has been awful the last few days but at least I have tomorrow off.
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gentlecatthief · 7 years
Are any of my followers savvy artists doing commissions?
I’m asking for a friend. The friend is me.
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gentlecatthief · 7 years
Rumor has it: Morgana actually enjoys his form.
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“What? No! I hate being a cat!” He protested such a claim feverishly.
“Who wants to lie around all day in the sun and relax, or be nuzzled and stroked by your friends, or get to feel...”
“...Okay, so maybe I like it a little.”
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gentlecatthief · 7 years
{ Put a rumour about my muse in my inbox and my character will react to it }
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gentlecatthief · 7 years
Morgana wandered out from behind the rose bush, after all when it came to wandering the streets he did his best to avoid being noticed; but this stranger had a sharp eye and what appeared to be a kind heart.
As he tip toed on his paw pads towards the girl, he gave a response; not expecting her to understand.
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“I’m not lost, although I could use a snack if you have anything.”
“here, kitty, kitty …” 
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Setsuka had reached out for the kitten that wandered into the garden. “Are you lost? Hungry?” she asked, tilting her head. 
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gentlecatthief · 7 years
Oh absolutely. 
Not including treasures, Morgana is a sucker for anything shiny. He just loves how pretty they can be. It's probably why he has a stash of shiny objects he picks up whenever he leaves Akira be with his confidants. 
So far he has several holographic trading cards, some glitter coated paper, and some shiny rocks.
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gentlecatthief · 7 years
Please reblog this if you’re someone who would be interested in roleplaying polyamorous relationships.
As someone who is poly, there is very little representation of my relationship structure in media/RP, and that’s sort of frustrating. I would like to find more people to rp this type of relationship with.
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gentlecatthief · 7 years
Unusual questions for your muse
🛌- Does your muse prefer to sleep under many layers of blankets or only under a few? 🎀- Does your muse like to accessorize? What are their favorite pieces of accessories? 🎐- Does your muse like to collect/hoard anything? 🛋- Does your muse like to have company over? 📱- Is your muse the “oversharing” type? 🐰- Does your muse prefer soft, plush textures or smooth and glossy textures? 💎- Is your muse drawn to things that sparkle? 🔖- Is your muse a daydreamer? What do they tend to think about? Have they ever caught themselves while lost in thought? 📰- Does your muse like to read the news? 📇- Is your muse a gossiper? 🕹- What does your muse do to occupy themselves when bored? 🏚- Does your muse like to explore dangerous places? 🌋- Has your muse done something stupid and not regret it? ⛪️- Does your muse enjoy attending churches they don’t belong to? 🛣- Is your muse considered a wanderer? 🐺- Would your muse consider themselves a lone wolf or a social butterfly? 🤝- Does your muse forgive others easily? 🖖- What “Fandoms” would your muse belong to? 🎖- Does your muse enjoy praise? 🎟- Do they like “so bad it’s good” movies? 🎠- Does your muse like amusement parks/carnivals/festivals? 🏝- Could your muse survive on an uninhabited island all by themselves?
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gentlecatthief · 7 years
With a surprised blink Morgana gave a relieved smile; knowing they could still use some magic abilities was going to be very helpful in regards to their investigation. “Makes sense. Yusuke has ice-magic as well, though it’s referred to as ‘Bufu’ spells generally.” He explained with a hesitant smile.
If they had magic, that was a good sign they might not have a Shadow.
As they traversed deeper into the Path of Qimranut and found the passageway down to the next floor; Morgana began to notice a peculiar stench. It was unfamiliar but carried something akin to the scent of a Shadow yet as though there a more mixed within.
As they stepped down across the stairs and traipsed onto the Path of Aiyatsbus Morgana noticed that there were fewer Shadows lingering about. It seemed as though what Shadows were present were fleeing from something with all their might.
They only ever ran from the Phantom Thieves. Could another Metaverse user be down here?
It was a worrying though, but even so.
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“Hmm...Whatever you’re looking for, I think its this way.”
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gentlecatthief · 7 years
Akira simply has a water gun in his hands as he eyes Morgana.
“Something tells me that won’t fool Shadows in the Metaverse…unless…”
Morgana’s eyes widened; his pupils narrowed and his hairs stood on end.
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“You….You wouldn’t dare! Make one move with that squirt gun and it’ll be the last mistake you make!” He threatened through a nervous tone.
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gentlecatthief · 7 years
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gentlecatthief · 7 years
What's this? A very important Phantom Thief meeting! (Read: the team goofing around in Leblanc) Haru seems more preoccupied with picking up Morgana and nuzzling into his fur. "You're so soft, Mona-chan. . ."
Morgana began to absentmindedly purr softly as she ruffled his fur; it was always such a delight to feel her gentle fingers run through his fur. As she continued to nuzzle his fur he got more comfortable, rolling onto his back and stretching outward.
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“Aaah, thanks for noticing Haru, I’ve been grooming myself very carefully lately; got to look my best!” He snickered.
His tail was curled happily against his side as his eyes closed, a satisfied smile resting on his muzzle.
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gentlecatthief · 7 years
Seeing the two struggle through the Metaverse was unpleasant and disconcerting to say the least. Even at their worst moments the Phantom Thieves never struggled quite like this, so Morgana slowed his pace considerably.
His hand held firmly on his saber, in case the two would be too weak to even respond to an assault.
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“Don’t push yourselves...If you need to we can leave the Metaverse and wit til Akira is out of class. The Phantom Thieves can investigate so you don’t have to.” Morgana offered, taking slow steps and holding his other hand outward towards Hayate; offering to help her along if she needed it.
As they traversed through the Path of Qimranut however, the Shadows were beginning to notice the three moving casually through its path.
It wouldn’t be long before a more courageous monstrosity would lunge at them.
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gentlecatthief · 7 years
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“Now that I think about it...Salmon with rice sounds pretty good actually! With a side of some veggies!” He insisted, about to hop out of the bag he was so hungry.
There was a fitting looking shop just a few feet away.
“Follow me! This way!” Morgana said as he hopped out of the bag and darting for the restaurant. His little paws carrying him as fast as they could scurry across the street.
Send me a “✿“ if you want to friend-ship our muses.
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Ann reached and hugged him, an affectionate look on her face.
“Aren’t we already friends?”
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