georgedfouni · 27 days
A one-on-one conversation with hotelier George Dfouni discussing the main differences of hotels in different regions of the world
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georgedfouni · 1 month
Hotelier George Dfouni’s take on the revolutionizing hospitality: The impact of AI
In the fast-paced world of hospitality, customer satisfaction reigns supreme. As the industry continues to evolve, embracing innovative technologies becomes imperative to stay ahead of the curve. One such technology making waves is Artificial Intelligence (AI), transforming the landscape of hospitality in unprecedented ways.
**Streamlined Operations**
At the heart of every successful hospitality venture lies efficient operations. AI-powered solutions are revolutionizing traditional processes, from reservation management to housekeeping. Advanced algorithms analyze historical data to predict demand patterns, optimizing room pricing and occupancy rates. Additionally, AI-driven chatbots provide instant customer support, handling inquiries and bookings round the clock, enhancing the overall guest experience.
**Personalized Guest Experience**
In today's hyper-connected world, personalization is key to fostering guest loyalty. AI empowers hotels to tailor experiences to individual preferences, from room amenities to dining recommendations. By analyzing guest data and behavior, AI algorithms can anticipate needs and deliver personalized services, creating memorable experiences that keep guests coming back.
**Enhanced Safety and Security**
Safety and security are paramount concerns in the hospitality industry. AI-powered surveillance systems leverage facial recognition and behavior analysis to detect and deter potential threats. By continuously monitoring public areas and guest interactions, these systems ensure a safer environment for guests and staff alike, mitigating risks and enhancing overall security protocols.
**Efficient Staff Management**
Effective staff management is essential for delivering exceptional service. AI-powered workforce management tools optimize staffing levels based on real-time data, ensuring adequate coverage during peak hours while minimizing labor costs. Additionally, AI algorithms can analyze employee performance and provide actionable insights for training and development, fostering a culture of continuous improvement within the organization.
**Predictive Maintenance**
Maintaining property assets is crucial for operational efficiency and guest satisfaction. AI- enabled predictive maintenance systems monitor equipment and infrastructure in real- time, detecting potential issues before they escalate into costly downtime. By analyzing
data from sensors and historical maintenance records, these systems optimize maintenance schedules, prolonging the lifespan of assets and reducing overall maintenance costs.
**Hyper-Personalized Marketing**
In the digital age, targeted marketing is essential for reaching the right audience. AI- powered marketing platforms analyze vast amounts of data to segment customers based on preferences and behavior. By delivering personalized offers and promotions, hotels can engage with guests on a deeper level, driving conversions and fostering brand loyalty.
**Seamless Guest Feedback**
Feedback is invaluable for improving service quality and guest satisfaction. AI-driven feedback systems collect and analyze guest reviews across various channels, providing actionable insights in real-time. By identifying trends and sentiment analysis, hotels can address issues promptly and enhance the overall guest experience.
**Challenges and Considerations**
While the benefits of AI in hospitality are undeniable, implementation challenges remain. Integration with existing systems, data privacy concerns, and staff training are some of the hurdles that hotels must overcome. Moreover, maintaining a balance between automation and human interaction is essential to preserve the personalized touch that sets hospitality apart.
George Dfouni concludes: “As AI technology continues to evolve, the possibilities for its application in the hospitality industry are endless. From predictive analytics to virtual concierge services, the future of hospitality will be defined by innovation and adaptation. By embracing AI-driven solutions, hotels can stay ahead of the curve and deliver unparalleled experiences that keep guests coming back for more. AI is reshaping the hospitality industry, empowering hotels to streamline operations, personalize guest experiences, and enhance safety and security. While challenges exist, the benefits far outweigh the costs, paving the way for a more efficient, customer-centric future of hospitality”
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georgedfouni · 1 month
George Dfouni: Are we experiencing an Inflation or recession in the United States of America? Allow me to explain the difference and you can decide for yourself.
In a conversation with the US based Hotelier, George Dfouni digs deep into the difference between Inflation and recession. He states: “Inflation and recession are two critical aspects of economic performance that significantly influence the lives of individuals and the broader economic environment in the United States. These phenomena often coexist, and understanding their causes, effects, and interplay is crucial for effective economic policy and personal financial planning.”
Inflation in the United States
Inflation is the rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services rises, eroding purchasing power. Several factors contribute to inflation, including demand-pull inflation, where demand for goods and services exceeds supply; cost-push inflation, where the costs of production increase, leading to higher prices; and built-in inflation, which stems from adaptive expectations where businesses and workers expect and incorporate higher prices into their future pricing and wage-setting behavior.
In recent years, the United States has experienced fluctuating inflation rates, influenced by various macroeconomic factors. For example, the COVID-19 pandemic significantly disrupted supply chains and labor markets, leading to a mismatch between supply and demand. This resulted in noticeable inflationary pressures as the economy began to recover. Additionally, expansive fiscal and monetary policies aimed at mitigating the pandemic's economic impact, such as stimulus payments and low-interest rates, contributed to increased consumer spending and further demand-pull inflation.
The Federal Reserve (Fed), the central bank of the United States, plays a crucial role in managing inflation. It typically targets a 2% inflation rate as a sign of a healthy economy. To combat rising inflation, the Fed may increase
interest rates, making borrowing more expensive and thereby cooling off economic activity. Conversely, to spur economic activity during low inflation or deflation, the Fed may lower interest rates to encourage borrowing and investment.
Recession in the United States
A recession is typically defined as a significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months. It is often identified by a fall in GDP for two consecutive quarters, although other factors like unemployment rates, industrial production, and consumer spending are also critical indicators.
Recessions can be triggered by various factors, including high inflation, which erodes consumer purchasing power and reduces spending. They can also result from external shocks, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, which led to widespread business closures, job losses, and a sharp contraction in economic activity. Additionally, financial crises, such as the 2008 financial meltdown, caused by risky financial products and a housing bubble burst, can plunge economies into recession.
During a recession, businesses typically experience lower sales, leading to cost-cutting measures, including layoffs. This, in turn, increases unemployment, which further reduces consumer spending and can deepen the recession. Governments and central banks often intervene with fiscal and monetary policies to mitigate the impacts. These may include stimulus packages to boost spending and investment, and monetary policies like lowering interest rates to encourage borrowing.
George Dfouni, went on further and explains the interplay between inflation and recession.
The relationship between inflation and recession is complex and often paradoxical. For instance, while high inflation can lead to a recession by eroding purchasing power and increasing costs for businesses, deflation or very low inflation can also be problematic. It can lead to reduced consumer spending as people anticipate further price declines, which can exacerbate a recession.
A significant challenge is the "stagflation" scenario, where high inflation and high unemployment coexist, as experienced in the 1970s in the U.S. This situation poses a dilemma for policymakers since measures to control inflation, such as raising interest rates, can worsen unemployment, while measures to reduce unemployment can exacerbate inflation.
In conclusion, George Dfouni adds: “Understanding the dynamics of inflation and recession is crucial for navigating the economic landscape. Policymakers, businesses, and individuals must stay vigilant and adaptable to the shifting economic conditions. By comprehensively analyzing these phenomena, effective strategies can be developed to foster a stable and prosperous economy. The interplay between inflation and recession requires a delicate balance of policies to ensure sustainable economic growth and stability, highlighting the complexity and interdependence of modern economic systems”
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georgedfouni · 4 months
Hospitality executive, George Dfouni discusses the pros and cons the travel industry faces during a presidential year.
The travel industry experiences a unique set of challenges and opportunities during a presidential election year. Uncertainty often surrounds economic policies, international relations, and global stability, influencing both consumer behavior and industry dynamics.
One primary factor affecting the travel sector is the economic policy proposed by presidential candidates. Debates over taxation, government spending, and overall economic direction can create an atmosphere of financial uncertainty. This uncertainty tends to make consumers more cautious about discretionary spending, including travel expenditures.
Furthermore, George Dfouni explains, international relations play a pivotal role in the travel industry. Political rhetoric and policy proposals related to trade agreements, immigration, and diplomatic relations can impact the ease and attractiveness of international travel. Changes in these areas may result in shifts in tourism patterns, affecting destinations that rely heavily on foreign visitors.
Security concerns also come into play during election years. Political campaigns often focus on addressing perceived threats, and discussions around national security can influence travel perceptions. Increased security measures or geopolitical tensions may lead to altered travel plans, with individuals opting for destinations perceived as safer or avoiding regions with heightened risks.
Government regulations and policies related to the travel industry can be subject to change during a presidential election year. Candidates may propose alterations to visa processes, transportation regulations, or public infrastructure investments, all of which can have direct consequences for the travel sector.
The state of the economy, particularly employment rates and consumer confidence, is another critical factor. A presidential election year can be marked by intense debates on economic policies, and the outcome of the election may shape the overall economic landscape. Strong economies generally contribute to increased travel as consumers feel more financially secure and willing to spend on leisure activities.
George Dfouni states: “It's worth noting that the travel industry is adaptable. While uncertainty may initially create a cautious atmosphere, once the election results are clear, businesses often adjust to the new political landscape. Clarity on economic policies, international relations, and security measures provides a more stable foundation for both industry professionals and travelers.”
Presidential elections also offer opportunities for the travel industry. Campaign events, rallies, and conventions attract large crowds, creating a surge in demand for accommodations, transportation, and local services in host cities. This influx of visitors can boost the economies of these areas and highlight the significance of the travel sector in supporting various local businesses.
In conclusion, George Dfouni adds: “The travel industry during a presidential election year is inevitably influenced by the uncertainties and debates surrounding economic policies, international relations, security concerns, and government regulations. While challenges arise, the industry also seizes opportunities presented by campaign-related events. Adaptability is key for both businesses and travelers as they navigate the evolving landscape shaped by the outcomes of the elections.”
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georgedfouni · 8 months
Hotelier George Dfouni explains why Staying in a Hotel is a Superior Choice Over Airbnb
The way we travel and find accommodation has been transformed by the emergence of the sharing economy, with Airbnb at the forefront. While Airbnb offers unique and often more affordable lodging options, Dfouni argues that staying in a hotel is generally a superior choice for travelers due to factors such as reliability, safety, amenities, customer service, and regulatory compliance.
I. Reliability and Consistency
One of the primary advantages of staying in a hotel is the reliability and consistency it offers. Hotels are well-established businesses with standardized service levels, quality control, and professional management. When booking a hotel, travelers can expect a certain level of service, cleanliness, and comfort that is consistent across the brand or star rating.
On the other hand, Airbnb listings can vary significantly in terms of quality, cleanliness, and reliability. Each property is managed by different hosts, and the experience can be a gamble, with travelers often unsure about what to expect. While some Airbnb hosts are excellent, others may not meet the same standards as hotels, leading to inconsistent experiences.
II. Safety and Security
Safety and security are paramount concerns for travelers. Hotels are equipped with various safety measures, including 24/7 reception desks, security personnel, and surveillance systems. These features help ensure the safety of guests and their belongings.
In contrast, Airbnb properties may lack the same level of security. There have been numerous reports of security issues, such as break-ins and unauthorized access, in some Airbnb accommodations. While Airbnb has introduced safety measures, including host verification and property inspections, the standards and enforcement can vary, making it difficult to guarantee a secure stay.
III. Amenities and Services
Hotels offer a wide range of amenities and services designed to enhance the guest experience. These may include swimming pools, gyms, on-site restaurants, room service, concierge services, and daily housekeeping. These amenities and services contribute to a more comfortable and convenient stay.
Airbnb, while it offers unique lodging experiences, generally lacks the extensive amenities and services that hotels provide. Most Airbnb listings do not offer the same level of convenience or on-site facilities. Travelers may miss out on the convenience of having access to dining options, fitness facilities, or daily cleaning services.
IV. Customer Service
Customer service is a vital aspect of any accommodation experience. Hotels are staffed with trained professionals who are available around the clock to assist guests. This high level of customer service includes attending to guests’ needs, providing information and recommendations, and resolving any issues promptly.
Airbnb relies on the hosts to provide customer service, which can be highly variable. While many hosts are accommodating and responsive, there is no guarantee of consistent and professional customer service. In cases where issues arise during a stay, travelers may find it challenging to get a prompt resolution.
V. Regulatory Compliance
Hotels are subject to strict regulatory standards and safety regulations. They must meet requirements related to fire safety, accessibility, and hygiene, ensuring that guests are protected and provided with a safe environment. Regulatory compliance in hotels provides peace of mind to travelers.
Airbnb operates in a more decentralized manner, and the regulatory environment for short-term rentals varies significantly from one location to another. This can lead to uncertainties regarding the legality and safety of Airbnb listings. In some cities, there are concerns about Airbnb properties operating in violation of local laws and regulations.
VI. Accountability and Liability
Hotels are accountable for their operations, ensuring that they maintain a high standard of cleanliness, safety, and service. They have liability insurance to cover accidents or damages that may occur on their premises. This accountability offers travelers protection in case of unforeseen events.
In the case of Airbnb, the accountability and liability structure is less clear. While Airbnb provides a host guarantee and host protection insurance, the coverage may not be as comprehensive as what hotels offer. The responsibility for ensuring safety and addressing issues falls more on individual hosts.
In conclusion, Dfouni states “while Airbnb has revolutionized the way we find accommodation and offers unique lodging experiences, there are compelling reasons to choose a hotel over an Airbnb property. Hotels provide reliability, safety, consistent quality, extensive amenities, professional customer service, and regulatory compliance. These factors make hotels a superior choice for travelers seeking a secure and hassle-free accommodation experience.”
It’s important to note that the choice between a hotel and an Airbnb may depend on individual preferences and specific travel needs. Some travelers may value the authenticity and local flavor offered by Airbnb, while others prioritize the comfort, reliability, and peace of mind provided by hotels. Ultimately, the decision should be based on the traveler’s priorities and what they seek in their accommodation experience.
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georgedfouni · 9 months
Facing Adversities in Life and Achieving Success
Life is a journey filled with ups and downs, challenges, and triumphs. It is a rollercoaster ride where adversity often plays a significant role in shaping who we become. Adversities, whether they are personal, professional, or circumstantial, are inevitable. They test our resilience, determination, and ability to adapt. However, it is not the adversity itself that defines us but rather how we respond to it. Through determination, perseverance, and a growth mindset, individuals can transform adversity into a stepping stone towards success. This essay will explore the various facets of facing adversities in life and the path to achieving success despite them.
Adversity comes in various forms and can strike at any time. It might be the loss of a loved one, a debilitating illness, financial hardships, failure in one's career, or any other unexpected life challenge. These adversities can be emotionally, physically, and mentally taxing. However, it is essential to understand that adversity is a universal human experience. No one is immune to it, and it is not a sign of weakness. In fact, it is often through adversity that individuals discover their inner strength and resilience.
One of the first steps in facing adversity is accepting it. Denial and avoidance can only prolong the suffering. Acceptance does not mean resignation, but rather acknowledging the reality of the situation. It is the foundation upon which one can build a plan to overcome the adversity.
One prime example of someone who faced adversity head-on is Helen Keller. At the age of 19 months, Keller was struck by a severe illness that left her both deaf and blind. For most, this would have been a life-altering and debilitating adversity. However, Keller's indomitable spirit and the support of her teacher, Anne Sullivan, enabled her to overcome these profound disabilities. She not only learned to communicate but also went on to graduate from Radcliffe College and become an author and activist. Keller's story illustrates that even the most daunting adversities can be conquered with determination and the right support.
Another crucial aspect of facing adversity is maintaining a positive mindset. Adversities often come with a barrage of negative emotions such as fear, anger, and despair. While these emotions are natural, dwelling on them can hinder progress. Developing a positive mindset involves reframing the adversity as an opportunity for growth and learning. It's about shifting the focus from "Why is this happening to me?" to "What can I learn from this experience?"
Walt Disney is a remarkable example of someone who faced numerous setbacks but maintained an unwavering positive mindset. Disney faced bankruptcy and rejection several times while trying to establish his animation studio. Yet, he never lost sight of his vision. His positive mindset allowed him to persevere, and eventually, he created one of the most iconic entertainment companies in the world. Disney's story teaches us that a positive outlook can help turn adversity into a stepping stone towards success.
Resilience is another key trait that plays a vital role in facing adversity. Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks, adapt to change, and keep moving forward. Resilient individuals view adversity as a challenge rather than a threat. They understand that setbacks are a part of life and use them as opportunities for personal growth.
One notable example of resilience is the story of J.K. Rowling, the author of the immensely popular Harry Potter series. Rowling faced a series of adversities, including the death of her mother, a divorce, and financial struggles. She began writing the first Harry Potter book while living on welfare, and it was rejected by multiple publishers. However, her resilience and determination led her to persevere. Eventually, the book was published, and the rest is literary history. Rowling's journey reminds us that resilience can turn adversity into a catalyst for achieving our dreams.
Support systems are also crucial when facing adversity. Whether it's friends, family, mentors, or support groups, having a network of people who can provide emotional and practical support can make a significant difference. It's important to lean on these connections during tough times, as they can offer guidance, encouragement, and a listening ear.
Stephen Hawking, the renowned physicist, is an example of someone who relied on a robust support system to overcome tremendous adversity. Hawking was diagnosed with a rare form of motor neuron disease at the age of 21, which gradually paralyzed him and confined him to a wheelchair. Despite these challenges, he continued his groundbreaking work in theoretical physics. His family and colleagues provided him with the support he needed to communicate and continue his research. Hawking's story shows the power of a strong support system in the face of adversity.
Persistence is perhaps the most critical factor in turning adversity into success. It's easy to become disheartened when faced with repeated setbacks, but those who persist despite adversity are the ones who often achieve greatness. Persistence involves setting clear goals, breaking them down into manageable steps, and consistently working towards them.
Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, is a prime example of persistence in the face of adversity. Lincoln faced numerous failures and setbacks in his life, including multiple losses in political elections and personal tragedies. However, he never gave up on his vision of a united nation and the abolition of slavery. His persistence ultimately led to the Emancipation Proclamation and the preservation of the Union. Lincoln's journey teaches us that unwavering persistence can lead to profound change.
In conclusion, facing adversities in life is an inevitable part of the human experience. Adversities can take many forms and can be emotionally, physically, and mentally challenging. However, it is not the adversity itself that defines us but how we respond to it. By accepting adversity, maintaining a positive mindset, developing resilience, seeking support, and persisting in the face of setbacks, individuals can transform adversity into a stepping stone towards success.
Throughout history, countless individuals have demonstrated the power of determination, resilience, and persistence in the face of adversity. Their stories serve as inspiration for us all, reminding us that even in the darkest of times, success is possible. As we navigate our own journeys, let us remember that adversity is not the end but a turning point on the path to greatness.
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georgedfouni · 10 months
If Hermes opened a hotel, I think we would be able to guess accurately what it would be like. If Marriott, Hilton, Hyatt, or Intercontinental Hotel Group came out with a bag we’d have no clue because they simply don’t have a brand, they are simply a good piece of real estate with a logo. If I swapped the signage on a hotel at that price point you couldn’t tell if you were in a Marriott, if you were in a Hilton, or Hyatt, the lobby, the hallway, the room, I don’t know where I am. No brand.
What it means to have a brand is you’ve made a promise to people. They have expectations. If that is distinct you’ve earned something. If it’s not distinct, let’s admit, you make a commodity and you’re trying to charge just a little bit extra for peace of mind. The problem that these hotels have is sort by price. If I go online now to find a hotel it’s simple, sort by price. Why would I pay $200 extra to go a block or two away? I don’t.
The value of a brand is how much extra am I paying above the substitute. If I’m not paying extra, you don’t have a brand. When we think about what brands ought to do to move forward, the most important thing is to not worry about your slogan or your logo., it’s to worry about the substance, product and service that matters for people who care. Find the people who care, the smallest viable group you can live with, and figure out how to give them a product and service that matters.
My boutique hotel might charge double what other hotels might charge, for less. But it’s only less by their measure. It’s way more by the measure of someone who cares about the product, service, and value and how hip it feels to walk into our bar. They’re not investing in a room with like three power outlets or an unhealthy breakfast, they’re investing in throwing a party in a place where you also can sleep while you’re on the road, a place to be seen at, a place that employ people that will make you feel special.
My hotels and others few like it have a brand and this is the reason some people pay extra for.
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georgedfouni · 11 months
Striking a Balance: Nurturing Harmony between Work and Personal Life
In the modern world, the ever-increasing demands of work and personal commitments often leave individuals struggling to find a harmonious balance between the two realms. Balancing work and personal life is not just a matter of time management; it is an art that requires careful consideration, adaptability, and self-awareness. Achieving this equilibrium is vital for overall well-being, as it not only enhances productivity and job satisfaction but also fosters healthier relationships and improved mental health.
One of the key aspects of maintaining a work-life balance is setting clear boundaries. Establishing designated work hours and sticking to them can prevent work from seeping into personal time and vice versa. Equally important is learning to say 'no' when overwhelmed with commitments, both at work and in personal life. Prioritizing tasks and knowing when to delegate can help prevent burnout and ensure that time is dedicated to meaningful pursuits.
Furthermore, technology, while facilitating connectivity and productivity, can be a double-edged sword in the quest for balance. Employing technology mindfully by limiting after-hours work emails or notifications can help individuals detach from work during their personal time and focus on cherished moments with family and friends.
Employers also play a vital role in fostering work-life balance. Companies that promote flexible work arrangements, telecommuting options, and family-friendly policies demonstrate a commitment to their employees' well-being. Providing employees with opportunities for personal growth, such as paid time off, sabbaticals, or access to wellness programs, can further contribute to a healthier work-life integration.
On a personal level, cultivating hobbies and engaging in activities that bring joy can serve as a healthy outlet for stress and aid in maintaining a sense of identity outside of work. Regular exercise, mindfulness practices, and spending quality time with loved ones can recharge one's physical and emotional batteries, leading to increased productivity when returning to work.
Moreover, communication and support within relationships are paramount in the pursuit of balance. Openly discussing the challenges of balancing work and personal life with family members and friends can lead to greater understanding and empathy. Encouraging each other to prioritize self-care and supporting one another's goals can create an environment of mutual growth and fulfillment.
In conclusion, achieving a harmonious balance between work and personal life is a continuous journey that requires constant evaluation and adaptation. By setting boundaries, leveraging technology mindfully, promoting workplace policies that prioritize well-being, and nurturing personal passions, individuals can strive for a fulfilling and sustainable balance. Cultivating an environment of open communication and support within relationships further contributes to the ultimate goal of leading a rich and satisfying life, both professionally and personally.
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georgedfouni · 2 years
This speech was Putin the angry, impatient and directly threatening. It felt like Russia's president was getting 20-odd years of hurt off his chest and hitting back.
"You didn't want us to be friends," was how he put it to the West, "but you didn't have to make an enemy of us."
He's clearly ceding no ground on his key security demands: Nato expansion must be rolled back, and Ukrainian membership is a red line. He complained that Russia's concerns had been ignored as irrelevant for years and accused the West of trying to "contain" Russia as a resurgent global force.
Mr Putin's focus on Ukraine felt obsessive, like a man who thinks about little else.
At times it sounded like a bid to run for president there, it was so detailed. And, of course, there was his re-writing of Ukrainian history, to claim it has never really been a state.
Recognizing the two breakaway regions of Ukraine could mean Russian troops go in openly, very soon - invited as "peacemakers".
In all this, Ukraine is the battleground. But it's also a game of brinkmanship between Russia and the West, rapidly building to a showdown.
In conclusion, Ukraine with the backing of NATO should go on the offensive and get rid of this low life POS.
#ukraine #russia #putin #georgedfouni
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georgedfouni · 3 years
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George Dfouni discovered his passion for hotels as a child when he frequently accompanied his mother on exotic trips to Europe and the Middle East. It was soon thereafter that Mr. Dfouni realized that he would have a lifelong career in the hospitality industry doing what he enjoys most- catering to the needs of the discerning traveler.  Mr. George Dfouni began his career when he left native Lebanon to study at the University of London, where he earned a master’s degree in hotel management and catering. Fluent in English, French, Arabic, and Italian, Mr. Dfouni joined the Sheraton Corporation. There he became Assistant General Manager of the Sheraton Riyadh in Saudi Arabia. Shortly following, Mr. Dfouni moved to the Sheraton Center Hotel and Towers in New York. From there, he had a successful career at the Essex House, The New York Vista Hotel, and The Mansfield.  As Chief Operating Officer, Mr. George Dfouni oversaw all aspects of Amsterdam Hospitality Group, which consisted of eleven existing boutique hotels, two residential properties in New York City, one residential property in Miami and one commercial property in Tampa, Fl. In this position, Mr. Dfouni was  involved in every step of the design and construction process of all properties, staff development, service programs and operations.
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georgedfouni · 3 years
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Efficient management is that the backbone of each successful company. Management training can facilitate your to pander to a range of problems in your organization and can facilitate your to develop some key skills. Here is observe what all does it teaches you.The training helps you to accommodate the full process of recruitment and selection of latest employees. It also teaches you the art of interviewing potential candidates.It helps you to steer effective meetings that are result-oriented and help your teams to realize the set goals.During the training, you're also taught some ways to coach your other team members for various tasks.The management training teaches you some ways through which you'll be able to maximize the performance of the opposite members working for the organization.It also teaches you ways to accommodate the under performing employees and coach them for the next performance.During the training, you furthermore may learn some ways to house the range of disciplinary issues that you simply bump into in a company.Both the team building and management training will be taken within the organization itself similarly as at the training centers. So if you wish your organization to learn and scale new heights of success, invest it slowly in team building and management training said "George Dfouni".
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georgedfouni · 3 years
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As Chief Operating Officer, Mr. George Dfouni oversaw all aspects of Amsterdam Hospitality Group, which consisted of eleven existing boutique hotels, two residential properties in New York City, one residential property in Miami and one commercial property in Tampa, Fl. In this position, Mr. Dfouni was  involved in every step of the design and construction process of all properties, staff development, service programs and operations.
In September 2015, Mr. George Dfouni resigned from his position at Amsterdam Hospitality to seek other new challenging opportunities.
George Dfouni, known as GD, a Lebanese American artist. His Passion growing up in Lebanon and England was music. in 2009, GD decided to turn his passion and dream into reality and he started singing. GD recorded numerous songs and music videos. 41 of his songs were in top 10 in the charts in his native country of Lebanon and the Middle East. GD has worked with some of the industry leaders from writers, composers and arrangers. The list includes, Jack Al Haddad, Samir Sfeir, Mounir Bou Assaf, Ahmad Madi, Ahmad Abdel Nabi, Bassem Yehya, Salim Assaf, Nasser El Assaad, Ahmad Mostafa, Sherif Hamdi, Enad Khouri, Walid El Massih, Dany Helou and Omar Sabbagh
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georgedfouni · 3 years
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According to George Dfouni, the secret behind the success of each successful organization is efficient management and also the formation of a top-quality team. If you would like your organization to scale the identical heights, team building and management training can facilitate your reach there.Training for team building A team-building training can help lots in building an efficient team which will get plenty of labor done very easily.Team-building training to any or all the staff, help in improving the collective organizational performance. It also helps in increasing its bottom line.Team-building training helps the participants to develop effective communication skills. Communicating effectively can help to urge the message across diplomatically.This is often important to avoid any stress at the workplace The training also involves the effective use of electronic communications mediums like voice mail, fax, and e-mail. this is often important as these strategies are used on the task on every day to day basis.The training also teaches the proper ways to open up communications among all the team members, to avoid any stress from occurring within the team setting The team-building training also includes motivating the people to cope with certain team members that have a poor attitude towards important things.It also includes the techniques to inspire the team members to stretch and achieve the team setting The training also teaches the team leaders, the art of delegating appropriately.
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georgedfouni · 3 years
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Mr. George Dfouni was named Chief Operating Officer of Amsterdam Hospitality Group in January of 1999 after serving as Vice President and General Manager for three years at Amsterdam Hospitality Group’s Ameritania Hotel where he was responsible for the hotel’s renovation and revitalization.  Mr. Dfouni brings over 24 years of hospitality experience and a passion for elegant design, customer service, and streamlined operations to the group and it’s portfolio of hotels, residential and commercial properties. Mr. George Dfouni began his career when he left native Lebanon to study at the University of London, where he earned a master’s degree in hotel management and catering. Fluent in English, French, Arabic, and Italian, Mr. Dfouni joined the Sheraton Corporation. There he became Assistant General Manager of the Sheraton Riyadh in Saudi Arabia. Shortly following, Mr. Dfouni moved to the Sheraton Center Hotel and Towers in New York. From there, he had a successful career at the Essex House, The New York Vista Hotel, and The Mansfield.
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georgedfouni · 3 years
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Skilled in the creation and implementation of comprehensive training initiatives to develop and retain effective teams that ensure total guest satisfaction and operational success.
George Dfouni discovered his passion for hotels as a child when he frequently accompanied his mother on exotic trips to Europe and the Middle East. It was soon thereafter that Mr. Dfouni realized that he would have a lifelong career in the hospitality industry doing what he enjoys most- catering to the needs of the discerning traveler.
George Dfouni, known as GD, a Lebanese American artist. His Passion growing up in Lebanon and England was music. in 2009, GD decided to turn his passion and dream into reality and he started singing. GD recorded numerous songs and music videos. 41 of his songs were in top 10 in the charts in his native country of Lebanon and the Middle East. GD has worked with some of the industry leaders from writers, composers and arrangers. The list includes, Jack Al Haddad, Samir Sfeir, Mounir Bou Assaf, Ahmad Madi, Ahmad Abdel Nabi, Bassem Yehya, Salim Assaf, Nasser El Assaad, Ahmad Mostafa, Sherif Hamdi, Enad Khouri, Walid El Massih, Dany Helou and Omar Sabbagh
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georgedfouni · 3 years
George Dfouni, known as GD, a Lebanese American artist. His Passion growing up in Lebanon and England was music. in 2009, GD decided to turn his passion and dream into reality and he started singing. GD recorded numerous songs and music videos. 41 of his songs were in top 10 in the charts in his native country of Lebanon and the Middle East. GD has worked with some of the industry leaders from writers, composers and arrangers. The list includes, Jack Al Haddad, Samir Sfeir, Mounir Bou Assaf, Ahmad Madi, Ahmad Abdel Nabi, Bassem Yehya, Salim Assaf, Nasser El Assaad, Ahmad Mostafa, Sherif Hamdi, Enad Khouri, Walid El Massih, Dany Helou and Omar Sabbagh
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georgedfouni · 3 years
As Chief Operating Officer, Mr. George Dfouni oversaw all aspects of Amsterdam Hospitality Group, which consisted of eleven existing boutique hotels, two residential properties in New York City, one residential property in Miami and one commercial property in Tampa, Fl. In this position, Mr. Dfouni was  involved in every step of the design and construction process of all properties, staff development, service programs and operations.
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