get-this-girl-a-bucky · 10 months
Coming into a fandom late
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i'm bored. i want attention. i want to lay on the beach and have a group of kids gather around and poke me curiously with a stick
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Cassian: Alright code names. Mine is “BatBoy 1″
Mor is "Been there, done that.”
Nesta is "Currently doing that.”
Feyre is "It happened once in a dream.”
Azriel is "If I had to pick a dude.”
And Rhys is…
Cassian:…“BatBoy 2.”
Rhys: Oh, thank the cauldron.
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It is with a great deal of sorrow I must report, the amazingly humble, kind-spirited, and incredibly talented actor, Chadwick Boseman has indeed passed.
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To know that this man battled against cancer whilst contributing to cinema, often undergoing surgery and chemotherapy between films -- it shows where his heart lay through and through.
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We can't of course fail to mention his immense impact on the Marvel Cinematic Universe -- his talent, his passion and his evident chemistry with other actors/characters.
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Chadwick brought the Wakandan King to life, much to the joy and awe of millions of fans worldwide. MCU aside, Boseman was an incredible actor and all-round incredible human being, seemingly only ever wanting to make people smile and deliver an unparalleled performance no matter what.
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Boseman reportedly passed away at home, with his family at his side. I have nothing but love, respect, admiration and gratitude for you, Chadwick, and my condolences go to your family and friends.
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29th November 1976 - 28th August 2020 ❤️
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What awful news to wake up to this morning.
I’ve been sat in my room for hours just crying and watching Black Panther... what a man and what a talent whose presence on screen was so truly powerful and breathtaking... 
You will be forever remembered and forever missed.
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Unwilling is so good, I see you said that it's almost done, how many part are there still coming? love your blog
Thank you so much  💖 💖 I think maybe two or three more chapters maybe  😊😊
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Unwilling 10/?? ||Mobster!Steve AU||
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: There’s a decision to be made but making it could come at the cost of your happiness either way.
Warnings: Family Drama
Words: 1.5 words
A/N: Not edited yet, so please let me know of any spelling or continuity errors :) 
Since I normally suck a describing rooms I’m going to insert picture of the closest picture that matches what it looked like in my head x will be adding more to the previous also once I get around to finally completely editing this series
Also I’m almost done with this story and if I just keep everything on track I’ll be done (finally) with this story in mid September. I love this story more than anything and that’s sometimes why I took so long with it because I really just wanted it to be perfect (that’s a shitty excuse for not posting more often i know)
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I sat at my desk with all the broken furniture still scattered around the room with my head hung in my hands and Sam and Bucky sitting in front of me on anything they found that I hadn’t broken with matching sour expressions on their faces. Most likely also matching my own as well.
“Okay, so what do we do? Because there’s no way he hasn’t spilled the beans already and she is probably even more pissed off if she knows that you knew and not to mention what they could be doing to her right now” Sam said leaning forward a bit, placing his chin on his hand thoughtfully.
“Yes, Sam, Thank you for stating the obvious,” I said with a little bit of bite in my tone standing up behind my desk. I didn’t mean to be so rude, but I had no idea, and that was honestly and surprisingly a first for me.
“Hey, punk, it’s not his fault you’re in this mess. I told you to tell Y/N before the shit hit the fan and you didn’t listen,” Bucky stood up as well and if he were anyone else I would have shown him who was boss for standing up against me but it was Bucky we had grown up together and he knew all my shit. I sat back down with a huff and we sat in silence for a while before it became uncomfortable. I had to tell them the truth that I had for the first time in my life.
“I have no idea what to do.” 
“Okay, now I’m sure you have a lot of questions for me, and I’m willing to answer them - some of them mind you,” The dark-haired man in front of you said while you just sat there speechless “Cat got your tongue? Hmm okay, we’ll come back to this later. But right now-”
“You and my mom. How? When?”
“Well, I think that’s a discussion for later” He ran his hand over his goatee.
“You said you would answer my questions.” 
“I actually said I’d answer some of them, that one is a bit complicated to answer at this moment” He held up his pointed finger as he corrected you. “Anything else?”
“Okay, where the hell am I? And why am I here?” You sat up a bit straighter and you felt your back pop satisfyingly
“Oh we are in a safe house where I keep most of my best fighters, can’t have them dropping like flies, you know? And the reason you are here is that here you are off blondie’s radar” You immediately understood who he meant, but that sparked a whole different question in your mind and it fell out of your mouth before you could stop it
“Is Steve okay?” Although you have no idea why I wanted to know or why I even asked.
But as soon as it crossed my lips, Tony’s, err, Dad’s? No, Tony’s face turned from smug amusement to anger.
“That’s really not your concern anymore, is it? Since you’ll never see him again, not on my watch anyway” He said and took a breath to calm himself “Not that we have that out of the way, there’s somebody I would like for you to meet. Get dressed and meet me outside, please” He got up and walked through the door into the hall.
You watched his retreating back till the door before letting out a huge sigh rubbing one of my temples and swinging my legs down to the floor, my feet touching the cold floor. I stood up and I looked around the room 
and saw two doors at the opposite of the room that I guessed were the closet and a bathroom. I walked over to them and just chose a random one and pulled it open. It was a bathroom but the size of the room made my mouth drop. 
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I closed the door instantly not wanting to think about anymore and moved to the other door which was the closet, which was also moderately big but there were only a few items in there soon finding out it was at least enough to make two outfits, some of it was ill-fitting as well that made me realise that they just guessed what would fit me. 
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I dressed and found a pair of shoes and put them on as well because my feet were starting to get cold on these tiles. I took a deep breath and moved toward the door, closing the closet door as I stepped out. When I pulled the door to the room open, Tony was leaning against the wall, looking at something on his phone, waiting for me like he had said he would. I looked up as I stepped out of the room.
“Great, Let’s go to my office and talk. Sorry about the clothes I didn’t really know what you would like or what would fit. One of my assistants will go shopping for you tomorrow and find you some stuff.” He said as we walked down the hallway but I stopped thinking: tomorrow?
“Wait, what do you mean tomorrow? Can’t I just go home? I wanna see my mom and brother and Wanda.”
“No, I’m afraid not, once you’re in the Mob lifestyle you can never leave, I thought the Man with a Plan would have told you that, besides I have a very special job I want you to do,” He said while moving us further into the hall before stopping at a big wooden door “Speaking of, let’s go inside I still want to introduce you to someone.”
He opened the door and held it for me and you hesitantly step inside. Looking around you see a very modern looking office and start to think back to the one time you had been in Steve’s office, it had been the polar opposite of this room, Steve’s being warm and somewhat comforting while this room was cold and stiff.
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You were so busy comparing the offices that you hadn't noticed the young man who had been sitting in one of the chairs facing the big sleek desk standing up and turning to you, his dark brown eyes looking at you questioningly, his face young, you decided he couldn’t be older than 21. 
“Y/N I would like you to meet Peter, Peter, Y/N” A look of realisation flickers over Peter’s face as he apparently started to understand what is going on, while you were still confused as ever.
“As much as I like meeting new people and all, I would really like to know why I’m meeting some stranger instead of going back home to see my family, telling them that I’m okay before I do whatever this job you want me to do is”
“Yep, you are definitely your mother’s daughter” He said jokingly before turning serious again “Okay, why don’t you take a seat next to Peter here and we can get started” he guided you to the unoccupied chair with his hand on the middle of you back and you sat down suddenly feeling a bit like you’re in the principal's office in middle school all over again. Tony takes a seat behind the desk and faces both of you.
“Now Peter here has been learning the ropes of my Mob since I found him when he was only 16 and I’ve been preparing him for taking over from me one day” Tony starts, leaning forward on the desk and folding his hand together, but you cut him off
“Okay, that’s cool I guess but I really just don’t see how that involves me in any way” You look over to where Peter is sitting, he has a straight face on but you can see that he is trying a bit too hard with it.
“I’m getting to it, dear daughter” He shoots you a look that sends a few shiver down your back ”You see my organisation is run on some strict rules that has been in place long before you or even I were born and was taught to follow them by my father and I’ve been teaching them to Peter, one of which is that the Boss title be pass down to a Stark and only a Stark. Now you can see where we hit a bit of a snag there, don’t you?” 
By now Tony had once again stood up from his chair and moved to the windows looking out at the garden which were filled with luscious flowers as far as the eye could see. “Since Peter isn’t family by blood, I had to make other arrangements, which fortunately involves you, dear, since you are my oldest daughter, I couldn’t very well have you marrying that Brooklyn oaf, now could I? No, but I have arranged for a marriage between you and Peter in three days so that Peter can take the Stark name and someday take his place as the Boss.”
An expression of pure shock took over your face but not for too long as immediately after it was replaced by seething anger. The type of anger you haven’t ever felt in your entire life.
TAG LIST (Please tell me if you want to be added or removed)
@sick-twisted-death @aekr @zlixlle @ispendmoretimehere @crazy-fangirl25  koizorahan @seastarwhale chocolatemonkeyrainbows dlb113  hurricane--amelia  notyourtypicalrose
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those who want power and get it live in terror of losing it
Veronica Roth, Divergent (via memoryarchaeologist)
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reminder that this blog, while not politically focused, supports BLM. bootlickers and racists aren’t welcome here, and never will be.
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someone, reading my writing: wow great story!
me, sticking my hands in the plotholes: thanks it has pockets :)
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Attacked...I feel utterly attacked 
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Should I rewrite Unwilling and make it in third-person instead of first? As I was editing some of the earlier Unwilling chapters I felt like first-person is a bit harder to read especially with the pov hopping and third-person might work better for some other stuff I want to do in the story
I don’t know please tell me what you guys think, First or third person?
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Turns out that in order to post my fics, I have to write them! Shocked and upset.
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Happy 2020
2019 was one of the roughest years I have ever been through and all I can say is that I’m glad I had such an amazing support system to help me get through it.
2020 is a bright new decade and I hope each and everyone reading this gets exactly what they want from it.
Happy New Year!
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Unwilling 9/? ||Mobster!Steve AU||
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: There’s a decision to be made but making it could come at the cost of your happiness either way.
Warnings: Mentions of gun violence, mostly a filler chapter
Words: 1.4 words
I made new art for this story, I really love it and was thinking of make mood boards for some of the characters.
It’s a bit shorter than I would have liked but I feel like it ended at a good point.  It’s not edited so please forgive any mistakes I’ve made. 
Please also read the A/N at the bottom s'il vous plait.
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Later that night as you were walking back to the car to go back to Steve’s house he suddenly stopped in front of you and you look up to see the happy expression he had been wearing all night was now replaced with one of seriousness. You started to get worried, was it something you had done tonight?
“Listen, I need to tell you something that I don’t know how you’ll react to,” He said and you raised your eyebrows as a motion for him to continue “I know I said that I’d give you more time to settle in before we got married, but recent events proved that I was wrong to wait, so we moved the wedding… We are getting married in five days.”
As he kept talking you felt yourself slowly slipping back into your shell as you realized something “So all of this was just to butter me up? None of this was real? You’re just doing what you can to keep your stupid leader position of this stupid mob.”
You watched Steve’s face go hard as you talk and feel unbridled anger rise up in your chest. You throw to plushie you had won at Steve as a bit of a distraction and take off running the clamminess of the grass making it a bit slippery but you kept going trying to get away from him as possible. You heard him calling after you and most likely going after you as well. Before you could turn around and yell at him to leave you alone, you were pulled in to one of the tents you tried to scream but a hand going over your mouth. You suddenly feel a cold metal object which you could probably guess was a gun pressed to your side.
“Listen, you little brat, I have men distracting your beau as we speak and you and I are going to go to the exit with no drama or I’m going to put a bullet through this pretty ribcage of yours” he whispered in my ear when you don’t say anything he gives you a rough tug “You got it?”
You nod too shocked to do anything else. He roughly tugs you back out of the tent and looks around for a minute before walking towards the exit all the way pulling you along before shoving you in the car and wrapped a gag in your mouth. He climbed into the driver’s seat and started the car.
You sit up and see Steve being held back by about five guys and as soon as we locked eyes he started struggling against them but it was too late, the car started moving. Further and further away from him.
As soon as the table hit the wall it exploded in a very satisfying way but it wasn’t enough, I was pissed just as we were starting to get a little bit closer. I couldn’t blame you though, he knew what he was asking and he knew how you must have felt being pushed into this marriage, but he had no choice. If there was anyone to be angry with it was himself, angry that I got you into this mess, angry that I didn’t think about bringing a guard to protect you, angry that I couldn’t protect you myself.
I look at my bloodied hands and knuckles were he had killed every single soul that kept him from reaching you but it wasn’t enough, he had lost you. The thought driving him to his knees. If you found out you would never go near him again.
Bucky and Sam frantically burst in the door and saw the wreckage I had created before their eyes fell on me, kneeling on the floor with broken glass stabbing into my legs. Instead of feeling sorry for myself anymore, I stand up determined. I’m going to do whatever, kill whoever to get her back.
About 20 minutes into the journey the guy who took you turned off into an unknown alleyway, the guy got out and pulled you out a minute later and turning so that your back was too him.
Suddenly your world goes dark when he puts a blindfold over your eyes, making it the second time that night your eyes were blindfolded...yay?
“Now, I’m gonna put you in the back of the car and I want you to lay down and be quiet the whole trip or else,” He said shoving you in before you get the chance to make a snarky remark. You wait for him to get into the car but after a minute you realize that he hasn’t yet. Then you hear a slight hum. What it was you couldn’t tell but you just hoped it was something to do with you. Five minutes later he climbs in the car and drove.
It was deathly quiet in the car, you had no idea where you were or where you were headed, all you could feel was the bumps and turns on the road and tried to memorize what you felt to possibly escape but after the tenth turn, you lost track. The gentle humming of the car lulling you to darkness.
You realize you must have passed out somewhere along the road when you wake up in a strange room, you lay very still after hearing someone’s breathing behind you and try to see if it might be hostile like the one who took you from the fair. After a while, you hear a laugh coming from the person.
“You can move, I know you’re awake” The voice sounds a little smug, you turned to see who the voice belonged to and saw a man with a goatee sitting on a chair next to the bed leaning forward to you.
“Where am I? Who are you? Why did you take me? How-”
“Are you going to be using all the question words or can I start answering some questions?” He said his smirk widen as you glare at him. “As to where you are, I can’t answer that at the moment.”
“Then when can you answer?” You ask annoyed, you sit up and suddenly feeling dizzy. Nausea creeping up. He must have noticed because he stood up and soothingly tried to calm you by rubbing your back. After your episode, he spoke up again.
“Hopefully, soon,” He said till rubbing your back. You took a deep breath. You took a moment to look around and it was quite a fancy room, which you did not expect. Gold lining almost every surface. Overwrought, to say the least. You spoke up after turning your attention back to the mystery man.
“Okay, then who are you then?”
“Me? You wouldn’t believe me if I told you, hell I didn’t even believe it when I first saw you with him” you see he reaches in him reach into his back pocket and pulls out a very old looking wallet, literally only hanging by its threads which didn’t make sense to you see the grandeur of the place you had woken up in. “Now before I show you this please try to have an open mind about this, after everything I’m sure Steven told you about me, please just try, okay?” 
You were starting to get more and more confused until something in your brain finally snapped. This man in front of you could be no one else but Tony Stark. Steve’s arch-rival. You once again feel panic rising up in your chest but do your best to not let it show. He opens the wallet and pulls out a square piece of paper you soon realize is a picture, he stares at it for a while before handing it to you upside down. 
“I want you to turn that over and tell me who that beautiful little girl is.” He said
You look down and slowly turn it over, it seems familiar and you were sure you had seen the background in other pictures as well. It finally clicks that it’s you in the picture, barely two years old sitting on the shoulders of the guy sitting next to you, he was younger in the picture but it was unmistakably him, neither of you actually looking at the camera. Your breathing picks up and tears start to gather in your eyes.
“Your mother has some of the other pictures taken that day, I’m sure,” He said, you look to him to see his eyes locked on to the picture “Y/N, You were the most beautiful baby girl, I’ve ever laid my eyes on and losing you was one of the hardest things I have ever gone through.”
You take another deep breath placing a shaking hand over your mouth. 
 “You’re my dad?” You sobbed out. 
  Right so big bombshell dropped! I’ve spent much time thinking about what would be the best way to write this part and this was a story thread that I knew I wanted in this story before I even started writing but I was so unsure about how to go about it but here it is!!
Just an update that I will be spending January going through previous chapters and updating them as well as working out a new writing schedule that I will hopefully be able to stick too.
I also want to thank those who still put up with me and my inconsistent posts, for still putting up with me and my inconsistent posts.
TAG LIST (Please tell me if you want to be added or removed)
@sick-twisted-death @aekr @zlixlle @ispendmoretimehere @crazy-fangirl25  koizorahan @seastarwhale chocolatemonkeyrainbows dlb113  hurricane--amelia  notyourtypicalrose
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You: when’s the next fic update
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I finally quit my godawful job last week so I’ve finally have time to write again. I’ve been working on part 9 of unwilling but it was hard at first having not been in that world for so long but I’ll try to post it as soon as I can
Geez I feel like I should just have a masterlist of all my apologies at this point... 
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