getfitnow · 2 years
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The left is May 12th 2017 - 275 lbs And the right is Sept 13th 2017 - 252 lbs. Still have a long ways to go, but I am determined on my weighltloss journey. Its amazing and definite motivation 😈💪🏽
>>>Click Here to learn more about my weightloss experience<<<
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getfitnow · 2 years
My weight loss journey – I lost 80 pounds
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This unfortunately was short-lived, and after graduating all of my hard work was reversed.
In college, I drank soda and ate pizza and candy all day. There were times that I had tried to lose weight in the years before, but I would always give up and always tried going hungry rather than eating healthy.
After a while I stopped trying to lose weight, and somehow convinced myself that I just did not care anymore. I know that deep down I really did care, because when the full realization of what I had done to myself hit me one day, I was crushed.
Dreams of living a healthy lifestyle with a healthy body came rushing back, and all of a sudden I felt like I had wasted a piece of my life. You look in the mirror every day and in the back of your mind you know what's happening, but you try not to see the truth because it hurts.
One day it finally hit me..."I am not just a little overweight anymore...this is going to take a long time to fix. I cannot live the life that I want if I keep doing this to myself". All of a sudden getting in shape was the most important thing in the world to me, and I finally started my weight loss journey the right way.
Click Here to watch video that helped me to lose weight...
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getfitnow · 2 years
The Top Weight Loss Tips You Need to Know
Healthy diet and weight loss tips straight from a dietary pro
Tip 1: Manage your hunger
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Whatever weight loss plan you choose — and many distinctive diets allow you to shed pounds — don’t give up due to the fact you get too hungry.
“Hunger is a everyday reaction to reducing energy. When you devour much less, your fat cells release more hunger hormones, which will increase your appetite,” says Hopsecger. “Higher-protein, excessive-fiber meal plans are great for controlling your hunger and appetite.”
Replace processed carbs like white bread, bagels, desserts or donuts for breakfast with high-protein/high-fiber meals like eggs, or Greek yogurt combined with chia seeds and berries. You’ll find that you stay fuller, longer.
Tip 2: Don’t consume a carbohydrate except it has fiber attached to it
This reduces sugars and white flour (pastries, white bread, candy, juice, etc.) for your weight loss program, and helps you to select carbs that higher help your appetite and vitamins needs” says Hopsecger. “The greater fiber for your weight-reduction plan, the higher!”
Fiber helps enhance blood sugar manage, helps lower ldl cholesterol and reduces your danger of persistent illnesses like diabetes, colorectal most cancers and coronary heart disorder. When you have got diabetes, a diet with fewer carbs (like bread, pasta, rice, cakes, sugary drinks, juice) is also crucial because you’ll want much less insulin. And that may assist prevent hunger, fats storage and weight gain.
Foods rich in fiber encompass legumes (dried beans, lentils), veggies (Brussels sprouts, broccoli, spinach squash, candy potatoes) and fruit (apples, berries, oranges, pears).
Tip 3: Focus on healthy behaviors, not the number on the scale
It’s clean to get discouraged whilst you look most effective at your weight. “Focus alternatively on making suitable meals alternatives, watching portions and exercising regularly,” Hopsecger says. “If you lead with these behaviors, the weight loss will comply with.”
Replace a aim like “lose two kilos per week” with specific mini-desires, like “eat 1 cup of vegetables at dinner,” “walk 20 mins a day” or “preserve a every day food log.” If you’re disappointed along with your weight development at week’s stop, replicate on how properly you caught to each intention.
“If you’ve made healthful adjustments, congratulations!” she says. “If you fell brief, ask your self why. Were the goals too difficult? Do you need a more potent aid gadget? Is a primary barrier in your way? Then both tweak your goals or consciousness on the elements you could manipulate.”
Try monitoring life-style adjustments, meals, exercise and weight in a magazine. At the give up of every week, test off which new behavior are going properly and which need extra paintings. “Your fitness is a lifelong adventure,” she says.
Tip 4: Make plants the foundation of your diet
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Different weight reduction processes paintings for one-of-a-kind humans. But plant foods have to be the foundation of any weight-reduction plan.
“Research strongly helps the blessings of plant-primarily based nutrition techniques for weight reduction, ailment prevention and ordinary health,” says Hopsecger. “Whether you’re consuming vegetarian, paleo, excessive-fats, vegan or pegan (a mixture of paleo and vegan), your food regimen have to encompass a diffusion of meals from the earth.” Just understand that a plant-based totally eating regimen nonetheless requires element manipulate!
That means taking part in plenty of non-starchy veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cucumbers and bok choy, and end result like berries, apples and pears.
“Plant-based foods contain a ramification of nutrients, minerals and phytonutrients that help guide your cells and reduce inflammation,” she says. They additionally provide fiber and water, each of which help you experience fuller.E says.
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Tip 5: No foods are 100% off-limits
When you label meals as “correct” and “bad,” you clearly fixate on meals you shouldn’t eat however typically nevertheless crave — and probable will crave greater when they’re definitely off limits.
“Focus instead on deciding on the proper portions of wholesome ingredients 80 to 90%of the time,” she says. “That, paired with a wholesome exercise routine, can result in lengthy-time period weight loss achievement. And it leaves some wiggle room to enjoy ‘amusing foods’ every so often with out feeling guilt or resentment.”
When operating with kids, she recommends coaching which choices are higher and will gas their our bodies greater efficaciously, in preference to giving them lists of ingredients to devour and meals to absolutely avoid.
“Feelings of guilt from eating forbidden meals can snowball into bad emotions in adolescence, early life or even maturity,” she says.
Tip 6: Spend your calories wisely
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All calories aren't created same. “If your eating regimen consists specifically of sugar, saturated/trans fat and salt — all of which can be very addictive — you can develop steady cravings for dense, excessive-calorie meals with little dietary price,” says Hopsecger.
“This results in excess calories and weight benefit or lack of ability to lose weight.”
Eat foods which might be excessive in lean protein and wholesome fats and fiber, and also you’ll sense happy throughout the day and will rarely get cravings. This will help you preserve a decrease calorie level, to be able to cause weight loss.
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Learn Further More Here for more Tips
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getfitnow · 2 years
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getfitnow · 2 years
Exipure Reviews: Does Exipure Really Work?
What is Exipure?
Exipure Weight Loss is a new supplement that has been clinically proven to aid in the weight loss process. The supplement uses plant-based ingredients that have been shown to help boost metabolism, curb appetite, and increase energy levels. Exipure Weight Loss is an all-natural product with no stimulants or artificial sweeteners. It also contains patented ingredients, which are clinically proven to promote healthy weight loss habits.
Ingredients in Exipure
Exipure supplements increase the level of your brown adipose tissue levels (BAT). This does so by combining 8 natural plants and nutrients. Exipure ingredients are clinically proven to raise calorie-burning brown adipose tissue levels.
Aside from boosting levels of BAT, some also improve brain health. And restore aging cells, while others reduce stress.
Perilla Leaf Extract
Perilla or Perilla frutescens leaf adds 3 functions. It boosts brown adipose tissue levels. Supports your brain health. And helps in maintaining healthy cholesterol. Studies show that it can also lower cortisol levels and improve sleep quality. Cortisol is a stress hormone. This increases belly fat and leads to insulin resistance. Exipure real customer reviews also proves the same.
Kudzu or Pueraria lobata boosts your brown adipose tissue levels. It is high in antioxidants.  Also, this relieves aches and pain in your body.
Studies show kudzu contains an amino acid called GABA. This is a neurotransmitter that is responsible for the feeling of relaxation. Combined with pain relief and relaxation, you get a good night’s sleep.
Holy Basil
Holy basil or Ocimum sanctum boosts brown adipose tissue levels. It helps in reducing stress. Studies proved that Holy basil can improve brain power.  Holy basil extract can boost energy levels. Also improve memory, and prevent brain cell death. This improves your brain health. Read reviews on Exipure to know the authenticity.
White Korean Ginseng
White Korean ginseng or Panax ginseng root extract boosts brown adipose tissue levels. It also improves insulin sensitivity and boosts metabolism.
White Korean Ginseng helps you maintain a healthy immune system. It reduces oxidative stress. Some studies showed that it also helps in anxiety and stress reduction. Anxiety and stress are a global problem for weight gain.
Amur Cork Bark
This ingredient isn’t as popular as the others. The Amur cork bark derives from the Amur cork tree. Also known as Phellodendron amurense. Like holy basil, it also improves brown adipose tissue levels in the body.
Amur cork bark helps your digestion system. It eases the process of digestion. This ingredient also helps your bloating according to Exipure consumer reports.
Additionally, it supports a healthy liver and heart. Aids in digestion treats osteoarthritis, stress, obesity, acne, and reduces bloating. It also acts as a chemopreventive agent for lung cancer patients. Also protects the cartilage against arthritis, and prevents the growth of prostate tumors.
Propolis is a resinous substance. Bees collect it from tree buds, sap flows or other botanical sources. They use it as a sealant for unwanted open spaces in the hive. Like others, propolis boosts your brown adipose tissue levels. Other than this, propolis has 300+ antioxidants. These antioxidants protect your cells from free radicals. This gives you protection from cancer, heart diseases. According to Exipure reviews Canada, Propolis also supports healthy blood sugar.
Quercetin or Quercetum boosts brown adipose tissue levels. Apart from this, it helps in maintaining healthy blood pressure. Quercetin also rejuvenates aging cells.
Studies show that it can stimulate the secretion of HGH. Also increase energy, and improve memory. Quercetin can also reduce obesity and white fat. It does so by suppressing appetite and increasing fat burning.
Lastly, quercetin can also treat rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease. Also asthma, allergies, and various types of cancer.
Oleuropein or Olea europaea is a phenolic compound. You will find it in olive leaves. Studies indicate that it can reduce the risk of heart disease. Also, improve cognitive function, and increase energy. Oleuropein boosts brown adipose tissue levels.
It looks after your arteries. Also, oleuropein helps in maintaining healthy cholesterol. This is a polyphenolic compound rich in olive oil and used to boost brown adipose tissue levels in the body. Exiure product reviews claim the same.
Oleuropein is famous as one of the best, natural heart-friendly compounds. Also, with benefits like improving anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antioxidant, and neuroprotective functions.
How Does Exipure Work?
Exipure is a weight loss supplement. Anyone looking to lose body fat can use it without any adverse reactions.  Manufacturers use natural ingredients that help you burn fat and suppress your appetite.
There are two versions of this product: Exipure for Men and Exipure for Women.  Exipure ingredients are the same for making both. The only difference is the dosage. Men have more muscle mass than women. So, their version contains more active substances. It helps them get better results.
Click Here to go to Exipure Official website
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