ghkennedy · 10 months
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Visual Diary 14: Project Highlight 3 - Stake in the Ground
Lastly, I enjoyed the portion of the project where I placed a “stake in the ground” towards my design solution. My stake in the ground is that “The Katy Trail will be the safest, most accessible, and inclusive area in Dallas.” This is the differentiating feature of my design solution and it must incorporate creative design solutions to make it possible. Creating a stake in the ground was challenging but also fun because it allowed me to reflect on the design solution as a whole and how best to set it apart from potential competitors. It also helped me narrow my focus to what is possible given my set parameters. 
Learning how to think about and create a stake in the ground is an essential tool for a design leader. This allowed me to experience how design leaders think about their projects holistically and how to strategize toward potential solutions. This piece was slightly challenging but I look forward to having more experiences like this in the future as I work towards becoming a design leader. 
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ghkennedy · 10 months
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Visual Diary 14: Project Highlight 2 - Ethnographic Interviews
Another piece of my design leadership project that I enjoyed was organizing and conducting ethnographic interviews. This was essential to my project because my wicked problem is identifying how to increase safety and accessibility on the Katy Trail. With so many people using the Katy Trail every day, I needed to speak to its frequent users to better understand the problem. I enjoyed this piece of the project because I received many different perspectives on the problem and even heard some feedback that I was not expecting. Learning about how other people observe a wicked problem can validate and/or allow you to question your approach. 
As a design leader, I think it is essential to be willing to hear from others outside your immediate leadership group. Being willing to speak and listen to other employees or clients allows for a more transparent approach as a leader. Also, being willing to go outside your comfort zone and hear different perspectives makes a strong design leader. Having the courage to incorporate others into my design solution is something I would like to take forward as a design leader. 
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ghkennedy · 10 months
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Visual Diary 14: Project Highlight 1 - Observing the Wicked Problem
One of the pieces of the design leadership project I enjoyed the most was brainstorming my chosen “wicked” design problem. Admittedly, this was a bit of a challenge for me since I am not usually seeking out problems in my everyday life/community. This piece of the project was interesting because it allowed me to observe more closely what is going on around me. Over the past 10 years of living in Dallas, I have observed that the Katy Trail has multiple safety and accessibility issues. Observing this allowed me to identify and pursue solutions to this wicked design problem.
One trait that makes a good design leader is someone observant of larger issues surrounding them. Having your eyes open to issues whether they are large or small allows you to identify creative solutions. Especially in a design team setting, recognizing and validating problems creates a stronger leadership structure where all employees feel seen and heard. This is something I will be keeping in mind as I move forward in design leadership. 
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ghkennedy · 10 months
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Visual Diary 13: Steelcase and the Node chair
Steelcase is one of the leading global manufacturers of office furniture and focuses on creating innovative and collaborative environments. One of their most popular products is the Node chair which is designed to help students more comfortably and efficiently experience the classroom environment. They approached this product by studying how students operated in the classroom, finding that they wanted to have flexible options that allowed them to collaborate with others. Innovations for the chair include a swivel desk that can accommodate right or left-handed users and can easily be adjusted. It also includes storage underneath the chair for backpacks to encourage mobility in the classroom. The Node chair’s design positively impacts others by creating a more active classroom environment, making it easier for students to engage in learning. Additionally, Steelcase commits to sourcing sustainable materials for its products and enabling end-of-use strategies. Steelcase and the Node chair are an example of design leadership that enhances the user experience for their target audience. 
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ghkennedy · 10 months
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Visual Diary 13: Solar Impulse
Solar Impulse is a Swiss foundation that aims to promote renewable energy and clean technology. One of their most well-known innovations was the building and flying of a solar-powered aircraft that circumnavigated the globe, flying from Abu Dhabi to Hawaii, marking “the longest solar flight ever achieved in aviation history.” The plane is equipped with solar panels on its wings which charge the batteries during the day, allowing the plane to fly at night. This innovative creation could change the landscape of aviation in the future. The successful circumnavigation without any fuel sets the precedent that fuel is not necessarily essential to fly. This shows the potential for clean energy transportation for long-haul flights. Hopefully, this example of design leadership will inspire more sustainable travel practices.
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ghkennedy · 11 months
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Visual Diary 12: LEGO
The iconic toy company, LEGO, is known for its inventive and creative designs. One of the greatest challenges the company is facing is shifting all of its products to sustainable materials. An example of this is their program, LEGO Replay, which allows consumers to “pass on their LEGO bricks to children in need of play.” This program has a positive societal impact by extending the lifecycle of their products. Additionally, they have set the ambition for sustainable packaging materials by 2025. By integrating sustainable materials into their products, LEGO has shown that eco-friendly choices are still financially successful and are setting an example for other industries. LEGO is an example of a responsible design leader who is making a large financial, societal, and environmental impact in the world by rethinking their design methods. 
Observing LEGO’s responsible design leadership influences me to think about solutions that serve a greater purpose than just turning more profit. By adopting sustainable materials, LEGO has the great challenge of remaking their entire product line, but they approach it wholeheartedly because it is a cause that matters to them.
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ghkennedy · 11 months
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Visual Diary 12: Cradle to Cradle
Cradle to Cradle (C2C) is a revolutionary institute that rethinks how we approach product design and sustainability. The organization aims to reduce waste in landfills by challenging how we approach product design. C2C’s goal is to create a world where products are endlessly recyclable, creating a closed-loop production system. This business model is an example of responsibility in design leadership because it encourages businesses to rethink how they create products to promote sustainability. This has a direct environmental impact because it will help other companies select eco-friendly methods and create frameworks for designing products that can be endlessly recycled. Overall, this will positively impact society by promoting environmentalism. C2C is an inspiring design leader that encourages industries to rethink their production processes and create a more sustainable future. 
C2C’s business model makes me think about how design leadership can extend beyond just your company and how it can influence other industries. This example gives me the confidence to “think big” and how your design solution may apply to others. 
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ghkennedy · 11 months
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Visual Diary 11: Instagram Algorithm
The original Instagram algorithm was simple in that its design was purely chronological. This allowed users to see all recent posts based on who they follow. However, as Instagram has grown in popularity, they have shifted their algorithm to prioritize specific content. From personal experience, I have seen so many more ads and promotional content as opposed to my friends or family that I follow on Instagram. Instagram’s stake in the ground to provide more personalized content has led to limited content visibility from users with a smaller following which reduces information diversity. I think this is problematic because it limits the users’ view to only what Instagram wants to serve them and takes the power away from the user. Although I still use Instagram, I find myself clicking on it less and less due to the influx of promotional content. 
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ghkennedy · 11 months
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Visual Diary 11: Bird Bike
What initiated as an innovative and environmentally-friendly solution for transportation has resulted in major problems for U.S. cities. Bird Bike used to provide electric scooters in many cities across the country. These scooters could be activated using their app and could be shared by many users throughout the day. From my personal experience, when this was first introduced in Dallas, everyone was very excited about the possibilities of an alternative transportation method. However, there have been massive problems with safety, accessibility, and littering the sidewalk with scooters. Bird Bike placed a stake in the ground to spread the scooters across the country as quickly as much as possible. However, they did not provide proper regulations or infrastructure which caused concerns for the public. Bird Bike’s stake in the ground was well-intentioned but ultimately proved problematic. 
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ghkennedy · 11 months
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Visual Diary 10: Dyson Vacuums
Dyson places a stake in the ground to create the most innovative, modern, and superior vacuum cleaner. What once was a mundane household good, can become a work of modern machinery through a bagless, cyclonic vacuum. Dyson's innovative thinking challenged traditional vacuum design and created a new industry standard for household appliances. I personally just purchased a Dyson vacuum a few months ago and it has completely changed how I feel about cleaning. What once was a dreaded chore now is much more enjoyable, thanks to my light-weight Dyson vacuum cleaner. Dyson is a design leader by rethinking how we approach household items and placing a stake in the ground for innovation. 
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ghkennedy · 11 months
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Visual Diary 10: Red Bull
Red Bull has placed a stake in the ground for being the energy drink that fuels you to do incredible things. The drink brand has successfully marketed themselves by sponsoring extreme sports events and music festivals. Some of my personal favorites include cliff diving and soapbox car races, which take place all over the world. The result is that consumers associate Red Bull with a high-energy and adventurous lifestyle. This stake in the ground has led to a unique position in the energy drink market and branded themselves as a cultural phenomenon.
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ghkennedy · 11 months
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Visual Diary 10: Reformation
Reformation is a clothing brand that has a stake in the ground to create sustainable clothing solutions. The brand uses low-impact materials and deadstock fabric to create their clothing lines. Additionally, Reformation is carbon, water, and waste neutral and is working to become climate positive by 2025. Although Reformation could be like other fashion brands and prioritize cheaply made materials, they have placed a stake in the ground to become a leader for sustainable clothing. This does create more costly clothing items and a larger barrier of entry for users, however they have gained a following that supports their mission as a design leader.
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ghkennedy · 11 months
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Visual Diary 9: Moana
An example of cultural parameters being respected is in the Disney film, Moana. In the past, Disney has not been respectful of cultural parameters and presented stereotypical misrepresentations in their films and franchises. With the film Moana, they recognized a unique opportunity to accurately portray Polynesian culture and educate their audiences through the animated film. The film producers created the “Oceanic Trust” a group of “anthropologists, cultural practitioners, historians, linguists and choreographers from islands including Samoa, Tahiti, Mo’orea and Fiji.” Involving cultural experts to incorporate accuracy into the film was highly praised by a wide audience and was reflected in the large elements and small details of the film. Disney was successful in learning from their past mistakes and honoring cultural parameters to portray accurate cultural representations in media. 
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ghkennedy · 11 months
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Visual Diary 9: Nike Pro Hijab
Nike respects cultural parameters by providing inclusive apparel through offering their Pro Hijab. This product allows Muslim women to more easily participate in sports while including the cultural parameter of wearing a hijab. I think that cultural parameters should be honored because it creates an inclusive athletic environment for Muslim women. Nike’s Pro Hijab shows that designs can respect cultural parameters while promoting diversity and inclusivity within their community. 
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ghkennedy · 1 year
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Visual Diary 8: Airbnb
Airbnb challenged the parameters of vacation rentals by empowering property owners to rent their own homes. What once was a barrier, Airbnb challenged the parameters of rentals to bring a new experience to the market. This is an example of a parameter that was broken, because Airbnb did not have all the answers when they proposed their business, but have adjusted rapidly to the growing popularity of vacation rentals. The result was a flexible and unique experience of rentals that provides a specialized experience for travelers. Airbnb is a brand that broke through and challenged previous parameters to create an innovative business. 
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ghkennedy · 1 year
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Visual Diary 8: IKEA
IKEA uses parameters to their advantage by prioritizing cost-effective furniture and easy transportation. Using flat-pack furniture allows users to transport products to their home and assemble it right away. Additionally, they offer a unique store experience where users take their selected products off the shelves and straight to their homes with almost no shipping required. These parameters are used to IKEA’s advantage and provide them with a competitive business model compared to other large home retailers. IKEA used design leadership and innovation to maximize their parameters that create a practical and affordable solution for consumers.
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ghkennedy · 1 year
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Visual Diary 7: Who Gives a Crap
The brand, Who Gives a Crap, creates sustainable and eco-friendly toilet paper with a social impact mission. 50% of the company’s profits go towards providing access to clean water and a toilet to those in need. According to their website, “2.4 billion people don’t have access to a toilet,” which inspired the company mission of providing access to clean toilets all across the world. The brand serves as a design leader because they identified a large, global problem and are engaging their audience to help solve it. With their fun brand name, messaging, and packaging, Who Gives a Crap has become popular in Australia and in the UK, while still gaining traction in the US. This is an exciting example of social impact that uses design to communicate their mission.
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