ghkennedy · 1 year
Visual Diary 1: Patagonia
Patagonia is an example of a brand that promotes environmentalism with the use of sustainable products, spreading awareness, and encouraging activism. They are a leader as a large brand that continuously gives back.
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janaizhaplusdesign · 10 months
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Another thing that I would like to take away from my project and use in my career is the ability to build on ideas and topics I am already knowledgable on. We oftentimes create better solutions due to us simply knowing more about the topic than the next person, leading us to add even more value to the lives of those we are trying to help.
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hollys-visual-diary · 2 years
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Second example of design leadership - Lovevery. A subscription service for parents that sends them toys and tools at the stages in a child's life that they will most benefit from them. Taking the guesswork out of understanding what your kid needs developmentally at any given time, while also being well-made and stylish, for parents who have a lot going on and can't do the research on their own.
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deviantartdramanow · 3 years
Love how empathetic cried " its not me I swear!" In his long winded journal and DA admins were like "yea nice try buddy. Ban hammer activate."
pretty much
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oodlesofmuses · 4 years
Good Moods and Groceries
@empathicdesign​ liked for a starter from Molly
The Humane Society was definitely a place of solace and comfort for Molly. They were never quiet, but always gentle and full of love. Some mornings, when the hop was closed and Willy was at school) Molly would do a bit of volunteering. She would walk the adoptable dogs and do her best not to bring anyone home with her. So far, she had succeeded. It was a great start to a morning, even without newly acquired companionship to show for it. She was practically bouncing as she made he was down the grocery store isles a (her first chore of the day) in search of Lunchables. She had no idea why they were so important for field trip food, but... it was a good day, why not let her son indulge a little.  She was examining the options when, after possibly leaning a little too hard on her cart, the corner of her cart collided with that of someone else.  She blushed furiously and stammered a quick apology with a smile.
 “ Oh! I’m… sorry. I didn��t mean t– You..Go right ahead! I’ll look at something else. I don’t- I don’t mind. Just... didn’t mean to get all tangled with you“
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bunnivalentine · 4 years
Continued from (here) + @empathicdesign​ 
“ Machismo, Hm?” words tickled off her tongue with a humor in her tone. Micha stepped closer to him, glancing at an unkempt button on his shirt. A delicate hand adjusts his outfit; fixing his button and straightening the collar before her hand rests flat on his chest. She found their little cat fights humorous to say the least. It was a small world to run into Zeller, and to know he ‘ rivaled ’ against Will was an entertainment she felt blessed to bear witness to. Micha certainly didn’t qualify to work with the FBI — and yet it became apparent she was involved in more hook ups than she bargained for. While true — the pathologist was a FLING from months, maybe a year ago — it was odd how her world came full circle. Her signature cherry stained cheeky grin fades onto her lips as her fingers become intertwined on the backrest of his neck. The one of many spots she enjoyed to place her hands on as if latching onto the profiler became a preferred hobby. “ I would feel threatened if someone as smart and giving as you stepped in to take all the attention.” despite the exhaustion and (slight) annoyance in his expression — Micha was amused to poke the bear with a stick; and then stir the pot with the same makeshift utensil.
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  “ Just so you’re aware — not that it’s important, he may experience a bit more... Aggravation towards you. We had a thing when he worked a case in New York a long time ago. I’m sure it agitates him to know I'm dating you. Oh well.”
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blessedxsilence · 5 years
Clarice’s lungs labored in the thick air of the humid July night, the hum of cicadas in the trees as the sun set over the distant hills. The air began to cool, and she felt it shift in a soft breeze. The fog would be rolling in soon, covering her small farm in a thick cloud more opaque than the mountains. She worked to herd the small flock of sheep intp the barn for the night. She used to leave them outside, in the pen, but too many had been stolen or attacked by wolves to allow that anymore. Until she and Ardelia could get the fence fixed properly enough to keep predators out, they’d have to sleep indoors. 
When Clarice had run from this place more than ten years before, she never thought she’d have to return. Yet, here she was. Fate had trapped her here, in the place that had been the setting of her greatest horror. Part of her believed that the War had broken out and the railways had been put out of service simply to punish her, as ridiculous as the rest of her mind found that concept. She had never voiced it out loud, thankfully, not that there was anyone to listen besides the sheep and Ardelia, and Clarice would not risk losing her help.
She locked the sheep up in the barn and then walked back up to the farmhouse. She could see Ardelia through the open kitchen window, lighting the lanterns so she could see what she was doing. Starling didn’t know what she would do without her anymore. Probably starve to death so her corpse could be eaten by the wolves out in the garden that, when they had first come here, had been overgrown with weeds, and still would be if she hadn’t taken pity on her. 
Clarice reached the back porch, only to hear one of her traps snap and someone cry out in pain. She grabbed her shotgun from its resting place and headed towards the noise, telling Ardelia to stay in the house. She ran down the path and into the bit of woods behind their storehouse, pointing her gun at the shadowy figure trying to pull his foot from a snare trap.
“I’d quit movin’ if you wanna keep your foot.” She warned, settling her weapon against her shoulder and keeping a tight aim on the trespasser. “Better have a good reason for creepin’ up on my property through the woods if ya wanna keep yourself in one piece, soldier.” Even in the twilight she could make out the outlines of a uniform, though the color was hard to discern.
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legvciiestm · 4 years
@empathicdesign​ found the songbird 
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                   Ariel was ever-curious as she allowed her eyes to ogle the halls of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. This was a portion of her mother’s past she had yet to explore, and Clarice rarely ever spoke on it. Luckily for her, today she might just be able to fill in the gaps of the puzzle. It was rare that her parents would venture to the United States, so she took advantage of the time there. She also took advantage of the fact that a local high school was doing a tour of the agency. Sneaking in behind the students in a manner which mimicked Hannibal Lecter’s talents, she grabbed a visitor badge and blended in with the group. Upon further advancement into the Bureau, she abandoned the rest of the flock with an air of grace. It did not take her long to stumble across someone who had more to do with her father’s past than her mother’s - Will Graham. In fact, stumble would be an accurate word entirely as she ran directly into him. 
                How did she misstep after such careful calculation? 
                                      Everything happens for a reason, right? 
                                                        “--Ooh, I’m so sorry!” She exclaimed immediately, looking up to the man                                                         her father had made into his own personal Picasso. 
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crimetattle-arc · 4 years
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( * @empathicdesign​︱prompt accepting ! ) :   ❝ why’d you help me ? ❞  
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                      how would you describe freddie lounds ? selfish, is perhaps the first word to come to mind, she’s comfortable with that. the word has been twisted into something malicious, as if it is some dark and evil thing. even when individualism comes naturally to the journalist, still at her core, humanity sits, a want to help, to share truth. even when lies seem far more comfortable. putting someone before herself, while a rarity, is not as foreign as it may seem. still, lips press in thin line before she answers.   “ you’re my best selling story, will. can’t have you disappearing now, can i ? ”
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thmyis · 4 years
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@empathicdesign said  :    you shouldn’t have done that.
     WHATEVER LEVITY HAD TEMPERED THE AIR HAS DISSIPATED.    its aftertaste lingers,  distant and unretrievable,  and the reminder only deepens beverly’s irritation.    her mouth has pulled down into a subtle frown,  torso twisted away from the wooden picnic table so she can look over her shoulder at freddie lounds’ retreating form.
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     “ probably not, ”    she agrees easily,  dragging her gaze away from the bouncing red curls and back to will,  who sits across from her.    their cups of ice cream sit neglected on the table between them,  melting quickly in the heat.    beverly drags hers back toward her,  poking around at the pink soup with a white plastic spoon.    she keeps the extent of her displeasure ferreted away beneath her ribs  —  it sinks into her lungs,  but doesn’t show on her face.    it isn’t often that she manages to find a pocket of good weather and good humor to share with will,  and she’s angry with freddie for spoiling this one.    she doesn’t want to drag the mood further through the mud,  but her appetite is thoroughly lost.
     “ but hey  —  somebody’s gotta put the queen of the tabloids in her place,  and god blessed me with a low tolerance for assholes. ”
     her mouth pulls up into a lopsided grin,  but the mirth is shallow in her eyes.    when will doesn’t respond,  her face softens,  and after a moment,  she glances down into her cup.    “ y’know,  i think i’ve had enough dairy for one day.    feel like heading back?    i’ve got a half a bottle of tequila in my motel room that’s begging to be cracked open. ”
                        MEME    /    ACCEPTING
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ghkennedy · 10 months
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Visual Diary 14: Project Highlight 3 - Stake in the Ground
Lastly, I enjoyed the portion of the project where I placed a “stake in the ground” towards my design solution. My stake in the ground is that “The Katy Trail will be the safest, most accessible, and inclusive area in Dallas.” This is the differentiating feature of my design solution and it must incorporate creative design solutions to make it possible. Creating a stake in the ground was challenging but also fun because it allowed me to reflect on the design solution as a whole and how best to set it apart from potential competitors. It also helped me narrow my focus to what is possible given my set parameters. 
Learning how to think about and create a stake in the ground is an essential tool for a design leader. This allowed me to experience how design leaders think about their projects holistically and how to strategize toward potential solutions. This piece was slightly challenging but I look forward to having more experiences like this in the future as I work towards becoming a design leader. 
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janaizhaplusdesign · 10 months
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One thing that I would like to take away from my project and use in my career is the ability to make connections when designing solutions. It's easy to design something, but it's important to make it valuable to your audience.
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dumauricr · 5 years
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                                                 azure hues STUDY him over rim of her wineglass , studying him as one might an interesting  specimen under a microscope -- yet still , there is a calmness , a stillness that settles over her when lithe frame comes to recline back in her seat ; oh so at ease .     ‘ have you been in CONTACT with him ? ‘    who was she to judge ? the woman who had fled to florence with the man now locked within the depths of bshci -- opposite the man who had bled upon a kitchen floor while his friends died around him . how DIFFERENT .                         ‘ do you think it wise ? ‘
@empathicdesign​  𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 !
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deviantartdramanow · 3 years
First empathetic now fleeglethebeagle, DA is on a roll.
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sickofyourbullshxt · 5 years
@empathicdesign​ // the boys are back in town. mp3 
Karen tapped her fingers along the steering wheel as she drove down a winding road. She wasn’t surprised Will lived in isolation after all these years but she was surprised that he could manage the sticky heat. The swamps had a special charm, though,  nature grew without man’s intervention--man couldn’t conquer the swamp. There’s the fleeting thought of how many bodies these swamps have hidden at the bottom, but it’s gone as soon as the gps alerts an upcoming turn. 
The change in scenery was...Necessary. Swapping looming buildings for trees was a welcomed shift. It reminded her a little of Vermont, but the colors and culture were brighter. There was more passion, more heart--Louisiana had a taste for life. Karen pushed her sunglasses up and onto her face. She should be coming up on his place, soon. Ten minutes. 
Visiting Will was impromptu and planned all at once. She had called him the night of Evan’s memorial, a few drinks in and remembering the past. She thought of calling her father, but she recalled his easy dismissal of her; he hadn’t reached out since that brush with death. ( Karen had nearly died a few more times since then ) So, calling Paxton was out of the question. She contemplated deleting his number.
Instead she looked up an old friend. His number had changed since they last spoke, but it didn’t take long to find it. His voice was a little gruff, but it was Will. The man who cared so much it hurt him. Karen could never understand how he could manage that until the last few years; she knew too well. Ultimately, he offered her a place to stay while she took a break.
Matt and Foggy insisted for her to go when she told them. Leaving with little notice felt wrong ( even though they hardly had clients ) , so they scheduled her vacation to start later that month. Karen had two weeks with Will. Two weeks in the southern sun to bounce back. To get better---to reconnect. Her associates thought it was a great idea and she hadn’t heard from Frank since the hospital so...
There was no reason to say no. She rented an old car from a shady, but legal, business in New York and started driving. It’s a long trip, but she took naps at a few rest stops and stayed caffeinated. Besides, isolation in the car for two days sure beat an apartment. At home she was alone yet surrounded. Out here, it was just her and the car. It settled something in her bones.
By the time she pulled into the beaten driveway in front of his residence, Karen had less of an edge to her movements. She fidgeted less. Exiting the car, she could hear the familiar sound of dogs barking, some with more excitement than alert. A small smile crept onto her lips as she tugged her suitcase from the backseat. She loved dogs. 
Her knuckles rapped against the screen door three times  ( As  if Will couldn’t hear his own dogs and didn’t get her text from thirty minutes ago ) 
“Door unlocked?” She called out.
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bunnivalentine · 4 years
@empathicdesign​ + continued from ( here ) 
did he just …? micha’s soft gaze soon turned sour for a brief moment; her hand tightened onto the handle of her tea kettle. there was a pause before she answered; her frustration in need of control. maybe he didn’t mean to offend, but on the SAME note, Micha knew he was WRONG about her. if only the truth of her ways would come to light. A firm grip loosens at the realization. how silly. she was safe — why have a reason to complain? ( let the man think he’s above you !) she thinks briefly; however, the longer her thoughts settled — she could feel sadness looming over her shoulder. cups of chamomile tea are coupled with honey and sugar before she sets both on the table beside him. 
“ Good to know I’m seen as a blowup doll. Only good for busting your load, but when it comes to speaking; I’m nothing but an airhead…” she wanted to ignore her temptation to ARGUE — yet snark slipped off her tongue with ease. she hoped he would get the message as she took a seat on the arm of his recliner. Despite harsh words; a soft hand runs through the wild of his curls. fuck him, and his big head.   she couldn’t DENY her soft spot for the prick. ! 
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“ …I care about you. that’s all. you always seem run down. You tend to stray from your nature; unless part of you enjoys the comfort in losing control.” her hand moves from his hair to take the nearly empty glass from his hand. she dangles it in his face. “  see what I mean? this won’t stop anything---it’ll prolong the inevitable.” 
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