ghost-words · 5 months
This was written for @paperdemon-arpg
It was a warm afternoon in the town of GhostSpirit. The vampire, Jax Bloodbeck, makes his way across town to the home of the local witch, Celine. Celine had come into contact with a special item that can cause portals to re open. That item is called a Junket tank. Jax puts a hand into one of his pants pockets. In the pocket is his special dice bag. Inside that bag is a set of white RPG dice. He always changes what set he brings with and today he said the sparkling white with teal numbers. 
There is a cool breeze that hits as he reaches the home of the witch. Jax walks up the steps and the door opens before he could even knock.
“JAX!! I am SO excited for this portal!” Celine is already holding her staff adorned with amethyst. “Come on, let's go, I will give you more details.”
Jax smiles and follows her though the house and out to the shed.
“I don't know how I found this! It must be a message from The Above or elsewhere far off!” Leaning the staff against a wall she picks up a mechanical looking trinket.
“How does it work? Don't you normally just move your staff and the portal appears?” Jax had heard this is how it works from Lu and Evan.
Celine goes and grabs her staff again. She opened the door to the lantern and switched the blue and red orb with the tank. It makes a nice little click sound and starts to show a pale shade of blue light. 
She places the orb on a stand that sits on a desk that stretches the length of one of the walls.
“Lyra… You are fine with the cold, right Jax?”
“Yeah, I can handle it.” He crosses his arms like the cool guy he is.
“So I have a task for you. I've only read in my studies about this place. Something I really want to see is the Terra Borealis. If you find it or experience it, try to take a picture!” Celine goes to her desk and opens a large book. The words are slightly hard for Jax to read. 
“I can do that for you. No problem.” Jax moves away from the book and sits at one of the seats that surround a round table in the middle of the large shed. “I'm ready when you are.” 
Celine screes in excitement. She takes a deep breath before facing the back wall on the shed where a magic circle is drawn. She closes her eyes and the tank in the lantern glows brighter and makes a whurrring sound. She draws a large triangle on the wall with her staff as the portal gate opens. A cold blast of air rushes into the shed. Some snow rides along the wind. Celine moves to the side “Have fun and show me that borealis!”
Jax is in awe of the portal. He slowly stands up and makes his way through. 
Cronch, crunch, crunch.
The snow beneath his gym shoes sparkles and shines almost like millions of little diamonds.
Looking around the new environment, Jax sees a light in the distance. Crystalline mountains surround him, scattering flecks of rainbow light on the snow. The moon is bright shining above.
Crunching the snow and following the stretch of land in front of him, Jax makes his way up a hill and into another clearing. Standing stunned at the beauty before him. Floating a small measure above the snow are rainbow lights. Jax has heard of the aurora borealis being in the sky but what did Celine call this again? The Terra Borealis? Well that would surely make sense to him being these lights hovering the ground. Jax takes out his phone and snaps some pictures. From above, to the same level, to below, Jax takes his pictures. He assumes that Celine is going to study them so best to take many and a variety of ways for her research. 
A chill hits him. His hands are getting cold and pictures are getting hard to take. He puts his phone away, makes sure to zip up his brown jacket and keep his hands in the jacket pockets. This is not a winter jacket but Jax thinks he could last a bit longer. The lights are beautiful. Maybe this could be an interesting date for him and Evan. Only if Ceine gets her hands on an extra Junket Tank without plans of using it.
Jax thinks it's time to go home. His hands warm up just enough to send a message to his friend. A triangular portal opens in front of him. Stepping from the cold back to the warm stuns him for a moment. The stun wears off soon after the portal closes.
“What did you find?” Celine asks as she removes the now used tank with the red and blue orb in her staff. 
“It was really pretty. It's like the opposite of here. Instead of being in the sky it's near the ground. I will send you the pics I took.
“Thank you Jax, that means a lot to me.” She gives him a big hug.
“If you happen to find another, do you think I could bring Evan?” Jax asks.
“That depends if I get another and if there isn't an important mission that needs to be done. Sorry.” Celine goes over to her desk and closes her book.
“That's fine! No worries, no problem.” Jax pulls out his phone and starts to send his photography session. To Celine. He also messages Evan and Lu to tell them that he will be home soon.
“Incredible job on the pictures Jax! Impressive work!” Celine scrolls though the images sent by Jax.
“Alright, I should be heading home. This was fun. Please let me know when you have another adventure to go on.” Jax starts towards the door.
“Yes, will do! Have a good night Jax!” 
Exiting the shed and starting the walk home Jax thinks about how beautiful the borealis was and how he hopes to visit again soon.
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ghost-words · 5 months
This was written for @paperdemon-arpg
Yumeki wakes up in a room whose walls have a pattern of circuits that are pulsing with a blue light.
"Now where am I?" He breathes quietly.
A voice flows through his mind.
"Welcome to training Yumeki. You have been chosen to be blessed with a special elemental power. Your new power is water."
Yumeki looks around. "Oh? Ok, that's neat!"
The voice echoes again. "Use your new skills to defeat this slime."
A slime appears in the middle of the room. It is a small neon green sludge.
Gloop glorp.
"Oh ok just throw me into this I guess sure. Ok now how do I-" Yumeki holds out his hand and a blast of water shoots from his palm. The water hits the slime for 5 damage.
"Ooh hold up, let me try something."
Yumeki imagines long whiplike streams of water emerging from his palms. The water whips emerge from his hands.
The slime sits idle.
Yumeki lashes the water whips at the slime. Each hit for 5 damage. He hits 3 times and the slime melts into a puddle of goo. The goo is absorbed into the floor.
The water whips evaporate.
"Congrats. You have awakened your latent element. Feel free to practice more or close your eyes and count to ten." The voice said.
"New powers, new possibilities." Yumeki closes his eyes and counts to ten. When he opens them he is back in his room laying on his bed.
"New adventures await me." Says Yumeki as he sits up and stretches.
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ghost-words · 5 months
This was written for @paperdemon-arpg
Lu Necroson digs through the fridge looking for water bottles. After being convinced by Evan and Jax to join them on adventures in the multiverse he makes an appointment with Celine to do a portal.
"Gaahhhh come on, come on, one more please have one more… HA! GOTCHA!!" Lu swipes up a third water bottle and shoves it in his bag. The bag is red with demon horns and a plastic window allowing for pins to be seen. Inside the main pocket of the bag other than the water is his phone, a portable charger, headphones, and packets of fruit snacks.
"Alright guys, I'm out!" Lu shouts as he puts on his slip on sneakers.
"Stay safe! Have fun!" The voices of his friends make their way from the other room.
Closing the door and starting the walk to Celine's house, Lu thinks to himself excited. "New adventure let's go! Kinda wish I knew more about what Celine has in store other than 'bring water'." Lu imagines where he could be going. The air is cool and comfortable. "Water… fire.. Hot.. Desert maybe?"
Lu reaches the old mansion at the edge of the town and the forest. Knocking on the door is met with "one moment!" Then a light flashes from inside. The door opens. Celine is standing with her hair a mess.
"Sorry, I was testing something," she clears her throat. "Ready for your portal?"
"Heck yea I am!... Uh… how does this work?" Lu asks as Celine leads him inside and out to a shed in the back.
"I have been studying the multiverse and have connected with a universe called Paper Demon. You had a dream about getting fire powers correct?" Celine sits at the desk on the left side of the room.
"Yea I did. Same thing happened to Evan and Jax right?" Lu leans against the wall by the desk and takes out a packet of fruit snacks. "Want one?" 
"No thanks, but yes, the multiverse is giving you another adventure. Today you will do your first portal to Pavia." Opening her book, Celine flips to a page with images of rocky spires and deserts. "You are going to visit the spires! What I will do is open the portal. Once you step in the portal will disappear and can not be opened for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes you can ping me with your phone and I will get you home. Simple as that!"
"Alright! LET'S GO!!" The demon exclaims excitedly.
Celine stands up and grabs her staff. A gray wooden staff adorned with amethyst crystals and a black lantern holding a blue and red orb on the end. Closing her eyes she goes over to the back of the shed where a purple tapestry hangs. The orb becomes orange and Celine draws a large triangle. With a flash and a blast of warm air, the portal shows large spires built of sediment and stone.
"Have fun!" Celine smiles.
Lu enters the portal and it vanishes behind him. The sun's heat pounds against him. Lu decides to take off his red hoodie and ties it around his waist. He is wearing a black tank top. Better than the hoodie at least.
Lu holds his hand up to shield his eyes from the blinding light and starts to wander. 
"Ok I need shade…" Lu finds shade behind a red, yellow, and brown striped spire. In the distance Lu can hear cheering.
Doing some investigation, Lu can see other people at the peaks of some spires. Then a rumble and the peaks start to crumble as the people do a mad dash to the bottom without getting hit.
"Those guys seem cool!" Laughs Lu.
Lu leaves the shade to continue exploring. A large patch of shade passes over him. Looking up, Lu discovers large flying, almost dragon-like creatures. "DANG!!" More of the creatures pass by. "Ok next time I want to ride one of those!" Time to retreat back to the shade. 
Lu sits under this spire for longer. The spire gradients from yellow, to orange, to red, to purple. One more water bottle left. It's not worth eating the snacks, they are probably melted by now. He checks his phone. 5 more minutes till he can go home. Fine by him but Lu decides he wants a souvenir. Leaving the shade the walk in the heat continues. 
More people racing down crumbling spires. A picture is taken but only a cloud of dust is captured. Two more groups result in two more dust cloud photos. More of the dragon-like creatures fly above. Those pictures look cooler. The creature's underbellies can be seen but in shadow. Lu gets a picture of a few flying in a circle making them look like vultures. Finally he takes some photos of some spires knowing Evan would appreciate it. 
After checking the time, Lu goes to the shade and magically pings Celine. A triangular portal showing his friend appears in front of him.
"Welcome home!" Celine smiles.
As Lu walks through the cool air hits him and he falls to his knees.
"Oh my GOD! IT WAS SO HOT!!" Lu takes in the cool air of his universe. His world. His home.
Celine laughs but helps her friend up. "You're okay. You're fine."
"That was fun. Wait, look at the pictures I took!" Lu swipes through the dust clouds, dragon creatures, and spires.
"Oh send those to me! I want to do some studying!"
Lu and Celine go back to her house to recoup. They talk and talk. Mostly staying on the topic of the adventure. By now Lu has put his hoodie back on and is at a comfortable temperature. He thanks Celine again and asks to give him a message when another adventure can be done. They hug. 
The sky has gotten darker, the air, colder. Lu can't wIt to share his first adventure with his housemates. 
The door clicks. "I'm home!" Lu yells to his friends who are presumably upstairs or in the other room.
"We are in the kitchen having pizza! We saved you some! Tell us all about it!" The voice of the vampire calls.
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ghost-words · 5 months
This was written for @paperdemon-arpg
"Next portal please!" Evan Ghost stands in the wooden back shed of his witch friend Celine's house.
The girl grabs her staff, a long gray wooden staff adored with amethyst crystals and a black lantern holding a red and blue orb, the crystals quietly clink against each other while the orb of the lamp turns a moonlit light blue. Celine turns to the back wall of the shed where a purple tapestry is hung and draws a large triangle in the air.
This is Evan's second portal adventure so the anxiety is finding itself in his stomach. Deep breaths and a flash of blue light. The triangle now reveals a beautiful starry sky,  a blue planet with rings, and water. 
The sight of the water makes Even slightly cringe. Wet is not his favorite status.
Celine gives him a caring look. "Got everything? The portal closes once you go in so there's no turning back. You can send a magic ping across the multiverse to me to leave after 30 minutes."
"Ok. Thank you." Evan adjusts his headphones that are hanging around his neck along with the necklace with the scythe cram on it. After entering his first portal to Faedin, a land of mushrooms, a small triangle mark appeared on his scythe. 
Evan feels into the pocket of his black hoodie. Inside is his Walkman. Already loaded inside the Walkman is a cassette of the vaporwave genre called "Happy Music for Sad Kids, by Passive Refraction". This cassette is one he would play alone in his room. A pure feeling of peace and content.
"Thank you again Celine. " he smiles as he steps from the wood of the shed to the water of this new world. The portal shrinks. Evan stands alone in the night, in the water, surrounded by stars and a large looming planet. 
With another deep breath, he puts on the headphones and clicks play on the Walkman. Forward he walks. Endless is the view of water and stars. Deep breath. Safety. He feels safe here. He is Evan Ghost, the guy who befriended Dreams and fought off Negativity. The water is only a few inches deep and does not hinder his walking. He walks, track one, track two, track three. Click. Time to flip the tape. 
Evan looks around admiring everything around him. 
"This is what I mean by 'I need time alone in the void.'" He smiles. Swrrrrrrrrrrrr. The next side of the tape plays as he walks. Track four, track five. He stops and closes his eyes. This peaceful place. This peaceful music. Content. Relaxed. Happy. Track six, click. Breaths deep and calm, eyes closed, he lets the silence surround him. He lets the sound of the water beneath surround him. 
With a small smile, he opens his eyes and pulls out his phone to Ping Celine. 
A triangle outline appears before him. With a blue flash, Celine waves.
"So? How was it?" She asks as Evan walks though.
He removes his headphones and replies with "I've never been more at peace."
He feels almost euphoric. The feeling stays with him as he takes in the surroundings of his own universe.
"Come inside, I made snacks! If you would still like time to enjoy the vibe you are in you are welcome to chill in my meditation room." Celine guides Evan who is in a peaceful trance inside her home. 
"You know where the room is right? Upstairs and to the right." She gestures to the stairs. "Take as long as you need."
As Evan climbs the stairs and enters the room whose door is a purple curtain he immediately feels recharged. Crystals hang on strings from the ceiling, a large stained glass window at the back of the room, some comfy couches, and a large purple rug with a magic circle pattern lays in the center.
Evan lays down on the carpet.
The stained glass turns blue and shifts to look like the looming planet from the portal. Everything is bathed in a soft blue light. Evan closes his eyes.
A wave of peace rolls over. He feels his body become lighter. The urge to open his eyes hits, so he does.
Back in the water, back with the stars and the looming planet.
He looks down at himself to see that his body is transparent.
30 minutes.
The phrase rings through his head as he lays back down to watch the sky.
The magnificent vast sheet of sparkling stars. He turns his head to view the planet and its many rings. The contrast of the light blue planet and the dark rings inspires him. 
15 minutes.
Evan reflects on his adventure. In this land he has found inner peace. There is so much more to experience here and he knows it.
5 minutes.
Evan closes his eyes again. He can feel his body getting heavy. Heavier and heavier till he can once again feel the carpet beneath him. 
Opening his eyes, he sits up to see Celine in the doorway.
"I just came to check on you, have a good time?" She smiles.
"Yea, again I have never felt better."
Celine helps Evan up and they both go downstairs. On the table is a charcuterie board, a bowl of pretzels, a container of hummus, and some pistachios.
"What did you see?" Asks Celine sitting and chomping on some pretzels.
"Endless or seemingly endless body of like a few inch deep water. The water reflected the sky. A large planet with rings loomed above," Evan nibbles on some cheese. "It was such a peaceful place! Add on the music I was listening to. Pure euphoria."
Celine holds up a finger as she swallows her food. "Would you go back?"
Evan nods. "There's more to that portal. I know it and I can't wait to go back!"
"Well I'm happy to hear. It's getting late. I'm surprised Jax hasn't called you." Celine giggles.
Evan looks up in shock and scrambles through his pockets for his phone. "I put it on silent!" turning on his phone reveals one text message from Jax.
"Hope you are having fun, say hi to Celine for Lu and I (but mostly Lu)."
Evan smiles and lets out a sigh of relief. "Alright, I should get home now, thank you for everything Celine!"
They hug. Celine packs up the snacks for Evan to bring home with him. Evan makes his way out the door to start the walk home.
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ghost-words · 5 months
This was written for @paperdemon-arpg
Yumeki Dreamer is laying on his bed in the dark.
"Uuhhggh, I need a vacation…"
You would think life is already some sort of vacation if you are a fallen god. Grabbing his sunglasses, Yumeki looks at his reflection in the dark. 
"Guess we'll make it work." Swiftly Yumeki sits up, turns on his lamp and grabs his sketch journal off the bedside table. The bookmark ribbon has a green and purple charm in the shape of an eye. This charm is similar to the eyes found all over his upper body.
"Great," he sighs. "Where did I put the travel guide…"
He gets up from bed and grabs a small brown satchel hanging on a hook from behind the bedroom door.  Carefully Yumeki places his sketch journal and a pen into the bag. Inside the bag is also his wallet with a few dollars and some change. There is still some space inside.
 After reading himself, he leaves his room and makes his way downstairs. A large glowing book sits on a table.
"Thank you for making this easy."
Flipping through the book, Yumeki lands on a page that grabs his attention. It reads "Castimeria, come visit the wildflower festival and beautiful landscapes!"
"Huh, I haven't been to a festival for a bit. Maybe ever."
On the page is a glowing triangular image. He taps it and the glow transfers to his finger. Turning to a more open room he draws a large triangle in the air and the portal opens.
"Now or never." Breathes Yumeki as he steps through. On the other side of the portal is bright sunlight, a nice summer spring breeze, and the fragrance of flowers. "This is perfect." Faint music can be heard playing in the distance and a dirt path is nearby. Yumeki makes his way to the path, people with Friendly smiles wave and say hello.
Never has Yumeki been somewhere so pleasant. He makes it to a small bustling town, the streets are filled with stalls. Continuing down the street he comes across a booth selling wildflower press art prints.
"Hello there sir! How can I help you today?" The woman at the stand asks. The stand is purple with an awning of woven flowers.
"Oh, I'm well thank you. Just, looking around." Yumeki picks up a print of blue wildflowers with a watercolor cat, bee, and hummingbird creature on it. "This one's cute!" He smiles.
"That is one of my favorites, the little guy is called a Ceebi!" She says as she straightens up some art.
"How much would you like for this one?" Asks Yumeki as he places the print down and grabs his wallet from his satchel.
"That one is 25 gold!" She smiles
Yumeki opens his wallet with slight surprise to see gold coins where his dollars and change was. 150 gold in total. "I'll take it!" He hands the woman the 25 gold and she hands him the wildflower ceebi print in a plastic protector.
"Wonderful doing business with you sir! Have a good day and enjoy the festivities!" She smiles, bows, and waves. Yumeki smiles and waves back then continues down the path.
Other booths include wildflower dyes and paints, clothing made of petals, bouquets, little figures, and at the end of the street was an elf playing a lute. He is selling his music as cassette tapes with small flowers in the shell and vinyl with flowers pressed between the layers. The album is called "Bloom of the New Dawn"
A crowd is gathered around when Yumeki joins. The music consisted of melody's of nature, love, family, and friendship. The elf bard finishes his performance. "Thank you everyone, you have all been so kind today! I appreciate you coming out to celebrate whether it's your first or fifth time!"
The sky darkens and most of the crowd has left. Yumeki goes up to the bard.
"Your music is wonderful! How much for a signed vinyl?" Asks Yumeki as he grabs his wallet again.
"Hey! Thanks man, I appreciate it. 100 gold for the vinyl and I will happily sign it! Who's it for?"
The bard grabs a flower pen and a vinyl.
"This will go to my sister, Audio!" Yumeki smiles.
"What a unique name, here you go my good sir! Hope your sister enjoys it!" He hands Yumeki the vinyl. The autograph reads " To Audio, a wonderful sister. Stay kind, stay sweet, stay smiling. Jest the Bard."
"I appreciate it, have a good night and thanks for performing." With vinyl under arm and the daylight fleeting, Yumeki makes his way to an open space. His finger glows and he draws a large triangle in the air and the portal home appears.
Re-entering his home, he lays the vinyl on the counter and heads upstairs to end his adventure with some sleep.
The next morning Yumeki calls up Audio.
"Hey come to my place, I got you something."
Within a few hours the sound goddess arrives.
"Yumeki!!! Hey!! What's up!!" Audio gleefully hugs her younger brother. The hug is tight but it makes Yumeki feel really good. He hugs back.
"So I went on an adventure yesterday. A place called Castimeria. They had a wildflower festival going on." Yumeki goes over to where the vinyl is and Audio sits on the couch.
He picks up the vinyl and heads over to Audio.
"NO WAY!!! A VINYL!! DUDE! THANK YOU!!" Audio excitedly exclaims.
"It's signed too." He points out the signature.
"Bro, thank you. Like wow!" She hugs him again.
"I got some art for myself." Yumeki grabs his bag and pulls out the wildflower ceebi print.
"OH MY THAT'S SO CUUUTE!!" Audio gently takes the print to admire it. "Could you go back and take a picture of those little guys if possible, maybe please?"
"I will think about it." Yumeki chuckles. "Want to listen to it?"
"I'm on it!" Audio snaps her fingers and a record player with speakers connected appears. She sets it up. As the music starts to play a cheerful vibe spreads across the room.
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ghost-words · 5 months
This was written for @paperdemon-arpg
Audio wanders around her room lost in thought. She has been hit with a massive case of boredom. She stops and looks over to her desk. Sitting there is a vinyl that her brother Yumeki had gotten her on one of his adventures. This gives Audio an idea.
Exiting her room she makes her way to the library of the palace in the sky. 
“Mother, I'm going out!” Audio shouts as she nears the library doors.
Entering the land of books, Audio zooms her way to a book on a lectern. It's a travel guide.
Audio flips through the pages and lands on something that catches her eye. A place called Kahari.
Following the instructions, Audio opens a triangular portal and leaps in.
The air is cool, the sky is dark, the stars are out, and everything is grand. Audio pulls out her phone and turns on a game soundtrack. Her adventure starts.
Walking, walking, and more walking. A town can be seen in the distance. Target acquired. As Audio makes her way to the town she hears a voice calling out.
Curious about what's going on, Audio makes a detour. She finds a young woman chasing after a swarm of white puffballs. She is out of breath.
“Excuse me,” Audio catches up to the woman. “Need some help?”
“The eeps,” the woman huffs. “They escaped from the shop.”
Audio tilts her head. “What kind of shop?”
“A pet shop. Someone left their habitat open and they all zoomed out the door!”
Audio feels something attached to her back.
“Eep eep!”
She pats around till she feels something soft. She gently detaches it from her back. A small teal puff with a little curly antenna sits in her hand.
“Eep eep!”
“Oh hey!! That one seems to like you!”
A horde of white puffs pass behind the woman and attach to her back.
The woman sighs with releaf.
“Looks like they found me instead of me finding them.” She laughs.
“Eep eep eep!!!”
The small thing in Audio's hand is incredibly soft.
“Looks like that one wants to stay with you. I have to get back to the shop before these guys wander off again. Come stop by!”
“Sure! I'll come with you!”
The woman and Audio with the new Eepy friends make their way into town. They come across a large building with a sign reading “Pets-o-Frendo”
They enter.
“Susan you're back!” A man holding a cat with little mushrooms growing from its fur exclames.
“Yes I have returned and with the loose Eeps!”
“Thank heck! Here let me help you!”
The man places the mushroom cat onto a counter and heads over to Susan and Audio. He helps detach the Eeps and releases them into a room labeled “Eep land”.
“One more?” The man gestures to the Eep Audio is holding.
“She can keep that one. It really seems to like her.” Susan smiles at Audio.
“Eeeeeep!” The Eep is happy with this news.
“Alright, have you ever had a pet Eep before?”
Audio shakes her head.
The man takes a pamphlet from the door of the Eep room and hands it to Audio.
“Eep care is simple, almost as easy as a fish. Maybe simpler!”
“Eep eep!!”
They all giggle at the little guy.
“It was nice meeting you guys, I should be going home now.” Audio says.
“No problem! Have fun with your new friend!” 
Audio leaves the shop with her Eep and summons a triangular portal back to The Above.
Bringing the Eep home was the best thing. Audio decides to name it Little Man. Little Man and Audio head back to Audio's room.
“Freedom for the Man!” Audio sets Little Man on her desk as she sits and starts to read the pamphlet.
“Eep care,” it reads. “Eeps are simple to care for, they can eat most anything and love to be pet and brushed.”
Audio looks at her friend and gives it a pat before reading on.
“Eeps are low maintenance. Just remember to keep your Eep happy by giving it love and attention.”
“You're going to get all the live and attention.” Audio picks up Little man and lifts it to her face. The Eep gently rubs against her cheek. It vibrates with joy.
“Let's get you something to eat.”
Audio sets Little Man onto her head and leaves her room. On the way to the kitchen Audio runs into her mom, Cass Spell.
“Look mom! I made a new friend!”
“That's nice dear. What is it?”
“It's called an Eep! I took a trip to Kahari, met some nice people and made a new friend!”
“Does it have a name?”
“I called it Little Man!”
“Sounds like a name you would come up with.” Cass giggles. “Alright. I need to check in with the Chaos Keepers.” 
“Say hi to them for me!”
“Will do.”
Cass and Audio part ways. Audio makes her way to the kitchen with Little Man. 
“What have we got for you to eat… Do you like pizza rolls?”
“Eep Eep!!”
Audio takes the pizza rolls out of the package and starts to heat them up.
Little Man waits excitedly.
“All done!” Audio plates the rolls and brings them back to her room with Little man.
Setting the plate and the Eep down on her desk, Audio decides the rolls. “These are yours and these are mine.”
Chomp chomp chomp chomp.
The new friends eat the pizza rolls as Audio plays some music.she then goes down to the kitchen to get some water for the Eep.
Returning to her room, Audio sees that the eep has fallen asleep on her pillow.
“Cute little friend.” She places the water bowl on her desk.
She lays in bed carefully not to wake the eepy Eep.
“Today has been a good day, I'll have to go on another adventure soon.”
Soon the calming music and the sleeping eep get to Audio and she finds herself falling asleep.
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ghost-words · 5 months
Just a blog of short storys written by @evan-is-screaming
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