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If y’all will excuse me, I’m gonna be very busy for the next forever.
(He’s finally here! My love for him has been revived)
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This is me still trying to cope with the idea that the Kimetsu no yaiba has ended. I loved the ended and support it but it’s still sad that the journey is over.
Now I just wait for the movie so I can get sucked back in.
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Something tells me Inosuke wouldn’t like quarantine very much 😅
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I don’t know if y’all read the latest chapter of Kimetsu no yaiba but let me tell you that that shit hurted!
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Me whenever I see a cute picture of Inosuke
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Draw me like one of your French girls. (Got bored and doodled this. I’m so sorry 😆)
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Look at this feral boy
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SHUT UP! (Inosuke x reader)
"Hey there, handsome~" A voiced purred causing the skin on the poor beast breath user to become covered in goosebumps.
Inosuke turned to see the cause of all of his problems lately, (y/n). She wore a (f/c) kimono with her (h/c) hair set up nicely so it framed her face and made her (e/c) eyes shine.
Ever since she saw his face that one time at the demon house, she's been bothering him whether it be making fun of his pretty face or doing things that made his skin crawl and his heart pound.
"What are you up to today?" She asked, as she leaned a little closer to him. "you know, besides being on my mind?" She fluttered her eyelashes at him in a flirty way.
"Shut up! I've got training to do!" He scoffed, sending smoke out of the nostrils of his mask.
"You're so cute when you're cold to me!" She cooed. The boy beneath the mask blushed bright red as the young girl pushed herself closer to him, her scent filling his nostrils.
"Go away! You're distracting!" He growled, trying to move away from her. His heart pounding loudly and his face burning in embarrassment.
"Oh don't worry your pretty little head! I'm just gonna watch you train." She sent him a cute wink, hoping she was finally getting her feelings across.
Not knowing how to handle the feelings building up in his body, the boar headed boy could only growl and stomp away to train with his friends. Zenitsu and Tanjiro greeted Inosuke before preparing to start training.
Tanjiro glanced over at (y/n) as she sat down on the porch. He waved at her with a gentle smile. She waved back with a smile of her own.
"(y/n)-chan looks even cuter today~!" Zenitsu gushed.
"Kanao and Kanroji said they were giving her a makeover. They did a really nice job with picking out that kimono." Tanjiro added.
Inosuke seemed to get a little jealous at your friendship with the red eyed male. A territorial animalistic kinda jealous.
"Makeover? Fucking stupid!" He growled. "She didn't need it, she looked fine in her demon slayer uniform!" He looked over at you to see you perk up and wave excitedly before blowing a kiss. He could only scoff to hide his happiness.
"Inosuke, are you okay?" Tanjiro asked his friend. The boar head wearing man bristled at the question.
"No! I hate having her around! She makes me feel all weird!" He growled, stomping his feet.
"Weird? Having a cute girl flirt with you all the time makes you feel weird?" Zenitsu rolled his eyes. "Are you sure that's not just your-"
"Zenitsu!" Tanjiro scolded the blonde boy so he couldn't finish his sentence.
"Flirting?" Inosuke cocked his head to the side. "What's that?"
Tanjiro and Zenitsu look at each other baffled at their friend's lack of knowledge.
"Um...well..." Tanjiro began, not sure how to explain.
"It means that she wants to fuck." Uzui Tengen said, barging into the conversation.
"Uzui-san!" Tanjiro exclaimed with a blush.
Suddenly, Inosuke understood.
"OH! SO SHE WISHES TO MATE WITH THE GREAT LORD INOSUKE!" The beast breather laughed heartily. "OF COURSE SHE DOES! I'll go let her know I accept!"
"You idiot! That's not how you court a lady!" Zenitsu exclaimed.
"Court? She wants to mate, right? This is how we do things in the mountains!"
"This isn't the mountains, you moron!"
"YOU WANNA SAY THAT AGAIN?!" Inosuke exclaimed, ready to fight.
"W-Why don't you compliment her first and ask her to tea?" Tanjiro suggested, holding Inosuke back from attacking Zenitsu.
"Compliment her..." He thought for a moment, wondering what he should say. "AH! I got it!" The boar boy walked over to the young woman. She smiled up at him, hoping to hear his voice, which she loved so much.
"Hey, (y/n)." Her eyes widened as he used her real name rather than some other name. "You smell nice. Like a tree."
There was a pause as she processed what he just said.
'Did he just compare me to a nice smelling tree?' She thought before her face erupted into a bright red blush as she smiled at him. 'He thinks I smell nice!'
"A tree? What kind?" She asked bashfully.
"Uh..." He didn't think she would ask a question about what kind. He thought it was obvious. "Like that one." He said as he pointed to the giant wisteria tree that protected the garden. (y/n) blushed more at being compared to such a beautiful tree.
"R-really?" Her smile nearly blinded him from how cute it was.
With a rush of new happiness and excitement, the boy grasped the young girl's hand.
"What do you mean 'really?'! Do you doubt the great lord Inosuke!" He exclaimed. The girl practically stopped functioning from how close he was to her. "Now come on lets go eat some tempura!" The boar head wearing boy grabbed the young girl's hand, dragging her off to eat lunch together. The girl was blushing bright red as she realized her long time crush was taking her out to eat. She cheered herself in her mind, thinking her flirting skills finally won him over.
However, the other boys could only watch the two leave with varying expressions.
"What a flamboyant way to confess!" Uzui commented, slightly impressed.
"Inosuke certainly has a way with words..." Tanjiro laughed.
Zenitsu just looked at the other two males in disbelief.
"What the hell is wrong with you two?"
(My first fanfic post on Tumblr! This is my favorite that I’ve written for my wattpad, so I wanted to share it here! Hope y’all enjoyed it!)
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I HAVE ARRIVED! HELLO EVERYONE! I’m here to spread the love of anime through fanfics! I specialize in Kimetsu no Yaiba x reader fanfics this blog so please let me know if you have any requests! Spread the love and have a great day!
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