ghrqq · 3 years
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ghrqq · 3 years
Hey guys, sry that I didn't write ANYTHING
School and I don't have any ideas, yeee.. ..
I will try to write something, I'm promise
BTW I bought some Red Velvet Cookies :D
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ghrqq · 3 years
your majesty? im sorry for my behaviour. your majesty? im sorry for my behaviour. your majesty? im sorry for my behaviour.
(Text is from tiktok)
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ghrqq · 3 years
Hello, if it's ok to ask, can I request something which I've had in mind? It's basically this 🌃.
So, it's basically if reader got exiled instead of dark choco cookie, when they meet again, y/n can't remember him due to a head injury? I'm not sure.
PS, I'm fine if 🔪 is put in there, but that's your choice.
YESS Thank you so much for the request!Don't be shy to ask me!1!1!
Ps, if you want me to write 🔪 about Dark Choco or others, I could do it!
I hope you'll like it!
Type:🌌 (kinda 🌧)
Reader:Gender-neutral, (a knight?)
Requested from Tumblr💓
You were good friends with Dark Choco cookie. At least you wanted to believe in it. You always tried to be by his side. You just...liked him?
But could the prince himself be with a warrior? I mean...just a soldier.
Anyway (Y/N) were a good fighter. Stronger than others. Enough to get a lot of respect and attention, especially from the king. Dark Cacao cookie. You were a few steps closer to Dark Choco...
One day the ?king? suddenly called for you. It was almost night, what could happen? But of course, you couldn't refuse.
Something bad happened?
Or going to happen.
-I'm here, your majesty.
-My son, D#$k Ch#c@ cookie went to the world of darkness. He wants to be a hero...tsk, go and stop him, (Y/N).
-But why me?
-You're the only one now who can stop him. It's your duty. Please, do not be late.
You were ready for anything but...this feeling. Were you scared? You heard about darkness and fought against it but if pr#nce Da#k C##co cookie needed your help...What is it?
When you came to the pointed place, it was foggy and damp. You couldn't see your own legs. As soon as you stepped here, the sky started to fill red. Strangely red.
After some time, you began to panic. Where was he?
-Pr#n#e C####?! Please, come out!
Your voice echoed deep in the dark. Then you saw him.
-D#r# C#o#o?!
You called for him again. You noticed that he stood in front of the sword.
Can it be...?
Strawberry Jam Sword! Your mother told you about it.
'It's your duty.'
You knew you couldn't stop him with your words. The last what you remembered is ?!@? confused face and...
Yourself with a Strawberry Jam Sword.
Now you're on a dark side.
You still don't remember who was he. But it doesn't bother you now.
Other "bad" cookies were busy, all, except you. You haven't got any tasks from Dark Enchantress cookie right now, but you couldn't just sit in one's hands. Maybe you can find something useful? Maybe go somewhere...?
Walking through the forest, you felt something familiar. Is it what you're thinking about?
'Long time ago...I still remember everything.'
A young prince...still powerful but pitiful inside. From that moment he started to feel guilty. Oh, how strong was it...Dark Choco cookie tried to find you every day. Even if everybody saying that is useless.
For one moment, he heard walking sounds.
-Who's there?!- knowledgeable voice yelled.
'Yes, yes, finally!'
A person came out from the twilight.
The time has come.
-(Y/N) cookie! I-
-Stay back.
-Who are you?
-You...don't remember me?
-I never knew you. And I don't want to.
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ghrqq · 3 years
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Me when you when I when he when me you when I you he I he when I he you when you he when I you
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ghrqq · 3 years
Reader:Gender-neutral, Almond's old friend and his ex-colleague
(Y/N)-Your name
It was cold midnight. You were standing next to the one special cafe, under the pale lantern with a coffee/cacao in your hand. You didn't wanna go yet, this place means a lot to you.
The first time when you met him.
"A new cafe is opening!"
'Interesting...'-you through, walking inside the building.
It was autumn. Freezing and warm at the same time. You're not a big fan of all this, so you came only because of your friend.
"(Y/N), (Y/N)! HERE!!"-There we are. Annoying cookie wawed aggressively at you.
"I see you, don't shout like that, please"
"Sorry, sorry. I'm just so excited! My sister going to work here, see? See? it's her!"
You chuckled because of his kind of childish personality. Then, he's started to talk. And you're started getting tired... 'Chatting with friends is always so exhaustively' So you tried to think about something else.
By the corner of your eye, you noticed a man sitting with a pile of papers. He looked like a cop or detective. It was..interesting. He started to talk on the phone. Overheard him a little bit, your expectations were met
He was a freaking detective!
"Hey, are you listening to me?"
"Yeah. Yes, of course" You mumbled.
You always wanted to help people. All that movies about police... That's why you studied to be a police officer.
"Wait for me, I need to do something."
"You're- tsk."
So why are you haven't got a job now? You couldn't find it now. It's harder than you through...
But you have an idea.
"Hello, you are a detective, right?"
"What about it? I'm-"
"I want to be your partner."
He was stunned for some time
"Take that." You gave him a small piece of paper with your number and walked away...
"It was really...strange acquaintanceship. heh." You said it to yourself.
"I'm not surprised. It's you, after all." Someone mumbled, getting closer to you
Can it be...?
"Long time no see, (Y/N)."
"What are you doing here?"
"Just came to my favorite cafe."
"Yeah, same...How's little Walnut?"
Almond cookie has a daughter. You were surprised when you heard about it for the first time.
"Children grow up so fast, yeah?"
An awkward silence, ouch. Why are you even trying to talk?
"Why did you leave? You just disappeared in one moment. Without telling a reason. I heard you went to another country."
You knew it. Knew that you can't hind the truth. You can't lie to him.
When you heard about his daughter, you were kinda...hurt. You loved Almond cookie, so you left because you didn't want to ruin his family.
You were afraid of rejection.
But now
"I love you, Almond cookie."
You have nothing to lose.
He stared at you for few seconds. But then he started to walk away.
Only your heart.
Almond stopped for a second
"I love you too, (Y/N)."
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ghrqq · 3 years
I'm so freaking bored
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ghrqq · 3 years
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ghrqq · 3 years
What if Licorice cookie had a diary.
Requested by: no one???
Day 1
Hello stupid Diary. I don't know why do I need you AND WHY DID POMEGRANATE GIVE ME THIS AS A PRESENT!!
I'm cool.
Day 2
Day 3
Foolish Diary, today Mushroom Cookie gave me a lot of shroomies...again. I don't know where can I put or use them. They're lying in my wardrobe. I hope that they're not going to revive and kill me while I'm sleeping. Because they're eating a lot of dust, y'now. I mean...of course, I'm too strong for them, but it's annoying.
Is Mushroom trying to befriend me? Nonsense!
Day 4
I'm feeling so tired. Just like I'm going to fall apart. I'm "disappointed" Dark Enchantress Cookie...again.
But you know? GO FU-
Day 5
Day 6
Thank God, I love this planet! I found a candy :)
Day 7
I'm gonna hide you for some time, Diary. Not like I'm disappointed. Good luck with this sh#t, BYEBYE!
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ghrqq · 3 years
Part 1?
Type:💟🌧🌌(yo so many things hehe)
Reader:Gender Neutral, an ordinary cookie
Requested by: no one
(Y/N)-your name
It was an awful day. No, it was an awful life. What did you do? What did SHE do to deserve this?...
You were in the backyard of your home, sitting alone.
Your family wasn't very big, but it was so happy. You love your parents, but she...Your sister. You want to protect her, you want to take care of her as much as you can. You really, really love her. More than anything or anyone in this world.
And she do the same to you.
1 hour ago...
You were playing your favorite game while waiting for your parents and sister to come back. Onion was in school and mom with dad worked at the same job, so they will be here at the same time.
Gosh, you were sooooo bored...By the way, mom said that they are going to be soon and take some candy for you and Onion. You can't wait any longer, you were so excited!
'I wish time was faster...'
You heard a doorbell. FINALLY, IT- Wait, but usually no one from your family rang the doorbell! It's...strange.
'Oh, I bet that Onion or dad lost their keys'
You chuckled. Then opened the door, and saw...
A cop?
What did he need? Are they know about a bar of chocolate that you steal from the school canteen? No, impossible!
"Hello, sir. Does something happen?'
"Hello. Your name is...(Y/N), right?'
"Yes. What the matter?"
He was quiet for a minute.
"Listen, you're a big kid, right? Just...your parents not going home."
"What do you mean?"
"They...a car crash."
"A...car crash?..."
Damn, it's supposed to be a normal, happy day of MY life! Now THIS? A stupid car, I always knew that it was a bad idea! Bad, bad bad bad bad!
"They're gone. I'm sorry. Your family has a lot of debts, the best variant-a new parents-"
"No! Just go away! I will find another way!"
You couldn't control yourself anymore. Not now. If what he's saying is true...it's over.
What are you going to do?
'I'm just a stupid teen with a younger sister. I'mdidn't even finish school! All these money debts...'
'Is that why my family so "happy'? Did they hiding something? I need to know. But...not now. I need to think about what do I need to...Onion. Gosh, I...totally forgot about her. About my sister.'
"Y-y/n?..." There was a voice behind you.
"I drew a picture, can you take a look?"
"Of course, show me...!"
You're trying to hold your tears as much as you can.
"Look, it's me, you, dad, and mom! D-do you like it?"
'No, I can't...'
You're started to cry. It's too hard for you. And just...how do you need to tell this to the little girl?
"And our house...S-sorry! You don't like my d-drawing...?"
You need to be strong, (Y/N).
"It's... gorgeous. I like it!"
For her.
"Thank you! And why are you here? It's raining..."
"Where are mommy and daddy?..."
"They're...See that two little clouds?"
"Yes." "This is our parents. An angel took them on a long journey. And look right there-a big cloud! This is where they are going to live."
You've looked at the clouds with silence. With Onion's drawing and debts documents in your shaking hand.
"They're not going home, right?'
"One day-we will meet them. One day, little one."
"Don't cry, (Y/N)!"
You didn't even notice. She hugged you softly.
"We will meet them soon, I know!"
'No...not you.'
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Ok idk if I need to do the second (and others) chapters..what d'ya think???
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ghrqq · 3 years
❦ ❦ ❦ ❦
Requested by: No one
Type: 🌧💗
Reader:Gender-neutral, a normal cookie.
You got tired of that boring, ordinary cookie life. Everyone was like in a prison in that kingdom. Especially you. You wanted to be free. Free like that birds who fly all over the world and do what they want. But no, you can't. You're too weak for it...or not?
A strange forest near the kingdom-this is your only safe place. Every day you go there to relax a little bit. Just a little bit...
For a strange reason, this place is very catchy. A lake here, giant trees, the quiet sound of birds, and soft grass were... incredible. You could stay here for hours, just by yourself...
You thought that you were alone. You always were alone. But here...someone...no, something is watching you. This is always worried you, but it never stopped you.
Something deep in the dark. Something...bright? Two blue lovely glints. Like a puppy, someone stared at you. But...why?
Maybe one day you will know. One day you will look at him the same way that he looks at you.
Why? Why is he can't forget about you? Your glorious eyes, your hands, your smile...everything about you was dazzling! A strange feeling. Is it...love? What did he need to do? Talk to you? But he was too afraid. And you're too. You heard about the 'Dark Commander'. He doesn't want to hurt you. At least, he knows many things about you.
Red Velvet...what did he need to do?
For now...just wait, my love.
Even if I'm a monster, even if you will never love me back I...will always love you. I will be by your side. Somewhere in the shadows...My heart belongs only to you. Please, don't break it...
Ok, this kinda sounds like yandere but... it's not, yep!
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ghrqq · 3 years
Do you want to tell me something?
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ghrqq · 3 years
What if Sorbet Shark worked at McDonald's...
Requested by:no one
Day 1-job Interview.
-Okay, listen here buddy. IT IS A VERY IMPORTANT AND DIFFICULT STUFF, y'know? Especially to a kid like....you. Are you SUUURE that you want to work here?...
Day 2-work as a cashier.
-Good morning!We would like some fries, two drinks and...
-And a cheeseburger.
-OoOooo, OoOoOo OOoOoO OooOO?
-What the-
Day 3-trying to cook....
-Ok, look there...take that, now here...this...and...done!Now, try to make some nuggets, kid.
-Great, now... NOT HERE YOU-
Day 4-cleaning.
*There is a happy-meal toy!*
Happy shark.
Day 5- Shark-waiter
-Dammit, where is our food...?
*Weird noises*
*Shark is too short for that table.*
Day 6-Time to pay.
-You did a great job, my-...wait...did YOU make this whole mess?!
-....I don't really care, take that toy.
BAHAHA Okay sorry for this short thing
And I got a smoll drawing for a smoll cookie.
Y'all can take this drawing it's ugly btw sorry
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ghrqq · 3 years
Nice to meet you!I'm new in Tumblr, and it's ...
You can call me Dinni ( maybe something similar ) or whatever you want, actually idk why did you need to know or use that... I'm going to write&draw(post) about CRK ( Cookie Run Kingdom ) here!
My grammar can be really bad, yepp I'm from Russia so hope you don't mind. ( and especially understand me ) it's sometimes hard for me :p
I'm going to do requests too. Here we go-
WRITING (requests)
!(Sorry, I do only READER×COOKIE rn, without any ships:(But it's only for now, I guess...)!
-All Characters from CRK
×NO SMUT, PEDOPHILIA and stuff like this, thank you.
🌌-AU (everything that you like)
💭- any headcanons
(You can use 2 or more emojies at the same time)
DRAWINGS (requests)
-All Characters from CRK
-You can ask drawings for writing requests (It's for free, lol. But request just going to sloooow down a little bit...)
-Please, choose style if you want to
(From CRK, my style/random or realistic)
That's all I guess...???Don't be shy to ask me about anything or make the request. I also would like to have a new friends!:)
My WhattPad Accout. Long stories and other fanfictions going to be HERE |
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