gideonhephaestus · 7 years
“Oh… Oh gods, I’m sorry.” Jamie really didn’t know what to say. He was glad that Gideon had opened up to him about it though. When his boyfriend hid his face, it only made him pull him closer.
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Gideon shook his head and took a steadying breath. “ I won’t have to leave anytime soon now though...” His voice still held some emotion. 
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gideonhephaestus · 7 years
“Just tell us the next time, okay?” Jamie said, pulling Gideon closer to him. “You can tell me all about it if you want to but if not, that’s fine too. I just want to be close to you right now.”
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Gideon nodded, “ I will.” He promised. Gideon sighed, chewing on his lip. “ Mom got pulled over with a high alcohol level and arrested for a D.U.I. Dad paid the bail but on the terms of her going into rehab.So I had to pack some things for her and bring her there cause dad won’t go near her.” He explained as he hid his face in the other’s shoulder. 
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gideonhephaestus · 7 years
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“Next time just tell us so we don’t worry.” he said softly. “Are you hungry, do you need anything?”
“ I will.. I’m sorry” Gideon nodded, “ I could eat. And just some time with you is all I need right now... “
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gideonhephaestus · 7 years
Jamie had been worried sick about Gideon when he left, pressing himself closer to his boyfriend. “I love you too, Gideon. I was worried sick but I’m glad you’re back.”
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“ I know...” He mumbled before brushing his lips against Jamie’s nose. “It just had to do with my mom.. And I know that you and Chip understand but I still feel embarrassed whenever I have to do something with her. “ 
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gideonhephaestus · 7 years
Gideon pulled Jamie closer, nuzzling his shoulder as they cuddled on the hammock. “ I love you” He told the other. “ And I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I went home.” 
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gideonhephaestus · 7 years
Gideon allowed himself to be pulled along. “ Had to see my mom one last time before bringing her into rehab.” He explained after returning Chip’s kiss. “ Sorry that I didn’t tell you or Jamie.. It was just something I had to do by myself.”
Gideon had walked up to one of his boyfriends, her knew that he wouldn’t be able to watch him long before he was noticed that he was looking. Smiling slightly, he closed the gap between them and leaned down pressing his lips to the top of Chip’s head before sitting beside him. “ Nothing at all.”
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Chip quickly set the book aside when he realized that was Gideon and pulled him in his lap. “Where have you been lately?” he whispered and brushed his lips against Gideon’s.
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gideonhephaestus · 7 years
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Caspian was out in the sunlight, reading an old book on his lounge chair. These moments of peace were so precious to the son of Apollo and lately they were so few that he was really glad to have these couple of hours just to himself. But being a child of the Sun and one of the lead medics here there wasn’t a day passing without someone looking for him to clean a wound or stitch a deep cut. Sometimes he regretted pursuing the medical career. But what else could he do? He didn’t like singing or playing an instrument, even though he was good at it. “Yeah?” he asked flipping the page. “What is it?”
Gideon had walked up to one of his boyfriends, her knew that he wouldn’t be able to watch him long before he was noticed that he was looking. Smiling slightly, he closed the gap between them and leaned down pressing his lips to the top of Chip’s head before sitting beside him. “ Nothing at all.”
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gideonhephaestus · 7 years
"I said, welcome to camp. I haven't seen you around but that honestly doesn't mean much." The son of Hephaestus admitted. "have you been here before?"
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“SORRY, could you please repeat that?” jasper asks, carefully extracting his headphones from his ears and unplugging them from his phone before shoving them haphazardly into the pocket of his jeans. “i didn’t mean to ignore you; i just didn’t realize you were talking to me, is all.”
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gideonhephaestus · 7 years
Jamie shook his head. “I haven’t seen Chip yet. I was actually on my way to find him.” He pulled Gideon for another kiss before pulling away. “I love you.”
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“ I’m sure he’s okay, probably tired but okay.” He told the other honestly. “ I love you too” He told Jamie as he pressed his lips to the tip of his nose, rubbing back slightly. 
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gideonhephaestus · 7 years
“Even just for tonight?” Jamie asked, a pout forming on his lips. He didn’t care that he was being selfish about it. “I don’t think I say it enough.”
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“ I know that I’m not but I haven’t seen Chip yet. Have you?” Gideon gently thumbed Jamie’s bottom lip. “ Then don’t let me to stop you for saying it.”
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gideonhephaestus · 7 years
“Can’t I sleep beside the both of you?” Jamie asked as he turned his head towards Gideon. “All I could think of was the fact that I didn’t say that I loved you both before I got stuck in there.”
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" Well of course, but sometimes Chip is busy or I am with making things or helping out in the infirmary.” He explained gently, kissing the tip of his nose. “ Shh... its okay”
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gideonhephaestus · 7 years
“I missed you so much.” Jamie relaxed against Gideon, resting his head on his boyfriend’s shoulder. “I love you. I love you. I love you.”
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Gideon brushed his lips against any part of Jamie he could get without pulling away. “ I love you too” He told him back every time Jamie said that he loved him. “ Please don’t hesitate to sleep next to me if you need it. Or beside Chip.”
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gideonhephaestus · 7 years
The moment Jamie got back to camp, the first thing he did was to look for his boyfriends. He was walking towards the infirmary when he spotted Gideon, running to him immediately. “I’m sorry! I missed you so much.” He said, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend.
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Gideon wrapped his arms around Jamie in turn, holding him tightly. “ Don’t say sorry, it wasn’t your fault. I’m so glad you’re okay.”
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gideonhephaestus · 7 years
“That’s my motto. Bring cookies everywhere.” Lena laughed.
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“ Its probably the best motto I’ve ever heard.”
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gideonhephaestus · 7 years
“Ooh, admit it already.” Lena grinned, “The only reason you survived in prison was because I brought snacks to the battlefield.”
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“ I’m not really arguing it.” 
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gideonhephaestus · 7 years
Jade didn’t know anything about his life before camp. Maybe it was just one of those things. She didn’t want to talk about her life before camp so she definitely didn’t ask people about theirs. Camp was it for her.  She chewed her lip thinking about what he had to say. “I think there are a lot of people who like to pretend here,” she said honestly. “You don’t have to around me though. You’re maybe my friend, if I believe in such things.”
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Gideon looked around him. “ Oh, there’s no doubt about that. There are definitely some shadows in this place even though Chiron tries and gives us a good place.” He grinned a bit. “ You should, friends are important.”
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gideonhephaestus · 7 years
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“No, of course not. I know you’ll help me a lot.”
“ Good” He smiled. “ Just use dumb terms for me too cause I know knowing of healing.” 
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