givemaedhrosahug · 2 years
Your fave = what kind of kid you were: Fëanorians edition
Fëanor - the bullied bully. being a complete dick was armor and revenge. "hurt people...hurt people...?" - Lucille Bluth
Nerdanel - insufferable artist. you loved batik and reeked of patchouli, wore Birkenstocks in winter.
Maedhros - jock af. you were a good time when you weren't intentionally breaking people's ankles on the football pitch.
Maglor - drama goth. like the kind who loved vampires because sexy + mass murderer is the best combo.
Celegorm - you were a fucking horse girl don't even lie.
Caranthir - debate kid. hell hath no fury like a well-constructed argument. or a screaming match.
Curufin - hyper-competitive nerd. math bowl, science fair, history trivia - whatever it was, you were gonna dominate.
Amrod - stoner. blaze it, bro.
Amras - cluelessly popular kid. people liked you a lot. you still have no idea why.
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givemaedhrosahug · 2 years
@helimir brought up such a great point in her tags on this post
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The topic of the glory of failure in Tolkien's work is a very interesting one.
In fact, most endeavors end up in failure.
Whether it's Frodo failing to complete his mission, Smeagol failing to free himself of the ring & Gollum, Boromir failing to save the hobbits (or Gondor), the Noldor failing to defeat Melkor, Fëanor & the Fëanorians failing to take their revenge and (for most of them) their Silmarils, Maedhros failing to escape his doom, Fingolfin failing to defeat Melkor, the whole Nirnaeth, etc...
They all fail. But the failure is so epic. So spectacular, there is such a grandeur, such valor & prowess, such tragic beauty, such tales, dare I say, such grace to their failure that could never be found in victory.
They're all still hailed as heroes. (Or at worst, tragic fallen heroes or anti-heroes.)
Whether it's Frodo managing to keep his soul if not his peace & happiness & old life for the mercy & pity & kindness he once showed, whether it's Smeagol unintentionally destroying what destroyed him & saving Frodo's soul, Boromir regaining his honor, Fingolfin leaving a lasting scar on Melkor, Maedhros' true nature finally showing itself after so long in his last moment & expressing such deep shame & regret by killing himself when the Silmarils judged him evil, Maglor's good nature shining through even in his worst moments when he decided to raise the half-elven twins & passed down the best of himself still remained to him to them & them growing up to become such great people, & eventually his good nature showing shame & regret by condemning himself to be forever separated from people & singing songs of regret...as @helimir beautifully expressed, if it's not outright a redemption arc, it at least feels like it. Their struggles mattered, but even more than that, their struggles were what mattered.
Even in things like Nirnaeth that were nothing but catastrophes, they're such beautiful, epic, spectacular catastrophes.
Really, how many endeavors truly result in success?
They made an effort, & therefore, they left an impact. & for that, they went down in history. If not as heroes then at least as tragic figures.
They dreamed, they hoped, they willed, they fought, they tried, they were here.
& that mattered.
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givemaedhrosahug · 2 years
yesterday I got the "are you a boy or are you a girl" question from a six-year-old, and I told her that some people aren't boys or girls (like me!) I was expecting her to be a little confused, but she nodded thoughtfully and said, "wow, just like snails."
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givemaedhrosahug · 2 years
Various headcanons about Celebrimbor and his family that is inspired by secondageweek but that I’m not going to link to because some of them are contrary and not particularly second agey.
The only (paternal) uncle he’s close to, and the only one he loves, is Celegorm, who was, by and large, an excellent uncle, and not just because he had the dog.
Celebrimbor doesn’t like Maedhros, and inasmuch as Maedhros thinks of him (not that he thinks of him much) there’s also no liking. This is by and large personality conflict, neither of them being particularly easy people, but after Celebrimbor sees the wreckage of Sirion (he was one of the people who came with Círdan and Gil-Galad), the primary attitude Celebrimbor has to Maedhros (and Maglor, and the dead Amrod and Amras) is disgusted horror. Over time that changes to pity, but he’ll never be sad Maedhros died, and in Aman, if prodded and feeling cornered, Celebrimbor might well say that Feanor and himself weren’t the only Feanorians who were killed by the enemy. (Does C mean that? Yes and no, but mostly his automatic response when feeling trapped and attacked is to be cruel. He keeps it mostly under control, because he is a good person who knows it’s wrong, but instinctive responses do surface under stress.)
If Maglor ever showed up in Eregion, Celebrimbor would welcome him for philosophical reasons but not think he was family, not really, and make no effort to spend time with him, certainly not in private. As a kid, Maglor did send the best toys, many fun musical instruments to play with and take apart! Like drums and xylophones! Awesome uncle! (Eternal enmity from Curufin and the Mrs.)
Close to the Arafinweans. Finrod acted as an uncle in Nargothrond (Celebrimbor and Finduilas got several Very Important Talks on the necessity of shiny things) and Galadriel and Celeborn are close family (”great friends” with them). Celebrían is like a sister.  In Aman, Finarfin and Celebrimbor bond, initially over talking about silversmithing (which I headcanon Finarfin learned in Alqualonde), and Finarfin and Finrod do a fair bit of shielding C from politics.
On the Nolofinwean side, not close to Elrond but no conflict. They got along fine, just never spent time together. Never met Idril, Turgon, Aredhel, or Maeglin. Briefly met Fingolfin and Fingon, nothing to report there. (Edit: actually, likely met Idril when he was on Balar and she in Sirion.)
Very close to his maternal family as a child - mother and her family are Falathrin - and he and Curufin/Mrs Curufin spends some time living with her family as a kid, in part as insurance against the Doom. They all die in the First Age, though. Most people die, really. Dead turtles all the way down.
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givemaedhrosahug · 2 years
some tuor headcanons because he is Best Boy
He picks up languages very quickly. While it didn't take him terribly long to learn Quenya while in Gondolin, he spent a long time pretending to know less than he did in order to catch his friends off-guard when they spoke Quenya in front of him.
Tuor is both a very talented and very resourceful cook, thanks to his years spent as a mountain man. He can turn squirrel meat, weird slimy mushrooms, and a few random herbs into something surprisingly edible.
Knows absolutely nothing about fashion and basically refuses to learn. Doesn't entirely understand the point of owning more than one pair of boots.
He uses humor to cope with traumatic memories. This results in situations where he'll tell "funny" stories about things that happened to him while in captivity, which everyone else understandably finds horrifying.
One of the main reasons he fell head over heels for Idril was that her organization and practicality made him feel very safe.
Has one of those personalities where he genuinely wants to get along with everyone, even if they're horrible snobs who obviously hate him (hi, Maeglin).
Claims to be able to have full-on conversations with dogs, despite this not being the case.
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givemaedhrosahug · 2 years
some Turgon thoughts
so @siphilemon asked on discord for Turgon headcanons and I, a known Turgon apologist, was all too happy to oblige! I rambled for awhile and thought that maybe some other people might be interested in my thoughts, so I’ve gathered them here. under a cut because it’s a Lot.
Keep reading
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givemaedhrosahug · 2 years
Ooh! What are your headcanons on Turgon?
Random Turgon Head canons 
(I hope you like this! Its kinda unorganized and random, since they are whatever came to mind. This was really fun to do!)
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I believe Turgon is more reserved, traditional and sometimes stuck up. I think this is what lead for Finrod and him to become so close. Their personalities balanced each other with their contrast.
I Imagine young Turgon semi shaping himself after his father and holding Fingolfin  — His father — on a high pedestal in his mind. 
Even adopting his fathers colors of blue and gold more than the rest of his siblings. Only be rivaled in that regard by Fingon
He even used to steal his fathers clothing as a child and teen, though it never fit well. And wore them about proudly.
I think this is in big part what lead to his more reserved and traditional personality. He has strived to be perfect and make his father proud. 
When he was growing up quite tall there were rumors and bets being placed on if he would surpass his cousin’s Maedhros’s height by the public, which he ended but being a couple inches shorter in the end. 
After losing his wife in the Helecaraxe something slowly began to shift In turgon, His heart turning cold and icy. It was the beginning of him losing his kindness and trust that would later lead to Gondolins downfall due to his inability to trust the warnings he got. 
Turgon was always an overprotective parent of his daughter Idril, but this only became amplified after his wife death. 
He would never under and circumstances let Idril out of Gondolin and would vary rarely let her leave his palace without at least 5 guards. 
Despite being an extremely over bearing parent, I still believe he was overall a good father. He would do almost anything for his daughter. 
He made sure Idril only had the finest gowns, and the best teachers and that he provided her support for all her interests. 
After losing his sister this parental instinct soon extended over to his Nephew Maeglin as he took him under his wing as the son he never had and potential heir to the throne.
Even though Turgon was mostly warm to his family I believe he was a cold and kurt ruler. Sticking by laws and allowing little leeway around them
He also grew to have a large ego the longer Gondolin stayed safe and hidden. Since he believed he was more capable then other rulers due to it staying hidden; another trait that would lead to Gondolin’s demise.
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givemaedhrosahug · 2 years
yes of course Idril gets headcanons too. what do you think this is, amateur hour?
She prefers her Sindarin name to her Quenya one, because it's shorter and more efficient and she feels like it suits her. Only Turgon is allowed to call her Itarille.
She has a ridiculously strong work ethic, to the point where sometimes she'll sit down and start working on a budget proposal, only to surface later and realize she hasn't slept or eaten in 24 hours.
She's not a very good cook, not through lack of trying. The trouble is that she'll either get impatient and undercook things, or get distracted by work stuff and let the food burn.
While she loves white dresses, she actually doesn't wear white that often. It's a magnet for ink stains. Most of her clothes are burgundy, emerald green, or navy blue. (I picture her style as sort of mid-16th-century meets the 1940s)
Two of the main reasons she fell for Tuor were: 1. He's very chill and funny and good-natured, but will absolutely destroy evildoers if necessary and 2. um, he's got that Captain America bod, hello.
Even though she was overjoyed to find out she was having a baby, Idril was anxious that she would be a terrible mother, due to her workaholic type-A personality. As it turned out, these worries were unfounded; she's delighted to have an excuse to take a break from paperwork and build amazing block structures with baby Earendil.
Earendil's nanny, Meleth, has been Idril's right-hand-woman since they were both teenagers. Idril's ongoing quest is to get Meleth to call Idril by her first name. Meleth, being very proper, refuses to do this.
She did actually like Maeglin when they first met, and felt bad for him because he was a grieving kid. When it became obvious that he had feelings for her, she tried to let him down kindly, but when he still insisted on pursuing her, she just tried to give him lots of space.
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givemaedhrosahug · 2 years
i need feminism because when jesus does a magic trick it’s a g**damn miracle but when a woman does a magic trick she gets burned at the stake
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givemaedhrosahug · 2 years
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givemaedhrosahug · 2 years
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givemaedhrosahug · 2 years
I really love your art of Maedhros. His cloak looks so cozy
Thank you so much! I love your content btw :)
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givemaedhrosahug · 3 years
Do the quiz and reblog with what you got! :)
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givemaedhrosahug · 3 years
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Fëanorian week 2022 day 2- Maglor in the Years of the Trees
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givemaedhrosahug · 3 years
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Fëanorian week 2022 day 1- Maedhros War of Wrath era
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givemaedhrosahug · 3 years
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I’m not very good at drawing, but I’ve tried to draw how I imagine Curufin, his wife and Celebrimbor in the years of the trees in traditional Noldor clothes :)
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givemaedhrosahug · 3 years
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I’m not very good at drawing, but I’ve tried to draw how I imagine Curufin, his wife and Celebrimbor in the years of the trees in traditional Noldor clothes :)
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